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GayFriendly17th Oct 2006 14:58

S07 BHX - worth waiting for....??

Brumm Brumm love the very slight hint of sarcasm in your post, myself i'm eagerly awaiting the Baby announcement about all the new routes they will fly to destinations already served from BHX (now surely Britains fastest shrinking airport):ugh: as well as the host of new carriers that i'm sure the Marketing Team will attract with their competitive landing fees and incentives - yes I know BHX has a high cost base and that at the end of the day it is a commercial outfit that can't operate on fresh air but honestly if other airports can manage then why not BHX?

On the subject of routes, does anyone know if Air Slovakia are still flying to BTS?? It seems to have disappeared from the website timetable! If so (and please i'd love to be proved wrong) it's yet another loss to the great BHX Destination graveyard in the sky (remember ARN, OSL, HEL, PSA, MRS, ORD, ATH, VCE, BGY, TRN, GRO, VIE, FCO anyone??) and yet another reason for NEMA to celebrate (I believe that BTS is one of the new FR routes). Go NEMA, go FR, I vote you the new Eurohub...............unless as I sincerely hope that Baby and Flybe see the potential there, stick their necks out and inject some much needed variety into the European routes from BHX..........

banotok17th Oct 2006 18:44

What BHX Management

Brumbrum - what BHX management:( Never have so many routes been lost in a such a spectacular growth industry by what appears to be so undedicated a management team. Never has so much underdevelopment been witnessed by such a major city airport. Who was it said runway extension has been talked about for 30 years and still BHX seems to be light years away from the "dream" of non stop flights (gasp) to such faraway unvisited dull corners of the globe like LAX, HKG, YVR, SIN.

We are constantly told Birmingham is a world class city, and it is, so why such a Z category airport. Name any other city in the UK which has a world leading (size and quality) national exhibition centre and what is probably the only truly fully functioning international convention centre and no global class airport to serve it. YYZ MEL ORD BCN MXP etc etc etc etc etc must laugh their socks off.:ugh: :ugh: :ugh: :ugh: :ugh:

Fried_Chicken17th Oct 2006 21:21

Yes, BHX-BTS is still flown by Air Slovakia (see the recent thread on Air Slovakia) However, almost everybody on the BTS flights were going onward to India & so not many people actually travelling to BTS itself so doubt the Ryanair flight from EMA will have much of an impact


OltonPete17th Oct 2006 21:46

Air Slovakia

No BTS flights operated in September - CAA stats show nil and I think a just few hundred for August.

As FC has stated, the intention is to start again shortly.


SeamusCVT22nd Oct 2006 20:34

HLX Cologne Route

Does anybody know which aircraft tend to operate the HLX CGN-BHX-CGN route and on which days of the week?

TCX6922nd Oct 2006 21:08

HLX operates 5 days a week:

HLX3440/1 Arr 19:30 Dep 20:00 Mon, Wed, Fri, Sun
HLX3440/1 Arr 20:30 Dep 21:00 Thu
A/C: Fokker 100

But only until the end of October when the A/C and schedule then change:

HLX3440/1 Arr 19:40 Dep 20:10 Mon, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sun
A/C: Boeing 737-700

SeamusCVT22nd Oct 2006 21:13

Thank you TCX69

Daza23rd Oct 2006 09:13

BHX News

Has there been any news for months? What is happening to Birmingham Airport? There have been rumours of DL,NW and several european airlines but none have come to fruision. BMIBaby are supposed to be basing a further 737 at Brum from January (then 2 more in summer) their leaving any new route marketing a little late it is almost November. Typical of BHX and based airlines most of the listed failures were through poor marketing,poor slot allocation or pure madness like BACON BHX-BHD????!!!

BHX needs new routes most have already reached saturation eg:ABZ!!!!!(From March there are 3 flights all landing early morning almost at the same time??),ALC,AGP,PMI we could do with VCE(again),MRS(again),VLC,BIO,LIS,SVQ,OPO,TRN(again),CIA,ATH (again)ARN(again),HEL,ATL,ORD(again),JFK(again),YYZ(again AC??) all more than do-able with the surrounding population indeed many have been done just not well, remeber BA-JFK first used a 767 then 757 then onto Toronto didn't operate much in winter used FLC aircraft one year!!!!!
Rant over Ill lie down in a darkened room now
Daza::} :}

OltonPete23rd Oct 2006 10:12

BHX News


DL - No rumours but with 10 ETOPS 757's by 2008 some are assuming
that BHX will be one. I still believe that a 763 to ATL would be fine
as an all year round destination but it is not on the radar - I suppose
they have better fish to fry at the moment.

