Two for Tripping (Into Love) - Mrs_Boojangles (2024)

Chapter 1: House Lights

Chapter Text

Wednesday sighed quietly as she leaned her head against the window in the back of the family limousine, the fading, September sky a fiery orange outside the glass. She shifted uncomfortably in her seat, her left knee still annoyingly tender, despite months of healing and proper rehabilitation from surgery, her patience with the injury long since expired. She'd spent the entire summer laid up to rest at home, in a mood fouler than any before, Thing the only companion she'd managed to tolerate for the months-long jail sentence. Enid was the only other person she'd even bothered talking to over summer break, though it was only during random texting periods, when she was personable enough to respond without unfairly lashing out. Wednesday had finally started more intensive physical therapy just last week, when she'd been cleared to actually touch a pair of skates, and she'd been eager to take the first step toward regaining her freedom.

The start of the fall term had been a godsend in getting her out of the house, her usual first-week meeting with Dean Weems going about as well as expected, the woman already planning on how best to deal with Wednesday's endlessly disruptive reputation. Larissa had eyed her suspiciously the moment Wednesday crossed the threshold into her office, the two women glaring at one another in their usual greeting, before the Dean rose from her seat, and leaned menacingly in her direction. Weems had already been made aware of Wednesday's accident at the very start of summer break, and Larissa didn't waste a moment before properly negotiating with the infuriatingly silent seer. They'd brokered a deal: Wednesday would keep her instigatory relationship with Sheriff Galpin to a minimum by avoiding any illegal activity during her cold case investigations, and Larissa would offer her the school's ice rink to help her properly get back on her feet, and away from her suffocating parents.

It was too good a deal for her to pass up in the moment, and they'd agreed on the terms without further delay, which led her right to Poe Stadium during only the second week of school.

Wednesday nodded in thanks to Lurch as she stepped out of the car before slamming the door, her dark eyes tracing the silhouette of the massive stadium in front of her. She adjusted her hold on her shoulder strap before she headed for the staff entrance at the back of the building, buzzing her student ID badge to get her inside. It was nearly pitch black, few emergency lights running along the cold stone walls in the bowels of the arena. The brunette grunted quietly as she reached into her bag to fish out her phone, absently swiping down the menu to click on her light, ignoring the few messages she'd gotten from Eugene. Wednesday had only ever been in the rear of Poe Stadium once, having attended a meet here during her freshman year, a preliminary figure skating competition that she'd cleared for regionals, before eventually qualifying for nationals.

Luckily she remembered the pathway toward the ice, following the periodic arrows that showed where the players were supposed to go, before finally finding the proper hallway, and turned left toward the home team locker room. Wednesday was silent, the halls around her dreadfully cold from the presence of the ice and from the Vermont chill, though she secretly reveled in the comforting feeling. Ever since she was a child, she'd been fascinated by the cold, and had come to love sleeping in coolers and cold storage for as long as she could remember. There had even been several times her father had found her camped out inside open graves in the family cemetery, the man more than happy to leave her be, and respecting her affection for the cold presence of death.

She'd spent the first week of her freshman year at Nevermore University trapped in the stuffy, overly-warm college dorms, a mistake she'd luckily never have to make a second time.

The Addams family was terribly close-knit, that the moment Gomez had discovered her displeasure with the dormitories, he'd purchased the old Gates mansion, and moved the family temporarily up north, so that Wednesday could stay home for college. She'd hated it at first, had been looking forward to spending some much needed time away from her overbearing, amorous parents, and desperately craving a start for something new. She'd found that dormitory life was far more infuriating, however, and secretly welcomed the slice of home that followed her all the way up to New England. Her brother Pugsley had been accepted to Nevermore University as well, yet another reason for Gomez and Morticia to remain in the area for the foreseeable future.

Wednesday acclimated herself rather well to campus life once she'd gotten over her initial disdain for the general population, a target already on her back for daring to suffer through attending her parents' alma mater. The Dean of the University had her sights set on her the moment she stepped foot onto her campus, Larissa Weems an old acquaintance of her mother's, and a perpetual thorn in her side, regardless of what Wednesday was up to. She'd been nearly expulsed from Nevermore for various reasons on several different occasions, her relentless investigating and general disregard for any and all school and town rules drawing the attention of the shapeshifter, and earning Wednesday a permanent seat in the Dean's office.

Still, she'd garnered a begrudged respect for Larissa, despite the woman's frequent attempts to reign in Wednesday and her bizarre hobbies, the seer somehow gifted a pass for her more outlandish behaviors. Wednesday had solved a serial murder case within the first four months of her attending Nevermore, had broken into several of Jericho's municipal buildings in her pursuit for the truth, and gotten arrested twice while refusing to give up the chase. She'd been so focused on solving the mysterious, deadly case, that she'd lost sight of nearly everything else, and had almost gotten herself killed by the very monster she'd been hunting in the first place. If not for a particularly protective and undeniably powerful blonde wolf with sky-colored eyes, Wednesday Addams wouldn't be anything more than a distant memory.

She shook herself free from the lingering thoughts of Enid that night, when the wolf had gotten her signature scars in her quest to protect Wednesday from the infamous Hyde. Wednesday had been so spellbound that night, when a furious, golden monster tore through the forest and attacked her would-be murderer, Enid truly something beautiful to behold and admire. It was that selfless sacrifice that cemented Enid's place in her life, the two of them becoming even closer in the aftermath of such a life-altering event. Wednesday felt the butterflies start up in her belly, the blonde's face burned into her mind now as she wandered through the quiet, fading darkness, the ice glowing at the end of the hallway. She stopped walking as she approached the mouth of the tunnel, her presence cloaked in heavy shadow as she hovered near one of the rink doors, her eyes tracking the singular figure skating across the rink. Wednesday worked her jaw out of reflex as she took a cursory step closer to the nicked-up glass, her heart starting to beat just a little bit faster, once she realized just who the skater was.

Speak of the devil.

Enid Sinclair was still dressed in her full home uniform, all black with purple piping, a familiar SINCLAIR 33 stitched onto her back as she moved around the fresh sheet of ice. Wednesday swallowed audibly as she kept herself in the shadows, thankful that she always wore black as she gripped tightly to her bag strap, and forced herself to take a deep, nourishing breath.

She'd met Enid the first day of freshman orientation, the excitable blonde a bundle of nervous energy as she bounced through the army of new blood arriving on the sprawling campus. Wednesday had noticed her almost immediately, with her fluorescent pink backpack and her wavy, multicolored blonde hair, those bright blue eyes somehow the most alluring part of her, when she'd turned around with a wide, beaming smile. Wednesday was so taken by the sight of her that she hadn't uttered a single word in response, had only openly stared at the brightly grinning creature, her focus narrowing to the set of sharp fangs in the new girl's mouth. Enid had promptly started talking a mile a minute, the sheer amount of words tumbling from her shiny pink lips enough to have Wednesday completely overwhelmed, the seer turning to fully walk away from the peculiar wolf without even daring to impart a backwards glance.

Wednesday had seen her on campusoften during her first year at Nevermore, the blonde a beacon of popularity with the rest of the student body. Everyone knew Enid Sinclair, and everyone seemed to love Enid Sinclair-- she was the queen of gossip and knew everything about everyone, and still, people adored the charming blonde with the secret temper, that part being one of Wednesday's favorites. For a long time, Wednesday hadn't been able to figure the strange girl, even when Enid started purposefully crossing paths with her between lectures and had even attempted an innumerable amount of times to coax her into real, meaningful conversation. She never knew what to say whenever Enid would walk beside her, the girl's woodsy, floral perfume always saturating her senses, and jumbling her ability to recall any and all words, in any of her many languages.

There was something about Enid that always made her infuriatingly nervous, something so captivating about those stunning, intelligent eyes that always left Wednesday struggling to contribute anything to the conversation. She'd never been rattled by anyone the way that she'd been rattled by Enid, and she'd grown so intrigued by her reaction to the wolf, that she'd subconsciously started seeking her out on campus, just to try and figure her own affliction. Despite having barely spoken any words to her their freshman year, Enid never stopped walking her to her Tuesday criminology lecture, nor stopped waiting for her outside her Friday biology lab, if only to walk her to the cafe, and order them both a cup of coffee. It was the most bizarre relationship she'd cultivated during her time at Nevermore, the little nods of unspoken conversation between them more than enough to satisfy the itch in the back of her brain, the sensation only soothed whenever she was beside the girl in question.

She eventually accepted that she was fascinated by the werewolf with a heart of gold, and was fully taken with trying to figure out what made Enid tick, without having to ask the blonde herself. She found out during the first week of school that Enid was a hockey player, the brunette having seen her tearing around campus on her inline skates with some of her teammates, much to the chagrin of Weems; she endlessly admired how easily Enid had invoked Larissa's wrath that afternoon. Wednesday didn't know a goddamn thing about hockey, but she was determined to learn about it, and had spent many a night holed up in her room at home, watching videos of top goal compilations, and her personal favorite, the top ten hockey fights.

Wednesday never knew how to brooch the subject with Enid, her mind refusing to cooperate with her whenever she thought of the blonde throwing her body around on the ice. She'd checked the college website and found the schedule on the home games for the women's team, and hadn't missed a single, stunning game. It was during their sophom*ore year, when Wednesday had grown comfortable enough with the steady presence, that she'd dared to mention hockey at all, and had spent the better part of her afternoon curiously watching Enid gush about the sport that she so passionately loved. Wednesday was fully enthralled by the conversation, her dead-eyed face showing nothing of her true feelings, while Enid gestured happily in giddy explanation. Wednesday felt herself softening for the relentless blonde in front of her, her affliction for Enid running far deeper than she'd ever care to admit out loud.

With a resigned sigh and a small, calculated movement, Wednesday shimmied closer to the glass door, stopping at the very edge of the shadows to get an even better view of the action, her dark eyes purposefully watching Enid as she tore across the ice. Her heart skipped when Enid pivoted toward her direction, the blonde's helmet gone as she dribbled the puck, blue eyes catching the intense light overhead as she shook the loose hair away from her face. Wednesday absently swallowed as she leaned closer to the glass, warmth buzzing in a faint blush across her face as she watched Enid rip a shot that nearly sizzled in the back of the empty net.

Enid hummed absently as she skated to retrieve her puck, whisking it down the ice and across the other blue line, her movements breezy as she pushed off after it. Wednesday unconsciously moved closer, her brow twitching as she watched Enid swing closer to where she lay hidden in the darkness, giving Wednesday an even better view of the varsity captain. The brunette blinked only once as she took in the sight in front of her, Enid's wonderfully flush face pressed with a permanent smile, the scars that marred her cheek nearly blending in with the bright pink across the flawless, pale skin.

Wednesday thought of that night in the woods again, when Enid had gotten her scars during her fight with Tyler. The boy had been chasing her for the better part of freshmen year, regardless of how often she told him she had no interest in pursuing anything of interest with him. It was only when she started to suspect that he was involved in the murders that she let him get closer, had let him think that he'd actually have a chance to properly bed her. It was when she'd been the most reckless that she'd gotten the evidence she needed, when kissing him had triggered the vision that led to his eventual downfall. It repulsed her to know thathe was the last person she'd kissed those few years ago, and not someone who had been far more deserving. Enid had risked her life to save her that night, and for months, that was all Wednesday could think about: Enid, disheveled and bloodied, wrapped up in a filthy pink pea coat, and so thrilled to see her alive, that she'd tackled her in a bone-crushing hug.

Her fascination with Enid had only blossomed more since that night, when Wednesday had seen true power up close and personal, when the wolf had fought her heart out to overpower and properly subdue the murderous Hyde. The first time she'd seen Enid with the healed scars, she'd bounced right up to Wednesday and greeted her like nothing bad had ever happened, and Wednesday had been so concerned over acknowledging the new marks, that she'd stubbornly kept her mouth shut. It was several days after the incident that she managed to properly thank Enid for her sacrifice that night. Every time she saw those scars, she couldn't bring herself to speak on them, couldn't find the courage to tell Enid how much she actually appreciated them, the permanent reminders of their unusual relationship. Enid would somehow always catch those looks and smile softly in the silence, the warmth in those eyes rendering Wednesday completely powerless.

The brunette sighed quietly at the sight of them now, Enid's cheek twitching as she rubbed her glove across her nose, and got back down to work. She weaved along the ice while she idly handled the puck, the ease of her movement something Wednesday always appreciated, whenever she would watch Enid play. The seer was nearly at the rink door now, the high glass shining in the bright lights as she moved another step forward, interested to see even more. It was when Enid slapped a shot that cracked off the end boards that Wednesday jerked at the sudden sound, the tip of her boot accidentally knocking over one of the ice rink shovels. The sound was thunderous, the brunette frozen as she heard Enid cut to a stop on the ice, a violent, dangerous growl booming in her direction.

Wednesday looked up as Enid charged toward her, the normally jovial blue eyes perfectly silver and terrifyingly feral, sharp fangs poking out over her bottom lip, the brunette entranced beneath the alluring power. Enid's face changed almost immediately once she recognized the figure in the darkness, her signature smile spreading across her face as she easily loped the wall in front of the bench, and collapsed into her seat, leaning her stick against the boards.

"Wednesday! What are you doing here, is everything okay?"

The seer scowled in response, her jaw clenching several times as she remained stock-still by the rink door, her hand digging into her bag strap as she refused to move from her hiding place. It was even more difficult to be near Enid now, Wednesday having never been this close to the captain while she was in her uniform, the sight of her nearly too overwhelming to properly comprehend. Wednesday ignored the incessant thump of her heart and the burning blush across her face as she chanced a step forward, walking stiffly toward the properly lit bench, her eyes purposefully looking over the attractive cut of her uniform.

Enid smiled and automatically slid over, patting the bench beside her before reaching forward, grabbing her water bottle, and downing the rest in one, long pull. Wednesday stopped just at the edge of the bench area, her face purposefully devoid of any emotion, though she could still feel the fire burning across her nose, the color refusing to leave her in peace. She watched Enid while she slid her gloves off and placed them on the seat beside her, before purposefully running her hands through her damp hair, and recollecting it for a tiny ponytail. Her eyes wandered back to the visibly tense Wednesday, her smile completely disarming the seer as she shuffled in her boots.

"I had no idea you were even here," Enid offered with a soft, humored laugh, and lifted the hem of her jersey to wipe the sweat away from her forehead, "Why didn't you say hi? I would have come over sooner," she snorted quietly, and amusedly shook her head, "You totally didn't have to sit in the dark!"

The wolf cracked her knuckles on her left hand as she stood back up, her taller frame even more imposing as she towered over her in her skates, the powerful body only made to look even larger beneath all her padding. Enid wandered a step closer, pouting softly in quiet thought.

"Wait, were you planning on skating? sh*t, my bad! Weems didn't tell me anyone else had ice time. Oh," she snapped her fingers, bending back down to pick up her gloves, and shoving them onto her hands, "Hey, put your skates on and I'll go move the nets out of your way!"

Wednesday couldn't even utter a syllable, her heart hammering too loudly as she watched the blonde smile even wider and easily launch herself over the boards, jetting quickly to the far-side net. The seer swallowed as she slowly crept further into the seating area and perched on the very edge of the bench, her eyes falling to look at Enid's helmet as it rested beside her. Wednesday did as directed, dropping her bag on the floor in front of her as she made out to untie her boots, before unearthing a pair of all-black figure skates, even the hardware for her blades an ominous dark gray. Her fingers worked on unlacing her skates as she pinched the blade between her thighs, the seer making the grave mistake of glancing up to check on her company.

Enid had already corralled both nets toward the end of the ice and was hurtling towards her, the wolf easily throwing herself over the wall as she shook her gloves off and dropped them next to her helmet, pausing to lean on her knee for the blade guards tucked under the seat. Enid stuck her tongue out in concentration as she quickly slipped on her guards and popped back up, grinning at the quiet seer before she tossed up a small wave.

"Be right back, Wens!"

Wednesday felt her ears burn at the faint nickname as she stopped moving altogether, instead watching Enid jog down the tunnel and totally disappear into the darkness. She groused at herself and shook her head, her fingers angrily ripping at the laces on her skates before she shoved into them, and quickly cinched them up. She kicked around in her bag for her black tape, expertly wrapping up and hiding away her laces, before she tucked it away, and shoved her bag under the bench. Wednesday burrowed self-consciously into her oversized hoodie, the hem falling to her knees the way that she liked most, to hide herself away from curious eyes. Her skating outfit was simple black tights and a plain black tee, to allow her the best range of motion for a simple routine, though she was loathe to be so exposed in front of the wolf. Wednesday blew out a frustrated breath as she reached for the bench door and unlatched it, pulling it inward before stepping out onto the ice.

She hovered near the bench as she moved in small circles, doing her stretches while she waited, her eyes continuously drawn back to where the nets were sitting by the end boards. Enid appeared only a few moments later as she pulled the end doors open and pulled the nets off the ice, dragging them across the backstage area, and tucking them away for safe keeping. She smiled at Wednesday as she eventually closed the doors and disappeared back into the abyss, reappearing at the end of the tunnel not ten minutes later. Wednesday slid back toward the bench, hands bracing on the top of the boards as Enid grinned, and walked over to meet her.

"I'm so glad you'refinally healed enough to start skating again, I've been worried about you all summer! Is your knee okay? Oh, are you always gonna be here Wednesday nights, too? I don't wanna overstay my welcome, I know practice ended like, what? An hour ago?" Enid looked up at the scoreboard, her nose scrunching up in a faint grimace, "Okay, maybe more than an hour ago."

Wednesday watched her quietly, her hands instinctively tightening against the rail as she looked at the damnable wolf and her cute little nose wrinkle, the very same wrinkle that Wednesday liked to try and invoke herself. Enid snickered at the lack of response, instead playfully rolling her eyes as she turned to collect her gloves, and wandered back down the tunnel. She plunked them down onto the dryers and kicked the machine on, turning to slowly wander back out toward the bench and scooping up her helmet.

"Always a whiz at conversation, Wednesday," she teased with a quick wink, and popped her helmet onto the back of her head, "I'll get out of your hair, are you gonna be okay here by yourself? This place totally gives me the creeps at night, especially when you're in here alone!"

The seer nodded only once, her feet purposefully scraping along the icy surface, cutting up little lines of snow as she waited.

Enid's smile grew as she lightly shook her head, turning back toward the hallway, "Yeah, I know. Nothing scares you! Imagine being such a badass," she laughed again, and tossed up a little wave, "Night, Wens!"

Wednesday waited by the bench after Enid had gone, her eyes glancing up at the scoreboard clock to check her time, before sighing heavily, and finally removing her jacket. She hung it over the boards before she pushed off to start her warmups, her knee feeling stronger than it had been in weeks. She did several passes, begrudgingly following her grandmother's advice on what moves to avoid while she still technically recovered, unwilling to suffer any setback in her recovery. It was freeing in a way, to finally be back out on her skates, glad that she'd brokered a deal with Weems to let her practice on the university's ice. She'd already burned an entire summer of building toward this year's competition circuit, her progress still far away from being able to properly compete in any of the upcoming tournaments.

Bianca Barclay had reached out to her during the summer, once she'd heard of her injury, and actually offered condolences; Wednesday hung up the call without even bothering to respond. She was her fiercest competition, the two of them usually trading off wins during different trials, though the current standing total was in the siren's favor. Still, the siren didn't have access to the college's rink, and Wednesday knew better than to squander a golden opportunity to slowly rehab in secret, right under Bianca's nose.

She lost herself to the silence of the arena, the sound of her own skates something of a rhapsody to her as she cut back and forth across the ice, throwing snow with each hairpin turn. The part of her that burned for competition wanted to try several different jumps, wanted to get her legs under her for real and let loose all the pent up frustration she'd been saddled with, after spending an entire summer at home with her parents. Wednesday knew better, and managed to stay both blades on the ice, and focus solely on feeling out her incredible threshold for pain.

Wednesday finally called herself out, having ended with an easy layback spin and stopped on her toe pick, her lungs heaving as she focused on calming her breathing. She blinked again and looked up at the arena screen, surprised that she'd already burned up almost an hour and a half. She exhaled noisily and pushed off to cross the ice, fists pressed against her hips as she slid over toward the home team seating. Her ease faltered once she noticed Enid laying down on the bench with her legs crossed, mindlessly scrolling through her phone.

Enid looked upside down at Wednesday and grinned as she rolled off the bench, standing to stretch out her shoulders. She shoved her phone into the pocket of her team hoodie, the Nevermore Ravens' logo outlined in purple on the pitch black hoodie, the captain's C pressed into the left shoulder. The blonde grinned as she clasped her hands behind her back and rocked on the balls of her feet, her baby pink and black Docs scuffing against the bench floor. She read Wednesday frighteningly well, those blue eyes twinkling playfully as she nonchalantly shrugged one shoulder.

"I was gonna head out after my shower but then I felt super weird about leaving you here by yourself," she gestured to her gear bag on the floor behind the bench and smiled again, swaying a few steps closer, "So I figured I'd just hang out 'til you were done."

Wednesday stared at her in wide-eyed shock, her hand slowly reaching for her jacket before she whipped it off the boards and quickly shrugged it on, her eyes narrowing suspiciously at the calmly grinning blonde. Enid unlocked the door and pulled it open, playfully gesturing Wednesday inside before slamming it closed, and purposefully closing up the latch. The brunette said nothing as she reached for her bag and scooted down the far side, needing to put space between her and Enid, the faint scent of her perfume already living deep in her lungs. She worked quickly, her face set in a stubborn grimace as she tied off her laces and tucked them into her skates, finally slipping on the guards, before reaching for her boots.

She fumbled with the laces on the first one before she grumbled lowly to herself and easily finished the other, forcing the butts of her palms against her thighs as she shoved up to her feet. Her knee twinged and she winced faintly, Enid catching the noise with practiced ease.

"Hey, you okay? Did you hurt something while you were out there?"

Wednesday pinched the bridge of her nose, her knee aching faintly in defiance as she threw a side-long glared toward Enid, "I am fine," she said quietly, and shook her head.

Enid frowned but said nothing else, instead leaning down to pick up her bag, and the four sticks that laid beside it. She shouldered the large, faded pink bag and smiled at Wednesday, bundling her sticks in her left hand, before jerking her head down the tunnel.

"You ready to go? By the way, did you need a ride home? I'm parked in the student garage downstairs, I can definitely give you a lift back to your house."

She bristled slightly, and rolled her shoulder, her fingers tightening around her bag, "Thank you but that is not necessary, Lurch should still be on campus."

Enid grinned, "The infamous Addams limo! That car is so cool," she gushed, and led them down the tunnel, before stopping off at another door, "Gimme one sec."

The wolf disappeared into the room for several minutes, the lights over the rink cutting out and plunging the entire arena into oppressive blackness, Wednesday huffing in annoyance as she blindly felt around in her bag in search of her phone. The door squeaked when it opened again, Enid's eyes glowing blue in the darkness as she winced out an anxious, apologetic chuckle.

"Sorry, I'm used to being alone at night, and wolves can see in the dark. Here," she said in a soft voice, her eyes still two glowing points of ocean blue.

Wednesday's entire face lit up with an unforgiving blush when she felt Enid grab her hand, the warm, callused skin curling protectively around her as Enid led them down the tunnel, and out towards the rear entrance. She had never been so thankful for darkness as she was lead through the winding halls, the emergency lights of the outer walkways in the arena finally reaching them as they crested the end of the corridor. Enid hummed as she easily let go of Wednesday's hand and purposefully adjusted the weight against her back, their eyes catching in the soft, golden glow.

"Where's Lurch parked?"

The seer nodded towards the direction she'd wandered in a few hours prior, Enid content to follow as they headed off. Wednesday went to reach for the door before Enid beat her to it, shoving it open to reveal the limousine patiently awaiting her return, the jet black car purposefully parked beneath a vibrant street light. Enid grinned as she held open the door, and guided Wednesday out into the twilight evening. She squeaked by the blonde, mindful of their closeness as she left through the same doorway, escaping into the night and holding tightly to her bag, half-turning to look back at Enid.

The blonde threw her hand up in a small wave, grin curling harder into her cheeks as her nose scrunched with a contented crinkle.

"See you in the morning, Wens!" She called after her, and waited at the threshold for Wednesday to safely get to the car.

Wednesday scowled in response, quickly turning to hopefully hide the burning tips of her ears and the fire under her freckles, charging toward the limo, Lurch having already opened the rear door. She slithered inside and pressed back against the bench seat, arms folding across her chest as she warred with herself to not even dare look back at Enid. Her face twisted up in frustration as she angrily unfolded her arms and drummed her fingers against her knee, her head turning slightly to stare out the window as the car rumbled to life. Her heart skipped when their eyes met again, Enid still leaning in the doorway as she saw them off, Wednesday purposefully hunching down in her seat to avoid being seen at all.

Her crush on this girl wasdefinitelygetting out of hand.

Chapter 2: Brave in the Dark


Enid is a simple girl, and knows what she likes: Wednesday. Oh, and hockey.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Enid bobbed her head as she danced along with the music in her car, the speakers vibrating with the obnoxiously loud bass as she turned into the stadium lot and followed the arrows for parking. She grinned as she rolled down her window and leaned out of her car, her eyes catching the dappled sun of an overcast day, before she waved her student ID badge at the gate, and waited for the arm to rise. She drummed her hands on the steering wheel as she ducked into the student parking center, following the slope down and around to her normal spot, pulling the cherry red SUV into the first space in parking deck two.

She twisted down the volume and cut the engine, humming along to complete her latest K-Pop obsession before kicking out of the car, and stretching her limbs to help limber herself up for the afternoon ahead. She was only five weeks into her senior year at Nevermore University, the wolf glad to be back on campus after a long summer spent away from San Francisco, her mother having grown tired of their strained relationship, and told her not to even bother coming home. She'd spent the entire summer crashed on her best friend's couch, and Yoko had been decidedly welcoming of the new presence for those few months, the two of them getting into more trouble than even Divina could deal with. Enid spent an obsessive amount of time at the local roller rink, getting into friendlies with the neighborhood kids and even some of the city's boys' league, the wolf an unstoppable terror, the moment she stepped into a pair of skates.

Enid continued to hum her same tune as she walked around the back of her car and popped open the back hatch, sighing quietly as she shoved the door up and ducked inside to grab her hockey bag. It was pink once, years of carrying the same bag to and from different rinks and arenas sullying the bright exterior, Yoko likening it to a wad of dirty chewing gum. The vampire had been teasing her about it for years, but Enid was too damn stubborn to finally change it now, and had long since rectified that her nickname on their team was Bubblegum, and even more embarrassingly, Bubbles.

She collected the large bag and easily threw it over one shoulder, ducking in again to grab four different hockey sticks, her eyes landing on her newest pride and joy, a Jetspeed she'd had her eye on for the last four months. Enid clasped the sticks in her other hand and reached up to close the tailgate on her car, her hand digging the keys out of her pocket to quickly lock the doors. She clipped her keys to a side belt loop, the wolf wearing a decidedly muted wardrobe for once: a pair of light blue high-waisted jeans, the baby pink and black Docs she'd been living in for years, a band tee she'd stolen from Ajax last winter, and her black team logo hoodie that read SINCLAIR 33 in giant, purple print across the back.

The wolf reached for her student badge as she swung the rainbow lanyard on her finger, a wide smile stuck on her face as she buzzed herself into the elevator and hit the up bottom, leaning the butt of her sticks against the cold, metal floor. She opened up into the back halls of their stadium, muffled voices echoing down the mostly empty halls as she wandered down the familiar walkway, and turned down the tunnel toward the ice.

She was early again, her psychology lecture having dismissed a full twenty minutes before the usual end time, and Enid had been the first person to fly out of their seat and haul ass out the door. She already had a fondness for Thursdays, having spent the last four weeks after practice waiting for Wednesday to get her rehab time out on the ice, the seer having made significant improvement since starting her weekly stints. They'd garnered something a routine now, where Enid would clear the ice for the tiny brunette, and wait off at the bench for Wednesday to finish her sessions, the wolf stealing an occasional peek at her performance. She'd been driving Wednesday home after their little evening rendezvous, and she lived for those little stolen moments with the girl who'd been living rent-free in her head since they first bumped into each other at freshman orientation.

Enid knew almost instantly that she was attracted to the stoic presence, that even when first meeting her during freshman day, she was impossibly drawn to the silent, unshakeable strength. She'd been so nervous when she caught sight of the pretty, dark brown eyes, that she'd immediately started rambling on without even introducing herself, before Wednesday had walked away without even so much as a parting farewell. Still, Enid would not be deterred by their less than ideal first encounter, and had taken to actively seeking her out on campus, purposefully attempting to have a real-life conversation. Their early talks were hardly anything worthwhile that first year, Wednesday even mostly silent, but they'd somehow blossomed an interesting relationship, and Enid was intent on following it wherever it led her.

She felt special, when Wednesday would look almost happy to see her on those days she would show up for her, her usual Tuesday and Friday tandem enough to help Enid build something of a foundation on which to try and build their relationship. If there was one thing she'd learned about Wednesday that year, it was that she was intensely focused, and incredibly stubborn, if the entire fiasco with Tyler Galpin was any indication.

The wolf stopped as she shoved into the locker room, her scars aching at the memory of that night several years ago, when she'd risked her life to save Wednesday. She'd followed her instinct about Tyler, had felt off the moment they first met one another a month into the freshman fall term, when he'd taken a particular interest in trying to court the seer. Enid found it agonizing that Wednesday even bothered giving him the time of day, knowing what kind of person he was when no one else was looking. That he would be so smug behind her back, and tell his friends things about Wednesday that Enid herself knew to be wholly untrue. She'd caught him bragging about how allegedly wild Wednesday was in bed, and Enid had punched him so hard, she'd broken his face in two places, and was nearly thrown off the hockey team for daring to put her hands on another student.

Wednesday had marched herself right into Weems' office and told the Dean off in her defense, that Enid had only been protecting her from a terrible situation. Larissa glared at them both and threw the pair out of her office, Wednesday leading her off and tending to the split on her knuckles in the faculty bathroom, asking what had actually happened, and thanking Enid for always defending her.

It was after that moment that Enid did whatever she could to help Wednesday in her quest for the truth, despite how much distance still remained in their friendship, their unspoken affinity for one another the guiding force behind their connection. She was glad, however, that she'd followed her instincts, and hernose, when she'd tailed Wednesday into the woods that night, and saved her from the murderous Hyde. Her scars were a badge of honor, one that she wore with pride, as a reminder that she'd fight and die for Wednesday Addams.

Enid laughed to herself as she wandered over to her cubby in the locker room, the purple Sinclair #33 nameplate fixed to the shelf above her cubby. She tossed her bag into the spot and sat down, bending to untie her boots and start dressing for practice, her mind already wandering to the night ahead.

In the three years she'd known Wednesday, they'd only somehow gotten closer on instinct, Enid having learned and mastered the art of communicating without saying any words at all. Of course they talked, the aftermath of the Hyde finally cracking open the tight seal Wednesday had on herself, the brunette more forthcoming with her thoughts and feelings. Enid reveled in the newfound confidence of her companion, the two of them keeping up constant contact during the long break between semesters, after Tyler was finally charged and removed from campus. When they'd returned to Nevermore, Enid had been ecstatic when Wednesday sought her out the very first day back, and had taken them both for good coffee and a long conversation. Enid fell even harder then, seeing the light sparkle in those pretty brown eyes when Wednesday quietly told her of her newest mystery, the passion so remarkably attractive.

She had made it her mission to spend as much time with Wednesday as possible, even if it was to walk her to and from classes, as a quiet way to remind that brunette that she was here. Over time, several other students had attempted to flirt with and date Enid, though none had been successful, could not penetrate the self-induced haze that Enid kept around herself, because of her feelings for Wednesday. Rose Wilson had asked her out on a date during her freshman year, when Wednesday had actually agreed to tolerate Tyler, and Enid had been so thrown off by the thought of them together that she'd agreed to go out with Rose. They went to a raging party at the Gamma house together, when Kent had invited them after he'd pledged and been accepted into the fraternity. It had been the last time that Enid had kissed a girl, and she'd felt so guilty over it, she apologized to Rose for wasting her time, and left her alone in the middle of the rager.

Enid didn't want any random girl, her heart, her wolf, hereverything wanted Wednesday. Even if Wednesday didn't see her as anything more than a presence she could tolerate.

She hardly had time for any new love interest as it was, her sports and school schedule taking her usually right up until bedtime, her coursework extensive, and her hours incredibly long. It helped that she already lived with her three favorite people, Yoko, Divina, and Ajax, that the four of them had decided last year that they would rent a house for their final year of college, and attempt to live like actual adults. They moved in two weeks before the start of classes, several of their friends crashing on the couches in the expansive downstairs, the Nightshades getting back together to celebrate the start of the rest of their lives.

Despite her packed schedule, Enid still worked part-time at the campus bookstore on her rare off nights and during the weekend mornings, had made friends with nearly every outcast on the massive campus, her reputation as the gossip queen having followed her all the way from high school. She didn't mind, the majority of the student body hardly giving a sh*t about her at all, and she filtered through the different cliques and groups with the ease of a seasoned professional.Everyone knew her name, it would seem, and would say hello whenever she passed them by, or stop for a brief chat, whenever the wolf had time.

Her sexuality wasn't something she ever hid once she got to college, though she would be nervous every time she'd turn down a girl's attention, never giving the real reasons why. Her foray into accepting her queerness was a stilted, suffered affair, the wolf having been forcefully outed to her family at a mere fifteen years old, the damage to her emotional well-being still healing some six years later. Her relationship with her four older brothers had soured almost immediately, two of them having been integral cogs in their mother finding out about her little secret, when they'd spied on her with her friend Sable, the first girl she'd ever had feelings for. She was mortified when her mother called a family meeting and laid out the evidence, Enid so terrified that she fled out into the night, and showed up at Yoko's house some four days later, completely filthy, and utterly alone.

Her father had collected her then, after she'd charged her phone and checked the hundreds of calls and messages, Murray the only member of her family that seemed to actively support her. Enid threw herself into her school work after that, finishing top of her class at Shelley High, and earning a full ride to Nevermore University. Murray had been so proud of her that he'd bought her the car, before sending her across the country to attend her first-choice college. Her mother hardly spoke to her at all her freshmen year, never sent any cards or messages, in an attempt to reconnect with her daughter. Murray had showed up for family weekend only once, during her junior year, and she hadn't laid eyes on the man since.

Hockey had been her fallback, after her home life deteriorated, always staying out past dark at the neighborhood blacktop, constantly doing drills and shot practice under the dirty, flickering streetlight at the corner of the lot. She was a diehard San Jose fan, her entire family frequently going to games for as long as she could remember, the love of the game infecting her almost as soon as she could walk up on two legs. She and her brothers would spend hours playing in the green rinks down at the country club, the Sinclair pack almost synonymous with being bullies on inline skates. It was something she kept for herself as the only girl of the Sinclair family, and had elevated herself high above even her brothers; she was the only one of the Sinclair pups to actively play at the college level.

Enid was unstoppable once she touched the ice, her speed and strength nearly unbeatable, even against other wolves. She had eyes for reading plays and a hunger for scoring goals, the wolf only eighteen away from Nevermore's all-time goal scoring title. She'd pass it this year, barring a miracle, intent on leaving her mark on this place before she finally left it for good.

She finished putting on the rest of her many body pads and bent down for her jersey, shrugging it on with ease earned after having done it so many times before. She turned to collect her helmet, pitch black with a pink mirror-lens visor, before popping it onto the back of her head. She checked her phone, grinning when she saw the message from coach saying that she was on her way, before flicking through the rest of her notifications. Wednesday had responded not twenty minutes ago, Enid knowing full-well that Wednesday was just starting her three hour forensics lab, the last class before she'd meet her at the arena.

The captain smiled at the thought of her company, and how much she enjoyed watching the girl skate. Enid shook her head to clear it, that same smile still in place as she shut down her phone and stowed it safely in her bag, before shoving on her gloves, and gathering her collection of pink-taped sticks. She hurried down the tunnel, a bounce in her step at being able to see Wednesday later, before she was soldiering in behind the bench, and stashing three of her sticks in the holder along the glass. Enid chuckled as she crossed over the boards, doing a tight circle before she started warming up, finally going back for a small stack of pucks.

She was half an hour into her own personal drills before her coach, Kassandra Pappas, wandered in behind the bench, the gorgon waving her over before Enid obliged, and sped back toward the boards. Loud, excited voices echoed from down the hallway as she skated toward the bench, the girls all having finally arrived for practice, the energy among them already explosive. Enid slid up to the well and stopped easily, hooking her glove around the top of the boards as she smiled up at her mentor.

"Hey, coach, how are you?"

Kassandra chuckled as she crossed her arms, and nodded toward her star left wing, "I'm good, Sin, how are you? I see that you're here early again, are you staying later, too?"

Enid grinned and nodded affirmatively, "You bet, you know I like to unwind."

Pappas laughed as she waved the wolf off, before turning back and heading toward the locker room to greet the rest of her team. Enid snickered as she pushed back toward center ice, her pulse hammering as she thought of the actual reason she'd be staying late after practice. The real reason she'd been so excited to step foot in Poe Arena on a Thursday afternoon. The thing that made her smile like a lunatic, with no effort at all.

Her silence was shattered when the rest of her team came hustling out of the tunnel, the Nevermore Ravens all screaming across the ice for warmups. Yoko made a beeline directly for her as she stood in the back corner, leaning on the butt of her stick, content to watch her teammates as they circled center ice. The vampire was already grinning, a dark visor over her eyes to protect them from the intensely bright lights, her smile no less sinister as she coasted to a stop right beside the werewolf.

"Dude, I saw you practically sprint across campus to get here early, what's with you and Thursdays?"

Enid rolled her eyes as she eventually pushed off to wander back toward the benches, for their pre-practice rundown from Pappas, "What, I can't be excited for practice?"

Yoko nudged her but said nothing else, the two closing out the circle as they took a knee on the ice, and followed the directions from coach. The season was set to kickoff in just two weeks, their first game luckily a home game, Nevermore University the defending champions after a hard-won victory last season. Enid had worked herself tirelessly to perfect her game, had even dragged Yoko out to help her with passing drills and better work in tight around the goal crease. Their goalie, Yvette Lenoir, had even been brought into her madness, the netminder eager to test her mettle against the league's best sniper. It had made them both better, and Enid didn't mind the extra hours, especially when scoring goals was one of her favorite ways to unwind from how hectic her life could be.

Practice was more technical, Pappas running them on their penalty kill and their man-advantage, Enid an invaluable piece to both sides of her special teams. She was on the ice more than she was off it sometimes, her lycan biology bolstering her stamina, and giving her an edge over her opponents. Yoko was the team's brightest spot on defense, the vampire a brutal force of nature whenever she took to the ice, especially when defending Enid. The wolf had been in her fair share of fights over the seasons, would lay a hit on anybody to help make plays, but if Enid was the lightning, Yoko was the thunder. They'd known each other since middle school, had basically grown up together in the real world, and protected each other on and off the ice. Yoko was the most vocal supporter of her crush on Wednesday, even if she teased her on end about it, desperate for the wolf to grow a backbone and finally ask the brunette out for real.

Enid grinned as her team slowly traipsed off the ice following a tough practice, the girls having put in a great effort, Yoko the last body that lingered behind with the captain. Pappas praised them both for their work ethic before she left after the rest of her squad, leaving the pair alone in the silent arena. Yoko opened the bench door and crept in, turning to latch it before she leaned her palms against the top of the boards.

"Hey, you want me to go with you to get dinner? Divina is working late at the boutique, and Ajax is gonna be spending the night at Chrissy's, heaven forbid you do anything alone."

The blonde chuckled and shook her head, lightly backhanding her glove against Yoko's arm, "No, I'm good. Besides, I wanna get some more skating in before I head home anyway, you know Thursdays are busy for me."

Yoko sighed dramatically and flopped back on the bench, "So I'm not gonna get a ride home? What do you do here all night, I can't imagine you're skating the whole damn time. What are you actually up to?"

Enid smiled and shoved off her helmet, before throwing a leg over the boards, and dropping onto the bench beside Yoko, "So suspicious, Yoko," she quipped with a smirk, dropping her helmet next to her before she rubbed a glove under her chin, "Sorry I can't give you a ride, but I'll see you back at the house later, okay?"

"Trying to get rid of me, Sinclair?" Yoko snickered as she stood up and stretched, finally reaching for her stick, turning slowly back to her friend, "You know, Octavia was asking about you again."

Enid rolled her eyes, "Again? I told her I'm not interested in going out with her, I don't know why she won't take the hint."

"Probably because you're still f*cking single, stupid," Yoko blew out a quick breath, "I swear to Satan, if you do not ask Wednesday Addams out by the end of this semester, I'm beating the sh*t out of both of you."

The blonde groaned and slapped a gloved hand over her face, before turning an annoyed glare on the vampire, "We're just friends! I've told you this a million times, I'm not taking the chance of ruining our friendship by opening my big mouth. She swore off relationships after Tyler, anyway."

"Tell you that herself, did she?"

Enid huffed, her fangs lengthening as she growled lowly at her roommate, "Can we not have this convo again? Doesn't matter if I like her or not, I'm just happy to spend time with her."

Yoko groaned dramatically before she threw her hands up, "You are such a simp, I can't even stand it sometimes. Human golden retriever, always wagging her tail for the cranky ass Addams. Ridiculous. Whatever, babe, I'll see you at home," she grinned, waving with an exaggerated flourish.

"Love you, despite how mean you are to me!"

Enid laughed when she heard Yoko's signature cackle echoing back at her, the wolf pushing off from the bench and starting in on her singles drills. She glanced up at the scoreboard, just over an hour separating her from Wednesday's arrival. The blonde smiled when she heard most of the stadium lights click off after a while, leaving only the rink lights on, just like usual. Enid had already dropped one of the nets off by the end boards door, before cycling back over and working in on the one that remained. Her eyes kept wandering back toward the tunnel, listening for the first sign of Wednesday's arrival, her heart thumping excitedly.

She pinged a shot off the crossbar after her stick broke, Enid huffing as she moved back toward the bench for another, the faint sound of footsteps creeping down the hall in her direction. The blonde launched over the boards, turning to look up at the clock, her smile growing even wider at realizing she'd easily killed enough time while waiting for the other outcast. Enid sat and waited, Wednesday eventually rounding the corner onto the bench, their eyes catching as the wolf grinned brightly in a happy greeting.

"Hey, Wens," she breathed, still catching her breath after finally sitting down, "I haven't taken off the nets yet, I got distracted. Throw your skates on and I'll go move them for ya."

Enid grabbed her bottle of water before she took a quick drink, gathering herself before she stood, and threw a leg over the wall, touching back to the ice. She turned, noticing Wednesday already untying her boots, before Enid felt her face grow warm, her skates finally pushing off toward the nets to give the seer some space. She kept peering over her shoulder, even as she guided the net across the rink, her eyes unable to look anywhere but Wednesday. Enid had a profound need to always have her eyes on the other woman, to follow her wherever it was she wanted to go. She searched her out in crowds, and on campus, would always catch herself looking up at her, whenever they would have their study dates in the university library.

So many times she'd caught herself wanting to reach out for Wednesday, to touch her arm, or hold her hand, and every single time, she fought the urge with every fiber of her being. She knew Wednesday was touch sensitive, knew that she loved her personal space; Enid loved it, too, would somehow always find herself brushing up against her, whenever they walked together. Wednesday never said a word on it, and Enid would often try to press her luck, and sit as close to her as humanly possible. They naturally gravitated toward each other when they walked, regardless, and Enid reveled in the knowledge that nobody else was allowed to be that close to Wednesday. It was only in the dark that Enid was brave enough to hold the seer's hand, and only for those few brief, wondrous minutes.

She stumbled as she approached the other net, her mind having fully wandered away from her during her quest to lay eyes on her company. Enid ignored the blush on her face as she hurled herself back toward the boards, all but vaulting herself over them, and skittering to a stop next to the bench. She smiled when their eyes met again, before Enid collected her skate guards, and took off toward the far side of the rink, to properly remove the nets. She wanted Wednesday to have the full rink for her leg work, and Enid was determined to make her happy.

The captain grinned as she opened the end doors, waving out of reflex to Wednesday as she did her circles near the bench, before Enid collected them, and closed the massive doors. She put them away and hurried back through the darkness, eager to rejoin the seer on her bench, in hopes of catching her pretty eyes in the vibrant light, before she started off on her skating. Enid crested back into the light, her eyes sparkling as she looked to Wednesday, walking the several steps until she leaned on her elbows, and hung over the wall toward her company.

"Should be good now, Wens, how's your knee?"

Wednesday circled idly, her face already flushed a lovely shade of pink, "It is feeling better, thank you," she pushed away from the bench, turning to continue her stretches.

Enid grinned as she leaned more over the wall, "Oh, good, I've been worried about you," her eyes lingered for a moment on the oversized hoodie the brunette wore, before glancing up to meet the dark eyes, "Anyway, I'm gonna hit the showers, be back in a bit!"

She shoved back from the wall and collected her gear before hauling down the tunnel and shoving into the locker room. She made quick work of ripping her jersey off before removing all her padding, haphazardly tossing them toward her cubby, before shimmying out of her hockey pants. She stretched once the weight was removed before quickly packing up her gear, laughing once she noticed the pack of cotton candy bubble gum left on the top shelf of her cubby, surely another gag from Yoko. She showered quickly once she was all packed up, drying quickly to dress herself and head back out to the bench, intent on stealing a few extra moments with Wednesday.

Enid gathered her gear and clicked off the lights once she was done, wandering through the darkness before sneaking back onto the bench, catching Wednesday in the midst of a spin, quickly pushing out of it, and continuing on down the ice. The wolf slowly sunk onto the bench, daring to watch for a few more precious seconds, her smile undeniable as her eyes followed the talented skater. She loved to watch Wednesday when she was on the ice, had gone to every meet she could manage, if only to show her support. The first time she'd attended, she'd been with Divina, the siren out in support for Bianca, though Enid only had her eyes on Wednesday, and was outraged when the siren beat her out for the top spot. Wednesday had been shocked to see her after the bout, her ears red in a petulant blush as she mumbled out a thank you for attending.

She was more mindful of these private moments, however, would only watch for a short meager seconds before laying down on her bench, and giving the brunette some much preferred privacy. Enid was curious as to why Wednesday kept her hoodie on since she'd started sticking around with her Thursday nights, hoping that she hadn't caused some discomfort on the skater's part. She perked up once she heard Wednesday finally starting off toward the bench area, Enid shooting to her feet like an eager puppy, her face split in a brilliant smile when Wednesday joined her on the bench.

The wolf felt herself slide closer to where Wednesday was seated on the bench, though she stopped herself, her claws jutting out to catch the underside of the seat, digging in to keep her rooted to her spot. Wednesday curiously glanced at her, noticing her claws once she lifted her palms, dark eyes lingering on her hands before she snapped back to unlacing her skates. Enid bounced her knee while she waited, her body full of nervous energy at being so close, the faint smell of mint and ink andsweat burned into her sensitive nose. Finally she broke, turning toward the seer as Wednesday shoved into her boots, nimble fingers type the thick, black laces.

"I'm glad you're doing better, Wens, you look pretty good out there," she blinked twice at the sudden color on Wednesday's face, before she stood and collected her gear bag, "You ready to go?"

Wednesday nodded, swallowing lightly as she followed along behind Enid, "Thank you," she mumbled.

Enid smiled easily as she turned, walking backwards into the growing darkness, "I can't wait to see you back out in competition, talk about fierce. Barclay needs you to knock her down a few pegs!"

Her heart skipped when Wednesday's blush deepened across her nose, a soft smile crossing Enid's face as she turned, heading off toward the control room. She knew Wednesday would wait for her, as she quickly raced across the back offices that led up to the announcer booths before detouring for the control room, and swiped her student badge to get her inside. With a quick flick, the arena was plunged into darkness, her glowing blue eyes immediately adjusting to the darkness, her werewolf senses exceedingly sharp. She focused on her breathing as she picked back through the rooms and escaped back out into the hallway, Wednesday still standing right where she left her.

She was glad of the dark when she reached out and lightly grasped Wednesday's hand, her face scorching as the felt the timid hand within hers adjust and thread their fingers together. Enid felt her knees waver at the subtle, yet daring gesture, and adoringly squeezed Wednesday's hand before she could change her mind. The running lights in the hallways bathed them in soft amber as Enid led them toward the elevator and buzzed herself in. She adjusted her gear bag against her back and her sticks in her other hand, the intense light from the elevator momentarily blinding her sensitive eyes. Wednesday lightly tightened her grip on her hand as she blinked away the brightness, Enid turning her head to smile down at her friend.

The elevator opened, and Enid skipped back out to her car, mourning the loss of the cool hand in hers, as she detached herself from Wednesday, to dig out her keys and unlock the door. Enid ducked and threw her gear bag in the back, stacking her sticks across the downed backseat. She turned, accepting Wednesday's bag as well, the much smaller one fitting nicely over her massive duffle. Enid beamed as she watched Wednesday wander around to the passenger seat and climb in, the blonde clicking the hatch shut before scrambling in behind the wheel. She kicked the engine over, already changing her playlist over from the K-Pop one she'd been listening to that afternoon, and putting on a more industrial sound, music she knew Wednesday could at least tolerate for the short drive.

Enid backed the car up and headed for the exit, her hands anxiously drumming on the steering wheel as she wound around the parking garage.

"Hey, I'm actually starving, do you wanna go get dinner before I drop you off? Peg's has their pumpkin pancakes back for fall and I could clear about four stacks," she cast a hopeful look to Wednesday, her nose scrunching in a smile as the brunette slowly nodded her head.

"Yes," Wednesday worked her jaw, and absently shifted in her seat, "I was going to suggest just the same."

"Great minds," she gushed, and drove under the rising gate arm, flicking her signal on to head towards the diner, "Dinner on me, Wens."

They drove in companionable silence before Enid parked in the front and ducked out, hurrying around to meet Wednesday out on the curb just outside. She clicked the locks on her car before she led them up the few stairs, pulling open the door and ushering the psychic inside ahead of her. Trish was behind the hostess station as she noticed the familiar blonde, her painted red lips cracking in a wide grin.

"Oh boy, here comes trouble. Your normal booth's open in the back, sweetheart, I'll send Marie over to ya, and warn the kitchen that Sinclair's dropped in on us!"

Enid rolled her eyes in a smile before she reached down and tugged on the end of Wednesday's overly large sleeve, winding them through the booths and stopping in the way back by the large mirror, purposefully sitting Wednesday with her back against the wall. Enid smiled as Marie came over to greet them and take their drink order, Enid reaching for her silverware to lightly tap it against the table. She smiled automatically at Wednesday as she settled into her seat, her dark eyes carefully looking around the fluorescent interior, the blank look on her face not giving any indication of her thoughts on the diner.

Marie returned to take their orders, the woman already chuckling at Enid and her intense appetite, leaving the girls with a playful wink. Enid ducked her head in embarrassment, glancing up at Wednesday through her lashes as she noticed the curious quirk of her eyebrow.

"Sorry, I always get super hungry after practice. And I recently just started a new training regime at the gym, so I've been tearing through a lot of food to make up the energy loss."

Wednesday slowly shook her head, "You do not have to apologize, Enid," her eyes wandered idly over the wolf's large hoodie, and the strong shoulders that lurked beneath the dark fabric, "You are a werewolf. If you are worried over my judgement of you, I can assure you I have none to pass."

Enid melted a little under the frankness of Wednesday's statement, her nervous fidgeting finally coming to an end.

"Thanks, Wens," she straightened up, lightly rubbing at the back of her neck as she felt the warmth continue to bloom across her nose, "How's your knee feeling? You looked a little more comfortable out there, from what I could tell. Y'know, when I- I mean, I only really watched for a second-"

The brunette shifted slightly in her seat, her ears burning red, "It is stronger, though there is a lingering ache," Wednesday flexed her jaw, her hands balling up on her lap before she interlaced her fingers, a fluster kicking up in her stomach, "I do not mind it, if you watch," she finished in a small voice.

She instantly perked up at the declaration, Enid ready to open her mouth in thanks before their food was served, Wednesday decidedly ending their conversation as she started in on her egg white omelet. Enid flustered at the permission, her heart buzzing as she couldn't fight the smile, ignoring the worsening heat in her face. The blonde tore through four pancakes, two sides of meat, a plate of hashbrowns, and a six-egg scramble before she was finished, washing the whole meal down with a large glass of chocolate milk. She sheepishly ducked her shoulders as she stacked her empty plates, a faint frown pressing across her face as she noticed Wednesday's half-eaten meal.

"Was it not good, do you want something to go?"

Wednesday shook her head, glancing down at the meal, "I am not often hungry, though this was satisfactory," she hesitated, clearly puzzling over something before she hefted the plate and offered it to Enid, her cheeks alight with an unmistakable scarlet red, "If you are still hungry, you are more than welcome."

Enid swallowed lightly, blue eyes wide before she blinked and nodded, easily accepted the offering.

"Thank you," she said faintly, and reached for her fork again.

She ate quickly, Marie coming over with the bill before Wednesday accepted it first, ignoring the sound of protest from the still-chewing wolf. Enid scrambled up from her seat as she dutifully followed behind Wednesday, falling into step behind her as she looked forlornly at the receipt in the seer's hand.

"Wednesday," she whined, her brows pushing together, "Please don't buy dinner! I asked you out here and also, you hardly even ate anything! I wanted to take you-"

The brunette quietly approached the counter, giving her receipt and her black card over to Trish, before turning to look back at Enid, "It is a thank you for driving me home," she nodded toward the woman before signing her name, accepting her card back into her pocket and glancing up at Enid, "You may pay the next time."

Enid smiled at the mention of next time, her metaphorical tail wagging happily as she nodded, and reached her hand out, "Deal."

Wednesday sighed heavily and shook the wolf's hand, the color on her face deepening. Enid winked playfully at the silly exchange, breaths faltering at the small look on Wednesday's face before she led them back out of the restaurant.

The short ride to the Addams mansion was less than ten minutes from the diner, the winding drive through the woods leading Enid to the familiar double gates, A now instead of G, once the infamous family took over the dilapidated building. Enid waited for the gates to open before she finished driving down toward the front of the house, Morticia tending a fly trap on the porch as the red SUV curled around the driveway. Enid threw it in park and leapt out of the car, curling around to the back and shoving open the hatch, ducking inside to pick up Wednesday's bag.

She slammed the door and circled to the passenger side, throwing up a quick wave to Morticia, "Hey, Missus Addams!"

The woman smiled and nodded her head in greeting, "Good evening, Enid. Thank you for bringing our little flytrap home safely," she tossed a knowing glance to the scowling Wednesday, before departing back into the house.

Enid snickered as she offered Wednesday her bag, and shoved her hands into the back pocket of her jeans, rocking lightly on her heels.

"So, Wens, I know you're not a party person and all, but our class is having a big bonfire in the middle of the woods Saturday night, y'know, to kinda set off the last year we're here. Would you want to come?"

Wednesday regarded her quietly as she settled her bag on her shoulder, her eyes slowly scanning the woman in front of her, "Will you be in attendance?"

Enid preened and nodded, baring her fangs in a smug smile, "You know it! I could pick you up and we could hang out, we don't even have to stay long. I figured it's better than a party at one of the frat houses. We could even get dinner afterwards, so I can pay you back for tonight."

The brunette grimaced at the mention of the Gamma house, her face almost wistful as she peered back at Enid.

"...I will think about it."

The wolf smirked and bobbed her head, pleased that she hadn't received a downright refusal, and ecstatic for possibly stealing another night with the seer.

"Works for me. G'night, Wens," she felt her heart speed up as she watched Wednesday head back toward the house, the beat tripling when the brunette turned to glance back at her, "See you in the morning!"

Oh yeah, Enid was in trouble.


I'm so surprised at how well y'all have received this already, like omg. These two disaster lesbians and their inability to make a move on each other, my newfound obsession. Just gay messes at all times.

Wednesday putting a flex on Enid and then immediately folding like a lawn chair?? Enid inviting her out more on more than one occasion? Just get married already, Yoko is SUFFERING.

Oh, few technical things: Women's hockey doesn't allow for fights or body checks, but requires full-face masks in either metal cage or bubble form. This story is not following those rules, I'm following NHL rules. Enid and Yoko will absolutely be destroying bitches on the ice, and wearing special, colorful visors. Fight me. (Speaking on the NHL, f*ck them for banning pride tape, y'all can f*cking choke.)

Enid will get her date in the woods if it kills her <3

Thank you to everyone who's read and commented already, I'm so lucky and grateful for you guys for following my madness.

Forgive any mistakes, I'll better edit once I get more writing done. I'm off to go write YMU now, comment replies to follow once it's complete!

Chapter 3: Almost on Purpose


Wednesday gives into a little temptation.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Wednesday was silent as she left out of the library, having spent the better part of her Saturday afternoon holed up in with Eugene, the psychic having helped him with his organic chemistry assignment. He was one of the only friends she could actually tolerate on campus, the one she saw most often other than Enid and her own brother, the sophom*ore one of her closest confidants. They bonded over insects when she'd come across him his freshman year, had even joined him in his bee keeping hobby outside of the normal college hours, and Wednesday was surprised to find herself not at all minding his company. It helped, however, that Eugene was also best friends with Pugsley, and Wednesday was not-so-secretly protective of them both, having learned to tolerate their joint presence, and quietly enjoyed their joint endeavors.

She grunted as she paused, half-turning to watch him fumble with his messenger bag as he scurried out of the library behind her, already grinning broadly as he adjusted his glasses, and balanced his bag strap on his left shoulder.

"Hey, Wednesday, tonight Pugs and I are gonna go visit that cave out past campus and check for that Taconic amphipod, do you want in? It's gonna be so cool, I just got a new head lamp that has super bright light, and it's even smaller than my old one!"

Wednesday hummed and said nothing for a moment, working her jaw before exhaling quietly, "Normally I would agree to accompany, but I will be otherwise engaged."

Eugene grinned as he looked over at her, his brow creased in humored confusion, "You've got plans? Cool! What are you gonna be up to?"

She sighed heavily, ignoring the way her stomach fluttered at the thought of a particular blonde wolf, "Enid asked if I would like to accompany her to the bonfire this evening, and I agreed," Wednesday swallowed a blush, and glared sidelong at the smile on Eugene's face, "She will be collecting me at nightfall."

Eugene's face lit up in a bright smile, his eyes wide behind his large glasses as he absently pushed them up his nose again, "No way, did Enid ask you out? Finally??"

"Do not be ridiculous, Eugene," she huffed, a stab of disappointment lancing through her middle that she pointedly ignored, "We are attending as friends."

He sighed noisily, his shoulders slumping as he lightly kicked a rock down the path ahead of them, the family limo already waiting at the curb for their arrival.

"Maybe she meant it as a date and you just didn't notice!"

Wednesday grumbled out a frustrated noise, nearly glaring through Lurch as she ducked into the back of the limo, and waited for Eugene to settle in the seat across from her, "She has shown no interest in me beyond study sessions and the occasional cup of coffee, you are wrong to suspect anything more."

Eugene chuckled as he leaned back against his seat, his smile never faltering, "Wednesday, shelikes you! What did she say when she asked you to the bonfire? Which, I'm not surprised I wasn't invited, I didn't even know about it!"

"It is for the senior class," she flexed her jaw again, her cheek pinching faintly as she twisted her fingers in the straps across her lap, her bag sitting on the limo floor between her boots, "She asked if I would not like to come, and suggested we go for dinner afterward."

"That sounds like a date to me!"

Wednesday glared at him and said nothing else, Eugene having learned well when not to further test her already short fuse. Lurch pulled up outside the dormitories and he bid farewell, the seer collapsing back against the seat as she stared out the window, the sun just beginning to finally set as they headed back to the mansion. She carried her bag up to her room and dropped it off by her closet, Wednesday shucking off her overly large jacket and tucking it away, the weather delightfully chilly for a bonfire. Her phone pinged in her pocket, a sound meant specifically for Enid, and she unearthed the device and opened the message, a ghost of a smile haunting her usually stoic face.

Hey, just got off work, gonna shower real quick and then swing by to pick you up!

She nodded to herself and clicked her screen off, shoving the phone in her pocket before she sat down at her desk, inhaling a calming breath and letting it out slowly. Wednesday was already anticipating the large group of people supposed to be in attendance, their senior graduating class nearly a thousand students strong, outcasts of all walks making up the student body. She'd wanted to say no, to avoid any and all college parties for her entire tenure if she could help it, having only attended one, with Tyler, their freshman year. She'd hated every moment she was trapped in that house, hated the way several of the male students had looked at her that night, before finally decided that enough was enough. She had been on her way out the door when she'd run into Enid, the wolf smoothly leading her off somewhere more quiet, the two of them sharing a wonderfully long night of interestingly poignant conversation. Enid had settled her so easily without ever even trying, the blonde somehow knowing her better than she knew herself.

It was horrifying for her to discover that she was unable to deny Enid on the rare times she'd ever asked her to do anything, though part of her hoped that they wouldn't have to stay long tonight, despite her bone-deep need to spend every moment with the pretty blonde wolf.

Wednesday stood from her chair to go and collect her bag, figuring to get the rest of her chemistry work finished while she waited for Enid, the seer quickly breezing through her work until her phone chimed a second time. She stood from her chair without even checking the notification, closing her books and tidying her desk, before sweeping out of the room, and hurrying down the main stairs. Pugsley smiled as he noticed her descent, waiting for her at the landing of the stairs as she stopped on the bottom step, her dark eyes glaring directly through him.

He grinned, and rocked back on his heels, "Eugene told me you've got a date-"

"Another word and I will cut your tongue out," she threatened with a low, dangerous voice, taking the final step down into the foyer, and moving toward her brother.

Pugsley grinned at her and said nothing more, smartly moving out of her way and out of strike range before continuing on his journey, snickering as he disappeared down the hall. Wednesday growled and said nothing, angrily pulling the sleeves of her striped shirt down to cover her hands before she swept out the front door and quickly descended the stairs toward the patiently waiting red SUV. She swallowed the butterflies as she clicked the door open and climbed inside, the clean, freshly showered scent enveloping her senses the moment she opened the door. Enid grinned at her, all blue eyes and sharp fangs, her hair still damp from the aforementioned shower.

"Hey, Wens," Enid smiled as she waited for Wednesday to buckle up before starting off down the driveway, "I'm so glad you said you'd come, I promise we won't be there long. I know how you are in crowds," she waited for the gates to reopen, her thumbs drumming on the steering wheel before she stole another look toward the brunette, "If you get too uncomfortable, we can go whenever."

Wednesday exhaled through her nose as she settled in the seat, her eyes carefully wandering over Enid's face, "Thank you. I will admit that I have been worried over attending."

Enid smiled, her nose crinkling sweetly as she reached out and briefly squeezed her arm, "Don't worry, I got you."

She felt the swell of butterflies again at the quiet confidence pouring off Enid, Wednesday squirming in her seat before she tore her eyes off the woman beside her, and stared out into the darkness. She appreciated the faint, solemn sound of Elgar's Concerto wafting from the car speakers as they headed back toward campus, recognizing that Enid had put on a classical music playlist. She puzzled over it, increasingly familiar with Enid's actual taste in music, her surprise properly masked as she continued to glare out the window. They pulled up to a light and Wednesday finally tore her eyes off the outside world, turning herself more around to study the blonde beside her.

"I did not know you were a fan of classical music," she muttered, her brow furrowing in careful consideration.

The wolf ducked her shoulders, a faint blush crawling across her pale skin as she smiled, stealing a quick look toward her before starting off again, "I'm not, really. I like certain ones, usually ones with cello. I also know that you absolutely hate pop music, so I figured I'd spare you," she snorted out a laugh, before flicking her signal on toward lower campus parking lots, "You're gonna be tortured enough tonight as it is," she finished with a quick wink, catching the red tips of Wednesday's ears.

Wednesday dipped lower into her seat, scowling in response but saying nothing in return, crossing her arms as Enid meandered through the lot, and parked between two other cars. She clicked off her belt and piled out of the car, wandering toward the curb as she waited, Enid locking the doors before joining her on the sidewalk beneath a flickering streetlight, the faint amber catching the highlights in the soft blonde hair. Her heart skipped when she felt those bright blue eyes catch the faint halo of light, the wolf clearly judging her choice of attire.

"Wens, you're gonna be freezing, I didn't even realize you weren't wearing a jacket."

She grunted in dismissal, crossing her arms again before she fell into step beside her Enid, the captain leading them off into the thick, mossy woods.

"I will be fine, Enid," she looked over the wolf, noticing her team hoodie wrapped around her waist, Enid wearing a pink flannel tucked into dark blue jeans, and her signature pink boots, "You are aware of my preference for cold."

Enid laughed, automatically swaying closer into Wednesday's side as they disappeared into the forest, her wolf senses easily leading them in the proper direction, "Yeah, I know. You're so weird," her face softened as they lightly rubbed elbows, "I like it, though. Makes you, you."

Wednesday scowled past the flush crawling up her neck, completely missing the affectionate grin from her company as they journeyed deeper into the Nevermore jungle. The firelight eventually met them, the loud chatter of dozens of voices finally piercing the quiet of the trees as they walked closer to the massive gathering. She grumbled, reflexively tucking herself closer to Enid, their hands instinctively finding each other before Enid squeezed her reassuringly, and purposefully threaded their fingers together.

"I mean it, we can leave if you're too uncomfortable."

The seer clenched her teeth, Enid's whispered voice falling like honey across her shoulders, helping calm the discomfort that dug heavily into her shoulders. She swallowed, slowly shaking her head as they continued toward the crowd, Enid's hand only holding her even tighter as she guided Wednesday to lean almost fully into her side. They crested the tree line, several bodies immediately turning and loudly cheering at their arrival, even more of them surprised to see Wednesday Addams in attendance at a social gathering. Kent immediately parted through the bodies to greet them, his surreal eyes twinkling in the light of the roaring fire, his smile nearly contagious.

"Hey, you guys made it! What are you drinking, we've got basically everything."

Enid smiled easily, "Oh, I'm not drinking anything, I'm driving. You got any water?"

His face fell immediately as he snapped his head back and groaned, "Aww, come on, Enid, you never party with us anymore! You used to be a f*cking riot at all the ragers, how many times did you beat all the Gammas at beer pong?"

She smiled lightly, her cheeks flaming in embarrassment, "Yeah, I've had my fair share of nights where I don't remember what happened, Kent! I think I'm set for a lifetime," Enid laughed, and subconsciously pulled Wednesday closer into her side, already sensing her growing displeasure.

Kent grinned, finally nodding his head, "Yeah, I can respect that. All right, water it is," he looked to Wednesday, his smile growing, "Sup, Addams!"

Wednesday grimaced as she watched him disappear into the crowd, more bodies splintering off to come greet the incredibly personable, and well-liked Enid. She shifted on her feet, uncomfortable with so many eyes on her, their joint hands finally breaking apart when Kent brought them two bottles of ice cold water. She cracked her lid, relieved that it was sealed properly before daring to even take a sip, hovering at Enid's side as they walked around the clearing, and headed closer to the fire. She glared at anyone who looked in her direction, most of them easily diverting their eyes from the infamous seer, none of them daring to even approach her. She reveled in the power for a moment, as she trailed along beside Enid, glad to know that even after so many years, everyone knew she was not one to be trifled with.

She ignored everyone around her throughout the night, nodding only to those who spoke to her directly. Ajax wandered over to Enid to say hello to them both, the gorgon flashing a small smile in her direction in lieu of an actual greeting, before he squirreled back off to his girlfriend and their joint pack of friends. Wednesday was nearly affixed to Enid's side as they cleared the massive crowd, the blonde reaching back at one point to reconnect their hands, and keep her safely out of reach of any wandering bodies. She watched Enid tank her bottle of water before she tossed it in one of the large barrels for trash, grinning back at Wednesday as they skirted through the pulsing group of bodies.

Kent waved them over, Wednesday curling her lip in warning though she folded easily, catching the glowing fire of competition in Enid before they walked over to one of the many tables, Enid gladly accepting the orange ping pong ball into her palm, and quickly sinking the shot. Wednesday was quiet as she watched Enid's face light up in a wide smile, the group around them cheering loudly at the master returning to her craft, the Gamma at the other end of the table laughing before he downed his drink. Kent smirked as he offered Wednesday a ball as well, the seer narrowing her eyes into a deadly glare before she noticed Enid, subtly urging her to take it.

"Show them how it's done, Wens," she breathed quietly against her shoulder as Wednesday stood at the end of the table, goosebumps pebbling her skin from how closely she was standing to Enid.

Wednesday snorted out her annoyance and lined up her shot, sinking it into the middle cup, the crowd growing even more rambunctious at her actively participating. Enid was laughing easily, carefree and delighted as she reached out and squeezed her arm in celebration. Their eyes caught with a shock of lightning, her heart already betraying her as it started to thunder in her chest, hammering even louder when Enid pinned her with a warm, beautiful smile. She swallowed as Enid connected their hands again, waving her arm to part the crowd, before leading Wednesday back out to the safety of the outskirts. They wandered around the edge of the fire again, several more students coming up to greet them, Wednesday finally starting to settle in the small bubble that Enid had someone managed to cast around them, the wolf visibly protective of her presence beside her.

She scowled when she noticed Xavier walking directly towards them, a nasty retort already clipped on the tip of her tongue, before Enid took a protective step in front of her, blocking her from view of the unrelenting boy.

Enid growled, the claws on her free hand snapping out as she stood in front of Wednesday, her eyes glowing a dangerous silver as she stared him down, "No."

Xavier scoffed, rolling his eyes as he adjusted the weight on his feet, the acrid smell of alcohol wafting off him in unbearable waves, "C'mon, Enid, I just wanted to say hi. When the hell do you ever see Wednesday Addams at a f*cking party?"

She shook her head, taking another warning step toward him, "I already told you no, so how about you f*ck off while you can still breathe on your own."

He snorted, grinding his teeth before he finally gave up the chase, unwilling to tangle with a fully sober and notoriously protective werewolf, "Bitch," he sneered, before receding back into the crowd.

Wednesday swallowed thickly and squeezed Enid's hand, relieved when glowing blue eyes turned to look back at her, the blonde's demeanor calming once she settled on those deep, dark eyes.

"Come with me a second," Enid murmured, tightening her grip on Wednesday, and leading them further into the woods.

The sound of the party slowly receded as they picked through the thick underbrush, most of the leaves having fallen off the trees this time of year, the thick, wet squish of them sounding under their boots. Wednesday looked up at Enid as she led them to a small, private clearing in the woods, gnarled tree branches reaching up toward a pitch dark sky, thousands of stars twinkling through the darkness. She kept her eyes on the blonde as she led them to a small bench in the field, the area having been part of the school's old archery grounds, some of the old structures still rotting off in the forest outside campus. The moon was nearly full, the actual cycle set to kick off in only two days, Enid's eyes immediately drawn to the lunar goddess, the lycan spirit singing in her blood.

Wednesday marveled at the sight of her bathed in silver light, defining every striking feature of the blonde that hadn't left her mind in years, the pull to be even closer nearly undeniable as they settled together on the bench. Enid sighed quietly, her eyes falling closed as she basked in the moonlight, her fingers lightly squeezing around Wednesday's.

"Sorry, I forgot he was going to be here. When the hell is he ever going to learn to just leave you alone?" Enid shook her head, lips twisted up in an apologetic frown as she chanced a look toward her, "I know you can take care of yourself, Wednesday, but I really did not want him trying to f*ck with you tonight."

She shook her head, slowly creeping herself closer to Enid without even realizing, "I am appreciative," Wednesday swallowed quietly, finally remembering herself as she swayed farther away from Enid, "You have been decidedly effective at protecting me."

Enid smiled, "Well, somebody's gotta look out for you," she fidgeted with the end of the hoodie sleeve still wrapped around her waist, her face screwing up in deep thought before returning her sights back to the seer, their hands squeezing again, "I'm glad it's me."

Wednesday shifted in her seat, her eyes carefully roaming over the scars on Enid's face, her fingertips buzzing with a need to reach out and trace the marks that the blonde wore with such pride. She forcefully swallowed the urge, scorned the way her body instinctively moved toward Enid as she continued to study those prized scars, her heart drowning out the white noise in her ears. Slowly she shook her head, her forehead spidering in concern as she nudged her way even closer.

"Do they still hurt?"

The blonde immediately brought a hand up to touch her cheek, feeling the deep grooves with her fingertips before she offered a faint smile, her eyes suddenly glowing blue.

"No. Not anymore, anyway. I still... feel them, whenever I smile or move my face a certain way, but that's just because of how deep they are."

Wednesday nodded as she peered up into that earnest face, unable to rend her eyes off the permanent marks Enid had earned that night, when she'd saved her life from a rampaging Tyler. She suppressed a shiver at the brutal memory, at the sight of Enid's blood-soaked face when they finally caught each other once the dust settled. She blinked suddenly when Enid tsked and stood, unwrapping her hoodie from around her waist and sitting back down, offering the sweater to Wednesday.

"See? I told you it'd be cold. It's even worse now that we're not near the fire," Enid offered a tiny smile, and gestured with the hoodie again.

The seer stared with wide eyes, her vision flicking between Enid's scars and her hoodie, the argument dying on the tip of her tongue as she noticed the faint hope burning in those pretty blue eyes. Wednesday slowly reached out and accepted it, nudging the bottle over on the bench as she stood and shrugged it on, the faint smell of honeysuckle and a more subtle, woodsy smell already enveloping her senses, her eyes fluttering on pure instinct as she settled into the well-loved sweatshirt. She glared as she reclaimed her seat, already pulling the sleeves down over her hands, physically warring with herself to not tuck her nose in the neck of her sweater.

"This is unnecessary, Enid."

She chuckled quietly, and absently scratched down the back of her neck, "I know you like the cold, but I'd feel better if you weren't actively sitting there shivering. Just humor me, okay?"

Wednesday nodded in thanks, the large hoodie dwarfing her smaller frame as she relaxed in the comforting scent, her eyes fluttering again as it settled over her in a calming wave. The soft, warm material hugged along her arms and shoulders, the weight of it helping tamp down the fire that burned brightly up between her lungs, a permanent embrace from Enid herself. She sat up straighter, obsidian eyes sliding over to openly stare at the woman beside her, her inability to quell the need to remember everything about Enid outweighing her need to save face, her eyes again lingering on the large scars. Wednesday wanted to reach out for her hand, wanted to curl herself up in Enid's arms and stay, her heart pitifully bemoaning the short distance that separated them on their bench.

Enid shuffled beneath the open appraisal, her lips pressing into a soft smile as she reached out and tapped her forefinger against Wednesday's wrist.

"I know you stare at my scars a lot, Wens, I'm sorry if they're a reminder of that night-"

"No," she corrected immediately, frowning in quiet reverence, "They are beautiful," she moved in tighter to Enid, ignoring the sparks that passed between them when their knees brushed, "They remind me only of your willingness to be reckless and follow me into danger."

The wolf breathed out a small laugh, her eyes carefully searching the dark ones that carefully wandered over the marks, "I always thought you hated them, like they made you feel guilty or something."

She swallowed thickly, her hand moving on its own accord as it reached for Enid's cheek, her face coloring as she hesitated only a moment, before lightly touching her fingertips to the prominent scars. Their eyes met, Wednesday's heart skipping several beats as she looked into those wide, blue irises, her hand warmed by the sudden blush across Enid's face. Her thumb swept over the deep grooves, her heart nearly shuddering as Enid slowly closed her eyes, the soft smile across her face already burning its way into the forefront of Wednesday's mind. She simply forgot how to breathe, her own face aflame with a dark red blush as she fully cradled Enid's cheek, her throat tight with something visceral as she struggled to form a coherent, intelligent sentence.

"Sometimes they do, in a way," she rasped quietly, her breath hitching when Enid subconsciously leaned into her palm, "It is because of me that you have them, Enid, and I am sorry for that."

Enid frowned as the words finally permeated her brain, her eyes sliding open and glowing an ethereal sapphire as she looked back at Wednesday, "Don't be sorry, it's a small price to pay for you to still be alive here with me. I'd do it again in a heartbeat."

Wednesday blinked once, her face still burning as she stared at the brilliant smile on Enid's face, her fangs visible behind soft, pink lips. Her hand twitched again, her eyes following her thumb as they traced over the lowest scar on Enid's cheek, her chest buzzing as she leaned in closer to the peaceful woman before her. She swallowed again, her eyes hopelessly falling to stare at Enid's lips, a ragged breath shuddering out from between parted lips.


The butterflies violently fluttered up between her ribs, her nerves suddenly alive as Enid leaned into her space, the glow in those dangerous eyes plucking every discernible thought from her head as Wednesday smoothed her thumb low across the side of the wolf's chin. Wednesday swallowed again, her hands suddenly shaking as she studied the curious look on Enid's face, the blonde still smiling softly, patiently, as if waiting for silent permission. Wednesday hesitated, hovering in the in-between, her inner voice urging her to finally kiss the girl that had been haunting her for years, her more logical brain reminding her that they were still only friends. Her blush deepened when Enid braced her hand along the seat of their bench, a sharp fang catching the lower lip as her smile only grew, the seer caught in the burning hot gaze.


A loud crash sounded from behind them, Enid already spiraling up from her seat and putting herself in front of Wednesday, her claws extended as she noticed several of their classmen stumbling drunkenly through the woods. She growled, her eyes flickering to a more feral silver as she stared them down, enraged at them shattering their moment.

"What the hell are you guys doing?"

One of them glanced up, his red eyes glassy as he burst out into a fit of giggles, his sight wandering past Enid to stare at the murderously furious Wednesday.

"Oooohh sh*t, Sinclair, we interrupt you makin' moves on your, on your girl?"

Enid ground her jaw, another growl threatening in the back of her throat, "Grow up, DeLuca," she snorted out an angry breath before turning, sheathing her claws and reaching her hand out for Wednesday, "Come on, Wens, let's just get out of here."

Wednesday nodded immediately, taking the offered hand and following Enid back toward the bonfire, her dark eyes staring menacingly at the few boys still tangled up together on the ground. She stayed directly behind her as they escaped back out of the woods and rejoined the even larger group still partying around the fire. They skated along the edges in an attempt to sneak out undisturbed, Rose spotting them both and quickly approaching, her white hair glowing gold in the dancing fire light.

"Oh, hey Enid, hey Wednesday. I didn't know you guys were here! Where have you been?"

Wednesday glared silently and said nothing, her free hand closing around the cuff of her borrowed hoodie. Enid offered a small smile and nodded in greeting, her hand tightening around Wednesday's.

"Hey, Rose. Yeah, we were kinda just making an appearance, we're on our way out now, actually."

She looked between the two of them, carefully studying the large sweater that Wednesday wore, lingering on their joined hands, before smiling back up at Enid.

"Smart move, some of these idiots are already getting too rowdy," she flashed a quick smile to Wednesday before shrugging her shoulders, and stepping out of Enid's way, "Well, you two lovebirds be safe out there, god only knows if Jericho can handle all the drunk seniors that'll be flooding into town soon."

Wednesday gawked at the offhand remark, her wide eyes nearly owlish as Enid laughed nervously, her fingers clamping instinctively over Wednesday's.

"Yeah, sure- no worries. Text me when you get home safe, Rose. Oh, DeLuca and two of his stupid friends are out by the archery grounds, can somebody make sure they don't die out there?"

Rose grinned and threw up a two finger salute before retreating back toward the fire, Wednesday glaring at the girl as she watched her go. She was spurned into action when Enid tugged on her hand, her face still warm at the offhand comment about their relationship, wondering if she'd missed something. She glanced up at the blonde as they walked back through the woods towards the car, the butterflies in her stomach only growing more violent as she fought to ignore the warmth pooling in her chest, nearly ruined by the mere idea of actually dating Enid Sinclair.

Wednesday was sure that they just nearly shared a kiss in the forest not ten minutes ago, tucked beneath the silver light of the moon in the middle of the night, when nothing terrifying was pressing down on them. She'd been accosted by the feeling so many times before, the urge, the almost gnawing need to grab Enid by the front of her shirt, and finally bring her down for a well-deserved kiss. They'd almost come close the night Enid got her scars, when the wolf had tackled her into her arms and Wednesday had pulled away, her knee-jerk response to keep everyone at arm's length. She'd glanced at Enid's lips, was nearly overcome with a need to kiss them if not for the student body that stood all around them, and had instead pulled the crying blonde back into a hug so perfect, she'd nearly melted completely.

