Early Access — Dinar Recaps (2024)

Early Access — Dinar Recaps (1)

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Iraq Economic News and Points To ponder Friday AM 6-28-24

Parliament: Amending The Investment Law Will Reflect Positively On The Future Iraq 06/27/2024 Baghdad: Al-Sabah The Investment and Development Committee in the House of Representatives intends toamend theInvestment Law, which will reflect positively on this sector.

Committee member Muhammad Al-Zayadi told Al-Sabah:

This law is one of the important laws, as through it the legislative and executive authorities can provide what is best for this sector, noting that the issue of replacing the heads of investment bodies is a matter assigned to the provincial councils. He added that the legislative authority must implement what is stated in the Provincial Councils Law regarding the tasks of local governments, in addition to the fact that the Constitution fully clarifies the tasks and powers of local governments, and therefore what concerns those governments is their own business.

Iraq Economic News and Points To ponder Friday AM 6-28-24

Parliament: Amending The Investment Law Will Reflect Positively On The Future

Iraq 06/27/2024 Baghdad: Al-Sabah The Investment and Development Committee in the House of Representatives intends toamend theInvestment Law, which will reflect positively on this sector.

Committee member Muhammad Al-Zayadi told Al-Sabah:

This law is one of the important laws, as through it the legislative and executive authorities can provide what is best for this sector, noting that the issue of replacing the heads of investment bodies is a matter assigned to the provincial councils. He added that the legislative authority must implement what is stated in the Provincial Councils Law regarding the tasks of local governments, in addition to the fact that the Constitution fully clarifies the tasks and powers of local governments, and therefore what concerns those governments is their own business.

Al-Ziyadi pointed out that the last stage witnessed the absence of the role of the local government, and timid follow-up by the members of the House of Representatives after the task was entrusted to them,

but now the law must be implemented in its entirety and the local councils must present something to their people in all governorates and what they deem appropriate by changing or continuing regarding investment bodies..

He pointed out that we must benefit from the mistakes that occurred in the past to correct the work of investment bodies, explaining that the

violations in the work of the bodies, including extending the work of their heads, which some have spoken about, did not exist because this matter is within the authority of the Council of Ministers, adding that the matter is up to the provincial councils to implement what they see. appropriate according to their powers and do not allow any of the authorities to take away their powers for any reason. https://alsabaah.iq/98624-.html

Cyber Resilience Controls For The Financial And Banking Sector In Iraq

June 26, 2024 diamonds: Cyber ​​resilience controls for the financial and banking sector in Iraq .. For more, click here https://cbi.iq/static/uploads/up/file-171939700326129.pdf



[Approximate and incomplete translation of first two pages of 48 page


All banks

All electronic payment service providers

Cyber ​​ Resilience Controls for the Financial and Banking Sector in Iraq

Based on the main role of the Central Bank of Iraq in regulating, developing and advancing the financial and banking sector

With its various digital activities, technical and information operations, and its continuous endeavor to enhance cybersecurity and data protection and information related to financial and banking systems”

and to develop a standard framework and controls for developing resilience capabilities Cyber ​​and levels of readiness to confront and respond to the effects resulting from risks, threats and cyber attacks “effectively”

and enhancing the flexibility of financial and banking institutions to cope with technical and information security disruptions Cyber ​​crises, withstand these crises and recover from them in appropriate record periods, and ensure continuity of business and operations and banking activities.

In order to provide a comprehensive framework for organizing, developing and developing this sector in a way that is compatible with modern technical challenges and threats Increasing cybersecurity”

We attach a link to the document on cyber resilience controls for the financial and banking sector in Iraq Commitment to them in order to enhance the cyber resilience of your organizations.

We consider the controls, guidelines, procedures and measures contained in this document an important reference and basis for protecting infrastructure Technology, financial and banking systems” and contributes to enhancing your institutions’ readiness and flexibility in facing technical challenges Security and cyber threats, adapting to them, predicting their risks, containing them, and recovering from them quickly. And guarantee capacity To continue performing tasks and functions and providing services on an ongoing basis.

.. with respect.


- Cyber ​​resilience controls for the financial and banking sector in Iraq in Arabic and English.


Modify instructions

June 27, 2024
Modify instructions

diamonds: Cancellation of Paragraph ( 5 / d ) of the instructions and standards for circulation and replacement of banknotes, and the counting and sorting mechanisms..For more click here: https://cbi.iq/static/uploads/up/file-1719486275814.pdf



[approximate and incomplete translation ofhttps://cbi.iq/static/uploads/up/file-1719486275814.pdf]

All approved banks

M/Instructions and standards for circulation and exchange of banknotes, and mechanisms for counting and sorting

In addition to our Circular No. (34/4/9) dated 1/10/2024 - we would like to inform you of the cancellation of paragraph (5/d) of the instructions and standards.

Circulation and exchange of banknotes and counting and sorting mechanisms included (collecting the amount of (250) dinars on bank deposits About the counting and sorting operations for each bundle) and this will be implemented starting from the date of 7/1/2024.

with respect.

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Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20 Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20

Note: All intel should be considered as "Rumors" until we receive official announcements ...and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Fri. 28 June 2024

Compiled Fri. 28 June 2024 12:01 am ESTby Judy Byington


Judy Note

: From the information herein it’s assumed that matters regarding the Global Currency Reset and changeover to Restored Republics of the World is imminent.

The Military was waiting on the World Court for legalities according to Common Law, to be finalized between nations.

Note: All intel should be considered as "Rumors" until we receive official announcements ...and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Fri. 28 June 2024

Compiled Fri. 28 June 2024 12:01 am ESTby Judy Byington


Judy Note: From the information herein it’s assumed that matters regarding the Global Currency Reset and changeover to Restored Republics of the World is imminent.

The Military was waiting on the World Court for legalities according to Common Law, to be finalized between nations.

Everything has been completed for NESARA/GESARA payouts including GESARA being announced through certain media, making it legal.

All debts of various nations including the US, have been settled using GESARA funds collected from the Cabal. GESARA has begun paying out in several countries, with the US payouts to citizens scheduled.

Payouts for the Global Currency Reset has been authorized, scheduled and reported.

Word was that right now some Tier 3 Zim Holders were in Reno meeting with their Wealth Managers and proceeding with the redemption process. The Pentecostal Group has already started to pay out their Group One.

On Thurs. 27 June the new Iraqi Dinar rate was available to citizens of Iraq through their debit cards and ATMs.

Iraq has scheduled an announcement of their new Dinar Rate by publication in their Gazette on Sat. 29 June, with the celebration scheduled for Sun. 30 June.

Very soon Tier4b was expected to begin exchanges in China, the process going across Asia and into Europe and then to the US.

The Pentecostal group will begin to pay out their Group Two on Thurs. 4 July – the same day the US will be celebrating Independence Day with major announcements expected.


Global Currency Reset and NESARA/GESARA:

Thurs. 27 June 2024 Bruce:

  • All of my information tonight is coming from Iraq.

  • Today one of our sources was at the Iraqi Airport in Baghdad and was able to use his Iraqi debit card to access funds. For him to do that he had to have the new Iraqi Dinar Rate.

