Original Generations: Dream of Mirrors - Signup thread! (2024)

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Moerin (4 Score & 7 Years Ago)

#1: Oct 21st 2013 at 6:19:30 PM

Mirrors. Mirrors are something almost every house has in some way. They're common everywhere, coming in various shapes and sizes. And they're simply used for one basic purpose: Reflection. Mirrors exist in almost every universe in some fashion.

Perhaps this is why they have become the gateways between realities.

To a select group of people, all over the mutliverse, mirrors have become something more then simply a means to look at your reflection. They have become something deeper, a gateway to another world, through which they can pass to different realities. Naturally, they have to be large enough to fit through. But beyond that... these mirrors are gateways into worlds beyond.

The first to use these gateways between realities have attempted to lash out at other worlds, attacking them and seeking to gain from them, or bring them under the power of a mysterious masked figure. Only those who can pass through mirrors as well have a hope of stopping them. They may not be the first choice of heroes, but they're all the multiverse has...

Everyone loves crossovers, right? Well, this is yet another one, only this time there's a very special twist: rather than playing as established characters, everyone shall be playing as original characters from an established fictional universe. For example, you could play as a Sailor Senshi who draws power from a different astronomical object than the canon Senshi, or a Kamen Rider based upon one of the many different series in the franchise, or even something like a Pokemon Trainer or a Digimon Tamer. The plot's a bit bare bones at the moment, but I'm hoping this will be at least partially freeform, so it's really more of an Excuse Plot at the moment.

Basic RP rules apply, of course. Let's all try and be civil, since we're all here to have fun. Any dickishness, douchebagery, assholery or generally obnoxious behaviour will result in a warning; if you don't learn from that you're out! But hopefully things won't come to that. Try and keep to the tone of your character's universe if at all possible; it's a bit jarring to have someone from a Sugar Bowl have a dark, angsty backstory and demeanour, after all, just as it's kind of weird for someone from a Crapsack World to be overly optimistic and cheerful unless they have some form of insanity. But most of all, remember the number one rule: try and have as much fun as possible!

Please sign up using the following sheet. I'm not setting any defined power limit (I firmly believe that the power weight scale is so heavily flawed as to be basically unusable), but bare in mind that I like the idea of characters progessing and gaining power as a story goes along rather than being godlike from the get-go. It kind of takes the fun out of it if they can just roll over any challenge they come across, after all. I'll be judging things on a case-by-case basis; if you have any problems with my decisions, don't hesitate to PM me about it! Anyways, here's that sign-up sheet:

  • Name:
  • Age:
  • Gender:
  • Appearance:
  • Universe:
  • Backstory:
  • Personality:
  • Equipment:
  • Abilities:

Accepted Characters

  • Ichigo Takeshi / Sailor Kamenrider - Moerin
  • Luke "Crash" / Armored Rider Crit - Psyga315
  • Ren Suzuki / Kamen Rider Rhythm - tachikaze
  • Kazaki Jishaku / Sailor Io - Scorpio Rat
  • Waldo Mull / Kamen Rider Endure - krautman
  • Caster (Amelie Georg Faust) - Anno R
  • Hjördis Stormcrown, the Dragonborn - Raineh Daze
  • Mallory Gage - troydenite
  • Ras Varm - Flanker66
  • Akira Yamada - Tropay Xion
  • Lt. Jennifer Rose - Deadbeatloser22

edited 23rd Oct '13 12:01:08 PM by Moerin

Moerin (4 Score & 7 Years Ago)

#2: Oct 21st 2013 at 6:20:02 PM

...And here's my character and admittedly the initial reason I wanted to do this.Original Generations: Dream of Mirrors - Signup thread! (14)

  • Name: Ichigo Takeshi / Sailor Kamenrider
  • Age: 14
  • Gender: Female
  • Appearance: UntransformedOriginal Generations: Dream of Mirrors - Signup thread! (15). As Sailor KamenriderOriginal Generations: Dream of Mirrors - Signup thread! (16).
  • Universe: Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon
  • Backstory: For Ichigo, being awakened as a Sailor Senshi was the best thing that ever happened to her. Growing up, she'd always been enamoured by the idea of heroes who transformed to fight against the forces of evil, like the Sailor Senshi she'd seen on the news, or her all time favourites, the Kamen Riders that she'd watch every week. When she gained the power to transform, she thought that it was what everything in her life had been leading up to. The fact that she was the Sailor Senshi of the asteroid 12796 KamenriderOriginal Generations: Dream of Mirrors - Signup thread! (17) was clearly a sign that she should follow the example of her heroes and fight for justice just like they would. This ideal quickly lead her into conflict with a shadowy organization with sinister intentions for the world, but she was undettered by them, continuing her battle against evil until the day when she was called into the world behind the mirrors.
  • Personality: Ichigo is a rather spirited individual, hotblooded and boisterous in the way that's very fun to be around. She wears her heart on her sleeve, although her heart is filled with a burning passion for JUSTICE! Ichigo is enthusiastic at everything she does, to the point that sometimes her sheer enthusiasm can make up for any lack of talent she may possess... Although most of the time it just makes a mess of things. If she sees you as a friend (which, given her overly friendly nature, she probably does) she will defend you with her life; she might not be the smartest champion of justice out there but at least her heart is definitely in the right place.
  • Equipment:
    • Machine Roadsailor: Ichigo's bike. It is, notably, just a regular pushbike that has been covered in Kamen Rider decals. Sometimes, Ichigo makes little "vroom-vroom" noises whilst riding it in a vain attempt to pretend it's an actual motorcycle like the ones used by her Kamen Rider heroes.
    • Kamenrider Transformation Pen: Ichigo's Transformation Trinket, which allows her to transform into Sailor Kamenrider.
  • Abilities:
    • Super Strength: Even whilst untransformed, Ichigo's strength is rather disproportionate for a girl of her age and build. Her arm strength reaches the upper limits of regular human ability; however, her leg strength ever so slightly breaks into the realms of superhuman, allowing her to jump several meters high from a standing position and giving her a rather nasty kick.
    • "Kamenrider Power, Make Up!"Original Generations: Dream of Mirrors - Signup thread! (18): By holding out the Kamenrider Transformation Pen and calling out the transformation phrase, Ichigo transforms into the Hotblooded Guardian of Love and Justice, Sailor Kamenrider! Naturally, her physical capabilities are given a boost; usually the most notable change would be her agility, but since she's already superhumanly strong before transforming, her strength will make you cry. Her immense physical strength makes up for her lack of actual magical power, as unlike the canon Sailor Senshi she draws her power from an asteroid rather than a planet. Whilst transformed, she is able to use various special moves, as listed below:
      • Sailor Rider KickOriginal Generations: Dream of Mirrors - Signup thread! (19): Sailor Kamenrider's main finishing move. Naturally, it involves her leaping into the air and performing a powered up flying side kick on her enemy, which more often than not ends with them being engulfed in an explosion for no adequately explored reason.
      • Thunder Slap: Sailor Kamenrider's other finishing move, being her homage to the lesser known Rider Punch attack. Just like with the Sailor Rider Kick, she leaps high into the air, before crashing down into her enemy with a powered up corkscrew punch. Whilst it is less powerful than her other finishing move, it will still occassionally cause an explosion if the enemy has been sufficently weakened. Against a particularly powerful enemy it can be used as a warm-up of sorts for the final decisive blow delivered by the Sailor Rider Kick.