She didn't remember anything beyond that embrace, short of waking up in the infirmary the next morning, with Enid bandaged up beside her, the wolf's head slumped down in sleep, their hands nearly touching as they rested on the bed beside her. She wanted to kiss her then, too, noticing the stitches across the heavy claw marks when Enid jerked suddenly awake, her sapphire eyes already sparkling with the knowledge that they'd both made it through the night. There were dozens of moments over the years when she'd thought about kissing Enid, when she'd been seized with the overwhelming need to be as close to her as humanly possible; she hadn't acted on a single urge, instead letting them fester deep in her belly, and slowly tear her to shreds over the last three years.

Wednesday had ignored every silent plea until she'd seen Enid tonight, so soft beneath the vibrant moon, an energy passing between them that hadn't ever existed before. Wednesday was enraptured by the new feeling, the early stirrings of hope starting to take root in the darkest recesses of her cold, black heart. She was determined to follow it, to not let it slip through her fingers this time, her hand tightening on Enid's as she dutifully followed her out of the woods. She would not squander another opportunity to finally cross the chasm that separated them from each other.

Wednesday grumbled at her own emotion while she glanced down at herself, following the outline of the Raven logo on the front of her chest, the captain's C branded into her shoulder, that intoxicating smell of honeysuckle, woods, and something so distinctly Enid washing over her senses again. She gripped the cuff in her free hand, her water bottle bouncing in her front hoodie pocket as they continued to pick through the trees, the pair of them finally cresting the thick foliage, and wandering back to the lot. Enid exhaled a noisy breath as they finally made it back to the car, her smile growing as she lightly tugged on Wednesday's hand, and turned to fully face her.

"I'm glad we could get somewhere quiet, that was a lot of people, even for me. Are you okay? Still wanna get dinner? I know it's late."

She nodded without fault, folding herself into Enid's car and clicking her belt, before removing the bottle from her pocket, and dropping it in the center cup holder. Enid grinned as she settled into the seat beside her, glancing down at the bottle, her lips pursing in a faint pout. Wordlessly Wednesday picked it back up and offered it to Enid, a flare of heat pestering her cheeks as she watched the wolf smile thankfully and drained it without a second thought. She settled back in her seat, her hands folding inside the front hoodie pocket as Enid started the car and headed out of the lot, the blonde pausing at the mouth before glancing down both sides of the street.

"We're going to Peg's, right? I don't really know of any other places open this late, it's already past midnight."

Wednesday tore her eyes away from the window and nodded, keeping her hands folded to stop them from wanting to reach out and touch the girl beside her. Dark eyes wandered over the exposed forearms, Enid having rolled up her flannel sleeves to her elbow during their rounds, Wednesday's breath catching as she noticed the faint claw marks scarred into her flesh. The muscles shifted as Enid idly tapped her thumb on the side of the gear shifter, Wednesday hardly even realizing she was moving until she draped her hand over the back of Enid's wrist. She noticed a fraction of a second too late, Enid looking at her in quiet surprise as Wednesday snatched her hand away and hid it back inside her pocket, her eyes looking anywhere but the blonde to her left.

Enid was grinning by the time they rolled up outside the diner, her eyes constantly stealing glances toward Wednesday while on the drive over. The seer snorted a quick breath the moment the car stopped, desperate to kick out of the cramped interior and give herself a moment to breathe, her nose mockingly catching another whiff of Enid's hoodie. She was in a perpetual state of Hell now, wrapped up in Enid's scent and still in her presence, the blonde unfairly magnetic as she walked up beside Wednesday and reached for her hand. The seer was too in her own feelings to mind being led up the familiar stairs, Enid grinning back at her before opening the heavy, chrome doors.

Trish was at the hostess station again, several other Nevermore students already inside, having broken off from the festivities themselves. The woman winked and waved them back toward the same booth, a swell of possessiveness lighting through Wednesday as they walked past a table of their peers, the brunette refusing to let go of Enid's hand.

It was quiet near their table, most of the other patrons situated more up front for easier access, their back corner thankfully much more secluded. Marie came back for their orders, grinning at the pair before leaving away, Wednesday purposefully shoving the sleeves up her forearms as she settled herself onto the red vinyl seat.

Enid flushed as she started to absently pick at her napkin, her eyes continuously flicking up to study the brunette, her smile slowly splitting wider.

"Thanks for coming out with me, I had fun. I know that isn't your thing, but it was nice spending time with you outside of campus. Kinda," she sighed happily and hunched forward, bracing her elbows against the edge of the table, "I really like spending time with you, Wens. Do you think, maybe-if you wanted to, we can skate together next time? I don't wanna bother your routine or anything, I just... think it'd be cool. Best of both worlds, you know?"

Wednesday blinked and clicked her jaw, redness crawling up the sides of her throat.

"You would have an interest in skating with me?"

The wolf visibly relaxed, her eyes suddenly twinkling as she nodded excitedly, "Yeah! Granted, I'm not a figure skater, but some of your moves look so cool, and you just look so intense when you're on the ice. I thought it might be fun. I could even let you take a few shots on net, if you wanted, since you like hockey, too."

Wednesday blanked for a moment, the idea of sharing the ice with Enid in her full team uniform doing something fuzzy to her brain, the perpetual thought of those pretty blue eyes under the house lights stealing the air right out of her body. She nodded without thought, the blush hot as it settled over her freckles and spread outward, nearly her whole face caught in its wake.

"I would not mind the company," she uttered stiffly, her eyebrow twitching as her heart started racing, "You are fascinating to watch," Wednesday finished quietly, scowling at her own inability to collect herself in front of such a debilitating presence.

The blonde smiled even more as she leaned across the table, that same, twinkling fire burning in those wide, bright eyes, "You've only ever caught me at practice, you should see me in a game. Oh my god, are you coming to the home opener? I'd love to see you in the crowd."

She bobbed her head in agreement, her blush darkening as she glared at Enid, "Yes, I will be in attendance."

"Awesome! This is amazing, I'll get you the good seats down by the ice. Here's hoping we have a good game, we're totally ready to defend our title."

Wednesday nodded without mumbling another word, grateful when Marie brought out their dinner, the woman leaving with a knowing smirk. They chatted about their coursework while Enid demolished her dinner, the blonde eagerly drawing her into conversation about her recovery and the hopeful timeline toward returning to the competition circuit. More Nevermore students eventually started filing into the diner, Wednesday growing more irritable at the looks they received; Enid caught it immediately, and quickly waved Marie down for their bill.

Enid stood first, fishing her wallet out of her pocket before leaving a nice tip, her hand comfortably reaching for Wednesday as she stood from her seat, the brunette eagerly accepting Enid's hand as they wandered up front to the register. She shared a laugh with Trish before they eventually left, even more students wandering toward the front steps of Peg's Diner. Kent managed to catch them, the siren's face toasty with obvious alcohol, his eyes completely glazed over.

"Heyyy, guys," he blinked several times as he tried and failed to properly focus on Wednesday, still noticing the sweatshirt she was wearing, "Yo, izzat-"

"Good night, Kent!" Enid waved one of the other Gammas over, and lightly pushed Kent in his direction, "Can you please keep this idiot alive? I know you don't wanna deal with Vina if anything happens to her brother."

The other boy smiled easily and nodded, "Sure thing, Sinclair."

Wednesday quietly looked between them all before Enid smiled and turned them back toward the car, the blonde opening her door for her with a dramatic flourish, the mischief in those pretty eyes catching Wednesday completely off guard. She sighed noisily as she climbed into her seat, ignoring the smirk from Enid as she scrambled around to the driver's side, before heading them back off to the Addams mansion. They took the drive in comfortable silence, Enid still endlessly drumming on her steering wheel, and Wednesday curled carefully in the passenger seat, the trees thickening as they followed the pathway up to the house in the woods. Enid punched in the code, the gates groaning as they opened up the way, the blonde following the familiar curve up and stopping off right outside the front doors, quickly throwing her car in park.

Enid turned in her seat, her eyes glowing in the faint light, the dashboard clock clicking over to 1:17AM, as Wednesday unclipped her belt, and forced herself to meet the warm look.

The blonde grinned, "Thanks for coming out with me, Wens. Maybe we can hang out, y'know, just do whatever? I'm down for anything as long as it's with you."

She was quiet for a moment, her eyes helplessly drawn to the softness about Enid, having noticed it more often lately, the more time they spent together recently. Wednesday adjusted in her seat, her hands luckily hidden by the pocket as she tapped her thumbs together, her mouth dry with uncertainty as she tried to clear her throat.

"Have you... any free time tomorrow?"

"I work at the bookstore until one, and then there were just some assignments I wanted to work on," Enid dipped her head, smiling sheepishly as she curiously watched the brunette, "Why, what's up?"

Wednesday felt a touch of panic spiral down her spine, her mouth opening several times as she struggled to get a rein on her suddenly wild emotions. She glowered instead, grumbling faintly as she shook her head, and reached for the door handle.

"Nothing, forget I mentioned anything."

Enid deflated in her seat as the door kicked open, her face falling slightly, "Oh."

Wednesday froze at the clear disappointment in Enid's voice, her boots firmly planted in her driveway as she gripped the doorhandle with every ounce of her strength. She half-turned, swallowing audibly as she warred with herself to look up at Enid, to lock eyes with the girl who stole every ounce of confidence she normally exuded when dealing with difficult situations. She settled on staring over Enid's left shoulder, her face alight with a traitorous blush.

"Are you... would you like to," she huffed, her lip twitching in frustration as she forced herself to make eye contact with Enid, the blonde's face flush with a small smile, "I would like it... would you enjoy skating? With me... tomorrow."

Her heart skipped at the sudden excitement on Enid's face, Wednesday's neck pestered with an undeniable blush as she tightened her grip on the door handle. Enid bounced happily in her seat, her blue eyes aglow with obvious joy at the mere mention of an unscheduled skating session.

"Oh, hell yes, that's gonna be so much fun! I guess I'll text you whenever I'm free, do you wanna get lunch first, or can you not skate on a full stomach?"

Wednesday focused on her breathing as she slightly shook her head, "Perhaps coffee, Enid."

Enid eagerly nodded, "Coffee, you got it. I'll see you tomorrow, Wens," she paused, her nose scrunching in a cute smile, "Sweet dreams."

The seer slammed the door, hardly waiting for the car to pull away before she was shoving up the stairs and kicking open the front door, quickly closing it before she leaned against the cool wood and released a trembling breath. She perked up once she heard voices, her feet taking her off towards the kitchen, noticing a filthy Pugsley and Eugene standing around the island, most of the way through a large, everything pizza. Pugsley snorted when he laid eyes on Wednesday, the sophom*ore nearly choking on a laugh as he bunched his shoulders and turned away, hoping not to incur her wrath at the sudden response. She glared through the back of his head, Eugene more tactful as he swallowed his bite and hid a smile behind his fist, gesturing to Wednesday with a nod of the head.

She glared at him as well, fury racing through her as she ground her teeth, glancing down at whatever they found so entertaining. Her face warmed, a dark blush pestered beneath her freckles as she reached an unsteady hand up, her fingertips brushing over a familiar capital letter.

She was still wearing Enid's hoodie.


All of Nevermore campus: So Wednesday and Enid are dating-
Wednesday and Enid: No, we're not.
Nevermore campus: WHAT THE f*ck DO YOU MEAN YOU'RE NOT?

I feel like all the student advisors, when they get the new classes of freshman, the final line they tell them is "You will see an adorable blonde walking with a tiny goth girl. You will think they are dating. They will ACT like they are dating. They are not, in fact, dating. They are the only ones unaware of the fact that they SHOULD be dating. Please do not approach them, you will die."

Enid, when Wednesday touched her face: DON'T f*ckING PANIC, WE'RE FINE, THIS IS FINE, HOLY S H I T I'M GAY.

Wednesday nearly asking Enid out for something and then chickening out, ONLY to see her sad puppy dog face and then blurting out her intentions. What a dork. What an absolute, antisocial dork. Wednesday, I swear to god, if you do not kiss that girl.

Yoko is gonna have a field day when she finds out Enid gave Wednesday her team hoodie <33

Thank you for reading, I appreciate all the lovely, wonderful comments. I'm gonna go take a nap before I reply to comments, and then start work on YMU again, wish me luck!! My fever came back, this might be it for me, folks. REMEMBER ME WELL. Bye!

Chapter 4: A Natural (Disaster)


Enid and Wednesday share a day on the ice; they're hopeless.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Enid whistled happily as she restocked the books on their shelves, her eyes curiously casting down at her watch to check the current time. She had just over an hour left on her shift at the bookstore, just over an hour separating her from spending an absolutely thrilling afternoon with her favorite brunette. Her smile widened as she stocked the last book and pulled her cart back around toward the rear of the store, tossing a look over her shoulder to make sure that Dez was still covering the front counter. Enid put the cart away and scurried back out onto the floor, waving to a small group of sophom*ores as they wandered up and down the aisles. Hardly any kids were ever out on a Sunday morning, especially after the bonfire last night that she’d heard went on until almost 4am, Sheriff Galpin eventually shutting down the senior fun.

She chuckled and rolled her eyes as she wandered around the store, looking for anything to help pass the time even a little faster, eager to make a run for it and pick Wednesday up early. Her heart skipped when she thought of the petite seer, remembering the moment she’d leaned in to nearly kiss her last night, the fire across her face only serving to burn even hotter. She lightly touched her scars, her cheek tingling at the memory of cool fingers running over the grooves, the touch almost possessive as Wednesday cradled her cheek and openly studied her. She’d nearly stopped breathing then, had to close her eyes to keep from losing herself completely to the unfamiliar feeling, a new kind of fire burning in those pretty brown eyes. The infamously standoffish brunette had touched her without warning, without need, without any ulterior motive than to simply feel her prominent scars.

Enid still wanted to faint every time she thought about it.

The blonde wandered back up toward the register, her nose catching the hint of something recognizable as she glanced up, noticing a wildly grinning vampire the moment she kicked into the store, “Hey, Yoko, what’s up-“

She blinked when Yoko grabbed her by the front of her flannel shirt and dragged her towards the back of the store, Enid's brows furrowed in confusion as she diligently followed along behind her best friend. She huffed when Yoko finally stopped manhandling her away, the wolf self-consciously smoothing down the front of her shirt, tossing a faint glare at the giddy immortal. Yoko turned to fully face her, baring her large fangs in an almost sinister smile, the bloodsucker using her thumb to push up her sunglasses, a horrifying tell of something absolutely monumental to come.

“Enid, baby, sweetie, darling… where’s your team hoodie?”

Enid flushed as she recalled exactly where her prized hoodie was, having seen it walk up the steps into a familiar mansion last night, her name and number branded on the back of Wednesday Addams.

“Uhh, my team hoodie? Why do you, why do you wanna know that?”

Yoko blinked rapidly, her smile only growing as she lifted her hands and fisted Enid’s shirt.

"Because, Enid, inquiring minds want to know," she squeezed Enid's shirt tighter, her wide eyes sparkling with exhilaration, "So, come on, tell me. Where is it? Seriously, I want to hear you say it out loud.”

Enid swallowed and forcefully snorted a dismissive sound, her face a bright, unmistakable red as she grasped Yoko’s wrists and lightly squeezed, desperate to get out of the imposing grip.

“I don’t-“

“I do! WEDNESDAY has it! You absolute dog!!”

Enid stared at her with wide eyes, her blush crawling down the sides of her neck, “H-how do you know that? You weren’t at the bonfire last night! Which, by the way, where the hell were you and Divina?”

Yoko laughed almost maniacally, gripping Enid’s shirt one last time before she lightly shoved her away, her garnet eyes twinkling in the fluorescent lights overhead.

“How do I know?? I was walking back from the science center with Divina, since she left her dumbass lab notes there, and who the hell do I see going into the library but a tiny little Sinclair!! I nearly broke my damn neck, whipping around to seeyour number on that little four foot nothing gremlin!”

Enid stared at her with wide, wondrous eyes, a brilliant smile stubbornly curling across her face as she felt her heart rate automatically double, a flush of something euphoric sweeping through her, "She... she was wearing it? In public? For real?”

She released a long-suffering sigh, her hands again reaching for Enid as she gripped her shoulders and lightly shook her.

“Yes, for f*cking real! What happened last night, did the two of you finally hook up? Are you finally dating? Why else would she be wearing your hoodie??”

The wolf rolled her eyes, her face still suffering from an obvious blush as she wrinkled her nose in mild annoyance, “No, we’re not dating! She was cold last night, and I wasn’t, so I let her wear it,” Enid swallowed again, a soft smile twitching at the corners of her mouth as she lightly bunched her shoulders, “I think we almost kissed last night, though.”

The vampire shook Enid harder, her eyes nearly bugging as she looked over the thick-headed wolf, “What do youmean you almost kissed?!”

“Oh my god, would you keep your voice down,” Enid hissed, grabbing Yoko’s hand and safely puling her into the back of the store, groaning as she released the ecstatic vampire, “It’s hard to say, and we got interrupted anyway,” she swallowed, averting her eyes as she lightly rubbed at her cheek, “She touched my scars.”

Yoko scrubbed a hand down her face, inhaling a deep breath as she steepled her fingers together and counted backwards, her eyes pressing closed for a brief moment before she blinked them open to glare at the useless captain.

“You are such an absolute dumbass, you two deserve each other. Enid. I’ve seen Wednesday walk around in a blizzard while wearing a tee shirt. That girl doesn’t f*cking touch anything, let alone anybody. And yet she touched your scars?? ON PURPOSE? Next you’ll f*cking tell me you were holding hands all night at the bonfire, y’know, just like best friends do.”

Enid bunched her nose in a sheepish smile, her bright blue eyes twinkling with something affectionate, her face still wearing the same, dreamy smile.

Yoko made an inhuman noise, clapping her hands over her face and groaning loudly, “I am going to lose my f*cking mind over both of you total morons,” she inhaled a short breath, and fisted Enid’s shirt again, “Next time you hang out with her and youdon't kiss her, I swear to god I’ll kill you. How many more f*cking signs do you NEED? JUST DATE HER ALREADY."

The vampire sighed slowly as she let go of her friend, Enid nervously chewing at the inside of her lip, her hands clasped behind her back as she absently bounced on the balls of her feet. Yoko narrowed her eyes and took a warning step toward her roommate, her arms folding as she looked the girl over.

“Let me guess. You’re seeing her after work,” she sighed deeply at the small nod, her face falling into despair, “Enid, you would have a wife by now if one of you finally made a move. Seriously, she isinto you, just f*cking do something about it,” Yoko huffed and tapped her glasses back over her eyes, roughly patting Enid on the shoulder before stepping around her, “You’re a literal idiot. I can’t wait to tell Divina how stupid you are, she’s gonna lose her mind.”

Enid sighed as she followed Yoko out of the back of the store, a smile permanently affixed to her face as she watched her friend finally march out of the store. Dez gave her a curious look from her place behind the counter, Enid tossing up a small wave to dismiss the mild concern, her mind already wandering back to Wednesday.

To think of the brunette wandering around campus, proudly wearing HER name and number made her stomach flutter, her heart already thundering as she grinned even more, the heat in her face ignored as she pictured the seer wearing her clothes. The sweater dwarfed the shorter girl, Wednesday’s smaller frame disappearing in the hoodie the moment she shrugged it on, the sight of her making Enid want to melt into a gay little puddle right in the middle of the woods. Her inner wolf howled at the idea of Wednesday purposefully carrying her scent, a swell of something possessive swirling through Enid over the thought of the brunette wearing HER things, quietly broadcasting to the rest of campus that she was a happily taken lady.

She shimmied her shoulders in excitement, her chest bursting with something warm and powerfully addictive. Her eyes glanced down to look at her watch again, only half an hour separating her from Wednesday. Enid bemoaned her luck as she headed back up front, disgruntled at watching the minutes tick by, instead roping Dez into a conversation about the upcoming school year, the junior gorgon already starting in about how much she hated her philosophy professor. Enid was glad for the distraction, the alarm on her watch eventually going off at 12:59, the wolf turning to sprint back to the timeclock to punch herself out before swiftly heading out the front doors. She fished the phone out of her back pocket the moment she stepped outside, her fingers already pulling up Wednesday’s thread before she sent out an excited message.

Just finished work, do you still wanna skate? I can come get you?

Enid anxiously shifted from foot to foot, her inner wolf nearly begging her just to scent the brunette out, already aware that Wednesday was somewhere on campus, most likely still tucked up in the library. She ignored the instinct and the blatant invasion of privacy, nearly tucked her nose inside the neck of her flannel to help quell the urge, her phone finally chiming in her hand.

Yes. I am in the library.

The wolf hopped in excitement as she charged toward her car parked off in the side lot, her hands fumbling for her keys as she approached the red SUV and piled in, the engine hardly kicking over before she was speeding out of her parking spot. The bookstore was across the grounds from the library, her fingers anxiously drumming on her steering wheel as she bopped along to a pop song, her car slow as it meandered across the sprawling campus. She turned off toward the large library parking lot and pulled up out front, throwing on her hazards, and plucking her phone out of her cup holder.

Awesome, I'm out front whenever you're ready to go! <3

Enid licked her lips as she waited in barely controlled anticipation, her eyes glued to the front door of the Christie Campus library, her face lighting up the moment she saw Wednesday. She rolled her car forward and unlocked the doors, her smile broad as the seer threw her bag in the back and slid into her front seat, Enid's heart skipping the moment her eyes landed on the C on Wednesday's left shoulder. She scrunched her nose, her smile growing beneath a faint blush as their eyes met, the wolf catching the burning red tips of Wednesday's ears.

"Hey, Wens," she ignored the way the butterflies churned in her stomach as the threw the car in gear, and pulled off from the curb, "You ready to have some fun? Oh my god, I'm so excited."

Wednesday swallowed lightly and nodded, briefly checking out the bright purple and black flannel Enid wore before forcefully removing her eyes from the blonde, and absently fidgeted with the cuff of her pilfered sweater. They were quiet as Enid followed the roads off toward the arena nestled at the back of their campus, guiding her car down a familiar drive and buzzing herself into the student garage. She pulled into her usual spot, unlocking the doors and happily kicking out of the car, the wolf scurrying around to unload her stuff from the back of her car. She balanced everything with ease, Wednesday falling into step beside her, her own bag slung over her shoulder.

Enid hummed as she buzzed into the elevator, standing up her sticks as she smiled and glanced over at her company.

"How's your knee been feeling, you okay?"

The brunette nodded, "Stronger. I have still been cautioned against proper jumps, however."

"Bummer," she winced in sympathy, her eyes briefly studying Wednesday in her hoodie and trailing quickly down the curve of her legs in her yoga pants, her smiling instinctively widening, "Baby steps, though. You'll be back kicking ass before you know it."

Wednesday was silent as she ignored the heat in her face, her fingers gripping tightly to her bag strap.

Enid all but skipped out of the elevator, turning a carefree smile back on Wednesday as she led them through the winding halls of the stadium, several staffers and crew in the building this time of the afternoon, all of the lights actually on for one of their joint sessions. The wolf led them down the hallway toward the locker rooms, Enid checking herself into the girls' side, and holding the door, ushering the brunette in behind her. Wednesday stepped inside and looked around, her face revealing nothing as she followed Enid over to her locker area. She tossed her bag into the cubby next to hers, knowing Yoko wouldn't mind her using the space, before taking a seat, and patting the one beside her.

"You can use my cubby for your stuff, so that it's safe," she bent down, already working on the laces of her pink boots, "I know there are staff wandering around today, and if I had to guess, Mister Levitt already ran the zamboni this morning for the guys' practice tomorrow."

Wednesday bobbed her head in understanding as she walked toward Enid's cubby, reading the name and number on the plate above the shelf, her thumb idly running over the same font that was currently emblazoned across her back. Enid smiled the moment she sat down, the two of them side by side as they kicked off their shoes and went for their skates, Enid taking her time to properly cinch and wrap her obnoxious pink laces around her ankles before tying them tightly in the front, the blonde lightly rotating each boot to make sure the fit was right. Enid stood and turned, reaching for her bag and quickly pulling open the zipper, digging around in the endless interior.

Enid chuckled as she unearthed a pair of black and white hockey gloves before handing them over to Wednesday, the wolf still digging around in her gear bag and unearthing her official team gloves. They were mostly black, the middle two fingers and her thumb guard purple, CCM stamped into the cuff in big purple letters. She dropped them onto the bench beside her before pulling out the jersey from last year, the blonde straightening up as she draped the sweater over her bag and reached down to untuck her flannel from her faded blue jeans.

She paced in her skates as she unbuttoned her shirt and shrugged it off her shoulders, her muscular form wrapped up in a purple tank top as she finally turned, catching the wide-opened stared from Wednesday. Enid swallowed lightly at the severe look, her throat bobbing nervously as she followed where Wednesday's eye lingered, frowning slightly at the massive scars running across her left shoulder and disappearing under her shirt, even more marks scarred into her right bicep. Enid gripped her shirt in her hand and shrugged lightly, suddenly self-conscious of her body scars.

Enid stared with wide eyes as the brunette walked over to meet her, Wednesday's eyes obviously following each claw mark that permanently marred her skin, the seer's hand slowly rising to lightly trace the scars across her shoulder. Enid almost couldn't breathe, her lungs constricting at the careful wonder on Wednesday's face, her muscles jumping beneath the cool, comforting touch.

Wednesday sighed, her face pinching in a deep frown, "These are breathtaking... I did not know you had these scars," she whispered quietly, her focus jumping over to the marks on Enid's bicep, "Are they from Tyler as well?"

Enid swallowed, her face burning brightly as she mindlessly nodded, her sapphire eyes studying every freckle across that beautiful face, "Yeah, they're- yeah. I um, I forgot you've only ever seen the ones on my face."

The seer looked up sharply, her eyes darkening, just as her fingertips pressed into Enid's bicep, "You have more even than this?"

She laughed nervously and jerked her head in a quick nod, wandering back a half step as she untucked her tank top from her jeans and peeled the cloth away, baring the angry scars that scratched over her stomach down towards the opposite hip, the violent marks disappearing beneath the faded denim. Enid glanced up, shocked at the horror on Wednesday's face as she remained suspended in time, watching in slow motion as the seer place a cold hand over the burning hot skin on her stomach. The muscles jumped instinctively beneath the surprise touch, her eyes widening as she looked over the distress on Wednesday's face. Enid licked her lips and tried to swallow past the lump in her throat, another blush burning across her face.

"I have more uh, on my leg too. Right above my, my left knee."

Wednesday's face fell as she blinked only once and finally ripped her hand away, her face pestered with a similar, fitful red as she shoved her hands away in the front pouch on her sweater.

"I did not... know your wounds had been so severe. I am sorry, Enid, I was unaware that you had been injured so significantly, and all because of-"

"Nu-uh," Enid hurried, and shoved the hem of her shirt down, nearly reaching out for Wednesday but stopping herself from invading her space, "This is definitely not your fault. Like I said last night, Wens, I'd do it again in a heartbeat. I never told you about the other injuries because I didn't want you feeling bad. Still don't. It's not your fault."

The brunette huffed angrily, her arms folding over her chest as she worked her jaw, "It is my fault for being reckless, for allowing him to get close enough to catch me off guard," Wednesday's shoulders fell, guilt beginning to claw at her insides, "I am grateful to you, for risking your life for mine."

Enid smiled sweetly, the tension dispelling between them as she shrugged one shoulder, her hands wringing at her flannel, "I'm just glad I got there in time. I don't know what the hell I would have done if I hadn't, I don't even like think about it."

She chuckled softly as she walked to stand beside Wednesday, and reached out to lightly tug on her sleeve, "Let's not dwell on the past, okay? I'd much rather have fun today, I can't wait to see you shoot a puck."

Wednesday nodded quietly, turning to watch Enid walk back toward the cubbies. The wolf stowed her shirt in Yoko's locker before she grabbed her jersey and quickly shrugged it on, her hands smoothing over the front shield. She wrestled a hair band out of her pocket and quickly pulled the wavy locks into a small ponytail, smiling over at Wednesday as she finished with her preparations. Enid's smile grew as Wednesday walked back over to her, the wolf untucking her phone from her back pocket and putting it on silent, carefully hiding it away in her bag. Wednesday followed suit, shoving her phone away in her much smaller duffle before she hesitated, dark eyes turning back to glance at Enid.

The seer sighed before she shyly pulled off her hoodie, Enid nearly tripping over her own feet at watching Wednesday actually take something OFF, her brain fuzzy as she immediately turned around, nervous that she'd somehow intruded. Enid kept standing with her back turned until Wednesday walked up beside her, their eyes meeting as Enid offered a tiny smile, refusing to let her eyes linger over Wednesday's rarely bear arms, and the pair of gloves the seer wore. There was silence for a long moment, Enid wanting so desperately to fidget under the watchful eye, Wednesday quietly studying her as they stood in the midst of the locker room. Enid ignored the urge to sway closer, her eyes fluttering as she forced herself to stay focused on Wednesday's face, and not wander down to the large, black tee shirt the seer wore instead.

She snapped herself out of it, flustered as she smiled brightly at the inquisitive stare, and quickly returned to her cubby to collect the rest of her gear. She picked up her gloves and two of her sticks, handing one off to Wednesday, before snatching up two bottles of water, dropping one in each of her gloves, before she tucked them against her hip. Enid grinned when she nudged Wednesday with her elbow as she passed her by, ushering them out of the room and down the tunnel toward the ice, her stomach swarming with excitable butterflies. The blonde smirked as she reached the far end of the team's bench area and uncovered several pucks, stacking them on the wall, and laying her stick down beside them.

She turned to Wednesday, "You wanna just skate first, or do you wanna do hockey stuff first?"

Wednesday blinked again before removing her gloves and leaving them off on the bench, leaning her borrowed stick up along the back wall. Enid smirked as she nodded, dropping her own gear before she hopped over the wall, her skates hitting a freshly cleared sheet of ice. She went through her warmups, cursing herself for forgetting a proper change of clothes, her old jeans luckily offering her some proper give. Her eyes kept glancing over at Wednesday, the skater pinning up her long braids as she did lazy circles on the ice, Enid stopping completely to watch the graceful movement. She startled when the brunette caught her, quickly offering a cheesy smile and a quick wink, her heart skipping when Wednesday's ears turned red.

Enid finished her warmups and slid over to Wednesday, listening carefully as they pushed off to center ice, a permanent smile plastered across her face. She nodded as Wednesday quietly explained each spin or move, Enid eagerly following along with each demonstration, and preening every time she'd gotten it right. She followed Wednesday's movements with more grace than she'd ever known herself to possess when on skates, the brunette's dark eyes practically mesmerizing as she led them through different types of turns and spins. Enid found herself laughing happily, would playfully circle Wednesday whenever she'd do a donut spin, the wolf's more muscular frame not built for such a graceful arc, especially when wearing jeans.

She was captivated as she watched Wednesday glide across the ice, the brunette's low voice steady as she called out instruction, Enid determined to impress her with how well she could move herself. Enid was grinning ear to ear by the time Wednesday ended their beginner's skating lesson, the pair wandering back towards the bench for a well deserved water break. Enid loped over the boards and collapsed against the bench, leaning forward to unlatch the door for Wednesday, the seer sitting down nearly flush against her side as she offered her a drink.

Wednesday swallowed and capped her bottle, her eyes slowly trailing over Enid as the wolf drained half her water, "You are rather adept," she shifted in her seat, her eyes trailing down Enid's throat as she swallowed, "I cannot say I am surprised, however."

Enid swallowed her water before closing the lid, and tossing it back toward the inside of the wall, her smile bright beneath the pink of her cheeks, "Thanks! You're a really good teacher," she hummed, glancing down at their skates as she chuckled and planted her boot next to Wednesday's much slimmer skating shoe, "My skates are definitely not made for what you do, though, look at the size difference!"

The brunette swallowed and placed her skate right beside Enid's, their knees gently touching as she slowly nodded her head, "Even more impressive, then," she muttered softly.

She bit her lip as she looked over at Wednesday, her eyes fluttering as she faint smell of peppermint curled around her senses, her heart picking up speed again. The wolf chanced a brief move closer, purposefully nudging Wednesday's shoulder as she pressed up along her side, those dark eyes rising to meet her, a near-tangible spark jolting between them. Enid glanced down at her lips, her mind already wandering away to what it would be like to finally kiss them after years of wondering, Yoko's words echoing in the back of her mind. Her pulse skipped when her sensitive ears picked up Wednesday's breath hitch as she inched closer, a sudden boldness overtaking her as she tilted her chin down.

Wednesday fumbled, jerking away at the last second before their lips could touch, clearing her throat as she stood from the bench.

"Perhaps we shall continue with our lessons."

Enid blinked rapidly, her face on fire as she nodded quickly and stood, gathering her gloves and stuffing them on before she snatched her stick, and threw her leg over the boards.

"Oh, y-yeah, def. You uh, actually this is gonna be a lot of fun."

She shoved the few pucks off the wall and sent them out toward center ice, Enid turning a small smile to the red-faced seer, her heart traitorously skipping again at the cute blush that pestered beneath her field of freckles. Enid lazily skated backwards, her focus only on Wednesday as she put on her gloves and reached for the stick she'd been given, and met Enid in the middle of the team's logo. The wolf was ecstatic as she led Wednesday through proper stick handling and how best to aim when shooting, Enid demonstrating as she ripped a laser from the blue line, the puck quietly snapping into the wide-open net. She gathered the pucks and set up at the top of the left circle, her favorite place to score from, and took turns passing pucks back and forth with the brunette.

Enid wandered over to Wednesday in the middle of the offensive zone, giving her even better instruction on shooting, now that they were closer to the crease. She walked Wednesday through the motions of a proper wrist shot, and showed her the best windup for a good slapshot, the brunette paying close attention to each new detail. Enid retreated back to the top of the circle and fed pucks to Wednesday, the wolf thoroughly impressed at how often she managed to net her shots. Enid laughed as she headed to the net and fished out each puck, sending them down toward Wednesday before she left out to meet her, sapphire eyes glowing with obvious pride.

"Damn, Wens, you've actually got a pretty good wrist shot. You ever want to play hockey? I'd take you in a second!"

Wednesday scowled, her dark eyes narrowing as she planted the blade of her stick on the ice, and motioned toward the pucks.

"It is heavily reliant on physics," she sighed, and gently nudged a puck with her skate, "I would... rather like to watch you shoot, however. I imagine you are quite skilled."

Enid flushed as she studied the psychic, Wednesday's face red again as she refused to look up at her, her lips twisted in a faint frown. She nodded eagerly, and rubbed her glove across her cheek.

"All you had to say was that you wanted to see the master in action," Enid winked, chuckling at the absolutely scathing look on Wednesday's face, "You wanna try dishing me the pucks, and I'll see if I can score?"

The brunette rolled her eyes, the blush crawling down her neck as she pushed the discs toward where Enid had been standing, setting herself up to properly assist the wolf in her practice. Enid sunk every shot, alternating between slap and wrist shots, her chest puffed out in pride by the time she was finished. She loved to feel Wednesday's eyes on her while she worked her magic on the ice, the weight of the dark gaze almost making her feel invincible as she maneuvered one of the pucks, cutting across the ice in a series of quick motions. Wednesday motioned with her hand before she passed her another puck, the brunette moving back toward the bench and hauling herself up on the wall, crossing her legs at the knee as she settled in to watch.

Enid exhaled a calming breath, her wolf excited so close to a full moon as she tried to suppress the urge to show off, her eyes focusing on the puck at the blade of her stick. She whipped across the smooth surface, dribbling the puck and dangling it as she cut across center ice. She deked for the fun of it, stealing a look toward Wednesday before she buried a wrist shot from the slot, and finally cut to a stop, forcing herself to stop before she had them there all night. Enid smiled as she looked up at Wednesday, something curious in the dark look, even from across the rink, the wolf collecting her pucks as she pushed back to the bench.

She stopped right beside Wednesday, leaning her elbow on the boards beside where the seer was perched, her eyes twinkling as she regarded the stoic brunette.

"You're unsurprisingly great with a hockey stick, Wens, are you just good at everything you do?"

Wednesday flushed again, a faint huff rumbling in her chest, "I learn quickly, though I have a better appreciation for how difficult it is to properly shoot," she lifted the stick in her hand and brushed her glove over rainbow-taped blade, "The curve of your stick is quite severe."

Enid chuckled as she lifted her own stick, showing the same, curved end.

"I have a low kick on all my sticks, makes for a quicker release. That's why my wrist shots are so deadly, I can snap them off before anyone can even touch me. The curve just makes them harder to read," she turned, leaning both her elbows on the boards as she looked up at Wednesday, "I would really love it if you came to one of the games, I think you'd have a lot of fun. Did you mean it when you said you'd come?"

Wednesday bristled, intent on keeping her most guarded secret as she finally slid down from the wall, and looked up at the wolf, "I always mean what I say, Enid. I will attend."

Enid smiled brightly, and eagerly nodded her head, "That's... I can't wait, it's gonna be so much fun. I'll get you the good seats on the glass if you want," she straightened up at the small nod, and tapped her stick against the ice, "I'll keep an eye out for you, Wens. You ready to go?"

The blonde chuckled as she bent to pick up each of the pucks and stacked them on the wall, throwing her leg over the bench and heading toward the small bucket, easily stowing them away and putting them back in their little place in the back corner. They headed down the tunnel toward the locker room, the pair sitting side by side as they removed their skates and carefully stowed them in their bags, Enid collecting the rest of her the gear and shoving it back into her bag. She pulled her jersey over her head and wrinkled her nose, laughing quietly as she reached for the flannel hanging up in Yoko's locker.

"Okay, I should have absolutely brought a change of clothes, Gross."

Wednesday looked her over but said nothing, instead reaching up to let her braids down, the dark hair still perfectly in tact. Enid shoved into her boots and laced them up, her heart suddenly in her throat as she noticed Wednesday pull her hoodie back over her head, the large thirty-three staring her right in the face. Enid straightened, fingers tumbling over themselves as her eyes wandered over Wednesday, her chest heaving when they caught eyes. Enid swallowed at the peculiar look on the seer's face, a bout of bravery overtaking Enid before she could even stop it.

"I like seeing you wearing my clothes, Wens."

She froze, her eyes wide as she stared back at Wednesday, a dark blush burned beneath those pretty freckles as Enid reeled internally, her voice caught in the back of her throat. Wednesday pulled the sleeves down over her hands, her face pinched in an annoyed scowl as she visibly swallowed and chanced a brief step toward Enid, the pair naturally gravitating toward one another.

"I like wearing them," she uttered shyly, refusing to meet Enid's eye as she shuffled in place, still tugging on the sleeve cuffs.

Enid gawked in surprise, her own face reading bright red as she smiled automatically, her fingers still twisting over themselves, "Oh, that's. Okay," she grinned, wandering those few steps that separated them, and peered down into those pretty dark eyes when Wednesday finally looked up at her, "I'm glad," she tucked her hands in the front pocket of the hoodie, and pulled Wednesday closer.

They studied each other, Enid biting her lip as she glanced down at her lips again, her fingers threading together inside the hoodie pouch. Her eyes fluttered at the rich smell of peppermint, the blonde leaning down into Wednesday's space on simple reflex. The brunette almost tilted her chin up, her blush darkened as she cleared her throat and attempted to step away, Enid scrambling to get her hands out of her pocket and slapped them together behind her back, flashing an embarrassed smile.

"You wanna go get a late lunch?" Enid blurted out, blinking twice as she waited for a response, nearly vibrating out of her boots.

Wednesday nodded almost instantly, the seer swallowing as she turned to collect her bag, and pulled the strap over her shoulder, "Please."

Enid scrambled to grab the rest of her things, corralling everything and leading Wednesday out of the locker room, and off toward the elevator for the parking garage. They passed by Mister Levitt, the gorgon laughing at the apologetic wolf for ruining his fresh sheet, the man already dismissing her concern and sending the pair on their way. The blonde hurried out of the elevator and stashed everything in the back of her car, automatically reaching for Wednesday's bag as she handed it off on her way around to the passenger side of the trusty SUV.

Wednesday directed them to a little Italian place for lunch, Enid's eyes wide in obvious impression as she heard her friend idly converse in Italian, the sound of that smooth voice falling over her like molten glass, her heart pitifully racing at the attractive display. Enid tried to pay though Wednesday beat her to it, the blonde grumbling as they left out of the restaurant, thanking her for another amazing meal. Wednesday only nodded her head and said nothing, Enid already trying to think of the best way to get her back.

They started off toward the Addams family mansion, Enid punching in the security code and waiting for the gates to shriek as they opened up into the driveway. She guided around the familiar curve and threw it in park once she reached the steps, already out of her car to collect Wednesday's bag, chuckling when the seer met her at the open tailgate.

Enid turned, sitting against the inside lip of her car, her face split in a wide grin.

"I had so much fun today, Wednesday, you're literally a natural on the ice. You should practice your wrist shot, I think you could be killer with it. Oh, and thanks again for the food, I had no idea that you even spoke Italian. Between the food and findingthat out, it was amazing. I'll get you back the next time."

Wednesday nodded, clinging to the strap of her bag as she looked to Enid, "It was fascinating, watching you up close. You are quite skilled at your craft."

The wolf blushed and bunched her shoulders, her nose wrinkled up in an endearing grin, "Thanks, Wens, I can't wait for you to go to the game," Enid rubbed her hand down the back of her neck, desperately trying to not stare at Wednesday still wearing her hoodie, "I know tomorrow night is the full moon, but do you want to go out with me on Tuesday? They opened up a little Korean place over on Church street and I've been wanting to go."

Wednesday swallowed quietly, her eyes slowly falling down the length of the blonde, a constant move that she had no control over most times, her eyes unable to keep off Enid.

"My chemistry lab runs until six on Tuesdays, oftentimes later."

Enid showed her fangs in a wide smile, "I don't mind waiting, as long as it's for you," she stood from the back of her car and swung down the tailgate, bracing her hand on the warm metal, "So, what do you say?"

The seer flushed, warmth blossoming in her chest as she nodded, "Yes, I will accompany you."

The blonde bounced excitedly, reflexively reaching out for Wednesday and lightly tugging on the end of her sleeve, "Great, then it's a date!"

Enid's heart raced at the mention of the taboo word, her lip worried between her teeth as she caught the obvious blush on Wednesday's face, her knees nearly buckling at the cute little wrinkle on the seer's forehead. Wednesday scowled in response, hefting her bag further up her shoulder as she half-turned back to the house, moving her head back toward Enid, her eyes staring down at the bright pink boots.

"Then so it is," she muttered quietly, straightening as she hurried over to her front steps, and quickly escaped into the house.

Enid was standing there, mouth slack in surprise, the butterflies practically the size of bats with how angrily they fluttered around in her belly. She smiled like a woman possessed, the white noise buzzing in her ears as she finally snapped herself out of the daze and blinked, staring at the doors where Wednesday had vanished. Her face hurt with how widely she was smiling, her fangs sinking into her lower lip as she bounced in excitement, her mind already carrying her away on the winds of delusion, picturing what it would be like to finally kiss Wednesday Addams. She nearly tripped over her own feet as she wandered back to the driver's side and tumbled back into her car, blue eyes wide as she stole another look toward the house, her number STILL on the seer's back.

Maybe itwas a date.


Ayyy, I didn't actually die. Sorry I'm late (is this one technically? who knows), but I finally got out of the hospital! I made it!!

These two are stupid in this story and I love it. Also Enid shooting her shot AND flexing her skill? What, like she's some confident person and not a rousing disaster? Wednesday with zero percent chill, basically broadcasting that YES I like wearing your clothes, just f*cking DATE ME ALREADY but also I'm too nervous to kiss you. Don't look at me.

Yoko out there suffering, homegirl is ready to throw hands. She's about to kidnap them both and lock them in a room, "You're not coming out until y'all kiss and date, good luck."

Wednesday finally gets to see a home game up close next time? With Enid in uniform right in front of her?? Girl won't make it, that hot ass captain is HERS.

Anyway, it's like almost 3am and I have been editing literally all day, please forgive any mistakes, I'll have better edits after I've gotten some sleep. Comment replies to follow, too! I'm getting there.

Thank you to everyone for your support on my little AU here, I love you guys so much <33

Chapter 5: Ice Cold, Red Hot


Wednesday attends her first home game on the glass; Enid is unstoppable.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Wednesday worked her jaw as she wandered down from the second floor in the Christie Campus library, her thumbs hooked around the straps of her bag as she quietly made her way toward the exit. She shoved out into the early evening, the fall chill decidedly bitter as it whipped past the building, biting into her cheeks and leaving them flushed beneath her freckles, her face twisted into its usual scowl. She burrowed her hands in the pocket of Enid's hoodie, Wednesday dipping her head enough to tuck her nose in the collar of the pilfered sweater, the faintest hint of honeysuckle still clinging to the dark material. She focused on it for only a minute before she straightened her head up and kept walking, her dark eyes scanning the mostly empty campus for anyone that could have seen her brief moment of weakness.

She was thankfully alone, the campus usually abandoned on a Friday around this time, especially with the main event bearing down on the horizon. The women's home opener was set to start in less than two hours, Enid having made good on her promise to get her seats directly on the glass. The wolf had quietly asked whether she would prefer to sit next to a stranger at the game or if she wouldn't mind tolerating Divina for a few hours, Enid knowing that she needed an end seat to avoid contact with people. Wednesday had blushed nearly to the roots at the blonde's thoughtfulness over her touch-sensitive powers and had agreed to sit next to Divina, if only to at least know her neighbor for the duration of the game.

Wednesday had been ignoring the flutters in her stomach ever since she'd been officially asked to the game, the seer having spent the last three years watching the home games from the safety of the second tier, without ever letting Enid know she was there. But to be seated on the glass for the league champion's first home game, to be directly against the action and see Enid tear up the ice at ground level was something else entirely, the thought of seeing the wolf decimate the competition making her heart race. It was a blessing and a curse that she knew who she was sitting next to, the brunette having to be mindful of her reactions to seeing the game so up close and personal.

She struggled the few times she'd seen Enid in their shared Thursday night skate sessions, when the captain would still be wearing her full gear, those damnable eyes always sparkling from such a beautifully flushed face after practice. Wednesday was always at a loss when she'd see Enid in such a way, had always suffered herself to look in the blonde's direction on those nights they skated together in a darkened arena. She almost wasn't ready to have such access to the game she'd grown to love, was even less prepared to see Enid in her element during an actual, competitive game while she sat only steps away. Wednesday had almost regretted agreeing to sit on the glass, worried that she wouldn't be able to keep the fire from burning across her face, especially while wearing the captain's hoodie at the team's first homestand.

The seer groused as she walked across campus to meet Lurch, the tall man already standing at the back of the car for her arrival. Her phone chimed in her pocket just as she ducked into the back seat, the little sound reserved only for Enid, and Wednesday eagerly uncovered the device to check the latest message. Her stomach started to kick up a spiral when she opened the thread, a picture of Enid all flushed cheeks and scrunched nose, grinning at the camera, holding up the season's newest jersey, those blue eyes practically staring at her through the glass.

Wednesday swallowed heavily and looked up from her phone to try and catch her breath, watching the car pull around the drive and head out toward the main road, the phone chiming a second time. She glanced down at the newest message, the spiral turning into a full-blown hurricane in her belly as she read the message, her cheeks obviously burning their scarlet red.

Can't wait to rock these new sweaters, hope you like them in person. Can't wait to see you at the game :P

She sighed heavily, her brow twitching as she warred with what to say in response, her phone making another sound before she could orchestrate a proper message.

Miss you <3

Wednesday swallowed again, her fingers tightening around her phone before she locked the screen and shoved it back in her pocket, her mind too jumbled for a cognizant reply. She hadn't seen Enid at all this week, not even for their usual Thursday session last night, the captain too bogged down with the extra practices in preparation for the official start of their season. She'd seen Enid in passing only twice, once on Monday when the wolf had met her outside the library with a cup of coffee before hauling across campus for her psych class, and again on Wednesday, when the blonde had stopped in her team skate, just to come say hello. They'd texted daily, but it wasn't the same, wasn't the closeness Wednesday had been looking forward to, since that night she'd stumbled upon Enid, alone in the arena.

She'd been enjoying their random stolen nights, could feel herself getting closer to the woman she'd kept at arm's length for the last three years, the magnetism she felt for Enid approaching new levels, and leaving her craving even more. Several times she was sure that they'd almost shared a kiss, and every time Enid swayed closer into her space, Wednesday felt herself almost too nervous to continue, the thought of finally kissing her still feeling like it was a dream far too out of reach. Enid hadn't said a word on her cowardice and that was almost the worst part, the wolf just grinning at her whenever she'd break away, and continue on like Wednesday hadn't almost been prepared to grab Enid by her shirt, and kiss the smirk right off her face.

Wednesday was beginning to doubt her own steadfast belief that Enid saw her as only a friend, the blonde's behavior lately leading her into much murkier waters, the seer struggling to navigate the newfound territory on her own inexperienced merit. Pugsley and Eugene had both insisted that Enid liked her in a way that transcended friendship, and even with their gentle prodding, she was still too stubborn to see them as anything more than really good friends.

She grumbled angrily to herself and hunched down in her seat, tucking her nose in the neck of her hoodie and threading her hands together in the large pocket, the cute little downtown area bleeding into the woods as they headed back toward home. Her phone made a noise again, the sound it made for someone who wasn't Enid, and the brunette huffed and untucked the cell, expecting only one other person to try and contact her. She awakened her screen, her heart skipping as she noticed the picture again, the brunette hurriedly backing out of her message thread with Enid and instead opening the one with Divina. She frowned in thought as she waited in the backseat, the gates eventually squeaking open as Lurch started back toward the house, Wednesday idly tapping her thumb along the edge of her phone screen.

Hey, Wednesday, do you want to go in early so we can settle in our seats before it gets too crowded in there? Packed house tonight for the opener, and I want to make sure you're good.

Wednesday sighed quietly, her face twisted up in a faint scowl as she nodded to herself, and typed out a quick response, Yes, that would be preferable.

She clicked the phone off and straightened, the car finally pulling up out front, Lurch heading out to open her door, and silently ushered her out of the back. She nodded in thanks to the big man before she wandered the few steps toward the front stairs, and quickly headed up and into the house. She came across Gomez as he was walking toward the sitting room, the man lighting up as he noticed his oldest child.

"My little viper! I am sure you're excited to see the game tonight, I know that Enid is an absolute force of nature while on the ice. Your grandmother has dinner still cooking, will you be able to sit for a quick bite? It should be ready within the hour."

The phone in her pocket dinged again and she pulled it out, quickly reading over Divina's latest response, Cool, I'll pick you up in like 40 mins then? see you soon!

Wednesday glanced back up at Gomez and slowly shook her head, "Divina will be here to collect me in only forty minutes."

He chuckled and waved her on to the kitchen, "Make sure you stop in on your grandmother before you leave then, tormenta, you know how Esmeralda dislikes when you skip meals."

Wordlessly she wandered toward the kitchen, the delicious smell of onion and garlic frying in a skillet greeting her as she pushed into the room, her grandmother already chastising Lurch as he came in from the side door and washed at the sink, the old woman swatting him out of her way. She turned, her gray eyes twinkling mischievously as she grinned and headed toward Wednesday, directing the seer toward the center island.

"Aye, love, are you going to be off soon? I've just the thing for you," Esmeralda turned, heading off toward the stove and the pot on the back burner, snatching up a bowl and her ladle before filling up, and heading back toward Wednesday, "I knew you'd be out tonight before dinner, I made sure to prepare some mushroom soup for you this afternoon. I hope that wolf of yours ate a hearty meal before such a game!"

Wednesday jerked her head up at her grandmother's cheeky little remark, her face darkening with another blush as she scowled at the old witch, Grandmama already back at the stove and missing the scathing look. She accepted the sourdough with a pointed glare, the old woman only grinning at her in response before returning to the rest of dinner preparation. Wednesday ate quickly, checking her phone for time before she washed her dishes and quickly climbed up toward her bedroom on the far-side of the house, tossing her bag by her desk before slamming the door behind her.

Divina was set to arrive in only twenty minutes, Wednesday sitting at her desk to wait, her phone making Enid's noise again as she rushed to take the device out of her pocket and check the latest message. Her pulse thumped when she saw the video sitting in their thread, the seer immediately hitting play with her thumb, background noise greeting her before the camera angle changed, a vision of Enid suddenly taking up the entire screen. Wednesday stared in wonder at the video, Enid recording in the mirror inside the locker room as she showed off her crisp new uniform, the wolf holding up a peace sign as she laughed at her own silliness.

What do you think? Nice, right?

Wednesday nodded simply, glued to the short video, her lip curling in frustration as Yoko popped into frame, Enid's laugh cut off as the video abruptly ended. She remained stiffly in her desk chair, her heart chanting away as she muttered to herself in Spanish, and watched the stupid video again. Divina messaged again, giving her the ETA before Wednesday shoved up from her seat and wandered downstairs, ignoring the smirk from Pugsley as he headed off toward the kitchen, the firestarter flicking her a flaming thumbs up. The front buzzer sounded and Wednesday pressed the button, the view from the gate suddenly showing on a screen by the door, Divina's little blue four door waiting patiently to be let up toward the manor.

Divina was one of the few people on campus she'd learned to tolerate, the siren her second-most frequent company behind Eugene. They had similar majors and had shared classes over the years, the two of them even having the same forensics lab together this semester, silently agreeing to share the same desk space. The siren was mostly quiet when they were together, though they often talked over mysteries and unsolved crimes, Divina's criminal justice interests meshing well with Wednesday's forensic sciences. It was by pure chance that Divina shared a house with Enid, that Wednesday had made a special point to at least be able to interact with the people in Enid's closest circle.

The siren started dating Yoko halfway through freshmen year, the vampire always accompanied by Enid, that small fact never once lost on Wednesday as she grew to accept more people into the farthest parts of her own orbit. She knew that Yoko at least tolerated her, the two of them having crossed paths more and more as the years bled on, the vampire unavoidable if she wanted to spend some quality time with her favorite werewolf. It helped that she'd already gotten used to Divina, and managing one more person to be able to stay close to Enid was a small price she was gladly willing to pay.

Wednesday tucked her phone away in her hoodie and left out the front door, Divina's car curling around and stopping to wait, the siren smiling quietly the moment she slipped into the passenger seat. Divina hummed a short tune and pulled off from the steps, her eyes curiously glancing back at the Wednesday as they headed down the driveway, the siren's face curling into a wide grin.

"So are you pumped? I'm so ready, Yoko and Enid would not shut up about the game all afternoon, it's like they were sharing the same, excited braincell."

She grunted quietly in response, her hands still hidden in the hoodie pocket as she glanced out the window, her mind already anticipating the upcoming game. Divina chuckled as she crested the end of the driveway and turned back onto the street, following the familiar path back to Nevermore, the woman leaning back in her seat as they rolled up to a red light.

"You know, Enid wouldn't stop talking about you coming, either," Divina smirked when Wednesday turned a withering glare in her direction, her seafoam-silver eyes facing forward as she headed through the green light, "I'm just saying, she's so stoked that you're gonna be there. I am, too, actually, it's gonna be an amazing game. They're playing Essington."

Wednesday nodded again, her thumb tapping against the back of her phone, remembering the sight of Enid in her uniform in that short little video, the seer ignoring the urge to pull her phone back out and watch it again. She shifted in her seat, her jaw tensing as she looked over her friend.

"Enid has sent me several messages, I know well of her excitement."

Divina laughed and nodded quietly, lapsing into easy silence as they completed their journey to the stadium, the parking lots already filling up for the sold-out, four-thousand-plus seat arena. She waved her badge at the parking authority and was escorted through, the siren finding the closest place to park, and quickly whipping into the spot. Wednesday grimaced the moment she stepped out of the car, the rowdy crowds already grating on her nerves as she huddled in her sweater, and glowered at anyone who was brave enough to glance in her direction. Divina was already laughing as she ushered them toward the stadium, the pair clearing security before they went for their seats, the pair near center-ice on the home team side, almost directly across from the benches.

Wednesday inhaled a quick breath as she crested the top of the stairwell in their section, Divina offering a knowing grin as she led them down the steps and toward their seats in the front row, the seer glancing about the empty sheet of ice as she plodded down the stairs. Divina scooted in first, luckily the rest of their row already seated as the siren collapsed in her chair and Wednesday quietly followed, slowly folding herself in the end seat. She looked around the stadium, the seats filling quickly, her eyes tracking up to look at the countdown clock on the massive scoreboard. She looked across at the empty benches, her heart skipping a beat once she noticed she was across from the home team, essentially giving her an unencumbered view of Enid whenever she was off the ice.

She hunched down in her seat, ignoring the heat that blossomed across her face, instead burying her hands in the pouch pocket of the soft, warm hoodie. Divina was thankfully silent, the siren tapping away on her phone instead, leaving Wednesday to fester in peace inside a bubble of her own nervous excitement. Her eyes were glued to the tunnel across the ice, knowing the teams would both soon be coming out for warmups before the actual start of the game, Wednesday already expecting to see a familiar, heart-stopping blonde.

The music started suddenly and Wednesday straightened up in her chair, catching Enid practically sprint first out of the tunnels, knocking her wall of pucks off the boards and sending them sprawling across the ice. Both teams quickly poured out of the tunnels and fell into their routines, skating in a large circle on their respective ends of the rink, dozens of pucks suddenly zipping across the smooth surface. Wednesday couldn't keep her eyes off Enid as she cycled around the ice, the wolf's smile even more beautiful beneath the intense, white lights, those eyes already glowing a serious, sapphire blue. The captain was one of several players without their helmets for warmups, her multi-colored hair pulled back in a small ponytail, keeping it out of her face as she flew across the ice.

Wednesday nearly stood from her seat, her eyes wide as she watched the pre-game show, instead bracing her elbows on her knees as she leaned forward for a better look. Enid whipped around the back of their net while Yvette was doing her warmups in the goal crease, dishing a pass to Yoko that the vampire buried past their goalie, the bloodsucker bearing her fangs in a happy smile. Wednesday swallowed heavily, her jaw flexing as she followed Enid with her curious eyes, her fingers absently crawling up her shoulder to trace the familiar C, her face warm at the idea of so brazenly wearing the other woman's number. Her heart stopped completely when those dangerous eyes finally caught sight of her, Enid's face splitting into a wide grin as she eagerly darted over to meet her.

Enid cut to a stop right in front of their seats, her fangs prominent in a truly elated smile as she rubbed at her chin, and knocked her glove on the sketched-up glass, "Wens, you made it!"

She swallowed again and nodded, trying desperately to keep her focus on Enid's smile and not follow the broad cut of her shoulders in her padding or the prominent shield on her chest, Wednesday easily falling into those pretty blue eyes.

"Yes," Wednesday nodded, working her jaw as she felt herself stand from her seat, and walk the step toward the glass without even thinking, "I told you I would be in attendance."

Enid smirked, the music still blaring overhead as she nodded her head in excitement toward the quiet brunette. Wednesday tried to focus past the sudden feeling of her heart wedged in the back of her throat, the blonde's smirk only growing as she lifted up her stick, showing the black and white stripes on the blade, before tapping it lightly on the glass.

"Gonna score one for you tonight, Wens," Enid winked, smirking at the obvious red across Wednesday's face, before finally pushing off to rejoin the rest of her team.

Enid breathed out a quick breath at her own bravery as she approached Yoko, spinning to a stop beside the already smiling defensewoman. The butterflies in her belly kicked up a thunderstorm as she refocused herself on her team, taking to the ice to stretch out beside her best friend, her eyes continuously wandering over toward Wednesday. Yoko shook her head and nudged her once, her prominent fangs bared in a sinister smile.

"You're such a simp, taping your stick with black and white stripes. Why don't you get just get down on one knee and propose to her, Enid? Are you gonna be able to focus on the game with your girlfriend right on the ice? Which, power move on her part, to wear the captain's number to the home game, and you're not even f*cking dating."

Enid huffed and rolled her eyes, her face still burning scarlet, nose crinkling as she glanced across to the seer, "I told her I'd score one for her."

Yoko smacked Enid's shoulder with her glove, "Goddamn, that was smooth. Better make good, cap, I'd hate to see you try and flex and absolutely suck."

They shared a quick grin before they were back on their skates, and finishing with the rest of their warm-ups, Enid stealing one more glance to Wednesday before falling back in line.

Wednesday slowly folded herself back in her seat, her chest tight with something electric at the confident declaration, her fingers idly spinning her phone in her pocket. She released a trembling exhale, ignoring the weight of the knowing smile from Divina, her face deepening to a dangerous scowl as she leaned back in her seat, and kept her eyes on the wolf.

Eventually the teams left off the ice from warmups, the cleanup crews clearing the snow and the drivers resurfacing the ice, the house lights going totally dark in preparation for the actual entrance. A video played out across the ice, recounting their hard-earned victory from last season, a picture of Enid smiling for the camera with the cup briefly cutting across the scene. Nevermore won the championship on enemy ice, the team happily bringing the cup back the night of the game, and offering it to an exceedingly smug Larissa Weems. Wednesday had been proud of the blonde, knowing how hard she worked, and how much time she'd put into the team to get them all the way to the championship.

The teams eventually cycled back out onto the ice, standing along their respective blue lines for the banner raising ceremony, the 27-28 Team pennant reverently raised to the rafters of Poe Stadium, the sold-out crowd going absolutely wild. The anthem began before the teams took to their benches, the lights coming up and the starting lines milling about for the first official puck drop. Wednesday kept her eyes on Enid, the left winger facing away and standing right in front of her as they prepared for the face off, her dark eyes tracing the familiar, purple numbers. The puck dropped and the game was off, Wednesday perched on the edge of her seat as she followed the wild, fast-paced action.

Wednesday was rapt as she watched the first period, her blood pumping with adrenaline at being so close to the ice, hearing the sticks crash and the pucks slam against the boards. She nearly smiled when Enid leveled someone at center ice, the wolf's growl easily cutting through the noise and tingling down the brunette's spine, Wednesday sitting up straighter in her seat at the aggressive display. She was impressed at how many shots Enid had gotten off on the opposing netminder, the blonde clearly in the hunt for the game's first goal, the rest of the Ravens rallying around their captain. Wednesday stared across the ice at the home team whenever Enid's line was off, the wolf unable to sit as she eagerly tracked the action. Several times, Enid glanced in her direction, the wolf smiling from her place on the bench they always shared, Wednesday's heart pitifully beating for the woman across from her.

She blinked when the buzzer unwittingly sounded, the first period ending with the game still scoreless

The brunette released a breath as the period ended, the spell broken when Enid finally left off toward the locker rooms, leaving her a moment of peace. Wednesday collapsed back in her seat as she settled in for intermission, her fingers tracing the edges of the phone in her pocket. Divina chuckled as she shifted in her seat, the siren humorously shaking her head.

"I love when they're having fun out there, I'm pretty sure Yoko might fight someone today, just for the hell of it."

Wednesday hummed in response, her phone vibrating against her palm as she fished it out of her pocket, and opened the surprising message from Enid.

Almost ;)

The seer swallowed again and scrambled to put the phone away, casting a curious eye to Divina to see if she'd even noticed the message, relived once she saw that the siren was occupied, Wednesday curling her lip out of reflex. She watched the ice teams as they cleared more snow, noticing all of the large shovels for the task, one of the same that gave her away that night she'd been spying on Enid, that one cataclysmic moment somehow changing the trajectory of their relationship. She lost herself in a haze of nothing but Enid as the zambonis worked the ice, the two large machines following the same, careful pattern across the slippery surface. The lights lowered as the second period was set to make way, the arena buzzing in nervous anticipation of the game's eventual first goal.

Wednesday sat up once the teams came back out on the ice, staring at Enid now that the teams had switched sides, the wolf's pink, reflective visor hiding away the intensity of those mesmerizing eyes. The period started, Delia Boone, the Raven's top-line center, winning the face off and sending the puck back to Yoko, the vampire sending it off to Enid as she tore across center ice. Wednesday followed the movement, the hefty ping of the puck cracking off the crossbar ringing out across the arena, the crowd making a noise of disappointment at another missed opportunity. She looked up to the scoreboard, the shots currently in favor of the home team, 14-9.

There was a penalty against Nevermore for a high stick, the winger in question arguing with the ref as she was lead to the penalty box, angrily slamming her stick down against the bench. Enid bared her teeth in frustration, Wednesday's heart skipping at the clear aggression in the normal placid wolf, the presence of it making her pulse race with the threat of imposing danger. The rare instances she'd ever seen Enid mad were few and far between, and every single time, Wednesday was left breathless in the wake of such raw, animalistic power. She shook her head to clear the thoughts, chewing the inside of her cheek as she watched the game reset, the tips of her ears still warm with a faint blush.

The Ravens took the puck drop at the blue line dot in their own territory, Delia winning another faceoff and sending it back, the home team playing keep away from the swarming Griffins to hopefully kill off the powerplay. Wednesday frowned quietly, tension suddenly palpable in the building as Enid sent the puck down behind the net in Essington territory, the team's star captain Jackie Prewitt, collecting the puck behind her own goal. The girl snapped a pass and sent her linemate up the right wing, the white-shirt Griffins gaining the zone and setting up in the offensive zone, looking for a proper lane to score.

Enid growled as she patrolled the top of the diamond formation, her stick hitting against the ice as the two blueliners kept passing back and forth, the blonde reading the play and darting forward with her stick already on the ice, redirecting the puck back across the blue line and out toward center ice. She chased it down, trying to hustle for a breakaway chance with Jackie bearing down behind her, the girl reaching for and pulling Enid's sweater, tangling her stick up in Enid's skates, and sending the wolf awkwardly crashing nearly full speed into the end boards behind the Essington goalie.

Wednesday shot up from her seat the moment Enid made contact with the boards, her eyes wide as she stared at the slowly writhing captain, her chest tight with sudden terror at the prospect of Enid actually getting injured. Yoko was already on the scene, the vampire ripping Jackie's helmet off and throwing several punches in defense of her best friend, the linesmen and referees attempting to break up the one-sided fight. Carina Cartwright, the Ravens' athletic trainer, was already sprinting across the ice, sliding on her knees just as Enid rolled to her stomach, the wolf's uniform already caked in snow. The stadium around them was vitriolic, voices building to a cacophonous roar as they booed the play, Yoko having landed a sucker punch that split the girl's face wide open, specks of blood dotting the fresh, white ice.

The seer hovered against the glass, trying to see past the teammates lingering around the captain, her face twisted into clear worry at the fact that Enid was still on her hands and knees. In the time she'd spent watching the games over the years, she'd learned three very important things about injuries to ice hockey players. If someone was down for a moment, but eventually got up and stayed on the ice, they were fine. If they were down and got off to sit on the bench, they were shaken up, but otherwise okay. If they were escorted off the ice and immediately went down the tunnel, they were hurt. Wednesday had only ever seen a stretcher once at a game, and it was for an opposing player, and not one of Nevermore's Ravens.

She swallowed unevenly, the tension across her shoulders making her feel almost brittle, her hand tightening in the hoodie she wore, waiting patiently for any proper sign from the woman still down on the ice. Her breath caught when Enid finally climbed to her skates, Delia and Carina helping guide her back towards the bench, Wednesday's heart refusing to beat until she noticed the wolf collapse on the bench and lean forward, a sign that she wasn't seriously hurt. She exhaled a trembling breath, refusing to take her eyes off Enid as she watched her visibly wince in her seat, Coach Pappas bracing on her shoulder to lean down and check in with her star player.

The home crowd cheered for their captain, the rest of the players hitting their sticks on the ice in a show of gratefulness at the blonde having not been seriously injured. Divina's voice startled her as she whipped her head around, the siren staring across the ice, her eyes also focused on Enid.

"She'll be okay, that girl is one tough wolf," she looked to Wednesday and smiled briefly before they slowly reclaimed their seats, "Don't worry, she probably won't even feel it tomorrow."

Wednesday nodded quietly, her eyes tracking over to Yoko as she openly fumed in the penalty box, the announcer's voice ringing out over the sound system, calling each of the penalties.

-Yoko Tanaka, number sixty-nine of the Nevermore Ravens, five minutes for fighting-

Wednesday remained tense in her seat as the period bled on, her eyes glancing up at the time clock, less than six minutes remaining in the second period, a tumultuous atmosphere overtaking the arena. Her shoulders relaxed the moment Enid touched back to the ice, the wolf baring her fangs in annoyance as they set up for a faceoff at center ice, Wednesday working her jaw as she kept her focus trained specifically on Enid, wanting to properly gauge just how injured the blonde truly was. The Ravens won the faceoff, Rose Wilson shooting a pass to Enid as she screamed up the left-side dasher boards, her head up all the way as she snapped a wrist shot on goal, the puck sneaking under the far-side glove and pinking off the pipes, before careening into the back of the net.

The goal horn sounded and the stadium erupted, a chill shivering across Wednesday's shoulders as she shot to her feet, a surprise feeling of pride swelling up between her lungs as she stared back at the captain. Enid grinned as she blew a kiss toward Wednesday, the rest of her linemates eagerly swarming the happy blonde. Wednesday shuddered, her face on fire as she watched Enid skate over to the bench, tapping gloves with her teammates in celebration of her goal, the seer reeling from the fact that Enid Sinclair had just blown her a goddamn kiss in front of the entire university. It had been the wolf's signature move since Wednesday had first started attending home games, that Enid would blow a kiss to the crowd, every time she scored a goal. So many times, Wednesday would sit on the second level and wonder what it would be like to get one directed only at her, the butterflies only worsening at the thought of something so painfully saccharine.

Only, she didn't have to wonder anymore.

Wednesday folded back in her seat and flipped her hood up, her entire face burning at the brazen display from her would-be paramour. She wanted to grab Enid by the neck of her jersey and kiss her for real after such an obvious move, her heart thundering at the idea thatmaybe there was actually something more to their relationship. Wednesday huffed out a breath, exhaling her nerves as she settled in her seat and tried to focus on the action, her eyes still only able to follow Enid, any chance of looking elsewhere officially gone from her after that intentional move. Nevermore scored again, an absolute laser from the slot from their third-line right wing, the crowd erupting again in celebration. Essington scored with forty seconds left, a mindful redirect off a stray body in front, the arena automatically booing the point.

Enid wasn't out on the ice much for the final minutes of the second, the wolf actually seated between shifts, Wednesday's worry only growing at the uncharacteristic display from the usually boisterous captain, even after they headed off for second intermission. She quietly tapped her boot during the break, staring down at the motionless text chat, hoping that she'd hear something from Enid about her actual condition. Divina left to get them some water and popcorn, the seer only accepting the drink as she sat in her chair, anxiously awaiting the start of the final period.

The puck dropped, the blonde's line not the starting one for the third, Essington roaring down center ice to fire one past Yvette, the scored tied at two with just under seventeen minutes to go. Wednesday practically glared across the ice, Enid's playtime obviously lessened, the captain not taking a shift again until nearly eight minutes into the period. Enid touched the ice and immediately took off for defense, putting her shoulder into one of the Essington forwards and dropping the girl on her own blue line, the puck rocketing across the ice toward Delia. Enid raced to follow her center, the wolf calling for the puck the moment they were onsides, setting herself up at the top of the left circle, and wristing a sick shot past the unprepared goalie.

The goal horn sounded again, the Ravens going up 3-2 halfway through the period, Enid blowing a kiss to the crowd before looking over her shoulder at Wednesday, right before Yoko could throw herself on the wolf in celebration. Enid slowly trekked back to the bench and touched gloves before she opened the door and climbed onto the bench, all but collapsing in her seat, her nose scrunching in obvious discomfort. Wednesday watched the final two minutes on her feet beside Divina, the Griffins scrambling with a 6 on 5, their net empty to try and tie the game with barely minutes left to spare.

Enid dove for the puck, pushing it close enough to Yoko who slapped it down the ice, the puck just barely crossing the unminded goal line, a Griffin angrily slapping it away from the blue paint for having been just a second too slow to stop it. The horn sounded for the fourth time, the home crowd already wild at their supposed victory, just 45 seconds left to go in the game. Wednesday sighed quietly as she watched Enid slide over to the bench and sit, the final lines scrambling for the puck before the ending buzzer sounded, the arena screaming in excitement at the thrilling, 4-2 victory.

Divina clapped and whistled as the home team climbed off the benches and raised their sticks in salute of the home crowd, the three stars announced at the end of the game, Enid easily earning her number one spot. The siren grinned at Wednesday, the brunette's focus following behind Enid as she finally ducked down and disappeared into the tunnel, the wolf obviously more hurt than Wednesday would care to hear, her worry over Enid apparent across the stern cut of her face. Divina followed the line of sight before breathing out a small laugh, and jerked her head toward the stairs.

"She's okay. Come on, I'll take you down in the back where we can wait for them, away from all these damn people."

Wednesday nodded and dutifully followed, sticking close to Divina as they traversed the milling crowds, the siren escaping into one of the lesser used hallways and following the wall down toward the bowels of the building. Security checked them both, the man grinning as he recognized Divina, his eyebrow raising in silent question as he noticed the hoodie Wednesday still wore, eventually letting them through towards the locker room. Coach Pappas was standing off with the rest of her staff, the gorgon smiling when she noticed the two girls walking towards them, and tossed up a small wave in greeting. Another of their classmates walked down to stand with them, Delia's girlfriend Charlotte, Wednesday wandering off a few paces as she crossed her arms and glared down the hall toward the mouth of the tunnel, impatiently awaiting the arrival of the foolish blonde wolf.

The team eventually wandered out, their bags over their shoulders, fresh from a shower and riding high on their victory, the chatter among them crackling with excitement. Yoko and Enid were the last two out of the tunnel, the vampire sticking close to the softly grinning blonde. Wednesday didn't care a moment about the rest of the team as she charged forward, ignoring the way the group of women frantically parted for her as she made her way over toward Enid, stopping just in front of the red-faced wolf.

"Are you all right?" Wednesday scowled as she narrowed her eyes in thought, her chest aching with something heavy as she looked up into the surprised face, "Are you injured?"

Enid smiled automatically, ignoring the blush across her face as she tightened her handle on the bag strap, and lightly shook her head, "I'm okay, Wens, just sore. It was more shocking than anything, probably won't even feel it tomorrow. Sorry to make you worry, but I promise I'm good."

Wednesday groused and shook her head, instinctively reaching out for Enid's purple Nevermore sweater and tugging on the front pocket, "I will always worry about you," she grumbled, her eyes wandering over Enid once more, her face warming as she cleared her throat and backed a step away from the woman.

The wolf didn't think a thing of it when Wednesday took a step back, the captain waving off her team as they slowly started off toward the elevator to the student lot downstairs, eager to get home and rest. Divina walked to meet them, wrapping Yoko up in a quick hug and kissing her girlfriend in greeting, before reaching out for Enid and squeezing her wrist.

"You good, cap? That crash looked pretty scary. And screw Jackie Prewitt for being such a bitch, I know that was intentional."

Enid grinned again, "All good. And don't worry, Yoko got her for me-"

"Goddamn right I did, I can't f*cking stand that girl. I hope she likes the stitches in her face, and I hope the scar's ugly, too. Serves her ass right, she could have seriously f*cking hurt you. I don't give a damn who you are, you don't ride someone into the boards at top f*cking speed."

The wolf squeezed her friend in support, smiling softly as she nudged her shoulder, "Let it go, Yoko, we got her. Next time we face those bitches, we'll shove another victory down their throats."

They all agreed, the four of them walking toward the elevators, Enid automatically using her free hand to thread hers with Wednesday's, missing the way her face darkened with another blush. Yoko grunted as they approached the elevator, and turned a curious look to the quiet pair.

"Some of the girls are gonna head over to Duffy's to celebrate, you guys wanna come with?"

Enid immediately shook her head, her hand tightening around Wednesday's, "No way, I just wanna eat and go to bed at this point," they stopped at the elevator, the wolf keeping Wednesday safely tucked into her side, "You guys be careful getting home, I guess I'll see you tomorrow."

They parted ways, Enid leading Wednesday into the elevator and down towards her car, the seer curiously glancing up at her company as they walked to the familiar red SUV. Enid only smiled quietly and unlocked the doors, Wednesday beating her to the hatch and throwing it open, before holding her hand out for the pink gear bag. Enid sighed and offered it, Wednesday hefting it into the back cargo space before slamming the hatch, her dark eyes pinning the wolf as she shuffled in her boots.

"You are more injured than you have previously claimed. Where are you hurt?"

She grinned and slowly shook her head, shrugging her good shoulder as she met the worry pouring off the brunette, "Not lying, I really am just sore. I've already got a bruise forming on my hip from the impact, but it'll only be here for a day or two. Werewolf healing and all. I'm good, Wens, I wouldn't lie to you about that since I know you'd worry."

Wednesday frowned, and took a step toward Enid, her fingers lightly tugging on the blonde's hoodie pouch, "You have kept injuries hidden from me before," she said in a quiet voice, her eyes walking over where she knew scars were hidden under the dark clothing.

Enid hummed quietly and collected Wednesday's hands, the brunette flushing at how warm they were against her cool skin.

"I promise you that I'm okay, Wednesday. Do you wanna grab a quick bite or do you just want me to take you home?"

Wednesday swallowed and absently licked her lips, squeezing the hands that still held hers, "I believe you said you were hungry, I would like to accompany you to dinner."

Enid grinned and nodded, clasping the hands a final time before they broke off and tucked into the car, the blonde following their usual path towards their new shared haunt. Wednesday climbed the steps first, lingering by the door for Enid to follow up behind her, the seer throwing the door open and ushering them inside. They were immediately waved toward their booth in the back, Wednesday taking her seat against the wall as Enid collapsed on the red vinyl, leaning her head back and releasing a low, tired sigh. Marie flitted over with menus and a smile, the older woman lightly nudging Enid.

"I heard the ravens smoked those bastard Essington girls, good for you, Sinclair!"

She chuckled and nodded in thanks before the woman left off, her eyes easily tracking back to Wednesday, "So, what'd you think of your first home game? Pretty cool, right? I'm just glad we won, and we got over the opening day jitters."

Wednesday hummed quietly, her hands folding on the table in front of her, "It was exhilarating to be so close," she admitted quietly, carefully searching those crystal eyes, "You truly are a force on the ice, thank you for offering the invitation."

Enid smiled and dropped her chin on her palm as she leaned closer to Wednesday, "I'm glad you came. It'd be cool for you to be at all the home games, if you were interested in going again. It was nice seeing you out there."

She shifted in her seat, her ears turning red again, "I would not mind attending another," Wednesday cleared her throat, averting her eyes to look just over Enid's shoulder, "I rather enjoyed watching you."

Their eyes met and Wednesday felt her heart jump again, Enid squirming in her seat just the same, a similar crimson burned into the wolf's face, "Deal. If you didn't hate going with Divina, she goes to every game, and you guys could just sit together."

Wednesday nodded just as Marie came back for their orders, Enid smiling sheepishly as she finally cracked her menu, the woman laughing as she waited for her choices before heading back off to the kitchen. The brunette couldn't keep her eyes from wandering over Enid's face, the flare of warmth crawling up her neck as she focused on her lips, the image of getting blown a kiss suddenly flashing across her mind. She wanted to broach the subject but hadn't mustered the nerve, the butterflies crashing around her ribcage as she openly stared at her companion.

The wolf smiled, easily meeting the curious gaze as she dropped her elbow on the the table, her sensitive hearing picking up on the way Wednesday's breath hitched when she leaned closer.

"You know, I've missed you this week. I was kinda getting spoiled with how much we got to see each other, and how much we were hanging out before practice picked up. You get up to anything fun while you were held up in the library?" Enid teased, her fangs poking out in a wide smile, "I can just imagine all the fun you have without me there to bug you while you're studying."

She huffed out a small noise, absently rolling her shoulder as she quietly shook her head, "I prefer your company," Wednesday muttered, her eyes widening slightly at the surprise look on Enid's face, "You... do not bother me at all, Enid."

Enid blinked, her smile growing as she absently fidgeted with her fork, her nerves suddenly aflame as she melted beneath those dark, enchanting eyes, "Oh. I had no idea that you actually didn't mind the company, maybe I should visit you in the library more often, then."

Wednesday clenched her jaw, her eyes narrowing as she lightly nodded her head, ignoring the elation on Enid's face. Their food came, offering her a moment to calm the insane beat of her heart, her eyes looking down at her spinach omelet, before taking a grateful bite. Enid was mostly quiet as she inhaled her meal, Wednesday at least relieved to see the wolf hadn't lost her appetite despite the scary moment she'd had during the game. Enid snatched the check before Marie could even set it down, those pretty eyes clearly challenging Wednesday to try and fight her on the bill this time. She said nothing, simply offered Enid what she couldn't finish of her dinner, a smile wanting to show on her face as Enid easily cleared the rest of her plate. She followed Enid up front to pay before clearing out of the restaurant to return to the car, and quietly climbed inside.

