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C.K. Lee (CL 4086)

Anne Seelig (AS 3976)

Angela Kwon (AK 1396)

Taimur Alamgir (TA 9007)

30 East 39th Street, Second Floor

New York, NY 10016

Tel.: 212-465-1188

Fax: 212-465-1181

Attorneys for Plaintiffs and the Class






of themselves and all others similarly situated,

: Case No:


v. :

: Demand for Jury Trial



Defendant. :



LAU (“Plaintiffs”), on behalf of themselves and all others similarly situated, and by and through

their undersigned counsel, allege the following based upon their own personal knowledge and the

investigation of their counsel:


1. Coconut water is the naturally occurring liquid from the inside of a coconut. In or

about 2004, entrepreneurs introduced packaged coconut water drinks sourced from tropical

countries such as Brazil and Thailand to the United States. Naturally hydrating with its rich

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electrolyte contents such as potassium and low in calorie, packaged coconut water has since

become a grocery store staple and a natural alternative to sports drinks. In a matter of a mere

decade, the industry of packaged coconut water has exploded into one of the fastest growing

beverage categories in the United States grossing hundreds of millions of dollars a year.

2. The coconut water industry faces challenges, however, most notably from the

consistency of raw material, especially when the manufacturer sources its coconuts in Asia where

the plantations are very fragmented and the supply of raw coconut fruits unreliable.1

3. Concern with a steady supply of raw coconut is more urgent in the organic sector,

especially in Asian countries such as Thailand where organic farmland is scarce. According to a

Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL) and International Federation of Organic

Agriculture Movements (IFOAM) report from 2014, the overall percentage of organic agricultural

land in Thailand is a mere 0.16%, as opposed to some of the developed world where the percentage

of organic agricultural land makes up as much as 30% of all agricultural land in those countries,

such as Falkland Islands and Liechtenstein.2

4. More importantly, organic coconut farmlands do not just appear overnight.

Converting a coconut plantation from conventional to organic takes time – organic certification

requires that crops do not receive any synthetic chemicals including fertilizers or pesticides for

three (3) years prior to the harvest of the crops. See 7 C.F.R. § 205.202.

1 See Nunes, Keith, Success challenges coconut water sector, Food Business News, January 1, 2014, available at



FF07E9136219%7D&cck=1. 2 See The World of Organic Agriculture: Statistics and Emerging Trends 2014, FiBL and IFOAM, p. 43-44,

available at https://www.fibl.org/fileadmin/documents/shop/1636-organic-world-2014.pdf.

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5. Closely related to the growing organic coconut water market is the trend that

American consumers increasingly and consciously seek out organic foods. Consumers value the

“organic” label for a myriad of reasons, including perceived benefits of avoiding disease, attaining

health and wellness, helping the environment, assisting local farmers, assisting factory workers

who would otherwise be exposed to synthetic and hazardous substances, and financially supporting

the companies that share these values.

6. “Raw” juices are a specific category of fruit and vegetable juices that are extracted

in a manner to retain as many nutrients and live enzymes as possible. Because raw juices are

unpasteurized and untreated, they must be consumed within days of their production. This short

lifespan, in conjunction with premium ingredients, makes raw juice quite expensive. Nonetheless,

more and more consumers specifically seek out and pay the premium for raw juice because of the

health benefits that live enzymes, probiotics, nutrients and vitamins offer over conventional,

pasteurized products.

7. Hoping to capture this growing market, Defendant made a series of representations

(detailed below) which are specifically targeted at such values held dear by consumers. Most

importantly, through its widespread marketing campaign, Defendant labeled, packaged and

advertised its Products as “100% ORGANIC” and “USDA ORGANIC” (the “100% organic

claims”) and “100% RAW” (the “raw claims”) even though Defendant, upon information and

belief, knew that its Products have not been solely made from organic coconuts and were not

“raw.” Defendant deceived and misled consumers into paying a sizable pricing premium that they

would not have paid had they known the truth about Defendant’s Products.

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8. This is a proposed class action against Harmless Harvest, Inc. (“Harmless Harvest”

or “Defendant”) for false and misleading “100% ORGANIC”, “USDA ORGANIC” and “100%

RAW” representations on its Harmless Harvest® 100% Raw Coconut Water (later renamed

“Harmless Coconut® Water”) product labels and in their advertising campaign, even though

Defendant, upon information and belief, knew that at least a significant portion of the Defendant’s

coconut supply had neither been in fact 100% organic nor USDA-certified organic.

9. Defendant’s Harmless Harvest® coconut water products are sold in 8 oz. and 16

oz. bottles and in the following flavors:

A. Harmless Harvest® 100% Raw Coconut Water (later named as the

Harmless Coconut® Water);

B. Harmless Harvest® 100% Raw Coconut Water – Dark Cacao;

C. Harmless Harvest® 100% Raw Coconut Water – Cinnamon & Clove;

D. Harmless Harvest® 100% Raw Coconut Water – Fair Trade Coffee

(together, the “Coconut Water Products” or “Products”).

10. Defendant deceptively and misleadingly misrepresented on their Product labeling

and packaging and in their marketing and advertising campaign material that their Products are

“100% ORGANIC,” “USDA ORGANIC,” and “100% RAW,” even though a significant portion

of its coconuts were not organic. By deceiving consumers about the nature, quality, and/or

ingredients of the Products as detailed herein, Defendant was able to command a premium price

for such Products and take away market share from competing products, thereby increasing its

own sales and profits.

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11. Specifically, Defendant purposefully and knowingly (i) purchased coconuts from

coconut plantations which have no organic certification; (ii) purchased coconuts from street

vendors whose source of supply is unknown; (iii) purchased “green-washed” coconuts from

“brokers” who would certify that the coconuts are organic even though they are not; (iv) caused

farmers to sign a “Farmer’s Agreement” promising to use organic farming techniques without

testing soil sample; and (v) conspired with the organic certifier Bioagricert in obtaining fraudulent

organic certification.

12. Defendants’ representations that the Products are “100% Raw” were false and

misleading, as the Products are not 100% raw and lack the traditional characteristics and qualities

associated with raw products.

13. Consumers lack the ability to test or independently to ascertain the accuracy of a

food or beverage label, especially at the point of sale. Reasonable consumers must and do rely on

the food or beverage company to report honestly whether a product is organic.

14. Food and beverage companies intend for consumers to rely upon its representations,

and reasonable consumers do in fact so rely. The food and beverage company’s representations

are the only source of information consumers can use to make decisions concerning whether to

buy and ingest packaged foods and beverages.

15. As a result of its false and misleading labeling, packaging and marketing campaign,

Defendant was able to sell its Coconut Water Products deceptively and misleadingly labeled as

“100% ORGANIC,” “USDA ORGANIC” and “100% RAW” to hundreds of thousands of

consumers throughout the United States and to realize sizeable profits.

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16. Defendant’s false and misleading representations and omissions violate state laws

as detailed more fully below, including New York General Business Law § 349, California’s

Organic Products Act, California’s Unfair Competition Law, California’s Consumers Legal

Remedies Act, and common law.

17. Defendant violated statutes enacted in each of the fifty states and the District of

Columbia that are designed to protect consumers against unfair, deceptive, fraudulent and

unconscionable trade and business practices and false advertising. These statutes are:

a. Alabama Deceptive Trade Practices Act, Ala. Statues Ann. §§ 8-19-1, et seq.;

b. Alaska Unfair Trade Practices and Consumer Protection Act, Ak_ Code §

45.50.471, et seq.;

c. Arizona Consumer Fraud Act, Arizona Revised Statutes, §§ 44-1521, et seq.;

d. Arkansas Deceptive Trade Practices Act, Ark. Code § 4-88-101, et seq.;

e. California Consumer Legal Remedies Act, Cal. Civ. Code § 1750, et seq., and

California's Unfair Competition Law, Cal. Bus. & Prof Code § 17200, et seq.;

f. Colorado Consumer Protection Act, Colo. Rev. Stat. § 6 - 1-101, et seq.;

g. Connecticut Unfair Trade Practices Act, Conn. Gen. Stat § 42-110a, et seq.;

h. Delaware Deceptive Trade Practices Act, 6 Del. Code § 2511, et seq.;

i. District of Columbia Consumer Protection Procedures Act, D.C. Code § 28

3901, et seq.;

j. Florida Deceptive and Unfair Trade Practices Act, Fla. Stat. Ann. § 501.201,

et seq.;

k. Georgia Fair Business Practices Act, § 10-1-390 et seq.;

l. Hawaii Unfair and Deceptive Practices Act, Hawaii Revised Statues § 480 1,

et seq., and Hawaii Uniform Deceptive Trade Practices Act, Hawaii Revised

Statutes § 481A-1, et seq.;

m. Idaho Consumer Protection Act, Idaho Code § 48-601, et seq.;

n. Illinois Consumer Fraud and Deceptive Business Practices Act, 815 ILCS §

505/1, et seq.;

o. Indiana Deceptive Consumer Sales Act, Indiana Code Ann. §§ 24-5-0.5-0.1,

et seq.;

p. Iowa Consumer Fraud Act, Iowa Code §§ 714.16, et seq.;

q. Kansas Consumer Protection Act, Kan. Stat. Ann §§ 50 626, et seq.;

r. Kentucky Consumer Protection Act, Ky. Rev. Stat. Ann. §§ 367.110, et seq.,

and the Kentucky Unfair Trade Practices Act, Ky. Rev. Stat. Ann §§ 365.020,

et seq.;

s. Louisiana Unfair Trade Practices and Consumer Protection Law, La. Rev.

Stat. Ann. § § 51:1401, et seq.;

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t. Maine Unfair Trade Practices Act, 5 Me. Rev. Stat. § 205A, et seq,, and

Maine Uniform Deceptive Trade Practices Act, Me. Rev. Stat. Ann. 10, §

1211, et seq.,

u. Maryland Consumer Protection Act, Md. Com. Law Code § 13-101, et seq.;

v. Massachusetts Unfair and Deceptive Practices Act, Mass. Gen. Laws ch. 93A;

w. Michigan Consumer Protection Act, § § 445.901, et seq.;

x. Minnesota Prevention of Consumer Fraud Act, Minn. Stat §§ 325F.68, et seq.;

and Minnesota Uniform Deceptive Trade Practices Act, Minn. Stat. §

325D.43, et seq.;

y. Mississippi Consumer Protection Act, Miss. Code Ann. §§ 75-24-1, et seq.;

z. Missouri Merchandising Practices Act, Mo. Rev. Stat. § 407.010, et seq.;

aa. Montana Unfair Trade Practices and Consumer Protection Act, Mont. Code

§30-14-101, et seq.;

bb. Nebraska Consumer Protection Act, Neb. Rev. Stat. § 59 1601, et seq., and the

Nebraska Uniform Deceptive Trade Practices Act, Neb. Rev. Stat. § 87-301,

et seq.;

cc. Nevada Trade Regulation and Practices Act, Nev. Rev. Stat. §§ 598.0903, et


dd. New Hampshire Consumer Protection Act, N.H. Rev. Stat. § 358-A:1, et seq.;

ee. New Jersey Consumer Fraud Act, N.J. Stat. Ann. §§ 56:8 1, et seq.;

ff. New Mexico Unfair Practices Act, N.M. Stat. Ann. §§ 57 12 1, et seq.;

gg. New York Deceptive Acts and Practices Act, N.Y. Gen. Bus. Law §§ 349, et


hh. North Dakota Consumer Fraud Act, N.D. Cent. Code §§ 51 15 01, et seq.;

ii. North Carolina Unfair and Deceptive Trade Practices Act, North Carolina

General Statutes §§ 75-1, et seq.;

jj. Ohio Deceptive Trade Practices Act, Ohio Rev. Code. Ann. §§ 4165.01. et


kk. Oklahoma Consumer Protection Act, Okla. Stat. 15 § 751, et seq.;

ll. Oregon Unfair Trade Practices Act, Rev. Stat § 646.605, et seq.;

mm. Pennsylvania Unfair Trade Practices and Consumer Protection Law, 73

Penn. Stat. Ann. § § 201-1, et seq.;

nn. Rhode Island Unfair Trade Practices And Consumer Protection Act, R.I. Gen.

Laws § 6-13.1-1, et seq.;

oo. South Carolina Unfair Trade Practices Act, S.C. Code Laws § 39-5-10, et


pp. South Dakota's Deceptive Trade Practices and Consumer Protection Law,

S.D. Codified Laws §§ 37 24 1, et seq.;

qq. Tennessee Trade Practices Act, Tennessee Code Annotated §§ 47-25-101, et


rr. Texas Stat. Ann. §§ 17.41, et seq., Texas Deceptive Trade Practices Act

ss. Utah Unfair Practices Act, Utah Code Ann. §§ 13-5-1, et seq.;

tt. Vermont Consumer Fraud Act, Vt. Stat. Ann. tit.9, § 2451, et seq.;

uu. Virginia Consumer Protection Act, Virginia Code Ann. §§59.1-196, et seq.;

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vv. Washington Consumer Fraud Act, Wash. Rev, Code § 19.86.010, et seq.;

ww. West Virginia Consumer Credit and Protection Act, West Virginia Code §

46A-6-101, et seq.;

xx. Wisconsin Deceptive Trade Practices Act, Wis. Stat. §§ 100. 18, et seq.;

yy. Wyoming Consumer Protection Act, Wyoming Stat. Ann. §§40-12-101, et


18. Plaintiffs bring this action to stop Harmless Harvest’s deceptive and misleading



19. The Court has jurisdiction over this matter pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1332, because

this is a class action, as defined by 28 U.S.C § 1332(d)(1)(B), in which a member of the putative

class is a citizen of a different state than Defendant, and the amount in controversy exceeds the

sum or value of $5,000,000, excluding interest and costs. See 28 U.S.C. § 1332(d)(2).