AnnoR "Of course, Satsuki-sama." from Honnouji Academy Since: Sep, 2010

"Of course, Satsuki-sama."

#3: Oct 21st 2013 at 6:20:50 PM

I will... hopefully have my signup posted soon!

I know one character I'm playing at least, eh-heh.

"Oh, dear. The toad, the monkey, and the dog have all screwed up."

Psyga315 Since: Jan, 2001

#4: Oct 21st 2013 at 6:28:27 PM

  • Name: Luke "Crash", aka Armored Rider Crit
  • Age: 17
  • Gender: Male
  • Appearance: Human formOriginal Generations: Dream of Mirrors - Signup thread! (22). His Rider Form always has a cowboy motif to it, so you'll see something on his helmet that's molded into the shape of a cowboy hat, as well as several tassels on his arms.
  • Universe: Kamen Rider Gaim
  • Backstory: Luke was part of a dance team called Critical Dancers which ranked low compared to other teams like Team Baron. However, Luke never liked dancing. He always had two left feet. No, his interest was in the Invess battles, in which one utilizes Lock Seeds to summon monsters from another world and have them fight. He liked this enough to buy three Lock Seeds from his local Lock Dealer. Even when he would lose, Luke would have fun partaking in the games. One day, his Lock Dealer mysteriously disappeared and in his place was a strange driver with a samurai sword on it. A note on the belt said "To my most favorite customer. You always did have an interest for intense battles... This shall make them even more intense. Take it, it's free." And taken it he did. He placed the driver on his waist and with that, it bonded with him and created someone that the DJ would call Armored Rider Crit. From there, he begins to fight for the Critical Dancers, unknowing of the worlds beyond the mirrors.
  • Personality: Luke enjoys battles, provided they're not to the death. Often he'll sit by and watch other people fight, not being a fan of joining in the battle and siding with one person. He doesn't appreciate cheating, but it's far from his Berserk Button. Unlike the other people in the Critical Dancers, Luke wasn't upbeat or energetic. He was quite the opposite. He was silent, always calculating some strategy for his next Invess/Rider battle and he doesn't really have that youthful spirit that the others had.
  • Equipment: Luke has three Lock Seeds, each of them having the potential to be utilized in the Sengoku Driver. They could also be used to summon Invess, though only into a holographic wrestling ring. If he was to drop or otherwise let go of his Lock Seed in the midst of battle, the Invess would lose control and break out of the ring.
    • Himawari Arms: Luke's main Lock Seed. It grants him the Himawari Bullet, a revolver-like gun that he can use to shoot sunflower seed like bullets at people. His finisher is the Himawari Smash, in which he shoots a sunflower seed at someone, it grows into a drill, and thus prompts him to preform a Rider Kick.
    • Matsubokkuri Arms: Using this Lock Seed grants him the Matsuriberg, a halberd style weapon for him to slash. His finihser is the Himatsu Bokkurieku, where he fires off the pinecone on the Matsuriberg towards his opponent and uses that to preform his Rider Slash.
    • Walnut Arms: Using this Lock Seed grants him the Walnut Gauntlets, powerful gauntlets for him to punch with. His finisher is the Walbreak Punch, a powerful Rider Punch.
  • Abilties: Not really any special abilities.

tachikaze from Australia Since: Apr, 2009

#5: Oct 21st 2013 at 6:29:38 PM

edited 29th Oct '13 2:24:25 AM by tachikaze

Burn up, hurricane of justice!

ScorpioRat from Houston, Texas Since: Jan, 2013 Relationship Status: Forming Voltron

#6: Oct 21st 2013 at 6:37:27 PM

Here's my Sailor Scout. Feel free to ask me to change anything if it conflicts with something. I swear I thought of the motorcycle idea before I saw your post...Original Generations: Dream of Mirrors - Signup thread! (25)

  • Name: Kazaki Jishaku/Sailor Io
  • Age:16
  • Gender: Female
  • Appearance:

-About 5' 5", and lanky. Green eyes and orange-red hair cut to shoulder length. Wears a leather jacket and jeans and a pair of boots when not in school uniform.

-Her Sailor Senshi form wears a short purple skirt and long boots, with orange bows on her collar and behind her back. Her earrings are orange and white spheres, and an orange chest plate is worn over her uniform. Instead of a tiara (as she is not a princess), she gets a thick set of headphones that are built into a half motorcycle helmet, covering the top and back of her head in gold and orange metal with the symbol of Jupiter on the side. Her gloves and the bottoms of her boots have metal plates built into them.

I'll try to draw this in a few days if you want an actual visual.

  • Universe: Sailor Moon
  • Backstory: Kazaki was originally born 1,000 years ago in the Moon Kingdom’s Silver Millenium as Sailor Io, one of the four top military generals of the planet Jupiter. Named after the moon closest to Jupiter, Io loyally served directly under the princess, and was a tactician of sorts. She died battling the Negaverse when it attacked the Moon Kingdom’s allies to weaken it, and was eventually reincarnated on Earth in Sapporo, Hokkaido.

Kazaki was a 9th grader when she found her transformation bracelet, dropped by a strange white cat who disappeared from the city soon after. This led to her becoming Sailor Io to fight off street gangs, and eventually the Youma and various other monsters that started to show up in Sapporo, searching for something or someone she just couldn’t remember. After a while, she finally recalled her past life and now eventually wants to go visit Tokyo, in hopes of meeting Sailor Jupiter again after seeing some news articles and reports about the main Sailor Senshi's activities. In her spare time, Kazaki mixes music in her small studio and occasionally helps with her parents’ mechanical garage.