  • Today a source in Iraq said we would have the Iraqi Budget in the Gazette over this weekend.

  • My sources say Tier 4b notification could come the last three days of this month – Fri, Sat or Sun. 28, 29, 30 June.

  • Iraq was planning on celebrating their new Iraqi Dinar Rate on Sun. 30 June

  • The contract rate on the Dinar went up another dollar today. They will give that rate to you if you are a US citizen.

  • We don’t know when this is going to go. My Iraqi contact said our time was coming in a matter of days.

Thurs. 27 June 2024 MarkZ: The new Iraqi Dinar Rate was not in the Wed. Gazette, but they did fully expect their new rate in the month of June. The country cannot function too long with the ATMs loaded with the new gold-backed Dinar Note. Banking contacts say it will happen sometime between July 4-8, while outsiders were saying July 12-13.

Thurs. 27 June 2024 Wolverine:

  • My contact in Brazil just called and said “We won. We won. They have stated paying out.”

  • No one really knows when the RV is going to hit. It will come as a thief in the night.

  • The people that I have spoken to are people that have high level contacts and they are not gurus or messengers.

  • I received an audio from a friend which was a conversation of the paymaster and him and telling when his money is going to be deposited and how many dollars (which is a lot of zeros). That was real not a made up stories.

  • Looks like things have started and/or ready to go.

  • I received great news regarding Asia and the Philippines which will be going soon. All good news from Asia.

  • I also have great news from my source in Brazil: “Good information – and the people in Brazil have indicated to you officially, by part of the table, they were notified that everything is as scheduled and everything reported has already been authorized.” Also, some people in Brazil are going around with Bibles and thanking God for everything. People are getting very emotional, and people are being told to remain grounded. So, emotions are high quite down there!

  • I should receive Intel coming from Reno and hopefully get the news I have waited for. My associate has spoken to my Whale and said we are now closer than ever! He is waiting to get notified and waiting to go to Reno or whatever table he belongs to.

  • We will get notified, hopefully, any day right now. We have been told that before the end of the month we will be able to hopefully celebrate.

  • We heard from TNT saying that by Sunday we will celebrate, and all is lining up with Iraq.

  • All this has been very hard and draining on me Thank you for all your support. One of the toughest roles I have ever done. I have been involved in many things prior to the internet, but when the internet came through the attacks started. I was confronted with unrelenting things I had never encountered before, and to think I was not even a leader. When I embarked on this spiritual journey, I never thought these things would occur as we are here to help humanity, not here just for ourselves, but to help our fellow man. Things from all fronts saying it is happening.

  • My friend called, and it was an incredible emotional call, and he is getting really excited.

  • I am sure this news I have given you will lift your spirits, and hopefully in a few hours, I will get some news from Reno, and if it is the news I am waiting for, then we will have an emergency live call and we will get Carpathia to talk with us.

  • The Pentecostal group came out and it looks they have actually started to pay out Group One.

  • The owner came out with a post saying they are going to start paying the Second Group by the 4th of July.

  • Maybe Bruce got it right this time, as the notifications may come today, so keep an eye on your emails as they may pop up! Have a beautiful day, Wolverine

Global Financial Crisis:

Read full post here: https://dinarchronicles.com/2024/06/28/restored-republic-via-a-gcr-update-as-of-june-28-2024/


Courtesy of Dinar Guru: https://www.dinarguru.com/

Frank26 What sense would it make for Iraq to join, at a program rate, the WTO? It makes no sense. The Vietnamese dong it's in the WTO but...they are totally different. They deal with China and they have undervalued currency. Vietnam is a totally different scenario. Going into the WTO at a program rate is ridiculous...Everything is waiting for the new exchange rate so everything will make sense...

Militia Man Iraq's working party on the accession of Iraq [to WTO] is July 18th 10:00am. I think we're waiting for a precursor to that. But...obviously they're going to have accession. When that exactly happens, on what day, is to be determined. They have things that have to happen prior to that.



Greg Mannarino: 6-27-2024


There Are Multiple Banking Crises Happening RIGHT NOW…

Lynette Zang: 6-27-2024

Today's video we are discussing the multiple banking crises that are happening right now, right under our noses and the effect it has on your money...


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Economics, News Dinar Recaps 20 Economics, News Dinar Recaps 20


Tishwash: Iraq secures its borders with more than 950 thermal cameras

Today, Thursday, the Ministry of Interior announced the deployment of more than 950 thermal cameras on the Iraqi border.

The spokesman for the Ministry and the Security Media Cell, Brigadier General Muqdad Miri, said in a statement received by the “Eshan” platform: “We have reached more than (950) thermal cameras on the Iraqi borders with neighboring countries during the past two years.”

He added, “This number of cameras came after only 200 were installed over the past years.” link


Tishwash: Iraq secures its borders with more than 950 thermal cameras

Today, Thursday, the Ministry of Interior announced the deployment of more than 950 thermal cameras on the Iraqi border.

The spokesman for the Ministry and the Security Media Cell, Brigadier General Muqdad Miri, said in a statement received by the “Eshan” platform: “We have reached more than (950) thermal cameras on the Iraqi borders with neighboring countries during the past two years.”

He added, “This number of cameras came after only 200 were installed over the past years.” link


Tishwash: Iraq signs a contract with Saudi Arabia to build a submarine cable to increase internet capacity

The Iraqi Ministry of Communications signed a contract for the submarine cable construction project with the Saudi Telecom Company with the aim of increasing internet capacity in Iraq.

Iraqi Minister of Communications Hiyam Al-Yasiri stated that this contract is the third of its kind signed by the current Iraqi government.

She said in a press conference following the signing, "After signing this contract, the landing procedures will begin, which include surveying the site for water and moving the necessary ships for that, and then landing the cable at the Al-Faw station to be used in marketing internet capacities and increasing the internet capacities entering Iraq."

Omar Al-Amiri, Director General of the Department of Relations and Media at the Iraqi Ministry of Communications, said, “Many international companies will pass their capacities through submarine and land optical cables, and this will help facilitate the movement of international communications and will link the countries of Africa and Asia to Europe via Iraq.”

He stressed that such projects will have a "positive economic impact on Iraq by activating and investing in its geographical location."

For his part, Ali Yassin, Director General of the Iraqi General Company for Communications and Information Technology, explained that “the To Africa submarine cable is one of the most important strategic submarine cables that passes through more than 33 countries.”

He added that Iraq's joining this path will help increase Internet capacities.

The Iraqi Ministry of Communications stated that the new submarine cable project strengthens Iraq's geographical position and consolidates its success in international communications (transit) called (the Road of Civilizations), noting that the rate of international communications passing through Iraq has increased to more than (one terabyte) during the past two months. link


Tishwash: “National Bank violations” place the governor of the Central Bank before parliamentary accountability

MP Alia Nassif directed a parliamentary question to the Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq regarding the preparation of non-Iraqi employees and managers and their salaries working in the National Bank.

