Tide and moon(Pertemis love story) - UntilIFoundHim3007 - Percy Jackson and the Olympians & Related Fandoms (2024)

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  • Teen And Up Audiences
Archive Warning:
  • Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
  • F/M
  • Artemis/Percy Jackson
  • Poseidon (Percy Jackson)
  • Artemis (Percy Jackson)
  • Percy Jackson
  • Sally Jackson (Percy Jackson)
  • Amphitrite (Percy Jackson)
  • Triton (Percy Jackson)

Tide and moon(Pertemis love story)



" No.. no... Stay awake.. Please". She sobs as she clutches the body, their life force fading because of the silver arrow embedded in their chest. She looks into the dimming sea green eyes of them. The only male that held her love. His lips curve into a bloodied smile as he looks at the goddess in front of him in pain and love.
"Never thought you had it in you to kill me Moonbeam".

Chapter Text

Third POV
A dark night........One minute consider it beautiful if not for the absence of moon in the sky not accompanying the stars. Even the sea is restless. Boats sinking in every corner of the world at the range of the seas. The world looks bleak with danger. Everyone fled to their shelters in fear of the weather except one. In a forest somewhere north an auburn haired-silver eyed goddess sank to her knees. Her bow falling from her hands, her hands shivering at what she has done. Her eyes well with tears as she shouts "No!!". She rushes forward looking graceful even in her grief. She slides down on her legs and holds a body to her.
" No.. no... Stay awake.. Please". She sobs as she clutches the body, their life force fading because of the silver arrow embedded in their chest. She looks into the dimming sea green eyes of them. The only male that held her love. His lips curve into a bloodied smile as he looks at the goddess in front of him in pain and love.
"Never thought you had it in you to kill me Moonbeam". His poor attempt at joke fails as the goddess sobs louder and his form becomes more and more transparent.
"I'm sorry.... I'm sorry.... Please don't.. I can't... Please don't leave me". She sobs desperately.
" It's okay. I think we're... " he coughs up some blood but continues his last words his eyes gradually closing up as death awaits him. " we're just not meant to be. I.. lov...." His voice fades off and before he could finish his sentence, his form fades away to nothingness leaving the goddess alone...