  • Personality: Kazaki is highly relaxed and easygoing, and is sometimes mistaken for lazy due to doing the minimum required for things she doesn’t have a passion for- which is everything else except for her motorcycle, music, crime fighting business, and competitions of any sort. And even when passionate, she always likes to have a plan to follow, and runs multiple possible situations in her head before making a tough decision, taking as much time as she possibly can. If something does manage to get under her skin, she gets tunnel vision and focuses on nothing but that until she is satisfied, leading to possible oversights. She is extremely loyal and protective of friends and allies, and is unafraid of getting into fights over them…or having to fight in general. Can end up a bit obsessive over jobs she’s assigned, and often takes things too far if left to herself.
  • Equipment:

Head Phones (In Senshi form only)- They can be used to hear and analyze multiple frequencies of sound waves, and can also be used as an audio output.

Io Transformation Bracelet- A gold and green bangle with the symbol of Jupiter and the Roman numeral for 1. Used as a Transformation Trinket to activate Senshi powers.

Motorcycle- A green Yamaha FZR 600 customized by Kazaki. It has a large thunderbolt decal on the side, and is her main form of transportation. She treats it like her child and tends to try to keep it out of the way of fights while in Sailor form, not wanting it to get broken in one.

[1]Original Generations: Dream of Mirrors - Signup thread! (26)

  • Abilities:

In human form- Can summon and control weak bursts of electricity (like static cling, really), and can magnetize metal objects by touching them. Is generally more durable and physically fit than an average person, and has more stamina.

In Senshi form- The above abilities are amplified to be able to keep up with monsters she fights and to take a few hard hits, but she isn’t quite superhuman. She draws upon the power of the Galilean moon Io, and its connection with Jupiter and gains actual attacks, ordered from weakest and easiest to use, to strongest.

Io Sparkling Magnet-Magnetizes objects within a field using electricity to be negative or positive

Io Sulfur-Screen- Releases volcanic gas (that smells like rotten eggs) to obscure things from view in a small area. Warms the air and can knock someone out if too much is inhaled.

Io Three-Ring Pulse- Magnetic pull, and then blast in a circular direction

Io Hertz Wave- Generates concentrated waves of sound in the form of a loudly played song that briefly interferes with technology and radio signals, and breaks glass at the right frequency.

Io Great Red Thunderbird (can't use at start)- A short, but powerful cyclonic thunderstorm is formed overhead, firing off a huge bolt of lightning. It's a finishing move, and once used it drains her of energy to attack for a long while, from a few hours to a full day depending on how much she had fought beforehand.

edited 22nd Oct '13 3:29:15 PM by ScorpioRat

krautman WHAT HAS SCIENCE WROUGHT from Hiding from the man, man Since: Jan, 2010


#7: Oct 21st 2013 at 6:42:17 PM

  • Name: Waldo Mull, aka Kamen Rider Endure
  • Age: 25
  • Gender: Male
  • Appearance: Oh lord this part. Normally, a 25-year old man of eastern European descent with brown hair, green eyes, and old clothes people bring into his pawn shop in the Bronx. When transformed... I'll have to draw that.
  • Universe: Kamen Rider Dragon Knight
  • Backstory: The great-grandson of a Transylvanian couple who Immigrated to the US in the 1900's, Waldo inherited a pawn shop in New York from his father. He's been running it for a few years now, so he's used to having a lot of useless junk coming in and out of the shop. When a man came into the shop carrying a strange box, acting rather terrified, and asking what he could get for it and the cards inside, Waldo merely shrugged and gave the man ten bucks for it. Taking the money and thanking him, the man ran out of the store giggling with glee. As he placed it on the shelf behind the counter, however, the mirror- which he used to keep an eye on customers while retrieving things from the shelf- began to ripple. Confused, he poked it, and fell through into another world, where he was forced into strange armor and attacked by what seemed to be a giant anthropomorphic co*ckroach. Grabbing the nearest thing he could (a card from the box) and holding it up in an effort to fight the roach in the strange imitation of his store, the roach was sucked in and left its image on the card along with the word "DOCKROACH." Since then, he's received numerous crank calls about monsters popping out of the mirror, disappearances in California, and job offers from the same guy claiming to fill a hundred different occupations offering a thousand different things. He mostly ignores them, using the deck to fight off thieves in the neighborhood and avoid traffic and bus fare by traveling in the world behind the mirrors, while experimenting with the deck's power- so far he's figured out that he can combine Dock Roach with a gun, motorcycle engine, and riot shield.
  • Personality: Thoroughly jaded by crazy people up and down the streets of his neighborhood, he's heard conspiracy theories about everything from men in fancy suits fighting aliens to a prince from another world with a talking motorcycle fighting an alien army on earth. Frankly, it takes a lot to get him to believe in the supernatural. While he loves money, he's not the kind of guy to get into illegal activities, and generally tries to do right by others. However, he's also a tightwad, preferring to use things from his shop rather than going out to buy them.
  • Abilities/Advent Cards:
    • Advent (one for each Dock Roach, allowing him to summon them into battle)
    • Contract (Contracting with a Dock Roach allows him to keep it in the Advent Deck.)
    • Unite Vent (multiple, from Dock Roach). This allows him to combine Dock Roach with everyday objects to gain a new Mirror Monster. However, the resulting monster has to rhyme with "co*ckroach." He only loses his contract monster if Dock Roach is destroyed in its base form.
    • Shoot Vent (From Glock Roach)- summons the Blastodea.
    • Guard Vent (From Block Roach)- summons a shield shaped like a roach.
    • Accel Vent (From Mach Roach)- Allows him to move at high speeds.
    • Final Vent- one for each of his Roaches. Each allows him to summon the monster to perform a finishing move.
  • Equipment:
    • Advent Deck, a device mounted on his belt which contains his advent cards, described under Abilities.
    • Junk Visor, a wrist-mounted device shaped like a co*ckroach's wings that lets him use his Advent Cards.
    • Blastodea, a pistol shaped like... well, a co*ckroach.
    • A 2-tone 1973 Honda Z, sold to him by one of his customers for thirty dollars.It's in something resembling working condition. Half red, half silver, likely due to a botched paint job.

edited 23rd Oct '13 10:33:10 AM by krautman

...and that's terrible.

AnnoR "Of course, Satsuki-sama." from Honnouji Academy Since: Sep, 2010

"Of course, Satsuki-sama."