She called in a tweet she published on her account on the X platform, which the “Iraq Observer” agency viewed, which stated: Based on Article 61/Seventh of the Constitution and Article 29 of the Law of the Council of Representatives and its formations and Articles “50, 51, 53” of the internal regulations of the Council of Representatives, to inform Parliament of the legal basis for the National Bank’s violation of Iraqi laws, the Central Bank, the Banking Law and the instructions of the Central Bank.

She pointed out the reasons for not declaring the actual salaries of the National Bank employees to the Social Security Department, especially non-Iraqis, due to the receipt of information about tax evasion and informing Parliament of the procedures.

Earlier, Representative for the State of Law, Alia Nassif, revealed that the National Bank of Iraq controls 33% of dollar sales in Iraq, confirming that this bank is 77% owned by non-Iraqis.

Nassif said in a tweet on the #Iraq."

Nassif added: “In 2023, this bank bought $10.8 billion from the currency sales window. The volume of dollars sold from the currency sales window for the year 2023 amounted to $33.4 billion, according to data from the Central Bank of Iraq. The National Bank’s dollar purchase rate is 33% of the total sales of the foreign currency window.”

Nassif asked: “Who is responsible for this financial disaster?”

The book addressed to the governor link


Tishwash: Construction of a modern bank in Sidekan at a cost of 1.4 billion dinars

As part of the Kurdistan Regional Government's efforts to improve and develop the banking system, the establishment of an advanced bank in the Sidekan area within the boundaries of the Soran Independent Administration is scheduled to be completed in the near future, to facilitate the completion of citizens' transactions.

The mayor of Sidekan district, Ihsan Chalabi, said in a statement to the Information Department in the regional government that "the process of establishing the modern Sidekan Bank is underway at a cost of 1.4 billion dinars, knowing that the completion rate has reached 95%," noting that "the establishment of this bank will contribute to strengthening the banking system in the region."

"The completion of the bank will provide a great service to the citizens of the judiciary and will save them a lot of time and expenses," he added.

A number of residents of the district confirmed that the bank "will be very useful because it will save them a lot of effort and time during their reviews of government departments and institutions in the cities of Soran and Erbil."

It should be noted that the Kurdistan Regional Government has taken important steps in the field of salary distribution and digitization of the banking system as by 2025, one million people will have their own bank accounts. link


Mot: ... What Day is Today

Early Access — Dinar Recaps (2)

Mot: . Amazing just how Insightful ole ""Earl"" can beeeee

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Advice, Personal Finance DINARRECAPS8 Advice, Personal Finance DINARRECAPS8

How To Achieve Financial Freedom: 9 Steps Towards Financial Independence

Sheiresa McRae Ngo Thu, June 27, 2024 Bankrate

If you’re like many people, you dream about reaching a point where you don’t have to worry about money, and you can quit your 9-to-5. According to Bankrate’s recent Financial Success Survey, 41 percent of Americans would consider themselves financially successful when they never worry about their finances.

Most Americans say they wouldn’t feel secure until they’ve made at least $233,000 a year, according to Bankrate’s Financial Freedom Survey. To feel rich and financially free, Americans said they would need to earn an average of $483,000 a year.

Fortunately, it’s possible to achieve financial freedom. With careful planning, disciplined savings and wise investments, you can reach your goal. Here’s how you can become financially independent.

How To Achieve Financial Freedom: 9 Steps Towards Financial Independence

Sheiresa McRae Ngo Thu, June 27, 2024 Bankrate

If you’re like many people, you dream about reaching a point where you don’t have to worry about money, and you can quit your 9-to-5. According to Bankrate’s recent Financial Success Survey, 41 percent of Americans would consider themselves financially successful when they never worry about their finances.

Most Americans say they wouldn’t feel secure until they’ve made at least $233,000 a year, according to Bankrate’s Financial Freedom Survey. To feel rich and financially free, Americans said they would need to earn an average of $483,000 a year.

Fortunately, it’s possible to achieve financial freedom. With careful planning, disciplined savings and wise investments, you can reach your goal. Here’s how you can become financially independent.

What is financial freedom?

Financial freedom means different things to different people. Some define it as never having to work again, while others say being financially free means eliminating debt.

Among Bankrate’s Financial Success Survey, 19 percent of Americans say having enough money to quit working represents financial success while 41 percent say living without debt fulfills this goal.

“Financial freedom describes having enough wealth to live without having to work actively for necessities,” says Dennis Shirshikov, head of growth at gosummer.com and finance professor at the City University of New York. “It means having the means to afford the lifestyle you want for yourself and your family.”

“Achieving financial freedom allows you to make decisions that are not solely based on financial constraints,” Shirshikov adds. “For example, you can choose to pursue passions, hobbies or even career changes without worrying about the financial repercussions.”

What is the FIRE movement?

The Financial Independence, Retire Early (FIRE) movement is a lifestyle and financial strategy that aims to achieve financial independence and early retirement. The goal is to save and invest enough money to provide a sustainable income for the rest of one’s life, allowing for retirement at a much earlier age than the traditional retirement age.

FIRE gained attention after the publication of the book Your Money or Your Life by Vicki Robin and Joe Dominguez. The movement emphasizes assessing each purchase by analyzing the working hours needed to make the purchase.

Followers of the FIRE movement typically aim to save 50 percent to 70 percent of their annual income and plan to retire when their savings reaches around 30 times their yearly expenses, or roughly $1 million. Once retired, they make small annual withdrawals (usually around 3 percent to 4 percent) from their savings to cover living expenses.

“One would have to live significantly below their means and be aggressive when it comes to their asset allocations,” says Steven Charlton, certified financial fiduciary and founder of Wisdom Financial. “The FIRE movement can be utilized to find financial freedom by growing assets proportionately in order to be able to live off interest and dividends. This way you won’t have to live off the income when you decide to retire.”

How to create financial freedom

Achieving financial freedom involves careful discipline and planning. The following steps can help you reach this milestone.

To Read More:

Our writers and editors used an in-house natural language generation platform to assist with portions of this article, allowing them to focus on adding information that is uniquely helpful. The article was reviewed, fact-checked and edited by our editorial staff prior to publication.


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Dinar Recaps 20 Dinar Recaps 20


Thursday Night Conference Call


This video is in Frank’s and his team’s opinion only

Frank’s team is Walkingstick, Eddie in Iraq and guests

Playback Number: 605-313-5163 PIN: 156996#


Thursday Night Conference Call


This video is in Frank’s and his team’s opinion only

Frank’s team is Walkingstick, Eddie in Iraq and guests

Playback Number: 605-313-5163 PIN: 156996#


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Economics, Gold and Silver, News DINARRECAPS8 Economics, Gold and Silver, News DINARRECAPS8

Global Economic News from the Seeds of Wisdom Team Newshounds Thursday Evening 6-27-24

Good Evening Dinar Recaps,

"UAE: New guidelines for public-private partnerships, Sandbox Conditions regulation

The PPP Manual and the Sandbox Conditions regulation are crucial steps in the UAE’s strategy to build the country’s business ecosystem

The UAE’s Ministry of Finance announced the approval of the Public-Private Partnership (PPP) manual by the UAE Cabinet.