20. The Court has jurisdiction over the federal claims alleged herein pursuant to 28

U.S.C. § 1331 because it arises under the laws of the United States.

21. The Court has jurisdiction over the state law claims because they form part of the

same case or controversy under Article III of the Unites States Constitution.

22. The Court has personal jurisdiction over Defendant because their Products are

advertised, marketed, distributed, and sold throughout New York State; Defendant engaged in the

wrongdoing alleged in this Complaint throughout the United States, including in New York State;

Defendant are authorized to do business in New York State; and Defendant have sufficient

minimum contacts with New York and/or otherwise have intentionally availed themselves of the

markets in New York State, rendering the exercise of jurisdiction by the Court permissible under

traditional notions of fair play and substantial justice. Moreover, Defendant is engaged in

substantial and not isolated activity within New York State.

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23. Pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1391, this Court is the proper venue for this action because

a substantial part of the events, omissions, and acts giving rise to the claims herein occurred in this

District. Plaintiffs PEGUERO and LAU are citizens of New York. Plaintiff LAU resides in this

District, and purchased the Products in Nassau County, in this District. Moreover, Defendant

distributed, advertised, and sold the Products, which are the subject of the present Complaint, in

this District.


24. Plaintiff ELIZABETH PEGUERO is, and at all times relevant hereto has been, a

citizen of the State of New York and resides in New York County. Plaintiff PEGUERO purchased

several units of Harmless Harvest’s Coconut Water Products over the last several years at retail

prices at various grocery stores in New York County, including Whole Foods. In doing so, she

saw and relied upon the representation on the Product labels and on Defendants’ website at

www.harmlessharvest.com that the Coconut Water Products was “USDA ORGANIC,” “100%

ORGANIC” and “100% RAW” in deciding to purchase them. She reasonably believed the

Coconut Water Products were 100% organic and 100% raw, as labeled, and the “USDA

ORGANIC,” “100% ORGANIC” and “100% RAW” representations were a significant reason for

her purchases. The purchase price ranged from $5.49 to $6.99 (or more) per 16 oz. container and

$2.99 (or more) per 8 oz. container. Plaintiff PEGUERO purchased the Products at a premium

price and was financially injured as a result of Defendant’s deceptive conduct as alleged herein.

25. Plaintiff GUOLIANG MA is, and at all times relevant hereto has been, a citizen of

the State of California and resides in San Francisco County. Plaintiff MA purchased several units

of Harmless Harvest’s Coconut Water Products over the last several months at retail prices at

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various grocery stores in San Francisco County, including Whole Foods. In doing so, he saw and

relied upon the representation on the Product labels and on Defendants’ website at

www.harmlessharvest.com that the Coconut Water Products was “USDA ORGANIC,” “100%

ORGANIC” and “100% RAW” in deciding to purchase them. He reasonably believed the Coconut

Water Products were 100% organic and raw, as labeled, and the “USDA ORGANIC,” “100%

ORGANIC” and “100% RAW” representations were a significant reason for his purchase. Plaintiff

MA has purchased the Products in various flavors and sizes as they have become available. The

purchase price ranged from $4.99 to $5.49 (or more) per 16 oz. container and $2.69 (or more) per

8 oz. container. Plaintiff MA purchased the Products at a premium price and was financially

injured as a result of Defendant’s deceptive conduct as alleged herein.

26. Plaintiff SHARON MANIER is, and at all times relevant hereto has been, a citizen

of the State of California and resides in Riverside County. Plaintiff MANIER purchased Harmless

Harvest’s Coconut Water Products over the last several years at retail prices at various grocery

stores in Riverside County. In doing so, she saw and relied upon the representation on the Product

labels that the Coconut Water Products were “USDA ORGANIC,” “100% ORGANIC” and

“100% RAW” in deciding to purchase them. She reasonably believed the Coconut Water Products

were 100% organic and raw, as labeled, and the “USDA ORGANIC,” “100% ORGANIC” and

“100% RAW” representations were a significant reason for her purchases. The purchase price

ranged from $5.49 to $6.99 (or more) per 16 oz. container and $2.99 (or more) per 8 oz. container.

Plaintiff MANIER purchased the Products at a premium price and was financially injured as a

result of Defendant’s deceptive conduct as alleged herein.

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27. Plaintiff KIN FAI LAU is, and at all times relevant hereto has been, a citizen of the

State of New York and resides in Kings County. Plaintiff LAU purchased several units of Harmless

Harvest’s Coconut Water Products over the last several years at retail prices at various grocery

stores in Nassau County. In doing so, he saw and relied upon the representation on the Product

labels that the Coconut Water Products were “USDA ORGANIC,” “100% ORGANIC” and

“100% RAW” in deciding to purchase them. He reasonably believed the Coconut Water Products

were 100% organic and raw, as labeled, and the “USDA ORGANIC,” “100% ORGANIC” and

“100% RAW” representations were a significant reason for her purchases. The purchase price

ranged from $5.49 to $6.99 (or more) per 16 oz. container and $2.99 (or more) per 8 oz. container.

Plaintiff LAU purchased the Products at a premium price and was financially injured as a result of

Defendant’s deceptive conduct as alleged herein.

28. Had Plaintiffs known at the time that the Coconut Water Products they purchased

were not organic or raw as promised, they would not have purchased the Coconut Water Products.

29. Defendant Harmless Harvest, Inc. (“Defendant” or “Harmless Harvest”) is a

Delaware Corporation, with its principal place of business located at 200 Green Street, Suite 1,

San Francisco, CA 94111 and an address for the service of process at The Corporation Service

Company, 2711 Centerville Rd., Wilmington, DE 19808. Defendant, directly and through its

agents, has substantial contacts with and receives benefits and income from and through the States

of New York and California. Defendant is the owner of the “Harmless Harvest®” brand and it

imports, advertises and sells the Coconut Water Products in the United States. Additionally, by

and through its majority-owned subsidiary in Thailand, Harmless Harvest (Thailand), Co. Ltd.,

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Defendant also manufactures the Coconut Water Products in Thailand and exports the same from

Thailand to the United States.


Defendant Falsely Represented That Its Products Are “100% ORGANIC,” “100% RAW,”


30. As part of its extensive nationwide marketing campaign, Harmless Harvest actively

promotes its Coconut Water Products as being “100% ORGANIC,” “USDA ORGANIC” and

“100% RAW” and deceives and misleads consumers through the Product labeling and packaging,

as well as an advertising campaign on www.harmlessharvest.com, and through social media such

as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest.

31. Harmless Harvest launched the Harmless Harvest® brand in 2011 selling and

distributing packaged coconut water Products in the United States. Initially selling only the

original flavor coconut water, the brand has since undergone product line changes and has sold at

least 4 flavors, each in 8 oz. and 16 oz. bottles (some of which products have since been


A. Harmless Harvest® 100% Raw Coconut Water;

B. Harmless Harvest® 100% Raw Coconut Water – Dark Cacao;

C. Harmless Harvest® 100% Raw Coconut Water – Cinnamon & Clove;

D. Harmless Harvest® 100% Raw Coconut Water – Fair Trade Coffee

(together, the “Coconut Water Products” or “Products”).

32. The Products have been distributed to almost all major cities in the United States

and have been sold at supermarkets, convenience stores, delis, cafes, restaurants as well as gyms

and yoga centers.

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33. The front panel of the Product label formerly represented in large font “100% RAW

COCONUT WATER.”3 Right beneath the “100% RAW COCONUT WATER” representation

was an image of a hand-held, cut-open coconut which prominently represented a “USDA

ORGANIC” sticker. In or about September 2015, Defendant changed the name of the original

flavored Products to “Harmless Coconut Water.”



34. On the back panel of the Product label next to the barcode was prominently

represented “100% ORGANIC.”

3 Defendants dropped the phrases “100% Raw” and “100% Organic” from the name of their Products in September


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35. The back panel of the Product label is plastered with Defendant’s brand narrative,

which is made sure to repeatedly mention the word “organic”

“PROPRIETARY HARVEST Our young & green coconuts are hand-picked & bottled

at the perfect moment for peak nutrient levels from old-growth, organic groves in the

pristine regions of Southeast Asia.”

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“NO COMPROMISE Unlike some other coconut waters, this is NOT a heated, ultra-

processed blend, but the real, unadulterated water of fresh, young, organic coconuts.”

36. Harmless Harvest also actively promoted its Products as being “USDA

ORGANIC” and “100% ORGANIC” through an extensive and wide-reaching online advertising

campaign. On Harmless Harvest’s website, www.harmlessharvest.com, an entire webpage devoted

to “sourcing” described how its purportedly organic coconuts were sourced:

“Harmless Harvest’s focus is our sourcing. From day one, we chose organic

ingredients as a non-negotiable aspect of our products.”

“Organic certification is the only way to verify that specific practices are being

implemented. These foods are never irradiated and are produced without the use of

genetically modified organisms (GMO’s), relatively recent technologies without

sufficient research proving their safety. The certification also confirms food is

produced without the use of persistent pesticides, synthetic fertilizers, or sewage

sludge. Not only do these substances use energy and resources in their production,

they also contribute to soil degradation and ocean dead zones. Without organic

certification, there is no way to prove that organic practices are used.”

“Forming partnerships with communities that value quality and organic farming

practices is rooted in our attention to long-term growth. These partnerships offer a

stable option for employment and income where there once was none.”

“Happily, our promise of a long-term presence is acting as an incentive to others.

We are in a position to help certify farmers who convert to organic farming

methods and are approved through audit. This creates healthier environments with

less chemical fertilizers and pesticides, and communities with long-term steady


Harmless Harvest also specifically claimed:

“We believe that if you have nothing to hide, you should tell it straight. Some people

might be interested.

100% Organic: The ‘100% Organic’ label is applicable to any product in which

all of the ingredients are organic…”

See EXHIBIT 1, Screenshot from Harmless Harvest’s website.

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37. On its Facebook page, Harmless Harvest described its Products as the “First Ever

RTD 100% Raw & Organic Coconut Water.” See EXHIBIT 2. Moreover, each and every posting

on Defendant’s Facebook Timeline touted that all of its farms were “100% Organic.” Id.

Defendant Fraudulently Sourced Non-Organic Coconuts and Misrepresented Them as


38. While a lie told often enough might become the truth, a non-organic coconut does

not become an organic one just because it has been repeatedly labeled and extensively advertised

as organic. Through a medley of conscious ignorance and outright fraud, Defendant deceived the

public about the fact that their Coconut Water Products are neither 100% organic nor USDA-

certified organic.

39. As of late 2015, Defendant still was bottling coconut water from non-organic

sources and labeling them as “100% ORGANIC” and “USDA ORGANIC.” Defendant was

sourcing 300,000 coconuts per day from Ratchaburi, Thailand, even though such area’s certified

organic coconut plantations could only yield about half the amount. Based on live interviews in

Bangkok with suppliers of Defendant, Defendant sourced large quantities of non-organic coconuts

through various avenues, including buying non-organic coconuts from retailers, making on-the-

spot purchase from non-organic farms, as well as “green washing” its coconuts from non-organic


The Numbers Don’t Add Up

40. Soon after Defendant launched the Harmless Harvest brand in early 2011, it started

to source from coconut plantations in Thailand in the Ratchaburi province where the coconut

variety “Nam Hom” grew.

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41. In or about June 2011, Defendant started sourcing coconut supplies sufficient to

ship 2 ocean containers of Coconut Water Products, with one ocean container containing

approximately 70,000 8-ounce bottles of coconut water. Because each coconut yields

approximately 8 ounces of coconut water, less spillage and waste in the extracting and bottling

process, the amount of coconut supply needed for a container’s load of bottled coconut water

roughly equals 72,000 coconuts. As such, 2 ocean containers of coconut waters would require

approximately 144,000 coconuts. Originally, Defendants bottled their Coconut Water Products

through a third party supplier.

42. In the following months, Defendant’s demand for coconut soared and reached 7-8

containers per month. Supply of organic coconuts struggled to catch up, however, because at the

time there was only a very limited amount of organic coconut farmland in the region and the

organic certification process takes time.

43. In order to take advantage of the rapidly expanding coconut water market in the

United States and gain an edge in the competition for market share, in February 2013, Defendant

incorporated Harmless Harvest (Thailand), Co. Ltd. (“Harmless Harvest Thailand”), Harmless

Harvest’s majority-owned subsidiary in Thailand.

44. In June 2013, Defendant started operating its factory in Thailand through Harmless

Harvest Thailand, where it extracted, collected and bottled coconut water. Harmless Harvest

Thailand also handles the exporting of the Coconut Water Products from Thailand to the United


45. Neither Defendant nor Harmless Harvest Thailand has ever owned any farmland

themselves due to Thailand’s law against land ownership by foreigners or foreign corporations.

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Instead, Harmless Harvest has to, and continues to, rely on contract farming for its coconut supply,

or purchase coconuts from either suppliers or farmers who own coconut plantations.

46. Based on Plaintiffs’ investigation and review of export shipping records, during the

period between July and October 2013, Harmless Harvest’s volume of Coconut Water Products

averaged 30 containers per month, or about 7-8 ocean containers of coconut water per week. As

Defendant’s production picked up speed, in October 2013, Harmless Harvest was shipping 10

containers per week.

47. Such a volume exported by Defendant would normally require approximately 6,000

rais (a unit of area commonly used in Thailand; 1 rai equals approximately 0.395 acre of area) of

organic coconut farmland area. Based on interviews with local Thai farmers, coconuts are

harvested approximately every 23 days and each rai of organic coconut plantation yields

approximately 500 coconuts each harvest. Defendant somehow made do with a mere 800 - 1,000

rais of certified organic coconut Nam Hom coconut plantation it had contracted at the time.