#8: Oct 21st 2013 at 6:49:18 PM

  • Name: Amalie Georg Faust(Caster)
  • Age: 10(physically)
  • Gender: Female
  • Appearance: "You weren't expecting someone else, were you?"Original Generations: Dream of Mirrors - Signup thread! (29)
  • Universe: The Nasuverse
  • Backstory: Caster was born as Amalie Georg Faust, the daughter of a German magus. Her Mother died of an ongoing illness only a year after Faust's birth, leaving her entirely in the care of her father. As Faust grew, her father realized that she had a rare and unique elemental affinity: Demons. Her father believed that an ability to summon demons with such an element would lead to reaching the root of all knowledge in his lifetime, and thus forced a young Faust to spend her time locked in her away, summoning demons. She managed to befriend another girl her age, named Gretchen, on one of the few days her father allowed to leave her home. However, her father continued to allow Faust and Gretchen to meet. Faust was not allowed to meet anyone else, as her father believed that further human interaction would distract her from her summonings. However, he allowed Gretchen to continue to visit Faust because the girl reminded him of his late wife. Eventually, after many summonings, Faust was pushed to summon more advanced presences... and inadvertently summoned the Dead Apostle Ancestor known as the Night of Wallachia. Deciding to toy with the girl, the Night of Wallachia claimed to be an advanced demon know as Mephistopheles, which was capable of granting wishes. Faust's sole wish, however, was that she could live with Gretchen without her father preventing her from leaving. The Night of Wallachia agreed, intending to feed upon her father to prevent his interference. One evening, when Faust's father was planning to do something truly terrible to Gretchen when she arrived, the Night of Wallachia consumed his blood, killing him. Gretchen and Faust escaped the house. The exact circ*mstances of their deaths are unknown, but it is likely that the Night of Wallachia had a hand in them. Faust entered the Throne of Heroes, gaining Gretchen as a Noble Phantasm.
  • Personality: Caster has a difficulty talking with people. Aside from her Master, she is timid around human beings. However, nonhumans(including other Servants) will be encountered with a girl who is something of a blabbermouth, releasing everything that she is too shy to say to humans in a semi-coherent stream of consciousness. She is even more willing to converse with the demonic entities she summons. She is heavily attached to a doll she refers to as Gretchen and will be upset by any attempts to take it away. Caster enjoys collecting stuffed animals, the weirder the better. But still huggable.
  • Equipment: Gretchen. And clothes.
  • Abilities: Caster can create a territory, a workshop where she can work in. She also possesses knowledge of magecraft. Her chief abilities are...
    • Demon Summoning:
      • Capable of summoning any kind of demon(from the Nasuverse) aside from True Devils, and harnessing them to do the Servant's bidding. Given that summoned demons are not magic, this allows the Servant to bypass magic resistance. Demons operate more competently and more powerfully based on their complexity. The longer it takes for the Servant to summon a demon, the more powerful and complex they will be. This is because the Servant "designs" the form of a demon as she summons them, as demons are naturally formless creatures. At maximum complexity, a demon summoned by the Servant is quite capable of harming Servants. However, it is far more easy to kill then a Servants. Lower levels of complexity, while dangerous, are little more then cannon fodder for most Servants even if they are capable of dealing damage.
    • The Night of Wallachia-Mephistopheles:
      • The fabled presence that Caster summoned in life, Mephistopheles is a dark, formless entity. By invoking its name, Caster can summon Mephistopheles to materialize the fears of her opponent. While she believes it to be a demon(and holds no love for it, unlike other entities she summons), Mephistopheles is actually the 13th Dead Apostle Ancestor, the Night of Wallachia. The fears it materializes will attack those who they were materialized from relentlessly, until they are killed or they kill their target. However, they are not extraordinarily powerful, and are very capable of being killed. Mephistopheles is capable of targeting hundreds at once. Caster deeply dislikes the idea of summoning Mephistopheles, and would restrict his abilities to only a few targets if summoned.
    • Gretchen, the Pure Maiden:
      • Gretchen was Caster's closest friend in life. The Noble Phantasm transforms Caster's Gretchen doll into the real girl as Caster herself views herOriginal Generations: Dream of Mirrors - Signup thread! (30). An angelic existence, Gretchen possesses a personality of pure innocence. Her very presence and touch is damaging; While she can only exist for a few minutes at a time, she merely needs to touch a target to do damage. However, to servants of good or neutral alignments, this damage is not severe unless contact is prolonged. However, when an existence of an evil alignment is touched by Gretchen, they will be burnt as if by intensely hot flames. This touch is lethal to evil-aligned existences if prolonged for ten seconds or more.

edited 21st Oct '13 6:50:41 PM by AnnoR

"Oh, dear. The toad, the monkey, and the dog have all screwed up."

Stratofarius huzzaaaaaaaah Since: Aug, 2011


#9: Oct 21st 2013 at 6:54:23 PM

Yes! Finally time to use my OC Muppet!

I'll come up with something.

Moerin (4 Score & 7 Years Ago)

#10: Oct 21st 2013 at 7:02:07 PM

My god what terrible signups no-one is accepted seriously what the hell people.

Just kidding, everything looks great so far! Everyone that's posted a signup so far is accepted!

RainehDaze Figure of Hourai from Scotland (Ten years in the joint) Relationship Status: Serial head-patter