This manual is designed to foster a robust framework for federal government entities to efficiently execute developmental and strategic projects, leveraging the financial, administrative, and technological prowess of the private sector, reported state news agency WAM.

Global Economic News from the Seeds of Wisdom Team Newshounds Thursday Evening 6-27-24

Good Evening Dinar Recaps,

"UAE: New guidelines for public-private partnerships, Sandbox Conditions regulation

The PPP Manual and the Sandbox Conditions regulation are crucial steps in the UAE’s strategy to build the country’s business ecosystem

The UAE’s Ministry of Finance announced the approval of the Public-Private Partnership (PPP) manual by the UAE Cabinet.

This manual is designed to foster a robust framework for federal government entities to efficiently execute developmental and strategic projects, leveraging the financial, administrative, and technological prowess of the private sector, reported state news agency WAM.

The PPP Manual aims to motivate private sector participation in national projects, enhancing societal and economic benefits.

It outlines procedures for designing, planning, and implementing projects, ensuring transparency and accountability between federal entities and private sector partners."

© Newshounds News™

Read more:Gulf Business


"HSBC chooses UAE to debut its global trading platform

HSBC said its WorldTrader platform connects to 77 exchanges across 25 markets

HSBC has selected the UAE as the inaugural market for its new digital trading platform, WorldTrader.

This platform provides HSBC Wealth and Personal Banking (WPB) customers with access to a vast range of investment options, covering up to 80 per cent of global stock market capitalisation.

Through WorldTrader, users can trade equities, exchange-traded funds (ETFs), and bonds, as well as invest in mutual funds and fixed-income products, said the release announcement.

HSBC WorldTrader

WorldTrader connects to 77 exchanges across 25 markets, catering to the growing demand for international investments."

© Newshounds News™

Read more:Gulf Business


"Money and Payments: The U.S. Dollar in the Age of Digital Transformation

This paper examines the pros and cons of a potential U.S. central bank digital currency, or CBDC, and is the first step in a discussion of whether and how a CBDC could improve the safe and efficient domestic payments system. Money and Payments: The U.S. Dollar in the Age of Digital Transformation (PDF) invites comment from the public. Importantly, the paper does not favor any policy outcome.

The paper summarizes the current state of the domestic payments system and discusses the different types of digital payment methods and assets that have emerged in recent years, including stablecoins and other cryptocurrencies. It concludes by examining the potential benefits and risks of a CBDC, and identifies specific policy considerations."

© Newshounds News™

Read more:Federal Reserve


"Bitwise CIO Says Spot Ethereum ETFs To Attract $15,000,000,000 in First 18 Months – Here’s Why

“Everyone wants to know how much spot ether exchange-traded products (ETPs) will attract in net flows. My answer: $15 billion in their first 18 months.”

Hougan says his estimate is based on ETH’s market capitalization relative to Bitcoin’s, how similar products have performed in other markets such as the UK and Canada and the impact of the carry trade strategy."

© Newshounds News™

Read more:DailyHodl


"Gary Gensler Provides Ethereum ETF Update While Slamming ‘Highly Centralized’ Crypto Industry

U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Chair Gary Gensler says that the approval process for spot market Ethereum (ETH) exchange-traded funds (ETFs) is “going smoothly.”

In a new interview at the Bloomberg Invest Summit in New York, Gensler indicates that the SEC will give final approval to the ETH ETF applications, but stops short of giving a timeline.

He says that the agency’s staff is working through the particulars of required registration and disclosure statements for the ETH ETFs.

“I don’t know the timing, but it’s going smoothly. You can almost follow it publicly. You see these filings…""

© Newshounds News™

Read more:DailyHodl


"How Vulnerable Are Our Digital Systems?

The problem is that the technological revolution as we fashioned it 30 years ago gradually evolved in an ever more centralized way, wholly dependent on a weak and old-fashioned electrical grid of networks without much duplication or backstopping. The software too has become centralized for each industrial purpose. If one thing goes wrong in any system with a single point of failure, the whole comes to a grinding halt.

It’s amazing to consider that the old analogue world that lasted from the ancient world until the 21st century did not have this problem. It was more durable, physically anchored, fixable by human hands, comprehensible, and manageable. The move to digital everything introduced a fragility to the whole that we are only now discovering.

This is not only a problem for whole industries. It affects individuals too. "

© Newshounds News™

Read more: ZeroHedge


"China’s Missing Gold Reserves: Unveiling the Mystery

A recent report from a Singapore-based newspaper stirs fresh speculation regarding China’s gold stockpile, suggesting it may be significantly larger than officially reported. This revelation comes from economist Chen Long, who identified a substantial discrepancy when he compared China's total gold holdings—encompassing retail buyers, regional banks, and the People’s Bank of China—with the country’s gold import and production figures.

The Four-Figure Discrepancy
Chen Long’s analysis uncovered a striking four-figure gap in China's gold reserves. The reported holdings, when combined from various sources, do not align with the impressive numbers seen in import and production data. This raises an important question: where is the missing gold?"

© Newshounds News™

Read more:ZeroHedge


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Advice, Personal Finance DINARRECAPS8 Advice, Personal Finance DINARRECAPS8

100 Ways To Live a Rich Life in Retirement — Without Spending All of Your Savings

Preston Hartwick Tue, June 25, 2024

You may have more free time when you retire, but retirement certainly isn’t free.

Around half of retirees report that their overall spending is higher than they anticipated, according to the Employee Benefit Research Institute. At the same time, the top concern of retirees is that the increased cost of living is making it harder to save money.

Ideally, you’ll have started preparing for retirement well before you hit the magic number. But even if you haven’t saved as much money as you would have liked, there are a multitude of ways to make your savings last.

While you may not be able to eat out at fancy restaurants every night or take big vacations every year, you can still live a rich, fulfilling life on a modest budget. Being smart with your money and taking advantage of free activities and experiences are keys to maintaining a satisfying lifestyle and healthy bank account balance.

100 Ways To Live a Rich Life in Retirement — Without Spending All of Your Savings

Preston Hartwick Tue, June 25, 2024

You may have more free time when you retire, but retirement certainly isn’t free.

Around half of retirees report that their overall spending is higher than they anticipated, according to the Employee Benefit Research Institute. At the same time, the top concern of retirees is that the increased cost of living is making it harder to save money.

Ideally, you’ll have started preparing for retirement well before you hit the magic number. But even if you haven’t saved as much money as you would have liked, there are a multitude of ways to make your savings last.

While you may not be able to eat out at fancy restaurants every night or take big vacations every year, you can still live a rich, fulfilling life on a modest budget. Being smart with your money and taking advantage of free activities and experiences are keys to maintaining a satisfying lifestyle and healthy bank account balance.

Hello, World!

Design Your Ideal Lifestyle

Before you make all the small decisions that will affect your quality of life in retirement, you need to take a step back and think about the big picture. How would you design your ideal life, within reason, given your current finances?

How do you envision your post-working life? Is it filled with new experiences, activities and travel to exotic locations? Or is it simpler, quieter and closer to home? Do you dream of moving to a sunnier climate, or would you want to downsize to a smaller house?