48. At the time Harmless Harvest started producing 8-10 containers a week of “certified

organic” coconut water, there were, besides a handful of small farms, only two active large Nam

Hom coconut farms with organic certification in Thailand. One is under the name Family Export

Co., Ltd., which had 1,500 rais (600 acres) certified by one of the two organic certifiers in the area,

Control Union. However, they did not supply coconut water shipped by Harmless Harvest


49. The other large farm with organic certification is Dechathon Fruits Safety Control

NOP Small and Micro Union Community Enterprise, referred to in the local industry as “DCT

Fresh,” with 800 rais (320 acres) organic farm also certified by Control Union. While such acreage

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could not produce more than 17,000 (800 (rais) x 500 (coconuts/rai) / 23 days) coconuts daily

during peak season, DCT Fresh was supplying Harmless Harvest with “organic” coconuts at a far

greater speed: over 100,000 coconuts daily.

50. 3,825 acres equal approximately 9,674 rai of farmland. Such acreage of coconut

plantation cannot possibly yield the amount of coconuts Defendant was sourcing: 300,000

coconuts per day, which, based on the current yield of coconut plantations in Ratchaburi, Thailand,

would require approximately 18,000 rai of land area (300,000 coconuts per day x 30 days / 500

coconuts per month = 18,000 rai). Simply put, Defendant still does not have large enough certified

organic coconut plantation area to support the rate at which it was shipping coconut water from

Thailand – not even according to its own representations.

51. Upon information and belief, the following chart represents a rough chronology of

Harmless Harvest’s sourcing demand vis-a-vis the expansion of its certified organic farmland.

No. of


s Shipped



No. of















% of

Organic Coconuts Out of

All Coconuts

Sourced by



% of

Non-Organic Coconuts Out

of All Coconuts

Sourced by





2 144,000 288 20 7% 93%

July –

Oct. 2013

30 2,160,000 4,320 800-


19-23% 77-81%

Aug. –

Oct. 2015

9,000,000 18,000 9,674 53.7% 46.3%

52. While the area of organic coconut farm land contracted by Harmless Harvest has

gradually increased since its inception, it has never caught up with the expansion of Harmless

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Harvest’s sourcing need. As a result, as of October 2015, approximately half of Defendants’

coconut farmland was still non-organic.

Coconuts from Street Vendors with Unknown Source or Non-Organic Farms

53. It is widely believed in the local community that Harmless Harvest, in its shopping

spree for coconuts, would literally buy any coconut that comes its way with no regard whatsoever

to whether such coconuts are organic or not and more often than not at inflated prices. To avoid

damage liability, Harmless Harvest simply purchases coconuts from 3rd party suppliers and

vendors, who are willing to represent that their coconuts supplied are organic, when they are not.

54. For example, a region near Bangkok named Baan Paew in the Samut Sakorn

province is known for being a coconut retail center and has numerous small coconut vendors

selling coconuts along its streets. These coconuts come from any number of non-organic coconut

farms. It is widely believed in the region that Harmless Harvest’s buyers would frequently

purchase coconuts from these street vendors when it is short on coconut supply. Below is a picture

of a street coconut vendor taken in Baan Paew, Samut Sakorn, Thailand.

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Street vendor selling coconuts in Baan Pawe, Samut Sakorn, Thailand

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55. Harmless Harvest would also make on-the-spot purchase from coconut farms that

are conventional farms. When such purchase took place, the farmer is never required to sign any

paperwork or produce any certification with respect to organic farming.

A coconut farm in Baan Paew, Samut Sakorn, Thailand

“Green Washed” Coconuts

56. However, upon information and belief, the majority of non-organic coconuts enter

Harmless Harvest’s supply chain through a process called “green washing.” In Thailand, coconut

farms are usually small and fragmented and owned by individuals or families who typically

inherited the land from their ancestors. The farm owners would contract with a middleman referred

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to as the “broker,” who is typically responsible for hiring workers to work on the farm as well as

purchasing the coconuts from the farmers. Because there are crops per year and coconuts require

little maintenance, most owners simply reap profits without significant “farming” efforts. The

conversion of a conventional farm into an organic farm takes at least 3 years, many farms would

have a small portion of converted farm land even though the majority of the land has not been

converted. When a broker purchases coconuts from the farmers and resells to Harmless Harvest,

they would vouch for the coconuts being organic by creating a purported “Certificate of

Inspection,” commonly referred to by the locals as the “COI.” In this way, large amounts of non-

organic coconuts enter the supply chain of Harmless Harvest camouflaged as organic coconuts.

Defendants’ Farmer Operators Failed to Fulfill the 3-Year Conversion Required by the


57. Problems with Defendant’s organic sourcing practices run still deeper. Even with

respect to the portion of Harmless Harvest’s coconut supply which are actually “certified” as

organic, it is still questionable whether these coconuts are in fact organically grown in an organic

farm which has complied with federal law.

58. Organic foods are regulated under the federal standards set by the United States

Department of Agriculture (“USDA”) National Organic Program (“NOP”), 7 C.F.R. § Part 205.

These standards were implemented in 2002 in the wake of the Organic Foods Production Act of

1990. Organic standards address many factors: soil quality, animal raising, pest and weed control,

and use of input materials.

59. There are four distinct labeling categories for certified organic food products: (1)

100% Organic, (2) Organic, (3) Made with organic (specific ingredients or food groups), and (4)

Products with less than 70 percent organically produced ingredients. See 7 C.F.R. §205.301. Where

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a product is labeled as “100% Organic,” needless to say, must contain “100 percent organically

produced ingredients.” 7 C.F.R. §205.301(a).

60. Further, the USDA requires that “[a]ny field or farm parcel from which harvested

crops are intended to be sold, labeled, or represented as ‘organic,’ must have had no [synthetic

chemicals including fertilizers or pesticides] applied to it for a period of 3 years immediately

preceding harvest of the crop.” See 7 C.F.R. § 205.202 (“Land Requirements”); see also,

Organic Production and Handling Standards, National Organic Program, United States

Department of Agriculture (“[t]he organic crop production standards require that [l]and must have

had no prohibited substances applied to it for at least 3 years before the harvest of an organic

crop”).4 Any agricultural product labeled as “100 percent organic,” “organic,” or “made with

organic (specified ingredients or food group(s))” must comply with the 3-year land requirement

pursuant to § 205.202. See §205.102 (“Use of the term, ‘organic’”).

61. However, Defendant’s factory in Thailand has only been in operation since June

2013, when it had merely 1000 rai (or 400 acre) of organic coconut plantation. Based on

Defendant’s representations online, as of September 2015, it had 3,825 acres of organic coconut

farm. See supra. In other words, Defendant would have had to convert 3,825 – 400 = 3,425 acres

of conventional farmland to organic farmland in as little as 2 years and 3 months, which would

have been impossible because, under § 205.202, the conversion process would take at least 3 years.

62. In a desperate attempt to conceal the fact that Defendant’s operations in Thailand

did not start until June 2013, Defendant repeatedly represented the year of 2009 as the year when

4 Available at http://www.ams.usda.gov/sites/default/files/media/Organic%20Production-


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Harmless Harvest started operating. In reality, Defendant did not start selling its Coconut Water

Products until 2011 and its factory in Thailand did not start operating (and any effort to convert

conventional farmland into organic coconut plantations) until 2013.

63. Since its inception in or about 2011 till the date of this Complaint, Harmless Harvest

has labeled and advertised and continues to label and advertise its Products as “100% ORGANIC”


The Certifying Agent Bioagricert Failed to Follow USDA Regulations

64. Although the USDA sets organic standards, it does not directly certify farmers and

processors. Certifying agents accredited by the USDA are responsible for the certification process.

A certifying agent can be a private, foreign or state entity.

65. Harmless Harvest’s Coconut Water Products are certified as “USDA Organic” and

“100% Organic” by an Italian company by the name Bioagricert, s.r.l (“Bioagricert”). According

to Bioagricert’s website at http://www.bioagricert.org/, “[t]hird-party agents around the world

certify operations to USDA organic standards and Bioagricert is one of them.”5 The website

continues to state, that

“Operators who want to export their products to the US can

ask the NOP certification and label their products with NOP/USDA

organic logo;

export their products in equivalence with the import certificate.

5 See http://www.bioagricert.org/en/certification/organic-production/nop-usa.html.

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Bioagricert is able to offer operators both possibilities because it has maintained

the NOP/USDA accreditation.”6

66. However, having an NOP/USDA accreditation does not mean rubber-stamping a

Product with the “USDA Organic” sticker by a certifying agent all of a sudden makes the product

organic. Under the USDA regulation, a certifying agent is required to:

a. Conduct initial on-site inspection (§ 205.403);

b. Review applications for certification to ensure compliance with the regulations

(§ 205.402), which includes the 3-year land requirement under § 205.202;

c. Verify that information received “accurately reflects the practices used” (§


d. Verify that “prohibited substances have not been and are not being applied to

the operation through means which … may include the collection and testing of

soil; water; waste; seeds; plant tissue; and plant, animal, and processed products

samples.” (§ 205.403(c)(3)); and

e. Conduct on-site inspections annually (§ 205.403(a)) to determine whether the

operation should continue.

Moreover, “[w]hen the certifying agent has reason to believe … that an applicant for certification

is not able to comply or is not in compliance with the requirements of [the USDA regulations], the

certifying agent must” –

“Provide a written notification of noncompliance to the applicant” (§

205.405(a)), and

6 See id.

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Deny the application to an applicant who fails to take appropriate corrective

actions (§205.405(c)(1)(ii)) or fails to respond (§205.405(c)(2)).

67. Bioagricert, however, never took any soil samples from Defendant’s plantation

when conducting on-site inspections. Even though Defendant’s organic farming operations had

not started until June 2013 (and hence the great likelihood that none or very little of its contract

farms had not been converted prior to the factory’s inception), such did not give Bioagricert enough

reasons to believe that taking soil samples to test the level of synthetic chemicals was necessary.

68. Moreover, as discussed previously, because neither Defendant nor Harmless

Harvest Thailand owned farmland, it is not a traditional farming operation where typically the farm

would hire workers and would have total control over the tools, fertilizers, insecticide and other

supplies used on such plantation. Instead, Harmless Harvest created the so-called “Organic

Agriculture and Social Accountability and Fair Trade Standard Project,” which is purportedly a

contract with the farmers under which the farmers would participate in organic farming training,

promise not to use “chemical materials or synthetic fertilizers,” etc., and in exchange, Harmless

Harvest would buy coconuts from farmers at a “fair price” – which it advertised profusely on the

internet and in their other campaign materials.

69. In reality, Defendant and Bioagricert seldom conducted any inspections to ensure

that the farmers actually complied with the terms in the Farmer’s Agreement in terms of employing

organic farming techniques and refraining from using prohibited synthetic chemicals. As soon as

a farmer signs the agreement, Defendant would slap a “USDA Organic” label on the farmer’s

coconuts and no one would bother to check whether they are organic or not.

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70. Moreover, the fee structure of Bioagricert is highly suggestive of a conflict of

interest. Contrary to other certifying agent in the region such as Control Union which charges fixed

fees for certification services, Bioagricert charges a percentage of gross export on top of the fixed

fees charged. See EXHIBIT 3, Bioagricert’s fee schedule. As such, Bioagricert is incentivized to

aid and abet the licensee (here, Harmless Harvest) in muddling through the organic certification


71. Upon information and belief, the Nam Hom coconut water industry perceived that

something was wrong with Harmless Harvest’s organic supply, and a complaint was filed with the

USDA NOP in late 2013.

The Representations Are False, Deceptive, and Misleading

72. Defendant did not and still does not have sufficient organic farmland to produce

organic coconut water at the volume they were producing.

73. Defendant’s conduct deceived and/or was likely to deceive the public. Consumers

were deceived into believing that the Products are “100% ORGANIC” and “USDA ORGANIC”

when they are not.

74. Consumers would not know the truth about the Products. Discovery of the true

nature of the Products requires investigation beyond the grocery store, and knowledge of organic

farming and federal regulations beyond that of the average reasonable consumer.

75. Harmless Harvest deceptively and misleadingly concealed material facts about its

Coconut Water Products that they are not “100% Organic.” Harmless Harvest continues to conceal

and suppress such material information till this day.

Location of the Misrepresentations

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76. Harmless Harvest prominently makes the above false, deceptive, and misleading

misrepresentations and omissions on the package of its Coconut Water Products and on their

website at www.harmlessharvest.com.

77. The misrepresentations and omissions were uniform and were communicated to

Plaintiffs and to each member of the Class at every point of purchase and consumption.

Harmless Harvest Knew the Representations Were False

78. Harmless Harvest knew that it had represented that its Products are “100%


79. Harmless Harvest is governed by and knows the federal regulations that control the

labeling of its Products and knows that its Products are not 100% organic.

80. Harmless Harvest thus knew all the relevant facts and thus knew that its Coconut

Water Products are falsely and deceptively labeled.

Harmless Harvest Intended for Consumers to Rely on Its Misrepresentations

81. Harmless Harvest made the false, deceptive, and misleading representations and

omissions intending for Plaintiffs and the Class members to rely upon these representations and

omissions in purchasing and ingesting the Products.

82. Harmless Harvest knew, and independent surveys confirm, that consumers want

and will pay a premium for organic products.

83. In making the false, misleading, and deceptive representations and omissions,

Harmless Harvest intended that consumers would buy and pay a premium for organic products,

furthering Harmless Harvest’s private interest of profiting from the pricing premium, increasing

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sales of its Products and decreasing sales of the organic products that are truthfully marketed by

Harmless Harvest’s competitors.

Consumers Reasonably Relied on Harmless Harvest’s Misrepresentations

84. Consumers frequently rely on food label representations and information in making

purchase decisions.

85. When Plaintiffs and the Class members purchased Harmless Harvest’s Coconut

Water Products, Plaintiffs and the Class members saw the deceptive representations and did not

receive disclosure of the facts concealed, as detailed above.