Figure of Hourai

#11: Oct 21st 2013 at 7:08:11 PM

  • Name: Hjördis Stormcrown
  • Age: Unknown (AKA: she hasn't kept track, and doesn't look her age—going by Talos' reign, Dragonborn live a long time)
  • Gender: Female
  • Appearance: I wish I knew why the quality is so grainy. :(Original Generations: Dream of Mirrors - Signup thread! (34). Not the sword on her person.Original Generations: Dream of Mirrors - Signup thread! (35) Awesome cloak, though.Original Generations: Dream of Mirrors - Signup thread! (36)
  • Universe: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
  • Backstory: In her youth, Hjördis fought against the Aldmeri Dominion in the Great War. And then, she quite simply vanished—seeing the world, learning a bit of everything, and watching the seasons pass. Eventually, news reached her of unrest in Skyrim—unrest in her home. So, naturally, she sold everything she had to get there as quickly as possible. Now, if only she hadn't been caught in an ambush set for the rebels on the border...
    After getting out of Helgen, she was... most displeased to learn that this Civil War had cost her her family. Most displeased. So, immediately, she set out for the Legion, and did pretty well: berserker tactics might not suit regimented combat, but when it comes to smashing the enemy lines? Priceless. After the Siege of Whiterun, Hjördis took time off to visit the Greybeards. This took the edge off her fury a bit when the Legion began to move again to outright crush the rebellion—and it gave her a fearsome new weapon.
    Against a power like the Voice, what could a bunch of rebels do? Sure, Ulfric could fight back in kind—but he was just a normal man, and didn't have the same innate talent as the Dragonborn.
    At this point, the dragons began to become a pressing concern... so Hjördis went and dealt with that, taking up and discarding weapons like crazy. She was rather annoyed when, in the end, the Blades refused to deal with her unless she killed who they wanted—so much for being honour-bound to serve the Dragonborn.
    Hjördis filled her time after the pressing concerns were dealt with helping smaller-scale matters. The Companions. Wiping out the Dark Brotherhood. Dealing with a vampire menace, though that escalated into something major pretty damn quickly. Finally, and the last nail in the coffin before Hjördis grew truly sick of all the slaughter, was some bastard in Solstheim that sent cultists to kill her.
    At that point, she built herself a house out in the wilderness, got all her friends and devoted servants to stay the hell away, and basically said 'screw this' to the troubles of Skyrim. It wasn't the most idyllic existence, as it turned out—without all the equipment she'd grown used to on her person at all times, a surprise attack by one of the most powerful dragons not yet slaughtered left some lasting injuries.
    Slipping on some unexpected ice and falling through a mirror is perhaps entirely to be expected at this point.
  • Personality: In combat, Hjördis is a berserker, and unless she specifically reins in her bloodlust will sacrifice all attempts at defence or sense for an attempt to be a living vortex of steel and loud noise. This sort of fighting style is rather hard for her to pull off any more, and also something that she learned a long time ago is really damn stupid against multiple dangerous enemies, but it's an urge that she still has to work to ignore.
    Out of combat? She's bitter, and cynical about the prospect of things ever really getting better. Despite all the effort she put into trying to solve Skyrim's problems, there's just as many bandits and necromancers as ever, and dragons still roam the countryside, nigh unassailable to anyone else. None of these problems can be resolved by talking—and violence just doesn't seem to stick. One may as well accept that the world is fundamentally broken and attempts to fix it are a waste of effort.
    Rather morose.
  • Equipment: An amulet of Talos, which... well... it makes Shouting easier, she presumes. At least, she thinks that, it's not as if there's anyone else that she can reasonably ask for a second opinion. She also has a steel greatsword—particularly fancy steel, that she received upon joining the Companions and has refined to a legendary level of craftsmanship, but still just a steel blade. Beyond a certain point, the quality of the weapon doesn't really make much difference.
  • Abilities:
    • Master Combatant: In her time fighting across Skyrim and Tamriel as a whole, Hjördis has mastered effectively every method of combat known to the denizens of Nirn. Swords, axes, hammers, two-handed, dual-wielding, one-handed with or without a shield, with her bare hands, archery, any type and level of armour... it doesn't matter. She can use it all masterfully. Her life has basically been an unending series of fights, and she hasn't always had the luxury of being prepared for them. So best to know how to use anything.
    • The Thu'um: Every Shout that Hjördis could possibly gain access to? She's got them all, every last one. Storms, summoning a dragon, ripping souls out, fire and ice breath... though the only two she can use right now are Aura Whisper and what is basically glorified ventriloquism.
    • Smith: She makes and repairs much of her more esoteric weapons and armour. Can you imagine how hard it is to work dragonbone into something usable?
    • Cooking: Well, she does live by herself. If you can find the ingredients (or buy them from Khajiit travellers) in a fantasy pastiche of Northern Europe, she can make it.
    • Quick Healing: She has some basic knowledge of healing spells; injuries recently inflicted can be healed fairly easily. Now, if incapacitation gives them time to heal naturally? She can't fix the result from that...
    • Handicaps: Due to injuries, Hjördis can't actually make use of most Shouts—she simply can't be loud enough. She finds this fairly ironic, seeing as it happened to the last Dragonborn before her, too. The injuries were fairly extensive, and she can't quite move with the same speed—or, indeed, manage the full range of motion—to effectively use most of her skill.

edited 28th Oct '13 11:03:04 AM by RainehDaze

Avatar Source

Moerin (4 Score & 7 Years Ago)

#12: Oct 21st 2013 at 7:16:15 PM


RainehDaze Figure of Hourai from Scotland (Ten years in the joint) Relationship Status: Serial head-patter

Figure of Hourai

#13: Oct 21st 2013 at 8:47:29 PM

Also, additional images for if she ever gets access to her decent stuff. Original Generations: Dream of Mirrors - Signup thread! (39)

OneOriginal Generations: Dream of Mirrors - Signup thread! (40) and twoOriginal Generations: Dream of Mirrors - Signup thread! (41).