Enid switched over to bluetooth, a Bartók piece suddenly soothing from the speakers as the blonde turned out of the diner lot, and headed back to the Addams mansion. Wednesday glanced down at Enid's hand as it rested against the gear shifter, suddenly overcome with a need to thread their hands together and feel the blonde close to her, the knot in her jaw jumping when she nervously draped her hand over Enid's. She smiled softly as she watched the road, instead moving her hand and interlocking their fingers, her thumb smoothing over Wednesday's. The brunette swallowed her nerves and pulled Enid's hand over and into her lap for only a moment, her common sense finally coming back to her as she released her grip, mourning the loss when Enid moved her hand from atop her thigh.

The wolf turned down through the woods and hit the code for the gate, following the driveway around and pulling up directly out front, quickly tossing the car in park, and easily killing the engine. Wednesday frowned in thought, Enid unbuckling her belt as she flashed a mischievous smile, those blue eyes faintly glowing as she playfully raised her pointer finger.

"Got something for you, Wens."

Wednesday swallowed heavily as she unclipped her belt and piled out, walking around to the back of the car and sitting on the tailgate beside Enid, the blonde digging through her gear bag. She made a noise of discovery before she zipped her bag up and shoved it further into the back, Enid turning and quickly hopping up to sit beside Wednesday. The wolf grinned, unveiling the small token she'd kept hidden at her side, and offered it to the surprised seer. Wednesday's neck bobbed as she swallowed again, slowly reaching her hand out and accepting the offered puck, a strip of duct tape around the edge of the disc, 28-29 1H, E. Sinclair #33 written in bold, black letters. She stared down at the puck, turning it over in her hands before she pinned Enid with a confused look, the wolf sheepishly ducking her head.

"I told you I'd score one for you, Wens," she moved over, bracing her hand behind Wednesday as she leaned toward toward her, their heads nearly brushing as Enid gestured to the tape, "This is the one that went in. They marked it for the first home goal for this year, and of course my name. I wanted you to have it."

Wednesday exhaled a quiet, uneven breathe, the scent of honeysuckle invading her senses as she blindly stared at Enid, the wolf so close to her now, her fingers absently tightening around the puck in her hands.

"Thank you," she rasped, lashes fluttering when Enid glanced up at her, their eyes meeting with a lance of electricity, "This is important to you, and I will keep it as a reminder of this evening."

Enid nodded, enjoying the closeness as she slid closer, pressing herself nearly flush up against Wednesday's side.

"It meant a lot that you came, I know how crowds are for you," Enid breathed out a small laugh, her eyes flicking down to her lips for just a moment, before refocusing on those arresting, dark brown eyes, "I appreciate you coming out for me."

She nodded mindlessly, her hands thankfully clinging to the puck to keep from reaching out for Enid, her heart drumming in her ears as she leaned imperceptibly closer, "I do not mind the crowds," her eyes slid down to openly stare at those soft, pink lips, her nerves wildly fluttering, "If it is for you."

Enid swallowed as she moved closer, a chill running over her skin when she felt breath against her lips, the blonde nearly kissing Wednesday before the brunette worked her jaw and reflexively jerked away. She smiled faintly, hearing the frustrated rumble from Wednesday as the brunette turned to glare down at the puck in her hands, Enid enamored with the little wrinkle between her brows before she leaned over, and pressed a soft kiss to Wednesday's cheek. The seer snapped her head up, her dark eyes wide as she stared back at her, Enid ignoring the heat in her face as she smiled instead, and gently squeezed Wednesday's knee.

"I'd do anything for you, too, Wens."

Wednesday opened and closed her mouth several times, her words caught up around the lump in her throat as she struggled to breathe, her cheek tingling where Enid's lips had kissed her. They stood from the tailgate at the same time, the seer nearly crushing the puck in her grip as she stood across from the peacefully grinning, red-faced wolf, her pulse racing even faster. She moved closer to Enid, staring up at the grinning face, nearly lifting to her tip-toes for a proper kiss before she weaved a step back, her face burning its most traitorous red as she scowled in response.

"Good night, Sinclair," she ground out, her voice wavering as she quickly turned and headed toward her steps, pausing right at the landing, and turning back with a frustrated grimace, "Will you be free tomorrow evening?"

Enid smiled and nodded, a hand rubbing down the back of her neck as she tried and failed to remember what words were, her mind completely wiped free of anything that didn't pertain to Wednesday Addams.

Wednesday breathed out a noisy exhale, her fingers twisting her puck, "I will see you at seven, then," her eyes lingered on the mute wolf, her knees nearly buckling when Enid nodded without hesitation, "Good night."

She slipped in through the front doors, collapsing back against the wood as she tried to catch her breath, her weak-willed heart crashing loudly in her chest as her fingers lightly skimmed over where Enid had kissed her. She cursed in Spanish, turning slightly to peek out the dark blinds over the glass beside the front door, watching as Enid closed her tailgate and turned back toward the house, Wednesday ducking back out of view the moment those blue eyes glanced in her direction.

Wednesday growled as she shoved up from the door and stomped up the stairs, her face still burning a nefarious red, a singular thought running through her tumultuous mind.

She should have just kissed Enid Sinclair.


Wednesday, every time Enid sends her a pic: *saves to phone* This is for... science.

Hey, girlies, it is gay to imagine kissing the ice hockey captain under the pretty house lights? That poor girl was sitting in her seat just fully eye-sexing her future wife. Like, a whole ass game is going on around her, and she's only got eyes for Enid. Puck? What puck? Enid is sitting on the bench lookin hella fine, what f*cking hockey game??

And Enid, all suave and confident on her skates, getting Wednesday all flustered. Taping her stick up in her wife's signature pattern. Blowing kisses. Being STUPID. I love them, they're so useless and gay. Wednesday just so over it now, just telling Enid they're going out. No questions, just PICK ME UP, GODDAMNIT. Maybe girly will get up her nerve and finally kiss that hot blonde. Just gonna snap and kiss the smirk off her face. Go, Wens, you got this.

The funniest to me was the entire hockey team jumping out of Wednesday's way so she could get to Enid faster, all the ladies KNOW. That tiny terror in the captain's hoodie, y'all do not f*ck with Wednesday Addams, ESPECIALLY when she's checking on her wife.

Yoko just standing there like, "Do you even see me? Of course not, Enid's here." The vampire is just ripping her hair out at this point, with how wife they are but how incredibly dumb.

Anyways, thank you for everyone supporting my little dog and pony show over here in hockey world, I still can't believe y'all. I'll better edit and respond to comments once I get more sleep, I'm still struggling to kick this illness and all the tiredness, it is so hard to stay conscious. It's also 121AM, so better edits and stuff to follow. It nap time.


Chapter Text

Enid breathed out a quiet breath as she laid out on her massive bed, her eyes carefully tracking over the painted, glowing stars that danced across her ceiling. She'd been awake for hours, her mind racing with every possibility for her upcoming night, wondering just where Wednesday had in mind for them to go. The invitation was almost surely impulsive, Wednesday having asked her of her plans while still openly flustered over the kiss Enid had pressed to her cheek, the seer uncharacteristically nervous. The blonde blushed lightly, her fingertips brushing over her lips as she recalled the soft, cool skin where she'd bravely placed a kiss last night, her inner wolf howling at finally being brave enough to kiss Wednesday Addams.

It wasn't a bona fide kiss, but it was still something, Enid well aware of just how close they'd come to actually sharing their first kiss, the thought of it making her smile so broadly, she was positive her face would split itself in two. She was so sure that Wednesday was going to kiss her, sure that she'd read the signals right when those dark, mesmerizing eyes had fixated on her lips for more than a moment, when Wednesday hadn't initially pulled away when she first moved closer. They were so close and yet still so far away, Enid's heart skipping when she remembered the look on Wednesday's face after she'd kissed her, the furrow in her brow and the surprise on her face, the seer clearly conflicted over their moment. Enid studied the memory, replaying every single detail in slow motion, trying to figure out just where she went wrong.

Everyone seemed to tell her that Wednesday was interested in her, that the tiny brunette who was infamously anti-social actually had a burgeoning, obvious crush on her. Enid's belly rumbled with butterflies at the mere thought of the gorgeous psychic seeing her as something more than a casual friend, as something more than a person to only be tolerated, whenever they spent any actual time together. And yet, every time she'd moved in, or expressed any interest in kissing her, Wednesday still always pulled away. There were shining instances between them, when Enid was nearly convinced that Wednesday liked her as more than, but just as many that made her feel like they were still only just friends.

Enid bemoaned her confliction and scrubbed her hands down her face, her cheeks flared with a persistent scarlet red as her eyes again followed the trail of stars above her. Wednesday had been more receptive to her lately, had even taken to holding her hand whenever they walked somewhere together, though neither of them had ever spoken on it, instead enjoying the newfound closeness that continued to grow between them. Wednesday was also still wearing her captain's hoodie, the apathetic girl seeming to have never once taken it off since she'd come to possess it, acting almost proud to bear Enid's name and number. She huffed and rolled over in bed, pulling the covers up over her head, whining pathetically, her wolf grumbling in the back of her mind.

She pinched her eyes closed and curled herself up in a ball of her own despair, her lips pressed in an obvious pout as she tried to shut out the world around her, instead focusing on the fact that she would be lucky enough to spend another night with Wednesday. Enid groaned as she heard the sound of footsteps sounding up the old stairs, Enid huffing faintly in irritation before the incessant knock sounded at her door, the blonde only burrowing further beneath her covers.

"Go away, Yoko," she mumbled, reaching for her pillow and shoving it over her head.

Yoko scoffed out a laugh as she entered the bedroom with Divina in step behind her, the pair dividing and conquering as they climbed into bed on either side of Enid, the grumpy blonde growling softly as they attempted to goad her out of her hiding place. Yoko smirked and poked hard into her side, Enid wincing as she accidentally touched the still-tender bruise, a blonde head peeking out from beneath the blankets.

"Hey, watch it, my side is still killing me."

"Is that why you called out of work?"

Enid curled her lip in annoyance and recovered her head, folding her arms across her midsection as she ignored the girls beside her, burying herself in her blankets.

"Mainly, it really does still hurt," she slowly straightened out, and gingerly tugged the covers away from her face, "I just wanted a day to lay in bed and stare into nothing."

Divina smiled briefly, her hand lightly carding through the wild blonde hair, "You okay? Something happen with Wednesday last night?"

She inhaled a deep breath and shook her head, catching eyes with the siren, "No. Nothing bad, anyway," Enid sighed and laid flat on her back, staring back up at her stars, "We almost kissed again, but she ducked me, again."

Yoko clicked her tongue and moved onto her side, propping her head up on her palm, "I think that maybe you need to actually have a conversation with this girl and tell her how you feel. I know she likes you, it's literally written all over everything she does, whenever she's with you."

Enid dismissed the comment, "Everyone keeps saying how much she's into me, and yet she still hasn't had the nerve to kiss me. Not that she has to, because she totally doesn't, but her signals are throwing me off. I only had the nerve to talk to her once, and she immediately changed the subject."

"Tell her how you feel," Divina tugged on the sleeve of her tee shirt, her face wrinkled in thought, "You know, the whole time last night, she didn't take her eyes off you once. She's walking around wearing you number, which, by the way, I don't think she's taken your hoodie off since you gave it to her."

The vampire gestured to her girlfriend, before throwing a supportive arm over Enid, "I know that she's got a thing for you, maybe you should just suck it up, and be the one to admit it first. Ask her out, like actually ask her out."

The blonde was quiet for a moment, her lips pursed in thought as she tried to keep the color from rushing to her face, "Actually... we might have a date tonight?"

"Might?" Yoko sat up and pushed up her sunglasses, her red eyes wide with clear judgement, "What the hell do you mean might? What happened?"

Enid groaned and dragged herself to a sitting position, her eyes falling to her burgundy comforter, pink-colored nails lightly picking at a stray thread.

"I dunno, I leaned in last night again, after she said that she didn't mind the crowds if it was for me... she was staring right at my lips, and I thought for sure she would kiss me. But when I leaned in again, she pulled away at the last possible second," she threw herself back down in bed, draping an arm over to cover her eyes, "We were so close that I want to scream every time I think about it."

She couldn't hide a smile as she breathed out a small laugh and uncovered her face, cutting the thread with the claw on her thumb, "Wednesday got all flustered and initially told me good night, but then she stopped and asked me if I was free," Enid laughed again, affection warming in her chest, "And when I said yeah, she said, I will see you at seven, then."

Yoko snorted out a humored chuckle, and reached out to grab Enid's bicep, "Okay, I love that she didn't even actually ask you out, she just told you to pick her up at seven, and your golden retriever ass self probably just smiled and nodded. Was your tail wagging, too?" She laughed when Enid smacked her hand away, her eyes rolling affectionately, "I didn't know Wednesday had such game, newfound respect for the tiny terror."

"Watch it, Tanaka," Enid narrowed her eyes in warning, just missing Yoko with a pillow as the vampire scrambled out of bed, "I'm a wolf, not a dog. And also," her cheeks warmed again, and she huffed out a frustrated breath, "I was so caught off guard by her asking, I couldn't even find actual words, so maybe I did just... smile and nod."

Divina tsked when Yoko doubled over in laughter, reaching out for Enid just as the blonde threw herself back into bed and covered herself with the comforter. The siren stifled her own laugh before she untucked herself from bed and pulled the covers with her, grinning down at the red-faced Enid.

"The two of you are so cute it actually, physically hurts, I can't believe it. Girl, when you see her tonight, just tell her. I promise it'll be worth it," she turned and slapped Yoko with the blanket, before reaching down and tugging on Enid's ankle, "By the way, Ajax is making banana pancakes soon, so get up and come eat."

Enid sighed and nodded as she rolled out of bed, accepting the blanket from Divina and haphazardly tossing it over to cover, not even bothering to properly make it. She winced as she started down the stairs from her attic bedroom, her hip still sore from the collision yesterday, the bruise growing over most of her right side. Still, she followed down after the other two women, already smiling as she finally hit the ground floor, the stirrings of melted butter reaching her as she moved through the living room and headed back to the kitchen. Their house was surprisingly large, with a most openly floor plan, and big, picturesque windows, sunlight usually spilling in during the early morning hours. Their living room was spacious with several plush couches and sofas, the perfect size to host a plethora of parties.

She inhaled a deep breath as soon as she walked into the kitchen, the gorgon stifling a yawn as he poured the pancake mix across two cast-iron griddles, Ajax half-turning in greeting to the three women.

"Morning, ladies," he dropped the bowl back on the counter, wiping his fingers across his pajama pants before looking pointedly at Enid, "Yo, dude, are you good after that crash last night? That looked like it hurt."

The blonde nodded as she crept around him and stole an apple off the counter, "Yeah, I'm okay. Sore, though. This bruise is huge."

Yoko went to collect a blood bag from the fridge and cracked it with her fang, head tilting curiously at her friend, "Well come on, show the goods."

Enid stood up from leaning on the counter and turned, lifting up the hem of her shirt and tugging on the waist of her sleep shorts, showing the mottled, dark purple skin. Ajax stared in surprise before he shook his head and waved his spatula at Enid, his face pinched in a concerned frown.

"Holy sh*t, dude. Are you actually okay? I don't even know how you're walking around. Wolves are mental," he turned back to the stove, just barely lifting the edges of his pancakes to check the how far along they were.

"She's being fueled by the power of gay," Yoko smirked as she sat at the bar in the kitchen, "Her girlfriend was at the game last night, gotta make sure you're a badass in front of Wednesday!"

Ajax chuckled as he started flipping their breakfast, "Wait, she was seriously at the game? Nice. When are you guys going to start dating?"

"They've got a date tonight!" Yoko smirked at the scathing glare, already hustling out of her seat when the wolf took a warning step in her direction, "All right! I'm sorry, I'll stop. Babe, I just want you to be happy. Wednesday makes you happy. You make Wednesday happy, I just wish you both would see it already, you'd both be better off. You're perfect for each other."

Divina shook her head as she took Yoko's seat at the bar, smiling sweetly, "Despite Yoko's incessant need to make fun of you, she's still right. I wasn't kidding, I watched her at the game last night, she really didn't take her eyes off you, like not even once. I thought for sure she was gonna scale the glass and go beat the sh*t out of Jackie, too. I was genuinely afraid I'd have to try and stop her."

Enid sighed as she sunk into the chair beside Divina, propping her chin up in her hands, "I know, I caught her looking a few times," she absently rubbed at her cheek, lips twisting into another pout, "I like her so much but what if I'm just getting the signals wrong? I was her first friend on campus, even before Tyler, maybe she just doesn't want to hurt my feelings."

Yoko shook her head as she moved to the other side of the bar and sat across from Divina, "Babe, Wednesday doesn't pull punches for anyone, not even Eugene. If she didn't like you, she wouldn't tolerate you. But this one? I've seen her when she notices you, and it's not even subtle anymore."

Ajax laughed as he turned with a plate of pancakes and put it down between Divina and Enid, hustling around the kitchen to snag some paper plates, and tossed them at the blonde.

"Yoko's right. I saw you guys at the bonfire, she stuck to you like glue, E. I mean, you got her to play beer pong, and it's Wednesday. And by the way, what were you guys doing out in the woods? You disappeared for a while and then when you came back, she was wearing your hoodie! Boss move, by the way."

Yoko perked up but said nothing when Enid threw her a look, the blonde scratching at her red face before whimpering pathetically.

"We were just talking, you know how much Wednesday hates crowds. I wanted to give her a break. And then I noticed that she was shivering, so I gave her my hoodie. End of story," Enid curled her lip into her mouth, her eyebrows twitching in thought, "We almost kissed that night, too, though."

Divina patted her knee before she dug into her breakfast, Yoko offering a bloodied smile to her housemate, "Please, for the love of god, kiss this girl tonight or I'm tying you to some cinder blocks and throwing you in the lake."

Enid sneered playfully and moved the conversation on, her stomach infested with butterflies at the thought of really dating Wednesday. They goofed off during breakfast, sharing their most recent stories about classes and the dramas on campus, Ajax spilling about his latest party at the gamma house. Enid was grateful for the distraction, her hip aching as she sat at the table, though she shoved the thought away, and focused on the mysterious evening ahead. She still hadn't a clue what Wednesday was even planning, only that she knew she was to show up promptly at seven. She sighed heavily when she remembered she left her phone upstairs, the wolf eagerly finishing the rest of the many pancakes, before hustling back up the many steps, and diving into bed to grab the phone under her pillow.

It was barely eleven now, the seer sure to be up and about in the world, Enid pulling up their thread and looking back at her last few messages. They went unanswered, a rare thing from Wednesday, considering how punctual she usually was with her responses, though Enid chalked it up to her being at the game, and not actually thinking of her phone. She grinned as she rolled and laid sprawled across her bed, thumbs tapping on the outside of her phone, before she wrote out a quick message.

Whatcha up to? And is there a dress code for tonight?

She dropped her phone on her stomach and stared back up at the ceiling, her blinds still mostly closed, the largest star glowing faintly through the graydark. Her phone chimed with its particular Wednesday noise, and Enid hurried to raise it off her stomach, chuckling at the response.

I am in the library, and there is not. Wear whatever would make you most comfortable.

Enid pursed her lips, her leg bouncing as her thoughts raced, a small smile tugging at the corner of her mouth. She sent the heart-eyes emoji and then threw herself out of bed, a nervous anticipation suddenly overcoming the wolf. She thought on the gym for a moment but decided against it, the deep ache in her side reminding her of her current fragility. She glanced around her room, trying to suppress the animalist urge to rearrange her entire living space again, Enid having spent a lifetime growing up in a strict household, and needed to feel the freedom of controlling something all her own. She decided against that too, her wandering focus caught by the familiar sound. She looked back down at her phone, her chest fluttering when as she stared at the newest message from the usually closed off Wednesday.

The black heart emoji.

Enid gawked with wide eyes, her entire brain suddenly fuzzy at the uncharacteristic use of the insipid little picture, her stomach already twisting itself up in massive, unavoidable knots. She tried to force away the blush from her cheeks, her face practically beaming as she jerked into action, and scrambled for her robe and her towel, hauling herself down the stairs and disappearing into one of the house's bathrooms. She'd showered after the game last night, but she required a more thorough rinse, deciding instead to let the hot water run over her bruise, and to quickly shave her legs, still not knowing what the night had in store for her. She tidied herself before scrubbing over her skin and finally slapping off the taps, all but wrenching the blue wave curtain open, and blinking away the steam.

She toweled off and quickly brushed her teeth, tucking her robe around her lithe frame before scurrying upstairs to her room, slamming and locking the door out of habit, a trick she'd learned when sharing a house with four older brothers. Enid paced as she finished toweling off, her eyes continuously wandering back to her phone as she walked, eventually hanging her towel across her desk chair before she scrambled to find a suitable outfit. She decided on a red cable-knit sweater and navy blue jeans, foregoing her pink docs in favorite of her red boots instead, the wolf sitting herself on her bed to eagerly finish getting ready for the day.

Enid quickly moved about her room, grabbing her school bag and going through it, snatching her laptop off her desk and shoving it in with some of her other work that still needed to be done. She picked up her phone and tucked it in her pocket, grabbing her student ID and her car keys from her nightstand before heading out of the room, sprinting back down the stairs.

The blonde nearly ran into Yoko once she hit the ground floor, the vampire gesturing toward the living room behind her, "Yo, the Nightshades are coming over and we're gonna be lazy and watch horror movies all day, you want in? They should all be here soon."

Enid smiled and shook her head, her feet taking her another step closer to the front door, "Thanks but no thanks, I've got other plans. I'll see you guys later though!"

Yoko hummed, her fangs peeking out in a faint grin, "Say hey to Wednesday for me."

The wolf smiled brightly, her cheeks flustered and warm as she rolled her eyes, and finally left out of the house. She unlocked her car and dropped her bag on her passenger seat before kicking over the engine and finally pulling out of the driveway, determined to make the most of her golden opportunity. Enid stopped off at the Weathervane first, grabbing a hot chai and an iced quad, even grabbing a poppyseed croissant and two strawberry donuts before fleeing back to her car, a giddy excitement swelling up in her ribcage. The drive to campus was short, the blonde following the familiar path to the Christie Library, and pulling up in the first open spot. She smiled as she stepped out, sensing hardly anyone about, the campus always a ghost town on Saturdays.

She grabbed their baggie and tugged on her backpack before finally ducking inside and collected their drinks, a permanent smile affixed to her face as she bumped the door closed with her hip, wincing at the forgotten bruise. Enid buzzed herself in with her student ID, already spinning to avoid Missus Graver, the school's vampiric librarian, and absolute stickler for following the rules in her hallowed library. The woman glanced up from her place near the front desk, her mouth twisted up in a dour frown.

"Sinclair, you know there's no food or drink in my library."

Enid flashed a pleasant smile, "Come on, Missus Graver, you know I've never once made a mess, and I've never left my trash. And besides, the only other person here is Wednesday, and she doesn't leave anything behind, either. Please?"

The woman sighed heavily, before waving the wolf away, "I've no time to argue with you on a Saturday, I've got my own work to catch up on. She's up-"

"I know where she is," Enid chuckled, and saluted with her drink in a quiet thanks.

She turned, walking across the massive ground floor and heading for the far side spiral staircase, her boots echoing loudly in the quiet library as she headed up to the second floor. Enid walked the familiar path to the table Wednesday always used when she was working, her smile only growing once she caught sight of the seer still wearing her hoodie, tucked away in the very back corner of the library in the midst of the collection's oldest tomes. Her heart skipped when Wednesday looked up, the tips of the brunette's ears burning red as she straightened up in her seat at Enid's arrival, her dark eyes wide with obvious surprise. Enid winked as she approached, rounding out behind Wednesday and dropping their drinks off on the tabletop beside her, placing the goodie bag between them.

Enid shrugged off her backpack and pulled out her chair, her nose crunching in a wide smile, "Howdy, Wens," she scooted in, nearly rubbing elbows with the seer, before sliding the cup over to Wednesday, "I got you a quad and a croissant. Have you been here long?"

Wednesday blinked only once, the blush crawling further up her neck as she absently swallowed, and pulled the cup closer.

"Nearly an hour," she took a sip and sighed quietly, pinning the wolf with a curious look, "How are you feeling after your injury? You are favoring to your left."

The blonde ducked her head to hide a smile, her eyes sparkling as she stole a look toward Wednesday, "Nah, I'm okay. Still just sore. You should see the bruise I got from it though, it's gigantic," Enid slipped a donut out of the bag and took a hearty bite, before gesturing the bag to Wednesday, "I did call out of work, since it was really bad when I first woke up this morning, and I needed some extra time to stay in bed. It'll probably be gone by tomorrow, hopefully."

Wednesday frowned, reaching to close her book and move it out of the way before she uncovered her croissant from the bag, the smell causing her stomach to quietly rumble in anticipation. Enid smiled as she reclaimed the bag, offering a napkin for a place setting, pulling out the little pats of butter and a disposable knife, and placed them on the table in front of Wednesday. The brunette nodded in thanks before she cut into her croissant, her eyes continuously looking toward Enid as she quickly ate her second donut, Wednesday's blush deepening when Enid mindlessly licked the frosting off her fingertips. She quickly snapped her attention away, instead focusing on the food in front of her as she finished with her butter and starting in on the lighter half of her croissant.

Enid happily smirked at the sight of Wednesday enjoying her offering before she bent to retrieve her bag, pulling out her laptop, intent on setting up to get some of her actual work done. Wednesday finished half her croissant before she offered the other half to Enid, the wolf smirking and denying the rest, instead gesturing to finish it for herself. She opened up her computer and set about finding her latest child psych assignment, leaving the tab open before dragging her tea over and taking a grateful sip. She accepted Wednesday's trash when she was finished and shoved it in her bag, her thumbnails absently tapping on the side of her cup as she glanced toward Wednesday.

"So, do I get any hints about where we're going tonight? Super excited, by the way."

Wednesday glanced up as she moved her book back in front of her, the tips of her ears still burning red as she shifted uncomfortably in her seat, "I owe you an apology, Enid, for the way that I acted last night," she swallowed, her cheek pinching as she clenched her jaw, "It is unbecoming of me to assume you would be interested in spending an evening with me, without first properly asking. You do not have to accompany-"

"Hey," Enid moved to sit sideways in her seat, and reached out to tug on the end of Wednesday's hoodie sleeve, "You asked if I was free, that totally counts. And honestly, I'd be down to do anything if you were the one asking. I'm just curious as to where we're going," she smiled, her fingertips absently rubbing the soft material between her fingers, "Wens, I already told you I like spending time with you."

She stared for only a moment, the heat spreading across her freckles, "I will spoil the surprise if you would prefer it, though Lurch is driving us to our destination, if you were worried over driving yourself."

Enid's nose wrinkled as she bounced in her seat, her blue eyes sparkling in excitement, "Oh my god, we're going in the limo? Oh wow, this place must be cool as hell then, now I'm even more excited!"

The seer sighed quietly and nodded, lifting her hand to clasp over Enid's where it still tugged on the sleeve of her stolen hoodie, "Then you are not interested in knowing?"

"Hell no, now I want to be surprised," she picked Wednesday's hand up in hers, her thumb absently tracing the scar on her palm, before she looked back up at the deep red blush, "I know that wherever we're going is gonna be amazing, Wens."

Wednesday nodded mutely, her eyes wide for a moment before she cleared her throat, the heat rising in her face as Enid startled, finally realizing what she was doing, flashing an apologetic smile before letting her hand go. She mourned the loss of warmth before she cleared her throat, and gestured toward her work still spread across the table.

"Thank you for brunch, though I must return to my work."

Enid breathed out a small laugh as she pulled her computer forward, and dismissed the concern with a brief shake of the head, "No worries, I actually wanna get this psych work done and I work a lot better whenever I'm with you," she turned toward the owlish look on Wednesday's face, and flashed a brief smile, "You're just always so quiet and focused, it's easy to get caught up in it. If I bug you, just shove me."

Wednesday blinked twice in surprise at the admission, her pulse doubling when Enid winked at her again, their elbows brushing as the wolf settled into her seat. The brunette attempted to focus, her hand hiding away in the pouch pocket of the captain's hoodie and tugging at the material, another traitorous blush crawling up along the sides of her face. She finally managed to return to where she'd left off in her work, her mind continuously wondering over the scent of honeysuckle beside her and the warmth that practically radiated off the wolf, her senses overwhelmed with everything Enid. Eventually she got herself into a proper groove, tearing through her coursework with the same cold precision she was accustomed of herself, the body beside her merely a welcomed presence.

They were an hour into studying when Enid gasped beside her, Wednesday looking up from her work to regard her just as she leaned over, laying her hand on the seer's forearm, "Oh my god, Wens, the pumpkin festival is happening this weekend and I had no idea, "she whimpered sadly, and showed her phone, "And the tickets are already gone? Damn it."

The brunette worked her jaw, her eyes flicking down to the warm hand that still rested on her forearm before she looked back up at Enid, "You did not have tickets?"

Enid sighed and dropped her phone on the table between them, and forlornly tugged on Wednesday's sleeve, "No, I didn't even know... it's normally the weekend before Halloween, they're having it early this year. I got too caught up in practice and missed my chance."

Wednesday merely nodded in response, and gingerly reached for Enid's hand, her thumb skimming across her knuckles, "I am sorry, I know how you rather enjoy the festivities."

"Don't need to be sorry, Wens," she exhaled a slow breath as she fell in on herself, "Man, that sucks. I know Divina mentioned it last week, but I didn't pick up on the fact that it moved dates. This was the last year I could have seen it, too, I wanted to ask you to go. Even though you're totally not a festival kind of person, I still thought we could have had fun."

The brunette frowned at the sullen expression, her hand fully grasping Enid's, "I regret not being aware enough to accompany you, then."

They shared a quiet look, Enid offering a sad smile before she gripped Wednesday's arm and finally let go, turning back to stare blankly at her phone, her leg beginning to bounce around her sudden anxiety. Wednesday only blinked, shifting in her seat as the silence settled over them, the brunette eventually looking back to her own work. She waited another beat before she shook her head and shuffled closer to Enid, hesitating only a moment before she placed her hand atop Enid's knee beneath the table, the blonde immediately jerking her head up, smiling instantly. Wednesday flushed but held her ground, her pulse rapidly increasing when Enid covered her hand, and affectionately squeezed.

Her throat bobbed as she nodded quietly, pleased when Enid's knee stopped bouncing beneath her grip, "Are you all right?"

Enid licked her lip and nodded, her eyes so blue as she tilted back toward Wednesday and nodded her head, "Yeah, sorry. You know how my brain likes to wander sometimes," she threaded their fingers together and kept their hands settled on her thigh, "Thanks for always getting me back, Wens."

The seer only jerked her head, relishing the touch of their hands before she slowly pulled herself away, gesturing toward Enid's laptop, relieved when the wolf snapped herself out of the emotional funk. Those damnable blue eyes lingered on her for a moment before Enid smiled faintly and returned to her work, Wednesday grateful to be freed from the mesmerizing look. She turned back to her own work, recounting her place before they began again, Wednesday keeping herself close as Enid lost herself to her assignments.

She had picked up on Enid's quirks and emotional tells early on in their friendship, back in their freshman year when most of their time together was spent holed up in the library. The blonde had difficulty focusing sometimes, would often listen to her headphones, or take breaks to unwind on her phone, Enid usually leaving her out of her anxiety-fueled whirlwind. It wasn't until their sophom*ore year that she'd started sharing in all the gossip from around campus, and showing her things that she'd learned throughout the school year, Wednesday keen to learn something new, quietly delighting in every new bit of gossip. Thing was usually with them in the beginning, the sentient hand a master at refocusing Enid whenever she got too off track from her work, easily guiding her back to the task at hand.

Wednesday had learned it, too, depending on the distraction she was up against. It usually required very little effort on her part, Enid decidedly eager to follow direction whenever it was given, or respond to a well-intentioned touch, Wednesday secretly pleased at how well she could read the woman beside her.

Several times during their afternoon, she'd noticed Enid drumming anxiously or fidgeting with her watch band, and each time, Wednesday would reach out with a faint touch, the sensation enough to kickstart Enid's brain, and send her straight back to her work with a brilliant smile. They were pressed together at their table in the corner, the silence occasionally broken whenever Enid would need to talk out her energy, Wednesday more than happy to accommodate the breaks, enamored with how animated Enid became when she was excited.

She reveled in those little moments, her stomach insisting on twisting itself up, whenever Enid leaned into her space to show her something new on her phone screen, or nudge her to gather her attention. Wednesday was consistently flustered, already regretting the croissant she'd eaten though she was impressed at the thoughtfulness, her eyes fluttering whenever Enid swayed too close into her side. She'd been openly staring at one point, Enid just sharing that same, gorgeous smile, the power of it bending Wednesday to her will without her ever even knowing. They took more time out to talk than anything else, the brunette unable to deny the pull she felt for Enid, whenever they occupied the same space.

Enid was the best kind of distraction.

It was several hours into their joint work session that Wednesday noticed Enid tuck her legs up onto her chair, the blonde having been mindlessly working through her phone for the last twenty minutes. She looked up from her lab report, catching the noticeable grimace on Enid's face as she winced briefly, and glanced up at Wednesday. The blonde only smiled and shrugged one shoulder, her eyes falling back to the phone in her hand.

"Someone uploaded a video of me crashing into the boards last night, I just saw it on tiktok," Enid automatically reached out and squeezed Wednesday's arm after seeing the look on the seer's face, her shoulders falling, "Okay, it looked a lot worse than it was, I promise. The bruise is pretty gross but it's already starting to feel better."

Wednesday only nodded quietly, her eyes carefully wandering over the grinning face, "I am glad that you are unharmed."

Enid clasped Wednesday's arm again, "Thanks, Wens," she removed her hand and leaned back in her chair, stretching her arms above her head and groaning when her spine popped back into place, throwing a playful smirk to her quiet company, "Man, I'm starving. Are you almost done, do you wanna go get a late lunch?"

She nodded, gesturing to her laptop, "I am nearly finished with my lab notes and then we may go."

The wolf smiled breezily and set about cleaning up her side of the table, catching the time on her watch to be nearly four in the afternoon, Enid having spent most of her one free day doing actual schoolwork. She left her bag on the table beside her as she remained in her chair, occasionally swaying toward Wednesday out of instinct, her blush coloring faintly every time the brunette looked in her direction. Wednesday completed her assignment and saved all her work before deftly packing up her bag and standing from the table, the pair grabbing their cups before heading down for the entrance. Enid joined her as they started toward the stairs, their hands naturally fitting together as Wednesday led them down the spiral staircase and out toward the door, tossing their coffee cups in the trash on their way out.

Graver watched them both go, Enid tossing a thumbs up to the older woman before they escaped out of the building, heading to the lone car parked in the student lot, the campus a veritable ghost town. Enid unlocked the doors, tossing her bag in the backseat before grabbing two bottles of water from her case on the floor, tucking herself into the driver's seat and inhaling a deep, cleansing breath. She smiled the moment Wednesday slid into the passenger seat beside her, her lip caught between her teeth as she waited for the click of her seat belt, and offered the bottle of water.

"What are you feeling like for lunch, anything special?"

Wednesday bristled for only a moment, her thumb tracing the edge of her hoodie pocket as she reached out and accepted the drink, "If you would not mind, I would rather prefer to go home. Grandmama is making dumplings and she was adamant that I be home for a proper meal."

Enid blinked in surprise before flashing a quick smile, keeping the disappointment from creeping into her voice as she nodded her head, "Oh, sure, no problem. I'll drop you off and-"

"I would like it if you joined us."

The blonde froze, her hand slowly wrapping around the gear shift, "Wait, are you inviting me to dinner at your house?" Enid felt her smile grow at the curt nod, her fangs suddenly showing in a truly elated smile, "I love your grandmother's cooking, I'd love to come. Thanks, Wens."

Wednesday exhaled a shaky breath and nodded, her hands folding together in her front pouch pocket, purposefully staring out the window to keep from falling into those damnable eyes, "Grandmama will be happy to see you, she has been chattering on about you recently. She asked that I check on you this afternoon, after your incident on the ice."

Enid exhaled an affectionate chuckle as she pulled out of her spot and headed off toward the Addams mansion, "It's so sweet to know that she cares about me so much, I can't wait to see her now, and give her a big hug," her face softened as she pulled up to a stop sign at the end of the lot, turning her attention to Wednesday, "Your whole family's always been so nice to me, Wens, they're seriously the best. I hope I'm not going to be overstepping if I show up unannounced."

"You will not," she shifted in her seat again, her forehead spidering faintly as she flicked a curious glance to the soft-hearted blonde, "My parents have asked of you, as well."

The wolf paused for only a moment, her eyes wide in awe and her face tinged pink before she reached out for Wednesday, laughing quietly when she accepted the hand in hers.

"It's nice that they care," she whispered quietly, her smile fading, "You know how my family is, or isn't, I should say. It's been a while since we've talked."

Wednesday noticeably frowned before she pulled their hands into her lap and idly ran her fingers over Enid's, the brunette snorting out a frustrated grunt, "Your mother infuriates me, I would enjoy nothing more than-"

"I know," Enid smiled sadly, her eyes falling to study their tangled hands, "I really do know. But it's okay, I'd rather not even bother thinking about them. I've moved on anyway, since I wasn't even allowed home this summer."

The brunette's jaw loosened in surprise, sudden fury winding up around her bones as she tightly squeezed Enid's hand, "I was unaware of this, why did you not tell me?"

Enid shook her head and tugged on their hands, offering a tiny smile instead, "I didn't want you to get mad, it's really fine. It's not like I was missing anything, I spent the entire summer with Yoko and Divina at her mom's place in Buffalo. I know how much you and my mom can't stand each other, just going off the one time you guys met."

"She is endlessly cruel to you, and without reason," Wednesday bit out, her brow furrowing as she attempted to curb her temper, moving in her seat to face Enid, "You are deserving of far more kindness than what you have been shown."

The wolf swallowed slowly, her eyes wide as she looked back at the lethally serious Wednesday.

"Thank you. That means a lot, especially coming from you," she blinked back tears and added her hand over Wednesday's, her nose scrunching in a grateful smile, "I'm glad that I have you with me, Wens, you don't know how much I love-" Enid snapped her mouth shut, her face reddening before she cleared her throat, and lightly tugged on Wednesday's hand, her eyes glowing with something magical, "How much I love that we're friends."

Wednesday stared with wide eyes, looking for a moment at Enid's pretty pink lips, the gaze broken when Enid smiled and flicked her blinker on, the moment gradually fading away. Enid shifted in her seat, compensating for her hand still in Wednesday's lap, carefully checking for any traffic, and finally rolled off from the stop sign. Wednesday watched patiently, her thumb still passing over Enid's knuckles as they headed off toward the Jericho woods, and her home away from home. She didn't flinch when Enid squeezed her hand once they rolled up to a red light, instead running her fingers across the back of Enid's knuckles, and wrapping a protective hand over the one in her lap. The blonde's nose scrunched in another smile, Wednesday's heart pathetically beating faster at the adorable expression, an amorous swell of affection creeping up between her ribs.

Wednesday tightly grasped the blonde's hand, her sights shifting down to stare at those soft pink lips again, an overwhelming need to lean forward and kiss the alluring captain suddenly screaming at her from the deepest recesses of her cold, black soul.

There was no way in hell she was going to make it through the night without falling in love with Enid Sinclair.



For anybody not in the know, I was hospitalized for a while and was deathly ill, which is where I've been the last two weeks. I'm slowing getting there but my lord am I always f*cking exhausted now. I made sure to get these updates out, but comment responses are gonna be a bit later. I need a nap.

Anyway, these two are dumb and I love them. Look at Wednesday being all cute and trying to keep her date idea a secret, what a little sweetheart. Enid rocking up with food, totally unannounced, because she's whipped like that. Oh I can't wait for Enid to go to dinner at the Addams family house, the fam gonna be like Y'ALL DATING ALREADY OR WHAT? WE WANNA SEND OUT WEDDING INVITES.

Ahh, my babies. I love them so much, in all the universes.

Apologies again for being late, and forgive any mistakes. I'm updating like 40k+ and I know I've missed some things. I'll get there.

Thank you for everyone and all your kindness, you make life so much better for me <33

Also I find it so f*cking funny that Ajax lives with three lesbians, like good for HIM lmao

Chapter 7: I Like (Learning About) You


Enid has dinner with the Addams family; Wednesday tries to keep cool about it.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Wednesday swallowed her nervousness as they drove down the beaten path through the woods, refusing her hold on Enid even as the blonde leaned out her car window to punch in the gate code. The brunette continuously flexed her jaw, her hand still threaded with Enid's atop her lap, her free hand lightly tracing along the tops of her knuckles as the car continued up the semi-circular drive. She stared at the front of the mansion, her stomach fluttering with butterflies when Enid pulled her car off the main drive, and parked near the rarely-used garage, cutting the engine with a flourish before leaning back in her seat. Wednesday swallowed and chanced a small look to Enid, the blonde grinning softly as she ran her thumb over Wednesday's hand, the seer blinking once as she finally loosened her grip on her company.

The brunette kicked out of the car, scowling at the burning in the tips of her ears as she opened the back door to grab her bag, quickly shrugging it on and slamming the door. Enid rounded on her side of the car, Wednesday already reaching out to thread their hands back together, still wanting to be close to the warm presence, her uncharacteristic need for contact making her even more uneasy. They headed up the front stairs, Wednesday reaching out and shoving open the front door of the mansion, and led Enid in behind her. Faint music wafted in from the seating area down the hall, the gothic interior alive in the late afternoon sun, light pouring in from the open rear windows. Esmeralda glanced up from her stroll across the foyer as she noticed the girls finally come home, her smile widening once she laid eyes on the newly arrived Enid.

"Aye, wolf!"

Enid laughed as Wednesday finally let her go, happily bounding over to the old witch just as Esmeralda reached for her, and wrapped her up in a tight, lingering hug.

"Hi, Grandmama!"

The witch cackled loudly as she pulled away, her hands grasping Enid's forearms as she looked the young woman over, her gray eyes twinkling in delight.

"Wolf, it's been entirely too long since we've crossed paths, I've missed seeing your beautiful face. How are you doing, did you have a good summer? Why has my granddaughter been keeping you all to herself?" Esmeralda snapped her fingers, and looked up into the earnest face, "Oh, Pugsley showed me a video of your incident last night, are you faring well?" She looked Enid over again, her brow creasing in concern, "Any lingering pain?"

Enid wrinkled her nose and shook her head, her smile beaming as she looked down at the eccentric woman, "I've missed you, too! My summer was fun, I was with Yoko and Divina. Did you get up to anything crazy this summer? You always have the craziest stories," she laughed again when Esmeralda grasped her hands and squeezed, "And I'm okay, just a little sore. The bruise has been slowly feeling better all day. It also helped that all I did was sit, Wens and I were working in the library."

Esmeralda barked out another laugh, a mischievous smile twitching across her lips, "Oh, you know I'm always up to no good," her eyes flicked to Wednesday as she wandered over to meet them, the witch's smile widening, "I'm happy you finally brought this girl back for dinner, love! It's been too long since we've a chance to properly see our favorite wolf."

Wednesday glared and said nothing, stuffing her hands in her hoodie pocket to keep from reaching out for Enid, instead stepping closer into her side, dark eyes fixated on her grandmother. Enid chuckled and reached out to tug on the elbow of Wednesday's sweater before glancing back at Esmeralda, her eyes sparkling.

"I'd love to catch up with everyone, and thank you for having me for dinner. I know it's sudden," her mouth watered as she focused on the smell of dinner cooking, her stomach rumbling loudly, a blush coloring her face, "Sorry, the last thing I ate was two donuts. I didn't realize I was so hungry... Do you need any help with dinner?"

The old witch cackled again, and lovingly swatted at Enid's arm, "Not from you, wolf! Though I'm appreciative of the offer," Esmeralda waved them both away, her eyes lingering on Wednesday, "Dinner won't be ready for nearly another hour, and the seating room is currently occupied. Your parents were in the mood for dance, they're completely enraptured."

Wednesday inhaled a deep breath and sighed, moving a step closer into Enid's side, "I hear Chopin, I imagine they are waltzing," she looked up at Enid, her hand sneaking out of her pocket and curling into the blonde's, her focus shifting back to her grandmother, "That is fine, we will be upstairs. If you require any assistance, please delegate to Pugsley."

Esmeralda grinned as she nodded, shooing the two girls off toward the stairs before flitting off into the kitchen. Enid swallowed audibly, her face burning red as she automatically threaded her fingers with Wednesday's, eagerly following along behind her.


Wednesday nodded as they approached the stairs, comfortable silence falling over them and they ascended the old stairs. Enid stared with wide eyes, a smile falling into place as she was led along, her heart racing as she tightened her grip on Wednesday.

In the dozen times she'd been in the Addams mansion, she never once left the ground floor, was usually seated in the living area with the rest of the family, the conversation always lively and fun between them. Enid had met them all for the first time during freshman year, following the events of numerous murders and after Tyler's attack; Morticia had hugged her so tightly in thanks for managing to save Wednesday from an early grave, and Enid had been so taken by the surprise affection that she'd fallen apart in the elder seer's arms. The family seemed to immediately adopt her after that night, the few times she'd seen them in town or on campus always warm and inviting, before Gomez had invited her over for her first family dinner. She was always surprised that Wednesday never said anything on her inclusion, though Enid was grateful that they'd accepted her so easily, her own pack never once so forthcoming.

But to be upstairs? That was something else entirely.

The brunette led them to the farthest part of the house, the most private part of the mansion if Enid were to guess, stopping off at a black-stained door before quietly turning the knob, and guiding them inside. Enid stared in wide-eyed wonder at the large space, her hand twitching in Wednesday's before they parted ways, Wednesday clicking the door closed behind them. Enid reverently looked around the ample space, taking in every fascinating detail she could, her hand blindly reaching for Wednesday, and tugging on the end of her sleeve.

"Whoa," Enid blinked as she was eased into the room, following Wednesday's step forward, "I knew you collected knives, but I had no idea you collected swords, too."

Enid glanced around at the dark interior, a small, warm corner lamp illuminating most of the rather spacious room. She couldn't help the smile as her eyes wandered over the wall of various swords and weapons alike, the carefully polished metal glinting through the low light in the room. Her eyes flickered with a feral glow as she looked through the darkness, noticing a small seating area in the corner with two wide leather chairs, a circular table with a mostly burned candle seated in the middle. There were two massive bookshelves beside the reading nook, a large curio cabinet filled with treasures off to one side. Enid swallowed as she noticed the large, four-poster bed in the farthest corner, her neck warning at the sight of it before she quickly averted her eyes, reality suddenly crashing into her.

She was standing in Wednesday's bedroom.

Her eyes lingered on the curio cabinet before she turned to look at Wednesday, the seer walking toward her desk on the left side of the room, her prized typewriter the crown jewel in the center of the mahogany desk. The wolf dutifully followed, her eyes still shimmering with a glowing blue as she watched Wednesday drop her bag on the floor beside her desk.

"Wens, your room is so cool," Enid nearly reached out again but stopped herself, instead tucking her hands into the back pockets of her jeans, "It just screams you. Books, weapons, your typewriter? Very Wednesday, I like it. It suits you."

Her face twitched in thought as she stepped up to the wolf, "I do not allow people into this room, I do not like to offer anyone insight into my personal space," Wednesday searched Enid's face, finding no hint of judgement in those surprised blue eyes, "Save for you. I trust you, and... I do not mind it, when you are with me."

Enid flustered, her face suddenly red as she smiled easily, and swayed a step closer to Wednesday, "I like spending time with you, too... thanks for trusting me," she licked her lips, her fang pinching at the inside of her cheek before she tucked her hands in Wednesday's hoodie pocket, pulling her a step closer, "I promise I won't say anything, I know how much you like your privacy... I'm honored you'd even let me in here, I don't even know what to say."

Wednesday scowled and crossed her arms, glaring up at the awestruck look on Enid's face, her blush deepening at suddenly being so close to Enid, "There is no need for you to speak on it," she said in a tight voice.

She read the discomfort easily and removed her hands, instead glancing around the room, her hands purposefully folding behind her back, "You have so much cool stuff, would you want to show me some things? I'd love to learn more about you and your hobbies outside the library," Enid breathed out a wondrous sigh, a smile flexing when Wednesday looked to her and nodded curtly, the wolf gesturing toward the cabinet, "Like, what's all that in there, can I ask? Looks important."

Wednesday made a small sound as she nodded her head toward the cabinet, turning to fully face Enid as she tucked her hands in her front hoodie pocket, "That is my menagerie of collectibles, all of which I have gathered and prepared myself," she skirted around Enid and approached the tall case, reaching up to switch on the light before looking back at the girl who followed, "They are my most prized possessions."

Enid let her eyes wander across the many things inside the cabinet, blinking once Wednesday waved her a step back and opened the door, lifting her hand up to quietly present the contents. She reached inside, pulling out a small mason jar with body of an albino boa floating inside, its head easily visible through the mostly-clear fluid. Enid accepted it into her hands, her lip twitching slightly at the sight of such casual death, shifting on her feet to control her squeamishness in view of such a well put-together Wednesday. The blonde's nose twitched faintly at the smell of formaldehyde and taxidermized fur, noticing creatures of all walks in various stages of preservation, an array of skulls and bones carefully arranged on the many shelves. She looked back at Wednesday, her nose scrunching in a small smile.

"Most prized possessions?" Enid stepped back, and handed the jar to Wednesday, catching a glint of pride in the dark eyes as the butterflies started to kick up a violent storm in her belly, "Which ones are your favorites?"

The seer blinked once, her thumb smoothing over the jar she held, the barest hint of a smile ghosting across her face as she turned, and placed the snake back on its shelf. Enid watched with rapt fascination as Wednesday quietly led her through her favorites, from a coyote skull she'd cleaned when she was nine, to a vampire bat that bit her when she was fourteen that she carefully preserved and stretched out in a pretty display case, to a black water snake that had crept in the bathtub with her when she was only six, that was sitting coiled up in a large jar on the top shelf. Enid hadn't once taken her eyes off Wednesday as she explained each one in every graphic, gory detail, her words hardly penetrating the dense fog of affection that Enid was currently embroiled in.

Wednesday was beautiful when she was excited.

Enid couldn't help her smile as she nodded along, hanging on every word out of Wednesday's mouth, automatically accepting each specimen that the brunette offered to show her. She was normally so off-put by death and its many forms, but was fully taken with how reverent and respectful Wednesday was in her explanations, her heart aching for how desperately she wanted to take the brunette in her arms, and silence her with a smoldering kiss. Her smile grew with each new explanation, loving the light that shone in those pretty brown eyes whenever Wednesday was on one of her tangents, the seer rarely ever so animated. Enid blindly handed one of the specimens back to Wednesday, the words bubbling up inside her before she could stop them.

"You're really passionate about all this stuff, huh?"

Wednesday paused, her brow wrinkling as she turned and looked up at Enid, her heart skipping at the softness on the blonde's face, "Yes," she swallowed, gravitating a step closer as she looked to Enid, "I have always enjoyed the various stages of death and the afterlife, I am fascinated by it."

She nodded quietly, her hands nervous twiddling with themselves, "I can tell, the way you talk about it is so... beautiful," Enid moved a step closer, her fingers reaching out to trace the piping around the sweater's pocket, "I like seeing you so happy about something," she finished quietly, leaning closer into Wednesday's space.

The seer swallowed thickly, falling into those glowing blue eyes as she took a step closer and tilted her chin up, her hand reflexively clasping over Enid's to keep her from fidgeting, a chill skating over her shoulders.

"I do not usually have such a captive audience," Wednesday mumbled, squeezing Enid's hand.

Enid bit the inside of her lip, ducking her head low enough to gently touch her forehead to Wednesday's, "I'd love to listen to anything you want to tell me about, Wens," she swallowed, ignoring the fire burning in her face as she clutched at the hem of Wednesday's sweater, her eyes slipping closed, "I just like to hear you."

Wednesday worked her jaw, her fingers threading with Enid's as she studied the placid face, her heart pounding at how close they were, her eyes falling to stare at the soft, pink lips. She swallowed again, her breath caught as she tried to force air into her body in an attempt to rein in her suddenly wild emotion, her other hand tugging on Enid's sweater.

"I will tell you whatever you wish to know," she startled when those eyes opened again, caught in the hypnotizing gaze, her fingers automatically curling harder into red wool, "You need only ask."

Enid looked to Wednesday, noticing the blush that pestered beneath her freckles, the tips of the brunette's ears nearly glowing red through the faint light. She was awe-struck, her mouth opening several times though no questions ever came to mind, her eyes focused only on the plush lips. The blonde swallowed heavily, her free hand lifting up to lightly touch along Wednesday's jaw, her heart stopping once those dark eyes fluttered closed, the brunette leaning into her gentle touch. Enid swept her thumb over the freckles she loved to admire, her fingertips lightly touching along the side of a slender throat, Wednesday's pulse rapid beneath the pads of her fingers. Her stomach twisted in terrible knots when those eyes opened to look straight through her, the color so deeply rich up close, Enid nearly whimpering as she felt herself fall all over again, the wolf trapped in the mesmerizing, obsidian eyes.

Wednesday couldn't hardly breathe, her eyes wide as they looked up at Enid, a tightness in her chest at feeling the warm hand lightly caress her cheek. She warried with herself, wanting so much to press up to her tip-toes and kiss the wonder off Enid's face, wanted to fully grasp Enid's sweater and bring her in for a desperate kiss. Her throat bobbed as she swallowed, her thumb running over the back of Enid's knuckles, her right hand pulling Enid closer by the front of her cable-knit, hardly any room left between them as they swayed into one another. Wednesday felt the world tilt when Enid leaned closer, their noses nearly brushing as she watched Enid's face struggle with something important, a swell of over-protectiveness for the precious wolf seizing the quiet seer.

Enid released a shaky breath, a smile tugging at the corners of her mouth as she forcefully swallowed her nerves.

"Wednesday? I just... I-"

She startled at the sudden knock on the door, her senses betraying her after being so caught up in everything Wednesday, Enid quickly removing her hand from where it rested on Wednesday's cheek. The seer blinked twice, her blush darkened as she looked behind Enid toward the interrupting sound, her face morphing into a dangerous scowl. She absently squeezed Enid's hand before she detangled from the intoxicating embrace, all but storming toward the door, ignoring the way her spine tingled at the feel of those eyes following along behind her.

Wednesday released a low, dangerous sound as she reached for the knob, waiting a beat to hopefully calm the redness in her face, before she mindfully turned the handle. She cracked it open, Pugsley grinning at her from the hallway, his eyes attempting to look past Wednesday and find Enid somewhere in the room, immediately snapping his attention back to Wednesday when she grumbled in clear warning. He smiled even brighter as he gestured his head toward the hall, ignoring the growl from Wednesday, his face borderline smug.

"Grandmama said dinner's basically done if you guys wanna come down and eat. If you're not too busy, that is."

Wednesday glared before slamming the door in his face, squinting her eyes in frustration before she looked back toward Enid, swallowing lightly at the bright smile shining on the blonde's face. She walked the steps that separated them, reaching out to lightly pull on Wednesday's sleeve, her cheeks warm with a pretty pink blush, the blue in her eyes even more beautiful against the warm color.

"You know, I just," she fidgeted nervously, her nose scrunching in another smile, "I'm glad that you brought me up here, I like you a lot. I mean, not... I like learning about you a lot. Not to say I don't like you, I do! I just-"

The brunette blinked, her face falling slack in the presence of such an unfairly precious creature, her eyebrows twitching lightly, hoping to mask the affection that suddenly bloomed in her chest, "Enid."

"Right, yep," Enid breathed out a small laugh and lightly pinched Wednesday's sleeve again, "Thanks for sharing all those stories with me, I love learning about all the things that you like. You're a very interesting person, Wednesday Addams. Y'know, I remember you telling me about Nero before, too, I'm surprised you didn't keep him in your collection."

The brunette worked her jaw, her face briefly flashing a touch of remorse, "There was hardly anything that remained, after what they did to him. It was more honorable that he be buried amongst family."

Enid winced, her face wrinkling in apology as she moved her hand from Wednesday's sleeve, and gently slotted their fingers together.

"I'm sorry, Wens, I didn't mean to bring up bad memories-"

"It is fine, Enid," she glanced up into those kind eyes and took a step closer, "It is long in the past, and I have moved on from it."

Enid nodded easily in agreement, her eyes lingering on the tense cut of Wednesday's shoulders, guilt festering in her gut as she opened her arms and took an instinctive step toward the brunette.


Wednesday scowled, her face red again despite not taking her automatic step back from Enid, her dark eyes pinned to the blonde's warm smile. She shuffled forward a half step, her jaw flexing as she clenched her teeth, finally seeming to snap herself out of it as she shook her head, and wandered back a step.

"Come, if we do not leave off for dinner, Grandmama will collect us herself."

Enid's smile never once faltered as she nodded, dropping her arms as she followed along behind Wednesday, the seer leading them back out into the hallway. She waited, turning to catch one last look at the room before Wednesday clicked the door shut, the blonde smiling softly as they headed back down toward the stairwell. Their hands brushed though neither made a move to reconnect them, instead cresting the top of the stairs and quickly descending, Gomez catching sight of them as they headed down into the main foyer. His face lit up the moment he noticed Enid, his eyes widening in excitement as he hurried over to meet them.

"Lupa mia! It's been too long!"

The blonde laughed as she let Gomez sweep her up in a tight hug, Enid returning the embrace with the same amount of ferocity.

"Mister Addams, hi!"

He laughed as he finally released her, looking her over as he squeezed her shoulders, "Enid, you're looking well! I've heard of your incident on the ice last night, are you all right?"

Enid smiled again and nodded, squeezing his forearms, "Yes, sir, I'm okay. Just a little sore. It's so nice that everyone's worried about me, but I promise I'm okay."

Gomez nodded happily, "Marvelous! I would hope my little viper would tell us if you were seriously injured!"

Wednesday glared at her father as she waited off for Enid, grumpily shoving her hands in her hoodie, not even bothering to hide her displeasure. She glanced behind Gomez, Morticia leaving out of the sitting room just as well, the family matriarch's face glowing as she looked over Enid. She lightly touched Gomez's shoulder and her husband easily moved away, the woman smiling at Enid as she pulled the wolf into a tight, welcoming embrace.

"There you are, Enid, how have you been lately?"

Enid smiled as she relaxed into the maternal hug, her eyes fluttering closed for a moment, "Hi, Missus Addams, I'm okay," her eyes fluttered open as she stepped back, grinning when Morticia lightly pinched her chin, "Happy to see you guys, how are you?"

Morticia laughed lightly and threaded her arm through Enid's, passing a smile off to Wednesday before she refocused on the blonde, "I'm wonderful, dear, happy to see you as well! It's been far too long, though I an unsurprised that Wednesday is so hesitant to share her paramour with the family."

The wolf nearly stumbled, her eyes wide as she looked up at the placid smile, her face suddenly burning red, "P-paramour?? Oh, Missus Addams, we're not... I mean, we-"

"We are not involved," Wednesday ground out, her own face pestered a vibrant scarlet, eyes murderous as she looked back at her mother while her hands self-consciously tugged on the hoodie pocket.

She offered an apologetic smile, her dark eyes sparkling with a knowing glint before she turned to look back at Enid, "Oh, forgive me, dear. It's unbecoming to assume, I hope I haven't made you uncomfortable," she passed a sidelong glance to Wednesday, "I was under the impression that the sharing of clothes was something young couples did in the early stages of courting in this day and age."

Morticia's smile widened as she looked between the two stunned women, bringing them to a stop at the mouth of the dining room, the elder seer turning to kiss the air beside Wednesday's head before she squeezed Enid's arm.

"I ask that you both forgive me for my oversight. Wednesday, you know I do not like to pry into your personal affairs, I was merely making a quaint observation," she looked back to Enid, "Welcome back to the mansion, rosebud, I am always happy to see you."

She breezed away from the girls, leaving them standing in the doorway in the wake of her observation, Enid's jaw still slack in surprise. Gomez grinned as he shimmied between them, winking at Enid as he passed them by. The blonde audibly swallowed as she shuffled in place and glanced to Wednesday, the seer's face still just as obviously red as she threw a scathing glare after her mother. Enid blinked away her nerves, her hands wringing over themselves before she reached out and tugged on Wednesday's sleeve, offering a hopefully disarming smile that the seer immediately caved for, Wednesday muttering grumpily in Spanish before she led them into the dining room.

Wednesday was grateful Pugsley was in the kitchen during the little exchange, not needing her brother to continue to antagonize her over Enid, sure that her mother's comment would further spur his insistence. Her eyes widened slightly as Enid filtered onto her side of the table and untucked her usual seat for her, those blue eyes pinning her in her spot as the wolf fought her own flushed face. Wednesday clenched her jaw and slid into her seat, just as Enid took the one beside her, reclaiming the place she'd usually sit during her meals with the family.

Enid perked up when she heard the familiar patter of fingers, Thing tearing across the floor and scurrying up on the edge of the table, the hand gesturing wildly to the ecstatic blonde.


He leapt over toward her, crawling up to sit on her shoulder and squeeze her in a silent hello, his fingers nearly a blur as he leapt down and happily greeted his old friend.

You can't stay away that long again!

She giggled and nodded, reaching out to squeeze his forefinger in agreement, "I know, I'm sorry! You look like you could use a mani, mister, we'll have to fix that soon."

Yes, please!

Enid laughed again as she watched him launch off the table and disappear into the kitchen, affectionately shaking her head as she watched him go. Pugsley and Esmeralda eventually exploded out of the kitchen with plates and bowls alike, setting up the center of the table as the witch smiled at the two women, and gestured to the bare amount of space that existed between them. The wolf only smiled at the gesture, stealing a look toward Wednesday as she shifted in her seat, their elbows nearly brushing when Enid covered her lap with her napkin. The family settled in and plated their food, Gomez leading a lively discussion as they all settled in for the meal, his focus decidedly eager to finally land on Enid.

"So, demonia, how was your summer? I'm very glad to see you back here in one piece!"

Enid finished her bite and swallowed, chasing it with a cold drink, her fangs bared in a wide smile.

"It was actually pretty cool, I spent the summer in Buffalo at Yoko's mom's place with her and Divina. I played so much street hockey, it was honestly awesome. What about you guys? Did you guys do anything fun? I know Wens had to stay home with her knee injury, which is a total bummer."

Morticia hummed quietly as she looked toward Wednesday, "We cancelled plans after Wednesday was hurt, but we spent a lovely summer together at the mansion back home. I hadn't the slightest idea you spent the summer out east."

She nodded her head, shifting slightly in her chair as a sense of anxiety suddenly ignited within her, loathing the inevitable direction of the conversation. Enid knew that the Addams family had faint knowledge of her deep issues with her pack, Morticia and Esther having exchanged words the one and only time they'd met all those years ago, following Tyler's path of terror on campus and in Jericho. She wasn't prepared, however, to admit that she'd spent her summer on the east coast with Yoko, for the single reason that her mother didn't even want her to come home. She stumbled with her words a moment, her throat burning with emotion that she tried to desperately clear, her heel starting to bounce against the hardwood.

Wednesday exhaled a quiet breath as she leaned closer and placed a steadying hand on Enid's thigh beneath the table, already sensing the blonde's internal descent into panic, hoping to relax the tension that obviously built within her. Esmeralda noticed the shift, easily clearing her throat as she leaned her elbows on the table.

"Aye, wolf, I'm excited for the season this year, and already off to a good start! Do you reckon you'll beat the scoring record?"

Enid visibly relaxed, exhaling a shaky breath as she nodded, her hand clasping over Wednesday's as it rested atop her leg, "Oh, right. I hope so, I already scored two goals, and I've got fourteen more to go this season to actually beat it," she looked to Wednesday, offering a small, grateful smile for the help, before looking back to Esmeralda, "I really hope I beat it, that would be amazing."

They chatted about the upcoming season, Gomez eager to attend a home game in support of the talented wolf, despite knowing so little of the sport itself. Pugsley shared several stories of his many hunts with Eugene, Wednesday nodding along whenever she was mentioned in his wild tales, the three of them having earned quite the spelunking reputation. The family regaled Enid with stories from over the summer, when Fester had blown every fuse in the house of the summer, playing a game of chance with Gomez, that ended both men in stitches and matching smiles.

Enid melted into the coziness and comfort that the Addams family had a knack for bestowing on her whenever they spent actual time together, her eyes sliding over to openly regard Wednesday, their hands finding each other again once the meal was finally finished.

The wolf leaned back in her chair, grinning happily as she looked amongst the familiar, smiling faces, her grip tightening on Wednesday's hand, "God, I've missed you guys so much more than I thought, thanks for having me for dinner."

Gomez broadly grinned, and knocked on the table, "Lupa, I am very happy to see you again! Know that you are always welcome at our table, you are essentially family yourself! Without you, we would not have our Wednesday, and I will be grateful to you for that long after I am of this earth."

Enid swallowed the lump in her throat, her eyes misting as she regarded him, "I'd do it again, no hesitation," she looked to Wednesday, affectionately squeezing her hand, "You're my favorite person, Wens, and every day, I'm so happy I made it in time."

Wednesday swallowed roughly, nearly falling into those wide open eyes, "As am I," she said in a quiet voice, her ears glowing red.

She cleared her throat, breaking their moment as she rolled her shoulders, Enid immediately releasing her hand as they straightened up in their seats. The talking eventually ended, the blonde offering to help clear the mess in the kitchen before Esmeralda sent her away, instead grabbing Pugsley to aid in the clean up. Lurch left off toward the front door, setting off to collect the limo to take the women off to their destination, the time for departure nearly upon them. Gomez and Morticia led the pair out into the foyer of the mansion, the latter smiling sweetly as she absently squeezed Enid's shoulder.

"It's always nice to see you, and hopefully we'll see you more often now. Take care in the mean time, rosebud, and know that we'll be here if you ever need anything."

Enid smiled, already anticipating the hug before Morticia curled her in her arms, "Thank you, Missus Addams, I really appreciate that. And thank you for dinner, it was amazing."

Gomez grinned as the two parted, curling his fingers around the lapels of his suit jacket, "You are absolutely welcome, demonia, always! I hope to see more of you, perhaps even attend a game myself-" he blinked when he noticed the dour look on Wednesday's face before he grinned and waved them off toward the front door, "Be sure to have fun out there tonight, mis amorcitas!"

She chuckled and nodded, pausing once she heard Esmeralda charging in from the kitchen, the old witch glaring at the pair, "I know you weren't leaving without saying goodbye, wolf," she teased, and pulled Enid into another hug, "I know you better than that!"

"I would never," Enid snickered and strengthened her hold for a moment before slowly breaking away, "Of course you know me better! I'd never leave without saying goodbye. Thank you for dinner, it was so good."

Esmeralda nodded, shaking a finger at each of them, "The both of you need to make sure you eat enough, and come home for more meals. I've got no problems feeding the appetite of a young wolf like yourself. Now away with you both! If I were to keep you another moment, I'm sure my granddaughter would combust."

Wednesday scowled, her hands luckily already tucked away in her hoodie as she remained attached to Enid's side, her eyes black and burning. Esmeralda smirked and again gestured them away, Thing finally scrambling out into the foyer to wave goodbye to Enid. Wednesday fought the urge to roll her eyes as she eagerly left out the front door with the blonde in step beside her, inhaling a cleansing breath at finally managing to escape the overbearing family. She relaxed when Enid hooked their pinkies together for a brief moment, refusing to linger in the midst of company.

Lurch was already waiting for them, the back limo door wide open as Wednesday grasped Enid's hand and led them down the stairs. He ushered the two women inside, and gently clicked the door closed behind them before heading back around to slide behind the wheel.

Enid smiled as she shifted herself directly into Wednesday's side, their hands linking together as she sighed happily, and glanced back to the front of the mansion. She turned her head to look toward Wednesday, her thumb gliding over the soft, tan skin where their hands touched, her belly haunted by butterflies.

"Thanks for inviting me, your family is seriously so amazing, and I like them all so much," Enid glanced down at her watch as the car started forward, her brow creased in thought, "It's not seven yet, is it okay if we leave early?"

Wednesday nodded, curling into Enid's side and pulling their hands into her lap, her free hand tracing over the cuff of the blonde's sweater, "Yes," she adjusted in her seat, her ears burning red, "I am glad you enjoyed yourself, my family is quite fond of you."

Enid smiled wistfully and instinctively strengthened her grip on Wednesday, her nerves buzzing, "Just the family?" She asked softly, searching those dark eyes.

The brunette looked up, her red face twitching in thought as she glanced down at those smiling lips, her mouth suddenly dry, "I... am fond of your company," she croaked out, loathing the way her voice wavered around the flustering in her chest.

She smiled easily and lightly nudged her head against Wednesday's, "I like your company, too," Enid swallowed her own fear, her lip worried between her teeth as she offered a hopeful look, and tugged on their joint hands.

"And I really like you."


I'm not doing well but yes, I'm still here. I'm sorry I've been late recently, I'm just trying to recover and bounce back. I'm getting there, and no, I haven't given up on my babies. <3

This story is so stupid fun to write, I love how they have equal parts no chill and also way too much chill. Wednesday bringing her wife upstairs like, "Don't f*cking bother us, we're going to be busy for an hour." Being nerds. Busy being NERDS. Enid saw an opportunity to get Wednesday monologuing and her gay ass went "GOSH SHES SO f*ckING PRETTY H E L P ME WHAT DO I DO?" Peep that bed, Enid, wonder what it would be like to make out with Wednesday on it. hom*osexual.

They're putting moves on each other and still haven't touched lips yet, why does the world hate Enid? She just wants to kiss a pretty girl and then turn into a useless, gay puddle. Also living for Morticia reading them both to filth, "I see you wearing your wife's sweater, dear, when can I send out these invitations?" They all know, just get it together, girls.

Enid is such a mess, I like her so much. Oooo the next chapter is gonna be so cute and gay. It's date night, bitches, maybe Wednesday will finally get some. Pfffffff. God bless her disaster ass self, amen. Bless these gays.

I do want to thank everyone who comes back here and always reads and comments, and those of you that check on me on the internet. I took our my tumblr handle because I just, don't feel comfortable over there right now. I'm lucky to have all of you and so grateful that you all support me so much. Truly undeserving.

Also it's like... 330am, so please forgive mistakes. Comment replies to follow tomorrow, sorry about all my delays :')

YMU will be coming within the next few days, too, I've started it! I love it, but gods above, I am so f*cking tired still, this disease won't leave me alone T_T

Chapter 8: Little Romantic


Wednesday takes Enid out for a surprise evening; Enid's never wanted to kiss a girl so bad.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Enid softened at the dour look on Wednesday’s bright red face, hardly hearing anything over the incessant beat of her heart, her fingers absently squeezing Wednesday’s as they rested in the seer’s lap. She audibly swallowed and cleared her throat, attempting to move on from the moment, her own face burning over the fact that she’d let her affections for Wednesday slip not once, but twice, internally berating herself for her obvious lack of emotional tact. Her focus shifted to their still-joined hands, fascinated by the way Wednesday gently toyed with her fingers, Wednesday’s thumb continuously massaging over the backs of her knuckles. Enid leaned her head closer on instinct, attempting a silent apology for being so forthcoming, her eyes wide when Wednesday turned her head up, their eyes meeting with all the power of a lightning strike.

Wednesday stressed her jaw, ignoring the intense heat in her face as she attempted to clear the tightness in her throat and the intense floundering in her belly, her eyes searching the wondrous blue of the wolf beside her. She opened her mouth several times, her words abandoning her completely as she squeezed Enid’s hand, jerking her head in a faint nod, failing to articulate just how much she liked Enid, too. Her stomach flipped when Enid only smiled and leaned more into her side, the alluring scent of honeysuckle permeating her senses as she forced herself to try and relax, refusing her hold on Enid as the car headed off toward their destination. The moment passed and Wednesday was relieved to see it go, content that Enid wasn’t offput by her lack of proper response to such an open declaration.

Her head was spinning at how easily Enid had admitted that she liked her, how easily the wolf had commented on learning new things about her while they’d waited for dinner. Her heart always jumped whenever Enid would make her off-hand comments, the amount of time she’d found herself gravitating towards her lately leaving a tingling feeling twisting up in the pit of her stomach. She wanted so badly to kiss her while they were in her room, had purposefully taken her upstairs for somewhere private to steal a moment, but had lost her nerve, the moment the door closed behind them. It was a pleasant distraction to talk about her menagerie instead, easily learning that Enid wasn’t even paying attention to her specimens, so much as she paying attention to her. It made the butterflies in her stomach even more intense, the thought of keeping all of Enid’s attention for herself unfairly addicting.

Enid smiled at the myriad of emotions dancing over the dark eyes, finally breaking their stare as she glanced out the window, wondering just where they were headed. Wednesday moved in her seat, their thighs pressed together from how closely they were sitting on the bench seat, the Jericho streets eventually giving way to the countryside on the outskirts of town. Enid perked up once she noticed a familiar archway to a familiar plot of farmland, her smile growing as the car drove down the beaten, dirt road. People were milling everywhere as the limo rolled up to the main entrance and stopped, the wolf happily kicking out of the car and tugging Wednesday to follow, her eyes wide as she took in the sights around her.

She breathed in deeply, the scent of wet leaves and pumpkins greeting her sensitive nose, cinnamon and spices an undercurrent in the vast atmosphere. Enid turned just as Wednesday closed the door to the limo, her eyes glowing a mystical blue as she happily shook their still-joined hands.

"Wednesday," Enid melted, a small whine escaping her, "You have tickets to the pumpkin festival?"

The seer flexed her jaw, stuffing her free hand into her hoodie pocket, "Yes," she mumbled in a near whisper, the surprise on Enid's face making her heart race, "You mention this event every year, I worried when you failed to do so this season," Wednesday swallowed, averting her eyes to stare down at their hands, "I asked Divina if you had any intention of attending, and she thought you might be unaware of the new date."

Enid gawked in wide-eyed surprise, her own face scorching red with a vibrant blush, her fangs shining as she smiled down at the embarrassed brunette, heart pounding. She took a step toward Wednesday, her nose scrunching as she ducked her head in an attempt to catch the obsidian eyes, her stomach flipping at the fire burning deep within them.

"That's the most thoughtful thing anyone's ever done for me," she whispered, magnetized to the seer standing in front of her, "Thank you, for getting tickets. This is... wow, this is so sweet of you, Wens. I hope you don't hate it here, I promise we'll have fun."

She ignored the bloom of warmth in her belly as Enid swayed closer into her space, Wednesday swallowing lightly and nodding her head in lieu of actual words. Enid rumbled a happy sound, her fingers tapping against Wednesday's knuckles.

"Are you going to be okay to walk around with your knee? It's not still hurting anymore, right?"

"No," Wednesday licked her lips, her eyes wandering down the front of Enid's sweater, resting over where she knew the large bruise hid beneath the red wool, "I am seeing the physician Tuesday morning, and will know whether I am cleared for proper jumps. Will you be all right? Your bruising is severe."

Enid shook her head, a small grin curling onto her face as she fell into the dark brown eyes, "Don't worry, I'll be good. Sitting in the library with you helped a lot, I already feel better. And that's exciting about your recovery news! Are we still on for our Thursday night skate? I'd love to see you do the jumps up close."

Wednesday merely nodded, jostling Enid's hand and waving her onward, desperate to get out from beneath the weight of such an affectionate gaze. She followed alongside Enid as they wandered up through the security checkpoint, Wednesday pulling the tickets from her pocket before offering them to the guard, the woman blindly waving them into the actual festival grounds. There were all kinds of attractions scattered across the vast acres, the pumpkin tour the activity Enid was always most excited about, only a limited number of people allowed on the grounds at any given time. Enid checked her watch, the sky already dark this time of year, her excitement practically tangible as she led Wednesday through the different activities.

Enid hummed as she wandered them over toward the start of the pumpkin tour, the distant lights flickering like tiny stars down the darkened, twisting path. She squeezed Wednesday's hand and ducked them through the throngs of people, keeping the brunette in close to her side as they eventually navigated through the mouth of the tunnel, and slowly walked the pitch-black tour. Enid stopped to marvel over each new installment, squashes of all types arranged in colorful, glowing displays, statues of all shapes and sizes crafted from hundreds of pumpkins. Enid gasped in excitement at each one, often leaning down into Wednesday to whisper her thoughts about them, eager to see if Wednesday was just as enthralled by the insane amount of skill.

The seer loosened up early in their self-guided tour, the artistry something truly to admire. Wednesday stopped them off at a particularly gruesome display, a massive pumpkin perfectly carved into a realistic looking zombie head, dyed-red pumpkin guts slathered on the top of the undead skull. Enid couldn't help a small chuckle to herself, unsurprised that Wednesday found the most heinous of all the displays to be the most fascinating. They continued on for over an hour, orange and purple fairy lights decorating the dead branches that towered above them, a natural tunnel having formed over years of guiding the trees to do so. Enid took pictures of her favorites, even managed to steal a selfie of her and Wednesday, the flames sparkling in their eyes as they looked into the camera.

Enid breathed a hefty, contented sigh when they finally left out of the long, winding tour, the wolf's eyes shining faintly in the low light as she rounded on Wednesday. She reached for her other hand and lightly clasped it in hers, Enid's face squeezing in a happy smile.

"That was so cool, even better than last year's. I think I'm artsy, and then I see stuff like this! It wasn't that bad, was it, Wens? Some of those sculptures were totally insane."

Wednesday shook her head, "I admit that I enjoyed the craftsmanship. I did not know what to expect when coming here, but I understand now why you so enjoy it."

She smirked, "I knew you would appreciate the art. There's a lot more to do, if you don't mind sticking around some... I smell funnel cake and I want to go find the cart."

Enid wriggled happily at the faint nod, releasing her other hand before she turned, her fingers flexing around Wednesday's as they headed through the rest of the festival. She stumbled upon the collection of food trucks and ordered herself a funnel cake before pulling up to a table and stealing a seat, dropping the delectable treat on the table between them. Enid snorted out a laugh as she shook her head, her eyes twinkling as she reached for a bite.

"I forgot, you don't like sweets. Have you ever had funnel cake? It's one of my favorite treats, I always find them whenever I go to festivals or like, amusem*nt parks and stuff," Enid tore off a piece with a bare amount of powdered sugar, and offered it to Wednesday, "Wanna live a little?"

Wednesday made a quick face before she sighed, leaning herself down to accept the offering, biting it right out from between Enid's fingers. Enid felt her entire body light up at the decidedly bold move, her skin flustered with goosebumps beneath her sweater, her eyes wide in surprise. The seer thought nothing of the small gesture, her brows pressing in thought as she mulled over the taste, freezing the moment she noticed the obvious look on Enid's face. The wolf forced herself to breath, swallowing heavily as she finally dropped her hand, absently rubbing her fingers together as she forced her mouth to properly work.

"So," she squeaked, her blush deepening, "H-how was it? Not bad, right?"

The brunette wrinkled her nose, "It is reminiscent of waffle batter," Wednesday swallowed at the faint nod, and reached for one of the napkins, "I do not mind it, but would prefer it without the sugar."

Enid nodded dumbly, her eyes transfixed on those soft lips before she noticed Wednesday staring at her, the wolf jerking herself back to reality before she looked down at her snack.

"Yeah, totally," she ripped off another piece and took a bite, grateful for the distraction of chewing before she stole a quick look, "I'll remember that for next time."

Wednesday flushed at the implication and said nothing, her jaw working as Enid nudged the plate back in her direction. She took another small piece for herself, from the edges without all the sugar, content to remain beside Enid as she worked through her indulgence. Wednesday glanced about the crowd, noticing several other Nevermore students milling about, several of them casting strange looks in their direction, her face easily deterring them from joining. She groused and huddled deeper into Enid's hoodie, the sweater having lost the scent of honeysuckle long ago, though Wednesday still couldn't bare to part with the stolen clothing. She finally looked back to Enid as the wolf took her last bite, her fingertips coated with greasy powdered sugar as she worked on the final piece. Wednesday felt the world fall away from her when Enid licked the sugar off her fingers, the dark eyes focused on the soft pink tongue.

Her entire face was burning, her sights unable to rend off the mostly innocent act, her heart leaping into her throat when curious blue eyes pinned her to the moment, Wednesday suppressing the need to physically squirm in her seat.