86. Plaintiffs and the Class members were among the intended recipients of Harmless

Harvest’s deceptive representations and omissions.

87. Plaintiffs and the Class members reasonably relied to their detriment on Harmless

Harvest’s misleading representations and omissions. Specifically, Plaintiff and Class members

reviewed Defendant’s misleading marketing and Product packaging, reasonably relied in

substantial part on the labels and were thereby deceived in deciding to purchase the Products for a

premium price.

88. Harmless Harvest’s false, misleading, and deceptive misrepresentations and

omissions deceived and misled, and are likely to continue to deceive and mislead, Plaintiffs, the

Class members, reasonable consumers, and the general public.

89. Harmless Harvest made the deceptive representations and omissions with the intent

to induce Plaintiffs and the Class members to purchase its Coconut Water Products. Plaintiffs’ and

the Class members’ reliance upon such representations and omissions may be presumed.

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90. Harmless Harvest’s deceptive representations and omissions are material in that a

reasonable person would attach importance to such information and would be induced to act upon

such information in making purchase decisions. Thus, Plaintiffs’ and the Class members’ reliance

upon such representations and omissions may be presumed as a matter of law. The materiality of

those representations and omissions also establishes causation between Harmless Harvest’s

conduct and the injuries sustained by Plaintiffs and the Class members.

Harmless Harvest’s Wrongful Conduct Caused Plaintiffs’ Injury

91. As an immediate, direct, and proximate result of Harmless Harvest’s false,

misleading, and deceptive representations and omissions, Harmless Harvest injured Plaintiffs and

the Class members in that they:

a. paid a sum of money for a product that was not as represented;

b. paid a premium price for a product that was not as represented;

c. were deprived the benefit of the bargain because the product they purchased

was different from what Harmless Harvest warranted;

d. were deprived the benefit of the bargain because the product they purchased

had less value than what was represented by Harmless Harvest;

e. did not receive a product that measured up to their expectations as created by

Harmless Harvest;

f. were denied the benefit of the beneficial properties of the organic foods


92. Had Harmless Harvest not made the false, misleading, and deceptive

representations and omissions, Plaintiffs and the Class members would not have been injured.

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Accordingly, Plaintiffs and the Class members have suffered “injury in fact” as a result of

Harmless Harvest’s wrongful conduct.

93. Plaintiffs and the Class members all paid money for Harmless Harvest’s Coconut

Water Products. However, Plaintiffs and the Class members did not obtain the full value of the

advertised Product due to Harmless Harvest’s misrepresentations and omissions. Plaintiffs and the

Class members purchased the Coconut Water Products when they otherwise would not have, or

purchased more of, or paid more for, the Coconut Water Products than they would have had they

known the truth about the product. Accordingly, Plaintiffs and the Class members have suffered

“injury in fact” and lost money or property as a result of Harmless Harvest’s wrongful conduct.

Harmless Harvest Profited from Its Misleading and Deceptive Representations and


94. As the intended, direct, and proximate result of Harmless Harvest’s false,

misleading, and deceptive representations and omissions, Harmless Harvest has profited from its

deceptive and misleading representations by selling its Products at a premium price as follows7:

Brand Quantity Price Unit Price

Nature Factor Organic

Coconut Water 12x10 oz. $25.08 $0.21 per oz.

ZICO 12x11.2 oz. $22.68 $0.17 per oz.

Naked 12x11.2 oz. $24.00 $0.18 per oz.

Taste Nirvana Real Coconut

Water 12x9.5 oz. $24.39 $0.21 per oz.

Vita Coco 12x11.1 oz. $21.99 $0.17 per oz.

O.N.E. Coconut Water 12x16.9 oz. $30.7 $0.15 per oz.

Amy & Brian Coconut Juice 12x17.5 oz. $27.99 $0.13 per oz.

Harmless Harvest 100%

Raw Dark Cacao Coconut

Water 12x16 oz. $73.85 $0.38 per oz.

7 All pricing information obtained from www.amazon.com as of October 7, 2015. All prices listed are within

Amazon’s free shipping program.

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Harmless Harvest

Cinnamon & Clove 100%

Raw Coconut Water 12x16 oz. $123.10 $0.64 per oz.

Harmless Harvest Organic

100% Raw Coconut

Water 12x16 oz. $127.53 $0.66 per oz.

95. As the intended, direct, and proximate result of Harmless Harvest’s false,

misleading, and deceptive representations and omissions, Harmless Harvest has been unjustly

enriched through more sales of its Coconut Water Products and higher profits at the expense of

Plaintiffs and the Class members. As a direct and proximate result of its deception, Harmless

Harvest also unfairly obtained other benefits, including the higher value associated with an organic

foods brand and the resulting higher stock value.


The Nationwide Class

96. Plaintiffs bring this action as a class action pursuant to Rule 23 of the Federal Rules

of Civil Procedure on behalf of the following nationwide class (the “Class”):

All persons or entities in the United States who made retail

purchases of the Products during the applicable limitations period,

and/or such subclasses as the Court may deem appropriate.

The New York Class

97. Plaintiffs ELIZABETH PEGUERO and KIN FAI LAU bring this action as a class

action pursuant to Rule 23 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure on behalf of the following New

York class (the “New York Class”):

All persons or entities in New York State who made retail

purchases of the Products during the applicable limitations period,

and/or such subclasses as the Court may deem appropriate.

The California Class

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98. Plaintiffs GUOLIANG MA and SHARON MANIER bring this action as a class

action pursuant to Rule 23 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure on behalf of the following

California class (the “California Class”):

All persons or entities in California State who made retail

purchases of the Products during the applicable limitations period,

and/or such subclasses as the Court may deem appropriate.

99. Excluded from the Classes are current and former officers and directors of

Defendant, members of the immediate families of the officers and directors of Defendant,

Defendant’s legal representatives, heirs, successors, assigns, and any entity in which they have or

have had a controlling interest. Also excluded from the Classes is the judicial officer to whom this

lawsuit is assigned.

100. Plaintiffs bring the Class and the Classes pursuant to Federal Rules of Civil

Procedure 23(a), 23(b)(1), 23(b)(2), and 23(b)(3).

101. At this time, Plaintiffs do not know the exact number of members of the Class or

the Classes. However, given the nature of the claims and the number of retail stores selling the

Harmless Harvest’s Coconut Water Products, Plaintiffs believe that there are hundreds of

thousands of members and that joinder of all of them is impracticable.

102. There is a well-defined community of interest in the questions of law and fact

involved in this case. Questions of law and fact common to the members of the Class and the

Classes that predominate over questions that may affect individual members include

a. whether Harmless Harvest labeled, marketed, advertised, and/or sold its

Coconut Water Products to Plaintiffs and the other members of the Class and

the Classes using false, misleading, and/or deceptive statements or

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representations, including statements or representations concerning the nature,

quality, and/or ingredients of Harmless Harvest’s Coconut Water Products;

b. whether Harmless Harvest omitted and/or misrepresented material facts in

connection with the sales of its Coconut Water Products;

c. whether Harmless Harvest participated in and pursued the common course of

conduct complained of herein; and

d. whether Harmless Harvest’s labeling, marketing, advertising, and/or selling its

Coconut Water Products constitutes an unfair or deceptive consumer sales


e. whether Defendant has been unjustly enriched at the expense of Plaintiffs and

the other Class members by their misconduct;

f. whether Defendant must disgorge any and all profits they have made as a result

of their misconduct; and

g. whether Defendant should be barred from marketing their Products as “100%


103. Plaintiffs’ claims are typical of those of the Class and the Classes because Plaintiffs,

like all members of the Class and the Classes, purchased Harmless Harvest’s Coconut Water

Products, relying on Harmless Harvest’s false and misleading representations in a typical

consumer setting at Harmless Harvest’s price and sustained damages from Harmless Harvest’s

wrongful conduct.

104. Plaintiffs will fairly and adequately protect the interests of the Class and the Sub

Classes because Plaintiffs are similarly situated with, and have suffered similar injuries as, the

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members of the Class and the Classes they seek to represent. Plaintiffs feel that they have been

deceived, wish to obtain redress of the wrong, and want Harmless Harvest stopped from

perpetrating similar wrongs on others. Plaintiffs are adequate representatives of the Class and the

Classes also because their interests do not conflict with the interests of the Class members and

Classes members they seek to represent, and they have retained counsel competent and

experienced in conducting complex class action litigation, who led the investigation uncovering

Harmless Harvest’s wrongs, who were the first to publicly uncover Harmless Harvest’s wrongs,

who have no interests adverse to the members of the Class members or the Classes, and who can

and will vigorously prosecute this litigation.

105. A class action is superior to other available methods for the fair and efficient

adjudication of this controversy. Specifically, no member of the Class or the Classes has a

substantial interest in individually controlling the prosecution of a separate action. The damages

suffered by each individual Class member likely will be relatively small, especially given the

burden and expense of individual prosecution of the complex litigation necessitated by Harmless

Harvest’s conduct. Thus, it would be virtually impossible for the Class members individually to

effectively redress the wrongs done to them.

106. Upon information and belief, there are no pending lawsuits concerning this

controversy. Concentration of the litigation concerning this matter in this Court is desirable; the

Class is of a moderate size, and the difficulties likely to be encountered in the management of a

class action are not great. The resolution of the claims of all Class members and Classes members

in a single forum, and in a single proceeding, would be a fair and efficient means of resolving the

issues raised in this litigation.

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107. The prerequisites to maintaining a class action for injunctive or equitable relief

pursuant to Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 23(b)(2) are met, as Harmless Harvest has acted or

refused to act on grounds generally applicable to the Class and the Classes, thereby making

appropriate final injunctive or equitable relief with respect to the Class as a whole and the Classes

as a whole.

108. The prosecution of separate actions by members of the Class or the Classes would

create a risk of establishing inconsistent rulings and/or incompatible standards of conduct for

Harmless Harvest.

109. Harmless Harvest’s conduct is generally applicable to the Class as a whole and the

Classes as a whole and Plaintiffs seek, inter alia, equitable remedies with respect to the Class as a

whole and the Classes as a whole. As such, Harmless Harvest’s systematic policies and practices

make declaratory relief with respect to the Class as a whole and the Classes as a whole appropriate.

110. The Class and the Classes are specifically identifiable to facilitate provision of

adequate notice and there will be no significant problems managing this case as a class action.

Because Harmless Harvest is both the manufacturer of its private label products and its own

retailer, notice to the Class and the Classes can be made through various means, such as in-store

leaflets, website advertisem*nts, notices on the labels of the packages, and/or direct notice to those

consumers for which Harmless Harvest knows the e-mail or physical mailing address.





On Behalf of the New York Class

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111. Plaintiffs ELIZABETH PEGUERO and KIN FAI LAU reallege and incorporate

herein by reference the allegations contained in all preceding paragraphs and further allege as


112. Plaintiffs ELIZABETH PEGUERO and KIN FAI LAU bring this claim

individually and on behalf of the other members of the New York Class for an injunction for

Defendant’s violations of New York’s Deceptive Acts or Practices Law, Gen. Bus. Law § 349

(“NY GBL § 349”).

113. NY GBL § 349 provides that deceptive acts or practices in the conduct of any

business, trade or commerce or in the furnishing of any service in this state are unlawful.

114. Any person who has been injured by reason of any violation of the NY GBL § 349

may bring an action in his own name to enjoin such unlawful act or practice, an action to recover

his actual damages or fifty dollars, whichever is greater, or both such actions. The court may, in

its discretion, increase the award of damages to an amount not to exceed three times the actual

damages up to one thousand dollars, if the court finds the defendant willfully or knowingly violated

this section. The court may award reasonable attorney's fees to a prevailing plaintiff.

115. The practices employed by Defendant, whereby Defendant advertised, promoted,

and marketed that their Products are “100% ORGANIC,” “USDA ORGANIC” and “100% RAW”

are unfair, deceptive, and misleading and are in violation of NY GBL § 349.

116. Defendant should be enjoined from marketing their Product as “100% ORGANIC”

and “USDA ORGANIC,” or in the alternative, Defendant should be enjoined from selling its

Coconut Water Products made from non-organic coconuts; Defendant also should be enjoined

from marketing their Product as “100% Raw.”

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117. Plaintiffs ELIZABETH PEGUERO and KIN FAI LAU, on behalf of themselves

and all others similarly situated, respectfully demand a judgment enjoining Defendant’s conduct,

awarding costs of this proceeding and attorneys’ fees, as provided by NY GBL § 349, and such

other relief as this Court deems just and proper.




On Behalf of the New York Class

118. Plaintiffs ELIZABETH PEGUERO and KIN FAI LAU reallege and incorporate

herein by reference the allegations contained in all preceding paragraphs and further allege as


119. Plaintiffs ELIZABETH PEGUERO and KIN FAI LAU bring this claim

individually and on behalf of the other members of the New York Class for Defendant’s violations

of NY GBL § 349.

120. Defendant’s business acts and practices and/or omissions alleged herein constitute

deceptive acts or practices under NY GBL § 349, which were enacted to protect the consuming

public from those who engage in unconscionable, deceptive or unfair acts or practices in the

conduct of any business, trade or commerce.