Avatar Source

troydenite Since: Mar, 2011

#14: Oct 21st 2013 at 11:46:11 PM

  • Name: Mallory Gage
  • Age: 27; looks 14
  • Gender: Female (despite first appearances)
  • Appearance: "Don't ya worry, I got this."Original Generations: Dream of Mirrors - Signup thread! (43)
  • Universe: ZA WARUDO (yes I went there) of Jojos Bizarre Adventure, circa 1930s'
  • Backstory: Mallory's origin perished in the same way as her original identity - in mysterious and bloody circ*mstances. She didn't spend long angsting. Instead, she discovered her talent for the Ripple when she instinctively healed her broken leg at the age of fourteen. Noticed by a Ripple Master who had reached the area to investigate, she was taken to Tibet, where she spent the next eight years practicing to master her talent so that she could live in the only way she saw how - as a freelance Vampire Hunter. Having achieved proficiency (and snuck out to do live practice a few times), she took her leave in 1935 and went to work. The next four years were a constant series of brushes with near-death. However, she managed to survive quite fine, and developed a very hands-on, pragmatic and non-gimmicky form of the Ripple in the process.
  • Personality: She introduces herself to people as 'Mal,' to further facilitate gender confusion. Just saying. Generally calm in the face of all danger, Mallory faces life with a hard-boiled air of assured, quiet confidence and (sometimes) a little knowing smile. She dresses up as a male partly because it was easier to ride around on a giant 1930s' motorcycle and hunt 1930s' vampires as a guy, partly because she found it amusing when people kept mistaking her gender. She's kind enough, however, if a bit quiet, and feels confident that the anti-aging properties of the Ripple will allow her to keep up her facade for quite a while longer. She smokes cigarettes with a passion, because 1930s', and speaks with a pronounced stereotypical 1930s' American drawl. She refuses to say whether she picked it up on purpose. When she actually gets into combat, however, she pulls out all the stops together with her trenchcoat, just so she can call the names of her attacks extremely loudly. She has a habit of picking up useful odds and ends and stowing them in her large pockets and the pouches around her belt. Despite appearances, she has an innate sense of justice - being very hard to faze, however, this seldom comes through.
  • Equipment:
    • Brass Knuckles: She has a pair of spiked knuckledusters which she uses in combat - these are oiled up to conduct the Ripple better, and allow her to add even more force to her punches.
    • Bike and Revolver: She has a very large bike for riding on, and a very large gun for shooting people when the Ripple doesn't cut it. Enough said.
    • Oil Bottle: Going on from the idea of the Ripple conducting best in oil, she has a squeeze bottle filled with machine oil on her most of the time. Just because.
  • Abilities:
    • The Ripple: Having been trained in the use of this supernatural martial art in Tibet, Mallory possesses the ability to simulate the wavelength of sunlight in her blood with a special breathing technique, creating a Ripple of solar energy that can be channeled into anything that she punches. Direct application of this anti-vampire technique is only lethal to beings adverse to sunlight. However, when a sufficient amount is channeled through a human, it will cause effects similar to extreme overexposure to sunlight - pins and needles, before unconsciousness. The effects of the Ripple are more pronounced on a physical scale - by sending it through substances, Mallory can stick things together, solidify water and defy the laws of physics. Uses seen include creating spinning razor-sharp discs of wine, inducing brief involuntary movements in animals and humans (apparently, could nerf), healing, setting things on fire, creating shockwaves, and climbing up wet walls. The potential uses of the Ripple are immense, and far too many to be listed in full here. Mallory's use of it involves quick, focused bursts of energy coupled with tactical movement to keep her opponent on their toes, worked into her fighting style. While not quite the same prodigy as say, the Joestars, she has gotten to around their level with the appropriate instruction and a whole lot of practice, and has a much sounder grasp of theory and the technical side of things. The Ripple is most effective on liquids (particularly oil) and organic substances. The most powerful techniques are termed Overdrives, and when one is used by an appropriately skilled fighter in water, it has been shown to be capable of blowing out a lake to about waist-deep. While it can be channeled through other things, the payoff will be much reduced but still rather effective. The main weakness of the Ripple is that it requires a sustained, calm flow of breath - if this is interrupted in any way, she will be rendered unable to use it. While she is incredibly good at this breathing thing (can run at least a mile on a single breath), cutting off her flow of air, poking a hole in her windpipe or otherwise depriving her of oxygen will render her Ripple abilities largely useless. The Ripple is also the reason why she looks 14. Also, she knows Kung Fu, because the Ripple is a martial art.

I shall not be able to join until my exams are over, but hey, signing up is fun.

edited 22nd Oct '13 2:25:14 AM by troydenite

Deadbeatloser22 from Disappeared by Space Magic (Great Old One) Relationship Status: Tsundere'ing

#15: Oct 22nd 2013 at 2:19:44 AM

OK, so I'm in the position of having two ideas I'd like to use; one finished and one not quite finished.

So which one would everyone prefer to see?Original Generations: Dream of Mirrors - Signup thread! (45)

"Yup. That tasted purple."

Flanker66 Dreams of Revenge from 30,000 feet and climbing Since: Nov, 2009 Relationship Status: You can be my wingman any time

Dreams of Revenge

#16: Oct 22nd 2013 at 8:58:37 AM

Copy 'n' pasting my sheet from the original thread over here; though I'm probably just being a bit paranoid, I'm slightly worried that my character's underpowered now. Added Force Sense to Ras's abilities since Moerin said it was okay in the last thread.

  • Name: Ras Varm
  • Age: 22
  • Gender: Male
  • Appearance: Ras is wiry and tall, and has blond hair and green eyes. He usually carries himself in a cautious manner. He is wearing the Echo BaseOriginal Generations: Dream of Mirrors - Signup thread! (47) rebel trooper uniform when he arrives. In order to avoid roasting alive whenever we go somewhere that's warmer than Hoth (read: pretty much everywhere), he also has a set of thinner fatigues he wears underneath the uniform*
  • Universe: Star Wars, during the Battle of Hoth
  • Backstory: Born on Kuat in 19 BBY*, Ras Varm was part of the Kuati working class. His family had always been mildly Force sensitive at best, which made his stronger - though not stunning - connection to the Force all the more surprising. He worked in the great shipyards surrounding Kuat proper, never having more than an inkling of the abilities he possessed. Craving adventure, he left with a Rebel aligned freighter, though not before obtaining a curio that had been passed down the Varm family for generations: a green crystal.

The rest of his time in Rebel service was rather uneventful, until he found himself in the trenches at Hoth as the Empire bore down upon them...

  • Personality: Still a young man, Ras is unsure of his abilities, though he harbours a healthy sense of wonder in regards to his Force sensitivity, which makes him feel as though he is important to the galaxy at large*. He distastes injustice and finds it difficult to stand by when such things transpire, though he can usually force himself to work with somewhat unsavoury characters if necessary. After all, the Rebel Alliance isn't composed of entirely squeaky clean people. He is not a fan of taking foolish risks, though.
  • Equipment:
    • Vibrosword: A blade with a motor in the hilt; when activated it enhances the blade's cutting power greatly.
    • DL-44Original Generations: Dream of Mirrors - Signup thread! (48) heavy blaster pistol: A simple blaster pistol; it has a charging facility that allows its shots to do more damage, and a motion sensitive scope. Still not a good idea to use it for longer range engagements, though.
    • A280Original Generations: Dream of Mirrors - Signup thread! (49) blaster rifle: A blaster rifle that packs a punch over long distances, but is unwieldy when used in enclosed spaces.
    • Green lightsaber crystal: Pretty much useless right now aside from glowing gently with an inner green light, but if Ras were to find a lightsaber hilt and components it would be of more importance.
  • Abilities: As a Force sensitive, Ras has access to abilities beyond those of a regular sentient being. However, he has not been trained in his powers, and so they are not as powerful as they could be, and it takes concentration to use them precisely. He can deflect projectiles with some difficulty.
    • Force Pull/Push: Does exactly what it says on the tin. Larger objects are much more difficult to affect than smaller ones.
    • Force Jump: Another ability that means what it says; it lets Ras jump much higher than normal, though jumping higher drains more energy.
    • Force Sense: By casting his perceptions outward in the Force, Ras can get an idea of the layout of an area, as well as anything of particular interest. Areas particularly saturated in the Dark Side (say, the site of a major tragedy or a Dark Side nexus) can result in a quasi-Poke in the Third Eye, though the opposite is true for locations that are blessed with high quantities of Light Side energy. To avoid awkwardness, he can't detect the alignment of anyone who isn't from his home universe. However, he might be able to detect strong presences in the Force, such as someone with potent Force/magical abilities.