Enid swallowed at the slack-jawed look, her own pulse racing at the way Wednesday's eyes followed where her tongue moved, the blonde nearly overcome with a need to draw out holding on to such an intense focus. She lost her nerve, instead grinning and reaching for another napkin, and worked on wiping off any remnants of the sticky sweetness, her face hot as she ignored the fluster in her belly. She looked back up to Wednesday, those deep brown eyes carefully studying her face, the seer slowly pitching forward as a curious look swept across her face. Enid felt her heart stop when Wednesday lifted her hand, lightly sweeping sugar away from the corner of her mouth, the blonde's instinct to kiss the pad of her finger overriding the rest of her brain as her lips feathered over Wednesday's thumb.

They froze, Wednesday's ears burning an obvious red as they remained suspended in their moment, Enid's eyes nearly silver in her own mortification. The wolf jumped, scattering the fog that had settled around them as she sputtered around her own thoughts, her mouth hardly about to catch up as she nervously laughed, and stood up from the table.

"Y'know, Wens, there's a bunch more to do, w-we should totally keep going, okay?"

Wednesday nodded, her jaw flexing as she shoved up from the bench, her stomach fluttering uncomfortably as she purposefully hid her hands inside her pouch pocket, her skin tingling where Enid's lips had kissed her again. She followed as Enid ditched her trash in one of the cans and led them across the festival, the wolf prattling on to help vent her nervousness. Eventually she settled, stopping off to look at some of the craft tables and picking up a small, wooden, brown-painted wolf, her eyes lighting up with clear excitement. She dug cash out of her pocket and looked to the vendor, raising the wolf up in question.

"Hey, how much?"

The woman smiled, "Only ten, fifteen if you'd like two of them!"

Enid glanced around the table, noticing a small black cat carving, "I'll take the black cat, too!"

She grinned and giddily handed over a twenty and waved off the change, the woman laughing in thanks before offering a small, fabric tote bag, and gifted it to the generous wolf. Enid hummed as she looked down at her company, threading the bag handle over the crook of her elbow as she held the two figurines together, and showed them to Wednesday.

"Look, it's us," she chuckled, catching another fitful blush on the seer's face before she tucked them away in her bag, and reached for Wednesday's hand, "You know, there are some games around here, too, some of which I know you'll be good at."

Wednesday instantly acquiesced, allowing Enid to lead them through more stalls and stands, the pair of them eventually cresting off toward the games area, people of all walks milling about the popular stands. She looked around in mild interest, her focus landing on the archery stall in the back corner, a plethora of prizes hanging from either side of the banner posted above the designated area. Enid caught the intrigue and immediately led them over, waiting for the group ahead of them to go before Enid walked up to the counter.

The man smiled as he braced his hands on the table, his assistants collecting the arrows along the targets behind him.

"Want to give it a whirl, ladies?"

Enid looked expectantly at Wednesday, the brunette glaring in response before she nodded only once, and pulled a five dollar bill from her pocket. He smirked as he swiped the money and gestured to the bows, Wednesday pointing to the ash bow on the far end, his face contorting in surprise. He shrugged one shoulder and offered it, before pulling up five arrows from behind the bar, and dropped them on the table top.

"Hit a bullseye, win any prize."

Wednesday gave him a sideways glare as he moved out of her way, shoving up her sleeves before she picked up the bow and tested its mettle, pleased enough to reach for an arrow with pink fletching, before nocking it against the string.

She looked to Enid, "Pick which target, and I will win you any prize you prefer."

Enid swallowed, an incredulous smile slowly crawling across her face, "Second from the left," she said breathlessly.

She nodded in understanding, her body turning toward the targets before she pulled back on the string, loosing the arrow before Enid could even properly blink. The arrow knotted directly in the center of the bullseye, Enid's jaw slack in amazement, her eyes widening even further as Wednesday nocked the remaining four arrows, and quickly embedded them in the same place as the first one. Several kids stared in awe at the display, Wednesday grinding her jaw at the unwanted attention, before she placed her bow back on top of the table, and glared at the impressed barker. He only smiled, chuckling lightly before he picked up the bow.

"That's technically five prizes, if you want 'em."

Wednesday turned to Enid, their eyes catching with a sizzle as the brunette gestured with her chin, allowing for Enid to make the decision on her behalf. Enid snapped herself out of her trance, hardly able to take her eyes off Wednesday after seeing such a display of talent, her fingers itching with a need to reach out and pull the brunette into her arms. She cleared her throat and looked up at the wide arrays of prizes, before pointing to a small black dragon. He reached up to pull it down before offering it to the blonde, Enid more than happy to reach out and take it, cuddling it protectively to her chest, before she reconnected their hands, and led them out of the games area. Wednesday ignored the way her heart soared at seeing Enid cuddle the little gift, her neck warm with a traitorous red flush as she lightly tugged on their hands, her throat suddenly tight when those blue eyes looked back at her.

"Apologies that my final shot was off-center, I am not used to practicing on non-moving targets."

Enid snickered, "Wednesday, you hit the bullseye five times, I didn't even notice that the last one was off by what, less than an inch? And wait, what do you mean 'non-moving' targets, what are you normally shooting at??"


The blonde blinked several times before she snorted an amused little sound, "Okay, yeah, that tracks," Enid nudged her cheek against the dragon tucked up in her arm, "Thank you for winning this for me, he's super cute. You wanna name him for me?"

Wednesday only made an aggrieved sound, Enid taking pity on her as she smiled and let the topic go, tucking the little toy away in her bag, before leading them off toward more of the exhibits. They worked through a cornfield maze for fun and fed horses that lived on the farm, a palomino filly finding intense interest in Wednesday as she playfully nudged her snout into her stomach as a fond hello. Enid was content to wander farther away from the main festival area, the fields littered with benches along the apple trees, few other people wandering about the dark atmosphere. She led them to a private little bench away from the end of the pumpkin tour, the din of the crowd falling away from them as they settled into the bluedark around them, faint torches burning along the outer track of the dirt pathway behind them.

Enid sat down and leaned back against the wooden backrest, her eyes staring up into a sky of innumerable stars, listening to Wednesday hold a quick conversation with someone on the phone. Warmth spread through Enid when the seer finally sat down beside her, Wednesday flush up against her side as she tucked her phone away, and leaned back beside her company.

"Lurch will be slightly delayed in retrieving us, the family has gone out to Burlington to meet with several cousins."

"No worries, I'm definitely not going to complain about spending more time with you," Enid slid her hand over Wednesday's before collecting it, and lacing their hands together, "Thank you for bringing me here, I've had so much fun. I hope it wasn't all bad for you, was it?"

Wednesday shook her head, captivated by the sight of Enid's fingers guiding over the back of her hand.

"I enjoyed myself," she glanced up at Enid, flicking a look down at her lips before she focused on the glowing, soft blue eyes, "I am happy that you have had a pleasant evening."

"I'm glad you decided to come," Enid swallowed thickly, a chill racing down her spine, "Hey, Wens, I know you're not like, a party person, and I'm sorry I keep inviting you but. We're having a Halloween party this year at the house, y'know, to finally christen it... It's the Friday before Halloween, and I'd really like it if you came by for a bit. I can even pick you up if you wanted."

The seer blinked slowly, "You are anticipating a large turnout."

"Yeah, probably," Enid twiddled with Wednesday's fingers, and lightly shrugged one shoulder, "I'm not expecting you to stay long, and you don't even have to come if you don't want to. I'd say we could hang out on actual Halloween, but we have an away game that night."

Wednesday cleared her throat, her sights carefully searching over the placid blue eyes and soft, warm smile, a spark of hope igniting in the wolf the seer jerked her head in a curt nod.

"I will... attend, if only to see you."

Enid flushed, her nerves buzzing as she absently nodded her head, her hand holding tightly to Wednesday's, "Yeah, that's- you don't even have to dress up, I just wanna see you. I wanna see you all the time. You're literally my favorite person."

She released an uneven breath, her chest tight as she looked to Enid, a darker blush crawling up under her freckles as she struggled to pull air into her struggling lungs. Wednesday again found herself suffering under the weight of Enid's casual affections and quiet declarations, her own heart aching to be as forthcoming as the woman beside her. She straightened her spine and bolstered her nerves, studying the beautiful scars as she willed herself to be just as brave.

"I think of you, whenever you are not with me," Wednesday swallowed at the shock on Enid's face, her confidence fading quickly, "And oftentimes, I find myself wanting to... see you."

"Really?" Enid flushed at the small nod, her heart racing as she flicked her tongue over her fang, and tilted toward Wednesday, "I think about you all the time," she confessed in a near whisper, her knee bouncing as she struggled against her nerves, "I always wanna go find you on campus and hang out, but I'm afraid I'll annoy you, so I just... I try to leave you alone sometimes."

Wednesday purposefully shook her head, her eyes glancing at Enid's lips as she felt herself move closer, goosebumps flickering across her skin at the warmth radiating off the wolf.

"Find me," she directed, her eyes fluttering as Enid gently pressed their foreheads together, "I will never send you away, as I enjoy your company."

Enid felt her hands start to shake before she braced her palm against the cool wood of their bench, slowly retreating from the soft touch to search the open expression on Wednesday's face. She looked to the plush lips, the need to kiss them nearly overwhelming as she swallowed her nerves, her eyes faintly violet as she looked up into the endless, black eyes.

"Wednesday? I just... I really," Enid tilted her chin down, her nose gently brushing against Wednesday's as she inhaled a trembling breath, "I really want-"

Her eyes fell closed as she moved even closer, their lips almost touching before Wednesday grumbled and abruptly pulled away, Enid snapping her eyes open to catch the frustrated scowl on the brunette's face. A bubble of panic worked its way up her throat as she rocked back on her seat, her claws out on the hand wrapped around the back of their bench, Enid's voice tight with despair.

"I'm sorry, Wens, I... f*ck, I'm so sorry."

Wednesday stared at Enid, her face crumbling in confusion, "Why are you apologizing?"

Enid huffed and shoved up from the bench, her body vibrating with nervous energy as her fingers twisted up over themselves, her face pinched in a deeply upset frown. She forced herself to stop once Wednesday stood and approached her, the wolf's eyes more silver than blue as she fought to control her frayed emotions.

"I'm sorry I keep trying to kiss you," she ground out, a soft whine following the gruff sound, "I know you don't like people in your space, and I know you really don't like to be touched but..." Enid looked to Wednesday, her face pinched in woeful despair, "I keep getting these signals and I think you want to kiss me too, and you're wearing my hoodie, and we're always so close when we hang out, and-and... I really should just open my mouth and be completely honest, instead of always trying to do this the hard way, because you don't owe me a damn thing, and it's my fault this keeps happening."

The seer blanched, her mouth suddenly dry as Enid turned to fully face her, something magical suddenly alive in the wolf as she slowly reached for her hands, and squeezed them.

"Wednesday, I like you, so damn much. It's almost scary how much I like you, actually, and I really try to act like I'm cool about it, when really, I just wanna be with you all the time. I know that, I know we're just friends, and I'm really happy with that, but I just... I want you to know, that I like you as way more than just a friend, and I have been trying so hard to not be weird about it. I'm sorry I keep trying to make a move on you, even after you've clearly expressed no interest in me like that, because you're too nice to tell me off. I promise I'll stop, I really don't mean to make you uncomfortable... I'm sorry, I hope I didn't just blow up our entire friendship."

"No," she croaked, her eyes wide as she stared up at Enid, her heartbeat drowning out the world around her, grip tightening on Enid's hands, "I... want you to kiss me, I am simply- What I mean to say is, I-"

Wednesday huffed in irritation, her face screwing up in a frustrated scowl as she pinched her eyes closed and pulled on Enid's hands, relieved when the blonde took a reflexive step forward. The brunette counted her breaths as she tried to gather her scattered thoughts, the scent of honeysuckle helping calm the insane rage of her heart, her body moving instinctively closer into Enid's presence. Eventually she sighed, forcing herself to relax before she lifted her face up and opened her eyes, her ears burning at being so close to the intoxicating blonde. She noticed the confusion in those pretty blue eyes, Wednesday unwilling to let Enid be the only one to take a courageous step forward.

"I was taken by you the moment we met, and I have been struggling with how best to explore these feelings for the last several years. I apologize for the confusion you are feeling because of my own short-comings," she clenched her jaw, refusing to take her eyes off Enid, despite the fear clawing at her insides, "I want you to kiss me, Enid, but I am... afraid," she finished with a tiny whisper.

Enid shook her head and erased the remaining space between them, her eyes searching the flicker of fear in the normally infallible Wednesday.

"Are you... scared of me?"

She immediately shook her head, "I have never once feared you, and my hesitance is not of your doing. It is not something I enjoy discussing, though I find it imperative that you know the real reason, so there is no misunderstanding between us."

Wednesday inhaled a cleansing breath, her hands subconsciously tightening around Enid's before she gritted her teeth, and bravely locked eyes with the wolf.

"I worry, that the first time you kiss me, I will see a horrific vision," she said in a low voice, her lip twitching as she bit back a wave of nausea, "It happened when I kissed Tyler, and I am not strong enough to bear witness to any past or future harm that may befall you."

Enid whimpered quietly, her thumbs lovingly stroking over the backs of Wednesday's hands, a soft smile tugging at her mouth as she exhaled and leaned her forehead down against the seer.

"I'm so sorry that happened to you," Enid absently kissed her forehead, before nuzzling herself closer, "I can't imagine having to go through that."

She nodded, her shoulders falling as a sudden wave of exhaustion crashed through her, "I saw him murder Doctor Kinbott when he kissed me."

The wolf inhaled a sharp breath, her eyes wide as she pulled away and studied the sullen face, her hands clinging to Wednesday, "Can I hug you?"

Wednesday all but collapsed against Enid's chest, her arms winding around the blonde's waist as she buried her nose in the neck of her sweater and closed her eyes, soothed when the blonde wrapped her arms around her shoulders and fit them perfectly together. Enid hummed, nudging her cheek against Wednesday's temple before she kissed above her ear, smiling when she felt strong fingers wind up in the hem of her sweater, her emotions nearly wild at finally having Wednesday back in her arms after so many years spent apart.

"Wens, I'm here if you ever wanna talk about everything that happened freshmen year, I can't even wrap my head around all the crap you've had to deal with because of him. I care about you so much, and I just want you to be happy, okay? If there's anything I can do, just know that I've got you."

She nodded against Enid's shoulder, and weaseled her way even closer, "Thank you."

"Anytime," Enid closed her eyes and relaxed around the woman in her arms, her heart starting to kick up again as realization settled over her, "Wait, can we circle back a minute, though... you just said you've had feelings for me for years??"

Wednesday nodded, content in the embrace as she leaned her full weight on the wolf, feeling the insane heartbeat beneath her ear, "I had thought I was being obvious, though I've been informed several times over that was not the case."

Enid snorted a faint laugh, her fingers running down Wednesday's back, "I mean, the hoodie was kind of a shock to me," she tugged on the black hood, before tucking her nose against the side of her neck, "I still can't get over seeing you in my name and number, it's just... wow."

The brunette hissed out a low grumble, her face red when she pulled back to look up at Enid, "You are not bothered that I still possess your sweatshirt?"

"Are you kidding, this is the best thing I've ever seen," Enid breathed out a faint sigh, her hand coming up to lightly touch along Wednesday's jaw, "You're the best thing I've ever seen, Wens, and I would really love to date you. The kissing can come later, I just wanna stop trying to be chill about how much I f*cking adore you."

Wednesday scowled, her breath escaping in a quiet sigh as she pulled at Enid's sweater, "You are incorrigible," her face softened, the red flaring in her cheeks as she leaned up, and kissed the scars on Enid's cheek, "I would love nothing more than to be yours, Enid."

Enid released a quiet, happy purr, her arms sliding around Wednesday's waist, "Okay, this is amazing," she curled her arms around the middle of her back, and pressed a sweet kiss to her cheek, "Also, you're going to have to pry my arms off you, because you're nice and warm and you smell so good, and maybe I don't wanna let you go yet."

The seer only further collapsed against Enid, tucking her cheek against her shoulder as she loosely embraced the blonde wolf, "I am content to be in your arms, though I am sure Lurch is nearly here to collect us," Wednesday reached up and nudged under Enid's chin, enjoying the chill that skittered across the pale skin, "I haven't any urge to leave you, however."

"You're gonna be the death of me," she laughed softly and pulled away, her arms falling down to rest around her waist, "I need you to set boundaries, because I'm way more physically affectionate than you are, and I don't want to overstep by getting too over-excited. If I accidentally tackle you, just know that it comes from a good place."

Wednesday shook her head, and brushed her fingertips over Enid's scarred cheek, "Enid, I want for it. There is no one I trust more, or am more comfortable with, than you. You are free to hug me, or hold my hand, or touch me, whenever the need arises. There is only..."

"I won't kiss you until you kiss me," Enid smiled, chest tittering with unfettered affection, "And can I just say, for the record, any time you want to kiss me, go for it. It's up to you whenever you're comfortable with that, Wednesday, I'm not trying to rush you at all," she wrapped her arms tighter around the tiny seer, whimpering when her arms slithered around the back of her neck, "Can I kiss your cheek, or would you rather I just stick to hugging for now?"

"Enid," she sighed, and closed her eyes, "Hugging for now," Wednesday mumbled, her face scorching as she hugged herself tight around the infuriatingly charming wolf.

"Got it," she sighed when Wednesday finally released her, their hands catching as Enid offered a brilliant smile, "Can I take you out on a real-life date on Friday night? I know we already have plans Thursday, but this just... I want it to be special. It's not every day I get to take my beautiful new girlfriend out for the official first time."

Wednesday scowled, her face unbelievably red as she huffed out an embarrassed sigh and tugged on the cuff of Enid's sweater, ignoring the affectionate smile on her new girlfriend's face, "Sinclair," she groused, her hand begrudgingly still sliding into Enid's, "I am free Friday, yes."

Enid offered a truly dazed smile, snickering to herself as Wednesday led them away from their little spot, the blonde snagging her bag off the bench before she eagerly bounced along behind Wednesday. They parted through the crowd, Enid keeping her in close as they navigated the sea of bodies, finally making it to the front entrance, just as the limo pulled up outside. Enid clicked the door open and gestured them inside, excitedly tucking herself in the backseat and shored up next to the seer, Wednesday freely leaning herself against Enid's shoulder. They chatted aimlessly as they headed back to the mansion, Lurch pulling up outside the steps, letting the women out. Enid waved him off as he started back down the driveway and disappeared out the double gates, leaving them alone at the Addams estate.

Enid stopped off at her car to drop her bag off in the backseat, smirking at Wednesday when she closed the door, and relocked the SUV. The wolf dipped forward, clasping Wednesday's hand as they headed up toward the front stairs to the quiet mansion, not a soul whispering about within the old walls, the front sconces flickering with artificial fire. She stopped off on the step just below the landing, looking at Wednesday when she turned to face her, their eyes meeting with a breath of something wild. Enid flashed a small smile as she hooked her fingers in Wednesday's hoodie pocket, tugging her closer before she braced her hands on her hips, and looked up into those gorgeous brown eyes.

"Thank you for tonight, Wens, and for just... being so incredible. I don't think it's sunk in yet, like, I can't... believe that you actually like me."

Wednesday slowly shook her head, her hands raising to gently cradle Enid's face.

"You misunderstand me, Enid," she glanced down at her lips, her breathing uneven as she swallowed the lump in her throat, before she recentered on those ethereal blue eyes, "I am hopelessly in love with you, it is not a circ*mstance of merely liking you."

Enid audibly swallowed, "Oh."

"I will repeat it again when you feel the same-"

"I love you, too," she rasped, her eyes sparkling with happy tears, "God, Wens, I've loved you for years. The second I met you, I was gone. My wolf is also so protective of you, too, if you hadn't noticed," Enid breathed out a shaky laugh, and lightly touched their noses together, "I've been trying to hint at it for so long, but we just kept missing each other. I can totally see why Yoko's been losing her mind, trying to tell me that you were into me."

Wednesday sighed quietly, and melted into Enid, "I understand the feeling, as Eugene and Pugsley have said the same of you."

Enid bared her teeth in a wide grin, daring just a breath closer before finally leaning back, and slowly dragging her arms away from Wednesday, "I'm just glad we have each other now."

"Yes," she agreed, her thumbs sweeping along Enid's jaw as she again studied her smiling lips, "You are mine now."

The blonde only nodded her head, too afraid to trust her own voice as she studied the look on Wednesday's face, the seer nearly leaning in before Wednesday cleared her throat, and took a step back. Enid squeezed her waist before letting go, her cheeks still tinged with a pretty shade of pink.

"I'm all yours. Night, Wens."

Wednesday absently bobbed her head, her hands curling into fists as she took a blind step backwards, her face conflicted as she struggled to turn away from Enid. She chanced a step forward, lingering in the space between them before she scowled and fully turned towards the door, freezing before she could reach for the handle. She straightened, looking over her shoulder, her body turning on its own as she walked back to the peacefully grinning wolf, Enid's hands folded behind her back. Wednesday stressed her jaw, her hands rhythmically closing as they remained at her sides, her eyes flickering between Enid's now-glowing eyes and that charming f*cking smile. Wednesday swallowed and pushed a step closer, standing at the edge of her landing before she reached for Enid, fisting her hands in the soft, red wool.

She exhaled, her chin tilting downward as she attempted a step near, her lips almost to Enid's as the blonde tilted her head to make it easier, though Enid refused to move the final step forward. Wednesday struggled, her eyes pressing closed as if to ward off her own demons, her tongue wetting her lips in frustration before she grumbled, and anxiously backed a step away. Enid simply remained motionless, her eyes soft as they regarded Wednesday, the brunette holding a deep breath before she surged herself forward, grabbing Enid's sweater and almost crashing their lips together. Wednesday rumbled an incensed growl as she stopped just before their lips met, Enid withering as she untucked her hands and gently placed them on the curves of Wednesday's hips.

"It's okay," she whispered, leaning their foreheads together, "You don't have to if you're not ready."

Wednesday shook her head, forcing herself to calm as she focused on Enid's steady breathing, her thumbs stroking over the warm skin in time with each deep breath. Her eyes closed as she fell into the comfort radiating from the woman in front of her, the storm inside her finally starting to calm as she leaned into Enid, their noses bumping. Wednesday lingered in the in-between, her lips almost touching Enid's, the last, surviving shred of her fear still clinging to life around her already-guarded heart.

Enid wasn't Tyler. Enid was warmth and comfort and affection. Enid was love and support, and had never once judged her, never once manipulated her into doing something she never wanted to do herself. Enid was patience and kindness and care, wrapped up in a big, beautiful package. She was strength and cunning and endless power, was loyalty and respect. Enid was a wolf, dangerous, deadly. Enid wasn't Tyler. Enid was safety. Enid was home.

Wednesday swept her thumb over Enid's bottom lip before she leaned down and just barely kissed her, lightning skittering along her every nerve ending, her breath caught when the warm hands gently squeezed her waist. The brunette pulled away after only a second, her face on fire and her eyes wide, Enid grinning at her the moment their eyes caught.

She swallowed, a flood of euphoria crashing through her as she cupped Enid's face and pulled her in for a deeper, more desperate kiss, luxuriating in the feel of lips against her as she slowly wound her arms around Enid's neck, keeping the woman close. She whimpered when Enid deepened the kiss, the blonde opening her mouth to devour her whole world, Wednesday weak in the knees as she kissed her back just as fervently. She eventually pulled away, her body trembling out a shaky breath, her pulse raging in her ears as she swallowed, fingers lightly petting through the fluffy blonde waves.

Enid's smile only grew, her blue eyes even brighter as she lightly kissed Wednesday's lips herself, before pulling back to catch the wandering eye.

"Whoa," she rasped, her eyes already staring at her lips, "Can we do that again?"

Wednesday felt the flush reach all the way down to her toes, her entire body on fire from the look burning in those sharp, sapphire eyes. She swallowed, licking her lips before she pulled Enid in for a rough kiss, her eyes rolling when a devious tongue slipped into her mouth.

She should have done this years ago.


So, I had major surgery, and then complications from said surgery. I am still recovering, but have made sure to finally get these out. That's where I've been, I'm very sorry I've missed my deadlines. I'm so tired, but hopefully I'm in the clear for GOOD.

Anyway. These two. Oh, these two. Such precious little babies in love. Just... human disasters who maybe wanna kiss a little, is that so bad? Two absolute GOOFBALLS who really need to open their eyes and check their surroundings. Yeah, babes, y'all have been in love for years. You're married. Thank christ you're finally dating for now!!

I love the idea of Wednesday flexing her own skill to frazzle her lady. Enid is gonna be a f*cking mess when she sees Wednesday back out on skates. Everyone seeing them at the festival and just being like, "Omg is it finally happening??" Nevermore University twitter blowing the f*ck up over a wild wenclair sighting, we love to see it.

Enid, with no chill: Wednesday, I... really really REALLY like you-
Wednesday, with somehow even less chill: I'm in love with you.

This story, man.. so fun.

If you've made it this far and you've actually read despite the long hiatus... thank you. These stories mean so much to me and I'm so glad people have enjoyed them so much. I'm thankful for each and every one of you, from the casual readers, to the people kicking down the door to my inboxes... I cherish you all, and thank you for supporting little old me<3

Forgive any mistakes, I am so tired and it's gotten very late for me, better edits tomorrow. Comment replies, too. Thank you again, from the bottom of my cold, dead heart. <33

Chapter 9: (Kiss Me) Deadly


Wednesday Addams is so gay for Enid Sinclair. And she doesn't give a damn who knows it.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Wednesday pulled away first, her pulse drumming loudly as she looked at Enid's flushed face, her hands flexing against where they held the blonde's jaw. She licked her lips and swallowed gently, her eyes reverently scanning the blue that shone in the glowing eyes, her fingers crawling over to gently scratch down the back of Enid's neck. Her heart skipped at the rumbling purr that echoed from the wolf, Enid's smile growing as she leaned in closer, her hands idly squeezing Wednesday's waist. The brunette stepped fully into Enid, nearly teetering at the edge of her step before she folded her arms around the back of her neck, and tucked her face up in the side of Enid's neck. She relaxed when she felt the warm hands slide up over her back in a soft massage, her body falling boneless in the strong arms.

"Stay," she whispered into the pale skin, her ears burning when she felt Enid nod against her.

She curled her fingers in the neck of her girlfriend's sweater and kissed her cheek before pulling away, shyly averting her eyes as laid her hands atop the blonde's biceps, Enid's arms still folded around her. Enid easily unwound herself from the petite brunette and smiled, her senses fluttering when Wednesday threaded their hands together and leaned up to kiss her again, the wolf's fingers curling protectively around her company. The brunette broke away and cleared her throat before turning, walking towards the front door before pushing inside, bravely pulling Enid in behind her. Their footfalls were quiet in the silent house, a dim red lamp glowing in the corner of the sitting room when they crossed inside, casting the room in a soft, ethereal crimson. Wednesday walked around the far-side of the plush sofa, situating herself in the middle, and pulled Enid down to sit beside her.

They exchanged looks, Enid smiling before she gently straightened Wednesday's bangs, her blue eyes glowing a wild violet in the warm red light. Wednesday exhaled a shaky breath before she reached up for another slow kiss, luxuriating in the sinfully soft lips as her fingers crept up the back of Enid's sweater, her hand slowly running through the silky blonde waves. She lost herself in Enid, their kisses growing longer and a touch more hungry, fire creeping along her veins before she leaned back on the couch and guided Enid to follow, their lips parting when Enid braced her hands on either side of Wednesday.

Enid swallowed her nerves, her red face hidden by the light, "Is this okay?" She shuddered when Wednesday carefully nodded her head and tugged harder on her sweater, the wolf adjusting her weight as she leaned over the tiny seer, "I'm a lot heavier than you-"

"I am not fragile," Wednesday held Enid's face in her hands, before she leaned up to purposefully kiss her, "I want you here," she finished in a near whisper, the wolf hardly catching it.

She nodded and dipped down for another kiss, slowly maneuvering herself to carefully lay over Wednesday, their legs tangling when the seer curled her leg up over Enid's thigh. They shared leisurely kisses, Enid's weight pinning Wednesday to the couch as the brunette buried her hands in the soft blonde hair, trying to force them to behave. Hands wandered, black fingernails scratching down the back of Enid's sweater as she felt the muscle shift even beneath the thick wool, Wednesday's body reflexively pushing up into the woman above her. She whimpered a tiny sound when Enid's tongue licked into her mouth, pale fingers teasing up under the hem of her large sweater, and dancing along the beltloops of her jeans.

They kissed for what felt like hours, tangled up with each other as they restlessly moved against each other, Enid's hand sliding down to grip at the thigh hooked up around her waist. Enid dared to break their kiss, her breath hot as it ghosted over freckled skin, goosebumps spreading up along Wednesday's throat. Enid hummed and nosed up under her girlfriend's jaw, her lips igniting fire along her skin as she kissed down the side of Wednesday's neck. Her hands grabbed harder for the seer's hips, her fangs slowly dragging over the cord straining in Wednesday's neck, the wolf nearly biting down before she heard a familiar sound in the distance, the warning piercing the fog around them.

Enid blinked her eyes open, her lips still poised just over Wednesday's pulse point, "Wens."

Wednesday grumbled, her eyes still closed and her head back in anticipation, a frustrated huff escaping parted lips, "Enid."

She chuckled lightly, and kissed the angry tick in Wednesday's jaw, "I just heard the driveway gates."

The brunette froze beneath her, Enid already working to detangle herself from Wednesday before she shoved up from the couch, reaching her hand down to pull her girlfriend up onto her feet. Enid smiled as Wednesday threaded their hands together and walked them toward the front door, the wolf mentally preparing her goodbyes before her heartbeat skipped, Wednesday flexing her jaw before she led them toward the stairs instead. Enid obediently followed up the steps, sconces flickering to life as they hurried up the winding staircase, her stomach flustering in surprise at being so confidently ushered back to Wednesday's room. Her eyes adjusted to the lack of light once they hit the hallway, Enid easily seeing through the darkness though she still followed Wednesday's lead, her face burning even more once they actually pushed into the familiar bedroom.

Wednesday pulled her inside and clicked the door closed behind them, making a show of locking the door before she turned, staring at the alluring blonde standing in the middle of her bedroom.

"Make yourself comfortable," she gestured toward her bed and glared at Enid for a moment, a dark blush worried across her face before her feet carried her towards her desk, "If... you would like to stay."

Enid immediately nodded and gingerly sat on the edge of the large bed, "I wanna be here with you," she folded her hands in her lap, afraid to touch anything without being given express permission first, "Doesn't matter what we do, I just wanna be with you."

Wednesday nodded, her red face easily noticeable even through the low light, a small lamp burning gold in the corner of the room. She reached down for the bottom drawer of her desk and pulled out two bottles of Perrier, straightening herself up before she picked up her bag from where it leaned against the side of her desk. She approached Enid, hesitating at the soft look on the blonde's face, before she offered one of the bottles, and sat down in the spot beside her. Wednesday nervously licked her lip and flicked a sidelong glance to Enid, her fingers wrapping around her bag strap.

"You enjoy watching movies," she nodded at the smile that greeted her, before placing her bottle down on the bed, and pulling her laptop out of the bag, "We may watch whatever you like."

"I'm good with anything except gore," Enid smiled, and leaned into Wednesday's side, "I'm curious to see what kind of movies you watch though, Wens."

She held the affectionate gaze for only a moment before she cleared her throat, and tucked the laptop on the bed behind them, "Very well," Wednesday shoved up from the mattress, and headed back to her desk, "Boots off, please."

Wednesday dropped her bag on the floor and sat down to untie her boots, catching the obvious affection on Enid's face as she rose from her desk chair, her brow wrinkling in thought as she slowly walked back to meet her. She flexed her hands at her sides as she stopped just short of reaching Enid, needing to maintain any minor semblance of her own control, years worth of craving physical affection suddenly buzzing along every single nerve ending. She searched the ardent glow in the pretty, sapphire eyes, her stomach twisting over itself as she fought the need to curl up in Enid's arms, and stay for a lifetime.

"You are staring," she grumbled, her throat twitching when Enid easily nodded her head.

"Sorry, I just-- You're so... beautiful," Enid grinned at the immediate scowl, her hands lifting up on reflex to patiently reach out for Wednesday, "I never had the, had the nerve to tell you before, but god, if you're not the most beautiful girl I've ever seen."

"Enid," Wednesday ground her jaw, warring with the urge to hide her face in her hood, "You don't need to-"

"I want to," she whispered, her smile blossoming when Wednesday accepted her hands, Enid pulling the brunette to stand between her knees, "I've always thought you were beautiful, from the first moment we met at freshmen orientation. I saw you and immediately it was like, wow."

She absently toyed with Wednesday's hands, before she brought each one to her lips and kissed them, her eyes sparkling violet when they looked back up at her.

"And you've only gotten even more beautiful, Wednesday. I'd always catch myself looking at you, like sometimes, I couldn't look anywhere else. Your eyes are so dark, but when I get to walk next to you, and the sun hits them just right, they're this gorgeous shade of chestnut, and it's amazing."

Enid pulled Wednesday closer, one of her hands breaking from the soft hold to tenderly cup her cheek, "And your freckles. I love your freckles, especially when you come back from summer break, after you've been out in the sun. You get even more of them, did you know?"

Wednesday felt her entire body flush, her eyes wide as she stared at the peacefully grinning Enid, the seer subconsciously leaning herself more into Enid's touch.

The wolf smiled at the subtle move, her thumb sweeping low under Wednesday's jaw, her eyes guiding down her face, "And your lips," Enid reached up and softly kissed them, lingering for a beat before pulling away, "God, the way I've always thought about kissing you. And the fact that I can now, just... it's amazing," she folded her arms around Wednesday's waist and smiled up at the brilliant, scarlet face, "I'm so stupidly in love with you, I can't even think straight anymore."

She swallowed the lump in her throat, her fingers instinctively sliding through the soft blonde hair before she leaned down and kissed every scar on Enid's cheek, pressing their foreheads together as she centered her ragged breathing.

"You are incorrigible to wax so poetic," Wednesday briefly kissed Enid, her arms sliding around the back of her neck, "Though I understand how you feel, you have haunted my every thought for years, without end. There are no intelligent words to describe the feeling that overcomes me whenever I am fortunate enough to lay eyes on you."

Wednesday pulled away, catching the affection in Enid's smile, "I have often thought of kissing you, and no matter of wild dreams could compare to the warmth of your lips," she kissed her again, deeper this time, her heart swelling within her, "I have found myself already addicted to them."

Enid smiled, her nose crinkling as she daringly tucked her hand up under the back of Wednesday's sweater, thumbing across the hem of the tee shirt underneath.

"Then kiss me like I'm yours," she rasped, licking her lips before Wednesday gripped her chin, and roughly kissed her.

Her mind blanked when Wednesday crawled into her lap, their tongues touching as Enid fell into the kiss, her hands gripping hard at the curve of her hips, desperate not to float away. She hugged her arms around Wednesday and shifted backwards, pulling them farther back across the bed before Wednesday eagerly followed, bracing her hands on Enid's stomach as she laid back against the pillows. She settled herself on top of the blonde, her hands gripping at the sides of Enid's neck as lightning licked up the base of her spine, her mouth opening to willingly accept the talented tongue. She moaned faintly, Enid's fingertips just barely brushing over the soft skin of lower back, her own fingers twisting in the hem of the cable knit sweater. She shuddered when Enid's nails raked across the small of her back, her breath caught in another kiss as she tightened her grip on Enid, and kissed her even harder.

Wednesday needed to feel that again. Immediately.

Enid twitched faintly, her face wrinkling in confusion before she blinked her eyes open, the space still mostly dark, the small lamp in the corner the only light in the cold, silent room. She inhaled a slow, yawning breath through her nose before she attempted to move, her legs still tangled up in her too-warm jeans, her left arm completely dead beneath an increasingly familiar weight. Enid glanced to her left, Wednesday curled up asleep against her side, the brunette’s head pillowed on her bicep, a delicate hand twisted up in the front of Enid’s sweater. The wolf instantly smiled, her eyes slowly roaming over the peaceful, serene look on Wednesday’s face while she slept, bangs wild about her beautiful face, the braids loose and unkempt. Enid felt her entire body melt into the woman beside her, her stomach flustering as she chanced a moment to brush a faint kiss to the crown of her head.

Her pillow vibrated again, surely the reason she’d been awakened in the first place, Enid grumbling faintly as she shoved her hand under her pillow in search of her offending phone. She mindlessly moved her leg to try and detangle from the blanket, her jeans and sweater making her feel too hot with the body pressed up beside her, the blankets stifling as she whispered a curse and finally found her phone. She winced as she looked at the too-bright screen, the contact photo for Yoko filling up the glass before she clumsily swept her thumb up to answer the call.


“Oh, hey there, cap, how you doing?”

Enid grumbled a petulant sound and pinched her eyes shut, her leg again starting a weak attempt to escape the blanket.

“M’sleepin’,” she slurred, her eyes blinking open again when she felt Wednesday start to stir beside her, “Sup?”

Yoko chuckled on her end of the phone, her voice dripping with sarcasm, “Well, babe, do you have any idea what time it is?”

The blonde huffed and shook her head, her eyes opening when she felt Wednesday curl even closer, wrapping an arm loosely around her waist, and purposefully tangling their legs together. Enid smiled, her phone call forgotten as she nuzzled against Wednesday’s cheek and lightly kissed her freckles, the seer muttering quietly as she hid her red face in the neck of Enid’s sweater. She wrapped her mostly-asleep arm around her girlfriend’s back and pulled her in close, wriggling her way into Wednesday’s arms, her heart swelling at the faint kisses Wednesday pressed to the underside of her jaw.


Enid jerked at the loud voice in her ear, her face burning a glowing scarlet as she ripped her eyes off Wednesday and stared up at the black ceiling.


Yoko practically screamed out a laugh, “You dumb bitch, it’s almost 10:30 and we’ve got f*cking training and practice today! Get your ass up out of bed!”

The blonde tensed, her eyes wide as she ripped the phone away from her cheek and caught the time in the upper right-hand corner, her stomach plummeting in shock, “Holy sh*t, it’s that late??”

“Yeah, stupid, I’ll see you when you get home!”

Wednesday blinked away the sleep from her eyes as she pulled away from Enid, feeling the wolf’s entire body suddenly rigid beneath her touch, “What is it?”

Enid flashed a quick smile before she leaned up and pecked Wednesday’s lips, the seer blushing as she detangled herself from her girlfriend, the wolf scrambling to get herself out of the large bed. She tumbled ungracefully to the floor, her jeans still fighting a war with the pitch black sheets, her leg still half on the bed as she tried to wrestle herself free. Finally she managed as she rolled backwards and sprung up from the floor, her eyes frantically scanning the room for her boots.

“Oh my god, I had no idea I was gonna sleep this late, but we’ve got team training today at 11 and it’s already after 10:30 and oh my god I’m gonna be late.”

The brunette’s face fell as she hurried out of bed just as Enid snapped up her boots and sat to haphazardly tie them, Wednesday rubbing a hand down her face as she waited for her partner to finish. Enid groaned loudly as she tied off the last knot before she shot up, patting her pockets for the few items she had, snatching her keys off the side table and her phone from the rumpled covers. She shoved them both in her pockets before she nodded to Wednesday, the brunette quickly leading them to the bedroom door. Enid rushed in front of her just as she reached to unlock the handle, her cheeks warm and pink as she leaned against the door and reached out for Wednesday’s wrist.

“Wait, wait, wait,” she squeezed Wednesday’s hands as she anxiously shifted on her feet, “You know, we have practice at one and some people like to come and watch and I was wondering if you’d like to come hang out, too, because I really wanna see my girlfriend some more even though I totally forgot about today because last night was so amazing, and then thought maybe we can skate afterwards or get dinner if you want, or-“

Wednesday reached up to kiss the nervously rambling blonde, her hand lightly caressing Enid’s cheek before she broke away, her face burning with its own fitful red, “I will see you at one o’clock.”

She eagerly nodded, her tongue wetting her lips as she automatically leaned closer to Wednesday, "And just, one other, tiny thing, would you be okay with me telling Yoko and Divina? I know our relationship is literally brand new but they've both been rooting for us, and I'm so excited that I wanna tell someone about us. It's totally cool if it's too soon, I promise to respect your boundaries, I just-"

"I don't mind," she uttered quietly, her focusing narrowing in on Enid's lips, "I trust your discretion, and I know that they mean well, despite their exuberance."

Enid blissfully smiled, her shoulders relaxing as she went to place her hands on Wednesday’s waist and steal another kiss, Wednesday scowling as she shook her head and reached for the doorknob.

“Querida, if I let you kiss me again, you will be even more late.”

The blonde blinked out of her reverie before she stood up from the door, her blue eyes helplessly widening, “Right, f*ck, late.”

She moved just as Wednesday opened the door, the pair ducking out of the room and heading off down the hallway, Pugsley just leaving his room as Enid nearly sprinted past him on her way toward the stairs.

“Hey, Pugs!”

His face morphed into a wide-open, incredulous smile, his eyes dancing with delight as he caught the murderous look on Wednesday’s face, the seer unable to stop and properly threaten her brother for the time being, easily deciding to follow her wolf down towards the stairs instead. They crested the top of the steps at the same time and flew down them together, Morticia and Ophelia floating across the main foyer just as Enid touched down on the ground floor, the elder seer’s face lighting up the moment she laid eyes on her favorite wolf.

“Oh, good morning, rosebud, darling. Have you any time for brunch? Your Aunt’s just arrived, and it would be lovely for you two to join the family.”

Enid smiled apologetically, her face scorching a deeper red as she threw up a small wave to the two sisters, “Oh, uh, sorry, Missus Addams, usually I’d love to, but-“

Wednesday breezed past her and grabbed her wrist before leading them toward the front door, “Mother, Aunt, Enid does not have time for casual platitudes, she is already running late.”

Ophelia clapped her hands together and walked forward a step, her blue eyes wide with delight, “So, you’re the infamous Enid! It’s so nice to finally meet the wolf I’ve heard so much about,” she held her hand out, her smile warm with a spark of curious mischief, “I’m Wednesday’s Aunt Ophelia!”

Enid automatically moved forward and shook the woman's hand with her free one, meeting the smile with one of her own brilliant grins, “Oh, you’re Ophelia! Wednesday’s actually told me about you, it’s nice to meet you!”

The irritable brunette groused and tugged on her girlfriend’s hand as she swiftly unlocked the locks on the front door and cracked it open, “Querida,” Wednesday snapped her jaw shut at the faint slip of the tongue, her face reddening while she tightened her grip on the friendly Enid.

She jumped as she refocused again, squeezing Wednesday’s hand in thankful acknowledgement before she scrunched her nose, and looked back at the other two women, “I’m so sorry, I really would love to stay for brunch, but I'm totally late.”

Ophelia smiled and waved her off, leaning against Morticia's shoulder as she moved in to stand beside her, “No worries, love! I’m sure we’ll have time to get to know one another while I’m in town.”

Enid smiled at them both before finally turning, letting Wednesday lead her toward the open door. She hesitated only a moment, knowing better than to kiss the brunette in front of her mother, her eyes glowing with obvious affection.

“Sorry I’ve gotta run so soon… I’ll see you later?”

Wednesday scowled, detangling her hand from Enid’s before she fisted the front of her sweater and pulled her down for a quick kiss, “Yes,” she mumbled, and lightly pushed the wolf out the door.

The seer’s heart flustered when Enid gave her that same, charming grin, winking before she turned and leapt off the porch. Wednesday clicked the door shut and turned a withering glare on both her mother and her aunt, the vitriol in the dark eyes deterring any line of questioning from the happily smiling pair. She refused to linger in the knowing presence, the brunette's lip twitching as she headed toward the stairs and slithered back up to her room, slamming the door behind her.

Enid threw herself behind the wheel of her car and fumbled for her keys, hardly waiting for the engine to kick over before she threw it in gear. She snapped on her belt as she waited for the gates to bellow open, all but flooring it down through the winding forest path, and cutting out onto the street leading back into Jericho. She weaved through traffic and barely stopped at several stop signs before she turned down their dead-end street and sped up to the last house on the right, popping the curb as she skidded into the driveway. She kicked out of the car and hauled up the front walkway before exploding into the thankfully unlocked front door, not even pausing before she was sprinting up the many stairs, and crashing into her bedroom.

She quickly undressed, throwing clothes in every which direction before she dressed down in her gym gear, a pair of charcoal-colored leggings and a matching sports bra, before reaching for her purple Nevermore hoodie, and tying it around her waist. She hopped as she fought to put on her socks and sneakers, cursing as she finally sat on the end of her bed, and slammed her feet into her running shoes. Enid ran to grab her gear bag from the closet, knowing that everything was perfectly packed away inside, the wolf having washed her pads after the first home game several days prior. She snapped up her sticks and slammed the closet door, hauling across her area rug and snatching her water bottle off the edge of her desk, before exiting back downstairs.

She turned the corner from the stairwell and looked into the living room, Yoko walking out of the kitchen with Divina.

“Fang, let’s f*cking go already!”

Yoko laughed as she kissed Divina goodbye, and grabbed her gear off the couch, “What, just because you came home and got dressed in two minutes, you wanna try and say I made us late?”

“We’re not gonna be late if you move your ass,” she sniped at Yoko before tipping her chin towards Divina, “Hey, Wednesday is gonna stop by practice, can you-“

Divina laughed and motioned them out the door, “I’ll text her and see if she wants me to pick her up, or I’ll show her where to go if she gets dropped off. Now beat it!”

Enid nodded in thanks before following out after Yoko, the vampire having already stored her bag in the cargo space in the back of the SUV. She threw hers on top and tossed her sticks in after, slamming the hatch before hauling around to the driver side, tucking in, and roaring backwards out of the driveway. Yoko laughed again when the car lurched to a stop and Enid threw it in drive, absently reaching up to adjust her sunglasses as the SUV sped off down the street.

“Dude, relax, we’ll make it. You’ve still got seventeen minutes to make a five minute drive.”

The wolf nodded, her free leg bouncing as she chewed her lip at the stop sign perched at the end of their street, waiting for traffic to clear for her left-hand turn, “You know how much I hate being late, Yoko.”

The vampire hummed in thought for a moment, her fangs peeking out as she broke a devilish smile.

“Sooo, what were you doing at Wednesday’s all night?”

Enid ignored the absolute fire burning in her face, her thumbs drumming on the steering wheel, “Nothing,” she punched the gas to quickly make her turn, refusing to take her eyes off the road, “We were watching a movie and then fell asleep.”

“You’re an abysmal liar, Bubblegum,” she chuckled and crossed her arms, turning in her seat to stare at the bright crimson face, “Please, for the love of god, tell me you kissed that girl. Tell me you finally found your courage at the festival and finally kissed her, I can’t take much more of this.”

She pulled up to a red light and turned to face Yoko, her eyebrows scrunched in confusion, “How did you know we went to the festival?”

Yoko snorted and waved a dismissive hand, “Wednesday asked Divina about tickets forever ago, I figured that little gargoyle was thinking about taking you since you totally forgot about it. Because she is so f*cking into you, it’s almost physically painful that you’re not dating.”

Enid absently chewed her lip to try and hide a wide smile, her stomach twirling with butterflies as she pulled off from the light, “Do not call my girlfriend a gargoyle, Yoko.”

Girlfriend??” Yoko clapped a hand over Enid’s arm and excitedly shook it, “Start f*cking talking right now or I swear to god, I’ll make you crash this car.”

The wolf slapped her hand away, quickly maneuvering around an old Le Sabre, before flicking her signal on to turn off towards the campus, “Let’s just get to the gym first!”

Yoko grumbled and leaned back in her seat, lips pursed in annoyance as she impatiently waited for the end of their journey. Enid finally turned the car off toward the campus and followed the intersecting roads down in the direction of the LeClair Fitness facility nearest the far away stadium, whipping her car in a random spot out front. She glanced at the clock, 10:51 staring back at her, Enid finally relaxing in her seat as she blissfully killed the engine. She unclipped her belt and went to get out completely, Yoko snagging her by the strap of her sports bra.

“No way, tough guy, we’ve eight minutes before we’re supposed to be in there, give me details! Did you finally kiss her?? What happened?”

Enid absently ran her thumb over the seam in her steering wheel, her face glowing and her eyes sparkling in the late morning sun, “I followed your advice,” she turned in her seat, and crossed a leg underneath her, “I went for another kiss, and she pulled away, and then I kinda just… I told her that I was sorry for always trying to kiss and not getting her hints that I should really stop trying.”

She leaned back against her door, a stubborn smile curling across her face as she toyed with the thigh pocket on her leggings, “And then she asked me why I was apologizing and then it kinda just… came out. I told her that I liked her as way more than a friend, and that I was sorry I kept trying to kiss her, and then promised I’d be chill about everything.”

The blonde curled her lip in her mouth, her blush darkening as she swallowed, her smile only growing wider as her nose scrunched beneath the weight of her exhilaration.

“And then, then Wednesday said she wanted me to kiss her,” Enid glanced up at the absolutely crazed smile on Yoko’s face, and weakly swatted at her arm, “And… she told me that she’s had feelings for me for years, and just never knew how to act on them.”

“And then you guys finally kissed! Oh my god, I’m so proud of-“

“No,” Enid ducked her head to hide an embarrassed smile, absently rubbing at her scarred cheek, “We didn’t kiss right then, because it’s kinda complicated and totally personal, but. Lurch dropped us off at the mansion, and I walked her to the door to say goodnight and we talked a little. She said I was hers now, and I told her she was mine, and… she actually kissed me first.”

Yoko reached over to grab Enid’s arms and shake her, the vampire’s smile positively beaming, “Shut the f*ck up, that is so f*cking precious. Damn, Wednesday’s got game if she kissed you first, and had you spend the night. Watching a movie, okay, Enid.”

Enid growled out a faint sound, and managed to untangle from Yoko’s clutches, “We really did watch a movie. I mean,” her cheeks flushed as she purposefully averted her eyes, her cheeks aching past a wide smile, “We totally made out on the couch and okay, maybe when we were in her room, too, but that’s not the point!”

The vampire laughed as she collapsed back against her door, her hands folding over her stomach in pure, unfiltered delight, “The absolutely no f*cking chill you two always have about each other, I swear to god. So come on, out with it, how was the kiss?”

The wolf quickly licked her fang, her fingertips lightly brushing over her bottom lip as she thought of Wednesday, “Perfect,” Enid mumbled, her skin burning, “She’s… wow. I can’t believe I could have been kissing her this whole time.”

Yoko snorted a laugh before she crossed her arms, “Good for you, Enid, I’m honestly thrilled for both of you. You deserve a girl who's crazy about you. I owe Vina an hour-long backrub now.”

Enid stared in outrage as the vampire giggled and quickly leapt out of the car, just barely dodging the smack aimed for the back of her head. The blonde huffed and kicked out behind her, rounding on the back just as Yoko stepped up on the curb.

“Do not tell me you guys were betting on my relationship with Wednesday! That’s so messed up.”

“No, we weren’t! Everything was all in good fun, I promise. We all got to talking about you two oblivious lovebirds last night between movies, and Divina said that she hoped one of you would finally make a move to get together, that’s all. We all know how much you guys are into each other.”

Yoko only smirked at the murderous look on the wolf’s face before she reached out and poked Enid’s bare stomach, “But then Kent said there’d be no way, and it kinda devolved from there. I bet her a back rub that you’d both be too nervous to say something again last night, and Divina took the deal,” she moved to throw an arm around Enid’s shoulders, and affectionately squeezed her into her side, “We all just want you guys to be gay and in love because you both deserve to be happy. I promise we didn’t mean anything by it, I’m sorry.”

“You’re all so stupid,” Enid huffed and leaned her head against Yoko’s, playfully backhanding her in the stomach before stubbornly folding her arms over her chest, “Yoko, I really need you to not say anything about this to anyone right now, okay? Wednesday said she was okay with me telling you and Vina, but I don’t know about anyone else. You know how private she is. Also, if she catches wind of how much you all talk about us behind our backs, I won’t stop her from trying to kill you.”

“sh*t, I’ll take that deal. We won’t say another word about your relationship with Wednesday, Vamp’s honor,” she snickered as she walked them toward the building, Enid absently locking her car behind them, “I’m glad to see you so giddy, dork, I promise I won’t tease you about it. Not too much, anyway. I can’t believe you kissed this girl and then spent the night, what a f*cking power move.”

Enid smacked her hands over her face a moment, her cheeks burning in embarrassment, “…we ran into her mom and aunt on the way out the door this morning.”

Yoko threw her head back and cackled.

Wednesday sighed as she sat curled up at the head of her bed, surrounded entirely by Enid’s perfume that comfortingly haunted the dark bedding. Her face was perpetually burning, her blush having the audacity to bleed fully down the sides of her neck and burn across her chest, her ears nearly steaming with how red they were glowing. She looked around the bed, the covers pulled up over her legs with Enid’s pillow tucked in her lap, the wonderful smell of honeysuckle still clinging to the soft, black material. She’d gotten right into the shower once the wolf had gone, too mortified at having to face her mother and her Aunt Ophelia so suddenly, needing the icy water to help calm the raging beat of her sentimental heart. She’d dressed and snuck under the covers instead, first grabbing a book from her shelf, before settling into the wonderful, comforting scent.

She couldn’t focus on a single word the entire time she'd tried, her mind permanently stuck on a loop of last night. She’d finally shared endless kisses with the woman she’d been thinking about for years, Enid’s lips deliciously addicting, her hands warm, and her body strong beneath Wednesday's curious touch. Wednesday adjusted her seat in her cozy little nest, the warmth growing even warmer as she cleared her throat and tried to clear her mind as well, the memory of Enid’s claws teasing her lower back burned directly into the skin itself. She cursed in a myriad of languages as she slapped her book closed and shoved it off her lap, her phone chiming with Enid's little alert sound from where it was tucked in her hoodie pocket.

Enid had texted her only once since she’d left a few hours ago, Wednesday aware of just how busy the wolf would be, once she hit the gym for her workout. Divina had reached out as well, and offered to be her ride to practice, the seer immediately accepting as a way to avoid having to deal with any member of her family, Lurch included. She uncovered her phone and opened up her message threads, sitting up straighter when she noticed a video waiting for her at the bottom of her thread with Enid. Eagerly she clicked the play button, the video expanding to cover the entire screen, Enid’s flushed, sweat-glistened face suddenly on her screen.

Hey, Wens!

Wednesday swallowed as she watched the blonde move in the frame, the camera switching to the rear view, showing Enid standing in front of a mirror wall at the campus gym, her body slick with sweat. Her hand went slack enough that she’d nearly dropped her phone, the seer quickly scrambling to properly hold the device before gawking at the screen. She was mesmerized as she stared with wide eyes, her heart beating nearly out of her chest as she watched Enid turn and flex each defined, delectable muscle, a plethora of scars marring the pale skin.

The workout went pretty well today, what do you think?

The seer mumbled in Spanish, her eyes raking over every pixel of sweat rolling down Enid’s mostly bare torso as she turned about in the mirror, the strong body flush with exertion. The view switched again, showing the blonde’s wolfish grin before she winked at the camera.

See you soon, beautiful.

Wednesday stared at her phone long after the video ended, her face nearly hurting from how hotly it burned, the pink darkening to a pitiable garnet red. She muttered a French curse, her brows furrowed in deep thought as she stared at the innocuous window, pausing only a moment before she played the video again. The brunette groaned and dropped her phone back on the bed, pressing a hand over her eyes as she willed her foolish little heart to cease its incessant beating, the thundering drowning out the rest of the world around her.

She could still smell Enid’s faint perfume all over her bed, could still remember the feel of strong hands on her waist and teasing under the hem of her sweater, could practically taste every kiss they’d shared last night. Wednesday growled and kicked out of bed, too overwhelmed with the need to hunt that damn wolf down, and kiss that smug little smirk right off that addicting mouth. She swiped her phone out of the covers and shoved it in her front pouch before she made the bed and grabbed her half-finished Perrier off the nightstand before draining the rest of the bottle in one desperate, thirsty swig. She grumbled when her phone vibrated with a new alert and she fished it out, opening the thread with Divina.

Hey, bethere in like ten minutes!

She nodded, tucking the bottle under her arm before typing a curt response, Thank you.

Wednesday dropped her empty bottle in the small wastebasket by her desk, her boots tapping on the polished hardwood floor as she waited for the inevitable arrival text from Divina. She hadn’t dared sneak back downstairs again after whisking Enid out the door, refusing to expose herself to the two women she was sure were burning with questions, her mother’s knowing smile mockingly burned into her mind. She wasn’t ready to admit out loud that Morticia Addams had been right about her for years, that she’d been in love with Enid all this time and simply too stubborn to admit it. The goodbye kiss she’d bestowed on Enid was the only proof her mother needed to know the truth, any other questions be damned.

The brunette wandered toward the chairs in the corner of the room and collapsed into one, tucking her legs up under her as she fought the need to look at her phone again, Enid’s video already fully committed to memory. She felt that strength beneath her hands last night, had seen the muscle up close herself, the first time Enid had shown her the stomach scars while they were in the team's locker room. Her palm tingled with the memory of the soft skin, of powerful muscle jumping beneath her cool hand. Wednesday shoved up to keep pacing, her usually slack face screwed up in a frustrated scowl, her hands balling into fists before she shoved them in her hoodie pocket.

She perked up several minutes later, checking the newest message from Divina and moved to gather her skating bag, angrily throwing it over one shoulder. Wednesday sighed and quickly slipped into her boots and tied them tight, slithering out of her room and flying down the main staircase. She managed to escape out the front door and pound down the steps, Wednesday pulling her bag into her arms and curling into the car without having seen a single soul that breezed about her house. Divina smiled in greeting as she waited for the belt to buckle, and followed the curve back around to the heavy, double gates.

“Hey, Wednesday, how’s it going? Did you guys have fun at the fair, was Enid totally surprised when you showed up?”

Wednesday nodded, her hands hidden in her pocket, her bag on the floor between her boots, “Yes,” she rasped, tossing a brief look to Divina, “Thank you, for assisting me.”

“No problem,” she navigated the winding path through the woods before escaping onto the roadway, and headed off toward campus, “I told you she’d love it, Enid’s always had a thing for the art like that. What’d you think?”

“It was interesting,” she swallowed, her eyes still staring out the window, hoping for a moment of peace.

Divina smiled and let the conversation go, the drive over to Nevermore uneventful as she headed back toward Poe Stadium, pulling in beside the few other cars in the visitor lot, and cutting the engine. She ducked out and headed toward the main doors, the pair flashing their student badges to security, before the siren led them down toward the seating area closest to the home team bench. She grinned and stopped off at the stairs beside the bench, leaning her elbows against the metal railing above the tunnel entrance, and yelling over to her girlfriend.

“Hey, Tanaka,” she called, smiling when the vampire whipped her head up, “Can I get your autograph?”

Yoko snickered and shoved up from the bench, wandering over to the tunnel wall to jump up and grab the railing, hoisting herself up close enough to her girlfriend, “If you gimme a kiss, I’ll give you whatever the hell you want.”

Divina laughed as she grabbed Yoko by the collar of her chest padding and leaned all the way down to kiss her, “You’re so stupid, I love you.”

She scoffed in mock offense before falling back to her skates, “You love me even though I'm stupid, what's that say about you?” Yoko tilted her head and looked past her to the dour seer, “Hey, Wednesday. Don’t worry, the star of the show’s on her way.”

Wednesday glared and said nothing, her black eyes narrowing as she hunched defensively in her stolen hoodie, eyes burning through the vampire. Divina bit her lip to keep from smiling before she led them down to the front row nearest the bench, purposefully leaving the end seat for Wednesday. Several other students were milling about the area, Wednesday recognizing Charlotte from the end of the game several nights ago, knowing she was dating one of Enid's linemates. Wednesday kept her hands in her pouch as she waited with her bag still on her back, her eyes casually scanning the few players sitting on the team's bench. Enid suddenly darted out of the tunnel and hopped through the open area door, the wolf grinning as she skated in tight, random circles, before heading back toward the boards. Wednesday stood up on reflex, Enid turning her head in her direction before smiling and eagerly skating over to the glass.

Enid cut to a stop and took her helmet off, shaking out the colorful blonde hair before she smiled at the red-faced seer, "Hey, Wens," she breathed, lightly rocking on her skates, "Do you have your skates with you?" The wolf smiled at the small nod, "Awesome, can't wait 'til after practice!"

She tapped the blade of her stick on the glass, the tape again in the black and white striped pattern, Enid tossing up another wink before slapping her helmet back on, and gliding over to the bench. Wednesday ignored the burning in her ears as she shrugged her pack off and dropped it next to the wall, her hands shoving back into the warm front pocket. The siren relaxed beside her, crossing her legs as she leaned back in her seat, offering a placid smile to the seer hunkered down in Enid's hoodie, Wednesday's sights refusing to leave off Enid. Divina cleared her throat and leaned forward in her seat, bracing her elbow on the armrest.

"Not that it's any of my business, Wednesday, but how did last night really go? I know you were nervous about taking her out to the festival, but things seemed to have gone well."

Wednesday shifted in her seat, the tips of her ears burning as she glared sideways towards the siren, "...did Enid not tell you?"

Divina chuckled and shook her head, waving her hand toward Yoko as she traded passes with her defensive partner, "I saw Enid for all of thirty seconds this morning, before she threatened Yoko out the door, so that they wouldn't be late. And just asking out of pure curiosity, but... what was Enid supposed to tell me?"

The tiny seer visibly frowned and slunk down in her hoodie, her face scrunched in dismay before she worked her jaw, and stole a quick glance to the wolf stretching out at center ice.

"...I... kissed her," she purposefully mumbled, flipping her hood up to hopefully avoid having to continue with the conversation.

The siren's face lit up with obvious excitement before she worked to tamp it down, worried she would scare Wednesday into stony silence.

"Shut up, really? Isn't that a good thing?"

Wednesday growled softly, her jaw twitching again before she sighed heavily, and slowly pushed her hood down. She looked to Divina and the open, supportive grin on her face, Wednesday huffing out a gruff little noise, the color creeping up below her freckles.

"Yes," she whispered, looking away from Divina and out toward the ice, "You have said several times over that Enid held romantic interest in me, as have Pugsley and Eugene. I am pleased to admit you were all correct."

Divina sighed in relief as her smile grew wider, her seafoam eyes flickering with contentment, "Of course, we wouldn't steer either of you guys wrong. Wow, I can't believe it, so how do you feel? Are you okay? I know it can be so intense to hear, at least it was for me with Yoko."

Wednesday relaxed slightly, sitting up straight in her seat as her head snapped to the side, Pappas' whistling drawing her players closer to the bench, obsidian eyes following after her captain.

"I am... much better than okay," Wednesday turned to look back at Divina, "She confessed her feelings, and then said rather brazenly that she would like to properly court me."

The siren chuckled, leaning her chin in her palm, "And you said yes," Divina grinned at the tiny nod, "Damn, that's awesome. I'm so happy for you guys to finally be together, I feel like it's been a lifetime in the making."

Wednesday nodded slowly in agreement, her eyes again pulled back to Enid as she knelt on the ice in front of Coach Pappas, the gorgon aimlessly skating back and forth in front of the bench. The whistle blew again and the team fell into their usual endurance drills, practicing hairpin turns and clean stops, the team skating drills up and down the length of the ice. Wednesday was fascinated with how well the team worked as a singular unit, Pappas eventually breaking them up into individual drills. She was enamored with all the extra sounds without the droll of the crowds, pucks slapping off stick blades, and dozens of skates cutting across the ice at a single time. Wednesday leaned forward to get a better view before just standing instead, her hands still tucked away in her hoodie.

Enid smiled every time she stole a glance toward Wednesday, her stomach perpetually bothered by butterflies at the presence of the stoic brunette. They were taking a small breather between drills, Enid leaning against the away team's bench with Yoko hovering beside her. Anna Stetic, the team's second-star defender, wandered over to the pair, her honey brown eyes hidden by the dark visor all the vampires wore to protect against the too-bright stadium lights. She grinned, her fangs peeking out in her smile as she playfully nudged Enid, flipping her thick, brown plait back over her shoulder as she leaned conspiratorially closer.

"Hey, Bubbles, I noticed that Wednesday's here for practice."

The wolf grinned and nodded, before taking another swig out of her bottle, "She sure is," she mumbled in awe, looking in the seer's direction, a blush creeping down her neck.

Anna snickered, "You know, I saw you guys at the festival last night. Did you finally get the girl?"

Enid choked on her drink, nearly snorting orange gatorade out of her nose before Yoko laughed and slapped her on the back, grinning at her fellow bloodsucker, "You didn't see anything, Stetic, just mind your business."

She laughed and apologetically bumped her glove against the crest on Enid's jersey, "Ohh, okay, I gotcha. I won't say a damn thing, cap, promise."

Enid nodded dumbly, her face red beneath her visor as she coughed out the rest of the liquid and angrily smacked the cap down before wandering back over to regroup for practice, her eyes openly staring at her brand new girlfriend.

Wednesday was devolving into an actual mess of a human being, her eyes never once leaving off Enid as she cycled through her team practice. She watched every cut of her skates, every stroke of her stick, every call made by the captain for the whole-team scrimmage. She's been sitting perched on the end of her seat, her mind wandering back to last night and the soft lips that had decimated her entire world, her eyes fixating on the blonde's hands as she manipulated her stick during practice. Wednesday bit the inside of her lip, her face perfectly blank otherwise, her eyes pitch black as she ignored the need to hop over the guard rail and escape onto the bench for a right proper kiss.

Warmth flared in her cheeks as she recalled the video Enid sent her before she came to watch the practice, her eyes raking over the wolf in her practice uniform, Enid wearing solid purple, the other half of her team all in black. She pictured the muscle again, her fingers flexing in her hoodie pocket before she threaded them together to help keep herself pinned down to her seat. She wanted to kiss Enid again already, was already missing the warmth of her lips, and the strength of her hands, her spine tingling with a need to go do something stupid. Wednesday forced herself to lean back in her chair and grip at the armrests, her dark eyes tracking up to check the time on the scoreboard.

She watched in fascination as the practice wound down with breakaway drills against the goalie, each girl taking a turn against both netminders, Enid masterfully netting both of her chances. Wednesday stood the moment the last whistle sounded, gathering her bag to throw it back over her shoulder as she headed over to the edge of the seating area, and hovered by the railing that looked down over the tunnel. Her stomach fluttered when Enid straddled the boards at the end of practice, the rest of the girls huddling around Pappas and the other members of the coaching staff, Cartwright dragging a large brown box in from down the hall.

Kassandra grinned as she looked around at all her girls, her hands braced on her hips.

"You ladies look good out there, I can tell you're still feeling the fire from that crazy win over Essington. Sin, how's that bruise of yours?"

Enid gave a thumbs up, the heel of her skate continuously bouncing against the inside wall, "All good, coach."

"Excellent," Pappas bent down and flipped open the box, grabbing a brand new hoodie from inside, "We got the new team hoodies in finally, and I have to say, they really killed it with the stripe stitching. No more solid black!"

She laughed at the excitement from the girls before she doled them out to each player, eventually waving them off down the hall. Enid moved first, already noticing Wednesday waiting above the tunnel for her before she removed her helmet, and gestured with the new hoodie before tossing it over her shoulder.

"Got another one for your collection, Wens," she said with an infuriatingly charming smile.

Wednesday stared down at her grinning paramour, her hands tightening around the thick metal railing as she fought the overwhelming urge to throw herself over the wall, and crash into Enid's arms. Divina wandered up and stopped just off to Wednesday's left, smiling when Yoko came to stand up beside Enid. The vampire kept her helmet on, her reflective black visor protecting her eyes from the blinding lights, some more of the team sneaking past them to get down toward the locker room as Yoko braced her elbow on Enid's shoulder. She smiled up at the girls and waved her glove toward Wednesday, her fangs sparkling as they caught the light.

"You guys wanna go grab some lunch with us?"

Enid shook her head and nudged Yoko with her elbow, "Wens and I are gonna skate first, you guys go ahead," she looked back up at her girlfriend, her nose scrunching in an elated smile, "Let me just get out of my pads and then you can meet us in the back of the tunnel, sound good?"

Wednesday nodded quietly, Divina leaning her arms on the railing as she bobbed her head, "No worries, I'll walk us down to meet you guys. And sorry, babe, but I'm parked out front."

Yoko dramatically lamented, draping herself against Enid's back, "How ever will I be able to carry my equipment so far? Must you hate me, my darling siren?"

Divina rolled her eyes and shoved off from the wall, wandering up one of the steps, "I'm ignoring you. Come on, Wednesday, let's head down and around for these two boneheads."

The seer immediately nodded, her eyes lingering on Enid and her delightfully grinning face, tortured by the memory of her lips and the sight of her every defined, scarred muscle. She adjusted the weight at her back and shoved her hands in her pockets, tearing her eyes off Enid before marching up the stairs to the entry tunnel that led to the outer concessions ring of the stadium. Wednesday trailed behind Divina, her mind a million miles away from where her feet dutifully wandered, her heartbeat drowning out the noise of the outside world.

They made it to the inner workings of the stadium, each girl offering their student badges to security as they hovered outside the end of the tunnel for the team to finally disperse. Wednesday shifted on her feet once she heard the din of excited voices, the girls easily pouring out of the tunnel with their equipment in tow, several of them offering smiles in greeting to the stragglers. They mulled about the arena, Enid and Yoko again the final two from the tunnel, Wednesday's entire world narrowing down to the blonde chatting alongside the vampire.

Enid was dressed down in only her charcoal leggings and her new team hoodie, her face still pink from practice, her hair damp with obvious sweat. She was wearing her skates with the blade guards, her pink laces tied all the way up and wrapped around her ankle in preparation for their own skating session, the brunette's stomach clenching at the idea of sharing the ice with the captain. Wednesday cursed internally, her eyes following the defined legs before raking up over the blonde's new hoodie, her nerves sizzling as she finally landed on the broadly grinning face. Her legs started walking before her brain could register the movement, several of the players frantically ducking out of her way as she stormed a direct path to her girlfriend.

The wolf grinned and untucked her hands from her hoodie pocket as Wednesday rapidly approached, Enid's face split by the width of her smile.

"Hey, Wens-"

Her heartbeat skipped when Wednesday seized her by the shoulders of her hoodie and pulled her down for a purposeful kiss, her eyes readily falling closed as she easily fell into it, her chest warm over the fact that Wednesday Addams was actually kissing her.

In public.

In front of her entire team.


The way that I almost accidentally made this explicit right out the gate lmfao. Like I could have them sleep together so soon in this story, after they managed to finally admit that they were in love after three years. It was close though, not gonna lie. Wednesday getting co*ck blocked by her parents and then still sneaking her girlfriend upstairs? Shameless.

Also, it's so cute to me, the thought of these idiots just being so soft and gay together, just curled up and asleep. Enid not even realizing the sun is up, let alone that she's basically f*cking late. I'm also so tickled by the idea of them getting caught by Morticia and Ophelia. Once Grandmama hears that Wednesday tried to sneak Enid out, all hell is gonna break loose. Wedding invites are gonna be sent. Pugsley is gonna tell Eugene, and they're gonna grill Wens for details that she'll never tell. Enid will announce to everyone that they're finally dating, the school will be shook to hear that they aren't actually married already.

Enid being a smug little bastard and sending her wife thirst traps though, like. I laughed. Tell me why I have a tendency to make Wednesday a horny little mess for her big goofy wolf, I just love the idea. That she would be so comfortable and so safe and loved, that she could let her freak flag fly, and just look at Enid like, "I need you to absolutely wreck me in bed. I don't even care what you're doing right now, just come over here and let me put my hands all over you, you infuriatingly charming motherf*cker. Goddamnit you're so f*cking fine, what the hell am I supposed to do about this?"

Wednesday Addams is the epitome of, COME OVER, MY PARENTS AREN'T HOME. I honestly can't wait to see her go to Enid's place though, the Halloween party is coming up after all. Nobody better mess with that wolf's girlfriend ;)

Enid: Holy f*ck you're so beautiful.
Wednesday, blushing like a lunatic: SHUT UP, ENID.

Anyway, forgive any mistakes, it's Christmas and I still have to edit the YMU update and post that, too. TDWW isn't finished yet, but you guys deserve a little Christmas treat. It's still Christmas for me, anyway, sorry to the rest of y'all. ALSO I realized I never finished replying to the comments for that last chapter, I'll get to them too!! I'm on my way!!!!

I love you guys, thank you for coming back and supporting me, and offering such kindness. My recovery is slow-going and I'm dealing with the endless pain as best I can. The show must go on, though, I'm still here for my babies <3

This story is so fluffy and gay and I love it very much. I appreciate each and every one of you <33


Chapter 10: (We Go) Together


Enid and Wednesday enjoy a little quality time together. They're always happy to learn new things.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Enid smiled incredulously when Wednesday abruptly pulled away from the surprise kiss, the seer's face burning a vibrant scarlet red at managing to be so reckless in public. The captain quickly collected her by the front of her hoodie and guided her further down the tunnel, Enid flashing a stupidly happy smile at Yoko as the vampire attempted to wave off the large group of their clearly excited teammates. Enid practically bounced along behind Wednesday, stifling a laugh when Wednesday noticed the head coach, before gratefully disappearing into the locker room. Enid wrinkled her nose, too elated to even bother hiding her smile, as she waited alongside the door to the locker area, Coach Pappas quirking an interested brow as she looked toward where Wednesday had escaped.

Kassandra chuckled and shook her head, crossing her arms over her chest as she looked down at her star player, "Watch over-working yourself, Sinclair, we've got a game tomorrow. Also, I'm glad to hear that your bruise isn't causing you any trouble. Nice job in practice today, keep working those singles drills."

Enid grinned and nodded, her hands folding behind her back as she watched her coach wander down the hall and disappear around the corner. The rest of the coaching staff trickled out behind her, Cartwright pinning the wolf with a knowing grin, nodding her head in the direction of the skittish seer. The vampire only laughed as she walked by, Enid rocking on her skates as she waited for them to fully leave the tunnel, before turning around and exploding back into the quiet locker room.

Wednesday was already seated in front of her cubby, the brunette's face still glowing red with an obvious blush, her dark eyes glaring down at her skates as she angrily tied them. Enid dropped onto the seat beside her, the heels of her palms leaning against the edge of the bench as she pitched forward, attempting to catch Wednesday's elusive eye. She smiled when the seer finally straightened up, their eyes meeting with a sizzle of something undeniable, Enid instinctively leaning closer to her girlfriend.

"I can't believe you just kissed me in front of the girls, that was amazing," she gushed, scooting herself closer to the flustered brunette, "Are you okay? I get the feeling you did not mean to do that."

She swallowed heavily and nodded, her eyes falling to Enid's grinning mouth, "I'm fine," she muttered, her tongue wetting along her lip, "I did not mean to kiss you so suddenly. However, I... was unable to stop myself."

Enid's nose wrinkled in another smile, her heart bursting with a wave of affection, "You can kiss me any time, anywhere, Wens. I just wanna know if I can kiss you, I'm not looking to make you-"

Her words died when Wednesday leaned up to smoothly kiss her, delicate hands twisting in the front of her hoodie as she pulled Enid close. She braced her hand on the seat next to Wednesday, leaning down more as Wednesday deepened the kiss, sweeping her tongue over Enid's before abruptly pulling away with a velvety smack. Enid sat for a moment, dazed at how incredible it felt to finally kiss Wednesday, a dopey smile permanently etched across her face. She giggled to herself and leaned into the seer, her lips pressing a soft kiss to the glowing freckles. Wednesday sighed, moving herself over and melding into Enid's side, her hands still twisted in the front of her sweater.

"You may kiss me in public," her color darkened, a faint scowl curling across her face, "You may kiss me whenever the need possesses you."

Enid licked her lips, her eyes searching the bright red face, "Oh, trust me, the need’s gonna possess me often,” she chuckled at Wednesday’s glare, and quickly pecked her lips, “I've wanted to kiss you for so long, but if it starts to not be cool with kissing in public, just lemme know, okay? I can't believe I get to kiss you, this is like... this is the best thing ever."

"Enid," Wednesday grumbled and shoved up to stand, her hands sliding into the front pocket before she cast a guarded look to the blonde, "I have thought of kissing you often, I don't care to hide my affections for you any longer."

"Yeah," she said dreamily, and stood up from her seat, "I know. You kissed me in front of your mom this morning."

Wednesday sighed and reached for Enid's hand, lacing their fingers together before they headed out for the ice, "You are more important than my own self-preservation, it would seem," she swallowed audibly, and waited for Enid to open the bench door, "I would have preferred a proper goodbye, though I did not want you to be late."

Enid smiled as she followed Wednesday onto the ice, clicking the door shut behind them.

"So how bad was the inquisition after I left? She seemed totally chill about the fact you were sneaking me out of your house," she stifled a laugh, hovering back by the boards as she watched Wednesday run through her stretches, "Wait, you didn't get in trouble, did you?"

The seer breathed a quiet exhale as she worked through her warmups, taking the proper time to catch each skate in her hands and stretch out her spine, carefully limbering herself for practice.

"I would not have received any reprimanding, however… I did not see them again," she admitted quietly, circling around before gliding back toward Enid, "I purposefully avoided contact with everyone, and stayed hidden away until Divina came to collect me."

Enid nodded, her smile widening as she slid out to meet her, "That's totally you," she hummed as Wednesday leaned into her, the wolf lacing her fingers together at the small of her back, "I can go with you to talk to the family, you know. They already love me, and I'll take the heat with any questions. Besides, I'm pretty sure they all already knew."

Wednesday nodded quietly, her eyes half-lidded as she looked up at her grinning paramour, "I have yet to properly threaten Pugsley into keeping quiet," she kissed Enid again, sighing softly as she collapsed into her arms, "Though, I find myself not caring who knows of our courting, as I want only to be with you."

She smiled again, her arms strengthening around Wednesday as she brushed a faint kiss to her cheek, "Wednesday Addams, you're a secret romantic," Enid kissed the freckles on the other side of her nose, heading the warning grumble, "I love it, actually. I want to be with you, too, like all the time. We have another game tomorrow, am I going to be lucky enough to see my girlfriend at the home games from now on?"

The seer nodded, hiding her hands away in the front pocket of Enid's hoodie, "I will not miss them, querida."

Enid felt her stomach flutter at the affectionate nickname, stealing one last kiss before she finally let Wednesday go, the brunette regretfully pushing away. The captain sat mostly on the boards for their shared time together, watching Wednesday zip around the ice in a series of spins and quick changes, her skates gliding perfectly across the rink. Enid was content to watch, loving the graceful, assured way that Wednesday could move whenever she was on skates, deceptively strong legs hidden between the baggy lounge pants the brunette wore. Enid was transfixed as she watched Wednesday, her girlfriend's strength having improved since they'd started skating more often, the knee injury seeming to have healed well, despite still not being cleared for any proper jumps.

Enid smiled and slid down from the boards after more than an hour, noticing the seer gliding back towards the bench, the blonde leaning over to grab a water bottle from behind the wall. She held it out for Wednesday, a permanent grin on Enid’s face as she studied the brunette, Wednesday’s sleeves pushed up to her elbows, a faint sheen of sweat visible along the freckled face. Enid accepted the bottle and dropped it back behind the boards once she was finished, her hands automatically reaching out for her, pulling Wednesday to a stand just a little bit closer.

“Wow, Wens, you’re so graceful and really intense when you’re skating, it’s like I can’t keep my eyes off you,” she smirked at the flash of red beneath her freckles, and sweetly kissed her cheek, “How are you feeling, how’s your knee? You look great out there, I can tell you’re stronger.”

Wednesday sighed as she moved herself to stand between Enid’s skates, her index finger hooking on the inside of Enid’s hoodie pocket, “Thank you. And it does not cause me any further pain, I’m hopeful that I will be cleared to return to proper skating. My trainer has been impatiently awaiting my return to form.”

Enid nodded in agreement, her hands sneaking up to rest on Wednesday’s waist, “You said your appointment was Tuesday, right? Hopefully you get good news, I can’t wait to see your jumps again. Do you need someone to go with you? If I don’t have class, I’d love to go.”

The seer blinked in surprise, her eyebrows jumping up beneath her bangs, “You would waste time for something so menial?”

“Wednesday, I’d sit and watch paint dry if it meant spending time with you,” Enid snickered when Wednesday sputtered in Spanish, the brunette hiding her face in her shoulder, “I told you I have like, no chill about how much I love you. And besides, I know how much you hate people, so if I can make a doctor’s appointment easier for you, then I’m in.”