121. The practices of Defendant described throughout this Complaint, were specifically

directed to consumers and violate the NY GBL § 349 for, inter alia, one or more of the following


a. Defendant engaged in deceptive, unfair and unconscionable commercial

practices in failing to reveal material facts and information about the Products,

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which did, or tended to, mislead Plaintiffs PEGUERO and LAU and the New

York Class about facts that could not reasonably be known by them;

b. Defendant knowingly and falsely represented and advertised that the Products

are “100% ORGANIC,” “USDA ORGANIC” and “100% RAW” with an

intent to cause Plaintiffs PEGUERO and LAU and members of the New York

Class to believe that the Products are 100% organic and 100% raw coconut

water, even though they are not;

c. Defendant failed to reveal facts that were material to the transactions in light

of representations of fact made in a positive manner;

d. Defendant caused Plaintiffs PEGUERO and LAU and the New York Class to

suffer a probability of confusion and a misunderstanding of legal rights,

obligations and/or remedies by and through its conduct;

e. Defendant made material misrepresentations to Plaintiffs PEGUERO and

LAU and the New York Class with the intent that Plaintiffs PEGUERO and

LAU and the New York Class members rely upon such misrepresentations;

f. Defendant made material representations and statements of fact to Plaintiffs

PEGUERO and LAU and the New York Class that resulted in Plaintiffs

PEGUERO and LAU and the New York Class reasonably believing the

represented state of affairs to not be other than what they actually were; and

g. Defendant intended that Plaintiffs PEGUERO and LAU and the members of

the New York Class rely on their misrepresentations, so that Plaintiffs

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PEGUERO and LAU and the New York Class members would purchase the


122. Under all of the circ*mstances, Defendant’s conduct in employing these unfair and

deceptive trade practices was malicious, willful, wanton and outrageous such as to shock the

conscience of the community and warrant the imposition of punitive damages.

123. Defendant’s actions impact the public interest because Plaintiffs PEGUERO and

LAU and members of the New York Class were injured in exactly the same way as thousands of

others purchasing the Products as a result of and pursuant to Defendant’s generalized course of


124. By committing the acts alleged in this Complaint, Defendant has misled Plaintiffs

PEGUERO and LAU and the New York Class into purchasing the Products, in part or in whole,

due to an erroneous belief that the Products are 100% organic and 100% raw coconut water. This

is a deceptive business practice that violates NY GBL § 349.

125. Defendant’s 100% organic and 100% raw claims misled Plaintiffs PEGUERO and

LAU, and are likely in the future to mislead reasonable consumers. Had Plaintiffs PEGUERO and

LAU and members of the New York Class known of the true facts about the Products, they would

not have purchased the Products and/or paid substantially less for another product.

126. The foregoing deceptive acts, omissions and practices were directed at consumes.

127. The foregoing deceptive acts, omissions and practices set forth in connection with

Defendant’s violations of NY GBL § 349 proximately caused Plaintiffs PEGUERO and LAU

and other members of the New York Class to suffer actual damages in the form of, inter alia,

monies spent to purchase the Products. Plaintiffs PEGUERO and LAU and other members of the

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New York Class are entitled to recover such damages, together with equitable and declaratory

relief, appropriate damages, including punitive damages, attorneys' fees and costs.




On Behalf of the New York Class

128. Plaintiffs PEGUERO and LAU repeat and reallege each and every allegation

contained above as if fully set forth herein.

129. Plaintiffs PEGUERO and LAU bring this claim individually and on behalf of the

other members of the Class for violations of NY GBL § 350.

130. NY GBL § 350 provides that false advertising in the conduct of any business, trade

or commerce or in the furnishing of any service in this state are unlawful.

131. NY GBL § 350-a defines “false advertising” as “advertising, including labeling, of

a commodity, or of the kind, character, terms or conditions of any employment opportunity if such

advertising is misleading in a material respect.”

132. Any person who has been injured by reason of any violation of the NY GBL may

bring an action in his own name to enjoin unlawful act or practice, an action to recover his actual

damages or five hundred dollars, whichever is greater, or both such actions. The court may, in its

discretion, increase the award of damages to an amount not to exceed three times the actual

damages up to ten thousand dollars, if the court finds the defendant willfully or knowingly violated

this section. The court may award reasonable attorney’s fees to a prevailing plaintiff.

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133. As fully alleged above, by advertising, marketing, distributing, labeling and selling

the Coconut Water Products to Plaintiffs PEGUERO and LAU and other members of the Class,

Defendant engaged in, and continues to engage in, false advertising.

134. Defendant engaged in false advertising by advertising, marketing, distributing and

selling Coconut Water Products as “100% ORGANIC,” “USDA ORGANIC” and “100% RAW”

even though they are not.

135. Defendant intended that Plaintiffs PEGUERO and LAU and other members of the

Class to rely on such misrepresentations in deciding to purchase the Coconut Water Products.

Justifiable reliance is no longer an element to a § 350 claim, however, following the New York

Court of Appeals case Koch v. Acker, Merrall & Condit, NY 3d, 2012 NY Slip Op 02254 (March

27, 2012).

136. Plaintiffs PEGUERO and LAU and other members of the Class further seek to

enjoin such unlawful deceptive acts and practices as described above. Each of the members of the

Class will be irreparably harmed unless the unlawful actions of Defendant are enjoined.

137. Defendant should be enjoined from labeling their Coconut Water Products and

falsely advertising them as “100% ORGANIC,” “USDA ORGANIC” and “100% RAW” to the

detriment of consumers.

138. In this regard, Defendant has violated, and continues to violate, NY GBL § 350,

which makes false advertising unlawful. As a direct and proximate result of Defendant’s violation

of GBL § 350 above, Plaintiffs PEGUERO and LAU and other members of the Class have suffered

damages in an amount to be determined at trial.


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On Behalf of the New York Class

139. Plaintiffs PEGUERO and LAU repeat and reallege each and every allegation

contained above as if fully set forth herein.

140. Plaintiffs PEGUERO and LAU bring this claim individually and on behalf of the

other members of the Class for violations of NY GBL § 350.

141. As fully alleged above, by advertising, marketing, distributing, labeling and selling

Coconut Water Products to Plaintiffs PEGUERO and LAU and other members of the Class,

Defendant engaged in, and continues to engage in, false advertising.

142. Defendant engaged in false advertising by advertising, marketing, distributing and

selling Coconut Water Products as “100% ORGANIC,” “USDA ORGANIC” and “100% RAW”

even though they are not.

143. The foregoing false advertising acts were directed at consumers.

144. Plaintiffs PEGUERO and LAU and other members of the Class suffered a loss as a

result of Defendant’s false advertising. Specifically, as a result of Defendant’s false advertising,

Plaintiffs PEGUERO and LAU and other Class members suffered monetary losses associated with

the purchase of Coconut Water Products. Had Plaintiffs PEGUERO and LAU and other Class

members known the truth about the Products, they would not have been willing to pay the premium

price Defendant charged for the products, or they would not have purchased the products at all.

145. In this regard, Defendant has violated, and continues to violate, GBL § 350, which

makes false advertising unlawful. As a direct and proximate result of Defendant’s violation of

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GBL § 350 above, Plaintiffs PEGUERO and LAU and other members of the Class have suffered

damages in an amount to be determined at trial.



CAL. COV. CODE § 1750, et seq.

On Behalf of the California Class

146. Plaintiffs GUOLIANG MA and SHARON MANIER reallege and incorporate

herein by reference the allegations contained in all preceding paragraphs and further alleges as


147. Plaintiffs MA and MANIER bring this action pursuant to California’s Consumer

Legal Remedies Act (“CLRA”), Cal. Civ. Code § 1750 et seq. and seek to enjoin the unfair,

unlawful, and deceptive acts and conduct of the Defendant as more fully described above.

148. Defendant is a “person” under Cal. Civ. Code § 1761(c). Plaintiffs MA and

MANIER and the Class members of are aggrieved “consumers” under Cal. Civ. Code § 1761(d),

because they bought the Coconut Water Products for personal, family, or household purposes.

149. Harmless Harvest’s Coconut Water Products are “goods” under Cal. Civ. Code §

1761(a). Plaintiffs MA and MANIER and the Class members’ purchases of Harmless Harvest’s

Coconut Water Products are “transactions” under Cal. Civ. Code § 1761(e) and § 1770.

150. Defendant’s false and fraudulent representations and omissions have violated, and

continue to violate, the CLRA because they extend to transactions that are intended to result, or

have resulted, in the sale of goods to consumers, including the Plaintiffs MA and MANIER and

the Class members.

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151. Defendant’s conduct violates Cal. Civ. Code § 1770(a)(5), which prohibits

“[r]epresenting that goods . . . have . . . characteristics [or] ingredients . . . which they do not have,”

and Cal. Civ. Code § 1770(a)(7), which prohibits: “[r]epresenting that goods . . . are of a particular

standard, quality, or grade . . . if they are of another,” causing injury to Plaintiffs MA and

MANIERand the Class.

152. As a result of engaging in such conduct, Defendant has violated California Civil

Code § 1770(a)(5), (a)(7), and (a)(9).

153. Plaintiffs MA and MANIER and the Class members seek punitive damages,

preliminary injunctive relief, and permanent injunctive relief against Defendant’s unfair and

deceptive acts and conduct.

154. Pursuant to California Civil Code § 1780(a)(2) and (a)(5), Plaintiffs MA and

MANIER seek an order of this Court that includes, but is not limited to, an order enjoining

Defendant from continuing to engage in unlawful, unfair, or fraudulent business practices or any

other act prohibited by law.

155. Plaintiffs MA and MANIER and the other members of the California Class may be

irreparably harmed and/or denied an effective and complete remedy if such an order is not granted.

156. The unfair and deceptive acts and practices of the Defendant, as described above,

present a serious threat to Plaintiffs MA and MANIER and the other members of the California


157. On or about November 17, 2015 prior to filing this action, a CLRA notice letter

was served on Defendant which complies in all respects with California Civil Code § 1782(a).

Plaintiff MA sent Harmless Harvest on behalf of himself and the proposed California Class, a letter

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via certified mail, return receipt requested, advising Defendant that they are in violation of the

CLRA and demanding that they cease and desist from such violations and make full restitution by

refunding the monies received therefrom. A true and correct copy of Plaintiff MA’s letter is

attached hereto as EXHIBIT 4.

158. On February 26, 2016, Defendant’s counsel sent a letter responding to the substance

of the November 17, 2015 CLRA notice. A copy of the letter is attached hereto as EXHIBIT 5.

159. Wherefore, Plaintiffs MA and MANIER and members of the California Class seek

damages, restitution, and injunctive relief for these violations of the CLRA.




On Behalf of the California Class

160. Plaintiffs GUOLIANG MA and SHARON MANIER reallege and incorporate

herein by reference the allegations contained in all preceding paragraphs and further alleges as


161. Plaintiffs MA and MANIER bring this action pursuant to California’s Unfair

Competition Law (“UCL”), Cal. Bus. & Prof. Code § 17200. Defendant has engaged and continues

to engage in unlawful, unfair, or fraudulent business practices within the meaning of Cal. Bus. &

Prof. Code § 17200, causing injury to Plaintiffs MA and MANIER and the California Class.

162. By committing the acts and practices alleged herein, Defendant has engaged in

deceptive, unfair, and unlawful business practices in violation of the UCL.

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163. Plaintiffs MA and MANIER have standing to pursue this claim as they have

suffered injury in fact and has lost money or property as a result of Defendant’s actions as set forth

above. Class members have also suffered injury in fact and lost money or property as a result of

Defendant’s actions as set forth above.

164. The violation of any law constitutes an “unlawful” business practice under Cal.

Bus. & Prof. Code § 17200.

165. Defendant’s false representations alleged herein violate 21 U.S.C. § 343; 21 U.S.C.

§ 331; Cal. Civ. Code § 1709; Cal. Civ. Code § 1750 et seq.; Cal. Com. Code § 2313; Cal. Com.

Code § 2315; and Cal. Bus. & Prof. Code § 17500 et seq.

166. Defendant’s false representations alleged herein also violate California’s criminal

laws. Cal. Penal Code § 383 (forbidding the offering for sale food that is adulterated, e.g., “by any

means it is made to appear better or of greater value than it really is”).

167. Defendant has violated the UCL’s proscription against engaging in unlawful

conduct as a result of its violations of (i) the CLRA, and (ii) the FAL.

168. Defendant’s false representations also violate California’s Sherman Food, Drug,

and Cosmetic Law, which prohibits the advertising, manufacture, sale of adulterated and

misbranded foods. Cal. Health & Safety Code §§ 110390, 110395, 110398, 110400, 110550,

110585, 110620, 110625, 110660, 110705, 110740, 110760, 110770, 110765, and 110770.

169. In relevant part, the Sherman Law declares that food is misbranded if its labeling is

false or misleading in any particular way and further provides that it is unlawful for any person to

misbrand any food. California Health & Safety Code §§ 110660 and 110765.

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170. The Sherman Law defines a “person” as “any individual, firm, partnership, trust,

corporation, … and any representative, agent, or agency of any of the foregoing.” Cal. Health &

Safety Code § 109995. The named defendant is a “person” within the meaning of the Sherman


171. As more fully described herein, Defendant’s misleading marketing, advertising,

packaging, and labeling of the Coconut Water Products as “100% ORGANIC,” “USDA

ORGANIC” and “100% RAW” even though they are not, is likely to deceive a reasonable

consumer. Indeed, Plaintiffs MA and MANIER and the other California Class members were

unquestionably deceived regarding the characteristics of Defendant’s Products, as Defendant’s

marketing, advertising, packaging, and labeling of the Coconut Water Products misrepresents

and/or omits the true nature, quality, and/or ingredients of the Coconut Water Products.

172. There is no benefit to consumers or competition from deceptively marketing and

labeling products. Indeed, the harm to consumers and competition is substantial. Plaintiffs MA,

MANIEr and the other members of the California Class who purchased the Coconut Water

Products suffered a substantial injury as alleged herein.

173. Plaintiffs MA and MANIER and the other members of the California Class who

purchased the Coconut Water Products had no way of reasonably knowing that the Coconut Water

Products they purchased was not as marketed, advertised, packaged, and labeled. Thus, they could

not have reasonably avoided the injury each of them suffered.