Chapter 2: Chapter 2

Chapter Text

A eight year old child. Black swepy hair. Dark sea green eyes twinkling in mischief as he opens the door of the cabin he is living in and steps out, peeking back to check if his mother is still sleeping or not. He closest the door and steps out on the sand filled beach. He giggles loudly in excitement as he rushes towards the water but stops short as he sees a lone figure standing near the waves. His grin falls down as he thinks if he should address the man or not.
"Hello? Mister? " The child calls out. The man turns back in irritation at being disturbed but it soon turns to shock as his eyes widen.
"Perseus? Is that you sea star?" The stranger asks.
"Percy!! " The boy puffs up in indignation
The stranger looks at him confused "What?".
" I don't like being called Perseus. My name is Percy Jackson" Percy pouts before looking at the stranger warily. "How do you even know my name in the first place?"
The stranger chuckles at this
" An intelligent one aren't you? And I am sorry for mistaking your name. That used to be my brother's name and you look like him. I am Triton young one". And much to the amusem*nt of Triton, Percy puffs up in indignation to the point that he resembles a blow fish.
"I am not young!! " Percy exclaims. "I am eight. I am a big boy now!! "
Percy's face soon turns excited as his eyes widen "You brother name is also Perseus?!! It's so cool!! Can I meet him?"
Triton ruffles Percy's hair ignoring the pang in his heart when Percy asked to meet his long lost brother but freezes at the familiar aura of son of Poseidon as soon as he makes contact with Percy.
"So Percy,where are your mom and dad?" he asks casually
"Mom is sleeping. I sneaked out so that I could play in sea. I love sea" Percy babbles his eyes glowing with excitement.
"Oh is it? Then your dad?" Triton asks crouching down so he could get a clear vision of his face. Percy's face crumbles at the question and averts his eyes down.
"Dunno. Never was there. Mom says he is lost at sea. Not dead but lost at sea" His eyes wobble as his eyes well with tears. " But my classmates say dad left me because I am a freak. He left to because he doesn't like me. They said daddy left because I can't read properly."
Triton hugs Percy awkwardly trying to console the distraught child. While he was mad at his father for being unfaithful to mother yet again, he is not cruel to show it on a child.
"Hey buddy.. Shh... They are wrong. I am sure your dad loves you. He left because he has very important work to do". Triton soothes though hugging Percy has brought back many memories which he long back buried in the deepest part of his mind and before Triton even knows it, Percy is sound asleep in his arms. Triton looks at the child in his arms,he looks like a carbon copy of his brother so much that his heart aches. He still could not let go of the grief even after a near thousand years. He still remembers the day vividly. He was in a meeting with the court as his presence is mandatory seeing he is the crowned heir. Then suddenly he felt empty as if something very important to him has gone. It was not tell his father screamed Perseus name that I realised what happened. Realised my brother has perished away. The seas were restless the next few days with the anger and grief of the royal family. Triton rushes out of his thoughts when he hears Percy mumble something and he leans down to hear the last words.
".... ankyou sae'bu." Triton stiffens not even able to comprehend what he heard before he was pulled into a whirlwind of memories which have been locked in the deepest parts of his brain.
"........don't laugh sa'ebu. You are....... "
"........all respect you and love you sa'ebu. You will be a perfect heir. Don't ........... "
".........love her sa'ebu. Will father agree............ "
"........can't believe it sa'ebu. I share a domain with Artem.......... "
He snaps back to present when he hears loud shout " Percy!! " A young woman in her mid-twenties who seems to be Percy's mother rushes up to us. He stands with Percy still in his arms as she stops short looking at Triton in shock.
"Lord Triton!!" She gasps in surprise as she bows to him.
Triton raise an eye brow at her in surprise. "How do you know me, mortal? "
"Milord, my name is Sally Jackson.I am a clear sighted mortal. I could see you as you are. And given I see your mertail and your conch shell on your waist I came to the conclusion of your identity" She says head bowed respectfully.
"I see" He look at her contemplative. She has brown hair that seems to fall down her shoulders in waves. Her eyes are sea blue which seems to change their shade similar to that of the goddess of beauty. The wrinkles around her eyes give the general idea that she laughs a lot. Father sure has good tastes. She is certainly a beauty.
"So Sally please entertain me on how you met my father enough to break the oath on River Styx? " He ask threateningly but to his amazement she doesn't show any fear as she gazes in his yes calmly.
"Please Triton do not blame your father. Don't get him wrong. He was grieving for your brother when I met him here on this beach." She says and his body numbs as fury boils in his viens.
"Father revealed you of my brother!!?? " He roars angrily but Sally just shakes her head slowly.
"No. Your father would never do that. It was the morai. " And the many shocks he was experiencing has him getting a headache which is very rare if not impossible for gods. Maybe Sally saw this as her eyes gain sympathetic gaze.
"Come Triton. Let's talk after you eat some of our traditional blue cookies." She says and grabs Triton's hand without an ounce of fear as she drags him towards their cabin.
Seeing this mortal, so unafraid and brave has Triton understand why his father fell for her enough to break a promise on the Styx.