NW- Depends on who you believe, 6 757's now allocated and according
to some that leaves one for 2007 and three more in 2008. The
consensus is that DTW-MAN will be the next one. However the
last pre announcement rumours were not that good compared to
DL where I think they were 100% accurate

US Air - This looked good but recent rumours seem to say Oslo has
got the nod rather BHX for the 757, with VIE getting a 762.
I believe the announcement is soon.

WW - Agree, very late for January and very few route rumours. I agree
with most of the destinations on the list, not sure about BIO.
Perhaps Budapest, Warsaw and more to Krakow as well?

Others - old rumours which have faded in time - LOT Warsaw,
AY Helsinki, Qatar Doha and Austrian Vienna.

CO goes double daily again from June 2007 for the summer and it
is rumoured AI goes daily at some point (sorry can't remember the date).

With Durham's Wizz announcement today, BHX will have the same or
less flights to Poland than Coventry, Bournemouth, Durham, Liverpool, NEMA, Doncaster, Belfast, Leeds, Luton, Belfast & Bristol (plus of course
LHR, LGW, STN and MAN - apologies to Scotland for my ignorance).

Have to say the wait for Baby and Flybe is painful but hopefully
November will bring the news!


en2r23rd Oct 2006 11:40


I have just seen a Wizzair press release that was released today. In it they list new routes. One of which is Katowice-Birmingham/Coventry. Are they marketing Coventry as Birmingham east or are they undecided as whether to fly from Birmingham or Coventry?

SeamusCVT23rd Oct 2006 11:55

Definitely flying from Coventry (CVT). Use of reference to Birmingham is for marketting purposes, as the country's 2nd city would be more well known to Polish residents

Cyrano23rd Oct 2006 14:50

Marketing Coventry as Birmingham East?

That's nothing! Aerosvit (Kiev-Birmingham) are marketing Birmingham as London!

(Seriously - search Google for "Aerosvit", the second link is their English-language website, and when it loads, look at the ad on the right hand side. I believe if you book Kiev-BHX they throw in a free National Express ticket to Victoria! :sad: )

GayFriendly23rd Oct 2006 16:16

Where are we going??

Thanks for the info on BTS flights, lets hope the new incarnation of Air Slovakia does indeed include BHX in its route network.

Daza, am in total agreement with you - what is happening at Birmingham???? In the 15 years or so that I have been using it or simply following developments, I have never seen its route network in such a state. Its European routes are becoming completely overshadowed by others (EMA, BRS, LPL spring to mind), BHX has virtually no services to 'new' countries in the EU and it has just one destination in Italy (less than LPL and LBA) - quite simply its a disgrace. If Birmingham is meant to be Britains second city then why does it not have an airport that offers services to reflect that. No disrespect to CVT at all but it comes to something when Wizzair use it as their Midlands base yet market it as Bham in order (I assume) to sell more seats - why not fly into BHX if thats where they think punters actually want to go!!!!!!!! Because BHX will not offer competitive fees to entice new airlines or, more likely, were not even aware of the fact that Wizz were looking to fly to the Midlands - pure madness!! By my reckoning, LPL will have more European routes next summer than BHX, come to think of it in total it will nearly have the same number of destinations as BHX next summer (Please correct me if i'm wrong!).

As for our dear 'based' LCCs that play consistently safe and offer nothing in the way of variety, the less said the better. BE are obviously mainly SOU focused, ZB have simply filled Lite shoes (thats a good thing mind) and as for Baby, I see the latest announcement as nothing but a damp squib, all talk and no action. When the only route developments are on thin routes (ABZ) and directly against each other then what really is the point?? Why arent ZB offering BCN or Baby flying to VCE or CIA??