174. Defendant’s acts and omissions alleged above constitute unfair business practices

under Cal. Bus. & Prof. Code § 17200 because the gravity of the consequences of Defendant’s

conduct as described above outweighs any justification, motive, or reason therefor, particularly

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considering the available legal alternatives which exist in the marketplace, and such conduct is

immoral, unethical, unscrupulous, offends established public policy, or is substantially injurious

to Plaintiff MA and the other members of the California Class. Defendant’s false and misleading

representations and omissions also violate legislatively declared policy as they have violated

numerous state and federal laws. Moreover, the gravity of the harm to Plaintiffs and Class members

resulting from Defendant’s conduct outweighs Defendant’s legitimate reasons, justifications

and/or motives for engaging in such deceptive acts and practices.

175. Each false and misleading representation and omission constitutes fraudulent

business practices under Cal. Bus. & Prof. Code § 17200 because the representations and

omissions were false. Defendant knowingly and falsely represented the Coconut Water Products

as “100% ORGANIC,” “USDA ORGANIC,” and “100% RAW” even though they are not.

176. Pursuant to California Business and Professions Code § 17203, Plaintiffs MA and

MANIER and the other members of the California Class seek an order of this Court that includes

but is not limited to an order enjoining such future conduct on the part of Defendant and such other

orders and judgments which may be necessary to disgorge Defendant’s ill-gotten gains and to

restore to any person in interest any money paid for Defendant’s Coconut Water Products as a

result of the wrongful conduct of Defendant.




On Behalf of the California Class

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177. Plaintiffs GUOLIANG MA and SHARON MANIER reallege and incorporate

herein by reference the allegations contained in all preceding paragraphs and further alleges as


178. Plaintiffs MA and MANIER bring this cause of action pursuant to California’s

False Advertising Law (the “FAL”), Cal. Bus. & Prof. Code § 17500 et seq.

179. Such acts of Defendant, are described above, and each of them constitute unlawful,

deceptive, and fraudulent business acts and practices.

180. At all material times, Defendant engaged in and disseminated advertising, including

product package labels, television advertisem*nts, magazine advertisem*nts, internet

advertisem*nts, and other marketing in the State of California to the public and offered for sale

Harmless Harvest’s Coconut Water Products on a nationwide basis, including in California.

Defendant knowingly and falsely represented the Coconut Water Products as “100% ORGANIC,”

“USDA ORGANIC” and “100% RAW” even though they are not.

181. The misrepresentations and non-disclosures by Defendant of the material facts

detailed above constitute false and misleading advertising, and therefore constitute a violation of

Cal. Bus. & Prof. Code § 17500, et seq.

182. Said advertisem*nts and inducements were made within the State of California and

come within the definition of advertising contained in the FAL in that such promotional materials

were intended as inducements to purchase Defendant’s Products and are statements disseminated

by Defendant to Plaintiffs MA and MANIER and the other California Class members. Defendant

knew, or in the exercise of reasonable care, should have known, that these representations were

misleading and deceptive.

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183. Consumers, including Plaintiffs MA and MANIER and the other California Class

members, were among the intended targets of such representations. Consumers, including

Plaintiffs MA and MANIER and the other California Class members, necessarily and reasonably

relied on these materials concerning Defendant’s Coconut Water Products.

184. The above acts of Defendant did, and were likely to, deceive reasonable consumers,

including Plaintiffs and the other members of the California Class, by obfuscating the nature,

quality, and/or ingredients of the Coconut Water Products, in violation of the “misleading” prong

of the FAL.

185. The business practices alleged above are unlawful under the CLRA, which forbids

misleading and deceptive advertising.

186. Plaintiffs MA and MANIER and the other members of the California Class have

suffered injury in fact and have lost money or property as a result of Defendant’s violations of the


187. As a result, Defendant has been unjustly enriched at the expense of Plaintiffs and

the other members of the California Class. Plaintiffs and the California Class, pursuant to

California Business and Professions Code § 17535, are entitled to an order of this Court enjoining

such future conduct on the part of Defendant, and such other orders and judgments which may be

necessary to disgorge Defendant’s ill-gotten gains and restore to any person in interest any money

paid for its Coconut Water Products as a result of the wrongful conduct of Defendant.



CAL. HEALTH & SAFETY CODE §§ 110810-110959

On Behalf of the California Class

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188. Plaintiffs GUOLIANG MA and SHAON MANIER reallege and incorporate herein

by reference the allegations contained in all preceding paragraphs and further alleges as follows:

189. This action is brought pursuant to the California Organic Products Act of 2003

(“COPA”), Cal. Health & Safety Code §§ 110810-110959.

190. Plaintiffs MA and MANIER are each a “person” as that term is defined in COPA,

Cal. Health & Safety Code § 111910(a).

191. Defendant has violated and continue to violate the provisions of COPA, Cal. Health

& Safety Code § 110820, as described above.

192. COPA provides for injunctive relief for any violation of COPA and affords standing

to “any person” to enforce such violations. See Cal. Health & Safety Code § 111910(a).

193. COPA further provides that actions for injunctive relief to remedy violations of

COPA are not subject to the same restrictions as other actions for injunctive relief. Specifically,

COPA provides that “the person shall not be required to allege facts necessary to show, or tending

to show, lack of adequate remedy at law, or to show, or tending to show, irreparable damage or

loss, or to show, or tending to show, unique or special individual injury or damages.” Id.

194. Thus, Plaintiffs MA and MANIER are entitled to preliminary and permanent

injunctive relief to restrain Defendant’s violations of COPA. Cal. Health & Safety Code §


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On Behalf of the Nationwide Class

195. Plaintiffs reallege and incorporate herein by reference the allegations contained in

all preceding paragraphs and further allege as follows:

196. Plaintiffs bring this cause of action on Plaintiffs’ behalf and on behalf of the

nationwide Class and the New York and California Classes, pursuant to New York law for the

New York Class, and pursuant to California law for the California Class.

197. Defendant expressly warranted to Plaintiffs and members of the Class on the

package of Harmless Harvest’s Coconut Water Products those representations as listed above,

including that the Products were “100% ORGANIC,” “USDA ORGANIC” and “100% RAW”

even though they were not.

198. These express warranties appeared on each and every package of Harmless

Harvest’s Coconut Water Products. These affirmations of fact or promises by Defendant relate to

the goods and became part of the basis of the bargain.

199. Plaintiffs and members of the Class purchased Harmless Harvest’s Coconut Water

Products, believing them to conform to the express warranties.

200. Defendant breached the express warranties contained on the package of Harmless

Harvest’s Coconut Water Products. This breach resulted in damages to Plaintiffs and other

members of the Class and the Classes, who bought the Coconut Water Products, but did not receive

the goods warranted.

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201. As a direct and proximate result of Defendant’s breach of express warranties,

Plaintiffs and the Class members did not receive goods as warranted. Plaintiffs and the members

of the Class therefore have been injured and have suffered damages in an amount to be proven at

trial and provided Defendant notice. Among other things, Plaintiffs and members of the Class did

not receive the benefit of the bargain and have suffered other injuries as detailed above. Moreover,

had Plaintiffs and the Class members known the true facts, would not have been willing to pay the

premium price Defendant charged for the Products or would not have purchased the Products at




On Behalf of the Nationwide Class

202. Plaintiffs reallege and incorporate herein by reference the allegations contained in

all preceding paragraphs of this Complaint, as if fully set forth herein.

203. Defendant, directly or through their agents and employees, made false

representations, concealments, and nondisclosures to Plaintiffs and members of the Class.

204. In making the representations of fact to Plaintiffs and members of the Class

described herein, Defendant has failed to fulfill their duties to disclose the material facts set forth

above. The direct and proximate cause of this failure to disclose was Defendant’s negligent


205. Defendant, in making the misrepresentations and omissions, and in doing the acts

alleged above, knew or reasonably should have known that the representations were not true.

Specifically, Defendant knew or reasonably should have known that the representations that they

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Products were “100% ORGANIC,” “USDA ORGANIC” and “100% RAW” were false.

Defendant made and intended the misrepresentations to induce the reliance of Plaintiffs and

members of the Class.

206. Plaintiffs and members of the Class relied upon these false representations and

nondisclosures by Defendant when purchasing the Products, which reliance was justified and

reasonably foreseeable.

207. As a result of Defendant’s wrongful conduct, Plaintiffs and members of the Class

have suffered and continue to suffer economic losses and other general and specific damages,

including but not limited to the amounts paid for the Products, and any interest that would have

been accrued on those monies, all in an amount to be determined according to proof at time of




On Behalf of the Nationwide Class

208. This cause of action is brought on Plaintiffs’ behalf and on behalf of the nationwide

Class and the New York and California Classes, pursuant to New York law for the Class and New

York Class, and pursuant to California law for the California Class.

209. As a result of Defendant’s deceptive, fraudulent, and misleading labeling,

advertising, marketing, and sales of the Coconut Water Products, Defendant was enriched at the

expense of Plaintiffs and the other members of the Class and Classes through the payment of the

purchase price for Defendant’s Coconut Water Products.

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210. Under the circ*mstances, it would be against equity and good conscience to permit

Defendant to retain the ill-gotten benefits that it received from Plaintiffs and the other members of

the Class and the Classes, in light of the fact that the falsely labeled Products purchased by

Plaintiffs and the other members of the Class and the Classes were not what Defendant purported

them to be. Thus, it would be unjust or inequitable for Defendant to retain the benefit without

restitution to Plaintiffs and the other members of the Class and the Classes for the monies paid

Defendant for such Coconut Water Products.


211. As a result of the conduct described above, Defendant has been, and will continue

to be, unjustly enriched at the expense of Plaintiffs and Class members. Defendant has been

unjustly enriched by the profits they have obtained from Plaintiffs and the Class from the purchases

of Harmless Harvest’s Coconut Water Products made by them, and the higher value of an organic

food brand.

212. As a result of the wrongful business practices described above, Plaintiffs and the

members of the Class are entitled to an order awarding Plaintiffs and the Class full restitution and

restoration of the money wrongfully acquired by Defendant by means of its deceptive

misrepresentations and omissions, in an amount to be proven at trial, plus interest and attorneys’

fees, injunctive relief, and any other orders and judgments which may be necessary to disgorge

Defendant’s profits or ill-gotten gains obtained and to restore any person in interest any money

paid for Harmless Harvest’s Coconut Water Products as a result of the wrongful conduct of

Defendant. If no such order is granted, the Class will continue to be harmed by Defendant’s

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deceptive acts and practices, and will be irreparably harmed and/or denied an effective and

complete remedy.

213. The above-described deceptive practices of Defendant present a reasonable

likelihood of deception to Plaintiffs and members of the Class in that Defendant has systematically

perpetrated such acts or practices upon members of the Class by means of false, misleading, and

deceptive representations and omissions on the packages of Harmless Harvest’s Coconut Water

Products and other advertising and marketing.

WHEREFORE, Plaintiffs demand judgment on behalf of themselves and the proposed

nationwide Class, New York Class, and California Class, providing such relief as follows:

A. Certification of the nationwide Class, the New York Class, and the

California Class proposed herein under Federal Rule of Civil Procedure

23(a) and (b)(3); appointment of Plaintiffs as representatives of the

nationwide Class, the New York Class, and the California Class; and

appointment of their undersigned counsel as counsel for the nationwide

Class, the New York Class, and the California Class.

B. A declaration that Harmless Harvest is financially responsible for notifying

members of the nationwide Class, New York Class, and California Class of

the pendency of this suit;

C. An order requiring an accounting for, and imposition of a constructive trust

upon, all monies received by Defendant as a result of the unfair, misleading,

fraudulent, and unlawful conduct alleged herein;

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D. Restitution, disgorgement, refund, and/or other monetary damages, together

with costs, disbursem*nts, including reasonable attorneys’ fees pursuant to

the applicable statutes and prejudgment interest at the maximum rate

allowable by law;

E. Restitution to the California Class pursuant to California Business and

Professions Code §§ 17203 and 17535;

F. Disgorgement to the California Class pursuant to California Business and

Professions Code §§ 17203 and 17535;

G. Damages, together with costs and disbursem*nts, including reasonable

attorneys’ fees, pursuant to the applicable statutes;

H. Injunctive relief on behalf of the nationwide Class and New York Class

pursuant to New York General Business Code § 349, enjoining Harmless

Harvest’s unlawful and deceptive acts;

I. Injunctive relief on behalf of the California Class pursuant to California

Health and Safety Code § 111910(a), California Business and Professions

Code §§ 17203 and 17535, and California Civil Code § 1780, enjoining

Harmless Harvest’s unlawful and deceptive acts;

J. Monetary damages, including but not limited to any compensatory,

incidental, or consequential damages in an amount to be determined at trial,

together with prejudgment interest at the maximum rate allowable by law

with respect to the claims alleged;

K. Statutory damages in the maximum amount provided by law;

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L. Punitive damages in accordance with proof and in an amount consistent

with applicable precedent;

M. An award to Plaintiffs and the nationwide Class, New York Class, and

California Class members of the reasonable costs and expenses of the

lawsuit, including their attorneys’ fees;

N. An order requiring an accounting for, and imposition of a constructive trust

upon, all monies received by Harmless Harvest as a result of the unfair,

misleading, fraudulent and unlawful conduct alleged herein; and

O. Such further relief as this Court may deem just and proper.


Plaintiffs and the Class members hereby demand a trial by jury.

Dated: December 23, 2016 By: ____/s/_C.K. LEE________________

C.K. Lee, Esq.


C.K. Lee (CL 4086)

Anne Seelig (AS 3976)

Angela Kwon (AK 1396)

Taimur Alamgir (TA 9007)

30 East 39th Street, Second Floor

New York, NY 10016

Tel.: 212-465-1188

Fax: 212-465-1181

Attorneys for Plaintiffs and the Class

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TRANSPARENCYHarmless Harvest's focus is our sourcing. Fromday one, we chose organic ingredients as a

non-negotiable aspect of our products.4-k A,

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One of the coconut farms we work with in Ratchaburi, Thailand.Keep up withus

Organic certification is the only way to verify that specific practicesSubscribe to are being implemented. These foods are never irradiated and are

Harmless Harvest produced without the use of genetically modified organismsNewsletter for (GMO's), relatively recent technologies without sufficient research

inspiring recipes, proving their safety. The certification also confirms food is

product news,

http://www.harm lessharvest.com/constructive-capital ism/sourci ng 1/3




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There is no way to be in the food industry todayand be blind to its effect on people and ourenvironment.