Chapter 3: Chapter 3

Chapter Text

I glance at the boy sleeping in my lap and the blue cookies in front of me. I take one of it and glance at the mortal Sally in ridiculousness. She smiles at me.
"That's one of our inner jokes. My husband, though I wouldn't call him that, was very adamant that there is no blue food. Blue is Percy's favorite color. So from then on I try my best to cook all the food in blue colour. Hence the blue cookies. Come on taste them. You'll love it." She encourages me. I tentatively take a small bite and all the gods above. This is delicious. I devour the cookie with great haste.
"I take it you like it?" Sally asks kindly and I fight to keep the golden hue out of my cheeks at how abhorrently I ate it.
"It was really delicious Sally. I would even go as far as to say it tastes better than ambrosia."
Sally blushes "Oh you flatter me Triton" And then her blush deepens at her next sentence.
"I admit I have to apologize you. I have been calling you by your name. It is very disrespectful of me."
I wave a hand dismissively at her apology.
"It's fine Sally. While we sea deities are certainly prideful, we are not who demand worship. While I found your behaviour unique I haven't found it disrespectful."
"Your father said something similar to me once." She says smiling and I catch on to the topic of discussion.
"Why have the morai informed you of our Perseus? The godly world itself have seen the weavers of destiny very few times and it certainly shocks me to hear they appeared in front of you while you are but a mortal."
She becomes silent thinking how to answer before coming to a decision and looks me in the eye. "Tell me Triton. What do you think of Percy here. Do you feel anything from him?"
"No... Yes.. I don't know" I sigh in frustation. "He looks same as my brother. To the dot. And even his aura feels the same but diminished. Why did you ask the question?" I ask feeling a sense of foreboding.
"He just doesn't look like your brother Triton. He is your brother." And I felt my world tilt on its axis at her words. No.... I felt my anger rise along with a flicker of hope that I try to squash down. I tighten my grip on the child in my arms subconsciously.
"This is not something to joke about Sally." I snarl. "If I find out this is some sick joke of yours I will not hesitate to kill you" I growl threateningly.
Sally shakes her head her eyes filling. "I would never play with your feeling like that Triton. What I said is true. He is your brother. Born again to save the world."
I slump down and I couldn't comprehend the many emotions I am feeling as I hug Percy to my chest afraid he will vanish again. Sally gives me a look of understanding and sadness as she continues.
"I met your father here in this beach itself Triton. At the time I don't know who he is but I can see he was grieving. I didn't ask any questions just consoled him. And I don't even know when I fell for him but I did. Very hard. And by then Percy here is already in me." She wipes her face of the tears of happiness and sadness that flows from her eyes. "But he has to leave. Because of the ancient laws. I was angry. No not even angry. I was heartbroken. Not for me. But for Percy. That he would have to live without a father. That he would be labled as a bastard."
I felt my throat constrict at her sadness but let her continue as I listen to each and every word she says with rapt attention.
"Your father asked me to come with him to Atlantis. He said he would build a palace for me but I disagreed. Its not my nature to depend on others Triton. And I wanted my son to be independent too. It was when the morai visited me in my dreams. They said the baby in my womb was a reincarnation who was destined to fade as an immortal and reborn as a hero to save the world from destruction. They forbade me in saying to your father till the time comes. And it solidified my decision. I did not go with Poseidon and decided to live here" Her voice breaks. "And many times I regretted my decision,everytime Percy comes home crying that he was called a bastard."
My eyes cloud with tears.
"Then why are you revealing it to me if the morai forbade it?"
"They forbade me in saying anything to Poseidon not you"
I shake my head "No Sally. You're playing a dangerous game with morai. You shouldn't have said it to me."
"I don't fear for my self Triton. All my life, I've been living for Percy. And if the morai didn't really want me to reveal this to anybody they would have said so. I waited a long time for the opportunity to reveal this to somebody. When Poseidon requested me to come with him I know I couldn't. I don't want him to know of Perseus. And not just because the morai forbade me either. You can call me selfish for this but I want my son in my life Triton. I know I should give him up to you one day so that he could fulfill his destiny but I don't want to part ways with my only child. And sometimes I regret the decision. That he is living this cursed life when he could live like a prince with you because I don't want to lose him" Sally holds her face in her hands as she sobs all her regrets and fears. I get up with Percy and sit beside her. I hesitate just a moment before hugging her tightly.
"It's not your fault for wanting to have your child. It's your right. And we all are indebted to you Sally. Thank you... Thank you for taking care of Perseus"
"Don't thank me for caring Triton. He's my son" Sally whispers and I let go of the hug to look at her.
"Come. It's time you visit Atlantis." I say looking at her wide eyes .
"No I couldn't Triton. I am a mortal. It's against the laws."
"To hell with the laws. Where were the laws when they reincarnated an immortal to a human? Where were the laws when the morai communicated with you?" I say fiercely and sigh at her uncertain look.
" You have spent your life in difficulties for him. To take care of him. Now it's time you spend the life you deserve with him. In Atlantis. Please Sally" I say softly my all emotions on display. She looks at Percy in my arms and nods at me looking determined.
"I promised myself I would never abandon him and I am not going to do now. So yes I will come with you."
I sigh in relief and happiness at that as I look at the child in my arms amazed at his ability to sleep during all this drama.
"Good. Now stand still a second." I rest my hand on her forehead and a blue glow emits from my hand before it fades off.
"What is it?" She asks confused. And I smile.
"You are not of the blood of seas. So I gave you the ability to breathe underwater. Now hold my hand." She does as she is instructed and I hold Percy tightly and vapor travel to the throne room of Atlantis.