Even when it comes to long haul, BHX is starting to look a little tired, just the single US gateway offered by CO, I am sure both ATL and ORD could be made a success yet it all remains pure rumour and is likely to stay that way. At least AI is something to shout about. Summer 07 sees LPL-NYC, new GSM long haul developments from GLA (at least we have attracted a weekly flt to Hamilton, some good news), FCA offering Cuba from NEMA, (i'm sure it's only a matter of time before they get a service to Pakistan or India)...................i'm not saying that these airports shouldn't have long haul, as has been proved the demand is there and us passengers should have a choice of where to fly from that suits us, but surely BHX should be looking at attracting commercially sound new carriers/routes to stay competitive. I guess thats where the lack of runway length comes in:ugh:

BHX really needs to wake up and smell the AVGAS, due to management head in the sand attitude and a thoroughly uncompetitive cost base, its rapidly being left behind. If the Airport cannot see what is going on and actually starts to offer incentives, packages, whatever to carriers to attract them before too long BHX will forever be overshadowed by its more commercially aware, forward looking neighbours.

Rant over, I promise not to let myself out my padded cell again for a while:bored:

PS Any bets on how long will the Aerosvit route will survive, a mate who works at BHX tells me that it has never had over 50 pax on board. I cant find it operating on their timetable after March 07.

Centre cities23rd Oct 2006 17:18

Routes and Pax

Yes but if there is more black ink on the balance sheet because the airlines pay to land that at some of the other named airports will they or the shareholders care less.

I doubt it.

Centre cities

OltonPete23rd Oct 2006 18:37

Routes etc

It is a delicate balancing act and although I am no fan of BHX management it is not an easy job to please all.

However on a wider scale it is often mooted that more routes brings
more jobs and increases the profile of the area in general. Although
most routes are for the "locals" I believe that there is some mileage
in this argument.

Was it not rumoured that one US firm set up in Manchester as the airport had a greater range of routes and the city appeared more dynamic?

Sill I want to go Italy and I am going to :{ if someone doesn't start
a Rome or Pisa in 2007:) .


banotok23rd Oct 2006 19:04

Re: Routes etc

About the US firm. It is Bank of New York and the minimum job count was 750.

It is a fact that the more successful an airport the more success for that region and its employment prospects. Birmingham has everything in place except an airport suitable for the needs of a city region forced (like all other city regions) to exist, perform and develop in the global village of the 21st century.

I also take the point about shareholders not caring where their dividends come from but something as important as the airport serving the UK's second city and the surrounding region should not suffer from bad management. BHX pax figures are now beyond acute embarrassment for BIA management, they are a scandal. Also where are our local politicians??????

Sorry to have such a moan but those who live in the region are the one's left behind (on the M6 to MAN, M40 to LHR and most embarrassing of all the M42 to EMA just to get on a short hop to Europe) :( :sad: :yuk:

bhx runway1523rd Oct 2006 19:19

I just hope the Baby and Flybe new destinations are not the ones being served already.You only have to look at the flights to Florida.At the moment you have 1 or 2 weekly flights which is complete joke.The only country you are spoilt to fly to is India with numerous airlines and cheap fares.But not everyone wants to go to India.

egnxema24th Oct 2006 08:18


Is the M42 really that embarrassing to use - I have driven on it a few times and never felt anything different?


Pete - dry those upset eyes Pete - if you can cope with the alleged ebarrassing feeling drivers get on the M42 you will be pleased to know you can fly to CIA, BGY, PSA AHO & VCE from EMA in Summer '07.


banotok24th Oct 2006 09:52


You missed my point entirely which was about services that should be operating (and in most point were) from BHX. It was nothing to do with the M42. I wish EMA good luck in their business plan. Their management team seem to be succeeding whereas the botch up called management at BHX goes from bad to barely describable.

Ian Farquharson24th Oct 2006 12:08

Fly Gibraltar

Fly Gibraltar, funded by The Rock, will initially lease two Boeing 737-300s and offer 11 weekly flights to Stansted, five to Manchester, five to Birmingham, four to Bristol and three to Dublin. The airline plans a pre-flight concierge service allowing passengers to pre-order hot meals, snacks, duty free goods, car hire and travel insurance, at the time of booking. Bookings are expected to open in December.

All times are GMT. The time now is 11:27.

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