She huffed at the open affection on Enid’s face when she pulled away from her shoulder, her jaw working slightly before she lifted up to the toe of her skate blades, and gratefully kissed her. She curled her arms around the back of her neck and pressed fully into Enid, huffing quietly when she felt the strong arms hold her tightly around her back. Wednesday slowly pulled away from the intoxicating kiss after a long moment, grumbling softly when Enid chased her lips, her face glowing as she looked up at the happily smiling wolf. She relaxed into the feeling, her eyes closing when Enid rained several kisses across her face, her arms slow to fall away from around her girlfriend as she exhaled a slow breath, and regretfully pulled herself away. Enid only wrinkled her nose and caught her hands, squeezing once before letting go.

“So is that a yes?”

Wednesday stared for a moment, her brain still fuzzy from how deeply Enid could affect her from only sharing a kiss, her eyebrow twitching once before she finally managed to nod her head.

“Yes,” she absently licked her lips, her heart racing, “If you would not mind taking me, I would enjoy your company.”

Enid smirked, moving the small distance that separated them, wanting to feel even closer, “If I know anything about you, Wens, it’s that your appointment is probably at like, 8 AM, and I don’t have class ‘til 11 on Tuesdays,” she snorted a laugh at the unamused glare from her girlfriend, her eyes sparking with a touch of mischief, “That face said it all. Are you sure you’re done already? I don’t mind waiting, I like watching you skate, you’re incredible. I'm so excited to see you compete again.”

Wednesday huffed and slowly shook her head, reaching her hand out for Enid’s, and slowly pushing them off along the dasher boards. Enid eagerly followed along behind Wednesday, mimicking the elegant poses the brunette would do, the wolf nearly making a game out of how easily she could follow along with the bends and turns. She playfully laughed when she sped past Wednesday, turning to skate backwards before blowing her girlfriend an exaggerated kiss. They traded off on moves, testing each other’s skills and competing in quick little races, Enid eventually sighing dramatically, and sliding herself down to lay across the logo at center ice. She closed her eyes and ignored the cold seeping into her hoodie and leggings, the ice melting into her super-heated body and soaking her almost to the bone.

She managed a carefree smile when she heard Wednesday gliding toward her, the familiar scrape of blades stopping across the ice greeting her ears as she felt the seer stop up near her head, suddenly blocking out the stadium lights.

“Enid, are you all right?”

“Yeah, I’m good,” Enid grinned and suddenly lurched up to a sitting position, her eyes sparkling under the brilliant light, “I just realized that I haven’t eaten all day and I’ve been running non-stop for the last like, five hours. My stomach just growled.”

Wednesday frowned, gliding closer before she carefully held her hands out for Enid, “I have not eaten yet myself, perhaps it’s time we break for lunch.”

“You should have said something,” Enid teased and rolled over to her knees, accepting Wednesday’s hands and hauling herself up to her feet, “Do you wanna go to Peg’s? Ooh, or we could get Korean again, that was so good last time,” she instinctively laced their hands together, and led them back towards the bench, “What are you feeling like? I’m starving, I could eat anything.”

“Korean, please,” she followed behind Enid and waited for her to open the bench door, stepping in after her, and motioning the door closed.

Enid smiled as she nodded excitedly, hurrying behind the bench to grab the last two water bottles before they exited down toward the locker rooms. She pulled her badge out of her hoodie pocket and buzzed them into the room, wiping the sleeve of her hoodie across her forehead as she walked over to her cubby. She hummed as she reached for Wednesday’s bag and held it out to her, Enid quickly grabbing her mostly-packed gear bag and dropping it down on the floor. The wolf wrinkled her nose as she shoved her hair back, the golden waves still damp with sweat.

“Okay, I definitely need a shower,” she chuckled to herself and tugged at the hem of her hoodie before pulling it off, leaving her in only her sports bra as she tossed the garment toward her bag, “I totally forgot to grab a change of clothes before I flew out of the house this morning.”

Without thinking, she pivoted away from Wednesday to face her locker, and reached for the Nevermore University shirt folded on the top shelf, “Luckily, Yoko knows who I am as a person, and always makes sure I have a clean shirt!”

Enid froze when she heard Wednesday’s strangled whisper behind her, a chill rippling across her shoulders as she heard her name fall from soft lips, wincing the moment she realized her mistake.

Enid,” she breathed in horror, Wednesday walking the few steps that separated them, her fingers reaching out for the garish claw marks that raked down Enid’s back, “These scars.”

“Oh,” she laughed quietly, her eyes fluttering as she leaned back into the cool fingers running down the length of her spine, “I forget about those ones a lot.”

Wednesday stared, aghast at the violent scarring, her eyes following each jagged mark as they tore across the pale skin. She frowned, placing her palm over the center of Enid’s back as she walked closer, the clammy skin prickling with goosebumps beneath her touch.

“These are from Tyler,” her stomach twisted when Enid faintly nodded her head, her eyes searching the wistful profile, “Your other scars pale in comparison to the violence of these marks.”

She briefly nodded, catching the horrified look as she glanced over her shoulder, Enid offering a tiny smile as solace to the clearly upset seer. Enid moved away from the touch to quickly tug on her shirt, turning just as she pulled the hem down over her stomach scars.

“Wens, we’ve talked about this. My scars are just scars, they’re nothing compared to you standing right in front of me. Please don’t feel bad, they’re just marks now. Really ugly ones, but-“

“They are beautiful,” Wednesday rasped, and rested her hands on Enid’s waist, “I love the sight of your scars, despite the guilt I feel for being the cause behind them,” her shoulders fell as she slowly shook her head, refusing to take her eyes off Enid as she lifted her hand up to touch over the marked skin, “Every part of you is perfect, and I cannot believe that I am fortunate enough to call you mine.”

Enid blinked only once before she suddenly slid her arm around Wednesday's waist and brought her flush up against her front, leaning down to thoroughly kiss her. She whimpered when she felt delicate hands cup her jaw as she deepened the touch, her heart missing several beats when a warm tongue curled in around hers. Enid groaned faintly and swept Wednesday up in her arms, her fingers curling in the back of her girlfriend's borrowed hoodie, a pleased purr swelling up between her lungs. Enid huffed when Wednesday pulled away, chasing a final kiss before she leaned their foreheads together, her face warm with excitement as she hugged Wednesday even closer.

"God, I love kissing you. And I love you, and," she sighed out a blissful chuckle, and trailed her lips along Wednesday's jaw, "You make me insane in the best way... hey, feel free to say no, but I just got the craziest idea."

Wednesday hummed distractedly, her head instinctively tilting back when she felt soft lips glide over her throat, Enid fighting the urge to sink her teeth in and properly mark her girlfriend. She nosed up under her jaw and lightly scraped her fangs over the rapid pulse, her hands wandering along Wednesday's back.

"You wanna just pick up some Korean food and go back to my house? We can eat and hang out, I just..."

The seer flushed, the tips of her ears burning as she fluttered her eyes open, her nails lightly scratching down the back of Enid's shirt as she searched the enchanting, violet-colored eyes.

"What is it?"

Enid grinned, snuggling herself up against Wednesday's jaw, "I don't wanna share you right now," she rumbled in a low voice, and kissed over the twitching cord in her neck, "Maybe we can just watch a movie or something? Just wanna be with you."

"Yes," she muttered quietly, pecking a soft touch over Enid's cheek, "I would rather your home than the mansion, I am not yet prepared for the inevitable conversation with my mother."

The wolf only snickered and regretfully pulled herself away from Wednesday, her nose wrinkling past another wide smile, “Don’t worry, I’ll go in with you whenever you’re ready. I also kinda want to actually meet your Aunt Ophelia, you always talk about how much she and your Uncle Fester are your favorites, and she seemed so nice!”

Wednesday slowly exhaled, “She has been pestering me over you for several years, she will have many questions.”

“Perfect,” Enid winked, dropping a quick kiss to Wednesday’s cheek, “We’re in this together, Wens, I'm not gonna let you go in there without backup."

She snickered at the surprised look from Wednesday, the pair finally separating to dress down from their skating session, Enid tying her boots together, and tossing them back in her gear bag. She kicked on her shoes and finally gathered the rest of her things, the seer rising from the bench to throw her bag onto her back before reaching out in assistance, easily accepting Enid’s several sticks, the blades taller even than Wednesday herself. The captain surveyed the room before leaning down to collect her Nevermore hoodie from the hook inside her cubby, tossing it over her elbow, finally reaching down to garb her bag and throw her gear over her shoulder.

Enid waved Wednesday out of the room, the brunette tucking out into the hallway and readjusting her grip on Enid’s sticks, waiting as the blonde clicked off the lights, and pulled the door shut behind her. The wolf smiled and held her hand out for Wednesday, her stomach fluttering when she laced their fingers together, and followed her down the tunnel. Enid threw a wave up at Mister Levitt as he walked down the hallways towards them, the portly gorgon easily smiling as he wriggled his mustache, and stopped in front of the women.

“Afternoon, ladies! Cap, are you all finished on the ice? I’ve got to run the zamboni before tomorrow, game day as you know!”

The wolf easily nodded, her smile growing when she felt Wednesday’s hand tighten in hers, “Sure thing, Mister Levitt, thanks for waiting for us. I’ll see you tomorrow!”

She laughed as he waved them off, Enid turning once he’d disappeared down the hallway, and stealing a small kiss against Wednesday’s temple. She walked them out towards the elevator and took it down to the parking level, the doors opening up into the garage, the red SUV parked in its usual spot. Enid fumbled with the keys in her hoodie to unlock it before throwing her bag in the back and her sweater over the back seat, nodding her head in thanks to Wednesday before tossing the sticks in, too. Enid scrambled around the car and slipped behind the driver seat, pulling her phone out of her thigh pocket, and opening up the menu for the Korean restaurant. She selected three entrees for her massive appetite, and two different orders of dumplings, squinting in thought, before she gave her phone to Wednesday.

“Order whatever you want, Wens, my treat. Oh, and I can give you a shirt to change into when we get back if you want,” her eyes lingered on Wednesday’s forearms, her hoodie sleeves still pushed up to her elbows, “I know how much you hate feeling sweaty.”

Wednesday accepted the phone and quietly nodded, putting her order in before she gave the device back to Enid, “Thank you, though I would prefer it if you would let me pay for lunch.”

Enid hummed and shook her head, already putting in her card info before finalizing their lunch order, her eyes meeting the silent look with a conspiratory smile, “No way, you paid last time we ate,” she started her car and they strapped in, the captain backing out of her spot, “I owe you this one. And anyway, I just ordered half the menu myself, I’m not letting you buy.”

The seer huffed but said nothing, her cheeks warm as she absently rolled her sleeves down and toyed with the cuffs on her sweatshirt. She looked down at Enid’s hand on her gear shifter, Wednesday absently reaching out to collect her with more confidence than the last time she’d tried it, easily unfurling the pale hand, and sliding her fingers through Enid’s. The blonde melted, leaning over at a red light to press a kiss to Wednesday’s cheek, her thumb brushing over the soft, cool skin. Enid threw on a classics playlist for their trip across town, chattering away about the upcoming game to a rapt audience, Wednesday having never once taken her eyes off her girlfriend. The blonde finally pulled into the parking lot and threw her car in park, lifting their joint hands before kissing Wednesday’s, and scurried herself out to go collect their lunch.

She eventually ducked out with their large order and popped back behind the wheel, passing the bag over to Wednesday, before hauling out of her spot and speeding off toward home. Enid grinned when she made the final turn down her street, her smile growing the moment she noticed that Divina’s car was still missing. She pulled off and parked on the street, all but exploding out of her car and rounding on the back, eager to gather her things, and usher her girlfriend inside. She grabbed the bag from last night and her hoodie from the back seat, biting her keys between her teeth before she collected her gear from the back, and slammed down the hatch. She winked at Wednesday, the seer standing off with only her bag and their lunch, her face darkening in a deep blush, scowling at the shameless wolf. Enid giggled past her keys and waved Wednesday up the few stairs and onto the porch, shuffling herself up to the door, and quickly unlocking the tumblers. She motioned Wednesday in ahead of her, Enid all but dropping her gear on the floor by the stairs, before walking around her company, and throwing her arms open to present the living room.

“Ta-da! Welcome to Casa Enkovinajax.”

Wednesday blinked at the mouthful, her arms still full of their lunch as she glanced around the house, idly taking a step toward her girlfriend, “It is quite large.”

Enid hummed and nodded, relieving Wednesday of her bags before joining their hands together, and leading them off toward the kitchen.

“Yeah, we got a really good deal, especially with the four of us helping pay the rent. It’s just us here, by the way, who knows where Yoko and Divina are, but Ajax is at Chrissy’s place for the weekend.”

Enid gestured towards the large, open living spaces as she walked Wednesday through the downstairs floor, eventually leading off into the large kitchen, and dropped their food off at the table. Wednesday stood in the doorway as she watched Enid flit around the space, collecting plates and napkins for their feast, the seer awkwardly shuffling herself in place. Enid noticed her immediately and smiled, reaching her hand out, before leading Wednesday into her usual seat at the table.

“Wens, it's only me, you can make yourself comfortable! What can I get you? We have a bunch of drinks, like uhh, sodas, bottled water- Oh, we have some iced tea, too. I don’t think Divina sweetened it, though.”

“Tea, please,” she quietly unpacked their food, her eyes constantly flickering toward Enid, “You said you are hosting a Halloween party?”

Enid hummed in confirmation and placed a glass of tea down in front of Wednesday. “Oh, hell yeah, it’s gonna be awesome. The Gammas are probably gonna come, but other than that, mostly just the main friends and the Nightshades. You don’t have to stick around long if you don’t want to, we can do whatever that night. I really just wanna hang out with you, especially since I don't really drink anymore, and blow out parties are only so much fun when you're sober. Whatever we do'll be way more fun."

Wednesday flushed at the obvious affection pouring off her wolf, chest seizing at the glowing smile on Enid’s face.

"Have you stopped drinking completely?"

She shrugged as she put the tea back in the fridge and swiped a water for herself, climbing herself over the back of her chair before sitting down next to Wednesday, "Kinda. Freshmen year was rough and I got hammered almost every weekend," she opened several of the containers before picking up the chopsticks and offering a pair to her company, "That is so not the way I wanna live my life, so I stopped partying altogether."

The brunette was silent for a moment as she pondered the new information, snapping apart her chopsticks before reaching for an offered dumpling, "I am sorry, if I attributed to your displeasure-"

"Nope," Enid quickly chewed the rest of her food and swallowed, chasing the large bite with a quick sip of water, "You were the best part of freshmen year, trust me. And don't worry, everything's pretty chill for me now, anyway. How are things with you? I know we... kinda talked about that night when you touched my scars at the bonfire."

Wednesday snorted out a frustrated breath, waiting a moment to finish her bite, "I am fine, and do not want to waste another moment speaking on him," she hesitated before reaching out and lightly brushing her hand over Enid's forearm, "I cared only for you that night, and have never felt such relief as I had when I first laid eyes on you after the battle."

Enid smiled, squeezing her hand over Wednesday's, "Likewise," she briefly kissed her freckles before pulling away, gesturing to the massive table of food, "No more talk about the past today, got it. Let's eat!"

The wolf dug into their meal with gusto, tearing through bibimbap with reckless abandon. Wednesday valiantly fought a smile as she watched Enid decimate most of their food, the seer nursing her spicy pork bulgogi, before ultimately handing the rest of it to Enid. They chatted about the upcoming game and their class schedules for the semester, Wednesday content to listen to her girlfriend excitedly talk over her fascinating child psychology course. They cleaned up lunch once she'd eaten her fill, Enid stowing the small amount of leftovers into the fridge and snagging two more bottles before washing the few dishes, motioning Wednesday back towards the living room. She collected everything she could carry, the seer grabbing whatever remained as she followed Enid up the stairs, the wolf giving a quick tour of the second floor, pointing out the bathroom, before climbing the final case to her attic room.

Enid squeaked the moment she shoved into the room, remembering that she'd ripped everything off this morning in her haste the leave, the blonde throwing her Nevermore hoodie onto her desk chair before frantically scrambling to collect her clothes from wherever she'd tossed them. She cursed as she ripped open her closet door and threw her clothes in the hamper, dropping her hockey bag off and storing it in its place in her closet before turning, her face reddening as she noticed her unmade bed. She forced an aggrieved smile as she approached the quiet seer, Wednesday looking around the massive space, her arm idly hugging Enid's sticks against her.

The usually tidy room was the largest in the house, the blonde's massive wolf-form needing the extra space on moonlit nights, the surprisingly high ceilings perfect for her ten foot tall frame. A massive bed lay in the center of the room, the headboard pushed up against the far wall beneath a large, semicircular window, natural light pouring through the colored glass. A hefty, oak wood entertainment unit sat against the wall across from the bed, a large flatscreen perched on top. There was a small seating area in the far corner, two wicker basket chairs hanging from the crossbeams in the black-painted ceiling, a myriad of glowing stars painted along the dark color. Enid's desk was along the same wall as the door, a large, fully stocked bookshelf just off to the right of it, books of all kinds arranged by size and color. A small pile of plushies was stacked in the corner behind the seating area, a myriad of other, colorful decorations scattered about her room, the seer openly staring a tutu-wearing flamingo.

Enid swallowed her embarrassment as she walked up to Wednesday and accepted her hockey sticks, her face burning red as she smiled and hurried back to her closet before slamming the door, the wolf eager to properly make her bed. She snapped the bedding with all the precision of a drill sergeant before expertly tucking in her sheets and comforter, before finally smoothing out the pillows, quickly turning back to face her girlfriend.

"I'm sorry, my room isn't usually a mess! I just, yesterday Yoko and Divina dragged me out of bed and then I never remade it before I went to see you at the library," she absently scratched at her cheek, a cute smile tugging at the corners of her mouth, "And then I was in such a rush this morning, that I started pulling clothes off on my way up the steps."

Wednesday shook her head, dismissing her concern as she walked toward Enid, "You have no need to apologize, this is your personal space," she looked around again, noticing something new with each pass over, blinking once she noticed a golden snake statuette with a pink afro situated on the desk, "I know well your mother's insistence that you maintain a certain level of cleanliness."

"That's putting it nicely," she smiled, softening at the curious look on Wednesday's face before she snapped herself out of her reverie, and reached for the bag she still held, "Oh, sorry. I forgot how much crap I had in the car, thanks for helping me carry stuff."

Enid smiled as she uncovered her figurines from the bag and placed the black cat on her desk, tucking the wolf away, before moving to place the black dragon on her pillow. She turned, catching the faint color on Wednesday's face before she returned to her company, and plucked at the cuff of her sweater.

"I'm gonna give you a shirt to change into, okay? Do you want some sweatpants, too?" Her heart skipped when Wednesday shyly nodded, her stomach fluttering with butterflies, "You got it, Wens, make yourself comfy," Enid finally shrugged her backpack off and leaned it against her desk, flitting herself over to her closet, "What do you wanna watch? I mean, I'm down for whatever."

She rooted through her drawers, unearthing one of her black Nevermore Hockey tees and a black pair of sweatpants before leaving out of her closet, her nerves jumping once she noticed Wednesday seated at the end of her bed. Enid smiled so wide it nearly hurt, bouncing herself over to her girlfriend before giving her the neatly folded clothes.

"I'd offer to let you shower but this is a new place and I figured that'd be weird for you, so hopefully the change of clothes at least helps. I feel pretty gross, too, so don't even worry about it," she laughed, collecting the seer in her arms when she stood up from the bed, "You wanna change downstairs? Or, I can leave-"

Wednesday kissed her softly, the scarlet-faced seer clearing her throat once she moved away, her thumb tucking under the strap of her bag, "I will return in a moment," she mumbled, kissing Enid's scarred cheek before heading down to the bathroom.

Enid scrambled to change, fighting herself out of her leggings and changing her shirt, throwing on more deodorant before nervously tumbling out of her closet, eagerly turning on her television. She filtered through random streaming services before settling on a random docuseries about claymation movies, hardly even caring for the background noise. Her nerves twitched again when the door reopened, her jaw loosening at the sight of Wednesday fully wearing her clothes with her boots in hand, her nose scrunching in another grin at the vibrant blush scorching beneath the endless freckles. Enid wordlessly collected her purple Nevermore hoodie from her desk chair and offered it to Wednesday, the brunette immediately shrugging into it, eager to hide herself away in the larger hoodie.

The brunette swallowed the fluster in her veins when Enid leaned down to quickly kiss her, the wolf excusing herself downstairs a moment, leaving Wednesday alone in the large, colorful space. She cleared her throat and tucked her boots away near the large bed, dropping her bag on top before fishing out the bottles of water, and placed them on the nightstand, packing away her clothes from the afternoon. She flipped her hood up and closed her eyes, fully burrowing herself in her newly acquired hoodie, the smell of honeysuckle tickling her nose and helping soothe the insane beat of her tender heart. She looked around as she sat herself on the bed beside the new dragon plush, her fingers lightly running over the soft toy before the door kicked open, Enid flashing a wide smile as she nudged the door shut behind her.

She skipped around to the far side of the bed and scrambled up towards the white-tufted headboard, reaching her arm out for Wednesday and pulling the tiny seer up against her side, the two silent as they curled up under the burgundy sheets, pillowed against the headrest. Wednesday flushed as she offered the wolf one of the water bottles before fully curling herself into Enid's side, her hand creeping up to twist in the hem of her shirt. She was only able to watch the program for all of twenty minutes before she looked up at Enid, the rest of the world fading into the background as she focused on those endless, sapphire eyes, her heart shuddering to a total, breath-stealing halt.

They reached for each other at the same time, Wednesday grabbing the front of Enid's shirt as she desperately kissed her, shifting backward and pulling her girlfriend down against her. Her fingers slid through the silky blonde hair as Enid grumbled a frustrated sound, kicking the blankets lower as she detangled from the sheets, bracing her hand on the far side of Wednesday. Their lips parted with a rough smack, Enid blinking in surprise, her tongue lathing over her fang as she studied the seer's flushed face, the wolf lightly brushing the bangs away from Wednesday's forehead.

"You're so incredible," she whispered softly, her face scorching as she felt Wednesday get more comfortable beneath her weight, "Is it okay if I spend all day kissing you?"

Wednesday swallowed her nerves and nodded, her arms loosely wrapping around the back of Enid's neck as the wolf shifted into a more comfortable position over her, "Yes," she uttered simply, her dark eyes staring at Enid's lips, "Please."

Enid shuddered a quick breath before she dipped her head and reconnected their lips, her hands still bracing most of her weight off Wednesday. She eventually relaxed as they endlessly kissed, her hands lightly petting down Wednesday's sides over the large hoodie, her fingers slipping under the hem to tease over the shirt underneath. She moaned faintly when Wednesday gently sucked on her tongue, the brunette's leg folding over the back of her knee as she ground them closer together, hands restless as they shared even more desperate kisses. Enid felt herself drowning in everything Wednesday as they kissed for hours, her hands still trying to boldly wander, even as she struggled to control them.

She twitched when Wednesday's nails eventually scratched down the back of her neck, her hand gripping at the thigh that was nearly wrapped around her waist, a feral growl bellowing up from the darkest pits of her soul.

Wednesday trembled at the sound, excitement coursing through her bloodstream as Enid broke the kiss, silky lips pressing wet kisses down across her throat. The seer leaned her head back, her thoughts scattered at the faint threat of sharp fangs, her stomach clenching at the idea of Enid Sinclair actually biting her. She struggled to maintain her usually unflappable composure, Spanish words tumbling from her lips when she felt Enid's tongue lick over the pulse point in her neck, her mind instantly blanking. Wednesday jerked backwards at the surprise move, flustered at the feeling against her skin, Enid immediately pulling herself away.

"Sorry, I didn't mean that," she rushed, wincing in apology at the wide-eyed look on Wednesday's face, "I mean, I- sorry."

The seer quickly shook her head, her hands reaching up to cup Enid's face, "Do not apologize," Wednesday swallowed, ignoring the uneven lilt to her voice, "It was a peculiar sensation," she worked her jaw, her face a violent shade of crimson, "...but I rather enjoyed it."

"Oh," Enid breathed out a small laugh, and kissed the tip of a bright red ear, "Sorry, I just. Started to lose it a little bit there, didn't wanna do something stupid."

Wednesday searched the deep blue in those magnetic eyes, "I have never heard you growl in such a way before," she said in a tiny, breathless voice, fighting the urge to bury her face in Enid's neck.

Enid only smiled sheepishly and ducked her head, readjusting herself to instead curl up on her side, draping her arm around Wednesday's middle, "Yeah, sorry about that. I just, it's... nothing."

"What is it?" She dipped her head, catching the wandering eye, her heart catching at the open emotion on Enid's face, "I... want to know more about you, Enid. I am new to this sort of relationship, I do not want to do the wrong thing."

The blonde felt her entire being crumble at the vulnerable look on the usually-apathetic seer's face, her arm hugging even tighter around Wednesday.

"I growled like that because I was getting way too into it," Enid smirked at the wide-eyed stare, leaning down to affectionately kiss her freckles, "You just, you smell so good all the time, and I always wanna kiss your neck. I was totally about to bite you, but it's way too soon for me to be getting so damn reckless. I'm glad you pulled away, you really don't need to be walking around with that on your neck. I'm sorry if I got too-"

"You didn't," Wednesday sighed quietly, her thumbs running along Enid's jaw, "And I do not fear the threat of your teeth, querida."

Enid gaped in surprise, her fingers twisting in the sheets beneath them, "Got it," she ignored the way her voice cracked, her smile widening before she snuggled up against Wednesday, her nose tucked up under her ear, "You really do smell so good though, like it lights my brain up or something. I've always loved the way you smell. Peppermint and something wild."

Wednesday swallowed the heat burning in her chest, wriggling herself more in Enid's arms once the wolf lifted her head, the seer sneaking herself up under her chin.

"I find comfort in your scent," she mumbled quietly, the tips of her ears still on fire.

She hummed contentedly, her hand idly running down Wednesday's back as reached down and tugged the blankets up over their legs, "Is that why you always wore my hoodie?" Enid chuckled at the faint nod against her chest, her arms fully winding around her girlfriend, "You can steal any of my clothes, Wens, even the shirt right off my back if you want. Wolves are... smell is big for us, so I totally get it."

The brunette nodded again, relaxing into the warmth all around her as her eyes slipped closed, listening in on the steady heartbeat. They rested for a whisper, a distant vibration breaking the stillness in the room, the tv having shut off at some point, the light nearly gone from the window above them. Enid blinked and lifted her head, looking behind her at her phone on the nightstand, the screen dark and lifeless. She snorted a quick laugh before looking down at the woman resting against her chest, her fingers dancing over the dark hair.

"It's not me, must be you."

Wednesday grunted in annoyance, burying herself in Enid's arms, "Leave it."

There was nothing for a minute before the sound started again, the seer grumbling in frustration as she practically nestled herself in her girlfriend's skin. Enid shook with silent laughter, the phone going off several more times before Wednesday forcefully rolled over and uncovered her phone from under the pillow. She muttered as she unlocked the screen and checked the plethora of messages from her brother, her cheeks flushing when Enid spooned up against her back.

"Everything okay, Wens?"

Wednesday scoffed and nodded, locking her phone before she collapsed back against Enid, laying her hand over the arm tucked around her stomach.

"Yes," she paused, her lips pursing into an exasperated frown, "Pugsley has sent several messages. My father is insistent that I return home for dinner..."

Enid smiled and kissed the back of her neck, "No big deal-"

She turned in Enid's arms, her face burning that traitorous red as she sighed heavily and firmly kissed her.

"...with you."


They're insatiable and gay. You just know the team is gonna roast the ever-loving hell out of Enid before the game, like. They've all been waiting for this moment. Also I just love the idea of them skating together, and Enid urging her wife out of her shell. They're so precious.

I also love the idea of Enid being a bottomless pit and eating everything in sight, including Wednesday. And Wednesday just sitting there watching Enid clean house at lunch, just all soft and squishy and UGH THIS STORY IS SO WHOLESOME. Also shout out to girls who grew up with strict moms, you know that sh*t gets ingrained in your brain and your house MUST be tidy. CAN'T LET PEOPLE KNOW WE S I T.

Idk if anyone has seen the show as many times as I have, but I love looking for things in Enid's room. Rewatch it, she's got crazy sh*t over on that side. Wednesday is equal parts aghast and intrigued.

LET THEM MAKE OUT EVERYWHERE. I swear, it's difficult to not have them wreck each other so soon, but ah, baby steps. Wednesday is gonna just show up at the house and random times, raid Enid's closet, then f*ck back off. She just got express permission, nobody's gonna stop her.

Enkovinajax, lmfao. It's so stupid.

Anyway, thanks to everyone for reading and supporting me and this story, I love all you guys so very much!! I'm on my way to work, better edits and stuff to follow, enjoy the gays <33

Chapter 11: Warm Welcome


Enid gets welcomed to the family, Wednesday wants her to stay for a lifetime.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Wednesday sighed as she leaned back in the passenger seat, her face set in an obvious scowl as Enid drove her car up to the driveway gates, the blonde leaning out the window to quickly punch in the gate code. Enid smiled as she glanced over at her company, her hand reaching over to accept Wednesday's, eventually navigating her car through the gates and up toward the familiar mansion. She pulled off in her usual place in front of the garage and lifted their joined hands to her lips before detaching them, putting her car in park and twisting in her seat. She idled for a moment, Enid grinning as she leaned closer to her girlfriend, following her line of sight up toward the double doors. She only stole a quick kiss to Wednesday's cheek before she cut the engine, her hand mindlessly drumming on one knee.

"It's not gonna be that bad, Wens, I promise. Your family already loves me, and honestly, I know how much your dad's gonna go through the roof with excitement."

The brunette held a small breath and turned to look at her girlfriend, her hand instinctively reaching out for Enid, "I trust that you will handle the questioning well," Wednesday affirmed, her eyes falling closed the moment a warm hand curled over her forearm, "My mother has been speculating since the moment she met you, and I know she will be quite satisfied to hear she was correct."

Enid chuckled as she unclicked her belt and pulled her keys out of the ignition, "Wednesday, your mom loves you, and me! So what if she's smug that she was right about us, you should have seen Yoko when I told her," she reached over and lovingly kissed Wednesday's jaw, "If the worst thing I have to endure at this dinner is your family gushing about how happy they are that we're dating, then that's a definite win."

Wednesday grunted quietly, her hand reaching out to lightly cup Enid's cheek, thumb brushing over the familiar scars, "You are very tender-hearted, querida," she chased her thumb with her lips, kissing over each mark, "I'm often surprised at how easily I had fallen for you."

"It's my good looks and charming personality," she teased, silently laughing at the faint blush over the field of freckles, "If it makes you feel any better, I fell for you the moment I saw you, so maybe we're both just disasters that took three years to start dating."

She sighed and nodded, kissing Enid once more before the blonde skittered out of the car and quickly rounded on Wednesday's side, opening the door for her girlfriend. The seer stepped out and closed the door behind her, eyes slowly roaming over her wolf's new attire for their impromptu evening. Enid had changed out of her sweats and slipped into black skinny jeans and her overly large turtleneck sweater, her signature Docs matching the same shade of pink. Wednesday swallowed again as her eyes wandered up the defined muscle in such tight denim, her face catching fire when she finally met the warm, violet eyes, ignoring the smirk on Enid's face. She cleared her throat, her hands smoothing down the front of her most-recently acquired hoodie, the purple Nevermore sweater warm, soft, and smelling of Enid, the sweatpants she'd stolen just as unfairly comfortable.

Wednesday mumbled lowly in Spanish as she reached for Enid and pulled her in for a kiss, jumping slightly when warm hands firmly rested against her waist, pressing herself closer to the alluring presence. They parted with a soft smack, the wolf rumbling happily before joining their hands together, and pointing them toward the front door.

Enid smiled, kissing the hand she held before she tugged Wednesday in the direction of the mansion, "Ready to go?"

The brunette huffed an exasperated sound and nodded, curling her arm behind Enid's and following her up the front steps, Wednesday reaching out to purposefully shove open the front door. There was already raucous laughter echoing through the house, Wednesday leading Enid inside and clicking the door closed, Gomez immediately rounding the corner out from the dining room. His face lit up the moment her laid eyes on the two women, his brown eyes practically sparkling with excitement as he threw his arms open and quickly descended up the grinning wolf.

"Mi loba preciosa!"

Gomez tackled Enid in a hug, lifting her up into his arms and twirling her around the foyer, the man almost giggling in unfettered delight. Enid laughed and squeezed him just as tightly, her face flush with affection when he finally put her down and quickly stepped away.

"Hi again, Mister Addams!"

He grinned and excitedly squeezed her biceps, peeking around her to look to Wednesday, his eyes flickering back and forth between his two girls.

"Oh, I have waited for this day," he curled an arm around Enid, and led her off toward the dining room, leaning in with a mischievous smile, "Tell me, how do you feel about weddings in a cemetery?"

Enid blinked, her face immediately coloring as she was led away, stealing a wide-eyed glance back to a properly embarrassed Wednesday, "Wait, wedding??"

Gomez only laughed and winked at the sputtering wolf, eagerly leading her away from the foyer and towards the rest of the commotion, Enid's face still burning a brilliant red. Wednesday sighed heavily, her eyes casting off toward the other side of the anteroom, Morticia walking in from the direction of the living area, her eyes bright with happiness. The tiny brunette scowled up at her mother, Wednesday crossing her arms as she turned to face the elder seer, dark eyes narrowed suspiciously.

"I suppose you may claim your victory now, mother, as you were correct in your assumptions of me. I am fully taken by Enid, and I am happy that she has reciprocated my affections."

Morticia chuckled quietly, her hands clasping in front of her as she looked at the defiant set to Wednesday's shoulders.

"My darling little flytrap, the only victory I revel in is your happiness," she softened, raising her hands to barely ghost themselves over Wednesday's shoulders, "I have seen the way you've looked at her for these last several years, and I am so relieved you both have finally found one another. Enid is a remarkable girl, I know the two of you will be happy together, well beyond this life."

Wednesday worked her jaw, sighing through her nose as she shrugged her pack off and hung it on the rack by the door, her lips pursing as she fell into step beside her mother.

"Father has already mentioned weddings, could you not control him for even a moment?"

Morticia laughed as they walked toward the dining room, "He has been counting down the days for this moment since he first met Enid that night at the hospital. If there is one thing your father knows, it is love, and he saw it that night with the two of you."

The seer huffed an indignant noise, her heart catching as she noticed Enid sitting at the dining room table sandwiched between Ophelia and Gomez, with Esmeralda wedged into her daughter's side. Enid was smiling brightly, her eyes so blue in the soft light, her smile only growing once she looked up at her girlfriend. Ophelia looked past the wolf as she focused on her niece, her eyes sparking with delight.

"Oh, Wednesday, thank you for bringing your wolf back to share with us! I'm so excited that I got to be present for the official announcement," she looked back to Enid and playfully swatted her shoulder, "You've got to tell me all about the two of you, Tish has told me only bits and pieces!"

Enid flushed an even brighter shade of red, "There's not much to tell, considering we only just officially started dating," her face still split into a wide smile as she looked to Wednesday, "I just know that I've been crazy about her since the moment I first saw her."

Wednesday scowled, her blush unmistakable as she grumbled and walked to sit across the table from her beloved, flipping her hood up to help cover her bright red face.

Ophelia happily laughed and affectionately squeezed Enid's shoulder, "Love at first sight really takes a bite out of this family, I've found! On both sides, really, it's no wonder Wednesday was so smitten with you, too!"

Enid wrinkled her nose in another wide smile as she looked over to her girlfriend, Wednesday all but hiding herself in her stolen hoodie, faint Spanish curses mumbling from the mortified brunette. She sighed a happily rumble and leaned forward across the table, tugging on the elbow of Wednesday's sleeve to silently ask that she uncover her face, a pair of dark eyes glaring at her from inside the large, purple hood. Ophelia hid a smile behind her hand and looked to Esmeralda, the old witch's grin almost crazed as she looked back and forth between the two young women, the blonde witch tugging on her mother's hand.

"Perhaps we should check on dinner and give these two a moment, hm?"

Esmeralda breathed an amused chuckle and nodded, reaching over to tug on the seam of Gomez's suit jacket, the man pouting as he obediently left out of his seat. Morticia grinned and reached out for him, the four adults heading off to the kitchen, Enid pausing a moment as she watched them go. She shot up from her chair and vaulted over the table, landing softly next to Wednesday as she knelt on the floor beside her chair, bracing a hand atop her thigh.

"Wens, you okay?"

Wednesday murmured from her safe place inside Enid's hoodie before slowly unfurling from her cocoon, smoothing the hood down from her dark hair and staring down at her girlfriend.

"I find them insufferable."

Enid only grinned, reaching out with her other hand to tug on the end of a braided plait, "I find them really sweet," she flushed, shuffling closer on her knees before she straightened up and kissed a warm, red cheek, "I know you hate talking about personal stuff, so I'll keep the heat on me, okay?"

She sighed and slowly uncurled herself from her protective huddle, placing her hand over the one on her thigh before lightly running her fingers through the soft, blonde hair.

"I don't mind it, if it is for you," Wednesday lost the war with herself and bent down to lightly kiss the silky, pink lips, "We have not even properly discussed things ourselves, and yet we are to face an inquisition because of my father's impatience."

The wolf only smiled again, leaning up on one knee as she snuggled into the palm against her cheek, turning to kiss to the cool, scarred skin, "Let me give you a crash course in my feelings for you, because I love you so much that it makes me feel insane, and I'm not afraid to gush about you over dinner," Enid ducked her head to hide her own blush, her fangs absently catching her lip before she looked back up at the surprise on Wednesday's face, "I've been crazy about you for years, and I believe with my whole heart that you're the one for me."

Wednesday blinked once, her throat bobbing as she lightly swallowed at the obvious confession, her heart fluttering as she looked at the earnest smile on her paramour's face. She ran her thumb over the scars she loved so much, the seer exhaling a long, deep sigh, as she studied every fleck of silver in those damning blue eyes.

"Mi vida," she moved her other hand to cradle Enid's face, "You would shout your affections for me from mountaintops."

"Definitely," Enid's nose wrinkled as she smiled again, "We can talk about this all later in private, but if there's anything you don't wanna talk about tonight, just tell me, okay? You know I ramble when I'm nervous."

"It is charming," Wednesday suddenly cleared her throat and straightened up, her face still burning as she stared at the contented smile, "Why am I unable to control myself whenever I am in your presence?" She questioned quietly, her eyes roaming over the faint freckles across Enid's nose, "I lack all self-preservation, every time you so much as look to me."

Enid hummed in thought, raising her hands to rest over the ones holding her jaw, "Maybe you're just more comfortable with me, Wens," she leaned up and stole a quick kiss, breaking from the loving hold as she stood up beside her, "Whatever it is, I love it. I love it when you're just you, without having to worry about anyone else. You've always been unapologetic, and it's always been really hot, like, really hot. But this is something else, something... special."

She grunted at the ardent praise, reaching out to pull Enid down into the seat beside her, automatically moving their chairs even closer together. Pugsley eventually bounded down the steps and curled into the dining room, his face folding into a smug grin as he looked at the new couple, a flicker of mischief flashing over his face. Wednesday immediately went to stand and reach for her hidden knife, Enid quick to snatch her by the elbow and keep her seated, waving Pugsley off toward the kitchen, and pressing a quick kiss to Wednesday's cheek the moment he was gone. She snickered as she buried her face in Wednesday's shoulder, whispering sweet words into the side of her neck to help keep her calm, the brunette easily leaning back into the offered comfort.

Lurch eventually led the rest of the family back out into the dining room, Esmeralda and Ophelia helping carry plates and bowls of all shapes and sizes, a proper feast set about the table. Pugsley left out with two pitchers of ice water, Gomez finally closing out the rest of the family as he plunked a bottle of champagne down in the ice bucket nearest his little corner, his smile only widening as he looked toward Enid. The man sat at the head of his table with Pugsley to his left, Morticia taking the vacant seat between her husband and Wednesday. Esmeralda scurried around to the far side of the table and dipped in next to Pugsley with Ophelia falling in beside her, Lurch finding a seat the other end of the table. Enid smiled as she fell into the usual routine of an Addams family dinner, passing plates and serving trays around to each person as they chattered happily, her nerves hardly affecting her appetite as she looked down at every delectable dish.

There was food fit for an army scattered across the table, bowls of rice and beans, three different types of spiced meats, cheeses, vegetables, salsas and dips, and a myriad of sides dotting the massive banquet table. Enid's stomach rumbled in anticipation, her eyes eagerly looking over the wealth of delicious foods as she continued to pass everything around, the blonde having taken a little taste of everything there was to offer. Ophelia caught the sound of the wolf's growling stomach, her blue eyes catching a touch of merriment as she looked to Enid, her smile stretching wide across her face as she leaned over the table.

"So, tell me a little about yourself, Enid! I know so little of you as a person, save for you being a werewolf," her eyes passed to Wednesday, the seer making a point to avoid the interested stare, "Wednesday is very tight-lipped, despite how often I've tried to learn more about you!"

Enid nodded easily as she finished her mouthful and wiped a napkin across her lips, downing her bite with a sip of water before grinning at the other woman.

"Not surprising that Wens didn't tell you much," Enid smirked and nudged Wednesday with her elbow, leaning over to kiss her temple, "But uh, yep, werewolf," she snapped her claws out on her free hand before just as easily sliding them away, "I just turned twenty-two in June. I'm going to school for teaching with a minor in psychology, which is so cool," she stabbed at a piece of blackened chicken before snapping her fingers, "Oh, and of course, I play ice hockey! I'm the team captain, actually, and we have a game tomorrow night!"

Ophelia's face lit up as she excitedly clasped her hands together and leaned more against the edge of the table, "Teaching! I think you'd made an excellent teacher already, you're already so patient and so kind. I could tell the moment I met you, and I have a special feeling about these things, you know. And hockey, that sounds interesting, I'd love to go to a game while I'm in town!"

Gomez guffawed and clapped his hands together, throwing an enthusiastic smile toward Ophelia, "Hockey is more than interesting, our Enid is a terror on skates! We should attend the game tomorrow, so that you may truly appreciate her skill on the ice!"

The wolf's face exploded into a truly elated smile, "Wait, for real? Oh my god, I can totally get you guys good seats, Wednesday's already going to the game with Divina. Do you all wanna come?"

Pugsley leaned forward in his chair, his smile almost sinister as he looked to the unimpressed glare on Wednesday's face, "Yeah, I wanna come! I love the games, you guys are so good. Watching Yoko break Prewitt's nose at the game the other day was sick, I thought she'd actually kill her this time."

Ophelia chuckled around her own mouthful before she quickly swallowed, waving a hand toward Enid, "Is there fighting in this sport? Inspired! I would love to experience this for myself, please see if you can get us seats, love. I'm simply in love with the idea of learning more about my niece's paramour."

Enid happily bobbed her head, her hand absently reaching out to catch Wednesday's beneath the table and give her a supportive squeeze, "Oh, no problem! After dinner, I'll send a text to some people and say I need extra tickets. It shouldn't be an issue, but our crowds have been getting bigger over the years!"

Wednesday pulled Enid's hand into her lap, her fingers slowly roaming over the ridges of her knuckles, eyes trained only on her partner, "That is because they come to see you, querida."

The wolf only melted, her eyes sparkling as she breathed a small laugh, "I think it's more than just me, Wens," she squeezed her a little tighter, the chatter dimming as she focused on Wednesday, "You're the only one I ever wanted to come watch, though."

She flushed and said nothing, acutely aware of the people still around them as she cleared her throat, sitting up in her chair and finally detangling their hands. The rest of the meal slowly wound down as Esmeralda shamelessly urged Enid to eat her fill, knowing well the wolf's legendary appetite. She ate what she could but finished before she'd made herself sick, Enid licking her fangs as she finally dropped her napkin onto her empty plate, and offered a tiny smile to Wednesday. Gomez dropped his fist onto the corner of the table, his mustache twitching above a wide smile as he gestured to Lurch, the big man having silently stood from the table and retrieved eight champagne flutes, dropping them off at the end of the table.

Gomez smiled as he popped the cork and poured each glass, Morticia leading them around the table until each person had one, Pugsley broadly smiling as he took a lick of the drink. The man stood, his eyes misting with happy tears as he looked toward Enid and Wednesday, the latter hunching down in her seat as she begrudgingly reached for her flute, and barely raised it off the table. He cleared his throat and gestured with his glass, affection bursting from his smile.

"Demonia, I have known you now these last three years, and I have already considered you family in my heart," he looked to Wednesday, his eyes glistening, "You have taken care of my beloved tormenta and I thank you so much for the sacrifice you made for her. Without you, we would not have our Wednesday, and without her, we would not have our wolf, either."

He cleared his throat, his face morphing into a wholly pleased smile as he continued, "I know you have only recently found one another, but I am so happy for you, as I have seen the love you both have for one another. And my little scorpion, forgive me for this dramatic song and dance, as I know how deeply you loathe others to be in your business, but Enid, bienvenida a la familia!"

The family stood and put their glasses together in a toast to the new couple, Enid grinning like an idiot as she stood and tossed a quick look to Wednesday, squeezing her shoulder as the seer finally stood from her chair, and completed the circle. Esmeralda cackled as she clinked the final glass, the family finishing their drinks, though Enid only took a sip of hers and smiled at Wednesday, the brunette eagerly accepting the drink, and downing the rest of her champagne. They broke then, Enid eager to help as she started grabbing plates from the table, dutifully following along behind Lurch as they helped clean up dinner. Gomez snapped his fingers toward Wednesday and gestured her to follow with her glass, the man leading them off into the sitting room while the others finished clearing the table in the dining room.

He pulled up a seat on the red velvet chaise in the middle of the room, motioning Wednesday to sit beside him, her face still red with mild embarrassment, fingers pinching hard to the stem of her flute. Gomez poured them both another drink, Wednesday shifting in her seat as she looked to her father, his smile only growing larger at the dour look on his daughter's face.

"Apologies for the toast, my little viper, but I'm simply overjoyed at the prospect of you finally finding the love that you've been deserving. I know you are enamored with your wolf, I have seen it in you, every time you look at her," he smiled and clinked his flute to hers, the pair of them draining their drinks before he grinned, "The Addams curse has fully taken root in you now, and I wish you nothing but happiness in this exciting new chapter of your life."

Wednesday hummed idly, her face still blank though her cheeks were a warm pink beneath her freckles, a faint ringing in her ears as she nodded to her father while he poured them both another glass, "I... am grateful that the family has accepted her as my beloved. La amo tanto, ella es mi todo."

He saluted her with his drink before they tossed back the champagne, "You are foolish to think we would ever deny any paramour!" Gomez laughed and gestured with the bottle, refilling both their glasses at the slight nod, "Enid has been family the moment you fell for her, tormenta, la amamos."

Wednesday huffed a faint scowl before clinking their glasses and tossing back her drink, leaning forward to place the empty flute on the table in front of them, her skin tingling from the new buzz. Enid and the rest of the family joined them a few moments later, the wolf sitting herself on the end of the sofa next to Wednesday, the tiny brunette hardly waiting for her to settle before crawling into her arms and sitting sideways across Enid's lap. She ignored Esmeralda as she settled beside them, Gomez having moved to the adjacent arm chair. The blonde only smiled incredulously and wrapped her up in a tight hug, Wednesday's eyes falling closed as she relaxed into the warm body, her cheek pillowed on her girlfriend's shoulder before she hid herself up against her neck.

Ophelia settled on the sofa across the coffee table, Morticia positioning herself next to her sister, the women sharing a sly smile before the blonde braced her elbows on her knees and looked to Enid.

"Tell me about your wolf, Enid, I simply adore werewolves. You're all such fascinating creatures, and I love to bother Cousin Ronan about his wolf every time I see him, as well. I heard you are quite a formidable beast, to tangle with a Hyde and live to tell the tale!"

Enid smiled easily, her arms still holding Wednesday as she curled up tighter, the blonde's sensitive nose easily picking up the thick scent of champagne that clung to her girlfriend's lips.

"My wolf's pretty big actually, I'm the biggest in my family. Yoko measured me at the start of the semester, and I've gotten to be about ten feet tall! Which is crazy, but luckily my room back home is pretty big, and I can curl up in bed no problem."

She blinked in surprise, "You don't run the woods in town, love? A large wolf such as yourself must need to run, I imagine!"

Esmeralda barked out an indignant laugh as she leaned back against the corner of the sofa, "Ever since the hyde attack, Jericho banned free-roaming monsters in the woods, which I think is absolutely asinine. The university is the backbone of their town, and they've made barbaric laws that restrict a quarter of its population!"

The wolf smiled and shook her head, curling an arm around Wednesday's back before reaching out with her other hand, "Grandmama, it's fine, really. Most of the wolves just stay in their dorms, but some of them risk it and run through the university campus anyway," Enid chuckled, squeezing Esmeralda's hand before hugging around Wednesday, "Do you really think Galpin is gonna send people out to wrangle the werewolves, considering how scared he is of them now?"

The blonde witch smirked, her blue eyes igniting with something wild as she grasped at Morticia's hand, "Why do I get the feeling you are behind his fear?" Ophelia laughed at the devious grin on Enid's face, and pointed her empty glass at the wolf, "Truly you are a perfect match for my niece!"

Enid melted as she looked to the girl still curled up in her arms, her eyes catching the dark fire burning in the obsidian eyes, "I'm the lucky one," she whispered, her thumb rubbing over Wednesday's side as she leaned into the kiss Wednesday pressed to her cheek, "Every day I'm so glad that I made it in time that night."

Ophelia softened as she nodded to the marks on Enid's face, "You wear your scars like a badge of honor and I admire the strength you have to do so."

"Thanks for saying that, my scars are totally a hot button with my mom. She'd prefer if I kept them covered, but I told her to back off," Enid kissed the top of Wednesday's head, hiding a smile at the automatic threat muttered in quiet Spanish, "But I got them for protecting Wednesday, and I'm never gonna apologize for that."

She wagged her own glass in solidarity, Gomez passing the bottle to her as she quickly refilled her flute, "Oh, I knew I liked you. Are you not close with your pack, then?"

Silence fell over the room, Pugsley absently tapping on the edge of the table as he sat on the floor between the couches, his eyes casting a nervous look to Enid. Wednesday snapped her eyes open, unfolding her arms from around herself to instead rest them on her wolf's arms, giving her a supportive squeeze. Ophelia frowned when Morticia reached over and patted her hand, the sisters exchanging a brief, stilted look. Enid only offered a sad smile and got more comfortable on the couch, her arms subconsciously tightening around Wednesday as she sought the quiet strength.

She cleared her throat, "Actually, no, I'm not. My mom didn't even let me come home after the end of junior year. I spent the summer in Buffalo with friends of mine, before we got our place in Jericho. But it's okay, I made peace with it a while ago. I don't think I've officially been excommunicated, but I haven't tried reaching out, either."

Her face fell, Ophelia lightly clicking her tongue before she slammed back her drink and moved around to wedge herself between Enid and Esmeralda, the younger witch reaching out and squeezing the wolf's elbow.

"I'm sorry to hear that, love, I didn't mean to bring up any poor memories for you."

Esmeralda shook her head, adjusting her position on the sofa to better allow Ophelia between them, "Aye, wolf, don't forget that you've always got family here! I know we're not your blood pack, but I know we'd all do anything to protect you."

Wednesday angrily rumbled a warning noise, her fingers twisting up in Enid's sleeve, "If I ever lay eyes upon that woman again-"

"I know, Wens," she whispered against her ear, and kissed her cheek, before flashing a small smile to Ophelia, "It's okay, you didn't know. And I've always been so grateful to the family for taking me in without thinking about it, and treating me like an Addams from the very beginning!"

"I will make you an Addams one day," Wednesday gruffed from her embrace, lifting her head from Enid's shoulder to clumsily kiss at her unscarred cheek, her ears humming from the alcohol coursing through her, "Te amo mucho, mi vida, moriría por ti."

Enid grinned and returned the kiss to her cheek, her eyes twinkling with a sweet affection, "You're not allowed to die for me, Wednesday, it'd be better if you lived so I can spend more time with you."

Wednesday blinked as the words slowly sunk into her brain, her head lifting up to stare at Enid with wide eyes, the smug smile that greeted her only making her stomach twist up even more. The wolf only smiled more, kissing the crown of her head before curling her arms around Wednesday and urging her back against her shoulder. The brunette exhaled a surprised breath as she settled into Enid, her fingers lightly tracing along the back edge of her sweater, half-tempted to slide her hand up and ghost her fingers along the warm, pale skin. The family chatted a while longer, Gomez grinning from his place in his chair, his face warm with adoration.

Morticia smiled at the two women snuggled up together on the sofa, Wednesday still curled up in Enid's lap, the elder seer reaching out to grasp her husband's hand and gently squeeze him. She looked to Enid, her burgundy lips curling into a small grin before she motioned to the wolf.

"Enid, Wednesday, I do want to remind you that you haven't any need to hide yourselves from us any longer. I know it must have been quite a shock to stumble into us this morning while on your way out, but please know, that we love and support you both, and want you to be comfortable here."

Wednesday scowled from her place in Enid's arms, her dark eyes holding the open gaze for a moment before she sat up from her girlfriend's shoulder, nodding once to Morticia.

"I was not expecting to break the news of our involvement in such a manner, and I would appreciate proper tact about this revelation," she glared at Pugsley, her brother smiling from his new place on the other sofa, an unlit cherry bomb rolling about his hand, "If you utter a single word of my relationship with Enid to anyone on campus, I will string you up by your entrails."

Pugsley only grinned and nodded, offering a thumbs up with his free hand, "Wednesday, I'm not going to tell anybody about your business, but please tell Eugene already! And what kind of brother would I be if I didn't rile you up over your new girlfriend?"

Enid tightened her grip on Wednesday before she could properly spring off her lap, the blonde smiling at the relationship between the siblings, having seen them snipe at each other almost daily for the last three years. Gomez eventually regaled Ophelia with the story of Enid's fight that night in the woods, Wednesday receding further from the turn of the conversation, seeking solace in Enid's arms as she ignored her father's storytelling. Enid was peaceful as she listened, a soft smile permanently on her face as she held her girlfriend close, expecting more questions on the night in question, though Ophelia only gave her a cursory wink and a conspiratory smile.

She stifled a yawn as she glanced down at her watch, the time nearly eleven as she looked around the room, Morticia easily reading her exhaustion, and gathering everyone from the room. Enid waited for Wednesday to crawl out of her lap, the seer reaching down for her hand before following out behind the rest of the family, stopping off near the front door. Pugsley simply tossed up a wave before disappearing up the stairs, the rest of the family waiting for a proper farewell for their favorite wolf. Wednesday squeezed Enid's hand before letting her go, Esmeralda the first to walk forward and pulled the wolf down for a tight, lingering hug.

"I am so glad the two of you have found each other, wolf, and I am so happy that we'll hopefully be seeing more of you," she pulled away, squeezing Enid's shoulders, before brushing the blonde hair away from her face, "Don't be a stranger anymore! I expect you at family dinners at least once a week from now on!"

Enid laughed and smartly nodded her head in agreement, "You don't have to tell me twice, Grandmama, I'll be here as often as Wednesday wants me to be."

"Often," Wednesday mumbled from her place by the front door, her face darkening as she glared back at the rest of her family, her eyes blinking slowly.

Esmeralda snickered and finally released her, waving her off toward Ophelia. The two blondes easily embraced, the witch nearly crushing Enid in a tight hug.

"I'm charmed to have met you, Enid, my niece has certainly picked a good one," she pulled away and lightly poked at her shoulder, "And please, love, get me those tickets! I have a feeling I'll have a smashing good time at this game. I do so enjoy a good fight."

"You got it, I'll send Wens the details as soon as I get them! This is gonna be so cool, I hope you like the game, we're playing Rochelle U."

Morticia smiled as she came up beside her sister, threading her arm with Ophelia's, "Oh, I'm sure she will, rosebud. And if it's no trouble for you, darling, I'd love it if we could all attend as well, and we're more than willing to pay the cover," she reached out and lovingly cupped Enid's chin, "Thank you for taking such care of everything."

Enid smiled at the subtle meeting, her eyes shifting over her shoulder to steal a look toward Wednesday, her girlfriend's face twisted with a dark glare. She turned back to Morticia and only smiled, wandering a step closer to the door before stopping in front of Gomez, the man quickly collecting her for another bear hug. She chuckled again and squeezed him just as hard, his eyes glistening with unspent tears when he finally pulled away.

"I cannot express this feeling I have, now that you've made my daughter so happy," he gripped Enid's shoulders, his smile growing when she bobbed her head, "And that you yourself are happy! This has been a truly wonderful day, demonia, and I simply cannot wait to see you out on the ice!"

She smiled as Gomez let her go, her eyes glowing with excitement, "It's gonna be a killer game, I can't wait, either," Enid sighed softly, and looked back to the rest of the family, "I'm really glad you guys are so on board with me dating Wednesday, I couldn't have asked for a better night. And thanks for always accepting me, even when you didn't even know me. You're right, it is like we're already family, and I wouldn't trade you guys for the world."

Morticia beamed as she moved into Gomez's side, her arm finding the crook of his elbow, "We wish you both nothing but love and happiness," her eyes passed toward the door, Wednesday already having slipped out to wait on the porch, "Goodnight, rosebud."

Enid tossed up a small wave before finally sliding out the front door and clicking it closed, eager for a moment alone. Her smile widened as she scrunched her nose and hurried to stand off in front of Wednesday, moving down a step to properly look up at her girlfriend. She reached out and slid her hands in the pouch on Wednesday's hoodie, pulling the brunette up against her, and gently kissed her chin.

"That wasn't so bad," she mumbled, the corners of her lips quirking as she kissed her lips, "You were worried over nothing."

Wednesday growled, moving her arms to wrap around Enid's neck before kissing her deeply, tugging her partner fully against her front. She hummed as she kissed Enid, her chest fluttering when warm hands tucked beneath the front of her hoodie, Enid's fingers nearly burning through the thin material of her tee shirt. She broke away with a velvet touch, leaning her forehead to the wolf's before she sighed against her lips, and purposefully kissed her again.

"The full moon is only two weeks away, querida," she kissed over Enid's scars, unwrapping her arms from her shoulders to instead curl her hand around the back of her neck, her other hand resting over the blonde's wrist, "I would be more than happy to host you here, and allow you to run through our woods without fear of repercussion."

Enid blinked as she looked up at Wednesday, a brilliant smile slowly growing across her face, "Seriously? You'd be okay with me shifting here?"

She nodded, cupping the side of her neck before leaning down to kiss her again, "Yes," Wednesday whispered against her lips, dragging Enid closer, her bravery bolstered by the champagne still roaring in her system, "I have not seen your wolf since that night, and I would like to see her again."

"Okay," she breathed incredulously, her arms wrapping tighter around Wednesday's middle, "That's only a few days before the Halloween party, too, so that'll be perfect," she sighed as she collapsed in Wednesday's arms, and kissed up along the tick in her jaw, "Thanks, Wens, that's gonna be so much fun."

Wednesday breathed quietly and nodded, wrapping her arms back around Enid's neck and keeping her close, leaning her head against the blonde's as she fully relaxed in the embrace. She simply existed for a moment, reveling in the pleasant scent of her wolf, her body warm from the volcanic body heat pulsing from the woman in her arms. Wednesday huffed in frustration, standing on the very edge of the landing and holding Enid even harder.

"I want you to stay," she uttered quietly, swallowing past the warmth in her face for being so brazen, "It is comforting, to lie in bed with you."

Enid smiled, her eyes falling closed as she adjusted her grip, and properly squeezed her girlfriend, "I'd love to stay, Wens, but I have my child psych class at 8 tomorrow morning, and I am not waking you up that early for no reason," she kissed the side of her neck and snuggled up under her ear, "Maybe we can have an actual sleepover Saturday night?"

She sighed noisily but regretfully nodded, finally managing to remove herself from Enid, her fingers still catching the bottom of her sweater, "Saturday night," she echoed, searching the soft blue eyes before moving in for another kiss, her hands slowly wandering up Enid's stomach, "Yes. I want to stay with you."

"Deal," she wrinkled her nose in another smile, and leaned up to lovingly kiss Wednesday, lingering in the closeness, "I love you so much, Wednesday," she kissed her one more time for good measure, and winked when she leaned back, "See you tomorrow, ma lune."

Wednesday nodded quietly, slowly pulling her arms away from Enid, the buzzing in her veins making her want to recklessly follow her girlfriend and spend the night anyway, the early morning rise be damned. She swallowed, following off the step behind Enid, the wolf turning an inquisitive smile on the small sound. Wednesday didn't hesitate, instead fully walking down the stairs and soldiering up to her girlfriend, the alcohol in her belly making her recklessly brave as she slid her hands in Enid's back jean pockets and pulled her in for a sinfully deep kiss. Wednesday finally, regretfully, pulled away, her face still warm and her ears burning red, eyes black as they peeked open to look at the elated surprise on Enid's face. Wednesday hummed noncommittally, her eyes falling closed as she pressed a soft kiss to her girlfriend's neck, her teeth teasing over the pounding vein.

"Take me home."


Tipsy Wednesday is my new favorite thing.

Enid just fitting right in, as if she's belonged there forever (she has). Those two just fawning all over each other make my heart so warm and fuzzy. This story could go on forever, just those two being total gay disasters forever. Soft. Sweet. Squishy. Horny as sin, amen. Also Enid is DELIGHTED to find out her girlfriend is handsy after she's been drinking.

The universe just expanded. Shameless Wednesday era. I love them.

WOLF ENID GETS TO SEE HER MATE HELL YEAH. Also Wednesday not even giving a single f*ck, basically crawling into Enid's pocket like, "Nah, bitch, you're taking me the f*ck home with you. You think you're gonna get rid of me well GUESS WHAT? Barnacle mode activated, I'm gonna be with you everywhere you go."

It's sheer coincidence that Wednesday is wherever Enid is, mind your f*cking business. This girl is gonna be given a key to the frat house, just so she can raid Enid's closet whenever she wants. Enid's about to lose her whole ass wardrobe. Love that for her.

Forgive any mistakes, it's like 130am and I wanna go to bed, better edits tomorrow. Comment replies coming in the next several days, too. I'm updating all three stories tonight so just bare with me. I love you guys, thank you for always supporting me. <33

Chapter 12: Oh, Captain


Wednesday hates having to share her girlfriend; Enid loves their stolen moments.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Enid bit back a nervous laugh as she leaned into Wednesday, her hands slowly reaching down to brace on Wednesday’s forearms, her lips quirked into an incredulous smile. She chuckled slightly at the feeling of Wednesday’s hands still resting in her back pockets, the seer humming faintly as she lazily kissed over Enid’s neck, pulling them even closer together. Enid chuckled at the tickling feeling across her throat, her fingers walking down before lightly grasping Wednesday’s wrists in an attempt to gather the wayward attention. She pulled away with a kiss to Wednesday’s cheek, her eyes glowing blue in the faint light as she finally caught the glassy, wandering eyes, the brunette huffing in frustration as Enid tugged her away. Wednesday mumbled and instinctively followed Enid, her tongue absently wetting her lips as she leaned up for another kiss, the wolf only snickering and quickly pecking the soft lips.

“Wednesday,” she murmured and pulled away, her fangs visible from behind a lopsided smile, “Can you tell me where your hands are?”

The brunette scowled and blinked, her eyes narrowing carefully as she absently flexed them in Enid’s pockets, a fiery blush suddenly burning beneath the constellation of freckles. Wednesday swallowed unevenly and quickly removed her hands, blinking twice in an attempt to clear away the powerful effects of the alcohol.

“Enid, I… forgive me, that was inappropriate, I didn’t mean to be so-“

“Bold?” Enid smiled, catching Wednesday’s hands in her own before affectionately squeezing them, “Wens, how many glasses of champagne did you have?”

Wednesday blinked away, her face still burning a scarlet red as she cleared her throat and averted her eyes, shame creeping down the sides of her neck.

“Five. Perhaps six, I struggle to remember,” she briefly glanced up, her ears glowing an even deeper red, “Querida, I’m sorry-“

“You don’t have to apologize,” Enid laughed, tightening her hold on Wednesday’s hands before she bent down to lightly kiss her cheek, “I don’t mind at all, I like it when you touch me. But next time, maybe be brave without the alcohol?” She grinned as she slid her arms around Wednesday, nuzzling just below her ear, “I’d rather we’re both totally aware of what we’re doing when we start to get a little… heated.”

She inhaled an uneven breath, her face scalding with a different type of heat as she snuck her arms around Enid and nudged her nose along the pulsing vein, “Enid,” Wednesday stressed, her eyes falling closed as she relaxed into the warm body, “I agree, I would rather be fully cognizant when I feel your hands on me.”

Enid flushed and smiled, snuggling herself closer to the comforting embrace, “Love you, Wens,” she kissed her jaw and slowly started unfurling herself from Wednesday, her heart skipping when their eyes met, “I’ll see you tomorrow, okay?”

Wednesday grunted, her hands grasping Enid’s sweater as she slowly shook her head, swallowing the lump of fear in her throat, “I… would still prefer to sleep beside you, I will not be bothered when you rise early for class.”

The wolf smiled, her shoulders shaking in silent laughter as she nodded and reached out, squeezing Wednesday’s waist, “You wanna shower here and pack a bag to come sleep over my place? I can take you to class tomorrow after I get back from psych?”

She sheepishly nodded, scowling at the clearly pleased grin from Enid, Wednesday tightening her hold on her paramour before dragging her back into the mansion. Enid only winked and sent her on upstairs, the seer glowering on instinct before she stomped herself up the stairs, Ophelia immediately sweeping Enid into the sitting room for another quick conversation. Wednesday was pounding down the stairs not twenty minutes later, her bag slung over her shoulder, Enid’s purple sweater still engulfing the petite frame. She scowled as she entered into the living room and gathered Enid by the wrist, the blonde only offering a lovestruck smile and a small wave to the family, allowing Wednesday to drag her out to the car. She unlocked the doors and pulled her girlfriend’s open, dropping a kiss to Wednesday’s temple before she scurried around to her side of the car.

Wednesday collected her hand the moment the car was in drive, cool fingers lightly toying with Enid’s palm during the few minute drive back to the house, Enid only tugging her hand free once she whipped her car around, and backed up into the lengthy driveway. She cut the engine and climbed out, inhaling a calming breath as she noticed the lights on in the living room, the soft amber light glowing behind the curtains hanging in the front windows. She turned automatically and reached out for Wednesday, connecting their hands before she locked the car and headed up the few steps, unlocking the door with her free hand before pushing inside the house. Yoko was curled up with Divina on the centermost sofa, the vampire’s face lighting up with pure delight at the sudden appearance of the pair, her eyes lingering on the death glare twisting Enid’s face.

“Ohh, well, hello, ladies! Fancy seeing you here, Addams,” Yoko chuckled when Divina playfully swatted at her thigh, her garnet eyes narrowing playfully.

Enid scrunched her face up in a thinly veiled snarl, her eyes flashing with warning silver, “Oh, you're just so funny, Tanaka,” she leaned down to mutter in Wednesday’s ear before lightly guiding her to the stairs, “I’ll meet you upstairs.”

Wednesday nodded, throwing a lasting glare to Yoko before she diligently headed up the steps, Enid all but darting back toward the kitchen, Yoko scrambling out from beneath Divina to chase in after her. Ajax threw up a wave in greeting, his brown eyes wide with impression as he greeted the red-faced wolf.

“Yo, was that Wednesday? Nice, dude!”

Enid mumbled and ignored them both, ripping open the fridge to grab two bottles of water before turning, pausing as she noticed Yoko blocking the entry back out toward the dining room. The wolf scoffed and bared her teeth in a wide, crazed smile, her claws tapping against the cold plastic in her hands.

“Yoko, I swear to god, not a word-“

“Oh, I’ve got several,” she laughed, her eyes sparkling, “You little dog, bringing your new girlfriend home already. Is she gonna be here for breakfast, too?”

Enid scowled and impatiently tapped her foot on the marbled linoleum, “Yes, so if all of you could just be chill about it, that’d be great. You know Wednesday’s not gonna have any problems snarking at all of you, so can we just skip the teasing?”

Yoko smirked as she crossed her arms and leaned against the door frame, “I will be roasting you to hell for the foreseeable future, but not in front of your girl. Honestly, I’m just so f*cking relieved you two finally started dating, because damn that was painful!”

The wolf whined and walked toward Yoko, holding the garnet look before the vampire finally relented and moved out of her way. She trailed Enid until she got to the steps, Yoko tugging on the back of her sweater.

“Seriously, I’m so happy for you. Now go the hell upstairs and stop making her wait! I’m sure you’ve got a million kisses to steal-“

“I hate you,” Enid tossed an aggrieved look to Divina, the siren already on her way over to corral her partner, “Vina, can you please tell your girlfriend to back off? Anyway, I’ll see you losers in the morning. Do not wake Wednesday up until after I get home from my psych class, unless you want her to kill all of you.”

Divina laughed and shooed her away, wrapping a playful arm around Yoko’s neck, “No worries, I value my life as a living thing, I’m not going the hell up there.”

Enid smiled in thanks, rolling her eyes at the suggestive wag of Yoko’s brow before she turned and sprinted her way up toward her waiting company. She couldn’t keep the smile from her face as she soldiered up the remaining stairs and pushed into her room, stumbling over her own feet at the sight of Wednesday seated on the side of her bed, her long hair out of its braids and swept back over one shoulder. Enid blinked, her foot kicking backwards and missing, the door still ajar as she blindly walked toward her girlfriend. She immediately smiled once their eyes met, Wednesday’s blush worsening and her scowl growing even more pronounced, her hands folding neatly in her lap. Enid didn’t take her eyes off Wednesday as she fumbled to drop the water on her side table, face split into a wide smile as she braced her hands on the bed on either side of the petite brunette before she leaned down and soundly kissed her.

Wednesday inhaled sharply in surprise before she earnestly returned the surprise kiss, her hand sliding through the soft blonde hair before the wolf slowly pulled away, a happy rumble purring up from Enid’s chest.

“Wow,” she mumbled, her fingers wonderfully toying with the wavy ends of the dark hair, “You look even more gorgeous with your hair down, Wens.”

“Thank you,” she mumbled quietly, clearing her throat as Enid stood up in front of her, “I am comfortable here.”

“I’m glad,” Enid blinked several times, her nose scrunching in a faint smile, “Oh, I brought water for you, since you had so much alcohol. I desperately need a shower, though, did you wanna get washed up before I get one?”

“After, as I completed my routine while still at home.”

Enid nodded and turned with a playful little wink, snorting a laugh at the immediate glare for her quick attempt at flirting. She disappeared into her closet and pulled out a set of overly large bed clothes, snapping her towel off her closet door before heading back out into the room. She melted at the sight of Wednesday leaning against her headboard, the blankets already tucked over her legs, a half-gone bottle of water hanging loosely from her right hand. Enid followed the pull to her paramour, sitting herself on the edge beside Wednesday before bracing her hand on the mattress, and leaning up to kiss her cheek. She smiled at the puzzled look on the seer’s face before she stood from the bed and gestured with her towel, lingering only a moment longer to imprint the image in her brain, finally managing to tear herself away from the sight of Wednesday Addams in her own damn bed.

She skipped down the steps and escaped into the bathroom, eager to wash off the sweat from such a long day, the water volcanically hot before she stepped beneath the powerful spray. She washed quickly, shaving her pits out of habit before running the razor over her legs, chuckling at her own self-consciousness. She finally stumbled out of the bathroom and finished getting ready for bed, cracking the bathroom door to vent the steam away, eventually slipping into her pajamas and hauling back up the stairs. She crept in through the door, Wednesday still sitting up in bed with a book across her lap, her eyes lifting the moment Enid slipped back into the room. The wolf hung her towel and clicked off the main lights, the little heart-shaped light still lit in the far corner of the room. Wednesday closed her book and placed it on the night table beside the spare bottle, already looking at home in the colorful space.

Enid smiled as Wednesday shifted over to make room for her regardless of the massive bed, folding down the covers in a confident invitation, the blonde all but eagerly curling herself under the offered blankets. Wednesday was in her arms before she’d even properly laid herself down, wrapping her legs around Enid's in a contented tangle, the blonde welcoming the surprise closeness as they settled across from one another. They studied each other in the faint light, Enid’s eyes faintly glowing in the graydark, her lashes fluttering when the brunette lightly cupped her cheek. Wednesday adjusted herself and shuffled closer to Enid, her dark eyes fixated on the soft, pink lips.

“Enid,” she wavered a moment, her thumb sweeping over the enticing smile, “I want to kiss you.”

The blonde smiled and adjusted herself on her hip, grinning when Wednesday’s leg curled around her waist, “Feeling better?” Enid smiled at the faint nod, her fingers dancing along the hem of Wednesday’s hoodie, “Okay, maybe just one kiss.”

Wednesday easily moved forward to kiss her almost desperately, her hand curling around the back of Enid’s neck and drawing her closer, her breath hitching when a warm hand gripped over her thigh, her leg curling harder around Enid’s hip. The blonde regretfully pulled herself away, her eyes burning violet when they opened to look at the flush over Wednesday’s face, carefully laying an arm around her girlfriend's middle.

“You can kiss me like that all you want tomorrow, sound fair?”

She swallowed heavily and nodded, Enid adjusting herself to be more comfortable before lifting her arms, grinning when Wednesday easily snuggled into her embrace, tucking herself up under Enid’s chin and relaxing half on-top of her wolf. The blonde sighed contentedly and tenderly held Wednesday close, her eyes slowly blinking closed as she relaxed into the cool body, her nose twitching at the smell of peppermint clinging to the dark hair. She blindly kissed Wednesday’s temple, her consciousness quickly fading as she absently pressed her arms tight around her partner.

“G’night, Wens,” she slurred, snickering at the even breathing from the girl in her arms, Wednesday already asleep, “Sweet dreams.”

Enid hummed faintly as she slowly roused from sleep, her nose wrinkling slightly as she adjusted in place, a comforting weigh spread out across her chest. She blinked her eyes open and blindly reached for her phone to silence the alarm, focus shifting down to the sight of Wednesday fully asleep and laid practically on top of her, the brunette breathing deeply in obvious comfort. Enid grinned and lightly ran a hand down Wednesday's back, briefly kissing the crown of the dark hair before she started the painstaking process of removing herself from beneath the seer, moving slowly enough that she'd slipped out of bed without waking her peaceful girlfriend. She bit back an affectionate chuckle as she looked down at Wednesday, the seer having never even stirred in her slumber, sure that the champagne from last night had attributed to her sleeping so heavily. Enid reached down and lightly brushed the hair back from Wednesday's face before she lightly kissed her cheek, managing to pull herself away to finally get ready.

She dressed quickly, sliding into faded black jeans and her bright pink docs, reaching for a plain gray sweater and tugging it on over her head, tiptoeing across the floor of her room to gather her school bag from beside her desk. Enid bit her lip as she slowly pulled the door open, wincing at the faint groan of the hinges, her eyes casting backwards to catch the sight of Wednesday still dead asleep in the middle of her bed. Her heart swelled as she smiled happily, lingering on the image of her girlfriend asleep in the massive bed before Enid all but threw herself down the stairs, stopping off in the bathroom. She readied herself and brushed her teeth, scrubbing the sleep from her eyes before she moisturized and kicked out of the bathroom, not even bothering with makeup for such an early morning class. She skipped down the final steps, the rest of the house still asleep at such an hour, Enid leaving out the front door and practically skipping out to her car.

Enid tumbled herself behind the wheel and kicked over the engine, letting it idle for a second before she tore off toward the Weathervane, stopping in on Tim to get herself an egg bagel with strawberry cream cheese and her signature chocolate lava shake, before finishing her way out to the university. She pulled into her usual spot and scarfed down her bagel, checking her phone for the time before she snapped up her drink, downing half of it, kicking out into the chilly, October morning. She grabbed her bag and scurried into the building, swiping her ID out of her pocket before buzzing into the building, her feet carrying her the familiar pathway to her favorite class. She was always the first body in a seat for her child psychology class, several of her classmates struggling to shake off the weekend buzz.

Doctor Abigail Drake was a forty-something siren with brilliant platinum hair and large, silver eyes, her smile nearly infectious as she greeted each and every one of her students. Enid loved her class, loved to stay after sometimes and pick her brain over different psych cases, the woman always more than happy to engage with the interested Enid. The wolf easily bounced into the room and offered a usual hello, collapsing into her desk and pulling out her work, her eyes staring at the clock above the board, already anxious to get back home to her girlfriend.

Class went off seamlessly, Enid enraptured by the latest case study they'd been presented, multiple personality disorders in psychics an interest to the wolf, knowing she'd be seeing all types of outcasts when she finally earned her rank of a full-blown educator. Enid interacted, the only person brave enough to sit in the front row for such an early morning class, Abigail more than delighted to answer her plethora of questions. The lecture ended and Enid all but threw up a happy wave and hauled out of the classroom, nearly sprinting back to her car, throwing her empty cup away on her way out the door. She drove like a woman possessed, tearing out of the lot and taking the short drive home, chuckling the moment she saw Chrissy's car already parked in the driveway. Enid whipped her SUV around and backed up in front of the powder pink Jetta, cutting the engine and throwing herself out of the car.

She hauled up the steps and exploded inside, the rest of her housemates already congregated back in the kitchen, Enid grinning as she quickly descended on the odd bunch of outcasts. Ajax turned and smiled, gesturing over his shoulder to the myriad of food stuffs already on the counter, his chocolate eyes sparkling.

"Yo, E, you wanna go get Wednesday? We're about to start brunch, do you think she likes breakfast?"

Enid laughed, "Ajax, she does eat food, you know. And I'm so glad none of you woke her up, she was like a corpse when I left. Just start on whatever, and I'll go up and get her."

He nodded and shooed her away, Chrissy offering a surprised smile to the wolf from her cozy place at the kitchen table, Enid's stomach pestered with butterflies as she rounded on the flight of stairs. She took the steps nearly four at a time, floating herself up the attic steps before she carefully opened the door, Wednesday bundled up in the center of her bed, Enid's pillow wrapped tightly in her arms. Her heart melted, a wave of affection overtaking her as she crept closer to the bed, seating herself on the edge before she reached out for Wednesday, lightly stroking down the curve of her back.

"Wens?" She shuffled closer, her fingers tucking a flyaway behind Wednesday's ear, "Wednesday, time to wake up."

There was hardly movement for a moment, Enid switching to running her fingers over Wednesday's shoulder and gently squeezing, a gravelly Spanish curse sounding from the petite brunette. Enid bit her lip to keep from laughing, her hand closing over her girlfriend's shoulder and gently shaking.

"C'mon, sleepyhead, it's almost time for breakfast."

Wednesday huffed, her face wrinkling in a signature scowl before the dark eyes finally opened, the seer rolling herself over and reaching out for Enid. The blonde obliged, chuckling quietly as she leaned into the searching hands, her nose scrunching as she gently scratched her nails down Wednesday's scalp.


"I am awake," she gruffed, pulling away from Enid to instead tug on her sweatshirt, "Are you off to class, querida?"

Enid fawned over the sleep-rasped voice, her hand gently cupping the flexing jaw, "I just got back from class, actually. It's already almost ten."

She blinked several times, obsidian eyes squinting through the low light as she blindly searched for her phone, Enid reaching over her to untuck if from beneath her pillow. Wednesday huffed and finally sat up, rubbing the back of her hand over her eyes as she stifled a yawn, the sleep tussled hair wild about her shoulders.

"Forgive me, I never meant to sleep so late."

The wolf snorted a laugh, leaning forward to kiss her freckles, "Wens, you've got literally no reason to apologize! You drank a lot, and you deserved to sleep it off. How are you feeling, are you okay?"

Wednesday nodded once, blinking the sleep from her eyes before she moved herself closer to Enid, sneaking an arm around her girlfriend and tucking her face away in the side of her neck.

"Yes, I'm fine," she nuzzled under Enid's ear, and kissed over the gooseflesh, "I would like it if you joined me in bed for a moment, but you have already mentioned breakfast."

Enid hummed and lightly tugged Wednesday away, dropping a firm kiss to her lips, "Mhm, we do Monday brunch every week," she murmured, and kissed her again, her stomach catching over the hand carding through her hair, "You gotta eat before class, Wens."