You don’t have to stick to your initial vision forever, but it’s helpful to think through your standard of living before planning your budget, as it will inform your purchasing decisions and lifestyle choices.

Know the 4% Rule

One common calculation for estimating how much money you’ll need in retirement is known as the 4% rule. This generalized guideline suggests that you should spend roughly 4% of your retirement savings every year if you expect your savings to last 30 years.

For example, if you have a retirement fund of $750,000, you could take out $30,000 as your budget for the first year. The next year, multiply that $30,000 by the inflation rate to find your annual budget.

Of course, this is more of a suggestion than a rule. Your individual circ*mstances will vary, but you can use this calculation as a starting point for thinking about your retirement budget.

Make a Budget and Stick to It

Budgeting is the key to saving money. Start by listing groceries, rent, insurance, utilities and other essentials. Then, review your past spending to see how much you typically spend on other expenses. Don’t forget to factor in taxes and annual inflation rates, and include room in the budget for fun and relaxation.

Currently, Social Security retirement benefits average $1,867 per month. Calculate how this will impact your budget and see whether you can cut down spending in nonessential areas.

Trick Your Mind Into Saving by Paying Yourself a Salary

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Hello, World!

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Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20 Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20

Thoughts From Holly: 6-27-2024

Hi everyone, I haven’t done a post about the RV in so long because it’s been wash, rinse, repeat forever..

I hear all the chatter that everybody hears but until I know that the codes have been entered all the chatter is the same that it’s always been and it’s no use reporting on that.

A friend of mine said you’ve been quiet for so long people have forgotten about you ha ha. What can I tell you because I know many are losing hope as this drags on.

1. based on Iraq’s progress things are definitely on track to being done.

2. based on the global situation, it’s heightened to a level that we are seeing the destruction of the old guard.

3. there is so much mis-direction. Mis-‘information at a very fast pace that it’s very confusing.

Thoughts From Holly: 6-27-2024

Hi everyone, I haven’t done a post about the RV in so long because it’s been wash, rinse, repeat forever..

I hear all the chatter that everybody hears but until I know that the codes have been entered all the chatter is the same that it’s always been and it’s no use reporting on that.

A friend of mine said you’ve been quiet for so long people have forgotten about you ha ha. What can I tell you because I know many are losing hope as this drags on.

1. based on Iraq’s progress things are definitely on track to being done.

2. based on the global situation, it’s heightened to a level that we are seeing the destruction of the old guard.

3. there is so much mis-direction. Mis-‘information at a very fast pace that it’s very confusing.

4. they will never ever tell us what they are going to do, when they’re going to do it, or how they’re going to do it.

5. All we can do is sit back and wait for this to happen and live your life until it does.

6. This is the most important, don’t stop living your life till this happens. Continue living your life.

7. I see a culmination of this sometime this summer and it could go now or it could be later, no one and I mean no one will know when.

8. We are definitely in the end time of all of this.



Courtesy of Dinar Guru: https://www.dinarguru.com/

Frank26 Question "What does the 'coming period' mean in Iraq time?" It means in the near proximal future. It means within arms reach. It means it's already happened...or they never would have telegraphed it the way they're doing now. That's just the way the Middle East is.

Frank26 [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report] FIREFLY:
How can Sudani say again today the dinar is worth more than the dollar, yet it's still 1320? My bank guys says, simple. All these contracts and agreements with other countries is with dinar at a new rate which they are operating it without nobody else's knowledge...it has to be that, no other explanation.



Tishwash: The President of the Republic approves the 2024 budget schedules

Today, Thursday, President Abdul Latif Rashid ratified several laws, including the 2024 budget schedules.

The Presidency of the Republic stated in a statement received by {Al-Furat News}, that “The President of the Republic, Abdul Latif Rashid, ratified a number of draft laws, which are the schedules of the Federal Budget Law for the year 2024, the first amendment to the law against prostitution and hom*osexuality, and the law extending the work of the Independent High Electoral Commission.”

And the first amendment law to the law regulating the rent of agricultural lands and ownership of the right to dispose of them for agricultural and veterinary graduates.”

She added, "The laws were sent after their approval by the President of the Republic for publication in the Iraqi newspaper Al-Waqa'i to enter into force."

The Presidency of the Republic confirmed that it is “moving forward in supporting legislation and laws that are in the interest of the country and citizens, by approving the laws approved by the House of Representatives, as well as by submitting draft laws by the Presidency of the Republic to the House of Representatives for the purpose of discussing and approving them.”


A different version

Today, Thursday, President Abdel Latif Gamal Rasheed approved a number of laws, including the 2024 budget schedules.

The Presidency’s Media Department said in a statement received by Al Sa’a, “The President of the Republic ratified a number of draft laws, which are the schedules of the Federal Budget Law for the year 2024, the first amendment to the law against prostitution and hom*osexuality, the law extending the work of the Independent High Electoral Commission, and the amendment law.” The first is a law regulating the rental of agricultural lands and granting the right to dispose of them for agricultural and veterinary graduates.”

She added, "The laws were sent after their approval by the President of the Republic for publication in the Iraqi newspaper Al-Waqae' to enter into force."

On the 14th of this month, the House of Representatives sent the decision to approve the 2024 budget schedules to the Presidency of the Republic for approval.


The Stock Market WILL CRASH 80% OR MORE. Extreme Distortions. IMPORTANT UPDATES.

Greg Mannarino: 6-27-2024


FIVE STAGES of Denial During Economic Collapse

Taylor Kenney: 6-27-2024

Taylor Kenney uncovers The 5 Stages Of Denial that people face during an economic collapse, inspired by Brandon Smith's insightful article. Learn why mainstream experts often overlook critical warning signs and how you can stay ahead of the curve.

This engaging discussion not only breaks down the psychological barriers to accepting financial reality but also empowers you with the knowledge to safeguard your future.

Thank you, Brandon Smith from Alt-Market.us, for allowing us to use this article to create this video. You can find the original article here: https://alt-market.us/the-five-stages...


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Iraq Economic News and Points To Ponder Thursday Afternoon 6-27-24

Will Gold Reach $3,000 Per Ounce Soon?

Money and business Economy News - follow up Recent analysis by Bank of America shows that “gold prices could rise to $3,000 per ounce over the next 12-18 months.”

The investment bank noted that in 2023, investor demand for gold increased significantly: the accumulation of private bullion and their purchase by central banks accounted for 49% and 43% of purchases, respectively.

However, leveraged ETFs such as the SPDR Gold Trust have seen a decline in assets under management, slowing aggregate demand growth.

Central bank purchases remain a crucial factor in supporting gold prices. While the latest survey conducted by the World Gold Council indicates the continued need for gold among monetary authorities. Views 72 Added 06/27/2024 -

Iraq Economic News and Points To Ponder Thursday Afternoon 6-27-24

Will Gold Reach $3,000 Per Ounce Soon?

Money and business Economy News - follow up Recent analysis by Bank of America shows that “gold prices could rise to $3,000 per ounce over the next 12-18 months.”