Chapter 4

Chapter Text

I was tending the gardens when I felt the arrival of Triton in the throne room and there are other two presences with him. I would have left it then and there if not for the familiar aura I felt. It is the aura I grieved for many years and will grieve for many more. No this can't be....I already started rushing to the Throne Room when I felt Triton's voice inside my head.
Mother. Father. I need you both in the throne room immediately. It's urgent.
And that has me swimming faster than before. I curse Poseidon for a moment. Why did he construct the throne room so far away from gardens? At last! I think as I burst through the door and rush in.
"Triton!! I felt his presence........ " I stop short, my throat suddenly dry at what I see. I felt my vision go blurry as tears gather in my eyes. My heart beathing loud as hope rises in my chest. I shake my head as I scramble backwards in shock and disbelief. No... This can't be... Please, don't let this be a dream.
"Triton what is this. This.. I.. " I stutter and I felt Poseidon presence before I heard him.
"What is happeni.. Sally!!?? " Poseidon stops short just as I have and his eyes bulge in shock. It was then I see the presence of a woman. How does Poseidon know of her?
"Triton what's happ... Noo... " Poseidon rounds on Triton before trailing of seeing the child in his arms.
"No..no..no... That's not possible.. I must be dreaming. " He whispere in shock and looks at me frantically.
"Amphitrite, what's happening? "
But our attention snaps back to the child as he stirs awake.
"Mommy" He blinks blearily. The woman Sally, goes and takes the child to her arms.
"Yes baby? It's time to wake up. You have people to meet. "
"People? " The child perks up and stares in awe at his surroundings.
"Mommy! Mommy! Look! We're in the sea, mom! We are in the sea!! "
"Yes dear. Come on now. They are waiting for us." She gestures towards us and walks towards us all the while her eyes rest on Poseidon. I felt my gut twist at the sight.
"Poseidon. It's good to see you again." She whispers softly.
"Wh.. What.. Sally.. The child?" Poseidon stutters confused and bewildered.
"Meet your son Perseus. Percy, he is Poseidon, your father." Sally says and I freeze. Poseidon had an affair? Even with the oath? But that us not what made my blood boil. How dare they name their child after mine!?
"Perseus?" Poseidon and my voice come out at the same time though mine was frigid cold compared to the shocked tone of Poseidon. I glare at Poseidon.
"You should be ashamed Poseidon. For naming one of your bastard that name." I spat at him in disgust my fury overloading.
"It is I who named him milady. Poseidon doesn't even know of the gender of the child when he left. I was the one named him after your child." I see red at her comment. How dare Poseidon reveal her of my child!? But my fury evaporated at his shocked and confused look.
"How do you know I have a son named Perseus?" Poseidon looks so confused and I felt my thoughts whirl. Then how? How does she know? I see the mortal and Triton exchange a glance before Triton clears his throat nodding.
"Percy come on. I am sure you are eager to see some fish." Triton says smiling.
"Okay sa'ebu!! " Percy exclaims before frowning. "What was that?" He asks confusedly.
"What is what sea star?" Triton asks worriedly.
"Why do I keep calling you sa'ebu? And why do I feel that I should call them pat're and pat'mi?" He says pointing at Poseidon and me. And if the shock I felt at seeing the child calling Triton sa'ebu and Triton calling him sea star is something, it is nothing compared to the shock I felt at hearing him call us pat'mi and pat're. I felt my eyes prickle at the flow of memories hearing those words brought. Of my dear child. My Perseus.
Triton huffs out a watery chuckle as he ruffles Percy's hair fondly "I will explain it to you after we go see the fish. And maybe I will allow you to meet the dolphins too" He says carrying Percy from the room and last we heard is Percy's exclamation at meeting dolphins.
I stumble to my throne and sit on it, my head spinning. I felt Poseidon sit beside me on his throne and I clutch his hand hoping to get some reassurances but instead he himself looks like he need reassurance.
"What is happening here milord" I ask my voice faint.
"That is something even I would like to know my queen." He whispers shakily before looking at Sally.
"Sally....love... What.. How? " He adks and she smiles softly with a hint of sadness.
"I regret not taking on your offer that day Poseidon. If I had I would have explained long ago that our child is the reincarnation of you son. But the morai forbade me in saying it." And I stiffle back a gasp at that.
"That child..he's my son?" I ask my eyes tearing up as hope rises in my heart and she nods smiling softly.
"Tell us everything Sally" Poseidon asks roughly but there is no mistaking the hope in his voice. And Sally explains everything. How the morai visited her. How she kept him a secret. How she took care of him. How she met Triton. After hearing everything I stand up from my throne and reach her and without any hesitation I hug her tightly. I felt her stffen in shock before relaxing and hugging me back.
"Thankyou..thank you..for everything you have done. I am very glad you're here. And Triton is right. You deserve happiness now. A life with Percy without any burdens. Welcome to the family. " I hesitate before saying ".. Sister" She gasps and I move away fearing I have stepped out of the line.
"I'm sorry!" I exclaim. "I should have called you that. It was out of line" I apologize but she shakes her head.
"No no it's fine Lady Amphitrite. I was surprised is all. I was very afraid you would take away Percy from me when you learn of his identity. But seeing you welcoming me so openly had me startled. And thank you for welcoming me into the family, sister" She says smiling wide and I beam at her. We both look back at Poseidon to see him looking at us shell-shocked.
"Oh don't look so shocked Poseidon. It's unfitting for a king. Now go shoo. Make the arrangements needed to announce the people that their beloved Prince is back." I say and take Sally's arm and drag her out of the throne room.