She huffed again, shoving the blanket off her legs before she rose to her knees beside Enid and properly kissed her, her cool hands lightly holding the flexing jaw before she regretfully pulled away. Enid licked her lips to savor the feeling, her eyes nearly violet when they peeked open again, her hands finding their way to snake around Wednesday's waist.

"Morning, beautiful," she grinned at the flush beneath her freckles, Enid teasing up under Wednesday's jaw, "I'm gonna have to get out of here before we're making out all day."

Wednesday grumbled petulantly, releasing her hold on Enid as the blonde stood from the bed and stretched, grinning at the seer from over her shoulder. She shoved the blankets off the rest of the way and finally stood, bending down to retrieve her bag before she slithered past Enid and disappeared into the hall, surely headed to the bathroom. Enid busied about, remaking her bed and tossing away the empty bottle from last night, finally sitting herself on the edge of her bed as she eagerly awaited her girlfriend's return. Wednesday appeared not long after, her hair in its perfect braids, the seer dressed down in all black save for the purple hoodie she'd stolen from Enid, her bag still slung over one shoulder. Enid rose from the bed and gestured her to sit, grabbing the heavy black boots and dropping them off, happily bouncing in place while she waited for the seer to finally finish getting ready.

Enid grabbed her bag and ushered them toward the exit, Wednesday turning just before the door to instead brace a hand on the wolf's stomach and stretch up to kiss her, a delicate hand wrapping around the back of her neck to bring her even closer. She exhaled a shaky breath, hands braced on Wednesday's hips as she kissed her just as fervently, her grip strengthening before she forcefully pulled herself away. She swallowed, smiling at the flush beneath the beautiful freckles as she leaned down and kissed Wednesday's cheek, nose nudging up beneath her ear.

"Kissing me like that's totally not fair," she lamented, smiling as she felt Wednesday suppress a faint shiver, her lips trailing along her neck, "But I love it when you do, because wow."

Wednesday curled her arms around Enid's neck and raised to her tiptoes, tilting her chin up in silent request for another kiss, "I am enjoying our moment alone before I am thrust into socializing," her breath hitched when Enid backed them against her bedroom door, her dark eyes catching fire, "And I do so enjoy the taste of your lips."

Enid growled faintly as she lifted Wednesday up against her door, her eyes darkening to a lustful violet when she felt the legs clamp around her hips, her hands squeezing underneath the powerful thighs. Wednesday swallowed at the sudden shift, her arms squeezing around Enid's shoulders as she studied the feral look, her stomach clenching as she tightened her grip on her girlfriend, her ankles locking around the small of her back. They studied each other for a moment, a flush burning across Wednesday's face as she mindlessly licked her lips and stared at Enid's mouth, catching the sharp points of her fangs, a shiver skittering across her skin the moment their lips crashed together. She groaned when Enid licked into her mouth, her legs instinctively tightening around her waist as she pulled Enid in even tighter, losing herself to the intoxicating touch.

She huffed when Enid abruptly pulled away, another growl rumbling from the wolf as she squeezed Wednesday's thighs nearly hard enough to bruise, her breath hot against the side of a slender neck.

"Sorry, got... way carried away," Enid swallowed heavily, her eyes flickering open to stare at the racing vein in Wednesday's throat, "You just. You just do something to me, Wens."

Wednesday swallowed past the burning in her face, her forehead falling to Enid's shoulder, "You have no need to apologize, I am capable of telling you to stop if I'm uncomfortable."

Enid breathed out a quiet laugh and pulled away, adjusting herself to better support Wednesday's weight as she pinned her to the door, mirth playing in the glowing eyes, "One of these days, you're gonna make me lose it."

"Good," she snapped her mouth shut, her face blushing a glowing crimson red at the surprised smile, hands bracing on Enid's shoulders, "Put me down."

The wolf snickered and pushed them up from the door, easily placing Wednesday back to her feet as if she weighed nothing, the seer reeling as she glanced up at the smug grin on Enid's face. She bent and retrieved Wednesday's bag before pulling the door open, gesturing her girlfriend out in front of her, effectively ending their moment. Wednesday growled a petulant sound as she attempted to control the insane beat of her heart, pounding down the steps as she slowly regained her composure. Her face was perfectly dead by the time they'd reached the bottom floor, Enid skipping down behind her and dropping her bag off by the door, collecting her hand before she led them toward breakfast. Wednesday curled her lip but said nothing, Enid easily depositing her a seat by the bar, away from everyone else, Divina already seated at the innermost chair.

Ajax turned at the new arrivals, his smile widening as his eyes landed on the scowling brunette.

"Hey, Wednesday! Whites or yolks?"

Wednesday glared, crossing her arms on the edge of the bar, "Whites."

He eagerly nodded and turned back to the stovetop, "More whites for the ladies, got it. Enid, you wanna get the toast started?"

Enid nodded as she swept around him, heading over to the fridge to grab the bread box from on top, "Sorry, forgot I was on helper duty today. Rye for me and Vina! Chrissy, Wens, what are you feeling?"

Chrissy straightened up in her seat at the table, her copper eyes soft, "Rye's good for me, too, Enid."

Wednesday nodded quietly and waved off the grin from Enid, her ears faintly burning red at the attention. Enid threw the many slices into the toaster over and tossed the remaining bread back into the box, pulling open the fridge to check on their drink supply.

"Drinks, everybody, what do we want?" Enid snickered at the several callouts, pulling the pitcher of tea and a carton of orange juice out from the fridge, skating around Ajax to drop it on the counter, "Got it, gimme one sec!"

She quickly doled out three cups of iced tea to the other girls, and poured the orange juice for her and Ajax, Yoko finally wandering downstairs to join in the chaos. She popped into the kitchen and took the seat across from Chrissy, grumbling at the early morning hour, already rubbing at her temples in the bright morning sun. Enid dropped her drinks back off into the fridge before grabbing out a blood bag from the crisper drawer and threw it at the vamp, Yoko cursing quietly in thanks. Enid snagged plates for everyone and handed out the cutlery, winking at Wednesday when she placed the plate down in front of her, daring to test her luck in the presence of friends. Chrissy rose to help butter the toast as Enid assisted with plating the rest of breakfast, a pile of scrambled eggs on one with the whites on the other, each smothered in delectable cheese. Enid handed the first plate to Chrissy before it was handed around, adding the plates of bacon and sausage as well, each one grabbing their fill for their own plates.

Enid all but bounced herself around the feast and filled her plate with a little of everything, eagerly dropping herself into the seat beside Wednesday. They happily laughed throughout breakfast, Wednesday leaning into Enid's side as she worked on her whites and her sausage, spooning the scramble onto her toast for an open-faced sandwich. She was content as she rested her hand on Enid's thigh and lightly squeezed, her girlfriend hardly missing a beat as she reached for her and affectionately clasped her hand. It was after they'd eaten that Chrissy reached for her tea and looked up to Wednesday, the seer practically wrapped around Enid's arm.

"So Wednesday, you and Enid are finally dating? That's awesome, congrats!"

Wednesday nodded easily, further curling her arm through Enid's, "We are involved, yes."

"About f*cking time," Yoko mumbled, still sipping on her bag, "I swear to christ, I thought the two of you morons would never get together. Perfect for each other, but oh so clueless."

Enid scowled down at her friend, tossing her napkin toward the bloodsucker, "Watch it," she growled, "It happened when it was meant to, okay? All that matters is that we're together now," she looked to Wednesday and softened, her nose bunching at the death glare on girlfriend's face, "And I'm just so happy now that I've got you, Wens."

Wednesday worked her jaw and said nothing, merely leaning over to kiss the scars on Enid's cheek. Ajax raised his glass in a mock toast, a warning snarl from the seer only serving to make him smile as he tipped his drink in a sign of understanding. They broke to clean up the mess, Chrissy plating the rest of breakfast and dropping it off in front of Enid, the wolf grinning sheepishly as she gestured to Wednesday.

"Want anymore Wens, or are you good?"

She shook her head, unruly affection burning in her belly as she watched her wolf devour the rest of their breakfast. Wednesday waited for her beloved to finish before they finally rose from their seats, dropping plates off for Chrissy and Divina, Enid reaching her hand out for Wednesday.

"Anyway, guys, I'm gonna take Wednesday to class, so I'll see you later! Thanks for breakfast, Ajax!"

Yoko popped her head up, her bloodied smile wide as she wagged a finger after her friend, "Don't forget we've got training today, dog!"

"I won't," she rolled her eyes, leading Wednesday off toward the door, their eyes meeting, "I'm so excited that the family's coming to the game, I just have to send the tickets to Pugsley."

Wednesday bobbed her head in agreement as she watched Enid collect her bag and pull open the front door, following along behind her girlfriend.

"They will surely enjoy themselves, especially Aunt Ophelia."

Enid hummed as she led them outside, wandering around to Wednesday's side of the car before pulling the door open for her, "I hope so. It's gonna be so much fun anyway, especially with you still sitting on the glass."

She paused just before she slid into the passenger seat, her eyes looking the wolf over, "I like being so close to the ice, you are even more breathtaking up close."

Her face burned with a fitful blush, her smile beaming as she waited for Wednesday to get in before closing the door behind her, Enid hurrying around to the driver seat. She clicked her belt and turned over the engine, throwing it in gear before Wednesday collected her hand and balanced it on her lap, her eyes curiously following every callous along the large hand. A classical music mix played softly in the background as they headed off to campus, Enid taking the familiar turns before leading off onto the main lot, following the curve around to stop off in front of the science center. She threw it in park and clicked on her flashers, turning in her seat as she looked over to her girlfriend. Wednesday unclicked her belt and moved forward, leaning her palm on the center console before she softly kissed Enid, lingering for only a moment before finally pulling away.

She grinned, her eyes burning violet past a wide-open smile, her fingers absently tugging on Wednesday's sweater, "Have fun in class, can't wait to see you tonight, Wens."

Wednesday nodded, hesitating another moment before she stole a second kiss, finally folding herself back to her seat, "I will not see you before the game?" She made a face at the faint nod, her lips pursing as she looked back up to Enid, "Then kiss me again."

Enid happily obliged, reaching over to deeply kiss Wednesday, pressing several kisses to the soft lips before she leaned away, fist tightening around her steering wheel.

"You're gonna have to go before I don't wanna let you, Wens."

She flushed at the suggestive tone, glowering at the soft look on Enid's face before she reached down for her bag and shoved open her door. Wednesday stepped out and shrugged on her pack, grasping at the doorframe as she looked back to her paramour.

"Until this evening, querida."

Wednesday flustered at the knowing grin, scowling before she slammed the door and quickly turned, her feet eagerly drawing her inside and off toward her first class. She lost herself in the monotony of her day, Enid texting her often throughout the morning and the early afternoon, her chest fluttering at every new message from her excitable girlfriend. She was nearly set to return home, Enid instead offering her the chance to go back to the house instead, Wednesday catching a ride with Divina back to their place. She excused herself back to Enid's room, removing her boots and curling up in the massive bed, pulling her newest assignments out as she made herself comfortable in the sweet-smelling sheets. She was nearly finished when her phone chimed again, Wednesday eager to open the newest message from Enid, her heart stopping at the brand new image.

It was Enid, fully slick with sweat and dressed in her uniform from the waist down, her abs flexed and glistening in the crystal clear photo, those eyes so sinfully blue that Wednesday almost couldn't stand it. The sports bra left little to the imagination, Wednesday quickly locking her screen to keep from openly leering, her face burning as she slid further into bed and pulled the covers up over her head.

Her girlfriend was going to be the death of her.

Divina eventually meandered up to collect her for the game, Wednesday packing her things and tossing her bag on her back, remaking Enid's bed before she thundered down the many steps. She quietly followed behind Divina and slid into the passenger seat, the siren chuckling as she threw on a hard rock playlist and tossed a cursory look to Wednesday.

"It's nice seeing you so happy with her, Wednesday. You guys look so in sync, like you were only missing each other to finally be happy."

Wednesday glared and nodded, her arms tightening around her bag as she tossed a sidelong look to the siren, "Enid is perfect," she mumbled quietly, her ears burning, "I was unaware that I would be so contented so quickly."

"You guys are seriously meant to be, I'm not surprised at how comfortable you are," Divina pulled off from the curb and turned around at the dead end, leading them off down the street, "Enid's been crazy about you since freshman year, she talked about you all the time."

Her face pinched in thought, her thumb absently running along the seam of her bag, "I worried too much of my investigation to realize her affections," Wednesday scowled, a dark rage flickering at the edges of her consciousness, "It is because of him that I nearly lost her in every respect, and I hope that he is rotting in his well-deserved cage."

Divina kept her mouth shut, knowing that Tyler was a sensitive topic for Wednesday, one of the only other times he'd even been alluded to causing the seer to immediately leave the room. She only smiled instead, checking both ways at her stop sign before pulling off.

"You're both strong and stubborn, I knew you'd eventually find your way to each other."

Wednesday nodded quietly and sagged in her seat, her phone nearly burning in her hoodie pocket as she thought of the latest picture from her wolf, her lips tingling at the memory of their heated kiss. Enid should have been her kiss freshman year, not the man who'd manipulated her, the very fact easily turning her stomach. She shoved it away once the stadium came into view, Divina turning to park in the student lot for a change, waving her badge at the gate, and following the dip down into the garage. They parked on the same level as Enid, Wednesday leaving her bag in Divina's car before they wandered to the elevator, her fingers absently running down the back bumper of Enid's car as they passed it by. Her phone chimed, a message from her brother saying that the family was on their way, Divina grinning as she led them through the winding halls.

They passed by security and moved out toward the main doors, the Addams limo rolling up just as they managed to press outside, dozens of people already filing into the stadium in anticipation of another showdown. Ophelia was first out of the car, patiently waiting for the rest of the family before they walked to meet the girls, the blonde woman already smiling at the siren.

"Oh, another friend of Wednesday's! Hello, love, I'm Ophelia, and you are?"

"Divina," she laughed, and shook her hand, "I'm Yoko's girlfriend, and one of Enid's housemates. Nice to meet you!"

Morticia smiled as she stepped in beside her sister, smiling kindly at the young woman, "Hello again, dear, I hope you've been well. Enid's told us she spent the summer with the two of you."

She laughed before they all turned and headed into the stadium, "Oh, yeah, we had a blast, actually. It was nice having Enid around, you know how much laughter that girl brings with her."

Gomez laughed as he shouldered into the building, waiting behind Pugsley as he showed security their tickets, "Enid really is a beacon of light and love, I admire that of my little demonia," he ushered the family off to the side, smiling at the scowl on Wednesday's face, "You really have chosen well, tormenta, Enid is perfect for you."

Grandmama cackled a laugh and ushered Gomez away toward the crowd, pausing for a moment to wink at her granddaughter, "Aye, love, we'll see you all after the game. Hopefully that wolf of yours has a stellar match!"

Wednesday sighed and remained silent, Pugsley grinning at her with nothing short of smug satisfaction, the seer sneering in return. Divina chuckled and turned them back toward their own place, across the ice from the Addams family if she had to guess, eager to finally take their seats for gametime. Wednesday followed down the concrete stairs to their seats nearest the home team bench, seated on the end as she folded her arms and stared toward the empty bench. She worked her jaw as she impatiently waited, the lights flickering before the teams eventually took the ice for warmups, Enid sprinting first out of the Nevermore tunnel. Wednesday grimaced as she heard a familiar loud hollering, her eyes widening slightly at the sight of her family up on their feet, actively cheering for the home team captain. Enid easily waved toward them once she'd skated her usual circle, the wolf easily turning her head toward Wednesday.

She skated toward the glass, pushing her helmet back to reveal the affection burning in those sapphire eyes, her smirk nearly sinful as she looked over her girlfriend. Wednesday stood from her seat and gravitated toward the scuffed up glass, her arms still folded as she looked into those endless eyes. Enid smirked and tapped her stick blade, again showing the same black and white stripes, the wolf all but blowing her a kiss before falling back into the ranks of her teammates. Wednesday gripped hard to her sleeves as her eyes followed that damnable wolf, her heart beating triple as she watched her glide across the ice. Eventually she folded back into her seat once the teams were off the ice and the zambonis set about resurfacing the sheet for puck drop.

The game was starting before she even knew it, Enid flying down the ice with all the speed and power of a hurricane, the wolf shouldering people out of her way for most of the game. Anna scored off a redirect during the first period, Enid having assisted from her place at the bottom of the circle, the team happily huddling together for a celebratory hug down the far end of the ice. Wednesday was fascinated as she watched her girlfriend throughout the entire first, Enid catching words with one of the other team's defenders, the referees having to separate the arguing pair on more than one occasion. Enid scored in the first with only three seconds left, easily blowing her girlfriend a kiss for the trouble.

Wednesday squirmed in her seat as she waited through first intermission, catching sight of her aunt leaning into Pugsley from across the ice, her brother well-versed in the game as well. Her phone vibrated and she uncovered it, huddling over the device to keep it out of view of wandering eyes, a short video of a smirking wolf suddenly filling her screen. Wednesday muttered under her breath and straightened in her seat, glaring sideways at the grinning siren before she hunkered down, refusing to acknowledge the knowing look.

The second started with the same intensity, the other team eventually scoring only two minutes into the period, Enid scowling at the missed opportunity. The teams traded shots and penalties, that same player again goading Enid into a shouting match, the wolf's growl cutting through the stadium noise and rumbling down Wednesday's spine, the seer sitting up straighter at the attractive sound. The bickering eventually came to a head, the girl dropping her gloves to instead square off with Enid in an unsurprising fight, the wolf easily whipping her gloves off in retaliation. Wednesday was already on her feet the moment the first fist was thrown, the blonde's power much more obvious as she threw a flurry of punches, the other woman desperate to try and avoid them.

It was when Enid landed a solid right hook to her chin that the other girl crumpled onto the ice, the crowd going wild at the captain successfully winning her bout, the Nevermore team's sticks crashing against the ice in celebration. Wednesday felt the air punch out of her body when Enid looked over her shoulder at her, blue eyes glowing an attractive sapphire, another shiver ripping through the seer when Enid had the audacity to actually wink at her. She kept her eyes glued to Enid the entire five minutes she was in the penalty box, Nevermore scoring their third goal while the captain waited out her penalty. Enid was finally released and immediately upended another skater, freeing Yoko up to snatch the puck, and bury a wrist shot for a 4-1 lead.

Wednesday finally released the breath she'd been holding once the second period ended, her shoulders still taught with a burning need to march herself down to the locker room, and kiss that smug smile off her girlfriend's face. In the dozens of home games she'd seen over the years, she'd seen Enid fight a fair amount, and each time, the wolf always dropped her opponent. It was heaven to watch from the second tier, the animalistic, raw power always doing something to Wednesday, her heart always clenching at the idea of her sunshine crush actually obliterating another person. It was something else entirely to be on the glass, to see Enid in all her rage and glory, fangs bared and her eyes burning, fury somehow so attractive on such a beautiful face.

She was practically vibrating out of her own skin by the third period start, Enid's line the first one out on the ice, Yoko situated on the blue line behind her. The action was just as insane, the game moving so quickly, yet another player trying to argue with Enid during one of the play stoppages. They were nearest to Wednesday's seat, the referees again separating the women, Enid being guided back close to the glass in an attempt to keep her from fighting. Wednesday stood on instinct, even as more players swarmed the still chirping pair, Yoko throwing an arm around Enid to try and keep her calm. Wednesday absently touched the glass behind Enid, her skin catching a chill at the growling threat escaping her girlfriend, an urge to throw herself over the glass nearly building to a powder keg.

The game ended without another fight, unfortunately, Nevermore dominating in their 4-1 win, the crowd already ecstatic by the sound of the final horn. She was out of her seat before she'd even realized, hauling up the steps with Divina scrambling behind her, the overwhelming need to see Enid overpowering her usually unshakable control. Pugsley intercepted her once they reached the outer ring of the stadium, Ophelia squealing in delight once she laid eyes on her niece, foregoing the annoyed scowl on Wednesday's face.

"Oh, that was truly exhilarating! Your wolf is so powerful on the ice, she really commands the entire arena. Will we be able to see her? I'd love to congratulate her!"

Wednesday grimaced in frustration, burying her hands in the pockets of her hoodie, wishing she could escape into the backend of the stadium, and wait for her girlfriend to arrive without the threat of so much company. Divina only smirked and nodded, falling into the place beside Wednesday.

"I texted her and Yoko and told them that you guys wanted to see them after the game, and Yoko said we can meet them down in the back."

The family easily filed off behind Divina, Wednesday lingering behind, loathing that she had to share her girlfriend. Pugsley grinned as he folded his hands behind his back and walked beside her, his eyes sparkling with mischief as they headed down the stairs.

"You've got it so bad, sis."

She snarled at him, nearly reaching for the knife she always had in her pocket, "Not another word," Wednesday hissed.

He wisely kept his mouth shut, the family waiting off in one of the receiving vestibules for the eventual appearance of the team captain. Enid finally emerged from the tunnel with Yoko in beside her, the pair eagerly walking toward the large group of elated guests. Ophelia screamed in excitement before she threw her arms around Enid and squeezed, the wolf only laughing as she hugged her just as happily with her only free arm.

"Oh, Enid, that was simply divine," Ophelia pulled away and lightly pressed into her cheeks, "And that fight! Truly you are worthy of my niece, and thank you so much for inviting us!"

Esmeralda shooed her daughter away and firmly grasped Enid by the shoulders, her face twisting into a devious grin, "Aye, wolf, you're just as amazing as I remember! Quite a victory for you and your team!"

Enid chuckled and nodded, her eyes skipping around the many excited faces, "Thanks! I'm so glad you guys could come, and I'm really glad you had so much fun!"

Morticia smiled and laughed as she snuggled up to Gomez, her free hand reaching out to lightly cup Enid's chin, "It's always a treat to see you in action, rosebud, but don't let us keep you. I'm sure Wednesday would enjoy you all to herself."

Her smile widened as she skipped her focus to Wednesday, the seer's face burning a fitful red, "I appreciate you guys coming out. Oh, and Aunt Ophelia, this is my friend Yoko!"

Yoko moved forward and shook the witch's hand, Ophelia's smiling brightly, "The vampire! It's nice to meet you as well, I love the found family you've all made for yourself. Oh, I could just talk your ears off in excitement! Enid, love, I can't wait to see you again for dinner, but Tish is right, we best be off!"

"Yeah, we're all about found family, that's for sure," Yoko laughed as she let the woman go, and wandered back to her girlfriend, "And yeah, we're gonna head out, too, Vina's got an early class tomorrow."

The group eventually dispersed toward the exits, everyone happily chattering amongst themselves. Wednesday carefully wandered over to the patiently waiting Enid, the fire in her veins burning nearly out of control as she stopped off in front of her softly grinning girlfriend. Enid smirked and curled her free arm around Wednesday, her eyes flickering violet as she looked over the tiny seer.

"So, did you have a-"

The words died when Wednesday leaned up to hungrily kiss her, twisting her fingers in the front of Enid's hoodie and drawing her close, her hands tangling in the damp blonde hair. She kissed her hard before slowly pulling away with a velvet smack, staying in Enid's space as she struggled to pull air into her lungs, the arm around her back pulling her in even closer.

"Whoa," Enid rasped, her tongue wetting along her lower lip as she stared down at the glare on Wednesday's face, "What was that for?"

Wednesday huffed and rolled her eyes, her fingers lightly tugging at the neck of Enid's sweater, "I find you too alluring when you are possessed by the spirit of competition."

Enid chuckled and leaned down, nudging her nose to Wednesday's, "You mean you liked it when I beat the sh*t out of that other girl."

"Yes," she bit out, glaring at the smirk on Enid's face, "You are insufferable."

She smiled, her nose crinkling in an affectionate smile as she leaned down and gently kissed her, "You love it and you know it," she teased, kissing her again before she could properly argue.

Wednesday couldn't have argued if she tried.


Wednesday, drunk: f*cks sake you're hot.
Enid: Try this again when you're sober.
Wednesday, the next morning: f*ckS SAKE YOU'RE HOT JUST KISS ME ALREADY.

These two, playing a dangerous game. How hard is it for Wednesday to get a goddamn moment alone?? Why does her family have to be so ACCEPTING? "Btw mother I'm moving in with Enid, this is my life now. Idgaf what you say, she smells nice and she's warm. Also, she kisses me a lot, WHAT OF IT?"

Meanwhile Enid is just off to the side, grinning like an idiot. "I'm just happy to be here, have you seen my girl? She's so scary and attractive, so what if I've imagined doing unspeakable things to her??"

Hornytown, population: Wenclair.

IT'S ALMOST DATE NIGHT, MUf*ckAAASSS. I love this story, it's s stupid. They're just so gay and handsy and soft. My beloveds.

Sorry I was gone so long, my personal life got hit by a bomb. thanks for the comments and the love and the support, I hope to answer all my comments eventually, it's just been a long time coming. Forgive any mistakes, better edits to come, after a nice nap. (I'm sick rn) Love you guys, thanks for everything <33

Chapter 13: Something Beautiful


Wednesday loves it when Enid's eyes are on her; Enid loves taking care of her girlfriend, even on a day like today.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Wednesday scowled at an errant burst of chilly wind, scowling at the disturbance as she flipped up her hood and hunkered down in her sweater, the faint smell of honeysuckle still living in the purple fabric. She buried her hands in her pouch and checked her surroundings as she walked, purposefully avoiding the bodies still milling about campus on a Thursday afternoon. She was meeting Enid after an early team practice, eager to get back out on her skates and appreciate her newfound freedom. She’d been granted full rights to return to practice, the doctor having cleared her for all of her jumps and usual twists for figure skating, and Enid had taken to getting her on the ice as often as possible since her appointment Tuesday morning. It was only Thursday now, even the last two days under her belt helping her feel more at ease on her blades, the rigidness of her movements easily melting away whenever she cut across the ice. Enid had stayed with her each day, content to watch over her, her girlfriend ecstatic the moment she landed her first axle.

She fought off the feeling of butterflies in her stomach as she thought of Enid, Wednesday stealing as much free time with her busy paramour as she could manage during their week. Between Enid’s classwork and her time spent training and practicing for hockey, the wolf still worked a few shifts a week at the bookstore, and already Wednesday was missing the time they’d managed to steal together over their long weekend. Still, she’d taken to sleeping at Enid’s every night, would begrudgingly join the housemates for dinner or breakfast, before dragging her wolf upstairs for a chance to properly unwind. Wednesday was fully obsessed with sleeping beside Enid, had woken up every morning snuggled up with the warm body, and hoped to do so for the rest of her earthly life.

The seer huffed quietly as she banished her thoughts on Enid for now, scowling at the heat burning at the tips of her ears as she burrowed deeper into her hoodie, quickly crossing the parking lot leading up to Poe Stadium. She ducked inside and flashed her student badge to the security team, already recognizing some of the guards now from how often she was in the building. She followed the halls around to the back of the tunnel, spiraling through the bowels of the stadium as she made her way toward the women’s locker room. Several of Enid’s teammates easily smiled and greeted her on their way out, Anna the most animated as she waved at her in greeting, Wednesday only nodding quietly in response to each of the players. Yoko rounded the corner right in front of her, the vampire immediately flashing a wide grin as she looked down at the dour face, her fangs grazing her lower lip in a knowing smile.

“Heya, Wednesday. Enid’s down in the locker room, I don’t think she was expecting you so soon.”

The seer worked her jaw and nodded, easily stepping around Yoko as she continued her way toward the hallway, following the purple painted wall down to the familiar doorway. Wednesday pushed into the mostly-open door, nearly tripping over herself the moment she looked up and caught sight of Enid wrestling herself out of her shoulder pads and jersey, her undershirt having ridden up to expose the scars across her stomach. She faltered, her eyes wide as she squeezed her hands in her hoodie pocket, her breath catching when Enid pulled her pads off and straightened up, instantly noticing the red-faced seer. Wednesday struggled to pull air into her lungs as Enid walked over to greet her, the blonde hair loose and wild about her girlfriend’s face, a brilliant smile tugging along alluring pink lips.

Enid smiled and reached out, bracing a hand on Wednesday’s waist before she leaned down to kiss her cheek, “Hey, Wens,” she smirked as she pulled away, catching the way the seer’s throat bobbed as she swallowed, “Did class let out early today?”

Wednesday nodded mutely, instinctively following along behind Enid as she headed back toward her cubby, “Yes,” she croaked, flexing her hands still hidden away in her pocket, “Apologies for not announcing myself.”

The wolf laughed and waved off the concern, reaching for her gear bag before pulling Wednesday’s skates out and dropping them on the bench beside her. Enid peeked over her shoulder, catching the way Wednesday’s eyes carefully scanned the rest of her uniform, eventually turning to face her girlfriend.

“No worries, I heard you coming any way. You wanna throw your skates on? I just wanna get out of the rest of my uniform before we hit the ice again, so just gimme a sec to change!”

Wednesday nodded again as she crept toward the locker area while Enid grabbed her gear bag and moved aside, gathering her shoulder pads before throwing them in the obnoxious pink bag. The seer collapsed onto the bench and blindly reached for her skates, her eyes still on Enid as she untied her hockey pants and shoved them off her hips, tugging them all the way off before throwing them toward the open bag. Wednesday remained frozen in awe as she watched Enid bend to unhook her practice socks from over her leg pads, rolling them down and off, adding them to the growing pile of gear stacked in Enid’s tote. She worked her jaw as she watched Enid pull her leg guards off and neatly stack them, dark eyes following along the tight leggings and powerful thighs, wandering over the alluring curve of her backside, Wednesday’s hands clamping down on the bench seat to keep from reaching out to properly touch.

Enid hummed to herself as she turned, reaching for the hem of her soaked undershirt before she peeled it off completely, absently shaking out her sweat-frizzed waves. She tossed it toward her bag and stole a quick look to Wednesday, smirking at the owl-eyed stare from the unmoving brunette, nearly preening under the unwavering attention. She followed where her girlfriend’s eyes wandered over her mostly-bare torso, absently flexing the muscles in her stomach as she turned and fully faced Wednesday, grinning at the redness burning beneath the field of freckles. Enid walked back to meet her, leaning down to place a hand on either side of Wednesday, secretly reveling in the sudden intake of breath, the wolf's eyes lidded and glowing a curious violet.

“Wens,” she smiled, curling more into Wednesday’s space, her lips ghosting over the ironclad jaw, “You okay?”

Wednesday struggled to cling to anything coherent as her fingers gripped harder to the edge of the bench, her eyes fluttering at the faint kisses touched along her jaw.

“Fine,” she ground out, suppressing a shiver when warm lips trailed over the racing vein in her neck, “You are dis-- I find you too…”

She growled faintly and leaned back as her patience vanished, lifting her hands to cup Enid’s face before she hungrily kissed her, heat racing up her spine at the affectionate growl rumbling up from her girlfriend’s chest. Wednesday jerked away right before Enid could slide her tongue into her mouth, her face still burning as she heavily swallowed, black eyes flickering open to look up at the smug smile on her girlfriend’s face. Enid only softened and sweetly kissed her cheek, removing herself from Wednesday’s personal space as she scrunched her nose in a pleasant smile, enamored by the flustered scowl staring back at her.

“Ma lune,” Enid chuckled gently, turning toward her cubby before grabbing her practice jersey and quickly sliding it on, “Didn’t mean to get so carried away, you just looked too cute not to kiss senseless.”

Wednesday made a small, mostly indignant sound as she finally stood, shrugging her pack off and handing it off to the waiting Enid, the blonde hanging it up in her cubby area for safe keeping. The seer hesitated, Enid already offering a knowing grin as she sidled up to Wednesday and lightly kissed the crown of her head.

“I’ll meet you out on the bench, Wens. Oh, and you’re gonna be the only one here, all the girls already left for the day, and coach never stops in before she heads out,” Enid stole a chaste kiss and winked as she pulled away, “Take your time.”

The brunette leaned into the affection, her hands instinctively curling into the hem of Enid’s jersey before finally letting go, standing in the center of the room as she watched her girlfriend disappear out the door. Wednesday turned back to the bench and lifted her boot to the edge of the seat, untying them both before pairing them off at the bottom of Enid’s locker. She undid the button on her jeans and wrestled them off her legs, the seer already dressed in a thin pair of leggings for their skating session, still too anxious to shed such a layer in front of her nearly shameless girlfriend. Wednesday cursed quietly in Spanish as she sat down and quickly tied up her skates, settling into the fit before she wandered off after Enid, squinting in the insanely bright lights of the large arena.

Enid was randomly skating around the ice, smiling the moment she noticed Wednesday as she charged back to the bench and loped over the boards, reaching her hand out to lovingly tug on the front of her girlfriend’s hoodie.

“I’m so excited that I get to watch you work your magic, how are you feeling after the last few days? You look so good out on the ice.”

Wednesday nodded, already moving closer to Enid and curling her arms around her wolf, burying her face in the side of her neck, “There is no pain, though I have to regain strength and stamina,” she burrowed further into Enid’s arms, her nose edging up under Enid's ear, “Thank you for sitting with me.”

“Always,” Enid kissed the tip of a burning red ear and snuggled into the woman in her arms, “And hey, if you ever wanna come to the gym with me, let me know! Maybe working out more regularly will help with that, and even help rebuild some of that muscle mass in your off time.”

She nodded distractedly, blinking away the cobwebs as she finally extracted herself from Enid, “You would accompany me?” Wednesday flushed at the excited nod, sighing quietly before she leaned up for a quick kiss, “Perhaps I’ll take you up on the offer, querida.”

The seer turned away and reached down to open the bench door before stepping out on the ice, skating in a tight circle before she clicked the latch, and leaned her stomach against the boards. Enid immediately moved to stand on the other side of the boards, leaning over the wall for another kiss, Wednesday breathing slowly before eagerly obliging. Her fingers crept up to fist in the front of Enid’s jersey as the wolf licked into her mouth, her skin fielding with goosebumps as she pulled the blonde even closer. She regretfully pulled away after several increasingly passionate kisses, Wednesday licking her lip to savor the feeling before she pecked the plush lips and pushed away from the bench, not trusting herself to keep from kissing the charming smile right off her girlfriend. Wednesday kept skating in small circles, her fingers running along the hem of her sweater before she returned to the bench, quickly whipping the garment off, and draping it over the wall.

Enid smiled and braced her elbows along the boards, her eyes darkening with something almost intoxicating as she watched the other woman skate past the bench.

“Wednesday Addams, is that my shirt?”

Wednesday only nodded and exhaled the nerves that still fluttered in her stomach, clearing every lascivious thought away and pushing off to center ice, taking a moment to collect herself for a proper session. Wednesday closed her eyes and focused, planting the toe of her skate along the center red line as she filtered through her endless catalog of moves, instead allowing herself to follow wherever the movements took her. She was growing accustomed to the usual silence of the arena when it was only her and Enid, the lack of music unusually jarring in the beginning before she’d grown more comfortable. She loved the sound of her blades across the ice, could perfectly focus on her body and her positioning as she tore across the rink at near blinding speed. It was freeing to be able to move however she liked now, recalling the feeling of euphoria she’d experienced when she landed her first quad in nearly six months.

It was made even more incredible by the feel of Enid’s eyes following her across the ice, her usually rigid stance loosened under the obviously affectionate appraisal. She loved to steal glances toward the bench when she skated, always finding Enid standing along the boards, those glowing violet eyes refusing to leave her for even a moment. She felt them now, twisting into a single turn as she cut to skate backwards across the ice, her sights focused only on Enid. Her heart skipped at the look she could almost feel from so far away, the spirit of competition overtaking her as she ramped up her routine, secretly enjoying the effect she had on her paramour. She landed back-to-back triples, her bangs whipping in the wind as she stole across the ice, driven by the weightlessness coursing through her bones. She relaxed into the feel beneath her skates and the looseness of her movement as time bled away, closing her eyes as she filtered through various bends and dances, jumping splits and corkscrew turns, her chest singing at the freedom of it.

She kept going, sweat beading along her forehead as she kept working, tucking into a tight spin before gracefully pushing out of it, her eyes briefly glancing toward Enid as she absently skated along the boards. Wednesday felt a pull toward Enid as she headed off toward her girlfriend, Enid's hands catching her low by her waist as they danced around each other, the touch nearly burning through her layers. She came to a brief stop, breathing heavily before she pushed up for a kiss before playfully shoving Enid away, her chest aching at the ardent affection shining in those soul-rending sapphire eyes. The seer refocused on her routine, launching for a simple axle jump before missing it, the landing surprisingly rough on her recently healed knee as she lost her edge and nearly tumbled to the ice. She caught herself before she could completely fall and cut her blade for a quick stop, a frustrated grumble rolling up from the pit of her stomach.

Enid was beside her before she could even blink, the wolf’s face twisted in concern as she moved in close to her weaker side, offering her hand to Wednesday.

“You wanna call it, Wens? Are you okay?”

The seer blinked in surprise, her eyes tracking up to the scoreboard and catching the time, a frustrated scowl pressing between her brows as she easily accepted Enid’s hand.

“I hadn’t realized I have been skating so long, Enid, I-“

“Don’t apologize,” she breathed with a broad smile, slowly pushing off toward the bench, “I could watch you for hours, it really is mesmerizing with how beautifully you move. But this is only your third day back, I wanted to make sure you didn’t twinge that knee or something.”

Wednesday ducked her head in embarrassment as she headed over to the boards, strengthening her grip on Enid’s hand as they made the easy journey back to the bench. Enid bent to unlatch the door and led Wednesday in first, easily stepping over the lip and closing the door behind her, already moving to reconnect their hands. The seer followed her lead back down the hallway in total silence, pushing into the locker room and reflexively breaking apart, Enid content to collect her bag from where she’d thrown it on the floor and dropping it off on the bench in front of her locker. She sat down beside it, blue eyes scanning Wednesday as she carefully picked a seat beside her and collapsed onto the bench, the blonde absently squeezing her knee to gather the brunette's wayward attention.

“Hey, since it’s already after dinner, do you wanna pick up some food on the way back? And do you wanna stay at your place or mine?”

Wednesday sighed quietly, her hand covering the larger one atop her thigh before she leaned her head on Enid’s shoulder, “The mansion, as I am positive my father would be upset at not having seen me today. I’m sure there is already dinner awaiting us.”

Enid chuckled and kissed the top of her head, sliding her hand out from beneath Wednesday’s, “Yeah, I get it. Okay,” she bent down to work on her skates, tossing a grin over her shoulder, “I’m just gonna shower here then, I brought clothes in case you said yours tonight, anyway.”

The wolf quickly removed her skates and tied them together, throwing the blade guards on before tossing them into her bag. She stood and stretched, reaching into her cubby to unhook Wednesday’s bag and hand it off, reaching in for her backpack and tossing it over her shoulder. She winked and headed off toward the showers, Wednesday swallowing her nerves as she watched her go, drawn to way Enid's legs moved in her skin-tight leggings. She quickly changed out of her skates and carefully stored them in Enid’s gear bag, grabbing up her boots and half-tying her laces before sitting herself down on the bench to wait. She leaned back on her hands and idly scanned the locker area, her head turning toward the sound of the shower running in the distance. Her jaw worked as she fought the immediate image of Enid naked beneath the blistering spray, Wednesday's body haunted by goosebumps at the intrusive thought of recklessly joining her in the shower.

Wednesday lost herself in less than pure thoughts of her partner, the eventual sound of Enid walking back toward the locker area drawing her focus, her jaw loosening at the sight of her girlfriend in only a fresh white towel. She blinked only once, fire racing up her neck and burning in her cheeks, her eyes helplessly wandering over the wonderful expanse of beautifully scarred skin. Enid only grinned and adjusted the towel wrapped around her lithe frame, bending to pick up the hairbrush that had fallen to the bottom of her locker, saluting with it as she turned and headed back toward the showers. Wednesday couldn't help but watch her go, taken by the way Enid's thighs flexed when she walked, the water catching the bright lights in the locker room as she sauntered away. The seer exhaled a shaky breath and clapped her hands over her face once Enid turned the corner and disappeared, her heart racing over her delectable partner.

She stood the moment Enid emerged for the second time, this time fully dressed in pale blue jeans and a Sharks tee shirt, her hair loose about her face as she packed up the rest of her things. Wednesday walked the steps that separated them and seized Enid by the front of her shirt, pulling her in for a sinfully deep kiss, her hands gently curling around the back of her neck and bringing them flush together. She settled into it, her fingers running through the damp hair as she made a low noise of contentment, inhaling slowly when Enid’s hands slid down her back, bringing them closer together. She jerked away when Enid squeezed her waist, their lips parting with a velvet smack as the blonde bent down and snuggled into her neck, her arms winding tightly around the seer. Wednesday relaxed into the embrace, absently moving her head to the side as Enid lightly kissed over her neck, her arms curling around her partner’s shoulders.

Enid grinned, lengthening her fang before teasing it over the taught cord in Wednesday's throat, "You smell so good, Wens,” she lingered over the spot at the base of her neck, her teeth aching with a need to sink into the warmth flesh, her lips guiding up along her jaw, “Makes my brain all fuzzy.”

Wednesday swallowed at the lightning rolling over her skin, her fingers twisting in the blonde hair when she felt a warm tongue lathe over her pulse point, “Enid,” she breathed, dragging her nails down the back of the blonde’s neck, “Perhaps we should,” her knees trembled at the faint nip against her jaw, her body instinctively pressing into Enid, “Be so bold when we are not in public.”

The blonde blinked several times, clearing the lustful fog that had settled over her as she leaned back, locking her fingers together at Wednesday's lower back.

"Sorry," she whispered, her eyes flickering violet, "I know I got carried away, but you just... look so good sitting here in my hoodie, being so damn beautiful. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable-"

"You did not," Wednesday worked her jaw, her cheek twitching, "I want you to kiss me again when we are alone."

"Got it," she smiled, leaning in for a final kiss before she mumbled in frustration, and slid her arms away from Wednesday, "I promise I'll behave. You ready to head out?"

Wednesday nodded and shrugged her pack on, Enid smiling as she shouldered her bag and motioned Wednesday out the door. Enid was content to follow behind the seer as they filtered down the familiar hallway and escaped toward the rear of the building, the wolf leaving the lights on for the maintenance team. She followed into the elevator, Wednesday turning to help carry the several hockey sticks as they waited for the ride down to the parking garage, the pair easily leading off toward the only car in the student lot. Enid threw her bag in the back and tossed the sticks to follow, throwing her backpack over the seat into the back before closing the tailgate. She shooed Wednesday away and opened her door for her, grinning at the warning glare before she kissed her cheek and moved around to her side of the bright red SUV.

She pulled out of her spot and escaped the garage, meandering across campus before turning down the main road, making the trip back to the mansion in record time. Wednesday was silent on their journey back, Enid’s hand perpetually warm in her lap as she absently toyed with her fingers, moving with the wolf as she leaned out the window to punch in the gate code. Enid only smiled as the gates groaned open, driving her car up around the driveway and parking off in her usual spot near the unused garage. Wednesday sighed heavily as she looked back to the mansion, her eyes drifting back toward Enid as she kicked out of the car and collected her bag from the backseat, easily rounding on the passenger door. The blonde clicked the door open and leaned against it, quietly studying the suddenly pensive seer. She held her hand out and Wednesday grumbled and unclicked her belt, grabbing her bag from between her boots, before stepping out of the car.

Wednesday connected their hands as she led them up the front steps and into the old house, a myriad of happy voices sounding from the direction of the kitchen as they crossed inside. Footsteps echoed almost immediately, Gomez exploding into the foyer before Enid could even close the door behind them, the man quickly descending on his oldest child. He threw his arms around Wednesday in a brief bear hug, pulling away with a quick kiss to her cheek before excitedly gripping her shoulders.

“My little tormenta, welcome home and happy birthday!!!”

Wednesday glared at her father and said nothing, nearly shaking off his embrace as she anxiously stepped back into Enid, the wolf only grinning and threading their hands together. Gomez smiled and reached for the wolf as well, pulling her into a crushing hug before finally stepping away from the two women.

“And demonia, so good to see you again! Your mother was right to expect you so late, Wednesday, as your grandmother is nearly finished with your dinner!”

The seer scowled, a deep crease pressing between her brows as she exhaled a slow breath, and tightly squeezed her girlfriend’s hand. Gomez only smiled and waved them along behind him, the pair heading in through the already-staged dining room and moving toward the kitchen, Ophelia pushing out to happily meet them. She smiled at them both but didn’t attempt to hug the seer, Wednesday nearly fused to Enid’s front to keep her family from accosting her into any more unnecessary hugs. The witch only smiled and clapped her hands in excitement, her blue eyes twinkling with delight as she studied her niece.

“My dear Wednesday, I’m so happy I get to see you for one of your birthdays, despite your absolute abhorrence of the day,” she winked and stood aside, just as Pugsley left out of the kitchen with a tray of tamales, “I do have a small token in celebration, however, so I hope you don’t mind!”

Wednesday only frowned and nodded, still leaning herself back against the sturdy wolf behind her, Lurch ducking out of the kitchen with even more trays of delicious smelling food. Enid only chuckled and led them back toward the table, grabbing Wednesday’s bag from her back before pushing her to sit, the wolf putting their bags aside before disappearing to assist in the kitchen. Morticia entered from the other side of the mansion, her dark eyes catching the irritable look on her daughter’s face as she took the seat across from her, her hands steepled beneath her chin as she offered a calming smile.

“There you are, my little flytrap, I’m glad to see you home for the occasion. Happy birthday, darling.”

She only bobbed her head and leaned back in her seat, folding her hands onto her lap as she impatiently waited. Enid returned with an arm full of plates and bowls, the blonde placing them on the rotating track in the middle of the table, smiling at Morticia as the Addams matriarch affectionately squeezed her chin in greeting. The wolf took her seat next to Wednesday, Esmeralda leaving out of the kitchen with the final touches for dinner, the entire family seating themselves along the massive table. The old witch smiled across the table, nearly cackling at the glower burned into Wednesday's face.

"Ah, there's the viper I know and love," she lifted a goblet of wine and gestured toward Wednesday, "I hope you enjoy your dinner."

Enid's stomach loudly rumbled, the blonde ducking her shoulders in mild embarrassment as Gomez heartily laughed, her smile growing as she looked to the witch.

"Oh my god, this all smells so good, thanks for having me for dinner again!"

"Aye, wolf, you're family! Now dig in. Wednesday, love, your spiciest tamales are under that lid there, enjoy."

They passed around the bowls and platters, each taking a hearty fill as they spoke lively about their days, Wednesday's birthday never acknowledged again as they tore through dinner. Wednesday ate her fill of tamales and every type of salsa presented for dinner, her body unusually hungry after such an intense session on the ice. She leaned back and scooted in closer to Enid, the wolf draping a hand over her thigh as they settled in together. Enid managed to draw stories from the family of a childhood Wednesday, Morticia and Ophelia both delighted to share tales of the famously antisocial brunette. Even Pugsley chimed in with several, recounting their rather gory play and their one and only stint at summer camp, Wednesday finishing the story of how they burned the stage to the ground. Thing appeared halfway through dinner, climbing up and settling on her shoulder, staying for the remainder of the meal.

Enid declined the rest of the leftovers, laughing at Grandmama for daring to stuff her to the brim, the two falling into easy banter as they helped clear the table. Gomez stood and motioned Wednesday to follow, Pugsley grinning as he fell into step beside her and walked them into the sitting room. Ophelia and Morticia followed, Thing jumping off Wednesday and onto the couch, happily scuttling over to the small, black box seated on the arm of the chaise. Enid and Grandmama joined the rest of the family not ten minutes later, Gomez happily lifting a large, flat box onto the coffee table in front of his daughter. He slapped the top of the box before pushing it closer to a less-than-enthused Wednesday, her dark eyes narrowing as she glared up at her father.

He laughed and easily fell back into his seat, Morticia curled up into his side as she waved her hand toward Wednesday, "That's from your father and I, darling, I hope you enjoy it."

Wednesday sighed quietly and pulled the pocket knife out of her boot, easily slicing the paper off the box, her eyebrows rising in surprise. She lifted the lid and removed a heretic's fork from inside, curiously turning the device over in her hands before looking up at her parents. Gomez nodded happily, his eyes sparkling as he looked to the archaic device.

"You have been on the hunt for an authentic one, tormenta, and luckily we found one whilst on holiday in Spain. Another wonderful piece to add to your collection!"

She nodded in thanks, hardly having a moment before Thing nudged his little box in her direction, Wednesday refraining from rolling her eyes as she accepted the token. Wednesday instinctively leaned closer to Enid as she cleared the box from the coffee table to give her more room, their eyes catching for only a moment before Wednesday cleared her throat, and sliced open the box. She pulled out a nondescript hilt, Thing eagerly crawling up her arm before gesturing to the two hidden buttons on the polished wood, Wednesday pressing them to release two blades on either side of the hilt. She hummed curiously and bobbed her head toward Thing, easily retracting the blades before stowing the knife in her pocket. Ophelia offered a box of her own, Wednesday slicing that one open just the same, grunting in impression as she removed a skull from inside the box.

Ophelia laughed breezily, "Quinn and I discovered a decaying anaconda when we last visited the Amazon, I do hope you like it!"

Wednesday jerked her head in a faint nod, "It is exquisite."

The woman smiled happily, Wednesday tucking the skull away for safe keeping, her eyes tracking over to her brother, though Pugsley only grinned and showed his empty hands. Enid bit her lip to keep from smiling, already reaching to help gather the newest treasures, Esmeralda shooing her away once she went to clean up the mess. Wednesday sighed in relief as she stood from the sofa and nodded a quick farewell, already reaching down for Enid and lacing their fingers together, the wolf smiling as she excitedly stood up from the couch. She tossed up a quick wave, glancing to each member of the family before taking a step after Wednesday.

“Night, everyone. See you all in the morning, I'm sure!”

She snickered as Wednesday all but dragged her from the sitting room and over toward the stairs, stopping off at the threshold to the dining room to grab both their bags. She wordlessly followed, Wednesday purposefully squeezing her hand as she led them to her little corner of the mansion for a much needed break. The seer pushed into the room and tugged Enid in behind her, closing the door and releasing a quiet, drawn out sigh once she clicked the door shut. Wednesday turned, her heart racing at the soft smile on Enid’s face as she confidently walked to meet her, all but burying herself in the blonde’s arms. They existed for a long while in the stillness, the seer eventually detangling from Enid and grabbing for her hand, leading them over to the large, four-poster bed in the corner of the room. Wednesday pushed her to sit, huffing at the growing smile before she stepped in between Enid’s knees and wrapped her arms tight around her neck, needing a moment to recharge.

The wolf was respectfully quiet, her hands idly running the length of Wednesday’s back in an attempt to soothe the tension still tight between her shoulders, snuggling herself into the crook of her neck. She relaxed into Wednesday, her eyes closing as she blindly kissed the tick in her jaw, her hands still rubbing comforting circles along her lower back, pleased when she felt Wednesday sag into her chest. Finally Wednesday pulled away with a deep sigh, dropping her forehead to Enid’s as her hands ran through the loose, golden hair, her lips easily finding Enid’s in a sweet, lingering kiss. She stole several more before moving away, her hands lightly holding the wolf’s jaw as she studied the devotion sparking in the sapphire eyes, her middle flustering with butterflies.

Enid chuckled and leaned forward, dropping a quick kiss to Wednesday’s chin, “You wanna go get a shower to help you unwind? I’ll get changed while you’re gone, and then we can snuggle up in bed.”

Wednesday flexed her jaw at the idea, her ears burning red as she easily nodded, her thumb sweeping over Enid’s lower lip, “Yes,” she mumbled quietly, nearly forcing herself to take a step away from her partner, “Yes, I’ll be back shortly, querida.”

She kissed her once more before stepping out of the protective circle of Enid’s arms, turning instead toward her closet in the corner of the room, slipping inside before rummaging for an overly large shirt and a baggy pair of sweatpants. She untied her boots and grabbed her towel off the hook on the back of her door before escaping back out into the main room, Enid removing her boots just the same. The blonde tucked hers away under the bed and reached for Wednesday’s, stowing them beside her own beneath the pitch-black bed skirt. Enid grinned as she sat on her hands at the edge of the bed, bouncing in place as Wednesday nodded, and journeyed away to the bathroom down the hall. She slipped inside and locked the door, quickly stripping out of her clothes and leaving them by the counter, already lamenting that she wasn’t at Enid’s to steal something for bed.

The water was cold as she stepped under it and scrubbed off the sweat from training, letting the icy water trickle down her spine, her body further relaxing under the frigid chill. She didn’t linger, throwing herself out of the shower and impatiently toweling off, anxious to return to the woman waiting for her in her actual bedroom. Wednesday dressed quickly, brushing her teeth and finishing her nighttime routine before wrapping her long hair in her towel and sneaking back out of the bathroom, already craving the feel of Enid's arms. She pushed into the room, the blonde sitting cross-legged on the edge of the bed, wearing bright pink pawprint pajamas and a black hockey shirt, her thumb worried between her teeth as she absently scrolled through her phone. Enid looked up at the sudden entry, already tossing her phone aside and rising from the bed, her arms easily snaking around Wednesday’s waist as she bent and kissed over her freckles.

“Hey, Wens,” she chuckled at the small noise in response, firmly kissing Wednesday’s jaw, “Geez, you’re so cold! I don’t know how you can get such cold showers.”

Wednesday grunted and said nothing, kissing the soft lips before Enid winked and pulled away, disappearing out the door herself. The seer wrung out the rest of her hair as she headed back to her closet, leaving the door open as she snatched her brush off the top of her bureau before taming the thick, black locks. Enid reemerged several moments later, grabbing her backpack from where it rested against Wednesday’s desk, the seer tilting her head in thought as she walked back out to meet her. She reached out, running her fingers down Enid’s back before the wolf turned with something in both hands, her smile nearly contagious as she held one item out for inspection.

“Oh, got something for you,” Enid smiled as she presented the dark clothing, “I finally washed it.”

The brunette looked down at the object, unfolding it to catch the familiar purple numbers on the back of Enid’s team hoodie, the same one she’d unfortunately given up after one of their more intense skating sessions. Wednesday shrugged it on without hesitation, untucking her wet hair from the hoodie before leaning up on her tiptoes, bracing her hands on Enid’s stomach as she gratefully kissed her.

“Thank you,” she kissed Enid again, ignoring the heat swelling beneath her freckles, her chest fluttering at wearing the captain's number, “This one is my favorite,” she said in a small voice.

Enid’s smile grew, a knowing glint in the softly glowing, sapphire eyes as she nudged Wednesday back toward the bed and directed her to take a seat. She uncovered a small gift from behind her back, taking the seat beside her girlfriend as she offered the tiny prize, her stomach flipping at the surprised look. She scrunched her nose in an apologetic smile and motioned to the gift, easily reading the confusion in the chestnut eyes.

“I know you hate your birthday, and I have been trying so hard not to say anything about it literally all day… but as your girlfriend, it felt totally weird to not do anything, so. Happy day around the sun, Wednesday.”

Wednesday flushed, her thumb absently running along the silky black paper, throat bobbing as she swallowed, “Enid, I know of your exuberance for such things, I’m sorry if you were afraid to mention anything for fear of repercussion.”

“Nah, I just know you don’t like the attention. I also figured your family would make a fuss, and I was right to at least wait until I had you alone. And besides, it’s just a small gift, but I still hope you like it.”

The seer breathed out an almost-humored sound before she tilted her chin up in silent request for a kiss, fully taken by the warmth she could feel radiating from her partner.

“This was unnecessary, but I am appreciative of your affections.”

She blinked, Enid’s smile blossoming before Wednesday looked down at the small gift in her hands, a black-painted nail sliding under the tape keeping everything together. She unwrapped it quickly, her heart skipping as she uncovered a familiar looking object, her cheek twitching with a need to properly smile. It was the small wolf statue from the pumpkin festival, when Enid had purchased a matching set of figurines, likening the figures to an actual representation of them. Wednesday looked up at the sheepishly smiling blonde, Enid’s hand lightly scrubbing down the back of her neck as she gestured to the small wolf.

“I wanted you to have it, you know, since it’s a gold wolf. I have the cat on my desk, and I think of you every time I see it.”

Wednesday swallowed and looked back down at the wolf before looking up at Enid, the ghost of a smile creeping across her face. She groused when Enid quickly kissed one of her dimples, the seer scrambling up from the bed as she struggled to catch a nourishing breath, the blonde only laughing quietly at her flustered response. She walked toward her desk and stopped beside it, leaning over to place the wolf on top of the acrylic display case for the puck Enid had given her the night of the Ravens’ first home game. Enid suddenly slid in behind her, wrapping her arms around her waist and dropping her chin on her shoulder, purring contentedly as Wednesday laid her hands atop her forearms.

“Wow, a place right next to your typewriter? I also didn’t even notice you put the puck here, too. You must really like me, Wens,” she teased, and kissed her reddened cheek.

The seer turned in the embrace, hesitating only a moment before she reached up and brushed her fingers over the scars on Enid’s face.

“I would carry you with me always if I were able,” she leaned up, lightly kissing the smile on Enid’s face, “You are very important to me, and I willingly admit to being hopelessly in love with you.”

Enid offered a brilliant smile, hugging her in close, their foreheads touching as she breathed in the comforting scent of home.

“You really are such a romantic,” Enid leaned her chin on Wednesday’s shoulder, her arms fully encompassing the tiny seer, “I love you, too, bigger than the moon. I can’t wait for our date tomorrow night, Wens, it’s gonna be amazing.”

Wednesday hummed softly and folded her arms around Enid’s neck, all but melting into her thoughtful partner as she pressed right into her space, the warmth seeping into her chilled skin, igniting a roaring fire in the center of her chest.

“As is every moment with you, Enid.”

Her pulse jumped when Enid kissed just below her ear, Wednesday tilting her head away in silent invitation, a shiver crawling over her when a warm mouth pressed over her pulse point and sucked a bruise into her skin.

Damn if she didn't wish it was Enid's teeth instead.


Wednesday while skating: I hope Enid is enjoying the show, let me land another sick move.

Enid, watching her girlfriend suffer through her birthday: I'd die for my cranky wife, I swear to god. Look at how cute she is, ready to throw hands. f*cking hell, I love her so much.

I just love these two idiots, so soft and squishy. Wednesday actively undressing Enid with her eyes at every conceivable turn, what the f*ck does a girl have to do to get railed through her mattress?? I like making her an affectionate barnacle, not gonna lie. She waited three long years, you bet your ass she's looking at apartments during her breaks and attaching herself to Enid whenever they're in the same place. That is HER wife, and damn it, she's gonna f*cking SNUGGLE. Fight me.

Anyway, it's nearly 3am, so sorry for any mistakes, I'll edit this better once I get some sleep. Comment replies to follow soon. Is it a blessing or a curse that I could literally write this story forever? DATE NIGHT NEXT TIME, WE FINALLY MADE IT. It's gonna be so f*cking cute. Wednesday might even get lucky, who knows! AND THEN WE GET WOLF ENID AND HER TINY ASS MATE. I'm so excited.

I love you guys, thanks for everything <33

Chapter 14: Little Paradise


Wednesday and Enid enjoy their first official date.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Wednesday grumbled as she was slowly roused from sleep, warm hands ghosting over her shoulders as Enid leaned on the side of the bed and lightly kissed the wild bangs. The seer huffed, automatically turning over and blindly reaching for her girlfriend, her hands fisting the front of her hoodie before pulling her back down into her waiting arms. She scowled at the quiet laugh, burrowing herself into the incredibly warm body, a contented hum leaving her as she rubbed her cheek against the softness over Enid's shoulder. Wednesday nosed along Enid’s jaw, dropping random kisses over the firm ridge before moving over her cheek, her eyes fluttering open as she kissed over every deep scar that marred the porcelain skin. She looked over the wolf, noticing that Enid was already dressed, Wednesday's face souring as she grumpily shook her head and wrapped her arms tight around her neck, purposefully pulling Enid down to rest on top of her. She leaned up, roughly kissing soft lips before Enid could protest, her fingers lightly massaging the base of her skull.

Enid kissed her just as fervently, fighting to keep her hands to herself before finally pulling away, bracing on her hands and knees over Wednesday, violet eyes glowing with affection.

“Wens, I’ve gotta head off to class-“

“No,” she mumbled petulantly, shoving the blanket down from her waist to better wrap herself around her girlfriend, her lips finding the spot beneath Enid's ear, “Stay,” Wednesday closed her eyes, scratching her nails down the back of Enid’s neck as she pressed hot kisses down the front of her throat.

The wolf suppressed a shiver, adjusting her weight as she pressed down on Wednesday, cupping her chin before kissing her deeply, her skin catching a chill at the cool fingers pressing up under her shirt and ghosting over her stomach. Enid regretfully pulled away, smiling against the plush lips as she slowly grasped Wednesday’s wrist, splaying the cool hand over the heated skin of her stomach.

“God, you’re gonna be the death of me,” she smiled down at the flushed face, her thumb massaging over the back of Wednesday’s knuckles, “As much as I would love to let you do literally whatever you wanted to me, I really have to get going.”

Wednesday shook her head again, black fingernails scratching down the back of Enid’s neck as she slid her other hand down and threaded her fingers through Enid’s belt loop, pulling the blonde down flush again her. She cupped Enid’s neck and pressed up for a sinfully deep kiss, her fingers boldly tracing along the waistband of Enid’s jeans, heart skipping at the faint growl rumbling up from the woman laying on top of her. Wednesday gasped when Enid pulled away, both her hands suddenly pinned above her head before she could properly counter, her eyes wide as she stared up at the feral glint in the normally placid, blue eyes. She swallowed, her eyes searching the hungry look, her stomach clenching instinctively as Enid slowly leaned down, pressing several kisses around the hickey on her neck.

“Ma lune,” she purred, her breath hot as it slipped over Wednesday’s skin, her lips trailing up the slender neck, “You’re playing a very dangerous game,” Enid smirked, her fangs scraping along the rapid pulse point.

The seer growled, tilting her had back in clear challenge, “You know how I despise losing.”

Enid bit back a groan, squeezing her eyes closed as she adjusted her grip on Wednesday’s wrists and instead threaded their hands together, pulling away just enough to stare down at the blown, black eyes. She studied the look, another smile twitching slowly across her face as she openly stared at Wednesday’s lips, the wolf leaning down to almost kiss her.

“Right now, I don’t have the time I wanna have when we eventually do this,” she just barely kissed her lips, her hands gripping hard to Wednesday’s, “Because when I get you beneath me, I want to take my time appreciating every,” she kissed her throat, “Square,” her lips teased the corner of her mouth, “Inch of you.”

Wednesday openly moaned when Enid’s tongue slipped into her mouth, her nails digging into Enid’s hands as she instinctively pushed up against the hard body still hovering above her. They kissed almost desperately, Wednesday making a pitiful sound when Enid broke their kiss and moved away, the seer squeezing her knees around the leg perched dangerously between her thighs. She swallowed, heart racing at the promise screaming in the violet eyes, her head absently bobbing as Enid smiled down at her, the wolf attractively confident. Wednesday gripped the hands that still had her pinned, her entire body on fire from such a delicious thought, of Enid Sinclair taking her time to properly devour her.

“Yes,” she rasped, attempting to catch her breath as Enid slowly detangled them, “I… yes, you’re right. I want for you to take your time.”

"Good girl," Enid husked, smirking at the outraged blush burning over Wednesday's face, "I love you so much, and trust me when I tell you that it's killing me to leave you here like this."

Enid easily smiled to break the obvious tension, lightly pecking Wednesday’s freckles before she stood up from the bed, adjusting her undershirt and hoodie as she absently turned to pick up her bag. She slid on the straps and snatched her phone off the side table, grinning when Wednesday sat up in bed, Enid unable to help herself as she bent down for another goodbye kiss.

“I’ll say hi to the parents on my way out. Do you still wanna meet me at the gym later?”

Wednesday nodded without words, her skin still tingling and her mind still reeling, eyes fixated on Enid’s lips as she took a regretful step back.

“I will see you there,” she croaked out, her hands shaking as she absently straightened out her bangs.

She watched the blonde all but bounce out of her room, Wednesday releasing a breath she wasn’t even aware that she’d been holding, throwing herself back against the pillows as she slapped her hands over her bright red face. She lounged in bed for a time, her mind thinking only of Enid and her addictive kisses, loathing that her girlfriend seemed to only have morning classes, and hating even more the times that Enid left her alone under the covers. She pulled Enid’s pillow into her arms and rolled over in bed, burying her face in the sweet smell of honeysuckle and spring, her eyes falling closed as she ignored the thrill of fire lighting up her spine. The seer drifted back to sleep, her alarm startling her out of her rather salacious dreams to start her own day, her eyes rolling as she pushed away the covers, and tumbled herself out of bed.

Wednesday dressed quickly, wearing Enid’s black team hoodie and plain black jeans, the seer tying her heavy boots before slipping away into her closet. She packed her sneakers, Enid’s purple Nevermore hoodie, and a pair of black yoga pants into her bag for the day, knowing she was meeting up with her girlfriend for her first quick workout. She pulled her pack on and slithered out of her room, disappearing toward the kitchen and nodding in greeting to Grandmama, the old witch already offering her an egg white and red pepper sandwich before shooing her out of the room. Wednesday snatched two bottles of Perrier and shoved them into her bag, already heading toward the front door and pulling open the heavy, wooden doubles. Lurch was already waiting beside the limo for her, the big man grunting in greeting as the seer ducked into the back of the car.

She was halfway through her sandwich when her phone chimed with Enid’s greeting sound, the brunette eager to unearth her phone and check the latest, hopefully alluring, message. The butterflies started up in her stomach as she opened the newest image, a beautiful selfie of her girlfriend grinning at the camera, Wednesday immediately saving the image and making it her phone's home screen. She leaned back against the seat and squeezed her eyes closed, trying to center her lascivious thoughts before finally shaking them away, gratefully finishing her sandwich just as Lurch pulled up to her section of campus. She wrapped her trash and ducked out, nodding in thanks to Lurch before she headed off to her molecular biology lecture, wanting to be done with it and meet up with her unfairly attractive girlfriend, hoping to steal a kiss or four from the sweet, tempting lips.

Wednesday hardly heard a single word from her professor, her eyes unblinking as she stared off into space, the sounds of her classmates leaving the lecture hall finally snapping her back to reality. She shoved her things into her bag and stood from her seat, checking the time on her phone as she slipped out of the room and mindlessly started in the direction of the fitness center. It was already nearly one, just over four hours separating her from her pickup time for their date, another one of her classes standing in her way of getting herself ready. She couldn’t ignore the invitation from Enid to meet at the gym, however, the feral part of her brain needing to see in person what she always saw in photographs: Enid, slick with sweat and without a proper shirt, standing right in front of her. Her cheeks warmed as she hurried across campus, Eugene tossing up a small wave as she passed him by. She was nearly vibrating out of her own skin by the time she hit the LeClair center, her hand anxiously waving her badge to let her in the door.

She stepped over the threshold, heavy metal music the ambient noise in the background, laughter abundant in the electric atmosphere. Wednesday went to reach for her phone, unsure where she was supposed to go before Enid came screaming up from the back of the fitness area, the brunette’s jaw slack as she took in the sight of her damnable, stunning wolf. Enid was only wearing a black sports bra and tiny, tight black shorts, her hair pulled back in a small ponytail to keep out of her face, her skin already glistening with a thin sheen of sweat. Wednesday nearly blacked out, her breath catching as she tried to force air into her body, her fingers flexing as she fought the need to run her hands over attractively flexing muscle, her mouth nearly watering as the blonde stopped off just in front of her.

“Hey, Wens, you made it! I thought you’d call on your way over but no big, follow me!”

Wednesday nodded, swallowing heavily as she headed through the gym and off toward the locker rooms, her eyes glued to the way Enid’s lithe thigh muscles bunched and moved with each of her long steps. They pushed into the empty room, the blonde walking them over to one of the tall lockers, spinning her combo lock before pulling open the door. She turned back to Wednesday, leaning her elbow against the metal doors, her eyes quickly scanning the seer’s outfit.

“There are a few little rooms for you to change into your gear, I’ll meet you just outside the door,” she dropped the lock in Wednesday’s hand, grinning as she skirted around her and dropped a quick kiss to her temple, “Don’t forget to lock up!”

Wednesday nodded, turning her head to watch Enid go before she blinked, ignoring the molten heat in her face as she wandered toward one of the changing rooms and quickly changed into her workout clothes. She neatly folded her outfit and packed them back in her bag, heading out to Enid’s locker to stow her things before closing the door and securing the lock, a scowl falling into place as she wandered out to meet her paramour. Enid only smiled and joined their hands, heading over to the empty space in the back of the gym, the blonde already stretching out her arms again as she turned back toward her company.

“I know doc cleared you for regular and strenuous activity, so if you wanna warm up first, I figured we’d start with some cardio? I know you’re a really good runner and you’re still really limber, but I think some resistance training would definitely help you, too.”

She grunted quietly in agreement as she stretched out her limbs in preparation, following Enid to the treadmills before working in a quick jog. Wednesday continuously looked beside her to her girlfriend, the wolf setting her machine at her fastest running speed, the wolf moving with amazing ease as she sprinted for the full set. Enid cooled down from her run before leading Wednesday through various machines and exercises, the seer barely able to comprehend a single word, her focus otherwise captivated by the sight of so much enticing skin. She followed Enid’s movements in lieu of actually listening, content to do as she was shown as she finished her last round with the resistance bands. Enid finally handed her a towel once they’d spent just over an hour working through various activities, Wednesday’s eyes unabashedly raking across the scars on her girlfriend’s body, her patience having fully run its course.

Wednesday collected her by the hand and lead them back toward the locker room, Enid smiling as she obediently followed along.

“How are you feeling? You looked really good out there, and I know that if you stick with it, skating will be even easier,” she laughed, hardly paying attention as she was lead, “It helps that we both skate so I know how to target the muscles that you use to move-“

She squeaked when Wednesday pushed her into one of the changing rooms and slammed the door, seizing her waist and leaning up to hungrily kiss her. Enid growled lowly, the brunette already anticipating the move as she all but leapt into Enid’s arms, wrapping her legs tight around her waist as the blonde crushed her up against the wall, the wolf’s hands grasping hard around her thighs. Wednesday opened her mouth to accept lustful kiss, a warm tongue licking into her mouth as she clawed her hands over Enid’s bare shoulders, hips rolling against the hard plane of her stomach. She huffed when the blonde wrapped an arm around her lower back, Enid’s free hand sliding up the back of her shirt and threatening her claws over her skin, Wednesday arching herself into the confident wolf and tangling her fingers in the loose blonde hair.

Enid roughly pulled away, her breath hot as she peppered wet, open-mouth kisses over Wednesday's neck, her grip almost bruising as she helplessly squeezed the seer's thighs. Wednesday cursed in Spanish, grinding herself against Enid as her head fell back against the wall, her chest tight as she dug her fingers into powerful shoulders, neck pushing into the sinful mouth.

"Use your teeth," she gasped, her vision nearly white when she felt Enid's claws teasing along the curve of her hips, their eyes catching with all the power of a lightning strike, "Enid."

The wolf rumbled again, her eyes hooded and her pupils blown wide, a thin, violet ring circling the ardent gaze, "I know you didn't just ask a wolf to bite you-"

Wednesday cut her off with another, more desperate kiss, their breaths mingling when she pulled away and teased against Enid's mouth, "I know well what it means," she huffed, nipping at Enid's lower lip.

Enid hissed out a curse and dropped her head, gliding her tongue over the roughly pounding vein in Wednesday's neck, angrily nosing away the collar of her hoodie before sinking her teeth into the tan skin. The brunette sighed out an uneven breath as she wrapped her entire world around Enid, a lance of arousal stealing her breath away the moment Enid's fangs raked over her skin, poised for a scarring, powerful bite. Wednesday froze the moment she heard voices in the locker room, Enid's mouth slowly pulling away from the faint bloom she'd sucked onto her neck, neither one of them moving as the voices only grew in number and volume, several girls loudly milling about the locker room.

Wednesday tried to control her heaving breaths, her arms still wrapped around her girlfriend, Enid’s arm instinctively pulling her close as if to try and protect her from an accidental invasion. She blinked away the lustful fog, her sights catching the glowing smile on her girlfriend’s face as she kept them suspended in their own little bubble, Enid shockingly teasing her fingers along the waistband of Wednesday’s leggings, the seer clapping a flustered hand over the sinful touch. The intruding girls eventually left the locker area, Wednesday releasing a breath as she sagged against Enid, loosely hugging her arms around her shoulders and hiding her face away in the crook of her elbow. Enid shook with silent laughter, nuzzling her head against Wednesday as she supported her weight and properly stood, supporting Wednesday under her thighs as she leaned her head back.

A near-tangible spark jumped between them, Enid’s smile only growing as she lightly kissed Wednesday’s chin, her eyes burning with joy at the stubborn blush blossoming across the brunette’s face.

“I love you so damn much, Wens. And god, that was so f*cking hot,” Enid smirked, hugging her closer, hardly even feeling the miniscule weight wrapped around her upper body as she slid her hands down and gently cupped Wednesday's ass, “I’m glad we got interrupted though, I was about to do something stupid while we were in public.”

Wednesday stared with wide eyes, her skin on fire at the confident touch against her backside, her legs tensing around Enid’s waist, “I would not have stopped you,” she ground out, her eyes dropping to Enid’s lips, “I find you far too alluring to deny my attraction any longer, and I want to be yours.”

Enid stared incredulously, her smile broad as she leaned up for a sweet, lingering kiss, bending slowly to put Wednesday back on her feet.

“The feeling’s mutual, trust me,” she straightened, dropping her hands to Wednesday’s hips and affectionately squeezing, “I think about you all the time, like it’s not even funny. But first,” Enid kissed her again and took a step back, forcefully ripping her hands away, “I wanna shower you with affection when I take you out tonight, and just enjoy date night with the love of my life. Then we can revisit this, because wow do I wanna finish this conversation.”

She scowled, her eyes narrowing as she struggled to keep the blush from crawling down her neck, the tips of her ears burning, “Enid,” Wednesday stressed, reaching out to dance her fingers over the flexing muscle as she stepped into her space, “You have haunted my every waking thought for years, though it has only grown worse since our courting,” she closed her eyes when Enid kissed her again, her fingers curling just inside the waist of her shorts, “I cannot wait for this evening.”

Enid crowded Wednesday’s space, leaning her hands against the wall on either side of her waist, her eyes glowing, “Me either. Make sure you wear something nice, okay? That’s the only hint I can give you, I know you’ve been dying to know.”

Wednesday bobbed her head, kissing Enid again before they finally parted, the blonde escaping the room with a wink and a knowing smirk, the seer collapsing against the wall and exhaling a trembling breath.

Wear something nice? f*ck.

Enid sighed as she nervously adjusted the knot on her necktie as she stared in the mirror, ignoring the weight of Divina's smile as she got herself ready for her date, the siren patiently holding her suit coat. The wolf met the look and smiled, finally finished with her adjusting and half-turning to meet her friend, Divina chuckling as she approached the blonde and helped her into her jacket. The brunette smoothed her hands across Enid's shoulders while the wolf buttoned up the front of her coat, their eyes meeting in the floor length mirror hanging inside Enid's closet. Divina gestured for Enid to turn, her smile only growing as she fluffed up the lapels and took a step back, tilting her head as she admired the look. Enid slowly turned in place, her face warm with a faint blush as she absently straightened her shoulders with pride.

Her suit was perfectly tailored and midnight black in color, Enid wearing a simple white dress shirt and a pink foulard tie with its matching pocket square for a pop of her own personal flair. Her makeup was more understated, foregoing her usual pinks and blues for a more natural, smokier look, her eyes accentuated by the dark shades. Her hair was only styled with a small braid in the front, the loose locks easy to keep away from her scars. She was wearing a pair of black leather oxfords to complete the look, the wolf again anxiously fidgeting with the knot on her tie before Divina carefully slapped her hands away.

"You look great, Eva really did a hell of a job on this suit," Divina smirked and lightly tapped Enid's shoulder, "Why are you so nervous? It's not like you've never spent time with Wednesday, you guys have been joined at the hip since you started dating."

Enid sighed, shoving her hands in the pockets of her dress pants as she shrugged one shoulder, "I dunno, this is our first official date, I want it to be special."

Divina snickered and affectionately rolled her eyes, collecting End but the crook of her elbow before leading them off toward the bedroom door, "It will be! You two are already crazy about each other, you should just focus on having fun and try not to put pressure on yourself. I have a sneaking suspicion that you'll still get the girl."

The wolf groaned and nodded, following Divina out the door and clicking it closed behind her, the two making quick work of the stairs before landing off in the living room. Yoko pushed into the house just as they came down the stairs, the vampire showing her fangs in a wide grin as she tossed a set of keys to Enid.

"Your car's washed and detailed, all ready to go. And goddamn, you look hot. I see that you're going for the kill the lady on the first date approach, I approve."

Enid laughed, pulling her phone out of her pocket and handing it to Yoko, "Thanks, I hope Wednesday likes it. Can you take a picture of me for the whole look, the mirror upstairs cuts off my feet."

Yoko nodded, taking several of the wolf in various poses, snorting a laugh before shoving the phone back in her hands, "Dude, she's going to love it, are you kidding? I see how she looks at you, she's got less chill than you do. Does she know where you guys are going tonight?"

The blonde shook her head, feeling her pockets to make sure she had everything before flashing a devious grin, "She kept asking but I didn't wanna spoil any surprises. All I told her was that she had to dress nice."

Divina laughed before she could stop it, her eyes sparkling with humor as she walked over to Yoko and leaned her elbow on her shoulder, "I can't believe you told the one person who cares absolutely zero about fashion to dress nice. You're lucky Wednesday is so smart and at least has a background of dressing up for events, you goof."

Enid sheepishly rubbed the back of her neck, affection pouring through her veins, "Wednesday could show up in a trash bag and I would still fall all over myself for her, she's just that gorgeous," she skirted past the pair and headed toward the front door, spinning herself around to pointedly look at Yoko, "Thanks for washing Cherie for me, I wanted to make sure my car was clean for the valet. Are you guys still good to help set up the last part of my idea tonight?"

The vampire smirked and nodded, gesturing Enid out the door, "Yeah, we've got it, no worries. Just let us know when you get to the museum and we'll head over. Now be safe out there! Don't do anything I wouldn't do!"

She rolled her eyes and turned, throwing a smug grin over her shoulder, "That's not much, Yoko," Enid looked to Divina, her nose scrunching in a smile, "And thanks for helping me get this suit, I owe you one. See you guys later!"

Enid closed the door behind her, exhaling a quick breath as she headed toward her car and unlocked the doors, slipping into her seat and marveling at the spotless interior, a fresh new strawberry air freshener hanging from the rearview mirror. She started the engine and headed off toward the Addams mansion, pulling down the familiar driveway and inputting the gate code, nervously checking her watch as she stopped just outside the double front doors. She cut the engine and piled out, adjusting her jacket as she climbed the steps and rang the bell, faint commotion heard inside the house as she took a step back and waited.

Wednesday came to the door only a moment later, the seer's eyes wide the second she stepped onto the porch and caught sight of her girlfriend, her sights slowly dragging over the look of Enid and her perfect suit, a deep blush curling up beneath her freckles. The wolf felt the air punch from her lungs as she regarded her paramour, her hands absently curling at her sides as she took a step toward Wednesday, her eyes darkening to a possessive violet. Wednesday was wearing a collared, cap-sleeved dress that stopped just above her ankles, the black satin catching the flickering light from the porch sconces as she adjusted the single braid hanging over her left shoulder, her eyes dark with their usual shadow, plush lips stained a deep, dark red. Enid bit her lip as she helplessly scanned the look of the tiny brunette in her beautiful dress, her hands absently reaching out for Wednesday's, gratefully squeezing the cool hands that settled against her palms.

"You look-- I mean, you're just so... You're so f*cking stunning, I-- Wednesday, you look so beautiful, I can't even, just... hi."

Wednesday swallowed, obviously appraising the look of Enid in her suit as she stepped into the warm body, the slight heel of her shoes giving her an advantage as she easily reached up and stole a lingering, barely restrained kiss.

"Mi vida," she mumbled against her lips, her arms slowly snaking up around Enid's neck, "I deeply enjoy the sight of you in a suit."

Enid swallowed, flashing a warm smile as she wrapped her arms around Wednesday's back, "I can't even start to tell you how breathtaking you look in this dress," she kissed her lips for only a moment, her nose gently nudging under her ear, "And your hair. So different but still just so perfect. God, I'm so lucky to have you."

She leaned away, her skin pestered with goosebumps at the feel of Enid's lips ghosting over her, Wednesday immediately drawn in by the violet eyes and the warm, more natural hue of the eyeshadow highlighting such a color.