The investment bank noted that in 2023, investor demand for gold increased significantly: the accumulation of private bullion and their purchase by central banks accounted for 49% and 43% of purchases, respectively.

However, leveraged ETFs such as the SPDR Gold Trust have seen a decline in assets under management, slowing aggregate demand growth.

Central bank purchases remain a crucial factor in supporting gold prices. While the latest survey conducted by the World Gold Council indicates the continued need for gold among monetary authorities. Views 72 Added 06/27/2024 - https://economy-news.net/content.php?id=44670

Iraq Sells 104 Million Barrels Of Oil During May

Economy | 06/27/2024 Baghdad - Mawazine News The Ministry of Oil revealed, today, Thursday, the proceeds of Iraq’s oil exports during the month of May.

The Ministry stated in a brief statement received by Mawazine News, that “the total oil exports achieved for the month of May, according to the final statistics issued by the Iraqi Oil Marketing Company (SOMO), amounted to (104) million and (130) thousand and (292) barrels.” . https://www.mawazin.net/Details.aspx?jimare=250349

Oil Prices Fell Due To Fears Of A Slowdown In Demand

Energy Economy News _ Baghdad Oil prices fell in early Asian trading, Thursday, after a sudden increase in US inventories reinforced fears of a slowdown in demand in the largest oil consumer, but concern that any possible expansion of the Gaza war could disrupt Middle East supplies limited the declines.

Brent crude futures fell 30 cents, or 0.4 percent, to $84.17 per barrel by 0028 GMT. US West Texas Intermediate crude futures also fell 32 cents, or 0.4 percent, to $80.58 per barrel.

The two benchmarks had recorded a slight increase at settlement yesterday, Wednesday.

The US Energy Information Administration announced that the country's crude oil inventories rose by 3.6 million barrels last week, which surprised analysts polled by Reuters who expected a decline of 2.9 million barrels.

Gasoline stocks in the United States also increased by 2.7 million barrels, compared to analysts' expectations of a decrease of one million barrels.

In the Middle East, escalating cross-border tensions between Israel and the Lebanese Hezbollah group in recent weeks have exacerbated fears of an all-out war between Israel and Hezbollah. 06/27/2024 - https://economy-news.net/content.php?id=44660

Dollar Prices Against The Dinar In The Markets Now

Economy | - 06/27/2024 Baghdad - Mawazine News The exchange rates of the dollar against the dinar witnessed a slight decline in the markets today, Thursday.

Selling prices in banking shops decreased in the local markets in Baghdad to 148,000 dinars, while purchasing prices reached 146,500 dinars for every 100 dollars.

As for Kurdistan, selling prices reached 147,000 dinars, while purchasing prices were 146,500 for every 100 dollars. https://www.mawazin.net/Details.aspx?jimare=250331

How Much Did The Central Bank Sell For The Dollar At Today's Auction?

Economy | - 06/27/2024 Baghdad - Mawazine News The Central Bank of Iraq revealed, today, Thursday, its sales of the dollar in the currency auction.

According to the bank’s data, the total internal cash withdrawals amounted to $25,580,000, while the total amounts of transfers abroad, which include transfers and credits, amounted to $250,418,667, while the total sale amounted to $275,998,667. https://www.mawazin.net/Details.aspx?jimare=250344

To read more current and reliable Iraqi news please visit :https://www.bondladyscorner.com/]

Provoking Thoughts and Points To Ponder On Adversity:

Americans are like a rich father who wishes he knew how to give his sons the hardships that made him rich.-Robert Frost

I would never have amounted to anything were it not for adversity. I was forced to come up the hard way.-J. C. Penney

Adversity introduces a man to himself.-Anonymous

I thank God for my handicaps for, through them, I have found myself, my work, and my God.-Helen Keller

When one's own problems are unsolvable and all best efforts are frustrated, it is lifesaving to listen to other people's problems.-Suzanne Massie

This struggle of people against their conditions, this is where you find the meaning in life.-Rose Chernin



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Economics, News DINARRECAPS8 Economics, News DINARRECAPS8

Global Economic News from the Seeds of Wisdom Team Newshounds Thursday Afternoon 6-27-24

Good Afternoon Dinar Recaps,

WEF regards Việt Nam as a model of robust developing economy

"They view Vietnam as a model of a robust developing economy that effectively leverages the opportunities of the Fourth Industrial Revolution." "Both sides were pleased with the significant developments in the cooperation between Vietnam and the WEF in recent times, especially the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for the 2023-26 period last year at the WEF's summer meeting in Tianjin, China." They were also extended a formal invitation to attend the WEF annual meeting in Davos 2025.

Global Economic News from the Seeds of Wisdom Team Newshounds Thursday Afternoon 6-27-24

Good Afternoon Dinar Recaps,

WEF regards Việt Nam as a model of robust developing economy

"They view Vietnam as a model of a robust developing economy that effectively leverages the opportunities of the Fourth Industrial Revolution."

"Both sides were pleased with the significant developments in the cooperation between Vietnam and the WEF in recent times, especially the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for the 2023-26 period last year at the WEF's summer meeting in Tianjin, China."

They were also extended a formal invitation to attend the WEF annual meeting in Davos 2025.

Read more:Vietnam News


"UAE: Gold prices in Dubai recover in early trade after plunging Dh2.5 per gram

Globally, gold was steady at $2,299 per ounce at 9.10 am UAE time, trading at nearly a two-week low, due to a stronger US dollar and higher bond yields."

© Newshounds News™

Read more:Khaleej Times


"Strengthen Central Bank Independence to Protect the World Economy

Independence is critical to winning the fight against inflation and achieving stable long-term economic growth, but policymakers risk facing pressure amid a wave of elections this year.

To strengthen this work, we introduced a new way to measure independence based on which aspects of it matter most, according to our recent survey of central banks.

And to increase accountability, we have developed a transparency code that helps central banks assess and improve their practices."

© Newshounds News™

Read more:IMF



"Iraq's 17 billion Strategic Development Road (SDR) will create a transport corridor from Basra to Europe, linking China's Belt and Road Initiative (BRI)."

We're seeing more countries choosing to invest in Iraq as they develop into a recognized market economy.

© Newshounds News™

Read more:Oil Price


"Digital euro would maintain freedom to choose how Europeans pay - ECB

With Europe inching towards the issuance of a digital euro, the ECB has embarked on a charm offensive, taking to media outlets across the continent to reassure citizens that the new payments option will compliment, not replace, cash and provide them with greater freedom of choice.

While a final decision on issuing a digital euro has yet to be made, the ECB last year moved onto a two year preparation phase ahead of any launch, which would come in 2026 at the earliest.

In an article published in a host of publications, executive board member Piero Cipollone makes the case for a digital euro, noting that "we do not yet have a cash equivalent for making digital payments, which limits our freedom in an increasingly digital age"."

© Newshounds News™

Read more:FinExtra


"Central banks must raise game in face of AI - BIS

Central banks should embrace artificial intelligence to sharpen their analytical tools in pursuit of financial and price stability, according to the Bank for International Settlements.