Chapter 5

Chapter Text

I let Lady Amphitrite drag me to who knows where all the while my brain trying to process what happened in a span of few hours. My whole life changed in the past few hours that I have trouble believing it is real. It has always been my fear that I would lose Percy the day I reveal his identity. But now all my fears are nothing but a thing of past. I look at the queen smiling softly. It was a known fact that the queen of seas was not the jealous type unlike the queen of Olympus. But at least I thought she would have disliked me but instead I was welcomed into the family with open arms and a sister in the queen. Life couldn't be more wondrous than this to me. I was interrupted from my thoughts by Amphitrite's exclamation.
"Here we are!!" She says loudly and opens the doors we are standing in front of. And immediately I understood where we are. It's her personal chambers. Before I could even look around the room properly she drags me and pushes me onto a chair. I sit down without complains and look at her in bewilderment at her mutterings.
"What would... Ha!! Blue it is!! No maybe red.. Or gold. Or green..? " I interrupt her nervously.
"Umm.. Lady Amphitrite what are you talking about?" But immediately close my mouth shut as she glares at me her hands on her hips.
"Have I not welcomed you with open arms into the family. Then why are you calling me using those titles?" She demands.
"You are the queen milady. It is impo.... " She interrupts me.
"And you are my sister. I have made that fact clear have I not. So call me by my name or as sister" She says looking at me sharply.
I laugh softly but reply in affirmation, "Okay Amphitrite."
She smiles removing her hands from her hips and beams at me. "Okay so what dress would you like? I have a gold one. One cream. One green. Actually I have every colour. And what footwear do you want. Sadly due to my preferable mermaid form I don't have footwear. But I'm sure we can buy you some." And I stop her before she can go on and on.
"Why do I need a dress?" I ask genuinely confused. And she huffs out in disbelief.
"Today we are going to announce the arrival of the prince. It is a big occasion and you are his birth mother and part of the Royal family. You have to look like it." She explains and I sigh but agree. And after a long discussion and many arguments it's decided that I would be wearing a blue gown that compliments my eyes.
"Ok then. I'll give you privacy to change." She says and goes out closing the huge doors behind her.
I huff out laugh as I strip down my clothes. Just when I was wearing the dress the door opens suddenly, Amphitrite's head poking in.
"Sally what footwear do you... " She trails off and I hurriedly dress up fully but the damage has been done. He eyes widen in shock and horror as she enters in immediately and closes the door behind her.
"What was that?!" She exclaims loudly her face pale as she comes towards me.
"What was what sister?" I ask trying to look confused but her pointed glare has me sigh in defeat. "It's nothing Amphitrite." I try to placate her but it just angers her more.
"Don't you say it's nothing Sally. Unless you think I am blind to not see the variety of scars adorning your torso." She spats in anger and I flinch at her harsh tone. Her face softens at my flinch but her eyes remain fierce. "Who is it Sally? Who is it that abused your body such?" He gentle but firm voice makes me breakdown then and there. She hugs me as I cry all my grief out. And that is how the male members of the family saw us as they enter the room. They stop short at seeing me crying in her arms.
"Mommy!! " Percy exclaims wriggling free from Poseidon's arms as he swims towards me. I wipe my tears just in time to catch him as he barrels into me.
"Percy!! Did you enjoy yourself?" I ask and in my peripheral vision I see Amphitrite talking to Poseidon and Triton.
"Why are you crying, mommy? Did you get hurt?" Percy asks with all the seriousness of a child and I huff a watery laugh at his innocent question.
"No dear. Your pat'mi asked me a question and it made me cry." I say as honest as possible. I have long back promised myself to be as honest as possible with Percy and never I have I broken it and i am not going to do so now.