"We must be on our way," she whispered, mesmerized by fire burning in those damnable eyes, "Before I am possessed by the urge to properly bed you."

Enid growled on instinct, her fangs suddenly tingling as she licked at the gloss on her lips, her hands strengthening their hold on her girlfriend, "I would love that," she clicked her tongue, her lips pressing together in a faint frown as she squeezed a final time and backed herself away, "But you're right, we should um, we should get going."

Wednesday exhaled a shaky breath the second Enid stepped out of her space, the moment passing as she shook her head, and slid her hand around the offered elbow. Enid smiled as she helped Wednesday into her seat and closed the door, quickly moving back around to the driver side and throwing herself in the car. She followed the winding path and headed off toward Burlington, turning a wide smile to Wednesday after she'd stopped at a red light, a Bach piece humming through the sound system.

"You really do look beautiful," she whispered reverently, bring their joined hands to her lips and kissing each knuckle, "I hope you have a nice time tonight, I've got a few things up my sleeve."

She nodded, stealing a kiss just before the light turned, the hands easily holding Enid's as they managed the half-hour drive. Wednesday blinked in surprise once she noticed the familiar restaurant in the distance, her eyebrow twitching as she turned an incredulous look to her girlfriend.

"Petit Paradis? Querida-"

Enid stopped her with a brief kiss, her nose scrunching cutely when she pulled away, "You're not the only one with money, you know," she winked, reveling in the red-faced scowl, "Let me spoil you."

Wednesday worked her jaw and said nothing, her fingers still wandering over Enid's hand as they pulled up to valet, the pair easily climbing out of the shiny, red SUV. She nodded politely to one of the men as she joined Enid just outside, sliding her hand through Enid's arm as they were ushered into the visibly busy restaurant. Enid grinned as she walked to the maître d', her hand casually laying over the one curled around her elbow.

The tall man smiled at the two women, his eyes lingering on Wednesday, "Bonsoir, ladies, have you a reservation?"

The wolf nodded, "Yes, sir, two under Sinclair."

He checked his list and immediately nodded, easily granting the women entry as they were shown toward their table, Wednesday removing her hand to instead walk ahead of Enid as they were directed across the busy floor. They were seated in a quiet, intimate setting in the back corner, the low lights flickering faintly at each, red-coated table. Their waiter appeared almost instantly, offering them menus and asking for drink orders, Wednesday only requesting sparkling water, and Enid happily following her lead. The seer didn't look at the menu, leaving it folded on the table in front of her as she reached out for Enid, her dark eyes searching the placid face as their fingers threaded together.

"I am surprised you've elected to come here, I was unaware of your interest in French cuisine."

Enid grinned, finally folding her menu before leaving it off to the side, her other hand folding over Wednesday's, "Do you remember when we got Italian that one night, before we'd even started dating? That was the night I found out you spoke eight languages, and that you also haven't been here in a long time. It's been in the back of my head ever since, and tonight felt like the perfect opportunity to take you."

Wednesday's brows twitched, her eyes carefully studying Enid, "You remembered," she uttered.

"I remember all the little things about you," Enid responded, her cheeks pink, "I did my research on the menu before tonight, so I knew what to expect, too. I just... I wanted tonight to be special because you mean so much to me, and I wanted to take care of you."

She sat nearly slack-jawed, her own blush worsening as it bled down her cheeks and teased across her neck, her jaw working as she stumbled over just what to say. Their waiter returned to take their orders, giving her a moment to gather her thoughts before she ordered her usual duck confit with roasted potatoes, her focus flickering back to her company. Enid only smiled as she handed over her menu, confidently ordering herself the beef bourguignon. He only nodded and flitted away, Enid already reaching across the table to rejoin their hands, making a small, contented noise as their fingers laced together. They chatted for a while, Enid propping her cheek up in her palm as she got Wednesday going on about her latest foray into her novel, the wolf melting at the subtle, yet obvious excitement. They separated once their meals came, Enid's stomach almost rumbling as she looked over her dish, watching as their server only smiled and disappeared just as quickly, content to leave them in peace.

Enid looked across the table, a grin tugging at her lips.

"Is that what you usually get when you come here? Smells amazing, is it your favorite?"

Wednesday nodded, her fork sinking into the tender meat before her focus settled on her girlfriend, "Yes. You have not had duck before," she blinked when Enid shook her head, looking down at her meal before pulling off a mouthful and offering her fork, "I think you will enjoy it."

Enid flushed at the offering, the outside world practically forgotten as she struggled to remember what breathing was as she leaned forward, eagerly accepting the bite. She hummed in delight as the flavor swept over her, lashes fluttering as she leaned back in her seat and quickly chewed, smiling the moment she was finished.

"That's so good, oh my god. No wonder you love coming here."

The seer bobbed her head, pleased at the response before continuing on with dinner, the pair digging in with gusto. They shared pleasant conversation, Enid talking on her upcoming away game and easily soothing the grumble from Wednesday, already offering her bed to the brunette while she was gone for a night. Their meals were finished before they'd even realized, their waiter having checked in on them several times throughout the evening, finally pulling their dishes away as he stopped off with a dessert menu. Enid accepted it with a smile, her eyes catching the affection looking back at her, the tiniest, barest hint of a smile creeping across Wednesday's face. Enid offered her hand, easily kissing her girlfriend's hand the moment it was in her grasp, the wolf's thumb sweeping over the delicate veins.

"I know you don't usually have a big appetite, even though you actually ate all your dinner, but did you want dessert? Or any wine?"

Wednesday dabbed the burgundy-colored cloth napkin over her lips before she shook her head, vision landing on Enid, "I have no urge for wine, I want to be fully present this evening. If you are curious of dessert, may I suggest the dacquoise?"

Enid didn't even look at the menu, "I don't even know what that is, but I'm willing to try anything you suggest."

The brunette scowled, her cheek pinched as she lifted her glass to her lips to try and hide how flustered the wolf could make her with the simplest of things, her eyes hopelessly drawn to her grinning partner. Enid's dessert came out almost immediately, the waiter bidding them a farewell for the evening before disappearing back into the restaurant. She took a bite, groaning softly in appreciation as she pointed to the cake with her fork, tossing a grateful smile to Wednesday.

"Heaven on a plate, how have I been missing out for so many years?" Enid scooped up a small bite and offered it to her company, "You don't normally like sweets, Wens, I'm surprised."

Wednesday accepted the bite, her eyes lingering on Enid's as she leaned back in her chair and swept her tongue over the corner of her mouth, her hands folding in her lap.

"On occasion, I may indulge," her eyes flicked down to Enid's lips, a touch of heat flaring under the collar of her dress as she absently cleared her throat, "Given the proper motivation."

Enid swallowed heavily, the claws on her other hand absently drumming against the table, violet pooling in her eyes, "I'd love to be your motivation."

They studied each other, the air around them almost crackling before Wednesday broke first, looking away from the devious smirk to instead glare out across the restaurant. Enid finished her dessert, offering the last bite to a willing Wednesday, her hand nearly trembling as she held out her fork. They finally stood, Enid already reaching out to connect their hands before leading Wednesday out ahead of her, both of them inhaling deeply once they cleared the front doors. Chilly wind curled around them as they waited for the valet, Enid smiling as she easily unbuttoned her jacket and draped it around Wednesday's shoulders, curling a protective arm around her girlfriend and bringing her in close to her side to try and keep her warm.

Wednesday snuggled into the offered heat, hardly bothered by the cold but loving the proximity, the smell of honeysuckle blanketing her senses as she tucked herself closer to Enid. She looked up at the peacefully grinning face, her arms slithering around Enid's waist as she braced her chin on her shoulder.

"You paid for our meal in advance."

She chuckled, drawing Wednesday in close as she pressed a kiss to her freckles, "A little birdie told me that it's fancier to call the restaurant and put a card down on file before you get there."

Dark eyes narrowed, Wednesday's lips pursing slightly as she looked over her girlfriend, "You've spoken to my father."

Enid snorted out a laugh before she could stop it, bunching her shoulders as she offered an apologetic smile, "I may have mentioned wanting to come here the other day while you were up in the shower, and your dad told me that neat little trick. I'm honestly impressed he didn't ruin the surprise of where I wanted to take you."

"Clever," she mumbled, tilting her chin up for a kiss, "You have done your research."

She smirked, easily fulfilling the wish for a kiss as she dropped her arm from around Wednesday's shoulder to instead curl around the small of her back.

"I was serious when I said I wanted to spoil you, ma lune."

The flushed seer went to respond, the sight of Enid's car stifling her comeback as they walked closer to the valet stand. Two men piled out of her SUV once it pulled up, Enid tipping them both before guiding Wednesday to her seat, the wolf eager to get behind the wheel. She reached out on instinct, Wednesday collecting her hand and leaving it in her lap as Enid headed across town, the brunette watching the city lights pass them by. An industrial rock station idled in the background, Enid suppressing a chuckle as she leaned closer to Wednesday, her left hand loosely gripping her steering wheel as she navigated the winding streets.

"I hope you like where we're going next, I heard a lot of good things about this place."

Wednesday hummed, her eyes lingering on the obvious smile, "I want to be wherever you are, querida."

Enid huffed out a faint whine, grateful for the red light as she leaned over her center console and gratefully kissed Wednesday, "I wanna be wherever you are, too, Wens. I just love spending time with you-"

The wolf growled once the car behind them beeped, Enid blinking several times to clear away the affectionate haze, ducking her head in embarrassment at the green light glaring down at them. She finally turned off toward their destination, stealing an occasional glance to Wednesday as she surveyed the large, ornate building, a confused crease pressing between her brows.

"I was unaware the museum was open at this hour."

She beamed, her eyes twinkling with a spark of mischief as she curled around to the small parking lot off to the side of the building, and pulled into the only available spot. Enid piled out of the car, scurrying around to Wednesday's side and offering her hand to the quiet seer. They stopped off on the curb, Enid sliding her hands under the pilfered coat and affectionately hugging Wednesday around her waist.

"It isn't usually, but they occasionally have special adults-only nights, where you can drink and walk around the exhibits without kids or big crowds," she gently kissed her, nudging their foreheads together as she closed her eyes, "There's something here that I wanted you to see, too, if that's okay?"

Wednesday nodded without hesitation, connecting their lips for a deep, sensual kiss, her nails scratching across the base of her neck before lightly twisting in the golden hair. Enid pulled away with a deep, contented sigh, a permanent smile etched across her face as she stepped back and offered her hand, grinning even wider when Wednesday threaded their fingers together. They easily climbed the stairs and slipped into the main doors, several members of staff already awaiting their arrival. Enid fished out her phone and pulled up their tickets, flashing the screen at the doorman before being allowed inside. They stopped off for two bottles of water, Enid rolling her sleeves up to the elbow to stave off the surprising warmth inside the old building, winking at the way Wednesday's eyes raked across the tensing muscle.

They wandered around the multi-story museum, exhibits of all types scattered about the expansive interior. Enid regaled Wednesday with stories from her past as they walked about, laughing once she shared the tale of her getting lost in an art museum, the experience igniting her passion for oil painting. Wednesday was mostly silent, hardly taking her eyes off Enid to even experience the various sections, her focus only falling away once they wandered toward the artifacts wing of the media center. Enid couldn't contain her excitement, nearly bouncing as they walked along the marble corridors, her eyes sparkling with happiness as she lightly shook Wednesday's hand.

"Oh, this is the part I really wanted you to see. Kent told me about this new part of the museum, that a lot of the pieces are on loan here for a few months before they go on to other places around the world."

The seer briefly frowned in confusion, "Kent?"

Enid giggled and nodded, lightly bumping shoulders with Wednesday, "He works security here on weekends, and then told me about it once they got everything up and running. Just wait 'til you see it, Wens."

They followed a ramp down to a lower section of the floor, Enid's smiling splitting her face once they walked into the actual tour, her lip worried between her teeth as she waited for Wednesday's reaction. The brunette's eyes widened almost imperceptibly, her hand loosening in Enid's as they walked into large room, her focus shifting between the various displays with nothing short of obvious awe. They were at the beginning of a bronze age exhibit, various swords and armor pieces on display as the rooms wound around each other and bled together, leading into other prominent time periods. Wednesday gravitated to the sight of a millennia-old short sword, her face falling into nearly tangible shock. She turned, looking back at the broad smile, her eyes dancing around the room before fully focusing on Enid.

"Querida, this is a weapons exhibit."

She nodded confidently, Enid squeezing the hand she still held, "It sure is! Having seen your sword collection, I figured we had to stop by and see what they had for you to look at. I know your brain must be buzzing just thinking about all the cool stuff they probably have here."

Wednesday nodded her head, excitement sparking in the dark eyes as she leaned up and kissed Enid's cheek, turning them around to gesture to the short sword. She quietly recounted the history of each new piece of weaponry they stumbled across, the seer remarkably knowledgeable of the ancient armories. Enid marveled at the various types of armor, enraptured by the many shapes and sizes of the swords as they walked through the many ages, her heart catching when Wednesday led them to a wall of massive swords and finally stopped walking. She watched Wednesday, melting at the way she looked up at the incredibly long swords and clenched her jaw, the wolf finally tearing her eyes away from her girlfriend to appreciate the weaponry.

The seer inhaled a slow breath before nodding to the Zweihänder hanging under the display glass, her usually blank face nearly twitching with a smile.

"The Zweihänder is a favorite of mine, though the one I possess has a flammard blade. They are beautiful weapons."

Enid stood beside Wednesday, looking up at the lengthy blade, "German for two-hander," she mumbled without thought, her eyes walking along the length, "They look heavy."

Wednesday jerked her head, crossing her arms as she looked at the claymore hanging beside it, "Some weighed up to fifteen pounds, and were often used against pikes," she looked up at Enid, reading along the curious tilt of her jaw, "You knew what Zweihänder meant. Do you speak German?"

The wolf's face warped into a conspiratory smile, something devious sparking in the sapphire depths.

"I'm German on my mom's side, silly," Enid smiled at the surprise on Wednesday's face, shifting herself to wrap an arm around the seer, "My grandmother told me our pack started in Scotland but then apparently split off and moved to Germany. I still have wolves out there, though I've never met them. She taught me German when I was a kid."


Enid moved her arm to reconnect their hands before leading them through more of the showcase, "Ich bin voller Überraschungen," she said with a wink, thrilled at the blush burning at the tips of Wednesday's ears.

They eventually finished the tour, Enid taking only a moment to send her message out to Yoko, having nearly forgotten once they stepped foot into the museum. Enid followed wherever Wednesday wanted to take her, the pair stopping off in the space experience to wander through galaxies filled with stars, the brunette asking questions about how deeply the moon actually affected werewolves. Enid stopped to appreciate the real-time view of the moon from the massive satellite pointing to the night sky, her heart warm at the waxing gibbous that awaited her. She smiled when she looked back to Wednesday, thrilled at the idea of shifting at the Addams mansion later this month, the wolf all but skipping out behind her girlfriend once they were finished their journey.

It was nearing ten when they left the museum, Enid settling in her car and kicking over the engine, pausing a moment to look over to her quiet companion.

"I know it's getting late, but I kinda had one more thing for us to do. How are your feet, are they okay? And your knee? I know you don't normally wear any sort of heel-"

"Enid," Wednesday squeezed the hand she was already holding, turning in her seat to better look up at her, "Thank you, but I'm fine. I am curious to see what else you have planned."

She smiled faintly, leaning forward on instinct and pressing her lips to Wednesday's. Enid deepened the affection for only a second before finally managing to tear herself away, their lips parting with a soft smack.

"This last one is kinda self-indulgent," she confessed, smiling at the obvious interest, "But I'm really excited for it."

The wolf double-squeezed her hand before pulling out of her spot and continuing onward, the cityscape bleeding back into the forest surrounding the town as they headed down the pitch-dark highway. Enid eventually slowed and turned off the main road, driving under an old, wrought-iron archway, the paint having worn away after years in the unforgiving, New England elements. She drove down an old, bumpy road that wound through the trees, the pathway opening up to a small glen just on the outskirts of a lengthy marble parapet. Enid put the car in park and cut the engine, soft, flickering light burning in the distance, following along a footpath that cut through ancient, crumbling headstones. Wednesday's eyes searched the dark landscape, leaning back from the door just as Enid opened it, accepting the helping hand as she stepped out onto cool, damp grass.

Enid moved around to the back of her car and popped the hatch open, pulling out a small lantern before clicking it on, slamming the door and locking her car before rejoining their hands and heading off into the bluedark. The wolf looked at Wednesday, her eyes glowing as her wolf's senses took over in the dark, hands gently clasping.

"Trust me?"

"Implicitly," Wednesday nodded off down the small path, her eyes wandering over the ancient stones, "I will follow you."

She smiled and nodded, the pair making their way through the old graveyard, Enid following the path before eventually branching off, carefully walking between the rows of graves to the rear section of the cemetery. They stopped off in a small, empty lot beside a gnarled oak tree, its leaves still showing brilliant hues of orange and red, the grass around it pestered by fallen leaves. A blanket was already laid out for them, a small basket perched at the corner, the flames from the neighboring mausoleums bathing the area in a soft, orange glow. Wednesday inhaled a quick breath as Enid led them toward the blanket, her heart suddenly pounding as she looked up at her paramour.

Enid noticed immediately, offering a disarming smile before she shook her head and bent to drop the lantern beside their basket, offering her other hand to Wednesday before walking her more into the brunette's space. She instantly smiled, swaying herself closer.

"Okay, so I know a couple different things about you, Wens. One: you really like cemeteries because you have such a deep love and affection for death. Two: you're ridiculously skilled at dancing, both on and off your skates, because you once told me you grew up dancing with family and learned a lot of dances. Three: you're a giant romantic and I'm so hopelessly in love with you, and wondered if you wouldn't humor me for a moonlit dance?"

Wednesday gawked up at Enid, a pleasant tingling warmth creeping up her neck and exploding across her face, throat suddenly tight as she absently swallowed around the thick lump. She nodded, glancing at their surroundings and noticing the wide-open space beside their blanket, content with the amount of space for such a surprising request.

"You have a long history of dance yourself, querida, having spent years at it as a child," she flushed at the quick nod, her thumbs massaging over Enid's hands, "I will teach you whatever dance you wish-"

"Which one is your favorite?"

Her jaw worked, dark eyes searching the still-glowing blue, "I have not danced with a partner since my visions overtook me... though I have always enjoyed the Paso Doble."

Enid grinned, her eyes locked on Wednesday's as she lovingly kissed the tip of each finger, the shining blue darkening to a glowing violet, "Teach me."

She flushed and nodded, breaking away only long enough to allow Enid to fold their blanket and give them ample space, the wolf connecting her phone to a speaker laid in the basket, the seer directing her to the proper music. Wednesday grumpily pulled her shoes off and left them situated beside their things, pausing before regretfully shrugging herself out of Enid's coat, folding it beside her shoes. She limbered herself as she walked to meet the wolf, pulling Enid into her and adjusting their bodies before expertly guiding them through the many, intricate steps. The blonde was a decidedly fast learner, easily picking up the patterns and the footwork, gliding them over the soft grass as they lost themselves in everything about each other. Wednesday never took her eyes off Enid, allowing the woman to easily lead her through the motions, pulling Enid closer into her with each turn of the fast-paced dance.

Wednesday's breath hitched when Enid picked her up with only one arm, her leg instinctively folding around her girlfriend's hip as she easily twirled them, the wolf coming to a natural stop beneath the flickering, orange glow. Enid smiled, slowly leading Wednesday back to her feet before properly hugging her closer, something magnetic burning in the animalistic eyes.


The seer swallowed and nodded, her voice caught by the powerful look.

Enid smiled, rubbing her nose to Wednesday's before she dipped her head, and kissed the tick in her jaw, "I'm crazy about you," she whispered, purposefully holding her close before burying her face in her neck, "Tonight's been amazing, and I just, I feel so overwhelmed all of a sudden, with how much I love you."

The brunette nodded, folding her arms around Enid's neck as she nuzzled into the soft skin, "You have truly spoiled me this evening, Enid, we have done only things that I enjoy."

She snickered quietly, squeezing just a little tighter, "Wednesday, I wanted to be with you," Enid untucked herself, unfurling one of her arms to lightly trace her fingertips over the flexing jaw, "I wanted to make you happy, because that makes me happy. We could have stayed in and watched true crime docs, and it still would have been amazing. But tonight? I wanted... I just wanted to take you out to things you liked, because I love it when you're passionate over something. I learned so much about you."

Wednesday huffed, the color worsening in her cheeks as she cupped her hand over Enid's scars and lightly kissed her, "And what have you discovered?"

"Well," Enid trembled with silent laughter, her lips stealing several kisses, "I found out what your favorite meal to have is, and that you secretly love hazelnut cake. I also found out what your favorite sword is, and that the mace is your favorite medieval weapon," she kissed her firmly, taking her time to properly enjoy the feel of Wednesday's lips before regretfully pulling away, "I also learned that you really are an amazing dancer, and which dance your favorite is, so that whenever we get to dance again, I'll already know what I'm doing."

The seer ignored the fervent blush that crawled beneath her freckles, her fingers slowly walking up Enid's neck before lightly toying with the shorthairs at the base of her neck.

"And you have called me romantic," she closed her eyes, melting into Enid, her pulse jumping when the wolf nudged against her collar and kissed the obvious bruise, "It's frightening, how deeply I've fallen for you."

Enid smiled, placing another light kiss on Wednesday's neck before she looked up, catching the vulnerability burning in the obsidian eyes, the wolf's arms protectively encircling the tiny seer. She searched the dark look, a swell of emotion rising inside her chest as she bit back a surprise wave of tears, Enid's smile nearly splitting her face as she peered down at the woman who was her entire world.

"I can't even... put into words how much I love you. I just... every time I look at you, I don't just see you," Enid kissed the freckles on either side of Wednesday's nose before sweetly kissing her lips, her cheeks flush with adoration, "I look at you and I see home."

Wednesday's heart stopped for a second, her grip on Enid strengthening as she fell into the violet eyes, her hands sliding down to brace on the strong shoulders, "Enid," she whispered, fisting the material of her shirt as she raised to the balls of her feet, "I am safe, when I'm with you. And with you is where I wish to be."

The wolf smiled through the tears that still pestered her lashes, Enid laughing quietly before she pinned her girlfriend with a searing kiss, her entire being dissolving into nothing when Wednesday whispered her name against her lips, and swept her tongue in her mouth.

She loved that Wednesday was hers.


Wednesday was fully ready to bang in that changing room, what's shame to an Addams? Like, she was a second away from taking her shirt off and letting Enid destroy her against a flimsy wall, what a f*cking champ. "I'm horny for you literally at all times, just f*ck me already before I start chewing through concrete. What do you MEAN you don't want people around, it's THEIR fault if they hear this carnal f*cking, not mine. UGH FINE, let's pin this and revisit tonight. Christ sake."

Also, sorry I've been away from this for so long, life keeps happening to me. And YMU was a lot.

Enid blue-screening when she saw her wife for the first time, what a disaster. I love them, have I mentioned? just two dumbasses in love, being gay and thriving. Wednesday is ready to call the wolf in dead to class so she can get more snuggles, my favorite cranky barnacle <333

I love these idiots. I love these horny little idiots so much, you don't get it. I can say it a million times and it still won't be enough.

Wednesday: If you could just bite me like, right on my neck... I wouldn't complain about it.
Enid: That's permanent and also a marriage proposal in wolf language-
Wednesday: Yeah, that's the f*ckin point. A man looked at me the other day, I need you to let everyone know I'm yours.
Enid, already feral: f*cks SAKE take your shirt off and come here.

One day Wednesday is going to get a nude sext from Enid and her f*cking head is gonna explode. Like, her thirsty ass is always looking at those damn messages, hoping and praying she gets a glimpse of some skin. Enid sending her workout vids? Enid sending her barely-clothed, sweat-soaked selfies?? Girl is pent the f*ck up. Spicy times are a-comin'. (So is Wednesday.)

Anyway, thank you to everyone still reading my little stories, you guys are the best. Forgive any mistakes, I've been working on this all day and I'm beat. Better edits on their way. Comment replies to come soon, too. Love you guys <33

Chapter 15: Inner Beast


Wednesday learns exactly what kind of beast Enid is, in every regard.


Skip to the break if you don't wanna read the smut~

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Wednesday swallowed her nerves as she fidgeted with the hand in her lap, her eyes tracking along the trees as they headed back into Jericho. She glanced back at Enid, the wolf permanently smiling as she drove them home, those striking blue eyes stealing a quick look to Wednesday as she continued on down the road. The seer exhaled a trembling breath and squeezed Enid's hand, the flustering in her stomach growing when Enid rubbed her thumb over the palm of her hand. She worked her jaw and said nothing, moving herself closer to the center console in an attempt to be nearer to her girlfriend, Enid's suitcoat still folded protectively around her shoulders. Her heart skipped when the familiar turn appeared down the street in front of them, Wednesday's throat bobbing nervously as Enid led them off down the winding, forest road.

The car bounced easily down the dirt path, Wednesday leaning with Enid when she pulled up to the keypad and punched in the gate code, her stomach twirling up with more knots as her girlfriend drove them down toward the mansion. Enid hummed once she came to a stop in front of the garage, the seer begrudgingly letting go of her hand, the wolf throwing the car in park and quickly cutting the engine. Wednesday impatiently unbuckled her belt and stepped out, Enid hurrying around her side to meet her, their hands easily finding each other as the wolf locked up, and followed her lead to the mansion. Wednesday hardly broke stride as she pushed inside, the interior lights completely off, candelabras in every corner suddenly sparking to life beneath the newly arrived presence. The seer ignored them, already guiding them toward the stairs and starting up toward the second floor, her fingers tightening around Enid's the moment she reached the upper landing.

She led them down the hall to a familiar door, Wednesday reaching for the dark, brass knob before pushing into the room, leading Enid in before turning and clicking it closed, her hand automatically twisting to secure the lock. Wednesday exhaled a shaky breath as she turned, her eyes helplessly drawn to the glowing violet that watched her, Enid unfairly attractive as she stood in the center of the room, her cuffed sleeves still showing off the powerful forearms. Wednesday scowled, shrugging off Enid's coat and hanging it on the back of her desk chair, the seer angrily removing her shoes before hurling them off toward her closet, hardly caring where they landed. She stopped in front of Enid, her fingers itching to touch as they crawled over the collar of her dress shirt, fingertips just barely brushing the knot in her tie.

Wednesday worked her jaw again, her eyes black in the low light, the ornate pole lamp in the reading nook the only light source in the room.

"Enid," she muttered, her fingers already working on loosening her girlfriend's tie, the silky material slipping through her fingers, "I want you, but if you are not ready-"

"I'm ready," she husked, her hands sliding up over Wednesday's waist and lightly squeezing, "I'm yours."

The seer's face twitched, a wave of arousal overtaking her as she nodded her head and clasped the open ends of Enid's tie, bringing her down for a deep, sensual kiss. She opened her mouth for the greedy tongue, moaning faintly as they tangled together, her hand impatiently ripping Enid's tie off and tossing it away behind her. She deepened the kiss, tightly grasping at Enid's collar as she angled herself for a more desperate kiss, her teeth dragging over the blonde's bottom lip the moment her thumb popped the top button of the crisp, white shirt. Wednesday cursed in Spanish when their lips parted, her fingers working their way down the buttons on her girlfriend's shirt, her hand impatiently untucking her shirt before finishing with the last two buttons. She pulled away, her eyes raking down over the exposed skin, her cool hands sliding into Enid's shirt and creeping up her stomach, goosebumps pestering across the hardened muscle.

"Merde," she mumbled, looking up into dark, violet eyes as she pressed on Enid's stomach and lead her back toward her bed, "You are incredible."

Enid growled faintly, her hands sliding down to slowly pull up the long skirt of Wednesday's dress as she was forced to sit on the edge of the mattress, her eyes fixated on the plush, alluring lips.

"Wens," she rumbled, her tongue licking over her fangs as her fingertips slowly worked toward slipping beneath the dark hem, "God, I need you."

Wednesday gripped her jaw and crashed their lips together, her hands roughly shoving the shirt down off Enid's shoulders, her touch greedily taking in every inch of delectable skin. She pulled away, her eyes darkening to a feral black as she took in the scars and the softness, her eyes fixated on the pink silk bra, her tongue wetting her lips again as she reached out and lightly palmed the supple breasts. She swallowed at the soft growl from her girlfriend, her thumbs working over the stiff peaks, one of her hands sliding up the back of Enid's neck as her other reached for the zipper at the back of her dress.

"You have me," she whispered against her lips, pulling down the zipper and letting her dress fall away from her body, heart in her throat at standing so bare in front of her girlfriend.

Enid growled, her eyes drinking in the sight of so much tan skin, her hands skimming up the flat stomach as she pulled Wednesday into her arms, her eyes flicking up to lock onto the lustful, obsidian gaze, "You're so f*cking beautiful."

The wolf moved quickly, turning them and pinning Wednesday to the bed beneath her, pressing her hands to the pillows as her sights wandered over the black lacy bra and panties, her voice gravelly as she lathed her tongue over the rapidly fluttering pulse, "Mine."

Wednesday huffed and nodded, opening her legs to support Enid laying against her, head tilting back and exposing the bruise on her throat, eager for her girlfriend to finish what she'd started, "Your teeth," she demanded.

Enid purred, her nose nuzzled under Wednesday's ear as she released her grip on her wrists, warm fingertips gliding over flushed, waiting skin. She lightly touched down between her breasts, refusing to give into the temptation as she smoothed her hands down the length of Wednesday's body, powerful hands nearly crushing her hips as she firmly grasped at her waist. She licked over the bruise, her thumbs massaging the well of each hip before she growled and sunk her teeth into her neck hard enough to break the skin, Wednesday cursing in French as she needily pushed up into the hard body pinning her to her own bed. She gasped when Enid sucked hard on her neck, her nails clawing down her girlfriend's back as they writhed together, loathing the barriers that separated them as she frustratedly tugged at the waistband of Enid's pants.

The wolf finally removed her mouth, her lips stained with blood that she instinctively licked away, her fingertips dipping beneath the waistband of Wednesday's panties as she ground down hard against the seer.

"f*ck, how I wanna touch you," she rasped in her ear, pressing hot kisses along her jaw and down along her collarbones, "Wanna taste you."

Wednesday arched against Enid, her eyes blazing when she met the hungry violet, her nails digging hard into Enid's shoulders, "Take your clothes off," she growled, twisting her fingers in the loose hair and ripping her down for a desperate kiss.

Enid huffed and eventually pulled away, kicking out of her shoes and peeling the clothing away from her super-heated skin, the wolf standing in only her undergarments before Wednesday sat up and tugged on her hand, crashing her back into bed before moving up to straddle on top of her. She hissed when Wednesday nipped along her neck, her hands sliding down Enid's chest and around her back, her thumb brushing against her bra clasp before easily undoing the snaps. She quickly removed the silky material and tossed it away, her eyes widening at the sight of Enid beneath her, pale skin flush with arousal, her chest heaving beneath the ardent stare. The wolf grinned, reaching up to cup Wednesday's jaw before deftly kissing her, urging the cool hands against her heated skin.

"Touch me," she whispered, arching the palms that reverently laid over her breasts, "I love your hands on me," Enid moaned, pressing into the eager touch.

Wednesday cursed again, her lips briefly kissing Enid's before trailing down her chest, her tongue swirling over a pert nipple before taking it into her mouth. Enid squirmed beneath her, strong hands kneading at her hips as she ground them together, her fingertips again dipping beneath the waistband of her panties. Wednesday pulled away with a rough pop, her eyes fluttering at the intense touch teasing closer to her center, gasping when the blonde quickly changed their positions and guided Wednesday down onto her back. Enid reached down, slamming their lips together and adjusting her weight, nudging Wednesday's knees apart before slipping her hand into soaked black lace, growling at the slick against her fingertips. Wednesday arched into the touch, sparks popping along her skin as she reached for Enid, pushing the blonde's fingers harder against her core.

"Take me," she moaned, her head falling back when Enid moved to her knees and hooked her thumbs in the waistband of her underwear before quickly removing them, her legs falling open at the hunger burning across the wolf's face, "Make me yours."

Enid whimpered, her hands nearly trembling at the sight of Wednesday beneath her, the blonde falling back to the bed and bracing her hands on either side of her girlfriend, her lips whispering over the obvious bite mark on her neck.

"I love you," she uttered, her hand creeping behind Wednesday to unclasp her bra and quickly remove it, fingertips ghosting over each straining peak, "You're mine now, baby, I got you."

The blonde grinned as she kissed over Wednesday's throat, her hands running down the brunette's sides before she licked down between her breasts, taking a moment to lavish each one with a hot, eager mouth. Enid kissed the trail between quivering abs, her hands already reaching for the trembling thighs as she rested them over her shoulders. She took a final glance at Wednesday, the seer scowling and fisting the blonde hair, impatiently urging her downward, the wolf rumbling a deep laugh at the obvious desperation. Enid slid further down her stomach, her teeth catching on her hip as she sucked a deep bruise on the skin, her tongue swirling over it in apology before moving even lower.

Enid licked up the dripping wet slit, groaning at the slick on her tongue as she parted the plump folds and flicked her tongue over the straining cl*t, reveling in the gooseflesh pestering over the warm skin. She teased Wednesday's c*nt with her tongue before sliding back up to swirl around her cl*t, her fingers already teasing at the soaking entrance. Wednesday threw her head back, her hips blindly chasing the massaging tongue as she wrapped her legs tight around Enid's head, her teeth biting hard into her lower lip at the threat of Enid's fingers pressing against her center. She reached down, fisting more of Enid's hair and dragging her closer, her other hand reaching for her girlfriend in an attempt to hurry her along.

"Your fingers," she gasped, her back arching when Enid's lips kissed over her cl*t, "Please, Enid, please-"

She saw white when Enid slid inside her, head thrashing against the pillows as she tried to bring her even deeper, her hips shamelessly grinding down on the slow, steady thrusts. Wednesday mumbled in several languages, her lower belly already twinging as her org*sm built quickly, color flashing in her vision as she tightened her grip on the blonde hair, and chased her release. Enid worked her over without reprieve, the deep, curling thrusts pushing her over the edge as she exploded on Enid's fingers, her eyes rolling as she arched into her girlfriend and mercifully came. The blonde masterfully led her through it, her stomach muscles jumping at each new flash of pleasure, a low, needy moan growling up from her throat as she continued to ride the shifting fingers.

Enid smiled against her belly once Wednesday sagged beneath her, spent from such a quick, powerful org*sm, slowly sliding her fingers out as she kissed her way back up to waiting lips. She sweetly kissed her, Enid easily sucking the slick from her fingers as Wednesday struggled to catch her breath, black eyes cracking open to stare up at her, her body pulsing with another aftershock of ecstasy at such a brazen display.

"Sinful," she chided, her throat suddenly tight as she grabbed for Enid and moved them, the blonde easily falling onto her back, "That was divine," she ground her hips down on Enid, smirking at the sharp gasp, her facade cracking at the euphoria creeping over her skin, "I want you now, querida."

The blonde nodded, her hands resting at the swell of Wednesday's hips, gently coaxing her girlfriend down for a long, lingering kiss, "f*ck me," she teased, hissing when the seer bit at her lower lip.

"Gladly," she snarled, scratching her nails down Enid's stomach as she rocked back on her haunches and reached for the slick, pink panties and slowly peeled them away, "You are beautiful."

Wednesday moved between Enid's knees and spread her legs, settling on her stomach as she reached up and slipped her tongue through the dripping heat, groaning at the taste of Enid tingling at the tip of her tongue. She wrapped her arms tight around her thighs and slipped her tongue inside, steadily moving the muscle back and forth and relishing in the broken moans and gasps, her fingers digging hard into her hips as she greedily split her open. She finally pulled away when the walls spasmed around her tongue, Wednesday swiftly burying two fingers into Enid and rhythmically rocking back and forth, hitting the sensitive front wall with each pump of her fingers. She blindly kissed the tensing stomach muscles as Enid chased her pleasure, claws threatening along her shoulders as Enid rocked her hips in time with her fingers, the blonde coming hard on with a deep, gasping moan.

She whimpered, her hips pressing into the bed as she led Enid through her org*sm, tongue lightly passing over her cl*t before she finally stilled, Wednesday glancing up at her girlfriend before begrudgingly pulling away. The seer climbed up her girlfriend's body, leaving random kisses over the soft skin, jerking in surprise when Enid cupped her face and brought her up for a deep, needy kiss. Enid seized her by her hips, her own weight like nothing to the powerful wolf as she was ungracefully thrown onto her back, her black eyes wide as she looked up into feral, ravenous violet.

"I'm not gonna stop 'til you tell me," she goaded, grinning as she slid her hands between them, and carefully sunk two fingers into Wednesday, her fangs teasing over her throat, "I wanna see you shatter."

Wednesday whined, unashamed as she clenched around Enid's fingers, her hands sliding up to grip at the powerful shoulders, "Claim me," she challenged breathlessly, nails biting into the flexing muscle.

Enid smirked, her fangs lengthening as she nudged Wednesday's chin back, biting into the same spot as she pulled away and slammed back inside, reveling in the filthy, desperate moan. She kissed the same spot, fingers pumping faster in the slick c*nt as Wednesday writhed and thrashed beneath her, the wolf pulling away enough to look down at the flushed, red cheeks and the dark, sinful eyes. She licked her lips and added a third finger, swallowing the French curse as she mindlessly f*cked her girlfriend into oblivion, the bed groaning beneath her unrelenting strength.

She wanted to make Wednesday scream.

Wednesday suppressed a shiver as she headed down to her seat at the arena, the crowd already buzzing for the afternoon game, the full moon set to rise above Nevermore later in the evening. She'd stayed at Enid's last night, her girlfriend almost feral so close to a shifting period, Enid keeping her up most of the night in an attempt to satisfy the unruly hunger. To say she was addicted to Enid would be an immense understatement, the seer having taken to dragging her girlfriend to bed every single night since they first even slept together, her insatiable need to always be with Enid overriding most of her other, lesser needs. They'd only just deepened their relationship only two weeks ago, and already Wednesday found she couldn't get enough, her attraction to Enid having spiraled completely out of her control. Even this morning, she woke up to Enid and her alluring energy easily gathering her attention, those eyes violet and her hands deadly when Wednesday easily consented to the silent request. She willingly submitted and happily fell under Enid's spell for a round of rough sex that lasted several hours, and earned her even more hickeys across her entire body.

She hid a grimace when she took her seat on the glass, thankful for the cold atmosphere, her skin still tingling at the memory of her girlfriend and their practically unhinged coupling this morning. Wednesday loved to see this side of Enid, the years of their friendship not offering her such an intimate look at the monster, Enid so much more put together to the outside world on the mornings of her lunar cycles. Seeing her now, however, with her girlfriend feeling so safe and comfortable in their relationship, Wednesday felt even more attracted to the wildest part of a very human Enid, the ravenous spirit that breathed inside her paramour. Wednesday swallowed, adjusting herself in her seat, her nose tucked into the collar of her most recently stolen article of clothing: Enid's jersey from last season, her scent practically burned into the tightly woven fibers.

Her eyes scanned the ice the moment the first bodies left out for warmups, focus zeroing in on Enid, the captain without her helmet, and her eyes glowing a frightful, dangerous silver. Wednesday stood, ignoring the weight of Divina's knowing smile beside her, the seer gravitating toward the glass as Enid easily hurried over to meet her, the captain's eyes flickering with a touch of violet.

"Hey, Wens," she called, smirked at the flush beneath the constellation of freckles, "Can't wait for tonight!"

Wednesday nodded dumbly, her skin crackling once her girlfriend winked at her and headed back to finish her pre-game, the brunette all but folding back into her seat. She leaned forward, bracing her elbows on her knees as she eagerly awaited the game, her eyes tracking up to the scoreboard to properly check the time. On the rare occasions that Nevermore games were played on full moons, the games were always gratefully played in the afternoons, leaving time for any wolves on the team to properly prepare for their monthly shift. This was no different, the game set for three instead of the usual seven, Wednesday impatiently awaiting puck drop to properly see her girlfriend in action. She'd seen several home games from the second tier, before she'd even started dating Enid, the team captain an absolute menace on the ice, that feral aggression apparent almost immediately.

She burned to see that up close.

The seer swallowed once the teams finally lined up for the opening face off, Nevermore winning the draw and immediately charging into the offensive zone. Wednesday couldn't take her eyes off Enid, the skater explosive as she tore across the ice, throwing her body into any of the other team whenever she could, women sprawling all over the ice with each powerful hit. Her breath hitched when Enid plowed into the other team's puck carrier, the wolf all but steamrolling the poor girl and laying her out at center ice, Rose stealing the puck for the Ravens and burying it in the back of the net. The crowd was electric, Wednesday's heart beat pounding faster with each new hit of Enid's, her girlfriend's raw power undeniable as she openly bodied the other team. She worked her jaw when Westgard's team captain started arguing with Enid, the wolf hardly backing down from a fight, the women continuing to trade barbs throughout the entire first period.

Enid snagged a loose puck in her own end and charged down the ice, snapping a wrist shot from the point before any defender could touch her, the puck screaming into the back of the net. The wolf was so riled up from the play that she threw her head back and howled, her smile almost crazed as she accepted the celebratory hug from her linemates, Wednesday practically a puddle in her seat as she watched the unending, feral energy. The period ended with Nevermore up two to zero, Enid blowing a kiss to her girlfriend before she stepped off the ice. Wednesday hated that she couldn't sneak back into the locker room and kiss her girlfriend between periods, the seer not even opening the newest message from Enid, knowing that it was meant to be for a more private moment. She leaned back in her seat as she waited for the second, Divina idly chatting to fill the space, Wednesday refusing to leave her focus off the home team's tunnel.

Wednesday straightened in her seat the moment the teams trailed back to the benches, Enid the first body over the wall as she set up for the face off, her numbers to Wednesday as she bent down in position. The seer shifted, her fingers lightly tracing the shield across the jersey she wore, Enid's number branded across her back as she helplessly watched her captain annihilate the opposing team. Enid crushed another player against the boards, Westgard's captain again trying to confront her for her behavior, the linesmen attempting to separate the pair of women. The other captain dropped her gloves first, Enid snapping hers off in retaliation as she quickly dug her claws in the other girl's jersey and rocked her with a cold right hook, instantly crumpling her to the ice.

The crowd was on their feet in uproarious applause, the captain rolling her eyes at the lack of a challenge, Enid blowing a kiss to the crowd as she was purposefully led off toward the penalty box to serve her five-minute fighting penalty. The trainers from the away team quickly snapped their captain back to consciousness, the girl helped off the ice by the staff members and ushered down the tunnel, surely to get checked for a concussion. Wednesday licked her lips, her palms absently rubbing together as she looked toward Enid as she sat out her time, her blood almost boiling at the unfairly attractive wolf. Westburg scored on a redirect, Nevermore's lead cut to one before Enid was sprung from the box, the blonde immediately joining the rush and assisting on an absolutely scorching snipe from the top of the circle.

The second period ended with the game showing 3-2 in favor of the ravens, Westburg scoring on a breakaway after sneaking behind the defense, the home town crowd booing the effort. Wednesday shifted in her seat, again refusing to answer the message from Enid, loathing how damn flirtatious her girlfriend liked to be sometimes, her face permanently red as she awaited the final period. She settled into the game, loving the sight of Enid every time she flew down the ice, growling at several of the opposing players, and running her mouth at anyone who dared to even cross her. One of the defensive players for Westburg antagonized the wolf with only ten minutes left in regulation, Enid dropping her gloves for her second fight of the game. Wednesday stood, transfixed when Enid reared back and crashed her fist into her jaw, the other girl hardly getting her hands up before the wolf landed a second, more brutal punch.

Wednesday stared, slack-jawed, as blood exploded in the air, the other team trying to swarm the fight, though Nevermore and the officials stopped it before it could become a bench-clearing brawl, several curses lobbied back and forth between the opposing sides. Enid served another five for fighting, Westburg serving one for five and a second penalty for instigating, the Ravens going up on a powerplay. Yoko accepted the puck at the blue line and ripped a shot home past the goalie, the spirit easily broken, Nevermore going up by two with less than eight minutes remaining in the game. Wednesday felt her heart start to race once Enid left out of the box again, the wolf already screaming onto the ice for defense, sliding across the crease to block a slapshot with the front of her shin pad.

The last several minutes were pure chaos on the ice, Westburg pulling their goalie for the extra attacker, Nevermore scrambling to maintain their lead. Enid loudly growled and dove for the puck, pushing it just enough with her stick for Anna to pick it up at center ice and jam it into the empty net, sealing the win for Nevermore with only seconds left to spare. The final horn sounded, the Ravens having won 5-2, Enid roaring out a scream of excitement as she caught an equally thrilled Yoko in a celebratory hug, the home team saluting their raucous crowd.

Divina laughed once the game was over, waving Wednesday out of her seat, the seer eager to sneak around back and throw herself in her girlfriend's arms, unashamed of her own excitement over a goddamn hockey game. The entire team knew of their involvement, none of them even batting an eye at her presence anymore, Wednesday a permanent fixture at the end of every home game. She waited impatiently once they cleared security and headed around toward the back of the tunnel, many of the girls throwing up waves to both her and Divina as they headed off, Enid one of the first out of the hallway as she quickly raced toward Wednesday.

"Ma lune!"

Wednesday grunted when Enid tackled her in a hug and picked her up in her arms to happily twirl them, stealing a quick kiss before putting her girlfriend back on her feet, her face warm with a blush though she gripped Enid's elbows and fought off a tiny smile.

"Querida, you were deadly on the ice."

"Ugh, I love it when we play full moon games," Enid adjusted her bag strap and smiled down at her girlfriend, "Did you have fun? Oh my god, I had a blast, but I'm starving."

Wednesday nodded, already holding her hands out to collect Enid's sticks from where they were strapped across her bag, used to assisting her girlfriend with her gear, "Grandmama will have a feast prepared by the time we return to the house, as she has anticipated you shifting at the mansion."

"Awesome," Enid offered an apologetic smile to Divina, "Sorry, hey, Vina. Yoko's coming, she got caught up chatting with Anna. Anyway, I'll see you later!"

Enid threaded their hands together and left out of the arena, whistling happily to herself as she took the elevator down and exploded into the parking lot, the sky still a brilliant rainbow of colors, the sun slowly receding toward the horizon. She unlocked the car and threw her bag in the back, turning to grab her sticks from Wednesday before throwing them in after her ridiculous pink bag. She slammed the door and turned, just managing to catch Wednesday by the elbow of her jersey before pulling her into her arms and stealing a searing hot kiss, cradling the petite brunette against her. Wednesday melted into it, her hands cupping Enid's neck as she kissed her just as deeply, her tongue massaging along Enid's before the wolf slowly pulled away, the seer already missing the sensual contact. Enid rumbled a contented purr and buried her face in Wednesday's neck, her lips hovering over the bite mark.

"I love you," she mumbled into her skin, pecking several kisses along the slender column of her throat, "I love you so damn much and I just feel so stupidly happy."

Wednesday sighed, her eyes falling closed as she relaxed in the embrace, her fingers petting through the newly washed hair, "I love you, querida, and seeing you so... unhinged, whilst on the ice," she kissed the tip of her ear, her voice whispering over the sensitive shell, "I was not expecting to be so heavily affected while seeing you so up close in such a way."

The wolf growled faintly, her arms curling just a little harder around Wednesday, "Seeing you in my jersey is making me crazy, I almost can't think straight," Enid smiled when she pulled away, her eyes a deep, dark violet, "You love to torture me, don't you?"

"Yes," she leaned up and lightly kissed her lips, her hands gently laying over Enid's forearms, "Perhaps we should depart now, querida."

Enid hummed but relented, stealing another kiss before climbing behind the wheel, starting up the SUV, and pulling out of her usual spot. She kept kissing Wednesday's hand as they headed back to the mansion, Enid living for the red-faced scowl, her smile almost contagious, every time she looked at Wednesday. She pulled around to her usual spot outside the mansion and piled out, heading around to the back to grab her bag for the night, already reaching out for Wednesday as they approached the brightly lit mansion. Enid grinned as she was lead, Wednesday pushing inside, happy laughter already echoing in from the direction of the dining room. Enid dropped her bag by the staircase and followed after Wednesday, Morticia the first to notice the two women as they crept in toward the kitchen.

"Hello, darling, rose bud. Enid, I'm so happy to hear that you're comfortable enough to shift here, I hope you enjoy your night in the woods."

"Thanks for having me, Missus Addams," she looked down at Wednesday, the seer kissing her cheek before disappearing into the kitchen, "It's been a few months since I've really stretched my legs, I got to run all over Yoko's mom's place over the summer. That was a lot of fun!"

Gomez charged into the dining room, his smile ecstatic as he curled an arm around her and hugged Enid into his side, "Evening to you, demonia, how are you feeling? Did the ravens win?"

"Hell yeah, they won 5-2," Pugsley chuckled as he slid into his seat at this table, smiling broadly, "Enid got into two fights, it was awesome."

The man guffawed a loud laugh and clapped Enid on the shoulder, the wolf ducking her head to hide a sheepish smile. Grandmama popped out of the kitchen with a large serving tray in her hands, both Lurch and Wednesday trailing after her as she shooed everyone to their seats, the old woman placing the massive platter down directly in front of Enid. The blonde sputtered in surprise, already almost out of her chair to assist with setting up dinner, Esmeralda grinning as she placed a firm hand on her shoulder.

"Sit. Eat."

Wednesday placed the rest of her carry and slid into the seat beside her, her head turned as she reached out and lightly clasped her hand over Enid's forearm, the sleeves of her Nevermore hoodie shoved up to her elbows.

"Querida, I warned you of this feast, please eat your fill. You are going to need it."

Morticia nodded and waved Enid off as well, the wolf blinking as she looked down to the several steaks, chicken breasts, and a mountain of fried potatoes stacked on her plate, little bowls of corn, broccoli, and sweet potato mash arranged around the platter. She glanced around the table, much of the same feast spread out for the rest of the family as well, her guilt lessened when Wednesday supportively squeezed her arm again. Enid's stomach rumbled as she smiled and finally relented, tearing through her meal with nothing short of enthusiastic happiness, grinning around each bite at the conversation flying around the table. Gomez asked her dozens of questions about her wolf, equally fascinated to meet the legendary beast himself, Enid happy to let the family see her once she'd finally shifted. Thing made his way up onto the table midway through dinner, crawling himself up on Enid's shoulder and settling in for the rest of the meal.

Enid cleared her plate with ease, Wednesday all but offering what was left of her own dinner, her hand cupping the blonde's cheek before she reached up and soundly kissed her. The giddy wolf smiled when she pulled away, her heart fuzzy with affection at Wednesday being so comfortable around her now, the seer pushing their chairs closer together before leaving her hand atop Enid's thigh and gratefully squeezing. It was after Enid cleared the rest of the leftovers that they finally cleared the table, Gomez gesturing everyone out to the sitting room for a spell, the man plopping into his favorite chair and accepting Morticia against the arm rest.

"Enid, I am so happy that you're shifting here! It's been a number of years since I've seen a wolf in person, the only one in our family is Cousin Ronan, and we do not often get to see him."

She smiled as she settled into her seat, her eyes casting out toward the orange sky as Wednesday curled up in her lap, the wolf automatically hugging her arms around her, "People tell me that I'm huge, but I'm kinda just used to it, I guess," she laughed, and kissed Wednesday's cheek, "I'm a lot bigger than when Wednesday last saw me, too."

Morticia smiled again, leaning herself against her husband's shoulder, "It is because of your wolf that we have our Wednesday, don't think we've forgotten. And often, I find myself thankful that the two of you managed to find one another!"

Esmeralda nodded happily in agreement, her eyes twinkling with mischief, "Aye, wolf, you're the reason our family is whole now. Now off with you both, I know the sun is nearly gone from the sky, and I want for you to be comfortable."

Wednesday jerked her head in agreement, climbing herself off Enid's lap and offering her hand, leading her out of the sitting room and off towards the stairs. Enid snatched her bag before they headed upstairs, her smile growing as she shoved into the familiar room and immediately stretched, her bones already buzzing with the anticipation of a full, beautiful moon. She turned toward Wednesday, the seer already cupping her face and leaning up for a proper kiss, her hands already tugging at the hem of Enid's hoodie.

"Let me undress you," she whispered roughly, stepping back and pulling Enid's hoodie off, "I want to appreciate you a moment before we journey to the rear porch."

Enid smiled, her eyes closing as she felt Wednesday reach for her boots before untying them and pulling them off, the seer tugging her socks off as well. She kissed her again, Wednesday sliding her shirt up her stomach before removing it completely, kissing over the exposed shoulders and gliding her fingertips over the scarred plane of her stomach. Enid's eyes snapped open, blown black and violet, her fangs already lengthening as Wednesday unhooked her bra and tossed it on the bed behind her, cool hands lightly palming her breasts. She swallowed when Wednesday kissed over her chest and reached for the button on her faded blue jeans, popping open the fly before sliding them down over her hips and off, taking the underwear with them before tossing them aside. Wednesday worked her jaw, eyes unabashedly washing over the naked skin before she slid her arms around Enid and hugged against her chest.

"You truly are magnificent, mi vida," Wednesday kissed over her heart and staggered back a step, clearing her throat as she turned to retrieve Enid's bag, "I wish I could appreciate you even more, though I know the moon is nearly upon us."

She unfurled a fluffy pink robe from Enid's bag and handed it off, grabbing the black sliders as well and offering them, the wolf easily tightening the belt around her waist before sliding into her shoes. Enid reached for Wednesday and gratefully kissed her, her eyes glowing as she stepped away and jerked her head toward the door.

"Ready when you are, Wens."

Wednesday nodded, sliding around Enid and approaching the door, the blonde easily following along behind her. They wandered down the stairs and curled around toward the back of the house, the seer pushing out onto the massive deck that stretched along almost the entire length of the house, the thick, dark wood nearly blending into the darkness. Several globe lights were scattered along the railing, the area bathed in a soft, amber glow, the last rays of the sun nearly fading from the midnight blue sky. Enid lifted her face upwards and inhaled a deep breath, her skin already tingling with the incoming shift, her eyes burning a brilliant sapphire when she looked to her girlfriend, her focus appraising the vision of Wednesday still wearing her jersey.

"You're so beautiful under the moonlight, Wednesday," Enid kicked her sliders off and walked the steps that separated them, her hands falling against the swell of her hips, "I wanna say this is gonna be super cool and all, but my wolf is gonna be so happy to see you, I'm probably gonna make a giant fool out of myself."

The seer shook her head, her hand lightly brushing blonde hair away from the beautiful scars, "Querida, I will love you no matter the consequence. I am eager to see the beast that risked her life for mine, I'm sure you are even more resplendent now."

Enid smiled, pressing their foreheads together as she stole the last few moments of her humanity, her nails tingling as they started to lengthen on their own accord. She quickly kissed Wednesday's cheek and stepped back, her fangs growing even longer.

"See you on the other side," she winked, quickly shedding her robe.

Wednesday stared in awe as Enid's body started to rapidly change, the beast growing taller and taller as it extended upwards towards the moon burning overhead, pointed ears twitching atop her head, a thunderous growl rumbling from the expanding chest. The brunette's eyes widened in amazement, the sound of flesh tear and bones popping like music to her ears, a smile creeping across her face as she watched her paramour turn into a monstrous beast. Finally Enid shook herself free of the lasting remnants of her human form, her massive, pointed snout moving upwards toward the sky, a loud, cacophonous howl escaping the gaping maw. Wednesday inhaled a sharp breath once the wolf fell to all fours in front of her, Enid blinking twice, those eyes glowing as she shuffled forward and sat down in front of Wednesday.

She exhaled a momentous breath, a small smile still across her face as she lifted her hand up and touched the pointed snout, Wednesday's hand sliding up the massive head, her fingers absently massaging along the base of her pointed ears. A loud banging suddenly punctuated their stillness, Wednesday frowning in confusion before she looked around the giant wolf, a thick, heavy tail happily thumping against the deck behind her. The brunette blinked once, leaning back to stare up at the placid face, her eyes narrowing as she looked to the oversized beast.

"I do not recall you having a tail," she murmured, her other hand lifting up to again rub at the base of Enid's ears, the thumping sound only growing louder, "You are utterly ridiculous, querida, please never change."

Enid chuffed and nuzzled her nose against Wednesday's neck, her tail only wagging faster as she attempted to snuggle her giant body up against her tiny girlfriend. Wednesday sighed in exasperation, her hand pressing down on the top of her head as Enid rumbled against the side of her neck.

"Calm yourself," she chastised, her bangs mussed when Enid rubbed against her forehead, "Do you heel?"

The wolf grunted, her massive claws clicking against the wood as she moved closer, that damn tail never once ceasing its excited wiggle. Wednesday sighed and accepted her fate, merely hugging her arms around the large head and pillowed her cheek between Enid's ears, her eyes falling closed in contentment.

"Thank you for saving me, you giant dog," she mumbled affectionately, blindly kissing the golden fur, "I see now why Yoko uses that epithet."

Enid whined, her ears whiffing back as she growled as if to punctuate her point as a ferocious beast, Wednesday refusing to stop hugging around her face, "I do not doubt your power, Enid, nor your strength and ferocity. But here, with me, you are soft and malleable, and I find myself protective of this bestial creature."

The wolf rumbled, her tail happily beating against the deck again, the seer nearly snorting a small laugh at her infuriatingly cute girlfriend. The back door slowly pushed open, Esmeralda the first person out on the deck before the rest of the family, Wednesday biting back a sigh as she released her golden wolf. Grandmama chuckled as she looked up at Enid as she stood to her full height, her long, large fangs glistening in the soft light.

"My, truly you are a giant, wolf. Beautiful."

Gomez marveled, his smile wide beneath his mustache as he reached up for her, Enid easily curling downward to touch her nose to his hand, "Oh, demonia, you have earned every inch of that nickname! Thank you for letting us see such power, I know that Wednesday has truly chosen well with you."

Enid chuffed again, puffing her chest out as she snuffled the top of his head, Gomez laughing again as he gave way to his wife. Morticia smiled up at the beast, the wolf softening as she curled toward her, the elder seer lightly cupping the large chin.

"Oh, my little rosebud is not so little," she laughed quietly and kissed the top of her head, "I thank the wolf for saving my Wednesday that night, I cannot express such gratitude with mere words."

She chuffed again as Morticia wandered away, Wednesday grinding out a frustrated exhaled as she crossed her arms, wanting another moment alone with her beast. Pugsley only greeted the wolf, muttering in impression when she stood to her full height again, Thing only giving a thumbs up from atop his shoulder. Morticia shooed the rest of the family inside after another moment, tossing a lingering smile to her daughter before clicking the door closed, leaving them in calming silence. Wednesday released her tension and uncrossed her arms, Enid already sitting in front of her again, tail already sweeping across the black planks. She shook her head, gesturing with her hands for the wolf to again rise to its back feet.

"I wish to see you, querida."

Enid nodded her large head and moved more into the light, moving herself in such a way as to properly highlight the faint scars that ran over her fur, more hidden on the wolf's body than on the human one. Wednesday traced her fingers over the scars on her stomach and across her thigh, appreciating the strength of her protector before she motioned them down the small staircase leading them to the woods. She stopped and turned, lifting her arm up toward the silent, pitch dark forest.

"You are free to do as you please, Enid, but I will be out here until the moon has set for the evening. Do not be reckless."

The wolf only snorted a breath and bumped Wednesday's stomach with her nose, her tail catching several leaves as she happily wagged it. Enid turned toward the woods, casting a final look back to Wednesday before she took off, the massive body moving faster than even Wednesday was expecting. She blinked, surprised that the beast had disappeared so quickly, turning instead to return to the deck and gather Enid's robe, folding it up and leaving it atop one of the glass tables along the wide porch. Wednesday posted up in one of the chairs closest to the lights, cracking open one of her books to help pass the time for a night spent beneath the stars. She occasionally lifted her head, hearing that howling in the distance, another smile threatening to press along her face. She heard rustling after a long while, the beast suddenly peeking over the railing at her, placid blue eyes glowing through the endless night.

Enid crept back up onto the patio and rumbled in greeting, checking the area beside Wednesday before curling up at her feet instead, laying her large head across her lap. Wednesday leaned down to kiss her scars, her fingers lightly petting through the soft fur, lips twitching when the tail started to wag again.

"Have you had your fun, querida?"

She chuffed, content to remain with Wednesday for the remainder of the night, the wolf only shifting once the supernatural power started to leave out of her large body. Wednesday stood from her seat and reached for the robe, just as mesmerized at the sight of the large beast shrinking back into its much smaller form, Enid suddenly kneeling on the porch before her, big blue eyes lifting to shock her with their magnetic, overwhelming power. Wednesday handed off the robe, her face already burning red as Enid rose from her place and shrugged on the garment, hardly closing it as she cupped Wednesday's chin, and lovingly kissed her. Enid hummed when they parted, pulling Wednesday against her naked skin and nuzzling herself up under her ear, arms folded around the tiny waist.

"I love you, Wens," she kissed her lips again, her smile smug as she swept her thumb over the burning red face, "Thanks for letting me be free."

Wednesday swallowed, her eyes wide as she tried to clear her throat, every sensible thought escaping her at the feeling of Enid pressed up against her, jaw working as she fell into those icy blue eyes.

"Anything for you, mi vida," she rasped in awe, leaning up on the balls of her feet to properly kiss Enid, her arms snaking around her neck, "I love to see every part of you."

Enid smiled, stealing another kiss as she ignored the chill that skittered over her bare skin, her fangs peaking out in a broad smile when she finally pulled herself away, that same fuzzy feeling creeping up along her bones.

She wanted to spend her life like this.


Yes, Enid has a f*cking TAIL, fight me. I've always wanted her to have a tail, her show design needs some TLC. I just love the idea of this giant doofus of a wolf being like MY LOVE whenever she sees Wednesday. Can't control her tail wags. This is my story, and damn it, that's adorable.

Wednesday has fawned over her wolf for long enough, she needed to bed that girl. I went back and forth over whether or not to include their first time, considering all my stories lead to smut, BUT. I teased it long enough, it felt weird to skip it, so I went a little softer with this go around. Who knows what will happen in later chapters. WE FINALLY REACHED THE HALLOWEEN PARTY, LET THE f*ckERY COMMENCE NEXT CHAPTER.

Enid: You know, I would love to take you home and-
Wednesday, already taking her dress off: Oh, you mean you DON'T wanna have sex in the cemetery? Oooookay then, let's quickly head home then. I've got like ten minutes before I just rip your clothes off and f*ck you in your car.
Enid: ...I mean, goddamn, yes ma'am, let's GO.
Wednesday: FINALLY.
Wednesday, twenty minutes later and flat on her back under Enid: You know what, this is amazing, please just f*ck me already, I've waited YEARS!!

I love them.

An update as well: I've turned off guest comments because I can't be asked with trolls and rudeness anymore. I've been called insufferable for it, and that just makes me laugh. I'm sorry to any of the guests who stop by and read, I have 9 invitations for AO3 if anyone is interested. I appreciate the continued support for me and my stories, and for all the love you guys always show me. Sorry I was gone so long, but man, I've struggled with existing lately.

Hope you like it, thank you for everything <33

YMU will hopefully be updated this weekend. Please forgive any mistakes with this story, I've been working on them all day and my eyes have grown so tired. Comment replies tomorrow, too. :)

Chapter 16: Monster Mash


Enid throws a Halloween rager; Wednesday can't keep her eyes off her.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Wednesday tightened her grip on her bag handle as she tore across campus, her final class for the day finally having ended an extra twenty minutes late. She gruffed as she moved to avoid several milling bodies still walking around campus on a Friday evening, her feet carrying off toward the parking lot and her patiently waiting girlfriend. The seer blinked as she glanced up, seeing through the fading light and noticing Enid’s car parked along the curb with its hazard lights flashing, tucked beneath one of the lampposts lining the student lot.

She stopped walking when she noticed Enid casually leaning against the front of her car, wearing a sinfully tight pair of pale blue jeans, and her famous pink cowl neck sweater, the wolf smiling right at her though the low light. The brunette swallowed, her hands falling away from her straps and instead tucking away into the front of her hoodie, Enid’s same team sweatshirt that she loved to spend all of her time in, except for the rare occasions where she stole the second one for a stronger, more potent smell of everything Enid. She worked her jaw, her cheeks already burning with a faint blush as she soldiered up to her girlfriend, Enid pushing up from the front of her SUV and already reaching out, grasping at her sleeves, and pulling Wednesday in for a slow, appreciative kiss.

“There you are,” Enid breathed when she pulled away, her arms snaking around Wednesday’s waist as she pulled her in close, nuzzling up along her jaw, “I was ready to go kick a door down and rescue you.”

The seer hummed, her eyes already fluttering closed as she all but collapsed against her wolf, fingers curling in the soft material at the back of Enid’s favorite sweater, “Apologies for being late, querida, our professor was in the midst of an emphatic lesson.”

Enid smirked and lightly shook her head, lips absently trailing along Wednesday’s neck, “No worries, Wens, I don’t mind waiting,” she pulled away with a faint sigh, grinning at the petulant glare on the brunette’s face, “You ready to go? We still a few things to do before the party tonight and I wanna make sure we have enough time.”

Wednesday only grunted in response, lifting up to the balls of her feet to sweetly kiss the soft, pink lips, her blush only worsening as she finally detangled from Enid’s addictive embrace. The wolf turned to open the door for her, the seer gratefully collapsing in the passenger seat as she belted herself in, tucking her bag between her boots and waited for Enid to start them off toward home. They merged back into traffic and drove toward the usual turn, Wednesday already reaching for Enid's hand and pulling it into her lap, her fingers lightly tracing over the warm, callused skin. She turned, studying the blonde's profile, tuning out the faint rock station in the background her, thumb absently tapping on Enid's knuckle to briefly gather her attention. Her heart skipped when Enid threw her a knowing smirk, Wednesday mindlessly lifting their hands to kiss Enid's before clearing her throat to speak.

“Querida, my skating instructor has been in contact this afternoon, she is intent on increasing my training sessions in preparation for the competition circuit that is fast approaching.”

The wolf hid a grimace, her hand absently flexing in Wednesday’s as she stole a quick look to her girlfriend, “Yeah, makes sense, training is important. Do you still want me to sit in on your sessions when I can, even though Kat seems to hate me?”

Wednesday angrily frowned, “I have warned her of commenting on your presence, she should not bother you over it again. I enjoy having you there, but I fear my free time will be more limited,” her scowled worsened, her hands clasping protectively over the one still in her lap, “Our schedules will not so easily align, Enid, and I am already loathe to be apart from you.”

“Hey,” she said softly, puling up to a stop light and turning in her seat, “Wens, we’ll see each other when we can, okay? Don’t even worry about it, we always manage to steal some time! And even if we don’t, we still go to bed together every night, so we can always see each other then,” Enid kissed Wednesday’s hand before pulling off from the light, “I know how important skating is to you, and I’m gonna be there to support you whenever I can. Luckily, my season will be winding down by the time you really get into yours.”

The seer swallowed the surprise wave of affection at the easy confidence pouring from her wolf, glaring instead as she clung to Enid’s hand, Wednesday leaning over to quickly kiss her cheek at the very next red light. The rest of the journey home was nothing but easy silence as Enid swung herself around toward the last house on the dead end street, and backed herself into the driveway. Wednesday stifled an exhausted sigh as she stared out the window, Yoko and Divina finishing with the final decorations on the front porch, dark eyes gratefully sweeping over the frightfully realistic murder scene still situated out on the front lawn. There were two blood-soaked mannequins made to look like the murderers standing near the porch, facing the scene out front, fake blood and body parts littered over the yellowing grass, an entirely too-real body bag oozing blood off to the front by the driveway.

She’d taken it upon herself to help make the house as terrifying as possible both inside and out, having instructed Eugene and her brother to bring things over from the mansion for her, to help intensify the unsettling feeling that lingered about the downstairs. She’d changed light bulbs, and tucked away the smallest details all over the house, each of the housemates following her instruction without argument during their decorating spree yesterday, Enid the most excited to help her execute her plans of darkening the usually relaxed decor. She knew that the partygoers wouldn’t appreciate her work, but she was fully determined to unnerve and upset as many people as possible, with the least amount of effort possible, and the smallest amount of human interaction allowed. It was only an incredibly worthwhile added bonus that each new horrifying addition to the house made Enid practically giddy with unending excitement.

Wednesday fought the urge to roll her eyes, grabbing her bag from between her boots as she slid out of the car, Enid already walking around to meet her, their hands naturally lacing together as the blonde leaned down and lightly bumped their shoulders together.

“Thanks for helping out with the decorations yesterday, Wens, you freaked the whole street out. Ajax told me the cops came by last night, just to make sure nobody was actually dead out front.”

She nodded, following along behind Enid as they walked toward the front door, “You know of my family’s affinity for All Hallow’s Eve, and I have always enjoyed staging heinously real crime scenes.”

Enid smiled softly, her fangs catching her lower lip as she instinctively leaned down and kissed Wednesday’s cheek, “God, I love you,” she looked to Yoko as she finished with the cotton webbing near the front door, the wolf nodding her head in greeting, “Hey, what else do we have left to do? I still have to get Wednesday ready for the party, but-“

“There’s not too much,” Divina called from the other side of the porch, arranging a scary-faced jack-o-lantern on the corner of the railing, “I think we have to finish the back yard set-up, everything else is good. All the alcohol’s chilling, and the pizza’s gonna get dropped off around ten. You wanna help Ajax with the chairs and the fire pit out back, and then we should be probably good?”

The wolf easily nodded, ushering Wednesday toward the front door, “Oh, sure thing, Vina. I’ll go meet him around back,” Enid snickered as the bloodsucker opened the door for them with a dramatic flourish, catching the glare on Wednesday’s face as she stepped into the house, the wolf poking Yoko’s shoulder as she passed her by, "Don't even start!"

Wednesday turned once they were inside, hooking a bag strap over her shoulder as she leaned up and kissed Enid’s scarred cheek, “I will meet you upstairs, querida.”

Enid smiled again, her nose scrunching happily as she nodded and purposefully kissed the scowl off Wednesday’s face, “Shouldn’t be too long, and then I can get you all dolled up,” she winked, lightly swatting at the seer’s backside as she turned her off toward the steps, blowing a kiss after the scathing, red-faced glare.

The wolf shoved up her sleeves and wandered through the large space, appreciating every macabre and grotesque decoration around their house in preparation for the Halloween rager, from bleeding candles to black webbing all around the upper corners of nearly every room on the downstairs floor. She’d been surprised when Wednesday even showed an interest in helping them prepare for the party, the Addams family aesthetic easily overtaking the entire space, even the rooms darker from the added touch of undeniably unsettling creepiness. It was the most prepared they’d ever been for Halloween, grateful that they had a house to decorate for just such a party, and not singular dorms that were hell to get away with.

She skipped out toward the back yard, passing through the kitchen and slipping through the rear mudroom, kicking out the back door and heading down the few cement steps leading to the surprisingly large, fully fenced in yard. Chrissy was stringing sets of twinkling orange lights along the far wooden fence, the rest of the sides already finished, the psychic throwing a greeting wave to the fast approaching Enid. Ajax was still hauling chairs in from the shed, Enid quickly pulling her sweater off to keep it from getting dirty, a magenta tank top showing off all the scars on her rarely bare arms. She grinned as she passed the gorgon, making a beeline for the shed as she grabbed a up four chairs on her own, shuffling back toward the circular, metal fire pit, and arranging them in a loose, crooked circle.

Ajax straightened with a smile, absently adjusting his hat as he jerked a chin at Enid, “Hey, dude, are Vina and Yoko good out front? Chrissy just needs to finish with the lights and then I think we’re done back here.”

“Yeah, they’re all good,” Enid easily moved to help Chrissy, grabbing the bundle of unstrung lights, and helping untangle them, “We got most of it done yesterday, which was honestly smart of all of us, especially since Wednesday helped us decorate.”

Chrissy laughed, nodding in thanks to Enid as she continued weaving the lights between the peaks on the fence, “Wednesday has a seriously good eye for really weird, creepy stuff, that little clown doll she’s got sitting in the living room corner is seriously terrifying.”

Enid snickered, her shoulders shaking with silent laughter as she further unwound the lights, “I know! Every time I’m walking through the house, I notice something even creepier. That painting she put up in the living room is probably the worst, I swear to god those eyes follow you,” she sighed happily, turning her head back toward the house, “She’s the best, for real.”

They chattered a while longer, the two girls finally finishing with the lights and plugging them into the shed, the moon rising off toward the horizon, the little orange bulbs dancing pretty flashes of light across the yard. Ajax finished stacking wood off behind the chairs near the fire, already ready with kindling and the long-stem matches for whenever someone managed to make it outside, the trio eventually heading off inside once they were properly finished. The wolf snagged her sweater and tossed it over her shoulder, following the others and stopping off in the kitchen to survey their set up. Enid smirked as she looked around the room, bags of snack foods across the countertops, several towers of cups already waiting along the bar with dozens of alcohol bottles, large, empty bowls stacked on the corner of the counter for the waiting snacks. Ajax crept around her and headed toward the living room area, two beer pong tables already set up in the dining room, a basket of ping pong balls sitting in the middle of the closest one. The wolf grinned as she reached for a small bag and tucked it under her arm, ducking into the packed fridge and snagging out two bottles of water.

Yoko and Divina finally crept in from outside, the siren sighing in relief as she headed back toward the kitchen and collapsed into one of the chairs, grinning at each of her friends.

“Everything’s ready to go! Fog machine’s ready out front, and so are the lights to really show off that murder scene. Wednesday did a hell of a job, this place is honestly creepy as hell at night now. That skull she put above the steps is so freaky, I’m almost expecting it to start talking.”

Enid snorted a laugh and tucked the bottles under her arm, jerking her thumb off toward the living room, “Oh yeah, I know! That severed head in a jar still freaks me out whenever I walk into the bathroom. And since we’re all good to go, we’re gonna be upstairs until it’s showtime. I still have to paint Wednesday’s face, and that’s gonna take some time-“

“Yeah, paint Wednesday’s face,” Yoko laughed, pulling off and folding her glasses as she smirked at the responding glare, “Riiight, you have fun with that, bubbles! I’ll make sure you guys don’t get interrupted while you’re so busy upstairs.”

The wolf smiled humorlessly, snapping her claws out on her free hand, “Gee, thanks! Appreciate it,” Enid withdrew her claws and smiled at the rest of her friends, “This party is seriously going to be so much fun, I can’t wait. I also can’t wait to see everyone’s costumes! Anyway, if you guys need anything, bother someone else, byyyeee.”

The group shared in a laugh as Enid all but sprinted away, taking the corner around to the staircase at breakneck speed, loping four stairs at a time to help get her upstairs even faster. Enid all but crashed into her own door and slammed it behind her, smiling when Wednesday jerked her head up at the explosive entrance, face flushing once she noticed the crazed smile on her wolf’s face. The blonde dropped their snack and both water bottles off on her desk and tossed her sweater onto the back of her chair, all but wrestling herself out of her pink boots before throwing them off toward the closet, eagerly crawling herself onto the bed in front of her girlfriend. She smirked as she straddled over Wednesday’s crossed ankles, Enid waiting patiently for the seer to bookmark her place in her novel, leaving it off on its usual place on the nightstand. Enid crawled her way closer, hovering on her hands and knees over Wednesday’s legs, her eyes fluttering closed when cool fingers gently combed through her hair.

Their lips met at the same time, Wednesday sighing in relief as she cradled Enid’s jaw and thoroughly kissed her, her breath catching when the wolf easily fell to her side, and pulled her into her arms. Wednesday leaned over Enid, deepening the kiss, her hands wandering over the bare shoulders and blindly tracing the scars on the wolf’s bicep, a chill lancing down her back when Enid tucked her hands beneath her hoodie. Their lips parted, Enid humming in content as she moved again, bringing Wednesday with her as she settled the seer fully on top of her, the blonde’s fingers sliding more up her stomach as she lightly kissed the newly healed bite scar on the side of Wednesday’s neck.

“I love you,” Enid followed the trail of goosebumps, her fangs playfully nipping at the tick in her girlfriend’s jaw, “Y’know, Wens, we’ve got some time to kill-“

No,” she ground out, leaning more into the warm lips kissing lazy patterns along her neck and face, “I do not enjoy feeling rushed, Enid.”

The wolf purred out a contented sound, her hands sneaking even higher up the back of her partner's shirt to follow the line of her spine, her lips brushing over the rapid thump of a deceptively fast pulse, “Wednesday, we’ve had sex in the team showers,” she teased in a whisper, nipping at the tension in her jaw.

“And I was not rushed,” Wednesday huffed, burying her bright red face in Enid’s shoulder, her fingers curling into the wolf’s tank top, “You could do whatever you wanted then, without fear of being interrupted,” she lifted her head from her shoulder and briefly pecked her lips, glaring at the smug little grin, “I want to wait until after this evening, when I can thoroughly enjoy you.”

Enid swallowed and obediently nodded, her hands still moving of their own accord, “I can’t wait,” she mumbled, smirking at the sudden warning noise from Wednesday as she pulled away with a humored chuckle, “What’s wrong?”

Wednesday squirmed, pinning Enid’s elbows as she leaned up on her knees and scowled down at the happily smiling face, “You have just unhooked my bra, you insufferable creature.”

The blonde laughed, sitting up once Wednesday crawled out of bed, fisting the back of the seer’s hoodie and pulling her back to stand between her knees, “Sorry, wasn’t even thinking,” Enid pushed up Wednesday’s hoodie and shirt, dropping random kisses over the freckled skin, “Lemme fix it.”

She grumbled and held up her layers, ignoring the way her stomach flustered at the warm hands ghosting over her skin, Wednesday throwing an empty glare over her shoulder once Enid fixed her clasp, and dropped a warm kiss between her shoulder blades. Wednesday turned in the embrace, folding her arms around Enid’s neck as she dipped her head down to kiss her, rumbling at the wandering hands reverently touching over her entire body. The seer pulled away, leaning her forehead to Enid’s at the pathetic whine from her girlfriend, her eyes fluttering open as she studied the glowing, violet gaze.

“If I do not step away from you, mi vida, your hands will be wandering where they should not.”

Enid grinned and nodded, her eyes lidded as she wiggled closer to her girlfriend, her fingertips grazing along the waist of Wednesday’s jeans, “You’re right, but I don’t wanna let you go yet,” she stole a quick kiss and leaned back, squeezing the delicate waist, “Can we compromise and just make out? You can hold my hands the whole time.”

“I would rather restrain you,” Wednesday sighed heavily, nudging herself closer as she hid her face away in the crook of Enid’s neck and ignored the blonde’s suggestive smirk, her fingers petting through the silky, blonde waves, “I have no faith in myself to keep them from wandering otherwise,” she kissed Enid’s jaw and stepped back, bracing her hands on the bare shoulders, “How much time do you need to paint, querida?”

The blonde pouted when Wednesday stepped away, Enid just barely reaching out enough to hook her fingers into her girlfriend’s pockets, “At least an hour, but I know you wanted it detailed, so probably more like two. We can put Hocus Pocus on and I can get started if you want, but once I do your lips, you can’t kiss me.”

Wednesday instantly frowned, “Save them for last.”

Enid laughed and nodded, standing up from the edge of the bed and kissing Wednesday’s freckles before sliding around her, heading off toward her closet door. She picked up her boots and pulled open the door, stashing them on the shoe rack before she reached for the glittery black caboodle on the shelf above her dresser, pausing to snag a smaller makeup bag before scurrying back out into the main room. Enid clicked her tongue in annoyance, dropping her wares off on the desk and plucking up her sweater, marching it back into her closet and into the hamper, easily grabbing the bag hanging on the inside hook before slamming the door behind her. She gestured for Wednesday to remove her hoodie as she snapped up the remote from the nightstand, clicking the TV on and scrolling through the libraries, stopping over her favorite Halloween film, and happily hitting the play button. Enid smirked as she returned to her desk, plucking up the junk food and walking back to Wednesday, holding the bag out for inspection.

“By the way, I got something from the store for you this morning, so you can have something to snack on tonight if you want.”

Wednesday flushed at the thoughtfulness, reaching her hand out to accept the spicy queso tortilla chips, “Thank you, querida, but this wasn’t necessary-“

“Well no,” Enid moved back to collect her supplies in one arm, pushing her chair over toward the bed, “But I know they’re your secret weakness, and I wanted to make sure you had something, in case you snuck up here pretty early.”