AI will have a transformative effect on the financial system, labour markets, productivity and economic growth, says the BIS in a new report which warns that widespread adoption could have repercussions for inflation dynamics.

"The rapid and widespread adoption of AI implies that there is an urgent need for central banks to raise their game," says the BIS. "Central banks need to upgrade their capabilities both as informed observers of the effects of technological advancements as well as users of the technology itself."


As a user of the technology, central banks can boost nowcasting by using real-time data to better predict inflation and other economic variables and to sift through data for financial system vulnerabilities, allowing authorities to better manage risks."

© Newshounds News™

Read more:FinExtra


"Chase is the first bank in all lower 48 US states, what next?

Andrea Principe, managing director – Northeast division director – consumer banking, Chase, took to the stage at Future Branches in Boston to explore how while the banking industry faces challenges in sustaining core deposits, deepening customer trust, and building relationships, it is important to learn from failures, reengage with customers, and provide exceptional in-person experiences.

Across the US and worldwide, there is a need to balance technology and human connection in branch banking, and adapt branch networks to cater to various customer segments. Additionally, banks’ community development initiatives should be bolstered to build trust and offer financial support to underserved communities.

Chase's branch strategy, focusing on client relationships and digital investments."

© Newshounds News™

Read more:FinExtra


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Today’s Japanese Yen Meltdown Sparks Financial Panic

On June 26, 2024 By Awake-In-3D

Global Markets in Turmoil as Yen Crashes to Historic Level Against the US Dollar

In This Article:

Japan Government Prepares for Massive Yen Intervention

Impact on Gold, Oil, and Bond Markets

Concerns Over Global Financial Contagion

Expert Opinions on the Yen’s Future

Today’s Japanese Yen Meltdown Sparks Financial Panic

On June 26, 2024 By Awake-In-3D

Global Markets in Turmoil as Yen Crashes to Historic Level Against the US Dollar

In This Article:

  1. Japan Government Prepares for Massive Yen Intervention

  2. Impact on Gold, Oil, and Bond Markets

  3. Concerns Over Global Financial Contagion

  4. Expert Opinions on the Yen’s Future

Early Access — Dinar Recaps (4)

The Japanese yen has tumbled to its weakest value since 1986 following comments from Japan’s Vice Finance Minister Masato Kanda. This historic decline comes despite government recent efforts to stabilize the currency, raising concerns about a global financial contagion.

Japan Government Prepares Massive Intervention

Vice Finance Minister Masato Kanda expressed serious concern over the yen’s rapid depreciation, labeling the moves as “one-sided.”

He reassured the public that the government is closely monitoring the market with a high sense of urgency.

Kanda emphasized that all necessary actions would be taken against any excessive movements, though he refrained from commenting on whether the current situation qualified as excessive.

Earlier statements by Kanda indicated that Japanese authorities were ready to intervene in the currency markets at any time. Finance Minister Shunichi Suzuki echoed this sentiment, stating that all possible measures would be taken to manage market developments.

Despite these reassurances, the yen’s value continued to slide, prompting further market volatility.

Early Access — Dinar Recaps (5)

Yen Plummets to Historic Level Today: Rising Above 160 Yen to the US Dollar

Impact on Gold, Oil, and Bond Markets

The yen’s depreciation against the dollar creating a cascading effect on various markets today.

The stronger dollar has triggered significant selling in gold, oil, and treasury bonds. Investors are reacting to the uncertainty and potential for further market disruptions, resulting in increased volatility across global financial markets.

Gold, traditionally seen as a safe-haven asset, saw its value drop as the dollar strengthened.

Similarly, oil prices were impacted, with fears of a broader economic slowdown weighing on demand.

The bond market also experienced turbulence, with Japanese interventions reportedly funded through the sale of US treasuries.

Concerns Over Global Financial Contagion

The continued weakening of the yen has sparked fears of a broader global financial contagion.

Japan’s extensive, but unsuccessful interventions in the currency market have raised eyebrows internationally, particularly in the US.

The US Treasury Department recently added Japan to its “monitoring list” for foreign-exchange practices, reflecting growing concern over the potential impacts of Japan’s actions on global markets.

Experts worry that a collapse of the yen could trigger a domino effect, destabilizing other currencies and markets worldwide.

The inter-connected nature of global finance means that significant movements in one major currency can have far-reaching consequences, including leading to a global financial crisis.

Expert Opinions on the Yen’s Future

Market analysts are divided on the yen’s future trajectory. Some suggest that Japanese authorities might intervene if the yen’s value exceeds 160 against the dollar. While others suggest that authorities might wait for even more volatility before stepping in again.

Despite these differing views, the consensus remains that the yen’s path forward is fraught with uncertainty.

The government’s current measures appear woefully insufficient to stem the tide, and further much more drastic interventions will be necessary to prevent a complete collapse of the Yen.

The Bottom Line

The yen’s decline to its weakest level since 1986 has set off alarm bells in global markets. Despite reassurances from Japanese officials, the currency’s rapid depreciation has highlighted the limitations of government interventions.

As fears of a global financial contagion grow, the yen’s future remains uncertain, with increasing ramifications for markets and economies worldwide.

Contributing article:https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/yen-tumbles-1986-lows-after-japanese-currency-chief-comments-gold-oil-bonds-dump


© GCR Real-Time News

Visit the GCR Real-Time News website and search 100’s of articles here:Ai3D.blog

Join my Telegram Channel to comment and ask questions here:GCR_RealTimeNews

Follow me on Twitter:@Real_AwakeIn3D

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Dinar Recaps 20 Dinar Recaps 20

Pope Calls for New Financial System and Debt Jubilee: Supports BRICS Gold-Backed Currencies

On June 26, 2024 By Awake-In-3D

Pope Francis Aligns with BRICS+ in Bold Financial Reform Proposal

In This Article

Pope Francis’ urgent appeal to global finance ministers and economists

The need for a new international financial architecture

The 2025 Jubilee Year as a catalyst for debt relief

Insights on the pope’s economic perspective

Pope Calls for New Financial System and Debt Jubilee: Supports BRICS Gold-Backed Currencies

On June 26, 2024 By Awake-In-3D

Pope Francis Aligns with BRICS+ in Bold Financial Reform Proposal

In This Article

  • Pope Francis’ urgent appeal to global finance ministers and economists

  • The need for a new international financial architecture

  • The 2025 Jubilee Year as a catalyst for debt relief

  • Insights on the pope’s economic perspective

Early Access — Dinar Recaps (6)

As the global fiat currency debt system faces undeniable collapse, Pope Francis has made a powerful appeal supporting international mechanisms for debt relief ahead of the Vatican’s 2025 Jubilee Year.

He lamented that poorly managed globalization has deprived millions of a dignified future.

In order to try to break the debt-financing cycle, it is necessary to create amultinational mechanism, based on the solidarity and harmony of peoples, that takes into account the global nature of the problem and its economic, financial and social implications Pope Francis, June 5th 2024

“We find ourselves facing a debt crisis that mainly affects the countries of the south of the world, generating misery and anguish, and depriving millions of people of the possibility of a dignified future,” said Francis on June 5. “Consequently, no government can morally demand that its people suffer deprivations incompatible with human dignity.”