However, consumers are often mislead or simply uninformed on

how their food is made. We believe sharing that information is

essential for everyone's benefit. When we know our food, we

respect it. Read more about how ours is made.


Experts have tried to convince us that no one

really wants to know the specifics. We believethat if you have nothing to hide, you should tellit straight. Some people might be interested.

100% Organic: The "100% Organic" label is applicable to any

product in which all of the ingredients are organic. The organiclabel designates foods produced within the guidelines set forth bythe Organic Foods Production Act.

Organic: Products containing 95% or more organic ingredients,with the difference made up of ingredients from the approvedNational List, are labeled "Organic" and may display the USDA

organic logo or other certifier's logo.

Made with Organic Ingredients: This label may be used if at least

70% of a product's ingredients are certified Organic, with the

remaining ingredients from the approved National List. These

products cannot display the USDA organic logo, but may displayan alternative certifier's logo.

Non-GMO Verified: We are staunchly against genetically modified

foods and applaud efforts to make it clear to customers when GMO

ingredients are present. That said, it is important to know that this

labeling does not verify an item is pesticide-free. Companies may

http://www.harmlessharvest.com/glossary 3/9

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About Harmless Harvest


Milestones Start Date Started in 2009


Long Description Started in 2009, Harmless Harvest is a progressive food &

beverage initiative set to demonstrate that ecosystem-based business can outcompete the conventional model,by integrating the long term welfare of all stakeholdersfrom plant to customer.

Combining innovative scientific methods with localtraditional knowledge such as agroforestry, HarmlessHarvest develops and manufactures products that actuallydeliver the nutritional and ethical integrity that others onlypromise. By asserting tangible economic value to

threatened ecosystems, Harmless Harvest protects theseareas and their traditions.

With an advertising budget of $0, we are elevatingexpectations for product quality by focusing the resources

on the product not the promotion.




We source our unique coconuts from small organicagroforestry farms, then use a cutting-edge, heatless,high-pressure process for food safety and extended shelflife in your fridge. The result is the outstanding flavor andnutrition of raw and organic without the need for unnaturaland harmful additives.

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wfibLE 118 sharesOCIDS.

Luann Ruetten I order the regular I love it

Whole Foods Market

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3 October 2 at 9:29pmView previous repliesHarmless Harvest Hi Amanda Most stores that carry us by thebottle are usually willing to sell us by the case. Try your local WholeFoods Market they offer a 10% discount on all case purchases.

2 October 5 at 12:03pmView more replies

Paul Smith Is it DHMO free?

PI 1 October 5 at 10:03pm

f=„1 Harmless Harvest Hi Paul Yes. We're USDA Certified Organic andDHMO free.

1 23 hrs Edited

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Harmless HarvestMIME%MARYLST

September 25 at 9:01am

Since our founding, we've worked to prove that positive relationshipsbetween people and plants are possible. Six years, hundreds of happyworkers, and dozens of awards later, the proof is here!When you purchaseHarmless Coconut® water, you're exercising your power as a consciousconsumer to change the world for good! All of our farms are 100% Fair forLife and 100% Organic.#FairforLife #LiveHarmless

Learn more: http:llbit.ly/1JA93hr

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10/7/2015 Case 2:16-cv-07102 Document 1-2 HFi1eds121253/16 Page 4 of 4 PagelD 67Toxic fertilizers aren't just bad for plants and the earth; they're bad for the

ct:, CryoBoost Lubbock Whole Body people who come in contact with them. Since day one we've been worked

Cryotherapy Always S25 with our certified organic farmers in Thailand to ensure that fertilizers stayToday at 8:39am out of the land they live on and the water they drink. Doesn't it feel good to

THANKS DR. OZ! The good news about know when you drink certified organic Harmless Coconut@ water you'recryotherapy just keeps spreading!... See More

doing the right thing for your body and for the earth? All of our farms are

100% Fair for Life and 100% Organic. #FairforLife #LiveHarmlessLike Comment Share

Learn more: http://bitly/lJA93hr

I r CryoBoost Lubbock Whole BodyCryotherapy Always S25

\l-'-i Today at 8:39am ."-i ifsiiI.

-1 ...A: iTHANKS DR. OZ! The good news about lofet,,, 4. k. J IIcryotherapy just keeps spreading!... SeeMore,


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r..2, N,11; Mei-Tal Shabtay 0 P'';. I t I I '.iji rYesterday at 3:36am

4,t L )1, Acp,Is it possible to find in Israel? .4A; -t'''' f

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Mother's Market & Kitchen



Aa,Like Comment ShareALE Whole Foods Market

L. Kyle Clay Osborne, Monika Czerwinska, Tatyana Kroshka and 30 others like this.

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Harmless HarvestMMUS"n"EsT

September 12 at 9:30am

Since the beginning, we've had a mission to do business in a way thatmakes a real and positive difference in people's lives. As we've grown,we've remained committed to our ideals and today we're proud that#FairforLife certifies we have more farms this year than last where workersare paid a stable, living wage, are treated fairly and equitably, and enjoyexcellent working conditions. When you purchase Harmless Coconut@water, you're showing your support for the people who work so hard to

bring it to you! All of our farms are 100% Fair for Life and 100% Organic.#LiveHarmless

Learn more: htfp://bitly/lJA93hr

https://www.facebook.com/harm lessharvest/timel ine?ref=page internal 7/14

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BioAgricert Head office: Bioagricert(Thailand) Co., Ltd.Via Macabaraccia 8-I 4003 31 Phyathai Building, Room no.716,Casalecchio di Redo (BO) Italy city, _c2,,,,, iz zyzr 7th Floor, Phyathai Rd.,Tel: + 39 051562158 Kwaeng Phyathai Road,Fax: + 39 051564294 Ratchathewi Bangkok, 10400Email: [emailprotected] P -cf7:':'-. L7 Tel & Fax: + 66-26401568www.bioagricert.org Email :bioagricert [emailprotected]

Th Fee of our Organic Certifkation Service

1. If you are the operator (licensee) and you have farmers as sub-licensee

Descriptions EURO BAHT

1. Basic Fee as operator (per year)1.1 Basic Fee as operator for the first scheme (per year) 1000.00 40000.00

1.2 Basic Fee as operator for the additional scheme(s) (per scheme per year) 647.50 25900.00

2. Fee for farmers Sub licensee of the company

2.1 If small farm and for produce low value crop (per year) 1,000.00

2.2 If medium farm and/or produce medium value crop (per year) 2,000.00

2.3 If big farm and/or produce high value crop (per year) 3,000.00

3. Additional Fee

3.1 For low value crop (per rai/per year) 30.00

3.2 For medium value crop (per rai/per year) 50.00

3.3 For high value crop (per rai/per year) 100.00

4. Extra fee for mix farm (Organic and Conventional) (per year) 2,000.00

5. Product approval Fee for international Certification (per year) 5, 000.00

5.1 Plus each product approval for international Certification (per year) 2,000.00

6. Fee for Certification of products (according to European Union Regulation) and use 0.3 -1of Certification seal Bioagricert: 0.3 to 1 of turnover of certified exported products.7. International inspection supervision and feasibility visits Fee (plus taxes) (per day) 600.00

(to specify case by case: norm. minimum one).8. National inspection supervision and feasibility visits Fee (plus taxes) (per day) (to 300.00specify case by case). (In case no need International inspection supervision andfeasibility visits)9. The firm pays all visit expenses (Travel, Boarding, Hotel etc., NA

10. The firm pays analysis expenses (When requested) NA

2. If you are the processor or exporter (licensee) only.Descriptions EURO BAHT

1. Basic Fee as Processor or exporter (per year) 1000.00

2. Product approval Fee for international Certification (per year) 5,000.00

2.1 Plus each product approval for international Certification (per year) 2,000.00

3. Fee for Certification of products (according to European Union Regulation) and use 0.3 -1of Certification seal Bioagricert: 0.3 to 1 of turnover of certified exported products.

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BioAgricert Head office: Bioagricert(Thailancl) Co., Ltd.Via Macabaraccia 8-I 4003 31 Phyathai Building, Room no.716,

iCasalecchio di Redo (BO) Italy 7th Floor, Phyathai Rd.,Tel: + 39 051562158 Kwaeng Phyathai Road,Fax: + 39 051564294 Ratchathewi Bangkok, 10400

'-i- T:T1', C...Email: [emailprotected] Tel & Fax: + 66-26401568www.bioagricert.org Email :[emailprotected]

4. International inspection supervision and feasibility visits Fee (plus taxes) (per day) 600.00(to specify case by case: norm. minimum one)

5. National inspection supervision and feasibility visits Fee (plus taxes) (per day) (to 300.00specify case by case). (In case no need International inspection supervision andfeasibility visits)6. The firm pays all visit expenses (Travel, Boarding, Hotel etc., NA

7. The firm pays analysis expenses (When requested) NA

3. If you are the farmer (licensee) who doing organic farm and market your products only at

national level.

Descriptions EURO BAHT

1. Fee for farmers licensee

1.1 If small farm and /or produce low value crop (per year) 1,000.00

1.2 If medium farm and/or produce medium value crop (per year) 2,000.00

1.3 If big farm and/or produce high value crop (per year) 3,000.00

2. Additional Fee

3.1 For low value crop (per rai/per year) 30.00

3.2 For medium value crop (per rai/per year) 50.00

3.3 For high value crop (per rai/per year) 100

3. Extra fee for mix farm (Organic and Conventional) (per year) 2, 000.00

4. Product approval Fee for international Certification (per year) 5, 000.00

4.1 Plus each product approval for international Certification (per year) 2,000.00

5. International inspection supervision and feasibility visits Fee (plus taxes) (per day) 600.00(to specify case by case: norm. minimum one).

6. National inspection supervision and feasibility visits Fee (plus taxes) (per day) (to 300.00specify case by case). (In case no need International inspection supervision andfeasibility visits)7. The firm pays all visit expenses (Travel, Boarding, Hotel etc., NA

8. The firm pays analysis expenses (When requested) NA

4. If you are the farmer who doing organic farm (licensee) and market your products both

at national and international level.

Descriptions EURO BAHT

1. Fee for farmers licensee

1.1 If small farm and /or produce low value crop (per year) 1,000.00

1.2 If medium farm and/or produce medium value crop (per year) 2,000.00

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BioAgricert Head office: Bioagricert(Thailand) Co., Ltd.Via Macabaraccia 8-I 4003 rt, 31 Phyathai Building, Room no.716,Casalecchio di Redo (BO) Italy 7th Floor, Phyathai Rd.,Tel: + 39 051562158 Kwaeng Phyathai Road,Fax: + 39 051564294 Ratchathewi Bangkok, 10400Email: [emailprotected] Tel & Fax: + 66-26401568www.bioagricert.org Email :[emailprotected]

1.3 If big farm and/or produce high value crop (per year) 3,000.00

2. Additional Fee

2.1 For low value crop (per rai/per year) 30.00

2.2 For medium value crop (per rai/per year) 50.00

2.3 For high value crop (per rai/per year) 100.00

3. Extra fee for mix farm (Organic and Conventional) (per year) 2,000.00

4. Product approval Fee for international Certification (per year) 5,000.00

4.1 Plus each product approval for international Certification (per year) 2, 000.00

5. Fee for Certification of products (according to European Union Regulation) and use 0.3 -1of Certification seal Bioagricert: 0.3 to 1 of turnover of certified exported products.6. International inspection supervision and feasibility visits Fee (plus taxes) (per day) 600.00

(to specify case by case: norm. minimum one).7. National inspection supervision and feasibility visits Fee (plus taxes) (per day) (to 300.00specify case by case). (In case no need International inspection supervision andfeasibility visits)8. The firm pays all visit expenses (Travel, Boarding, Hotel etc., NA

9. The firm pays analysis expenses (When requested) NA

Yours truly,

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NEW YORK, NY 10016TEL: 212-465-1180FAX: 212-465-1181


WRITER'S DMECT: 212-465-1188



Legal Department November 17, 2015Harmless Harvest, Inc.200 Green Street, Suite 1,San Francisco, CA 94111

Re: Demand Letter re: Harmless Harvest® 100% Raw CoConut Water, 8fl. oz and 16 fl. oz;Harmless Coconut® Water, 8 fl. az and 16 fl. oz;Harmless Harvest® 100% Raw Coconut WaterDark Cacao, 8 fl. oz and 16 fI. oz;Harmless Harvest® 100% Raw Coconut WaterCinnamon & Clove, 8 ii oz and 16 fl. oz;Harmless Harvest® 100% Raw Coconut WaterFair Trade Coffee, 8 fl. oz and 16 fl. oz (together,the "Coconut Water Products" or "Products").

To Whom It May Concern:

This demand letter serves as a notice and demand for corrective action on behalf of myclient, Guoliang Ma and all other persons similarly situated, arising from violations of numerous

provisions of California law including the Consumers Legal Remedies Act, Civil Code 1770,including but not limited to subsections (a)(2), (3), (5), (7) and (9) and violations of consumer

protection laws of each of the fifty states and the District of Columbia. This demand letter serves

as notice pursuant to state laws concerning your Coconut Water Products.

You have participated in the sourcing, manufacture, marketing and sale of the CoconutWater Products. You have falsely and misleadingly labelled and advertised such Products as

"100% ORGANIC" and "USDA ORGANIC, knowing that at least a significant portion of yourcoconut supply had neither been 100% organic nor USDA-certified organic. Suchrepresentations on the product label and marketing materials are false and misleading and violateconsumer protection laws of each of the fifty states and the District of Columbia, as well as

Section 403 of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, 21 U.S.C. 343. As a result, theProducts are misbranded.