"Did she ask about Gabe?" Percy asks and I was yet again amazed by his ability to understand things.
"Gabe?" Poseidon asks his hand clenched with fury and Percy nods.
"Yes, pat're. Gabe is mommy's husband. He beats mommy a lot" And I gasp at that.
"Percy!! How did you even know that!?" I exclaim in horror. "You were not supposed to know that" I say horrified that Percy has known about my abuse. I was very careful not to reveal anything to him at such a tender age.
"But he promised he would not hurt you if I bring him money."
"Money?" Triton growls in suppressed anger.
"I'm sorry." Percy sniffles hus lips wobbling. "Did I do wrong?"
I look as Amphitrite comes towards us. "Oh sea star. You haven't done anything wrong. You were really really brave." She says softly taking Percy from me into her arms.
"Sally is it true. What Percy said about this....this Gabe" He spits the word Gabe with venom and I nod hesitantly.
"He is very bad pat're. He always drinks alcohol. And he smells bad. Ewww. Smelly Gabe." He wrinkles his nose in disgust and I see Amphitrite's heart melt at his adorable expression. Poseidon sighs loudly in frustration.
"Why didn't you leave him then? How can you even marry that..that....monster!?"
"Isn't it obvious milord. Percy said he stinks a lot. And if he smells as bad as he describes, it is safe to say that she married him so she could hide Percy's scent from the monsters. Am I right?" Amphitrite asks me and I nod. Poseidon's face falls at that.
"Sally I'm really grateful for what you have done for Percy. But you should have taken care of yourself too. And I regret leaving you more than ever. I should have just kidnapped you and brought you here to Atlantis." And seeing his face looking so crushed I couldn't help but reassure him.
"No need to worry about it. It's okay." I say but he shakes his head.
"You are too kind hearted Sally." He then turns towards the still fuming Triton. "Triton do whatever you want but I need the monster that hurt them in the dungeons before the feast begins." He orders.
Triton grins viciously and bows" It would be my pleasure milord." He says before rushing out leaving me speechless. I hurriedly look at Poseidon.
"You shouldn't worry about him. He can't hurt me anymore. Just leave him be."
"No Sally." Amphitrite answers. "He hurt you. And we don't take lightly of anyone who hurt what we think as ours. And you are our family. Just don't argue about it anymore. It's pointless."
I nod my eyes tearing up in happiness at her proclamation.
"Don't think about this anymore Sally. Today is a special occasion. Don't let all of this sadden you on our son's welcoming day" With this words he leaves us.
After two hours I am walking down the corridor that leads to the Royal balcony along with Percy, Poseidon and Amphitrite for the announcement. Poseidon and Percy are dressed in their royal robes and me and Amphitrite in beautiful gowns. We were then joined by Triton in his royal robes too.
"Father. It's done. He is in the dungeons. What should I do of him?"
"For now? Nothing. Let's celebrate for the time being. I will pay him a visit later." Poseidon dismisses casually but you have to be deaf to not hear the dark tone in his voice. And even though he deserves it I couldn't help but feel pity for Gabe at whatever punishment he is going to receive. We arrive on the balcony looking at the people below us. I couldn't help but gasp at the number of people present. Anywhere you see there are people present everyone waiting for their King to talk.
"People of Atlantis!" Poseidon's voice booms loudly. "We have mourned our lost prince for many years and we would have for more. But the time to mourn is past us now. Let us welcome your beloved Prince back. Prince Perseus is back!! " Poseidon booms gesturing for me to come forward. There was a second of silence as everyone takes a look at their prince in my arms before they burst into loud applause.
The chanting of "Prince Perseus" "Prince Perseus" "Prince Perseus" could be heard throughout the oceans as the people rejoice their Prince's return.