He may gain further abilities throughout the RP, though obviously each one would be subject to GM approval and make sense for the situation*.

Take your bets on when he'll lose a hand! Original Generations: Dream of Mirrors - Signup thread! (50)


Perhaps for more character variety, the one you've finished?

edited 22nd Oct '13 8:59:20 AM by Flanker66

Locking you up on radar since '09

CastielMkVI Final Flash from Shinjuku Babel Since: Aug, 2013

Final Flash

#17: Oct 22nd 2013 at 12:56:34 PM

If I were to make a Stand user, could it be someone who had control over light as their Stand's power? While it would be light speed movement used as the ace in the hole, I'm confident in my ability to promise that it will be suitably balanced to the point that while admittedly dangerous, it isn't going to be an "I win" card.

'We were all buried at sea, even if we didn't know it yet.'

Moerin (4 Score & 7 Years Ago)

#18: Oct 22nd 2013 at 1:02:49 PM

@Troy and Flanker: Accepted~!

Original Generations: Dream of Mirrors - Signup thread! (53)Hmmm... All I can really say is write it up and we'll see what we can do. It'll be nice to have another Jojos character in the RP too, since I have to admit it's easily my favourite shonen manga.Original Generations: Dream of Mirrors - Signup thread! (54)

CastielMkVI Final Flash from Shinjuku Babel Since: Aug, 2013

Final Flash

#19: Oct 22nd 2013 at 1:17:24 PM

Alright, will do. Nice to meet another Jojo fan as well. Original Generations: Dream of Mirrors - Signup thread! (56)

'We were all buried at sea, even if we didn't know it yet.'

CastielMkVI Final Flash from Shinjuku Babel Since: Aug, 2013

Final Flash

#20: Oct 23rd 2013 at 10:50:08 AM

  • Name: Julien Tominaga
  • Age: 17
  • Gender: Male
  • Appearance: Always there when needed.Original Generations: Dream of Mirrors - Signup thread! (58)
  • Universe: Jojo's Bizarre Adventure circa 2001.
  • Backstory: Although life before awakening his Stand had been perfectly satisfactory back then, Julien quickly found that maintaining the charade of trying to fit in with others who he knew did not really like him had become rather droll. Half-Japanese and half-American, he ended up being unable to fit in with people of either side and left rather bitter toward those around him. It came to a head when one of his more vindictive classmates attempted to rob him at knifepoint. Upon being blankly refused it quickly devolved into an incredibly violent dispute as to who would be walking away with the money; the aspiring mugger expected a relatively easy target, but instead he was slain in a single punch by something that hit hard enough to cave in his chest. Baffled as to the nature of the thing which emerged from his body that day, discovering the extent of its strength was an ordeal lasting for several months, but eventually the training was complete. Naming it after one of his favourite songs, he decided to do things that legitimately helped others with his new power. A year or so later, a ray of light disappeared into a mirror; nobody noticed the resulting missing person for quite a while.
  • Personality: The type of person who walks at his own pace no matter what, Tominaga is quietly attentive when doing most things, being inclined toward observing those who he is interacting with, almost to the point of obsession if they have piqued his interest. To most, he will come across as rather lazy due to employing the use of Live and Let Die to fulfill all the less laborious menial tasks that may need doing in a matter of moments. Underneath the shroud of silence is the unbridled spirit that enables him to control a Stand with such power; when witnessing something that goes against his values Julien will not hesitate to call the offender out on it and is more than willing to prove that the things he says are not hyperbole. He is a sucker for showing that he cares about his friends every so often; once he has come to know somebody well enough the Stand user will try to send something that the person in question likes their way.
  • Equipment: Naught but the clothes he wears, a pair of handheld mirrors and the sword enclosed in the picture.
  • Stand: Live and Let DieOriginal Generations: Dream of Mirrors - Signup thread! (59)
    • Destructive Power: C
    • Speed: Infinite
    • Range: C
    • Durability: C
    • Precision: B
    • Developmental Potential: A
    • With a mask and cloak coloured midnight blue, one would be forgiven for incorrectly guessing the nature of its powers until its user entered combat, at which point two arms as white as snow and clad in armoured gauntlets, also midnight blue, emerge from either side to reveal the true extent of its ability. Its main strength is the ability to manipulate light however, enabling Julien to do such things as turn himself or another human-sized object invisible, have it fire off beams designed to sear and burn through whatever they hit, use the conventional method of blinding a target or prevent any type of light from reaching their eyes to leave them flailing around in darkness and so on. The only catch is that there must be some form of light in the area for most of Live and Let Die's abilities to be usable, leaving Julien with only its base capabilities to employ in such conditions.

edited 27th Oct '13 1:58:19 PM by CastielMkVI

'We were all buried at sea, even if we didn't know it yet.'

TropayXion The i. one. from HEART Since: Jul, 2011 Relationship Status: Complex: I'm real, they are imaginary

The i. one.

#21: Oct 23rd 2013 at 11:48:05 AM

Time for something a little silly.

  • Name: Akira Yamada
  • Age: 15
  • Gender: Female
  • Appearance: "I'm not even remotely male."Original Generations: Dream of Mirrors - Signup thread! (61)
  • Universe: Yugioh.
  • Backstory: Akira was just the friend of an up-and-coming duelist from her home town, one that you would consider a side-kick at best. Although her role in that group's team dynamic was hardly insignificant, and it wasn't long afterward that her ability to project Duel Monsters into a physical form was discovered, and manipulated by the villains of the day. Eventually, that trouble was resolved, and Akira is now attempting to better control and improve this ability.
  • Personality: Obsessed with the ideas of chivalry, justice and becoming a knight, Akira has fervently studied and read of heroic warriors, believing in their ideals. This is evident in her dueling style, in which she never uses Trap cards, or attack a defenseless Opponent.
    Akira is always polite and formal, and rarely addresses herself as an equal to others. Although she doesn't deny wishing to become a heroic and valiant knight, she finds it absolutely embarrassing to be pointed out. If you want to anger her, make fun of anything related to knights. That should end well.
  • Equipment:
    • Her deck and duel disk, of course. Her cards of choice are the Noble KnightsOriginal Generations: Dream of Mirrors - Signup thread! (62).
  • Abilities:
    • Akira has a connection with her Duel Spirit, Artorigus, allowing her to manifest her Childrens' Trading Cards as actual monsters, and even replicate some spell cards. However, this ability of hers is still relatively weak, so her monsters often don't have the raw physical strength her card's otherwise boast.