The pope called for a new international financial architecture to break the financial-debt cyclethat has contributed to a current global debt now estimated at $313 trillion.

He is likely referring to and putting his support behind the ongoing BRICS+ development of a new gold-backed currency and financial systemwhen he speaks of the “Global South.”

Pope Francis’ Call to Action

Francis’ remarks were delivered during a meeting with participants in the “Addressing the Debt Crisis in the Global South” conference.

Organized by the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences, the conference included some 50 finance ministers, economists, and international development agency heads.

The meeting comes as major legislation is being considered in New York and the United Kingdom on sovereign debt restructuring.

It occurs at a time when both church leaders and development groups are pushing for greater foreign debt relief,coinciding with the upcoming 2025 Jubilee Year, a once-every-quarter-century event that includes the Biblical tradition of forgiving debts.

“For this reason, dear friends, the Holy Year of 2025, to which we are heading, calls us to open our minds and hearts to be able to untie the knots of the ties that strangle the present, without forgetting that we are only custodians and stewards, not masters,” Francis told conference participants.

The Need for a New Financial System

Eric LeCompte, the leader of Jubilee USA, a network of religious and development groups advocating for international debt relief, described the pope’s remarks as “powerful and forceful.”

LeCompte, who attended the Vatican conference, noted that “secular institutions are aware that 2025 is a Jubilee Year” and are interested in using it to push new policies for a better global financial model.

“Debt can no longer be disconnected from the broader economic stability of nations,” said LeCompte. He believes that the pope has always understood this connection, as evidenced by his proactive stance on economic reform.

“The north really owes a debt to the south because we took all of their resources and fueled industrialization,” he said. “We took from them and now we owe them a debt to be able to ensure their economic stability.”

The Impending Collapse of the Fiat Currency System

In his June 5 remarks to economists and financial leaders, Francis emphasized the need for a multinational mechanism for dealing with debt to counteract an “every man for himself” attitude, where “the weakest always lose.”

According to LeCompte, what the pope is really demanding is a “global transformation of our financial system” to address the collapse of the current fiat currency debt system.

While Francis is building on the teachings of Popes John Paul II and Benedict, LeCompte pointed out that Francis speaks from direct experience, having faced long-standing economic crises during his time as Archbishop of Buenos Aires.

“He stared down the barrel of a gun from these vulture funds in Argentina … and led his country through the greatest economic crisis the country had ever faced,” said LeCompte. “He has a direct understanding of these issues, saw what they did and saw what inequities in the financial system do to developing countries.”

The Bottom Line

Pope Francis’ call for a new financial system and a global debt jubilee ahead of the 2025 Jubilee Year is a clarion call for economic justice.

His emphasis on the interconnectedness of global financial stability highlights the moral imperative for global financial leaders to act.

The ongoing collapse of the global fiat currency debt system underscores the urgency of his appeal, as the world can no longer deny or wish away these critical issues.

The BRICS+ development of a new gold-backed currency and financial system offers a tangible solution, aligning with the pope’s vision for the future.

Contributing article:https://www.ncronline.org/vatican/vatican-news/ahead-2025-jubilee-pope-francis-rallies-global-finance-heads-back-debt-relief


© GCR Real-Time News

Visit the GCR Real-Time News website and search 100’s of articles here:Ai3D.blog

Join my Telegram Channel to comment and ask questions here:GCR_RealTimeNews

Follow me on Twitter:@Real_AwakeIn3D

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Thank you MarkZ for all your time, and encouragement daily….. PDK

MarkZ Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context. Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Coffee with MarkZ and Zester. 06/27/2024


Member: News is sounding pretty good, but as always, staying grounded

Member: News is always good…It’s the action that is lacking

​​Member: I hope everyone has a spectacular day. Change is coming...

Thank you MarkZ for all your time, and encouragement daily….. PDK

MarkZ Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context. Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Coffee with MarkZ and Zester. 06/27/2024


Member: News is sounding pretty good, but as always, staying grounded

Member: News is always good…It’s the action that is lacking

​​Member: I hope everyone has a spectacular day. Change is coming...

Member: Mark, Tony says rate of $28.50? True of false?

MZ: I Hope Tony is right. That rumor has been around a very long time that the first 10million could be $28.50. I’m not looking for it…but hope he is right.

Member: Was the new rate posted in the Iraqi Gazette yesterday?

MZ: My Iraqi contacts say there was not a rate in the Gazette yesterday. They expected to see a rate posted there yesterday but there was not one according to 3 sources on the ground there. They still expect to see the rate in the month of June and we have a few days left.

MZ: the chatter is screaming “now” and I continue to hear from bankers to watch for it between July 4th to the 8th. Some outliers say maybe the 12th through the 14th.

MZ: Iraq has been very clear that they are moving toward that direction. I can’t imagine they would keep all that security stationed at ATMs around the country for long. I look for something to happen sooner rather than later.

Member: The HCL law has not passed. We may still be waiting awhile.

MZ: HCL is about as ready as they can get it. I think they are prepared and just waiting on the US.. That is what I heard from Treasury sources. That they are waiting for the “go” to support their rate change. But I think we are stinking close.

Member: I don’t understand why does Iraq need our permission to go if they are sovereign?

Membr: So we are still looking for HCL law, A new rate, A new financial system with new gold/asset backed currencies worldwide……that’s a lot of things we have no proof of yet. …..

Member: Unless Iraq is just going alone….then we just need the new rate and HCL can go at the same time.

Member: If Iraq goes alone…I still think the rest of the world will follow shortly afterward.

Member: what are your thoughts about truthers saying it's not time for the rv yet because there is no mechanism in place to put the funds into since the qfs block chain isn't done yet?

Member: I don’t think we even know if the QFS is even real or another Dinarland story?

Member: I guess we are all feeling frustrated hearing the same thing month after month. at the end of the month they say mid month then end then mid until months and years go by.

Member: The end of the Roller Coaster Ride is the most exhilarating! Hang-on and have fun - no matter what!

Member: Please everyone pray and stay positive keep our energies high, we are almost there and it has been a long journey for everyone.

Member: Everyone have a great day sending prayers and love to anyone in need hugs

Zester joins the stream today . Please listen to the replay for his information and opinions


Odysee at: https://odysee.com/@theoriginalmarkz:e OR THE RUMBLE CHANNEL: https://rumble.com/user/theoriginalmarkz

FOLLOW MARKZ : TWITTER . https://twitter.com/originalmarkz?s=21. TRUTH SOCIAL . https://truthsocial.com/@theoriginalm...

Mod: MarkZ "Back To Basics" Pre-Recorded Call" for Newbies 10-19-2022 ) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=37oILmAlptM

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Note from PDK: Please listen to the replay for all the details and entire stream….I do not transcribe political opinions, divisive social commentary, medical opinions or many guests on this stream……just RV/currency related topics.

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/theoriginalmarkz

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S2aGXnHyCxI

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Early Access — Dinar   Recaps (2024)


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