Chapter 6: Chapter 6


Sorry for the delay guys. But here you go now!!

Chapter Text

I walk out of the dungeons, my knuckles red with blood of that filth. I clean them off and start walking when I heard Triton ask.
"Father? What are you going to do now?"
"Regrettably, that scum is dead very soon. I think I have to ensure he at least receives punishment for a long painful time in his afterlife"
Triton's eyes gain recognition at that. "You are going to visit Lord Hades"
I vapour travel not giving him any answer to the obvious question. As soon as I land I was met with the familiar oily voice of my brother.
"Well.. Well... Well. I have to admit I was very shocked to hear you have requested a meeting with me Poseidon" Hades drawls looking at me with bored obsidian black eyes.
"Should I just not visit my brother?" I ask casually though I feel very uneasy standing in the underworld where none of my powers work.
Hades scoffs at my words. "Quit the act Poseidon. You haven't visited me in many years. Not since.. not since 'his' death" And I supress a flinch at the accurate statement. It's true that I had stopped visiting him since Perseus' death, wallowing in my own grief to think about others. And I forgot that Hades would suffer the same too seeing both him and Perseus have a very close bond.
"Brother.. " I start guilt seeping in my voice and Hades shakes his head harshly.
"Do not apologize Poseidon. I don't neither need it now want it. Just say whatever you want to and leave. As you always do." He says bitterly and I couldn't say anything to that. I abandoned him in his time of grief and these are the results. I clear my throat.
"I need a favour brother" I finally ask.
"Favour" He scoffs. "What made you even think I would grant you a favour?" He spats before looking at me thoughtfully. "What is this favour even? "
I swallow hard at the question knowing where it will lead to. "A soul has entered your realm not long ago with the name Gabe Ugliano. I want you to give him the most severe of the punishments you could think of"
Hades leans back in his throne looking at me hard. "That's quite....interesting. Why do you care of his punishment. It's not like you to involve yourself in mortal affairs. What is it that made you active now?"
"It...It has to do with Perseus" I admit and as expected I see the cool anger in his eyes.
"Do not paly with me Poseidon. He faded.. died long back ago" He spits out anger radiating from every pore of his body.
"And yet after all this time you couldn't even speak his name" I raise my eyebrow. He stands up glaring at me.
"Even you have not spoken his name all these years yet it seems you are forgetting the pain of his loss if you can say his name so freely." He growls looking at me in disgust. I stay silent a moment before coming to a decision knowing that I could trust Hades.
"No brother. I am able to say his name because I got him back. He's back Hades. Our Perseus is back." I say softly and he slumps down in his throne shocked.
After many arguments and promises on River Styx, he belived that Perseus is back. I then informed him of the situation with Gabe.
"That filth!!" Hades roars in anger. "Don't worry Poseidon. I personally will handle his punishment." He promises and I didn't doubt it for a single second. After talking some time about Perseus' second life I bid my leave and was preparing to vapour travel when his voice stops me.
"Brother?" Hades calls hesitantly and my heart soars at the endearment. "Could you bring him here once? I... I would like to see him again" He asks his eyes hopeful. I nod softly before travelling to my next destination.
"Hestia" I say softly to my favorite sister. She is in her nine year old form as always tending the hearth of Olympus. Se looks at me brightly and stands up.
"Brother I have been waiting for you" She says calmly with a knowing glint in her eyes. And I know that somehow she knows. She knows that he's back. She takes my arm before flashing us off and I offer no resistance knowing I trust her.
I immediately regret my thought after seeing the assembled audience before me. Nope. No way. Because before me in Hestia's palace are both Hera and Athena.