Deadbeatloser22 from Disappeared by Space Magic (Great Old One) Relationship Status: Tsundere'ing

#22: Oct 23rd 2013 at 11:49:38 AM

Original Generations: Dream of Mirrors - Signup thread! (64)Original Generations: Dream of Mirrors - Signup thread! (65)I'm pretty sure that Super-Speed tends to kill the chances of a character getting accepted.

  • Name: Lt. Jennifer Rose
  • Age: 17
  • Gender: Female
  • Appearance: “Skirts are overratedOriginal Generations: Dream of Mirrors - Signup thread! (66).” note
  • Universe: Strike Witches
  • Backstory: A Witch serving in the Britannian Royal Navy, Jennifer has served with both the 11th JFWOriginal Generations: Dream of Mirrors - Signup thread! (67) in London and the 508th JFWOriginal Generations: Dream of Mirrors - Signup thread! (68) aboard HMS VictoriousOriginal Generations: Dream of Mirrors - Signup thread! (69).
  • Personality: Some unholy mix of bubbly and snarky. Isn’t above making a barbed comment if it amuses her.
  • Abilities:
    • Shields: Can project Instant Runes as a shield against incoming fire.
  • Equipment:
    • Ultramatrine Seafire F Mk III modelOriginal Generations: Dream of Mirrors - Signup thread! (70) Striker UnitOriginal Generations: Dream of Mirrors - Signup thread! (71): A Magi Tech device resembling the wings, engine and fuselage of a plane that allows the Witch wearing it over her legs to fly.
    • Bren MkIIOriginal Generations: Dream of Mirrors - Signup thread! (72), or “Gun, Machine, Bren .303-inch, Mk. II” as the manuals call it, not that she really bothered with those. Used for aerial combat in conjunction with her Striker Unit.
    • Walther PPK .380 ACPOriginal Generations: Dream of Mirrors - Signup thread! (73): Sidearm in case she gets caught short on the ground.  

edited 4th Nov '13 3:56:02 AM by Deadbeatloser22

"Yup. That tasted purple."

Moerin (4 Score & 7 Years Ago)

#23: Oct 23rd 2013 at 11:58:14 AM

Original Generations: Dream of Mirrors - Signup thread! (75)Original Generations: Dream of Mirrors - Signup thread! (76)&Original Generations: Dream of Mirrors - Signup thread! (77)Accepted.

Original Generations: Dream of Mirrors - Signup thread! (78)Original Generations: Dream of Mirrors - Signup thread! (79)Original Generations: Dream of Mirrors - Signup thread! (80)Riiiight, let's see... Relativistic speed is a definite no-no. I wasn't entirely sure what you meant which is why I asked you to write it up, but that was kind of what I was afraid of. Basically... That level of speed is so inherently broken that it's been banned in pretty much every RP I've been a part of, and I honestly agree that it's not really workable at all. Aside from that one point, the rest of the character seems perfectly acceptable. It's just that, well... When I began thinking about this I kind of put stuff like access to the Speed Force and the ability to use Clock Up firmly on the list of powers that would instantly be rejected, unfortunately. I wouldn't even let someone I've RP'd with for a long time and trust completely use it, ahah.Original Generations: Dream of Mirrors - Signup thread! (81) Sorry about that.

edited 23rd Oct '13 11:58:47 AM by Moerin

CastielMkVI Final Flash from Shinjuku Babel Since: Aug, 2013

Final Flash

#24: Oct 23rd 2013 at 1:50:57 PM

Alright. I have something else in mind that should turn out to be a lot less broken anyway, so it's no problem.

'We were all buried at sea, even if we didn't know it yet.'

NesClassic Inheritor of the Wing from Flyover Country Since: Dec, 2012 Relationship Status: In another castle

Inheritor of the Wing

#25: Oct 23rd 2013 at 3:15:57 PM

My idea is either very lame or lamely creative. Alrighty...

  • Name: Picket Man
  • Serial Number: DLN-009
  • Age: Has been in operation for about 7 years
  • Gender: Male
  • Appearance: "Get t'work an' stuff!"Original Generations: Dream of Mirrors - Signup thread! (84) As a side note, he's also wearing a brown belt around his waist. This differentiates him from a normal Picket Man slightly.
  • Universe: Mega Man (Classic)
  • Backstory: Picket Man was originally a normal Pickelman,Original Generations: Dream of Mirrors - Signup thread! (85) a simple robot designed to carry out mining duties and various construction work. Now, the evil Dr. Wily had repurposed these low-intelligence robots for battle when he stole and reprogrammed six robots built by the famous Dr. Light, but one of them remained after Mega Man put an end to Wily's schemes for the first time. Since it would take a while to repair Guts Man, Dr. Light made a quick fix by upgrading one of the Pickelmen to have the intelligence of a Robot Master, who was to fill in for Guts Man in the event that good 'ol Gutsy can't work. When Guts Man is around, though, Picket Man is his worker who tends to slack on the job. After all, he is more intelligent than the robots that can only do what they're built for.

One day, deep in some volcanic mines, Picket Man discovered a large slab that appeared like a mirror. Eager to show it off and brag to the unresponsive machinery around him, he leaned forward to grab it...

  • Personality: Picket Man is somewhat of a slacker when it comes to things he doesn't think are "fun", although if push comes to shove he'll reluctantly work. He is indeed Three Laws-Compliant (ESPECIALLY the Third Law), with the exception that he'll fight humans to protect other humans (and even then). When it comes to problem-solving he can have some creative solutions, he's actually be pretty clever in spite of his laziness. He's a bit of a smartass, too, and... oh, I'm bad at describing personalities... like I said, there's things he thinks are "fun" and he won't usually try to hide that he's having fun when he is.
  • Equipment:
    • CerataniumOriginal Generations: Dream of Mirrors - Signup thread! (86) Shield- A nigh indestructible shield that PM uses in combat. It's not like he can block explosions with it, though, that's just a ridiculous thought.
    • Seismic Pick- A mining pickax that Picket Man wields. Other than being a pickax (good for cracking stuff and mining), it can release a charge of energy out of either end. This can launch shockwaves that travel along the ground, knock things a good distance, or even catapult Picket Man by hitting the ground and releasing a charge.
  • Abilities:
    • Good at driving heavy things, like forklifts, bulldozers, and (although he's never driven one before) tanks.

edited 27th Oct '13 3:54:09 AM by NesClassic

🏳️‍⚧️she/her | Vio Rhyse Alberia


Total posts: 75

Original Generations: Dream of Mirrors - Signup thread! (2024)


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