Mr. Guoliang Ma, a resident of California, purchased the Products and is acting on behalfof a class defined as all persons in each of the fifty states and the District of Columbia whopurchased the Products (hereafter, the "Class").

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To cure the defects described above, we demand that you (i) cease and desist fromcontinuing to advertise the Products as "100% ORGANIC" or "USDA ORGANIC;" (ii) issue an

immediate recall on any Products with such misrepresentations or failure to disclose requiredinformation; and (iii) make full restitution to all purchasers throughout the United States of allpurchase money obtained from sales thereof.

We further demand that you preserve all documents and other evidence which refer or

relate to any of the above-described practices including, but not limited to the following:

(i) All documents concerning the sourcing, certification, import and export,manufacture, labeling and packaging process for the Products;

(ii) All communications with the United States Department of Agriculture concerningthe organic certification process and any investigations thereof;

(iii) All communications with the Consumer Product Safety Commission concerningthe product development, labeling, packaging, marketing and sales of theProducts;

(iv) All documents concerning the advertisem*nt, marketing, or sale of the Products;and

(v) All communications with customers concerning complaints or comments

concerning the Products.

We are willing to discuss the demands asserted in this letter. If you wish to enter intosuch discussions, please contact me immediately. If I do not hear from you promptly, I willconclude that you are not interested in resolving this dispute short of litigation. If you contendthat any statement in this letter is inaccurate in any respect, please provideus with yourcontentions and supporting documents promptly.

Very truly yours,

Lee, Esq.

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cv-07102 Document 1-5 Filed 12/23416 Pavgp 3,s9trp PagelD 77ogan Lo s

Columbia Square

Hogan 555 Thirteenth Street, NWWashington, DC 20004

Lovells T +1 202 637 5672F +1 202 637 5910www.hoganlovells.com

February 26, 2016


C.K. Lee, Esq.Lee Litigation Group, PLLC30 East 39th Street, Second FloorNew York, New York 10016E-mail: [emailprotected]


Dear Mr. Lee:

This firm is regulatory and litigation counsel to Harmless Harvest, Inc. ("Harmless Harvest"). We are

writing in response to your January 29, 2015 letter, which appears to copy verbatim the allegationsasserted in your earlier letter to Harmless Harvest dated November 17, 2015, and in regard to thedraft Complaint sent December 18, 2015, all asserting that Harmless Harvest's coconut waterproducts are deceptively and misleadingly labeled as "100% ORGANIC" and "USDA ORGANIC."

We have carefully reviewed the allegations in your letters and draft Complaint, as well as theapplicable U.S Department of Agriculture ("USDA") National Organic Program ("NOP" or the"Program") rules and standards implicated by your allegations. Based on our review, we havedetermined that, contrary to your assertions, the coconut water products of Harmless Harvest are

properly labeled and that any claim your clients or a putative class would seek to bring based on theallegations and assumptions contained in your correspondence and draft Complaint would sufferfrom serious deficiencies.

1. Claims Regarding The Truthfulness of "Organic" Statements Are Preempted ByFederal Law And Subject To The Doctrine of Primary Jurisdiction.

Congress expressly adopted a single, national regulatory framework governing the use of "organic"on food labels and labeling. The Organic Foods Production Act of 1990 (OFPA) (7 U.S.C. 6501—6522) establishes a comprehensive framework administered by the Program governing theproduction and handling of organic foods. The statute provides that "a person may sell or label an

agricultural product as organically produced only if such product is produced and handled inaccordance with this chapter; and...no person may affix a label to, or provide other marketinformation concerning, an agricultural product if such label or information implies, directly or

indirectly, that such product is produced and handled using organic methods, except in accordancewith this chapter." 7 U.S.C. 6505(a)(1); see also Fed. Reg. 80548, 80682 (Dec. 21, 2000). Therequirements are comprehensive, including prohibited substances, seeds and stock planting, crop

Hogan Lovells US LLP is a limited liability partnership registered in the District of Columbia. "Hogan Lovells" is an international legal practice that includes Hogan Lovells USLLP and Hogan Lovells International LLP, with offices in: Alicante Amsterdam Baltimore Beijing Brussels Caracas Colorado Springs Denver Dubai DusseldorfFrankfurt Hamburg Hanoi Ho Chi Minh City Hong Kong Houston Johannesburg London Los Angeles Luxembourg Madrid Mexico City Miami Milan MonterreyMoscow Munich New York Northern Virginia Paris Philadelphia Rio de Janeiro Rome San Francisco Sa'o Paulo Shanghai Silicon Valley Singapore TokyoUlaanbaatar Warsaw Washington DC Associated offices: Budapest Jakarta Jeddah Riyadh Zagreb. For more information see www.hoganlovells.com

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C.K. Lee, Esq. 2 February 26, 2016

rotation practices, commingling and contact with prohibited substances, and various landrequirements. The statute also imposes labeling and marketing regulatory requirements. 7 CFRPart 205. The Program was intended to replace a patchwork of differing and often conflicting state"organic" programs.

A hallmark of the Program is the requirement that "organic" certification be granted by an accreditedthird-party, which may consist of a private or governmental entity. Certifying agents in turn certifythe entity making the "organic" claim and upstream producers. Certified entities must comply with allrequirements of the OFPA, establish an annual organic production or handling system plan that mustbe submitted to the certifier, permit on-site inspections (including noncertified production andhandling areas) and maintain required records for at least 5 years. Harmless Harvest operates as acertified entity, with certification(s) from BioAgriCert, s.r.l. ("BioAgriCert"). Moreover, HarmlessHarvest sources its raw material from entities that similarly have received certification by a NOP-authorized certifying agent. Finally, certifying agencies are themselves subject to regulatoryoversight by USDA's NOP by way of audits and other means. Following a rigorous qualificationscreening, certifying agents are subject to a 5-year renewal and an interim audit review by NOP,typically at the 2.5 year mark. An onsite review takes place at the 5 year mark.

The Program further ensures the integrity of "organic" claims through far-reaching compliance andenforcement actions. For example, NOP conducts audits of certifying agents to ensure appropriatemonitoring of organic products. NOP also has the authority to suspend or revoke organiccertification when warranted. The Program also conducts issue-based investigations that are

commodity or country specific.

Even assuming arguendo that the claims asserted in the Complaint were not subject to federalpreemption, they nonetheless turn on questions within the unique expertise of the USDA and theFDA and therefore are subject to the doctrine of primary jurisdiction. The issues you have presentedinvolve the integrity of the certification program in Thailand which has been approved and audited bythe USDA. These issues are particularly within the agency's discretion. See All One God Faith, Inc.v. Hain Celestial Grp., Inc., 2012 WL 3257660, at *8-11 (N.D. Cal. Aug. 8, 2012). Moreover, if theseissues were left to the courts and not the USDA, they could impose on Harmless Harvest and othernationwide businesses extraordinary burdens arising from inconsistent decisions. This would placean undue hardship on Harmless Harvest to comply with requirements differing from one jurisdictionto the next and could impose obligations that are inconsistent with current regulatory requirements.

2. Harmless Harvest's "Organic" Labeling Is Proper Under NOP Regulations.

As required by the OFPA, raw or processed agricultural products must meet expressedrequirements to be labeled USDA "organic." Such products must be certified organic, and theproduct labels must state the name of the certifying agent. Products labeled as "organic" mustcontain at least 95 percent organic ingredients. As part of this process, labels bearing USDA"organic" claims must be reviewed and approved by a certifying agency. Each new label mustsimilarly undergo review and approval by a certifying agent. Labels must meet specified criteria(7 CFR Sections 205.303-205.307). The entity must, of course, also obtain certification. Organiccertification essentially establishes a regulatory process under which an entity authorized to make"organic" claims complies with the Program's extensive regulations.

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C.K. Lee, Esq. 3 February 26, 2016

Harmless Harvest meets or exceeds the regulatory requirements and lawfully makes use of the"organic" designation on its product. It does so in accordance with a plan that has been carefullyreviewed and accepted by the company's organic certifier, BioAgriCert. As noted, HarmlessHarvest's labeling is duly authorized by an independent, third-party certifying agency. The agency inturn reviews Harmless Harvest's plan and exercises due oversight that establishes legalcompliance.

3. The Draft Complaint Is Premised on Faulty and Inaccurate Factual Predicates.

Even if the claims asserted in the draft Complaint on behalf of Guoliang Ma and an unidentified JaneDoe were not preempted by a comprehensive federal regulatory scheme and subject to the primaryjurisdiction of FDA and USDA and not the courts, those claims still fundamentally would appear to befounded on erroneous and inaccurate factual predicates.

By way of example, we are aware of no basis for your allegations seeking to call into question theorganic certification provided by the certifying agent, BioAgriCert, including, among other allegations,that (1) Harmless Harvest conspired with BioAgriCert or that (2) BioAgriCert has a financial incentiveto certify Harmless Harvest's coconut water products. Your apparent assumption that the feeschedule for BioAgriCert attached as Exhibit 6 to the draft Complaint applies to the contractualarrangement between BioAgriCert and Harmless Harvest is incorrect. If you are aware of specificevidence regarding compensation paid by Harmless Harvest to BioAgriCert that you contendsupports your allegations other than the nonapplicable general fee schedule attached as Exhibit 6to your draft Complaint please promptly provide it for our consideration.

Similarly, the crux of your allegations regarding Harmless Harvest's labeling and advertisingprincipally appears to be founded on a market size analysis premised on flawed assumptions aboutHarmless Harvest's sources of supply and coconut yields. Your assumptions in this regard likewiseare wildly inaccurate, and Harmless Harvest knows them to be incorrect. Once again, if you are

aware of specific evidence regarding the scope and/or purported limitations of Harmless Harvest'ssources of supply in Thailand and/or the yields of organic coconuts it obtains from those sources,please promptly provide that evidence, including any supporting documents, for our consideration.

It appears to us that the accusations asserted in the draft Complaint that are based on nothing more

than supposition or unidentified hearsay cannot be substantiated, and we urge you to give seriousthought about proceeding with a lawsuit based on so flimsy a basis.

4. Suit Is Not Maintainable As A Class Action.

As Harmless Harvest previously has made clear to you through letter dated December 15,2014 from Jaikaran Singh, Esq., your clients face significant difficulties in certifying a consumerclass. Indeed, as previously explained, the requirements of ascertainability, commonality, andpredominance cannot be met here for class certification. Should you nonetheless choose toproceed with claims on behalf of a putative class, you may be certain that Harmless Harvest willvigorously contest certification for all of the reasons set forth in the prior correspondence of itscounsel, which is incorporated by reference here. Further, given the draft Complaint's reliance on an

unidentified "Jane Doe" as individual plaintiff and putative class representative, it appears that aclass cannot be maintained in New York at all.

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C.K. Lee, Esq. 4 February 26, 2016

5. There Are No Recoverable Damages.

Harmless Harvest rejects your proposition that consumers seeking organic coconut water have notreceived the benefit of their bargain when purchasing Harmless Harvest's organic coconut water

products. Accordingly, we see no basis for your claim of monetary damages or for anydisgorgement of profits remedy.

In any event, Harmless Harvest's coconut water products have not generated any profits in anyyears since the inception of the company, making it highly doubtful that your clients or the putativeclass of consumers could obtain a substantial judgment. And even if such a judgment were

obtained, it is very unlikely that you and your client or putative clients would be successful in


For the foregoing reasons, we disagree with the meritless claims asserted in your letters and draftComplaint. If you nonetheless choose to purse these claims, you should know that the nature of thefactual allegations in the draft Complaint, including references to non-public information, suggest tous that your claims are motivated at least in part by competitors or others seeking to imposecompetitive harm on the Harmless Harvest business enterprise. We intend to pursue this issue infactual discovery in any legal proceeding that survives preliminary motions. If we determine that thedemands purportedly asserted on behalf of a putative class of consumers in fact are motivated by an

effort to impose competitive harm on Harmless Harvest, then you may be certain that we will explorethese motivations in discovery and in pursuing Harmless Harvest's own potential claims andremedies, including claims for conspiracy, trade libel, disparagement, tortious interference withcontract and prospective advantage, and unfair competition, among others.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, we recognize that litigation is likely to be expensive and time-consuming and that publicity surrounding the claims you plan to assert could be harmful to thecompany, however unfounded the allegations may be. Accordingly, we are willing to explore withyou, before any lawsuit is initiated, a framework for a mediated resolution, provided of course thatour discussions would be subject to the usual understandings regarding confidentiality andreservation of rights. Please contact me at your earliest convenience to discuss such a framework.

Naturally, Harmless Harvest expressly reserves all claims and defenses, and does not waive anyarguments, including without limitation the deficiencies, technical or otherwise, identified in the letterto you dated December 15, 2015 and those set forth herein.

We request that you direct any future correspondence on this matter to the attention of theundersigned. We also demand that you preserve all documents and other evidence purportedlyreflecting the investigation referred to in your draft Complaint, including without limitation anydocuments memorializing witness interviews conducted with Harmless Harvest suppliers and anydocuments reflecting any complaint to regulatory authorities, for possible use in future legalproceedings.

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C.K. Lee, Esq. 5 February 26, 2016

This letter is intended for compromise negotiations only and shall not be admissible in any legalproceeding for any purpose. It is subject to Rule 408 and analogous state law rules.

Sincefely yours,

Steven P. Hol {mansteven.hollmanhoqanlovells.comD 202.637.5672

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Job: Manufacturing Agent

Hobby: Skimboarding, Photography, Roller skating, Knife making, Paintball, Embroidery, Gunsmithing

Introduction: My name is Lakeisha Bayer VM, I am a brainy, kind, enchanting, healthy, lovely, clean, witty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.