"No way Hestia. I won't" I whisper to her harshly.
"Yes you will Poseidon. You know you can trust them. They care for him as much as you."
"Maybe. But I still don't trust them. "
"What is it you won't trust us with Poseidon?" Athena asks raising an eyebrow while Hera looks on confused.
"Why did you call us sister?" Hera asks Hestia.
"Poseidon has something to discuss with us." She says calmly and looks at me pointedly. I shake my head feeling afraid and out of loop all of a sudden. A feeling I do not like at all. I see her eyes soften at my hesitancy.
"You have to trust them. You need them now and in future. You will need their support when the time comes to reveal the truth to everyone." She reasons and I nod my head still hesitant but believing her I turn to the others.
"Well what is it? I have important works than sitting here seeing you look like an idiot" Athena says irritated. I felt my own irritation rise, well if she is so busy might as well say it to her fast .
"Perseus is back" I say casually and take great joy as they stumble on nothing in surprise and disbelief.
I am walking the streets of Olympus after bidding the cooled down Hera and Athena and kissing a goodbye to my dearest sister Hestia. Sometimes I still find our eldest sister something of an enigma. The things she would know before we even say it is very intriguing. I smile again remembering how Athena went speechless for the first time since I know her. She argued a lot going as far as saying that I went mad with grief before Hestia supported my claim. I was afraid that the both of them would reveal about Perseus to Zeus but they swore they would not reveal the secret till I give them permission. It is not that I am afraid of Zeus. Zeus too loved that child as his own. Sometimes I am very lost with Perseus, he just makes everyone fall in love with him so easily and Zeus is not an exception. He adores Perseus but I am hesitant at his reaction seeing Percy is born after the oath. My thoughts come to a stand still as I hear a voice.
"Uncle P" Apollo says as he comes to stand bedide me. I stiffen at his presence.
"Nephew. What brings you here to me?" I ask hoping my voice wouldn't betray me. He just looks me in my eyes searchingly and I avert my eyes from his golden burning gaze. Apollo nods at this.
"So he's really back" He finally says sighing in relief. My trident materializes in my hand and is at his throat in an instant my eyes burning with warning.
"What did you just say?" I sak my voice low. Apollo gulps but looks back at me unwavering.
"I said I know Perseus is back." He says slowly. "The morai informed me". I release him sighing in frustration.
" I'm warning you Apollo. One word of this to anybody and you will not be alive anymore. I mean it. No one should know of him. Especially her" I say spitting the last word with poison.
"You can't order me that uncle. Artemis deserves to know" He says defiantly.
"No She doesn't. She can rot in Tartarus for all I care. She wouldn't know of him" I say standing straight glaring at him.
"She loves him Uncle" He exclaims.
"And she killed him!! " I shout back at him my face livid. Apollo's face drops at that.
"You don't understand..." He says but I interrupt.
" I understand perfectly fine Apollo. I know very well that in no purpose can she know he is back. That is final and if you go against my warning I will kill her. I was merciful last time and let her live but I won't stop this time till she dies" I warn before flashing off.


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Author: Roderick King

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Author information

Name: Roderick King

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: 3782 Madge Knoll, East Dudley, MA 63913

Phone: +2521695290067

Job: Customer Sales Coordinator

Hobby: Gunsmithing, Embroidery, Parkour, Kitesurfing, Rock climbing, Sand art, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Roderick King, I am a cute, splendid, excited, perfect, gentle, funny, vivacious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.