The seer huffed, putting the bag off to the side and finally removing her hoodie, tossing it to follow, “You are always thinking of me,” Wednesday mumbled quietly, looking down at the cases beside her on the bed before looking back up at Enid, “I still marvel over what I’ve done to deserve such bliss.”

Enid wrinkled her nose in another smile, bending at the waist to lean down and kiss the thoughtful pout, her eyes sparkling when she pulled away, “You’re literally always on my mind, Wens, it’s almost unfair. Anyway, your shirt and stuff are in that bag if you wanna get changed before I paint you, I’m gonna run downstairs and grab a cup of water before we get started.”

Wednesday nodded, not even rising from the edge of the bed as she leaned back on her hand and crossed her ankles, her eyes wandering over toward the television on the wall. She watched for several minutes, head on a swivel when Enid returned with a black towel and a large cup of water, those pretty sapphire eyes glowing with unending affection. Wednesday stood, reaching for the hem of her tee shirt and pulling it off, her skin warm where she knew Enid’s eyes followed her movement, the seer reaching for the black bag and tugging open the drawstrings. She jumped when she felt the tips of Enid’s claws tracing down her back, Wednesday straightening up with the shirt in her hands, casting a curious look over her shoulder. Enid only smiled and stepped closer, wrapping her arms around Wednesday’s middle and sweetly kissing the bow of her neck, hooking her chin over her shoulder and meeting the pitch dark eyes.

“You know, I don’t wanna get paint on your shirt,” Enid rumbled on instinct when Wednesday turned in her arms, her eyes flickering violet, “You should just leave it off and then get dressed when we’re done.”

The seer absently bobbed her head, heat flustering in her belly as she tilted her chin up in clear request, “Yes,” Wednesday lightly kissed her, her thumbs tracing the inside of Enid’s wrists, “I’m inclined to agree.”

“That’s my girl,” Enid smiled at the immediate red-faced scowl, dipping her head only once to reverently kiss the bite scar, “Okay, for real though, I’ve gotta get the hell away from you,” she laughed.

Enid smiled at the gruff little noise, waving Wednesday down to sit on the edge of her bed as she set up her water on the nightstand, and pulled her chair up right in front of her girlfriend. She sifted through the caboodle, dozens of types of face and body paints, make up, and prosthetics tucked away in the giant case. Wednesday’s eyebrows twitched in impression as she reached out, plucking up a latex bullet wound, her eyes tracking over to Enid.

“I knew of your skill with a paintbrush, querida, I was unaware of your talent with makeup as well.”

She grinned, a spark of mischief overtaking the crystal blue eyes, “Oh, hell yeah, you know I love Halloween. Last year, I had a couple different parties to go to, and I dressed up in a different costume for each one. I love doing special effects makeup, and the fact that you’re even letting me paint your face has me so excited, Wens.”

Wednesday hummed in thought and nodded, moving herself closer to the edge of the bed and in between Enid’s knees, watching in fascination as the wolf pulled out her starting colors and got down to work. The seer didn’t mind when Enid pinned her bangs back and swept her flyaways back from her face, focus unwavering as she visibly stared at the beautifully scarred face. She didn’t take her eyes off Enid as she carefully painted her face and down her neck, following each quiet direction as it was given, moving her head in various angles. Wednesday was fully taken by the unbreakable concentration, her hands absently fidgeting in her lap as she studied Enid’s face, her jaw twitching as she fought the overwhelming urge to reach up and distractedly kiss her. She waited without moving for an indeterminate amount of time, more and more stars dotting the sky outside as Enid worked her magic, switching between paint brushes and makeup brushes to get the desired effect. The blonde finally stopped for a moment, her smile nearly splitting her face as she put her tools down and just barely squeezed Wednesday’s knee.

“Okay, I’ve gotta do your lips-“

Enid groaned when Wednesday eagerly kissed her instead, the seer all but straddling her lap and tangling her fingers in her hair, the wolf wrapping an arm low around Wednesday’s bare back as she supported the miniscule weight. They eventually broke away, Enid licking lips to savor the lingering kiss, her breath escaping in a ragged exhale as she smiled incredulously.

“Took that seriously, huh,” the blonde giggled and rolled her eyes, stealing one more kiss to the plush lips, “Come on, we’re almost done. Just have to do the mouth, the teeth, shade that in, then we’re good to go. It looks so cool right now, though.”

Wednesday huffed and bobbed her head, sliding back off Enid’s lap and perching just on the end of the bed, bracing her hands on top of the power thighs as the wolf quickly finished her work. She moved her face once everything dried, the effect hardly even felt as she nodded and stood, reaching back for her shirt before finally shrugging it on. She looked at the skin-tight sleeves and all the bones on either side of the fabric, the imagery’s photorealism somehow amazingly impressive. She reached for the bag and dug out the matching gloves, sliding each one on and letting Enid tuck up the cuffs, the wolf snickering as she finally unpinned and straightened her bangs. Wednesday waited as Enid shoved up from her seat and disappeared into her closet, returning with a black Ravens shirt with her name and number on the back, Wednesday not even hesitating as she pulled it over her head, and smoothed down the front of her shirt. Enid offered a hand mirror, the seer’s glued eyebrows rising at the sight of herself in the mirror, the horrifyingly realistic skull painted on her face immediately drawing an impressed smile.

Enid just barely kissed over one of her dimples, the wolf crossing her hands behind her back as she rocked on her heels, “So, what do you think? Scary, right?”

She quickly nodded her head, checking both sides of her perfectly hideous face in the mirror, “It is immaculate, your skill is even more pronounced than I knew it to be. Your capture of the very texture of bone is awe-inspiring, querida, as is the faint imperfections in the skull.”

“Thanks, ma lune,” she preened, reaching down for her phone, “Please let me take a picture? If you close your eyes, it’s even scarier!”

Wednesday agreed, tossing the mirror onto the bed behind her and closing her eyes, Enid moving about to get the best possible photo of her masterpiece. The brunette finally opened her eyes, blinking once she saw the pictures of herself, her eyes tracking up to Enid.

“Truly you are a master of your craft, I’m happy to have agreed.”

“Flatterer,” she teased, her lips twisting into a small frown, “I hate that I can’t kiss you, though. And even though you’re covering the ribcage part of your costume, the sleeves and gloves still look really cool. You’re like the grim reaper on his day off, actually,” Enid gently cupped her cheek, her thumb sweeping over the painted lines, “And I already miss your freckles.”

She lightly kissed the wandering thumb, the pair moving as one as they broke away to clean up the mess, Enid escaping back to the bathroom downstairs to drain the murky water from her cup before hauling back up the steps. Wednesday tucked in the desk chair and packed away the supplies, handing them off to Enid once the wolf returned to the bedroom, putting everything in its place before joining her girlfriend on the side of the bed. Enid wiggled herself into Wednesday’s side, leaning her arm around the tiny brunette as her eyes briefly glanced toward the window above the bed, seeing nothing but inky blackness and dozens of stars.

“Damn, that took longer than I thought it would, I’m glad we started early,” Enid looked to Wednesday, still impressed with the realistic skull on her girlfriend’s face, “I’m really glad you decided to come to the party, Wens, I know it’s not normally your thing, especially with so many people, but it’ll be nice having you there. I’m gonna apologize in advance for ruining the lips, though, because I’m gonna kiss you anyway.”

Wednesday shook her head, sighing in frustration at not being able to freely kiss her paramour, “It is a sacrifice I am willing to make, querida.”

Enid wrinkled her nose and leaned up, kissing the dark hair before she squeezed Wednesday knee and rose from the mattress, putting a hand on her hip and reaching down with her other, “Maybe after people appreciate how terrifying you look right now! You wanna head downstairs so I can get into my costume? I still want it to be a surprise.”

The seer nodded, nuzzling her temple against Enid’s jaw in lieu of actually kissing her, leaving her phone on the bedside table as she excused herself out the door, and wandered off down the endless stairs. Wednesday hit the bottom floor, turning the corner into the living room, blinking at the ambient lighting and the flickering, bloody candles placed safely along the tops of the bookshelves in the far corner of the room. She wandered toward the couch and sat in the partial darkness, crossing her legs and folding her arms as she impatiently awaited the arrival of her girlfriend. The front door suddenly swung open, Yoko shoving into the house in a mussed, stained red tuxedo, her already pale face painted an even lighter shade of white with grungy, filthy green patches. She startled when she noticed Wednesday, nearly dropping the case of bottles out of her hands.

Jesus Christ, why the f*ck are you sitting in the dark?”

Wednesday glared, her eyes hardly visible past the black paint, “I am waiting for Enid.”

Yoko exhaled a shaky breath, jerking her head back toward the kitchen, “Just come hang out with us, you tiny terror. Scared the hell out of me, that damn face paint is no joke.”

The seer rolled her eyes and shoved up from the couch once Yoko wandered off, slowly approaching the activity buzzing in the kitchen, sitting on the outside of the bar as she looked at the rest of the housemates. Chrissy looked up from where she made herself a vodka cranberry, her copper eyes widening at the shocking display plastered across Wednesday's usually lifeless face.

Damn, Enid really did an amazing job, that actually looks real, and totally terrifying.”

She scowled at the attention, nearly pulling up from her seat and retreating back to the living room when she caught the familiar scent of honeysuckle, her head turning back toward the stairwell. Wednesday nearly choked on her own tongue once Enid rounded the corner off the stairs, her eyes widening even more with each step the wolf managed to take in her direction. Enid smirked once they caught eyes, sidling up to Wednesday and stopping just beside her, enjoying the wide-eyed, unabashed stare from her girlfriend. Yoko glanced up, snorting out a laugh as she headed out of the kitchen, appreciating the full look of Enid’s costume.

“Holy f*ck, you look hot in that outfit, are you trying to kill people?”

Enid smirked, spinning in place to show off the full scope of her costume to the interested group, putting her arms up and easily flexing her visible, powerful biceps. She was dressed as an Amazon warrioress, wearing brown leather armor that showed off her shoulders and her scarred stomach, with a metal armor plate that covered the left side of her chest. Her skirt was cut high on both sides, brown leather pteruges covering her down to the knee, her scarred thighs easily visible with each shift of her legs, knee-high armored sandals covering the rest of her look. Wednesday audibly swallowed, her eyes roaming over the matching leather bands wrapped around Enid’s biceps, following the length of her arm and appreciating the brown gauntlets covering both her wrists. Enid grinned, adjusting her matching headband and leaning an elbow on Wednesday’s shoulder, a hungry fire burning in the violet eyes.

“Hey, Wens, you like?”

Wednesday nodded dumbly, her burning face thankfully hidden by the layers of paint, “Quiero que me arruines,” she whispered hoarsely, blinking twice as she absently straightened in her seat and cleared her throat, “You look incredible, mi vida.”

Divina nodded as she moved in next to Yoko, her hands idly adjusting the red veil atop her head, “Yeah, totally nailed the look, Enid. I knew you were going the warrior route, but I totally wasn’t expecting this,” she finished with a laugh.

Enid chuckled and moved behind Wednesday, wrapping her arms around her middle and kissing the bright red ear, her eyes looking over her friends and their matching costumes, “Oh, nice! Beetlejuice and Lydia at their wedding, the red really suits you guys. Vina, where the hell did you get a red wedding dress?”

The siren smirked and shrugged one shoulder, threading her arm through Yoko’s elbow and kissing near one of the green spots on her face, “Eva found it, actually, you know how much that woman loves to thrift. She showed it to me, and then I coerced Yoko into dressing up like him to match.”

“It’s literally perfect,” Chrissy chimed in, finishing her drink and reaching back for Ajax, “So, how did we do, you like? I can’t believe Ajax agreed!”

Enid leaned her head over Wednesday’s shoulder, her smile growing as she easily picked up on the thundering sound of the seer’s racing heart, absently squeezing her close as she took in the sight of the rest of her friends.

“You look good in pink, Ajax,” she teased, her hand sliding down Wednesday’s stomach and briefly following along the inside of her knee, “But Chrissy, you make a really gorgeous Rogue, like damn. That wig is amazing.”

“Thanks, Divina helped me style it,” she looked happily up at Ajax, squeezing his gloved hand, “And my Gambit is very handsome.”

Ajax grinned and ducked his head in mild embarrassment, playfully rolling his eyes as he leaned down to accept the kiss to his cheek, “I can’t do the accent though, it’s so bad,” he chuckled and squeezed Chrissy’s hand before moving toward the alcohol,” Yo, E, you wanna pregame before anybody gets here? You know Kent and the Gammas are gonna crash this party.”

Enid hesitated a moment, Wednesday easily reading her as she dropped her hand over the one on her knee and offering a comforting squeeze, “Will you be drinking this evening, querida?”

“I don’t know, I didn’t really think about it,” she looked to Wednesday, searching the dark eyes, “You gonna have a few to keep you from killing people?"

They shared a brief look, Enid smirking as she looked to Ajax and nodded her head, “All right, round of shots before the mayhem? Whiskey for the lady, right, Wens?”

She nodded, Ajax breaking off and grabbing six plastic shot cups before picking up the jug of whiskey from the army of bottles along the bar, pouring five shots, before reaching for the wine Yoko’d brought in with her, finishing the round with a shot of bloodwine. He handed each one out to the women, smirking as he eagerly held his cup up.

“Here’s to getting f*ckin' wasted, happy Halloween!”

They all tapped glasses and downed their shots, Enid lightly kissing Wednesday’s ear before they all broke away, the wolf connecting to the speakers in the house and starting her specially made playlist, a Rob Zombie song suddenly screaming from the speakers, the clock on the mantle just rolling over to 9:47PM. Enid moved back into Wednesday’s side and reached for her gloved hand, squeezing twice as she leaned down to whisper against the shell of her ear.

“Just stick with me and I’ll keep everyone away from you,” she kissed Wednesday’s ear, smirking at the obvious, full-body shiver, “And you can head upstairs whenever you get too overwhelmed, just lock the door behind you.”

Wednesday nodded, leaning into the sturdy wolf, her face still burning at the feel of so much bare skin pressed against her overly thin layers. She gestured to the whiskey again, Enid smirking as she poured them both another shot before they downed them, the seer already reaching for Enid, and pulling her to stand between her parted knees. Wednesday kept her hands on Enid while the others flitted around the rooms, finishing the last touches before the eventual arrival of their enormous guest list. Most of the Gammas showed up not long after they'd shared another round of shots, Kent leading his charge of men and their usual keg, the largest wolf in the frat setting up the tap just outside the kitchen bar. Kent bounded over to the hosts, his brilliant eyes already glassy and his face already flushed, his eyes widening once he got a good long look at Enid.

“Yo, Enid, you look totally hot in that outfit,” he looked to Wednesday, his smile pulling even wider when the seer wrapped a possessive arm around her girlfriend, “Duuuuude, you look so scary, I love it. I can’t even believe you’re here! We have to do a shot together, please??”

Enid chuckled and braced a hand on his shoulder, easily steering the cowboyed siren away from her prickly girlfriend, “Maybe later, Kent!”

He staggered back toward his boys, Ajax already setting up a Mario Kart competition on the living room television, Chrissy bundled up on the couch while she watched a handful of boys already calling dibs on their desired racers. Enid wandered around and greeted each of the many men, the gammas dressed in various different types of costumes, from their actual football uniforms, to mummies, to knights, and everything in between. Kent’s boyfriend Markus cleared through the already rowdy group, making a beeline for Enid as she leaned against the bar beside Wednesday, his face already rippling with distress.

“Remind me again why I agreed to attend,” he mumbled, removing his cowboy hat and accepting a glass of bloodwine from Yoko, his carmine eyes fixating on Divina, “I dearly love your brother, but this is not usually my idea of a good time.”

Enid snorted, slapping a hand on his shoulder and squeezing in understanding, “Wednesday can say the same thing,” she grinned at the almost-bruising glare from the seer, throwing a casual wink over her shoulder, “But I appreciate you guys coming out! Yoko’s got plenty of bloodwine, and you know you and the idiot can crash here tonight!”

Markus tipped his glass and finished it in one long swallow, placing his cup down before wandering back into the fray. The door opened, more and more bodies filling into the house, the chatter almost too much to handle, the music pounding through the speakers as the house swelled with dozens of partygoers. Wednesday worked her jaw when she noticed a familiar pair making their way back toward the bar, the seer rolling her eyes as she grasped Enid by the waist, and pulled her girlfriend to stand directly in front of her. Bianca chuckled ruefully at the useless avoidance tactic, the siren dressed in a regal blue queen’s gown, her shadow matching the same brilliant hue, ethereal eyes glowing in delight as she made her way to the rest of the Nightshades. She stopped off in front of Enid, the wolf refusing to move away from where Wednesday had purposefully planted her, eyes briefly flicking over toward Lucas, noticing him dressed as a king to match his girlfriend.

Bianca smirked, not even bothering to look around Enid as she crossed her arms, “Hey, Wednesday, glad to see you still don’t want to face me, even in person,” her smirk grew when Wednesday looked around Enid to angrily scowl at her, “I’ve missed that angry little face, Addams, and I like it even more with this current paintjob. How’ve you been?”

Wednesday huffed, hugging her other arm around Enid and leaning her cheek against her shoulder, narrowing her eyes as she looked to Bianca, “This evening was looking better before your untimely arrival.”

The siren laughed, her shoulders shaking as she reached out and playfully shoved Enid’s shoulder, “Girl, I don’t know how you can date this one, she's a handful. Thanks for the invitation, Enid, are we good to crash here? I need to drink, my law professor has been pissing me off.”

The wolf chuckled airily, her head bobbing in affirmation, “Yeah, of course. We’re supposed to watch Halloween after the party, for whoever’s still awake,” Enid smiled at Lucas and waved them both off toward the kitchen, “Go nuts, we’ve got plenty of everything.”

Bianca smirked and nodded, grabbing Lucas’ hand as he threw up a small wave, and dutifully followed behind his queen. Enid threw a knowing smile at Wednesday, the brunette huffing out an annoyed breath before she hid her face in the back of Enid’s shoulder, sighing at the hopeful tap against her side. Wednesday slithered out of her chair and followed after Enid, the wolf already holding her hand out as she expertly led them toward the front door, one of the Gammas suddenly kicking it in, holding fifteen boxes of pizza triumphantly over his head. The party screamed in excitement, eager creatures following along behind him, Enid tucking Wednesday behind her as she laughed and watched them excitedly herd past them. Rose Wilson snuck in behind the chaos, grinning the moment she noticed Enid and the less-than-happy Wednesday, the vampire tugging on the hand of her stunning, crimson-haired date.

“Hey, cap, thanks for the invite! You look really damn good in that outfit,” she blinked when Wednesday snuck her arms around Enid’s bare middle from behind and glowered at her, the silver-haired vampire snorting out a quick laugh, “Hey, Wednesday! Creepy skull face, I love it. And don’t worry, I’m not after your girl. Enid, I actually wanted you to meet someone, this is my girlfriend, Blair.”

Enid smirked, squeezing the arms around her middle as she happily shook the other vampire’s hand, “Hey, Blair! I’m Enid, and this is my girlfriend, Wednesday. Love the costumes, are you guys Dusk and Luna? I loved them as a kid!”

Rose laughed and brought Blair more into her side, “We are! Delia and Charlotte are Thorn and Daphne. Oh, by the way, the rest of the team’s on their way, Yvette texted me a little bit ago.”

“Perfect,” she jerked her finger off toward the kitchen, “Drinks and everything are in the kitchen, Yoko’s got bloodwine if you guys wanted to drink! Kent’s already got the beer pong up and running, too, so have fun.”

The two women nodded and excused themselves toward the moving sea of bodies, Rose pausing at the living room to watch the absolutely brutal Kart race amongst many of the already buzzed gammas. Enid tugged Wednesday’s arms away from her stomach and reached for her hand instead, leading the seer in front of her as she walked them back through the crowd, loud cheering echoing in from the living room at the supposed victor of the latest race. The wolf grinned as she pushed into the kitchen where several of the other girls were bunched together, Enid grasping and lifting Wednesday by the waist, easily depositing her on the corner of the counter.

“Don’t move,” she directed with a squeeze to Wednesday’s thigh, heading to the bottles to pour them both another shot, quickly returning to stand between her girlfriend’s knees and leaning her head down to keep from having to yell over the noise, “How are you doing? I know it’s loud, do you think another shot would help or hurt your tolerance level for people?”

Wednesday quickly shook her head and downed the shot, placing the cup on the counter beside her and curling her arms around Enid’s shoulders, “I haven’t a need to murder anyone yet, querida, I am surprisingly relaxed with you beside me. Perhaps a moment outside?”

Enid nodded, moving back to let Wednesday down off the counter, grinning at the few girls in the kitchen as she was led out toward the back yard. She smiled in relief at the small amount of bodies outside, Chrissy and Divina seated together beside a roaring fire, Yoko poking at the flames as she nursed a large goblet of bloodwine. The wolf sat Wednesday down beside the fire and perched on the arm of her chair, her fingers lightly running over the dark hair, eyes casting around the faces beneath the flickering, amber glow.

“There’s already so many people here, oh my god,” she looked toward the direction of their closest neighbors, happy to see no lights on in the house next door, “Hopefully we don’t get the cops called on us.”

Yoko snorted as she handed the poker off to Divina and drained the rest of her cup, “You know these normies are afraid of us, we’ll be fine. And I know you've hung it up, but Kent’s got the beer pong already started, if you wanna go put those boys in their place. They could do with some humbling.”

Enid’s eyes flashed with determination, her sights falling to look down at her girlfriend as she lightly danced her fingers over the dark hair, “Wens-“

“I want to watch you annihilate them,” she said quietly, standing from her seat and connecting their hands, “I enjoy watching you compete.”

Yoko threw her head back and laughed as she led them back toward the house, throwing a crazed smile back to Divina before slipping back inside to join the drunken masses. The party was swelling even more, voices and cheers of excitement abounding through the massive downstairs, four of the Gammas set up in the dining room and in the midst of an increasingly volatile game of beer pong. Kent blinked away the alcohol burning in his system as he noticed the three women parting through the crowd, the siren already holding up an empty red cup, eyes dancing with unfettered excitement.

“Yooo, ladies, are you gonna beer pong? Is the master finally going to show us how it’s done??”

Enid smirked and nodded, laying her hand over the possessive one curled around her hip, “If you boys don’t mind getting wasted, sure thing, let’s go!”

Kent nodded, waiting as the other game finally finished, the blue side having one with only a single cup left to spare. Yoko popped back in the kitchen and snagged one of the many bottles of bloodwine, handing it off to the other team as they set up the girls’ side of the board, one of the Gamma wolves snorting out an incredulous laugh as he hefted a bottle of moonshine. His eyes flashed with a touch of gold, his claw tapping on the glass bottle as he stopped off in front of Enid and stared down at the surprising scowl torched across her face. His eyes briefly flickered to the deadly look on Wednesday's face, his fanged smile growing as he nudged Enid's shoulder with the butt of his bottle.

“You wanna make it interesting, Sinclair?”

She smirked, a warning growl rumbling up from her stomach as she flashed her fangs in a clear challenge, further emboldened when she felt Wednesday’s fingers dig into her bare hip.

“Okay, DeLuca, you wanna play it that way? We go until we miss, loser drinks every cup.”

The man smiled and threw his head back, releasing an excited howl as he waved Yoko and Kent away from the table, grabbing a fresh stack of cups for his liquor, “Your co*ckiness is gonna be your downfall, Sinclair, always has been,” he set up ten cups on either side of the table, filling each one with two shots a piece of the powerful, wolf-made alcohol, “Who goes first?”

Wednesday huffed as she moved in closer to Enid, her eyes drifting between the wolves as she looked about the table, a crowd starting to form around them, interested to see who’d actually emerge victorious between the two dynamite personalities. Her eyes narrowed as she watched one of the Gammas pull a quarter out of his pocket and hand it to DeLuca, the insufferable male wolf flashing his fangs as he pointed the coin toward Enid.

“Call it.”


He flipped the coin, catching it out of the air and slamming it down on the back of his hand, revealing it to be tails up. DeLuca snickered darkly and moved to his end of the table, bouncing one of the orange balls before shrugging one shoulder, “Hope you’re ready to get out-worked, little girl.”

The ball was tossed, easily landing in the front cup, Enid fishing the ball out before downing the drink with practiced ease, smirking as she flipped it upside down, and gestured for him to throw again. DeLuca tossed a second ball, sinking it in the middle cup with an excited fist pump, high-fiving several of the Gammas standing on his side of the table. Enid only smiled again and easily drained the cup, flipping the second one and tossing the ball in her hand, motioning for the other fur to throw a third time. He missed, the ball bouncing off the rim of the left-most cup, the woman grinning smugly as she again bounced her ball on the table.

“Only two cups? What a shame, I hope you’re gonna like being passed out on the floor.”

Enid turned to look down at Wednesday, a bolt of attraction passing between them as the wolf leaned her head down, her lips brushing along the shell of her ear, “Watch the master,” she kissed the dark hair and turned, “Game over, dumbass.”

She sunk the ball in the first cup, her smile growing with each passing moment, the crowd around them practically vibrating with near-tangible excitement. Wednesday curled her arm around Enid’s middle in a protective hold, glaring at anyone who dared linger on her girlfriend's exposed skin while she was preoccupied, the seer's face warm as she watched her girlfriend sink every single one of the ten cups. Enid squeezed her forearm before making the final shot, her eyes dark with the spirit of competition as she watched DeLuca struggle to finish his last drink, the party screaming in excitement when he crushed the last of it. He crumbled almost immediately, two of his Gammas already grabbing him and heading off to the living room, Enid winking at Yoko as she strengthened her grip on Wednesday. Kent moved back to the table, switching the moonshine for beer and goading Enid and Yoko into another game, the girls only taking a drink a piece before wrecking the other boys.

The blonde hummed contentedly as she collected Wednesday, leading her girlfriend back toward the kitchen and putting her back up on the counter, her fingers walking up the outside of Wednesday’s knee, “You’re a good luck charm, Wens,” she laughed, looking behind her toward the bottles, “Want another shot? Or do you want a mixed drink, and we can go sit out by the fire for a bit?”

“Whiskey and ginger,” she muttered over the music, dumbstruck at how easily the wolf could pick her up and move her without a backwards thought, her eyes wandering over every inch of delectable skin, following the lines of shifting muscle, “Enid.”

The wolf hummed, pouring a healthy amount of whiskey in a cup before topping it off with ginger ale, her eyes sparkling when she moved back into Wednesday, “Your drink, ma lune,” she squeezed Wednesday’s thighs, violet flickering in the bright eyes, “What’s up?”

Wednesday took a sip and hissed at the burn of alcohol, the warmth spreading in her blood as she placed her drink on the counter and cupped Enid’s face before leaning up to lightly kiss her, “Outside,” she mumbled once she pulled away, fighting the urge to wrap her legs around Enid and kiss her senseless in the view of so many, “Please.”

Enid nodded, stepping away again and holding Wednesday’s drink as she slid down from the counter, the seer ignoring the knowing looks from the other women still lingering in the room. Divina smiled and lifted a large pitcher of margaritas, the siren’s face flushed as she gestured toward Enid, meeting the curious eye with a knowing smile. The wolf happily grinned and watched her pour a cup for her, accepting the drink before following Wednesday back out the door, more people having amassed beside the roaring fire. Anna moved out of her seat once she noticed the pair, grabbing her girlfriend by the arm as she bounded over to meet them, excitement apparent in the glazed look.

“Enid! Hey, thanks for the invite, killer party,” the vampire snickered, her eyes glassy as she clung to her drink with her free hand, gesturing to the vampire standing beside her, “Oh, you remember my girlfriend, Maya, right?”

The blonde broadly grinned and nodded her head, quickly appraising the woman’s intricate costume, and her wavy, lush black hair, “Of course, hey! I love your Edward Scissorhands costume, this is seriously amazing. Did you make this yourself? Oh, and Maya, you’ve never met her, but this is my girlfriend, Wednesday.”

Maya chuckled and waved her scissored hand in greeting, “Nice to meet you, that skull face is awesome. And thanks, Enid, yeah! This was a lot of work, but it was so worth it. And of course, my girl as Kim and her pretty white dress from the movie? What more can a girl ask for?”

Enid saluted with her drink, snorting out a small laugh when Wednesday downed half her own drink in one shot, scowling as she clung to Enid and followed her over to the fire. She sat first, Wednesday impatiently crawling into her lap and snuggling up under her chin, nursing the rest of her drink as she glared at the dancing flames. She ignored the conversation around her, the alcohol buzzing in her ears as she wiggled herself even closer to Enid, her nose lightly rubbing along the racing vein. She blindly kissed the underside of Enid’s jaw before pulling away, finishing her drink in a single go before leaning her head back on Enid’s shoulder. She dropped her cup onto the ground beside her, snaking her arms around her girlfriend and crossing her legs as she sat sideways across her lap, comforted by the strong arm wrapped around her lower back. She grunted when Enid pulled away, scowling at the soft kiss against her hair as she locked eyes with her girlfriend, refusing to budge off her lap.

She snickered, lightly rubbing her thumb along Wednesday’s side, “How are you doing, Wens, ready to start killing people?”

Wednesday nodded against her shoulder, blinking away the dizziness from the alcohol as she suddenly pushed up from Enid’s lap and lightly kissed her cheek, “Yes,” she bent down for her cup, ignoring the others around them as she braced a hand on Enid’s knee and deeply kissed her, “I will return shortly," she mumbled against the sweet lips.

Enid frowned slightly, nearly pushing out of her seat, “Wens, you okay? Where are you going?”

The seer shook her head, “The restroom, querida,” Wednesday kissed her again, still steadying herself against Enid’s knee, “Would you like another drink?”

“Maybe water for us both,” Enid said with a soft laugh, squeezing Wednesday’s wrist, “I’ll wait right here for you.”

She bobbed her head and wandered back toward the house, stopping off near the backdoor to appreciate the silence, before swallowing her annoyance, and pushing back into the wild madness still bouncing house. The seer curled her lip once she noticed the downstairs bathroom already occupied, cursing quietly in Spanish as she steeled her spine, and forced herself to walk the gauntlet of drunken college students to make her way to the second floor. Wednesday glared at anyone who looked in her direction as she slowly parted the crowd, many of the inebriated bodies still knowing better and easily clearing out of her way, afraid to provoke the notoriously antisocial seer. She had just reached the top of the stairs when a familiar voice sounded just behind her, a wave of fury suddenly crawling up from the pit of her stomach, her eyes narrowing as she slowly turned to stare up at the unwelcomed presence. Xavier smirked as he staggered up the rest of the stairs, gesturing to her with his red cup as he took a step closer, ignoring the warning sound from the tiny brunette.

“Hey, Wednesday,” he slurred and frowned slightly, his eyebrow twitching as he studied the scowl beneath her painted face, “Heard you were here, but I never found you. Surprised to see you at a house party.”

Wednesday flashed her teeth, her hand dipping into her pocket, fingers tracing the outline of her knife, “You are not supposed to be here.”

His frowned deepened as he slowly blinked, “Dude, half the senior class is basically at this party,” his eyes wandered over her outfit, fixating on the captain’s C on her shoulder, “Are you seriously dating Enid Sinclair? I thought that was a stupid, bullsh*t rumor.”

She worked her jaw, clasping a hand around the hilt of her blade, “Not that it is any of your concern, but yes, I am happily claimed as hers, now move-“

“Why the hell are you so goddamn hostile,” Xavier snapped and stepped more into her space, matching her step backward with another of his own as he caged her in the upstairs hallway, “I never did anything to you, and yet you’re always treating me like I’m some bad guy. You never even gave me a chance-“

Wednesday snapped her knife out and took a warning step forward, rage seething in her blood, the alcohol annoyedly dimming her senses, “You would do well not to take another step forward, unless you want to become part of the crime scene on the front lawn,” she sneered, her hand flexing along the handle, “I do not owe you anything, and if you attempt to accost me again, you will lose more than your fingers.”

He glared, hand tightening around the cup he still held, the plastic cracking in his grip, “I don’t get why you hate me so f*cking much,” Xavier finished his drink and tossed the cup back down the stairs, wiping his knuckles across the corner of his mouth, “You’ve always acted like you were better than me, even when we kids, even though all I ever did was be nice to you-“

She refused to back down, pointing the tip of her knife toward the break in his jacket as he swayed closer to her, craning her neck to continue glaring up at him despite her vision swimming around the edges, “You didn’t understand the word no as a child, either,” Wednesday twitched her lip, raising her knife as he took another half-step toward her, “Now remove yourself.”

Xavier squinted past the alcohol drumming in his veins, his head swaying as he attempted to focus on her, “C’mon, Wednesday,” he slurred, leaning a hand on the wall beside them in the narrow hallway as he absently reached the other toward her, “What’s Enid got that I don’t, huh? I bet you I could f*ck you a lot better than she can-“

Wednesday blinked when Xavier was suddenly ripped away from her, Enid having bounded up the steps and grasped at his collar, slamming him up against the wall that ran along the stairs. Enid snarled in his face, her claws shredding his greasy hoody as she adjusted her grip on him and lifted him up by the front of his throat, ignoring the gasping breath as he struggled to escape her. She snapped her fangs at him, her eyes glowing a feral, threatening silver.

“You ever touch even a hair on my girl’s head, and I’ll f*cking kill you,” she snapped, lifting him up from the wall and tossing him down the stairwell to the waiting group of Gammas, “Get your creepy ass the f*ck out of my house, and stay the hell away from Wednesday,” Enid barked.

She seethed, her breathing ragged as she watched a scarecrow manhandle Xavier down the steps and throw him directly out the front door, loud, boisterous cheering heard from the crowd gathered downstairs. Enid swallowed, loosening her shoulders as she quickly looked to Wednesday, rushing over to meet the motionless seer.

“Oh my god, Wens, are you-“

Wednesday grasped her by the strap on her armor and reeled her in for a frantic, passionate kiss, her fingers tangling in the loose blonde hair at the nape of her neck, crawling herself up the strong body, and wrapping her legs firmly around Enid’s waist. She grunted when she felt the wall behind her, curling her legs higher over Enid’s hips and roughly clamping her thighs into place, greedily sucking on the warm tongue curling in her mouth. She swallowed when Enid pulled away, strong hands gripping at her ass as she ground her front against the hard plane of the blonde’s stomach, her teeth nipping at Enid’s neck.

“That was so incredibly attractive,” she husked, her blood singing as she licked up the side of Enid’s throat, “I do so enjoy seeing the feral side of your anger, querida.”

Enid grinned, sliding her hands up the back of Wednesday’s shirt and tracing along the rib pattern, “Sorry, I got a bad feeling after you walked away, and then I smelled that he was here, and immediately figured he went to find you,” she chuckled briefly, hugging her arms around her girlfriend, “When did you put your knife in your pocket?”

“When you left off to dispose of the paint water.”

“Devious,” Enid smiled, squeezing her a final time before slowly placing her back to her feet, “Are you okay? We can go back upstairs-“

Wednesday shook her head, hugging around Enid’s bare middle and leaning up to kiss her again, lingering against the willing lips, “I am content to be with you for the night, Enid, and will be with you shortly.”

The wolf snickered and nodded, absently moving off toward the bathroom door, “You might wanna wipe your face paint off, Wens, that kiss uh… kinda ruined it.”

“You will also need to wash your face,” she paused at the threshold to the bathroom, her eyes raking down Enid's front, "Though I would not be opposed to further ruining this look, if it meant you would kiss me like that again."

"Only if you behave, ma lune."

Enid winked and clasped her hands behind her back as she rocked on the balls of her feet, grinning smugly at a flustered Wednesday before she finally disappeared into the bathroom. The brunette finished quickly, pulling the door open before she started on clearing the paint from her skin, most of it easily washing off. Enid pulled out a makeup wipe from the cabinet and offered it, the two switching places for Enid to clean herself up, before wandering back down into the relentless party. Wednesday followed, disappearing into the kitchen to accept another shot from Yoko and a slice of pizza from Enid, the rest of the partygoers forgotten as she sat on the corner of the counter, and wrapped an arm around Enid as she leaned back between her knees. She stayed glued to Enid for the rest of the party, accepting random pulls from the random drinks Enid had throughout the night, her nerves fully singing as she clung to Enid’s arm and staggered along behind her. Wednesday glared at any creature who dared stare at her girlfriend for more than three seconds at a time, mumbling Spanish curses at those too drunk to get her hints, Enid endlessly charmed by her violent, antisocial girlfriend.

The wolf eventually planted them both on one of the couches, Wednesday sitting sideways in her lap and endlessly kissing her neck and face, cool hands rubbing up her exposed sides and across her bare stomach. Wednesday shoved away the blissful haze once a fully drunk Kent shoved a purple Switch controller into her hands, Enid laughing in her ear as she wrapped an arm around her and kissed her freshly scrubbed cheek, guiding her through the controls for a quick kart race.

Wednesday squinted at the television, hovering her cursor over Princess Peach before selecting her as her racer, “She is pink and blonde,” she mumbled unhelpfully, trying in vane to keep her motorcycle on the track once the race started, her interest in the game spiking once she got blown up by a red shell.

She surprisingly placed third, a mostly sober Chrissy smoking the rest of the drunkards, Wednesday dumping her controller onto the floor before turning herself and burying her face in the side of Enid’s neck, not even caring to further acknowledge the rest of the outside world. The party eventually wound down around three in the morning, everyone save for the Nightshades and their partners leaving out of the house, Enid still sitting on the loveseat with a mostly-asleep Wednesday curled up in her arms. Yoko staggered around the corner of the couch and collapsed on top, her suit jacket missing, and her makeup mostly wiped off, her words unintelligible as she mumbled softly in Japanese. Divina came around and sat her up before crumbling into the spot next to her, Chrissy finishing out the couch just as Ajax curled up on the floor beneath her feet.

Markus dropped a sleeping Kent off on the other sofa and propped him up against the arm rest, the vampire taking the spot next to Enid. Bianca and Lucas sat next to Kent, the siren tossing the remote toward Enid, the wolf smiling at the pile of shoes gathered near the door, their costumes in various stages of removal as they all snuggled in for the rest of the night. Enid put on Halloween and then stood, cradling Wednesday in her arms as she wandered up the stairs and headed toward her room, managing to push inside without jostling the sleeping body in her arms. She knelt on the edge of the bed and tucked Wednesday against the cool sheets, untying her boots and pairing them off under the bed, smiling the moment she looked at unfocused, obsidian eyes.

“Bedtime, Wens,” Enid swept the bangs away from her face and kissed her forehead, “What do you want off?”

“Everything,” she muttered grumpily, already anxiously tugging at her shirt, “Want to feel you.”

Enid smiled and obeyed, helping Wednesday out of her layers and tossing everything aside, the wolf biting back a laugh when she snapped her bra off and tossed it into the dark oblivion. She intercepted the searching hands and kissed each one, lightly shaking her head before she gathered one of the water bottles from earlier and handed it off to Wednesday.

“I’m gonna go brush my teeth, finish this bottle before you go to bed.”

She laughed when the seer growled at her but obeyed, cracking the cap off and starting in on the mercifully cool liquid. Enid bounded down the steps and readied herself for bed, the alcohol having already filtered mostly out of her system, her lycan biology making it nearly impossible for her to stay even mildly intoxicated for any length of time. She eagerly climbed the steps and slipped back into the room, locking the door behind her as she smiled at the sight of Wednesday in the middle of her bed next to an empty bottle, fingers struggling to unwind her signature double braids. Enid snuck onto the bed and reached out, easily undoing the braids before kissing the back of her neck, guiding the irritable brunette back against the soft pillows. Enid stripped out of her costume and tucked it away in her closet, loosening her limbs as she padded over to the switch and cut the overhead, the dim lamp in the corner the only source of light.

Enid slipped into bed beside her girlfriend, already anticipating the brunette as Wednesday immediately curled her body around her, sighing in relief as she sloppily kissed Enid’s neck and melted into the bare skin.

“Te adoro, mi vida,” Wednesday wriggled herself closer, the smell of whiskey clinging to her lips when she blindly kissed Enid's cheek, “Quiero casarme contigo.”

The blonde chuckled and kissed Wednesday’s freckles before lightly kissing the wandering lips, “You can marry me when you’re not drunk, Wens.”

Enid chuckled at the determined little noise from Wednesday, hugging her arms around the petite seer after she settled atop her chest, hands smoothing down the soft skin the moment her girlfriend finally crashed headlong into sleep.

“I’d marry you tomorrow,” she whispered, a giddiness welling in her belly as she hugged Wednesday just a little tighter and kissed over her freckles.

“Enid Addams does have a hell of a ring to it."


Enid smacked Wednesday on the ass, and she didn't even have a comeback. That little gremlin just took it and then stomped her way up those steps, TELL ME YOU'RE GAY WITHOUT TELLING ME YOU'RE GAY. Can't even form a coherent thought, Wednesday, you're such a disaster. I love it.

Sorry but I'm endlessly entertained at the idea of a very drunk Wednesday wanting to fight anyone who tries to check out her wife. This Wednesday has somehow become my most unhinged, and I won't even apologize. I'm having the time of my life. She's gay and an adult with a smoking hot girlfriend, let the tight ass unwind and get hammered every once in a while. Let her play Mario Kart and not kill anyone when she loses. Let her openly mack on her girlfriend because she's just too gay to function. It's a rare occurrence but I love it.


Enid, coming around the corner in her slu*tty amazon outfit: What do you think?
Wednesday, already mentally undressing her: I think it's unfair that there are people around or else I'd rip that off with my teeth and spend the next four days worshipping you in bed, WHY ARE PEOPLE HERE?? Also plz wear that for me again, NO YOU CAN'T ASK WHY.
Enid: ;)

The wolf asked for a quickie and Wednesday was like, "No, I want a lengthy. I want you to f*ck me for days, you hear me? Days." Can't deny that, can you, Enid? lmao

Like, that little dumbass was like I DONT WANNA BE UP THERE ALONE, YOU'RE ALL SEXY DOWN HERE WITHOUT ME, and then proceeded to follow Enid around like a little lost puppy. With a creepy skull face. If anyone's ever seen Lex over on Madeyewlook, her skull face paint with the skin peeled back was my inspiration for Wednesday's face. f*cking love that bitch, her work is immaculate.

Anyway, sorry it's been a minute. I've got a new head scar and I also just broke my pinkie finger so like... life's hard. Thanks for reading, forgive any mistakes as it's getting late, and I need to be in bed. To everyone still following my story, thank you and I appreciate you very much!! Comment replies to follow soon, happy less than halfway to Halloween! Love you guys <333

Oh, Eugene and Pugsley didn't show because they're minors, RIP.

Chapter 17: Hopeless, Shameless, and Everything in Between


Wednesday knows two things: One, she loves her shameless girlfriend, and two, she'll fight anyone who's got a problem with her.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Wednesday huffed as she stumbled out of a layback spin, the world around her tilting suddenly as she cut to a premature stop, her eyes pinching closed as she properly gained her bearings. She grumbled to herself once her eyes reopened, glaring at her instructor as she skated over to meet her, the unnerving red eyes narrowing suspiciously. Katya Derevenko was a severe, white-haired vampire, over six feet tall and rail-thin, her snow white skin glistening with a faint sheen of sweat, painted black lips twisted in an obvious frown. Wednesday straightened at her approach, the Russian woman tsking her tongue in frustration as she stopped off in front of her, the seer craning her neck to properly glare up at her. Wednesday held the judgmental gaze, her jaw working as she rubbed her arm across her forehead to clear the moisture away, her overworked thighs quivering as she dug her toe pick into the ice.

Katya sighed heavily, her nails scraping down the side of her throat as she rolled her shoulders, an obvious crease pressing between her brows, "You have to train harder, you are losing your energy too quickly."

The tiny brunette scowled and shook her head, pushing away from her coach, "I have trained daily for more than a fortnight, perhaps what I need is to properly rest."

Wednesday turned, starting back toward center ice, her scowl worsening as the woman crept up along side her, matching her stride for stride. Katya mirrored her movements for a short while, calling out turns and jumps to a decidedly irritable Wednesday, the seer landing nearly every one of the requested maneuvers. She stumbled on the landing for a triple salchow, her blades cutting into the ice as she forced herself to a stop, her hands balling in frustration at the fatigue creeping into her every muscle. Katya slid up to her and paused, surveying Wednesday with a barely distinguished annoyance, her eyes rolling as she placed her hands on her hips and absently rolled her left shoulder.

"Your knee, you are not landing properly on that leg still. Have you been strength train-"

"Yes," she snapped, her dark eyes sparking with anger, "I have followed my training guidelines, do not mistake yourself."

They glared at each other, the call of her name easily pulling Wednesday's focus as she noticed Enid suddenly standing over on the bench, her arm raised in an excited wave. Wednesday's shoulders fell in relief, immediately starting herself off toward the home team bench and the open board door, her cheek just barely twitching into a tiny little smile. She cut to an easy stop in front of the opening in the wall, stepping over the threshold into the bench area and reaching for Enid, wrapping her arms tight around her neck as her girlfriend easily lifted her off the ground in a sweet, loving embrace. Wednesday hummed a contented noise, wrapping her legs around Enid's waist as she snuggled her face against the steady, thrumming pulse, the pain in her legs soothed by the warm, comforting heat pouring off her supernatural partner.

Enid hugged her tightly, wrapping an arm low around Wednesday’s hips and grasping a thigh with her other hand, nuzzling against the sweaty cheek before lightly kissing over the tensing jaw.

"Hey, stranger," she moved toward the bench and sat down, adjusting Wednesday's weight as the seer continued to straddle her lap, "You feeling okay?"

Wednesday nodded in silence, hooking her ankles together as she draped herself over Enid, blindly kissing along the side of her neck, "Fatigued," she answered honestly, her arms squeezing tighter around her neck, "How long do you have?"

The wolf frowned, tugging on the back of Wednesday's sweat-soaked shirt to try and catch her eye, a worried crease spidering along her forehead, "Have you taken any breaks? I know you wanna get back to form, Wens, but I don't want you to hurt yourself to get there," Enid hugged her close instead, leaning her head against Wednesday's, "And I've gotta leave in like, twenty minutes, I was coming to say goodbye."

She sighed heavily, finally pulling away and bracing her hands on Enid's shoulders, eyes sweeping over the front of her girlfriend's spare team hoodie, another scowl curling across Wednesday’s face.

"I loathe when you have away games," Wednesday lightly cradled her jaw and leaned in for a soft, languid kiss, "We have not seen much of each other lately, I look forward to our nights together."

"I know, I'm sorry," Enid smiled and kissed along her freckles, "I'll be back tomorrow morning-ish. And I know we've both been really busy, but I'm happy you're getting back on the ice! Just, please take it easy, okay?"

Wednesday thoughtlessly nodded her head, fingers petting through the silky blonde hair before she moved in for another, more desperate kiss. She rocked closer on Enid's lap, wrapping a loose arm around her neck as she kissed her deeply, her free hand sneaking under the back of Enid's shirt. Her hips jerked when a greedy tongue curled into her mouth, her thighs squeezing tighter around Enid's waist as she fell into it, her fingers lightly fisting the wavy blonde locks. She sighed when Enid eventually pulled away with a nip to her bottom lip, goosebumps racing over her skin at the feel of sharp claws teasing up her sides beneath her borrowed tee shirt, French curses tumbling from her lips when Enid's teeth teased over the bite scar on the side of her throat. Wednesday growled when she heard Yoko's voice echo down the tunnel, her eyes blazing with fury as she leaned her forehead against Enid's and sighed out her frustration.

Enid smirked, nuzzling closer to Wednesday before stealing a final kiss, her eyes sparkling violet, "Sorry, that's my final call. Can't leave without the captain," she waited for Wednesday to crawl out of her lap before standing, affectionately squeezing the seer's hip, "I got you a little something, too, I left it on the bed for you whenever you get home. Oh, and Ajax is making dinner tonight," Enid kissed her a final time and took a regretful step away, "I love you, I'll call you when we get there."

"Te adoro," Wednesday walked a step ahead, fisting the front of Enid's hoodie before pulling her in for a rough, lingering kiss, their lips parting with a silky smack, "May you be victorious."

The wolf swallowed, her cheeks pink and buzzing with a dazed smile, Enid squeezing Wednesday's waist one last time before taking a step back, "Damn, you got me all fuzzy. Love you, Wens, see you later!"

Enid smiled and winked at her girlfriend, the blonde tossing up a cursory wave to the irritable skater still impatiently waiting and throwing her own sneer back at Katya before finally hurrying off down the tunnel. Wednesday walked toward the mouth of the hall and watched her go, rolling her eyes at a brief, overly dramatic wave from Yoko before turning back toward her instructor. Katya moved closer to the bench, her face wrinkled with disdain as she glared after where the wolf had disappeared, her black nails impatiently drumming along the edge of the boards. She regarded a seething Wednesday, the instructor turning her nose up as she disappointedly shook her head.

"You are distracted."

Wednesday's face shifted, a dark, enraged flare overtaking the pitch black eyes as she walked a step toward the break in the boards, her lip curling as she railed against her own fury.

"Do not think for a moment that I have lost my focus," she closed the distance between them, her jaw grinding, "It would do you well to not speak ill of my relationship with Enid, if you would enjoy keeping your job. Now let us continue."

She shoved past her instructor and headed back onto the open ice, resetting for her routine and angrily wiping the sweat away from her face, the seer counting before beginning once again. Wednesday felt the annoyance slowly start to leave her as she danced back and forth across the ice, her entire focus narrowing down to the feel of herself on her skates, reflexively following each new command from Katya. She'd been with her instructor for nearly a decade, the woman offering a contagious spark to her own excitement for the sport, the two of them forming an easily bonded relationship. Katya had checked up on her often during her recovery period over the summer, the woman even dropping by to talk of their rehab process and preparing for the next competition circuit in the upcoming summer. Katya had been an anchor in such a dark period in her life, the woman's disposition unfortunately souring, once Wednesday started dating Enid.

Wednesday slid to a natural stop in her routine, Enid's Nevermore shirt further soaked with even more sweat as she finally called their session, staring after her instructor as she moved off in the direction of the bench. It didn't make sense to her, why Katya loathed Enid and her presence during her practice sessions, even her usually amiable wolf holding an obvious dislike of the elder skater. They'd never argued, but they were hardly ever civil, Enid's fangs having a penchant for showing themselves, whenever Katya lingered too long in her space. Enid had only ever mentioned her confusion over Katya's obvious attitude toward her once, and Wednesday hadn't been able to see anything else since that moment, the burning need to protect her relationship with Enid taking precedence over her years-long partnership with her coach.

The seer couldn't bother with it now, shaking her head to clear the annoyance at the two not being able to get along, her skates gliding slowly across the ice. Wednesday huffed a lengthy sigh as she walked through the bench door and closed it behind her, Katya already packing her own skates in her bright red satchel, her garnet eyes flicking over to Wednesday as she forcefully zippered the bag closed. She stood, throwing her carry over her shoulder and shoving into her sneakers, the Russian releasing a long, slow-suffering breath as she clicked her tongue and shook her head.

"We will be back at this tomorr-"

"No," Wednesday moved around her for the water bottle and took a long, slow pull, "Enid will be returning tomorrow, and as it is Sunday, I want to be with her. She is right about needing to rest."

Katya only nodded her head and wandered off down the tunnel with a final, tense smile, Wednesday gratefully collapsing onto the seat and leaning over her lap, her exhaustion already creeping across her shoulders. She focused on leveling her breathing before she straightened, placing her hands on her knees before finally wrestling to her feet, her vision nearly blacking out at the sudden change. She grabbed her water bottle and stumbling down the tunnel, her thighs pulsing angrily from so long out on the ice, her vision bleary as she weakly shoved into the home team locker room. Wednesday staggered her way toward Enid's cubby and her things carefully placed in the eerily vacant locker, the seer's knees buckling as she crumbled onto the familiar spot, leaning back against the framework. She sighed heavily, forcing her arms to move as she reached up for her bag and dropped it across her lap, fishing her phone out before letting the satchel silently flutter to the ground.

She unlocked her screen and read the few texts from Enid, the wolf and her team having arrived to their hotel without incident, her girlfriend even sending a grinning selfie from her bus seat next to Yoko. Wednesday's cheek twitched with a faint smile as she looked over those sparkling eyes, her chest aching at already missing her silly wolf, despite it only being a few hours since she'd last laid eyes on her. She checked the other messages, one from Divina having come in not fifteen minutes ago

I'm on my way home from work, do you need a lift back to the house?

Wednesday blinked away the falling sweat and gruffly scrubbed her arm across her forehead before quickly responding to the generous offer, Yes.

The seer inhaled a deep breath and managed to force herself into moving, bending down to untie the laces on her skates before reaching into the bag for her blade guards, tying her laces together before tossing her boots away. She uncovered her sneakers and slid them back on, her hands shaking as she fumbled with the laces before finally getting it right, Wednesday's head drooping as another wave of exhaustion crashed over already trembling frame. She braced her hand on the bench and slowly blinked away the bleary feeling, her head turning at the sound from her phone, Wednesday snatching up the device to read a hopefully positive response.

Already on my way :)

Wednesday nodded absently, pleased that she didn't have to wait for Lurch as she shoved up from the seat and collected her sweatshirt from where it hung in her girlfriend's locker, lamenting that it wasn't the captain's usual team hoodie. She's been switching hoodies with Enid off and on since they'd been dating, hating the times where the scent she'd loved so much would fall away after a long while, Wednesday sometimes stealing a sweater right off her wolf to get a hit of the comforting scent. She loved to wear the blonde's clothes, loved to be able to smell the lingering scent of honeysuckle and something else so wonderfully Enid, the comfort of it something she'd come to count on during their days spent mostly apart. She'd always loved being close to Enid, even before they'd started dating, and getting uninterrupted access to the woman's belongings was something she'd never once taken for granted, instead always reveling in the afforded luxury.

She shrugged on the old Nevermore hoodie and flipped the hood up, hiding away the sweat-frizzed bangs as she collected the rest of her things and shoved them into her bag, tucking her phone away in the front pouch pocket. Wednesday started the slow journey down the tunnel, her knees shaking more with each step, ignoring the way her body wanted to completely fail her as she headed toward the familiar elevator. She smashed the button and leaned against the wall, the extra weight on her back only worsening her mood, her scowl nearly deadly as the doors dinged open, the seer fumbling herself into the waiting car. Wednesday touched the garage button and waited, her eyes fluttering closed for a brief moment before the doors slid open, her footsteps heavy as she trudged out toward the student parking area.

Her frown worsened as she noticed Enid's car parked in its usual spot, several of the player cars also parked in the lot downstairs for having to catch the bus out to Haddonfield, her fingers lingering on the bumper sticker on the SUV's back windshield. Wednesday exhaled a lengthy sigh, her mood darkening at not being able to lay eyes on her beloved until sometime tomorrow, already loathing the idea of sleeping in that massive bed all by herself. The brunette clenched her jaw as she walked toward Divina's waiting car several spots over, rounding on the passenger side and all but falling into the car, deflating in her seat as she snapped her belt in place, and crossed her arms over her chest.

Divina smirked as she pulled out of the spot, heading toward the exit and easily pulling back out into the fading sunlight, the sky aflame with vivid, dancing colors. She wound through the lots on their way back to the main road, Divina flicking on her signal as she waited for the Saturday rush to finally clear, guiding her car back into traffic on their way back home. She stopped at a red light, tapping a small tune on her steering wheel as she waited for the green, ethereal eyes stealing a quick glance to Wednesday.

"Enid put a request in for dinner tonight so that you'd eat before you disappeared upstairs," Divina snickered at the surprised glare, her shoulders shaking with silent laughter, "You know that girl's sneaky, remember their last away game when they ordered us pizza from the road, and got extra black olives on one for you? She's got no chill, like at all."

Wednesday straightened up in her seat, shoving the hood off her head as she blinked, her stomach suddenly alive with butterflies, "She is always thinking of me," she mumbled, her cheeks warm with affection, "I dislike when she isn't at home."

"Yeah, it's weird without Yoko, too," she followed the route home, turning down one of the streets in their neighborhood, "It's especially quiet without Enid around, I feel like she's the heart of the whole house."

The seer wordlessly nodded in agreement, her hand grasping at her bag strap and squeezing, the ache in her chest only growing at the mention of her effortlessly thoughtful girlfriend. Wednesday sighed once they turned down their street, her heart bemoaning the sight of the empty spot in the driveway as Divina pulled into its place, the seer’s fingers twisting even harder into her bag strap. She was out of the car before Divina even cut the engine, already craving silence and solitude in their little piece of heaven in the attic suite, her steps lethargic as she struggled against her own debilitating exhaustion. Wednesday ignored the threat of Divina trailing behind her, her arms shaking as she reached for the knob and shoved into the house, her bag hitting the floor in the foyer with a resounding thump. Chrissy glanced up at their sudden entrance and smiled, the psychic setting the table in the kitchen as they traipsed in to meet them, Wednesday parking herself at the end of the bar, her place already set for dinner.

Ajax turned at their arrival, his smile growing as he wiped his hands on the front of his apron, focus shifting over to Wednesday, "Hey, dude, I think I got this down, I hope you like it."

Wednesday held the gaze but said nothing, pulling the sleeves of her hoodie down over her hands as she crossed her arms on the counter in front of her, sagging herself in place. Divina hummed as she ducked into the fridge and grabbed out two drinks, quietly wandering over to Wednesday and dropping a Perrier in front of her, the seer just barely nodding her head in thanks. Wednesday tuned out the menial conversation around her, stomach growling at the begrudgingly delectable smell of their dinner, the phone in her pocket going off with Enid's signature sound. She jerked without thought, pulling her phone out and immediately opening the message, her heart skipping an excited beat at the picture waiting for her at the bottom of their text thread. It was Enid in her road white jersey, her eyes wide and sparkling in the light of the locker room, her helmet perched precariously at the back of her head.

Wish me luck, ma lune <33

Wednesday scoffed quietly, ignoring the heat in her face as she bit back a smile, hardly wanting to spare even a moment of vulnerability in front of their friends, May you know the taste of victory, mi vida.

She snapped back to reality when Divina placed a plate full of pasta and breadsticks down in front of her, Wednesday blinking in surprise at the delicious-smelling carbonara. She hardly hesitated, reaching for her fork and immediately digging in, the food wonderfully flavorful as she managed to finish the entire plate for once, surprised at not having any bites left that she’d always offer to her bottomless pit of a paramour. She cleared the sauce with her breadsticks and crossed her silverware over the empty plate, the shaking in her limbs having lessened after an actual, full-sized meal. Her eyes drifted over to the empty seat beside her, missing the girl who'd so lovingly put in a special dinner request just for her, without ever having to be asked. She sighed quietly, staring woefully at the stillness beside her, the seer reaching out and placing her hand along the back of Enid’s chair.

Ajax glanced up from his own plate once they were finished with dinner, his eyes burning with hope as he looked to the silent brunette, "So... what'd you think? Enid told me you really like carbonara but I've never made it before, and I didn't want to screw it up. I totally dig it, though, Enid was right about all of us liking it."

She regarded him for only a moment, offering her plate to Chrissy as she reached for it to help clean up their meal, her dark eyes narrowing in thought.

"I am impressed," Wednesday muttered quietly, reaching for her bottle of water to keep her hands busy of the unwanted attention, "Enid is often incredibly thoughtful."

"Oh, for sure," Divina laughed as she threw the rest of their dishes in the sink and looked back to Wednesday, "Are you going to get a shower? I can wait to do the dishes, you know that old water heater struggles."

Wednesday nodded, eagerly sliding out of her chair and escaping the already excitable conversation building in the kitchen, relieved at finally being released from her obligation to socialize. She grabbed for her bag and turned up toward the stairs, her quads aching at each step up toward salvation, Wednesday grinding her jaw as she hunkered down, and forced herself up the stairs. She gratefully reached for the knob and kicked into Enid's room, her eyes immediately drawn toward the bed and the several things awaiting her, a fluttering in her chest spreading outward as she slammed the door behind her. She mindlessly tossed her bag off toward the desk as she wandered over to their neatly made bed, a case of mocha coffee bottles and a bag of her favorite spicy queso chips arranged neatly on the plush sheets. She let herself actually smile a moment as she reached for the perfectly folded hoodie laying on her pillow, her fingers smoothing over the captain's C at the left shoulder.

She noticed a package at the foot of the bed, though she ignored it, Wednesday moving herself over toward the closet and sneaking inside, raiding Enid's drawers and stealing a pair of gray and black pawprint pajamas before snatching her towel off the back of the door. The seer gritted her teeth as she forced herself back downstairs, her knees aching with each step before she slithered into the bathroom, locking the door behind her as she dropped her towel off near the counter. She closed her eyes as she worked on undoing her braids, moving off toward the stall before kicking on the water, turning it to a lukewarm temperature before stripping out of her damp practice clothes, and stepping under the tepid spray. Wednesday leaned into the water, letting the stress work itself away beneath the steady beat, enjoying the way the water cascaded over her sore muscles.

Wednesday hardly ever lingered in a shower, save for the rare times they were home alone and Enid would join her, the wolf's hands usually devious as they ran all over her skin, massaging the pain away from her overworked body. She closed her eyes to focus on each memory, her skin prickled with goosebumps at the ghost of such a reverent touch, her heart mourning the distance between them. The seer gruffed, shaking away the thoughts and ignoring how lovesick she'd become to be suffering over only a single night spent apart, Wednesday turning to reach for her shampoo to hopefully expedite her shower. She finished with Enid's body wash before finally throwing herself out of the stall, having scrubbed her skin nearly raw to rid herself of the clamminess of her own sweat, her tan skin blushed at the uncharacteristically warm water. She tucked the towel around herself and cracked the door open, listening for anyone in the vicinity before scurrying out of the room, and darting back upstairs.

She escaped back into the room and instinctively locked the door, shedding the towel and wringing out the extra water from her hair, finally brushing out the kinks before slipping Enid's hoodie on and curling up in the borrowed pajamas. Wednesday mindlessly opened one of her coffees before collecting her school bag and posting up at Enid's desk, finishing the last of her assignments and ensuring an entire free day for tomorrow, needing to spend as much time with her paramour as she could properly manage. Wednesday stifled several yawns by the time she was finished, shuffling back toward the bed before dropping the package off on the floor and leaving her chips off on the nightstand, turning down the covers for a hopefully early night. She fluffed up the pillows against their headboard and snuggled into a little nest for herself, Enid's stuffed dragon from the fair, Aeon, tucked against her side as she cracked her latest book, her phone purposefully sitting in her lap.

Time bled away, the seer bundled up in such plush comfort as she read through Hush, Wednesday having slipped further and further down the headboard, captivated by the story. She twitched when her phone chimed in her lap, quickly saving her place in her book before reaching for the device, mindlessly swiping open the unread message. Wednesday startled at the sight of it, immediately scrambling and lurching herself up in bed to openly stare at the screen, a lance of heat stealing across her skin as she gawked at the newest image. Enid had sent her a fully nude selfie taken in the bathroom of her hotel room, the wolf's body glistening after a shower, her blonde hair slicked back against her head as she grinned at her phone, pink tongue playfully sticking out. Wednesday struggled to get air into her lungs over receiving such a lascivious image, a pathetic, whining gasp tumbling from her parted lips as she clicked on the picture to make it even bigger.

Wednesday folded her legs beneath her and clung to the blankets with her free hand, shamelessly staring at the bare chest and the flexed, hard muscle, her eyes running over every defined line of her girlfriend's body, lamenting that the bathroom counter cut off her wolf at the waist. She nearly dropped her phone when a video request came in from Enid, Wednesday scurrying to quickly answer the call, her face burning an obvious, scarlet red. She inhaled sharply at the smugly grinning face, Enid's eyes glowing a deep violet color as she tugged the phone away from herself, the tops of her bare shoulders just visible on the screen.

"Hey there, beautiful," she purred, moving about the hotel room before sitting on the edge of the bed, "Missing you."

"Enid Sinclair," she desperately hissed, her eyes wide and glaring a lustful black, a shiver running down the length of her spine, "You... you are-- Querida, please."

The wolf snickered, leaning back on the bed and adjusting the view on her phone, "Please what, Wens? Begging me already, baby?"

Wednesday scowled, slapping a hand over her scorching red face, Spanish curses tumbling from her lips before she glared at the screen, "You are shameless to tease me in such a way, Enid, especially because I have already been missing you."

Enid softened, the violet still burning in her eyes as she laid back against the pillows and shifted her phone, revealing the tops of her bare breasts, "That hard up already, huh? I guess the sex this morning wasn't enough, I'll have to really get you before my next away game. I promise I'll make it up to you tomorrow, ma lune."

The brunette grumbled, "Prurient," Wednesday huffed, helplessly staring at Enid and hoping to see more of the delectable, scarred skin, "I want to see you."

She chuckled and moved the camera just enough to show the length of her bare torso before recentering the camera, winking at the obvious color rifled across Wednesday's face, "Anything for you, Wens. Did you like my gift?"

Wednesday remained slack-jawed, another chill skittering down her limbs as gooseflesh crept over her skin, her stomach instinctively clenching at the sight of her shameless paramour. She nodded dumbly, touching her trembling fingers to the C on her left shoulder.

"Yes," she rasped, squirming in place at the surprise wave of heat pooling in her lower belly, "I enjoy wearing your scent."

Enid sat up, her eyes darkening as she absently licked at the point of a large fang, "I love it when you smell like me, Wens. But that wasn't the present I was talking about, I was asking about the package."

The seer attempted to blink away the haze that settled over her brain, her every nerve on fire at the thought of her girlfriend and her alluring body, palms tingling at the memory of feeling such supple skin, "Package?"

She smirked, "I left a box at the end of the bed for you, didn't you open it?"

Wednesday blinked, finally remembering the innocuous parcel as she swallowed self-consciously, looking toward the end of the mattress, "...I did not. I was unaware it was for me."

"It's for us," Enid leaned back again, tilting her phone just enough to show the tops of her shoulders again, "Wanna go grab it for me?"

She rushed to fulfill the request, Wednesday still gripping onto her phone as she wrestled herself out from under the covers and reached for the box still sitting on the floor. The brunette sat back in her little spot and hesitated a moment, leaving the box on the bed as she reached for the nightstand drawer, removing her knife from inside before snapping it open. She ignored the pleasant chuckle from her girlfriend on the other end as she put the phone on her knee and sliced open the package, tossing her knife to the side before ripping open the flaps. She removed the packing paper and sputtered at the contents, her eyes opening even wider as she looked at the contents, her heart shuddering as it came to a total, timeless stop. Enid's voice eventually snapped her out of her palpable shock, her entire face blushing a deep shade of red as she scooped up her phone and stared at her girlfriend.

"Enid," she whispered, her free hand clinging to the box, "Have you no shame?"

The wolf grinned, a spark dancing in the violet eyes, "You thought I was kidding, didn't you? Come on, lemme see it, Wens. It got to the house right before we left so I couldn't look at it, I wanna make sure it'll work out for us."

Wednesday swallowed heavily, her throat suddenly dry as she obediently nodded her head and reached inside the box, pulling out the plastic bag and the thick, heavy strap still wrapped inside, her stomach clenching at mere idea of such a vulgar, interesting thing. She ignored her own nervousness as she tugged the bag open and pulled the toy out, scowling as she obediently held it up for inspection, her hand unable to fully close around the thick base. Enid hummed in obvious interest, her eyes widening as she excitedly sat up in bed, focus clearly running along the impressive length.

"Oh my god, that looks perfect! What do you think, Wens? I can't wait to use it on you, considering how much you loved the dil-"

"Querida," she desperately ground out, dropping the strap back in its container and shoving the box under the bed, "I think you have lost your mind."

Enid laughed quietly, charmed by the occasional shyness from her girlfriend, her eyes flickering with a loving sapphire, "We can talk about it more tomorrow, Wens, I want to make sure you're comfortable above everything else. It's not gonna be fun unless we're both into it, you know? I just thought it could be a fun option, if you were ever interested."

Wednesday grunted and threw herself back into her best, throwing an arm over her eyes as she feebly attempted to hide her bright red face, "Of course I'm interested," she muttered petulantly, peeking an eye open to look back at her happily grinning wolf.

"That's my girl," Enid smiled, glancing off camera before she rumbled a pleased sound, "How was dinner, was it good? I trust in Ajax and his cooking, I hope he didn't let me down."

The seer released the breath she hadn't realized she'd been holding, curling herself up on her side as she instinctively pulled Enid's pillow into her arms and settled back under the covers.

"I am surprised at how decadent, he is rather skilled in a kitchen," Wednesday stifled another yawn, her body relaxing in the familiar lilt of Enid's voice, her eyes still wandering over the slope of her girlfriend's neck, "Were you victorious this evening?"

Enid snorted a laugh and stood, "Nope, we got smoked 5-1. But that's okay, they're our biggest rivals, so this year's gonna be a blood bath," she smiled as she picked up her shirt and tossed it over her shoulder, "As much as I love being naked and purposefully driving you crazy, I hear Yoko on her way back up here, so I should probably get dressed before she gets here. I love you, Wens, I'll see you tomorrow, okay?"

Wednesday hummed quietly, her eyes already struggling to stay open as she ghosted a brief smile, "I love you, querida, and cannot wait until I am back in your arms."

Her heart skipped at the sight of another devious wink from Enid, the wolf whispering soothing words of a forlorn goodbye before finally ending their connection, the brunette missing the sound of her voice the moment their call ended. Wednesday swallowed and opened their thread instead, blatantly staring at the picture Enid sent of herself in the bathroom, the seer pitiably groaning as she burrowed herself in their blankets and forced herself to lock her phone away. She folded herself up in a tight little ball and buried her nose in Enid's pillow, her mind buzzing with less than innocent thoughts of her girlfriend as she eventually drifted off to sleep, anxious to lay eyes on Enid in person, and kiss the smug f*cking smile right off her face.

She jerked awake some hours later, the morning sun peeking through the window above their bed as Wednesday growled and pulled the blankets over her head, blindly searching around her for her missing phone. Wednesday squinted when she finally found it, 10:53AM staring her in the face as she checked her phone, seeing no morning greetings from her still-missing girlfriend. She frowned at the uncharacteristic lack of greeting from Enid, Wednesday shoving up in her place and throwing the covers off her legs to stagger out of bed, her bare feet shuffling across the floor. She slipped into the closet, peeling her hoodie off and opening the second drawer in Enid's dresser, rifling through her own clothes to pull out a bra and a tank top before shoving the drawer closed, her stash of things having grown during the last several weeks. She dressed quickly, pulling the hoodie back on over her tank top before climbing out of her pajamas, stealing a comfortable pair of sweats from her girlfriend instead. The seer fumbled with her socks before snatching up her brush, moving herself back into the main room.

Wednesday quickly tamed her hair and braided it down in her two signature plaits, the brunette quickly making their bed and stowing her phone away in the pocket of her sweatpants. She crept out the door and headed off to the bathroom to mentally prepare for her morning, her worry mounting at each passing second without hearing from Enid, a pit splitting open in her chest as she shuffled her way downstairs. Divina glanced up from the couch, offering a wide smile as she gestured Wednesday over to join her, the siren's phone dangling from her right hand.

"Oh, you're just in time, those two are on their way home now, the bus parked about ten minutes ago," Divina puzzled over the subtle frown on Wednesday's face as she leaned up from where she was tucked against the couch, "What's wrong?"

"Enid did not send me any messages," she sighed heavily, leaning against the arm of the love seat, "It is not like her to forego sending a greeting in the morning, especially when she is away."

Divina sighed quietly, leaning her elbows on her knees as she shook her head, "That is weird, Enid's normally so good about that. Maybe she's having issues with her phone or something."

Wednesday nodded distractedly, crossing her arms over her chest as she chewed on the inside of her lip, her brows creasing in concern. Ajax and Chrissy eventually came down the steps to meet them, the gorgon offering a yawning hello as he headed off to start on brunch, Chrissy curling into the spot beside Divina. Wednesday's head jerked up once she heard a car door slam outside, the seer shoving up from where she was still leaning, eager to see just what was suddenly wrong with her usually jovial girlfriend. She hovered near the front door, Yoko bursting in first and tossing out an emphatic greeting to the housemates, the vampire easily clearing the way for her silent company. The seer's stomach dropped at the severe look on Enid's face, her words tangled in her throat when Enid didn't break stride, the wolf stooping to pick Wednesday up with her free arm and immediately starting up the stairs, Wednesday wrapping her limbs around the powerful body as she held on for the unexpected ride.

She clung to the woman, feeling the tension rippling across the blonde's shoulders as Enid stormed up the many stairs, her gear bag and sticks bumping into the walls as they climbed up toward the attic. Enid whined as she finally reached the bedroom at the top of the stairs, kicking the door in and dropping her gear off onto the floor with a resounding crash, her sticks scattering near the threshold. She wrapped her other arm around Wednesday and booted the door shut with her heel, wordlessly marching them toward the bed before kneeling on the edge, and crashing them onto the soft, comforting mattress. Enid whimpered again, burying her face in Wednesday's neck and desperately hugging her, the seer's face warping with obvious concern as she squeezed Enid just as tightly, her fingers curling into the wolf's hoodie.

"What's wrong?"

Enid grumbled and burrowed deeper in Wednesday's embrace, her arms pressing the petite seer even closer, "Don't wanna talk right now," she mustered, her face still hidden.

Wednesday easily accepted the request, her hands wandering over Enid's neck and shoulders to help relieve the tension, her fingers dancing through the soft, blonde hair. She was pleased when Enid eventually started to relax, the wolf's body melting on top of hers as Enid released a low, rumbling whine, her nose pressing up against the tick in Wednesday's jaw. She reveled in the quiet for a while, her legs still wrapped around Enid's waist as she petted through the wavy locks, her lips pressing soft kisses along the crease in the blonde's forehead. Enid purred softly, nuzzling against the warm skin before she moved just enough to pull away, catching the question burning in the deep, obsidian eyes.

The blonde sighed heavily and shook her head, studying the dark gaze before she absently shrugged one shoulder, "My dad texted me this morning."

She froze, anger suddenly igniting in her blood as she worked to control it, her jaw grinding as she shook her head, "What does he want with you?"

Enid sighed again, her smile fading as she slowly shook her head, and tucked her face away in Wednesday's neck, "He wants me to come clean out the rest of my room once we start winter break."

Wednesday's entire body lit up with rage, her muscles tight as she hugged her wolf to her, a fierce overprotectiveness roaring through her veins.

"Merde, that bastard," she groused, pulling away and lightly cupping Enid's chin, "What is his reasoning? Has that horrid woman done this?"

The blonde sighed, her eyes brimming with tears that she refused to shed, "All he said was that I wasn't welcome anymore, and that he fought to make sure I could get my things before she threw everything out herself."

Wednesday's jaw continuously worked, her other hand lifting to lovingly cradle Enid's face, "You are better off without her, querida," she lightly kissed Enid's cheek, her thumbs running the length of the tense jaw, "I will accompany you, so that you do not have to face her alone. Then you will return with me, home to New Jersey."

Enid smiled through her heartache, her eyes falling closed as she nestled into the cool hands, "You want me to come home with you for break?"

"Yes," Wednesday sighed, waiting patiently for those soulful blue eyes, "We have not discussed it yet, but yes, please come home with me. The family and I will take care of you, after we make our trip out to California," she softened, cooling her temper as she studied the heartbreak staring back at her, "Mon tout, are you all right?"

"I'm fine," she squeaked, struggling to keep her tears at bay, "I just don't f*cking get why she hates me so much, that she'd actually throw me out of her family."

"I do not understand it, either," Wednesday breathed quietly, searching the look on Enid's face, "You are kind and thoughtful, and so very strong. I have never met someone with so pure a heart, and for her to loathe you so is more a show of her own abhorrent character."

The wolf chuckled a strangled sound, her arms tightening around her girlfriend, "It's because I'm gay. She probably found out I'm dating you and that pissed her off even more," Enid sobered, her vision further blurred by more unspent tears, "And that sucks, because you're everything to me."

"Then I cannot wait to tear her apart myself, once we land in California and I remind her that you are a perfect wolf and she is undeserving to know you. I will not waver from your side, Enid, I will do whatever you need of me."

Enid whined as she studied the staunch look on Wednesday's face, her thumbs lovingly brushing over her girlfriend's back as she tightened her arms around her, "Thanks, Wens, I love you so f*cking much," she swallowed a whimper, her lip quivering, "Is it okay if I cry now?"

"I have you," she whispered into Enid when she wrapped her arms tight around her neck and pulled her back into her arms, feathering kisses over the blonde hair as Enid wept against her shoulder, "I will not allow her to harm you again."

Wednesday held Enid as tightly as she could, whispering soft words against the pale skin as her wolf cried out years worth of heartache, an icy resolution tightening in the depths of her soul. She ignored her own rage, focusing instead on the woman in her arms and the silent cries muffled by her sweatshirt, her entire body wrapping even tighter around her beloved wolf. Wednesday worked her jaw, fingers combing through the silky golden hair as she lovingly kissed everywhere she could reach, offering solace to the woman she loved. It was rare that she'd ever seen Enid so vulnerable, a violent, protective flare catching fire in her chest as she hugged her even tighter and kissed at her temple, honored that Enid trusted her enough in their relationship to properly let her guard down. She was safe when she was with Enid, and now, Enid was safe when she was with Wednesday, the two of them only further strengthening their bond in the silence around them.

She would protect Enid at any cost, even if that meant tangling with an alpha werewolf that already hated that she even existed.

Nothing less would do.


Katya: You're too gay to function.
Wednesday: f*ck you, you're fired.

I actually having an ending to this story now, even though it's literally just them being soft and totally gay and in love with each other. I have to have drama somewhere, what better f*ckery than Wednesday vs. Esther Sinclair? Let this version of Wednesday go mcf*ckin mental on a wolf. How dare she treat Enid this way! Watch her sneak her knife on a plane, that little f*cker. Love that bitch.

Wednesday out there minding her own nerdy ass business, reading a book in bed, and then suddenly she's getting naked pictures of her wife, and a near-shameless video chat. Her head would literally explode if Enid got frisky on that call, she'd be hitchhiking out to Haddonfield and kicking Yoko out of that hotel room. You know she's gonna steal looks at that picture whenever they're apart. No shame.

Her head ready to explode off her body at the idea of getting railed by her very excited girlfriend. Just Enid like, "You really enjoyed getting f*cked with that dild*, please GOD let me f*ck you with a strap on." And Wednesday clinging to her dignity like PFFF YOU'RE f*ckING INSANE okay f*ck it, ruin me, I'm YOURS.

I also really love the idea of Enid just so easily manhandling a very willing Wednesday. Always scooping her up in hugs, or carrying her around just because. Barnacle Wednesday doesn't even care, she just wants to be attached to her wife as often as possible. YES ENID PICK ME UP IN YOUR BIG STRONG ARMS AND LET ME HANG OFF YOU LIKE A f*ckIN KOALA, I DON'T EVEN CARE ABOUT MY REPUTATION ANYMORE.

Wednesday: Enid, move your phone, I can't see you properly >:[
Enid: Oh, you mean this? Do you like what you see, Wens? Hmmmmm?
Wednesday: Christ almighty, I'm so gay and I hate you, come home immediately.
Enid: I'll see you later ;)

They need to f*ck nasty soon.

Also the housemates just automatically taking care of Wednesday in Enid's stead, I love them. Just that cranky little gremlin half asleep at dinner, and everyone doing everything around her. Wednesday is ohana whether she likes it or not, there's no saving her. She's basically moved in now anyway, the new house is called Enkovinajaxissyday. Pronounce that, I dare you.

Wednesday: PACKAGE?? WHAT PACKAGE?? I can see your naked body right now, are you expecting my f*cking brain to WORK??
Enid: OMG babe you had to move it to get into bed, FOCUS!!

HAPPY PRIDE, BABIES!! I get surgery in less than two weeks but I'll try to post as much wenclair content as I can. Ignore any mistakes, better edits to follow, and comment replies as well. It's late and I'm sleepy.

Thanks for the support, I love you guys. <3333

Two for Tripping (Into Love) - Mrs_Boojangles (2024)


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Author: Aracelis Kilback

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Author information

Name: Aracelis Kilback

Birthday: 1994-11-22

Address: Apt. 895 30151 Green Plain, Lake Mariela, RI 98141

Phone: +5992291857476

Job: Legal Officer

Hobby: LARPing, role-playing games, Slacklining, Reading, Inline skating, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Dance

Introduction: My name is Aracelis Kilback, I am a nice, gentle, agreeable, joyous, attractive, combative, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.